MisbrxANEOus. Ml in effect, not a c.ms. Its orison 95 Per Cent- , j (i.. ,,m arise from deranged ;kldneys and "run 1 it -trikiM :it once at th; root of the i'h Miv Tlie ele.menls of vlii:li it is coin-. .li i.'t .lin-. tlv upon the great orpins, Jofh 1 K,Mi) ii.-t I":KST0K1:U. ami by plariu;: in ;i ht-alihy ' "ili"'1. "r' disease a in I ,'"rfo,p'i!'i!ini''r:ihl!lrou1i1 cuii--d by tin , 'm,- KMn.-vs, Liver a in. I L'.iinary o-ans; rrrlV-liVtr,---;-.!!- Disorder of Women; for ii.it in i ! I"VM-al ileran-eio.-iit s jrener-. ,j , .MV-it remedy has no equal. Beware. i impot.Cr-t, imitation- ami concoction- said iSsnfor VARN'Kir.srsAFtDI- ' r j I. 11. WARNER A5Ct )., I ii im JJochetiter, N. . LYD1A E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. " A 8we Cure for all FEMALE WEAK NESSES, Including Leucorrbccn, Ir regular and Talnfcl Menstruation) Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PRO- -LAPSUS UTERI, &:c. tFTleasMit to tbe taste, efficacious and Immediate In 1U effect It is a great bolp in pregnancy, and ro UeTe pain during labor and at regular periods. FHTSICI15S TSE IT AND rKKSCTHEK IT FKEELT. CS"Foa illWeakesses of the generative organi of ither ict, it is second to no remedy that has ever Uea bctor tUo public ; and for all diseases of the KniTr It it the Greatcaf Remedy in the World IW KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Find Great Relief in Its Use. . IIDA E. PrXKIIAM'S BLOOD PURIFIER arrndkat ercry vestige of Humors from the Blood, at the nine time will give tone and strength to U irvtem. As marvellous in results as the Compound. tFBotk the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre Pre4 at S3 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Priwof either, $1. Six bottles for $5. The Compound k teat by maQ in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham fwT amwers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3 cent Send for pamphlet. Mnt ion thia Paper. fLTBU K. Pctthak's Lmca Pnxs cure Const! pa ttua. lUllonsnea and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents, 3Seld by all DrurirIsts.S. (3) Hulbert Bros. Wholesale rnce List. " rnce Piano, 7 oot., square, rosewooil, . . carvtMl, ajrraffe.. l 00 Piano,npright,7Mjoet.,eabiTietgTanl 174 00 13 Orpm, 4 sets reels,9 stops nntl graml orgati....... 00 I Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, coup ler, sub-has.. 73 00 Our Pianos ami Organs are war- q vi , nintel first-class. - lolin outfit, box, bow, strins.eom- plete 7 P 00 j V iolin cremona model, extra ilne.. S 00 Arcordeon, 10 keys, bass box, fine - , .......... ............ X VJ o Aeeonteon, (. kovs, 1 stop, 1 sets reedsrfeet. :..;-5.....i ........ 3 00 .Month IW'ino v-., . .ii Mouth Organs, Vienna concert", 50 " Mouth Organs, Genuine" liie liter 10 note, i, s 04 11 Mouth Orjraru, Gemitoe" Concert- ' '24 trwir m-" w; JAusic Box. 1 tune, crank, line...1".. 1 f0 - --v., niiri mi lever A) Violoncello, patent! 'maVV,iA,V V,;!,!; f0 MVnU IVVatcitheitVsor'V 10 strinps. SfenPle 10achinc ueild- toe - Krnet brass eornoiKMjn stvle, cac and crooks I ..... . . o mi i-n inI? ura8 Prussian, ornamented 00 if BroiUltar j StlverViolin. GuYtarknd Banjo strVn 15 , , 'I Bros ' ln H Bros....:...... 't, Kauiaii, German or Italian," Vt . quality. atruCtwa Books, Hovre's or ivium'r'V ' er vSf J?.St mat1e S001 for 1K Sin- iy11111. illsell theiufoxI5eaeli rlSSyjJ In common . letter if eJm'ff0 With" order. Will tike jjteaad dealers send for pur 4 page Cat- Jaake nct wholesale prices agents can Call T nt. profit. - : RefeJ,8 M hcn 'ou conie to C Lonis. , - btBe ch 8: Anr bank or wholesale house ShSSstiuu6 nly GcnCral Wholc. ' 93 0I1a HULBEUT PKOS.. Jan ls lj Street. Saint Louis, Mo. Cosmopolitan; Bar. HAS. - - B.VL Tti,. in iiinnif;st:itioiW without. Jience, u !i thV din the CAUSE niUMthc roinov- '' VsK ' SVKK KHNKV AM) LI V Eli .'.(hli-li-' l on just IhU principle. It SYMPATHIZE VITrmS THE HOPE Off - - V A..' VtVI.VlV -a. " JOEDCABROUU The Daily Review. THEFLRST OP THJB SEASON. We've of te thought of sixty swears. While climbing up the sixty stairs. Our Sauctum high to reach. But yesterday we had been glad If in that oft enssed flight there had Been twenty htalra for each. For yesterday we fired a man " Down ttiat same flight of 6t:iirs. You can Just bet we made Mm sore. . On even' step we made Win screech, And when the last one we did reah, Wishel there were llfty more. I Perhaps you'd rather liko to know Why we -should treat the fellow so Extraordinarily rough. ' The loathhonie villain we'll uinuask. h in,t of the season he to auk, "&iy..i.- it hot enough?" i t Boston Po$t.- Marlle llcati in a Oolcl 31ino. Atlania Constitution, Dr.'Cary Cox has a rokl mine in Clierokec couritj'. The other day the iiatKis were sinking a shall, and when six feet below the surface they came upon two pieces of marble hewn into the shape and size of the human -head. The work had evidently been done with good tools -and, while not entirely liu- ihed, showed that it was a skilled ar tist who handled the chisel. The heads wen; found under six feet of clay, which, to all appearances, had nerer been disturcd and lay directly upon a bed uf slate. Xear the mine is a bed of nun ble such as JJie heads arc hewn from. The question is, who made the heads and how did they get under six feet of clay? They are now in the hands of Win. JNI. Jiuford, the superintendent of the mines. The unhappy wife who suffers from the petulance and ill humor of a ner vous husband, should name the real cause in her complaint to the court, or remove that nervousness by presenting the defendant with Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile I'ills. Bibulous Tlieolojjy. Speaking of Calvinists brings up a story told rac by Mr. Handy, of Phila delphia, yesterday, about a meeting be tween Senator Vance, of North Caroli na, and Gov. Hoyt, of Pennsylvania, at Yorktown, one of whom had been in the Rebel army and the other in i the Union army. There was a saloon con venient, into which they went, and having had a drink or two, Vance said to Hoyt: "What church do you belong to?" -a. Itl lCLlm - T "I don't believe it," -said Vance. "Sound me," said Hoyt. "What is the chief end of man?" said Vance." "To "glorify God," replied Hoyt. "Right." ; Then said Hoyt to Vauce: "How many questions are there in the cate chism?" ' "One hundred and thirty-eight." What is sin?" said Vance. Hoyt rattled out the entire definition of the Westminister divine, and Vance cried: Right , again. Now, let us take a drink?' Gath. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bil ious attacks positively cured with Em ory's Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy : never fail to cure the mot ob stinate, long-standing cases wnere Urn nine and all other remedies had failed. They are prepared expressly for mala rious sections, in double boxes, two kinds of Pills, containing a strong ca tharic and a cWll breaker, sugar-coat ed: contain no Quinme or Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and emcient, certain m their ac tion and harmless in all cases ; they ef fectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaled. For Liver Complaint their equal is not known : one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists " everywhere, or sent by mail, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made. only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street. New York. 8m d&w. Whitticr on Annoyances in Heaven. Mrs. Ellen E. Dickinson in the Churchman. " I related something of a conversation between Mr. Longfellow and myself on spiritualism a few months belore his death, or, rather, a conversation on the influence and nearness which .many persons experience in regard to those vhn wprft ile.nr to them and have ffone into the mysteries of eternity. Mr. Whittier listened with intereilt, adding ihit ho wn nwnrp that Mr. Tone-fellow ...vv 1, ... o : had some remarkable ideas and sympa thies of the kind, but had never talked with him on the subject, "and for my self." he added, "I have felt but very slio-htlv that closeness and nearness of the unseen of -which you speak." After A 1 a few moments, in uie progress 01 our talk, he remarked: "Life is a mys tery, death is a mystery. I am like the Chinese philosopher, Confucius, who. when he was asked, 'What is death? answered, "Life is such i mystery that 1 do not seeic penetrate what . is beyond it ' " 'May 1 ask if vou believe in the pro mS nf thP soul after death ?" "Why not ? Surely we are not to be placed in niches to remain iorever. We shall ..m,iitioc thor have whatwe lack here. i harmony, and that is my idea of hear- en. No tronmes, no vexations r "Well, I do not think-so. "It seems to me w e must there, as well as here, have some annoyances, to lc quite content, in contrast." This was a novel idea, and 1 laughed in appreciation of it, and said: "Then you do not fancy a su preme satisfaction and content. "No, no, not I." laughing merrily, "gut ye meet people who are thoroughly de lighted with themselves and their sur roundings very frequently." Triie, and thee hast seen clams at high tide; they remind me of such people. Ah! we shall have some trials in the life be yond, (and here the poet's line dark eyes lighted up with :v rare intelligence) but our happiness will be all the sweet er, and everything will be harmonized." Death Distanced. Alexandria, Va- Aug. 4, 1881. II. II. WABSER..& Co.: Sirsl should have been in my grave Jo-day had it not been for your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Mbs. Bubgess. Do Youlbve m;Rihwrtr The soft raya of the eTening sun "were limning tho rocking treetbps with a halo of golden splendor ; thefzephprs of night were kissing into ;SomnOlence the' flow ers that by day had sailed in the meaH ows ; : the doves estTed their.: downy heads under their wings, little wotting that the halcyon days of poppies would soon e present; while, the old man had the bull dog out in the barn putting a wire edge on his teeth. Such is . the chroaio that presents itself to the rapid ly dying reader. .. Esmerelda W. , Piko , waa not hand-some,-but her manner had that blithe nairet about it ' peculiar to boarding house gravy. As she stood there under neath the lindens, dressed in a flinisv costume of fly-ou-the-butter silk, her lily-white baud toying with Rupert Simpson's mustache, one must needs look twice to see what it was. "Do you love me?" the girl asked again, choking back a sob that was welling up from the last glass of soda water she had taken. Kupert did not sreak for some tini He was trying to frame a reply, but coma not una a irauie to suit him. Af ter a moment his answer came in slow, dactylic, cadence, with accent on the antepenult. "How can you ask me this question, Esmerelda? My whole life, as vou must know, is a bright tin pan, which reflects your every humor. Mv verv existence depends on eating liberally, steeping prodigally, and seeing you be tween meals. Without vou what am 0" The girl gave it up. "Yes, darling," continued Rupert, "if vvc can onlv nnt un' a ioh nn th rll . . . -- j man, we win speed away to parts un 1 A 1 ' . snow u. vnce in ine open country tins point me aog s cnain broke. Iet us draw a veil over the nicture. A J ... M . 1 1 1 From "All Talk and No Ice Cream,' by Murat 11 alstead . Chicago Tribune. 9 Rescued from Death William J. Coughlin of Somerville Mass., says : In the fall of 1876 I was taken with bleeding of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. I lost my appe tite and flesh, and I was confined to my bed. . In 1877 I was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went around that 1 was dead. 1 gave up hope, but a friend told me .o f Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the lungs. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced' to feel better and to-daxl feel better than for three years past r ' 'I write this hoping every one afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that Consumption can be cured. I can positively say it has done more"! good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sickness., . The Public is requested carefully to notice the new ana enlarged Acneme to be drawn Monthly. I-Capital "Prize $75,000 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1SG8 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational ana Charitable Dur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of f ooo.ooo has since been added. Bv an overwhelminir DOtmlai vote its f ran chise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted. December 2d. A. D.. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any btate. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Sinctle Number Drawings take place monthly. v A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Seventh Grand Drawine. Class G, at-New Orleans, Tuesday, July 11, 1882 i4ttn mommy Drawing. -: Look at the following Scheme, under the exclusive supervision and management of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis iana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia, who manage all the drawings of this Company. both ordinary and semi annual, and attest the correctness of the published Official Lists. Capital Prize. $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of... 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of.. 2 Prizes of $6,000.. 5 Prizes of 2,000 10 Prizes of 1,000...... 20 Prizes of. 500...... 100 Prizes of 200 300 Prizes of 100 .. 500 Prizes of 50 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 1000 Prizes of . 25 APPROXIMATION prizes. Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 44 " 500. 9 " 250. 0,750 4,500 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 jvppncauon rorraiesio ciuos anouiu omj oe maife to the office of the Company in New Or- For further information, write clearly, giv-" Ing full adilress. Send orders by Express. Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed, onfy to M. A. DAUPHIN, t New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh Sk-, Washington, D. C. v it. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention. . , jnne i-wea-sai-w-aw Extra Inducements ! "T IS MY PURPOSE TO CLEAR OUT all CARPETS now on hand, and to this end will offer some real good bargains for any stock in this line. : DO NOT FORGET OUR LACE CURT ATX GOODS, , . . . . - - . LACE LAMBREQUINS, . .CORNICE, XIL CLOTHSAc CREAM AND WHTTB DOTTED SWTSS.i FOULARD SILKS, ' SUMMER flILKS;t J f! i V NUN'S CLOTHS, SHUDAS, TAMISE, Ac -NEW nOSIERT, for Ladles and ChlWrea. . Travelling Drc Goods m great Tartety. New Collars and Neckwear. L...... R. M. McLNTIRR. Ladies Saratoga Trunks. jtoll . . ; -tt : i i : . . : . nsCELLANEOUS. f J - IFrom the Toledo Blade. SUEPRISINGEFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CELERY AND " CHAMOMILE UPON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND DIGEST y IVE ORGANS. AS INVARIABLY PRODUCED BY DR. C. W. BENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS. They have been tested time and time again, and always with satisfactory result. This preparation just meets tho necessities of the case. Let me state just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and will mire: Neuralgia, Nervousuess, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessuess, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases' are ail nervous diseases. Ner vousness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a restless, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and bod y. iitdpAcri rahl These are some of . the symptoms of nervousness; now. to be lully restored to health ami happiness is a priceless boon, and vet. for fiO ppnts vmi pan satisfy yourself that there is a cure for you, and for $5. at the very furthest, that cure can be fully secured. These Pills are all they are represented to be, and are guaranteed to give satisfaction u useu as airected. and will curt any case Sold by all druggists. Price. 50 cents a box. Depot. 106 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S1 IE tan ' eo "5 Is Warrant! ta Cure -ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS INrLAKMATlON, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPT10U8, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES & TENDER ITCHtNCSoaaUpartsoftlia M - Ci n 5 body. It make tho skin white, soft and smooth removes tan ad frecilca, and is tba EEST toilat dreasig ta WCEI.D. Xlerant!y put up, two bottlsa iu on rckace, eoceisttn of both niernol and ex eraal treatment, ill arct clcji z (Lrazziste have it. $1. per paokase. fa fa fa fa fa C. N. Crittenton, Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Reme dies 115 Fulton St.. New York. New Summer Resort ! Hotel Brunswick, Bsmithville,;n. c. TPklRECTLT IN FRONT OF THE OCEAN, and twonty-ilve miles below Wilmington. ThV HOTEL BRUNSWICK is a new struc ture, . and will be open for the reception of guests on THE FIRST DAT OF JUNE. It commands a splendid view of the Harbor apd Ocean. Steamers and ships pass in front of the door : Sailing and fishing . are unsurpassed. Bath Houses for the use of guests. A good Band of Music and Ball Room will be open day and night. Ten-pin Allev, BllLard Hall and Bar attached to the Hotel. THE TABLE will be supplied with Fish, Crabs, Oysters, Clams, Terrapins, and every product of the sea. First-class Passenger Steamers will leave Wilmington and Smithvllle morning and even ing, making two trips each way. - The Proprietor has an experience of many years m cnarge or summer hotels at neaufort, Includlne the lato Atlantic. Hotel- Cheap Excursion Tickets will be sold on the cunerent railroads. Terms moderate. Special rates to families. B. -L. PERRY, Proprietor, and of Pnrcell House, Wilmington, H. C. may l-3m.. Chewing Tobacco. RESPECrrFULLY OFFER TO OUR patrons and the trade generally, all grades of Chewing Tobacco of bur x former manufacture, of , which we hold a large stock, and which ws will sell at reasonable prices. We shall con tinue, the Tobacco Business in all its branch- es, and shall add a Cigar Factory, which will be known as the CHAMPION CIGAR FACTORY and thereby be enabled to sell First-Class Good at lowest prices and to compete with any mar ket. . ' ' ' DO 3fOT FAIL TO CALL - UPON US FOR CHEWING TOBACCO, and our salesmen will from time to time call upon you . to solicit or ders. Respectfully yours, may 2-lm "f 1 ; ,1L "BRUKHILD i BSO. ' - ' - - " " - - -- ' - - dinger, iiucnu, Man dralce, StiSIagia, and jnaay of the Lest medi claes known are corr. bicea" in Parker' Ginger i-onic, into a meatcme of rach varied povrervas to rake it the gcaiet Blo&d Puiincr aod thfr eat ffeatta A resstii ' Reiterer Ever ui. It cares RkeuMckism, Sleeplessness, & diseases of the Stomach, Ikxvck, LcDgvLivcr & Kidneys, &is entirely different firom Bitters, G in per Euecces aad odver Tonics, as it nerer intoxicates. Hiscsk & Co.. Chemist. N. Y. Parker's Hair Balsam; ; V- Kmvmr biU t rrrtor iuthtml ntar to frmy kalr. S.ry B.ytey LMIt i John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND j1 rERFUMER,' MARKET ST WILMINGTON, N. C. MANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN BRIL lan tine. Friction and Lesion, Also, Ex tracts, Colognes, Beautifier, Hair Oils, Tonics, Benewer, Renovator. : Hnngartaa; Comet kr, and Hair Dyes of every shade. - I beg to inform the public that I can 1 found at Mr. John Werner!, prepared to wait upon all who favor me with a ealL jaay 13 JAMES XL CAJULAWAT . L S .mm! t MISCELLANEOUS. Warm Springs, Western North Carolina, IS OPEN FOR THE SEASON. FINEST climate and scenery on the Continent. Pan zello'a Cornet Band, from Philadelphia, will furnish the music The Hotel Is complete in all Its appointment. KAIL ROAD AND TEL EGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION. Apply for Circular to 1IOWEUTON Jt KLEIN, may 24-lm . Proprietor. Wilmington Shirt Factory l;the only one in the State) No. 27 Market St. J. ELSBACH, Proprietor. THE ABOVE FACTORY Is ready now to offer to the public prreat ioducements In White Shirts at the following low prices: The "Congreaa" Shirt open back 75c; do. open front, 75c Of these popular Shirts we have sold hundreds of dozens in the city, as well as in the country, and therefore is weU known to the public, ami need no comments. The "Rov al", a Wamsutta Shirt, With 2100 linen front, ftOc Boy's Shirt all size. 7-Vt. Night Shirts 75c. Cof. Ditcws Shirts from 25c and upwanls. Cotton Drawers from 2-Vv upwanls. Hervy Jeans Irawers, double lined on tho seat, 50c Shirts and Drawers made to order at low fig ures and a good fit alwavs guaranteed. Country orders strictlr attended ,to. Thesa articles, whieh we nowotXer for sale are made up at home by well trained and long expert enced hands and no northern make can equal in sizes, fit and quality. . Thec Shirts are all reinforced and cut lentghways tlic cloth, thor oughly examined before being put in stock. Every Shirt is guaranteed to lit, and war rauted as represented or the money will b re funded. Come and save money and ,-buy your Shirts at the factory. Very ISespcctfully, J. ELSBACH. mavl 21 Manufacturer. New Restaurant. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTI f ully announce that he has just fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front St., a restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of th day. Everything is new and first ?class. Po lite waiters and courteous attendant. 49"Game and Oysters in season. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. bt 18 F. A. SCHUTTE, Prop. COW PEAS. 100 Bushels Clay and Mixed Peas, FOR SALE BY HALL& PEARS ALL june 2 First National BankSof Wil- - ; mington. CAPlf APITAL STOCK $250,000 SURPLUSiFUND '. ." "16G,00 Deposits -received aud collections made oft alljaccesslble poinfs in the United States. DIRECTORS: : E.E. BURRUSS, TD.IG. WORTH, A.MARTIN, JAS. SPRUNT, JA8.DAWSON. OFFICERS : E.K. BURRUSS President. JAMES DAWSON Vice President. A. K. WALKER.. Cashier W.LARKINS.. .......... ...... A'sst Cashier apt 23-tf Facts and Figures TELL ON STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, FREEZERS. PURE WHITE OIL at Parker & Taylor's June Job Printing ! TOW PRICES 1 GOOD WORK! PROMPT I r Ascertain prices at my office before hav ing your PRINTING done elsewhere. WWork carefully done for persons residing out of the city, and sent to them by mall free of postage. . E. S. WARROCK, Job Printer. Cor. Chestnut and Water St, Wilmington N. C. r. O. UOX 402. api Marrin's Celebrated piRE AND BURGIaAR PROOF SAFES, Ali;Siies:and Prices, from $50.00 1 to $2,200.00. Acknowledged by the best authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE, Extract from Scientific America editorial of Feb. 11th, 1882: "We are also a&ked as to tbe best fire proof safes. We'aay MARVIN'S." 1 A. A. WILLARD. jnne 4 Arent at Wilmington. Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. I M. SCHLOSS, Prop. STEST-CT-ASS IN EVERY RESPECT. ' tO- Flrsclass Bar ami BILLIARD SA LOON ATTACHED. apl 27 ir " , r'Jiniii K-VILUOADS, &C Wiliiiiiigton & Weldon " - ----- ...... . ... ...... v . Railrojul Coiiipaiiy 9 Offick ofjGexkral Superiktksdcxt, KEXDEXT, J 14, 1SS2. ) Vllmingtonr N. C, May Change of Schedule.; O N AND AFTER APRIL 2, 1882, AT S.3T T f PnauinrMV Trlna - tVn tVtlmlnrp, ton fX ciuon itauroaa win run as Touows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILT, Nos. 47 No.irrn and 4S south. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 6.40 A. M Arrive at Weldon .-. , ;I2.fiO J. M Leave Weldon. 3.37 . M Arrive at WHuVgton, Fnnt St. Dit, a5J l H Fast Tiikouou Mail A Passkukr TSAisiS . Daily Nos. 43 Nobtu aji 4 Soctu. Ieave Wllmington.FrontSt., lepot, 5.35 P. M Arrive at Weldon..... 12.00 JJ. Leave Weldon 6.10 P.v Arrive at Wihn'gton.FrontSt. D'p't 10.55 1 JX' ' Train No. 40 South will stop only at Ifocky Mount, Wilson, Goldidoro and Matrnolla. " Trains on Tarboro Branch ICoad leave Rockr Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. and 7.15 P. M., Daily. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.00 A. lL and 3 P. M. Dally. - Train No. 47 makes close connccUon at Wel don for all points North Dallv. AH rail Tin Klcnmond, and dally, except iundar, via Bay Line. , : Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con. ncctlon for aU points North via Richmond and Washington. No. 47 makes close connection for Tarboro. . AH trains run soLd between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers aiiacueu. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. apW-tl Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta R. R.1 Co. Office of Gexekax. SurKEntTEnjEST. WUmlngton, N. C. May 14.18S2. ip mn -Tii Tt Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER MAY 14TO, 1SS2, At 1.00 P. M., the following rasscnger Schedule ' wiU be run on this road : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. 41 West and 47 East. leave ummgton. ............j.u.k l . iu. Leave Florence 2.57 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 6.40 A. M. Leave Columbia..... 10.00 P. M. Leave C, C. & A. Junction......... 10.20 P. M. Leave Florence.... 1.52 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. . i 6.2 A. M. Night Mail and Passenger Train-, Dailt, No. 40 West, and Dat Mail and Pas senger Train, No. 43 East. Leave Wilmington .....11.10 P. Mi Arrive at Florence 2.47 A. M. Leave Florence 1.00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington...'. 5.15 P. M. Train 43 stops at all Stations. . , - No. 40 stops only at Flcmington, WhltevUle, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G. & C. R. R., C, & R. R. Stations. Aiken June- tlnn And nil nnlnta hrTrrtnit nlimiLI ttba Ai Night Express. be para to Pullman Sleepers for Charleston ana f orssAugusta on Train 47. All trattrs run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superintendent. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. apl 4-tf Carolina Central R. R. , Company, Office of General SnFERrNTDKNTT?' Wilmington, N. C, April 8th, 1S82. " ' J Change of Schedule. ; 0 N AND AFTER ARIL Oth, 1SS2, THE following Schedule will be operated on this Railroad : . - . , . passenger, mail and express train, daily. . ",. . . : ':" Vn . Leave Wilmington at..... .i.8.43 P. M. A J Arrive at Charlotte at. M. Vrt o i Leave Charlotte at.... ...... 75 p. M. - Arrive at Wilmington aL...!LM A. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's rrtfX.. tr v.f . .... .. . Train No. 1. Dally except Sunday. ' . - ' . Do. No. 2. do. do. Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. . . Daily except Sundays. , Leave Charlotte........... 8.40 A M. Arrive at Shelby ......12,40 IV M. Leave Sbcy. 10 Yr M. Arrive at Charlotte. .5.40 P M . Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains. to and from Ral eigh, and at Charlotte with Shelby Division Tram. . - - - Through Sleeping Cars bctiucn Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh antf Charlotte. Train No. 1 makes connection at Charlotte with A., T. A O. It- R-, tor autcsvltte, ccn nectlng there with W; N. C IL R. tor mil points on said road. ..,: Trains Nos. 1 and 5 make connection at Char, lotte' with A. A C. R. IL for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and All points be yond. V. Q. JOHNSON, men 25-tf General btrpcrlntendenL To Make Home Beautiful H AVE YOUR WALLS KALSOMINED with our superior Tinted Mar be line in all . v. . - - , ' .... -J ' shades; It costs a fourth the price of Painting ainl is both durable and beautiful; can refer you to some of the best work In the city." Our Extra Pore White Lead and Faint w are selling as low as inf erior grades are offrrtd. 8 ASU, DOORS AND BLINDS, At Factory Prices Agency for the celebrated , , , " EMERALD AND ZEB VANCE ' . COOKING STOVES.' Our large line of Hardware is well .kncwtl and ws are every day receiving new supplkaj Glreacallatl i ' " ". NATHANIEL JACOBPS1, Hardware Depot, xaaytl tf 10 South Front IU

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