TII18 PAPER - ' -I ,1 grery f morning. c ui.Hl' JOSIIT. JA3IKS, vjITOR ASU PKOrKIETOR. .P rrll'TIoNS rOSTACE PAID: cloo - Six onllw. fiOO. Three Oo Tcar 4; oo v One month, 35 cents. B,"ul "um delivered by carriers free Tb, n .v part of the ity; at the alwve r-"- , low and liberal. will report any ami all fail- ..ivc their paper .j, : U)CALNEWS. ,9X TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates- -Stationary. s. .Jkvi:tt--. "" i' .ui.i Or-K ! v- .. . Iij.t. Lnit, iiiil; X ui j jii.'t ami .rtatMHitliviiio, l , ! W I. , -i-i-i IVmWv ii unity Superior Court con- i verier . ,n, .IV The htot ?tyle in -neckwear is the (Nenf WiMi Bov: kept by Dvek. f j arce and in demand and in -i':ir !- m risen to j2.25 per barrel- ; Kn-!iwater Perch,Trout and fBlack jj,h-' hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J ACOKi's.f Two white tramps applied at the city man! bouse for lodgings, on the night of the 15th inst. They were accommo tlated. At 3 o'clock to-uay, in this oflice, the thermometer registered 90 degrees, which is the first timeit has touched the nineties since last Summer. There will be a camp meeting held at Kaccoon Bluff on the 23d, 24th and 25th inst., under the auspices of the colored M. i:. ( ;hurch, h'ev. A. Hill, Pastor. To Jiuiltlers and others Goto Jaco m's tor Sash. JJIinds and Doors, Glass, &v. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t The Ur.st car load of watermelons of the reason passed here to-day, going North. They were from Charleston, Iwuiul to New York, but were most likely Florida melons., Fanny (lore was before the Mayor yesterday morning, charged with disor derly conduct, but judgment was sus ended upon her promise to leave tlie city. She is an old offender. -.- . - f There have been 1U9 dog badges sold up to date this year, all of which were for the masculine persuasion, except one. The tees collected for the above amount to 03, for the benefit of the city treasury. The rassjMtrt carried down yesterday a largo number to the Black fish Grounds, and they all had fine sport, judging by the splendid strings of fish brought ashoro when the boat reached her w harf on the return to the city this afternoon. We are informed that the certificate stolen from Mr. Parsley's office Wednes day night was not a certificate of de posit, but a certificate of stock. It was jiu-avmeu to mt. Parkins at the First ' National Bank, by a lad employed by Messrs. Altaffer, Price & Co", who picked it up pn the street, where it had rrohably been cast aside by tiie thief. Magistrate's Court. Sophy Swann, colored, was brought ,lfore Justice MiUis this "morning, chargeil with an assault and battery on Thomas Carney. Judgment suspended upon the payment of costs, which she failed to do and Was sent to jail. . Any thing in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco Bfs. j Another OtticeTjobbcd.- Some rogue, perhaps the same who went through Mr. Parsley's office on. U ednestlar night, broke into .Air J A Springer's coal office on Thursday msht, effecting on entrance through the window. ; He.ransackea the desk draw-, w and secured about a dozen lead pei , , fnd -a luch' of bread -and cheese which had been left in one of the draw and left with an old coat and' aJiat lasen mm n ki. t . in tne IInTCarnp Meeting r H Savagf.-$10 lieu aril. v- .LV; Avi:tK--lioatl'uiNlin-ii'i-r.Ki:'ii ,',!ink I?ooks, &( v&s m (Mrufcnno r a , ..sleeninz members ol me department latch umn 1 UU? T , ! au.h stumps lymg around, that the j cauiaa made an ineffectual attempt ! lo get into the safe. - - J A Heavy Wind.. I 'e -learn that the wind and rain i tonu which paett-ovpr ihU citv 1 it ! ThuruJ ! la:?t 5 unmay evening was particularly so- j- rcat Wrightsville Sound. A gentle- ilUU n the,Teach at the time, " -rtaW fKai ; i i a r ' - i i . that U lcM3kcd 1 a lf tl,c W1,ul d spbtthe Sound in two," plough- waters up dreadfully and car--;.AilK'rt ijorc, 1st Assistant; n.ir. x-m-; fZ it in clouds across to the beach, M)ie; AssistaiiU Wilmin-ton llook ' lookid n ;r i i u-n : Ladder Co.No. 1. nrr. , a e sand hills wcrebnnir; A. Adrian. Foreman: II. Umtzc, 1st into iuc ocean. A party lrorn ; Ule ountrjv, among whom veralladies,were badly frightened reiugc in the Banks house storni passtxl over. IJM VOL. VI. Grand Military Excursion. The Wilmington Light Infantry will give a grand military excursion to Sruithville and the Forts on the 29th inst., on the steam yacht "''Passport. There will be music and dancing, and refreshments willbe. served on board. A beautiful feature of the occasion will 1 be thf nrtrrU ntirm tt' an rlo-onf- - floral tribute to the jnost popular young j lady on board, each holder of a ticket j J' 1 being entitled to a vote. Messrs. 11. H. ! i Heery, F. L. Meares, B. W. Dunham, j Jones and Geo. Harriss, Jr. j form the committee of arrangements. ' art very thoroughly, and under the in Escape of a Convict. j struction of an earnest, faithful, acoom- Ixivi Walker, colored, escaped from the County House of Correction a few (ayn since, through no lack of proper vigilance as we are satisfietl from the I circumstances attending his escape, on j the part of the guard. He was imme diately followed up by Mr. Savage but could not be found. From information received it is probable that he is now somewhere in the neighborhood of Goldsboro. Mr. Savage offers in this issue a reward ot 10 tor Ins capture. Walker is a light mulatto, gross in his talk, 35 or 40 years old, about 5 feet 10 inches in height and will weigh about 175 pounds.. He was sentenced at the last term of the Criminal Court, to two years in the House of Correction for false pretenses. ICitclien Market. The following prices prevailed yester day in this market: Beef 10 to 16 cts. r 2; mutton 10 to 12J; veal 12A to 15; 2ST. C. hams 16 to 18 cts. ; Baltimore hams 18 cts. ; break fast strips 165 cts. ; pan fish 12i to 20 cts. ; shrimps 15 to 20 cts. per quart : hard crabs 12 to 15 cts.: per, dozen; soft crabs 10 cts. per dozen: chickens, spring 12 to 30 cts. each; grown fowls 35 to 40 cts. ea?h ; eggs 20 cts. a dozen : green corn 25 to 35 cts. a dozen ; beets 5 cts. pec bunch ; onions 5 cts, per bunch ; cucumbers 5 to 15 cts. per dozen ; squashes 10 to 20 cts. per dozen ; cabbages 10 to 20 cts. per head ; green peas 25 cts. per peck ; snap beans 25 to 30 cts ."pei" peck ; Irish, potatoes 40 its. per peck ; huckleberries 10 cts. per quart ; strawberries 20 cts. per quart ; blackberries 15 to 20 cts. per quart; plums 5 cts. per quart ; apples 35 to 10 cts. per peck; peaches 50 cts. per peck; tomatoes 15 cts. per quart. The Fire Alarm. . At a meeting of the officers of the fol lowing named fire companies, the How ard Relief, Hook and Ladder and Wil mington Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, held Wednesday evening last at the hall of the latter company, Mr. H. Hintz, presiding, and Mr. James W. Monroe, acting as secretary, the follow ing resolutions, were adopted : Resolved, 1st. That the present fire alarm is insufficient and badly managed inasmuch as the alarm bell in the tower cftnnot be heard a sufficient distance, either day or night, under present ' sys tem of ringing, and the other bells in the city with alarms attached are never rung. 2nd. That we do not oppose the elec tric alarm if it can be perfected and the sound made sufficiently clear and pene trating. But so far we consider the old style of alarm vastly superior to the present, as formerly the general ring ing of bells aroused all or nearly all of the firemen and now it is impossible to get enough members out to handle the apparatus. 3d.rThat we request that the police be instructed in the event of a fire to dug the alarms attached to the follow ing bells, viz: At First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange; at Congregational Church, on Nun, be tween Sixth and Seventh; at St. Mark's Church, corner Six,th and Mulberry ; at railroad passenger depot, Front street; at Brooklyn Engine 1 louse, Brunswick, between Sixth and Seventh streets ; and that the police be held sjrictly responsi ble for any failure to sound the alarms situated on their respective beats. 4th. That our experience during our years) has been that the quick ringing of the bell is much more apt to arouse IV m ' - - - - - - - - - - i than a slow, regular stroke. 5th. That yOXl are respectfully re- ducted to sive the matter, your imnie- jdiate 'attention, as the present. system of alarm will greatly impair tne efli- cioucy of the Fire Department, and in c f? of: Jgntuc wo cannot "okl -ourselves responsible to anv doyreafor the result. Hth. That the Secretary le instructed tD forward, a copy of these resolutions Honor. Hayor .Smtth,al to the Dau.v Review and the Mornwy Mar. with a roouest to publish (SigueHl) R.,.li:Grant, Forcnuin: j Assistant: M. Rathicn, dAssistaut, Fire'Engine Co. Nd. i. verc ? liowani Kenei rire jcugme o. o. i.t p. in this position, before the boy who nnil! E. G. rarmelec, Foreman: AV. C. was with him could get her back. auu i Vnn fUnlm. 1st Assistant: M. New- Unmr uutil man. 2d Assistant, llmington Steam Trnt riw i nnt a vrv nTiWA nrsU i-ire'Jbngine tjo. o. i. jtion. WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY, JUNE J7J The Soiree and Concert. Music is more profound as a science and more difficult as an art, than any other problem that ever engaged hu man attention. This was made mani fest in a great measure at the entertain ment at the Opera House, given last evening by Prof. Van Lear and the rdaSi nnilpr V? tiitlor ossictorl Viir Prof. Hobbs, on the violin, and the Arion Society as vocalists' "iind instru- mentalists. While probably but few of the class had paid much attention to music as a science, there was plenty of evidence that they had studied it as an plished - and pains-taking teacher. Of course, there were some errors of time and touch, but not so many as wc, with good reason, might have expected. It has been a rule with us in our reports of such entertainments, never to individ ualize, and although there are many in stances when we would gladly , depart from the rule, we think it better not to do so. Of the entertainment last night we can say that it was eminently a suc cess. All of the pupils did well, and there were some who did very finely. Indeed we were surprised, as :well as pleased, at the proficiency, and skill dis played by a number of the young ladies and gentlemen.. The vocal efforts, in solo and chorus, were very .fine. The iolin was in the hands of a master, and the addition of two cornets, in the closing piece, gave a fine and pleasing variety to afrery agreeable evening's en? tertainment. The house was filled with a fashionable and intelligent audience, who manifested their delight by frequent rounds of applause. - " For the Iter lew. Democrats in Bladen. Little Sugai: Loaf, June 15, 1882. At a convention held for. Colly town ship, by the Democratic voters of said township, this day, to select delegates to a county convention, to be held at Llizabethtown, Monday, June 19, 1882, the following proceedings were had : T. Louis was made temporary chair man, when upon motion, li. P. Mel vin and J. G. Layton were put in nom ination for permanent chairman, re sulting in the election ot J. G. Layton. On motion, J. G. Layton. and WJJey j. Sikes were chosen delegates to repre sent this township in the County Con vention. with instructions to vote for A. M. Waddell lor Congress and Jas D. Mclver for Solicitor. Also a comr mittee of four were appointed for the ensuing year, W.J. McKay and others. J. G. Layton, Chairman. W. J. McKay, Secretary, STATE NEWS. Monroe Enquirer: We have a sam ple of Mr. Wesley Helm's oats, which measures G feet 3 inches in height. We learn he had four acres which would average this height. C. H. Sehorn, col ored, cradled . 52 dozen in five hours. This we call good work. Monroe Express: Union is now har vesting what is probably , the largest wheat crop ever known inrthat county. -So far as. we are able to , learn the so-called Liberal party has no strength whatever in Union county except what it is able to draw from the Republica ns Wilson Sijlings: The Rev. W. S. Bynum, an evangelist appointed by the Bishop of this Diocese, intends holding a series of religious services in St. Timothy's church, beginning on Friday, the 16th inst. It is anticipated that the Rev. Mr. Murdock will assist him. r Smithfield Herald: We were shown four beets last week that weighed near ly eleven pounds, one measuring six inches across, the top. The Mid land road is being rapidly finished up to this point; the track is laid' to within four miles of town and the sound of the whistle is being heard ; already "Old Rip" shows signs of awakening. Washington Press: The reports, of our farmers as to the future prospect of crops is anything but encouraging. The continued cold weather gives , cotton an unhealthy look. Much replanting has been going on, and some have ploughed ud entirely, and planted corn instead. Upon the whole the matter now prom ises a serious outlooK. Lenoir Toiric: The cold weather which has just passed has been very hanl oh cotton in the lowest part of the Piedmont section. From Cabarrus and other cmarters come&the complaint that there is a bad stand and that the stand secured is in a sickly, spindling condition. Many farmers have plowed up their fields and planted them in corn. Xewbern Journal: The second crop f strawberries arc fine. They sell at ten cents per quart- Spring. chick ens are handed around at frotu twenty five to fiftj cents per pair," according 10 size.- -A few days ago Mr. Farsons was sailing up Trent river, when the 'l rudder of his boat became unfastened. In trying to fasten the rudder again it was necessary for him to stand, and while m this position his ! 1)ataiUIVt?- a StaHC W!jiCrnS?ku?P ithc back of his coat and lifted him j right out of the boat. The boat went some two hundred yards, leaving Mr. Chatham Record : We are informed by William Henlev. of Albrkrht town ship, that Mrs. Jane Culbersonl who is eighty seven years old, recently visited per menus in mat neighborhood, and, in order to dd so, she walked seventeen miles in one day. Very few women of nan ner age could do that. A'ctos and Observer: E??s are now quoted at from 20 to 25 cents ; butt?r from 25 to 35 cents, and chickens from 124 to 35 cents. Wo learn from President Battle that the lectures and experiments of Professor William B. Phillips dunng the Normal School, on inamrai rniiosopny, win oe oi unusual interest. The extensive aDnaratus re cently invented by Barnard & Meyer has been purchased, and will be used forv illustrations. J The peculiarity of this apparatus is its great sinmheit v. such as any teacher, by the purchase o a Muau numocr oi inexpensive anicies, can make lor himself. The entire set, manufactured iu New York, only costs S45. I'rotessor I'hiuips will show how experiments can be employed in teach- lug natural irmiosopny in me mmiDiesi school room. J - Fayettevillo -Examiner: Bishop Ly man arrived in this place last Saturday, the 10th, and preached at St. Joseph, in this place, on that day, and on Sun day morning at Kockhsh. In the even ing he preached an impressive discourse at St. John's church, from the 2d chap, and 47th verse of Acts, after which the rite of confirmation was administered to a number of persons. The whole number ot confirmations was at. Rock fish 13; at St. Joseph's 3; at St. John's 14; making 30 in all. Mr. Cross Davis, of this place, has completed a boat 18 feet long and 4 feet 5 inches in width, and of two and one-half tons burden. She is called the Lilly Mc Fadyen, and is intended for navigating the waters of Lower Little River be tween McFadyen's Springs and the C. F. & Y. V. Railway. She will carry passengers and freight, and make regu lar trips to the Springs. THE MAILS. Theuiails close and arriro at the City Post office as follows : CLOSE. Northern thrigh mails, fast 4.45 P. M. Northern through and way mails. . . .5.40 A. M. Raleigh... 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. A N. C. Railroad a . .5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday) 5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 5.00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- ' road 8.00 P. M. Mails for points : between Florence and Charleston . .8.00 P. M. Fayette ville and offices on Cape Fear River, Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5.00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. mitnviiie mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays). 8.30 A. M. Mails for Easi isy mil. Town Creek, Shallotteand Little River, Tues- days and Fridays. 6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. . . .8.30 A, M. Southern Mails 8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 10.30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to "ri M., and r from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Skinny Men. "Wells Heaith Renewer" restores health and vigor, eures Dyspepsia, Im- Sotence, Sexual Debility. $1.. Depot as. C. Munds. DIED. WILDER On Thursday night, 15th inst., Mrs. FANNIE D. WILDER, beloved wife of Jesse Wilder. Friends are invited to attend the funeral at 8V2 o'elock, this (Saturday) morning, at the First Baptist Church, thence to Wrightsville Sound. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Ease and Comfort T SMITHVILLE, STOP AT THE AT LANTIC SALOON.'jnst over the water. Best of Liquors and Soda Water. Special lunch rooms. Crabs can be eaught from the piazza. A.K- REYNOLDS, june 17-lm West of Garrison. Notes, Drafts. Receipts and Orders r,. CnEAP TO CLOSE OUT. Alo, sl small lot of Rosin Paper at S. JKWETT'S. 27 North Front Street. Upholstering, Paper Hanging, Mattress and Awning making at same place. june 17 Boat- Building a Specialty . J Ail PREPARED TO BUILD ROW AND RACING BOATS. Best of material used and prices moderate june 174m ' Give me a trial. W. W. WEEKS, SmithTille, N. C. Blank Books. FULL STOCK, to any one in I WILL GUARANTEE BLANK BOOKS, . INVOICE BOOKS, LETTER BOOKS, Or anything in the STATIONERY Line. P.-Heinsberger. jun 17 For Sale. O LD XEWSPA PER9. JajiaS. T1SI OFFICE. 1882. NO. 147. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Camp Meeting. THERE WILL BE A CAMP MEETING held at Raccoon Bluff embracing the 23d, n and 25th of thU month, under the auspi ce of the M.K. Church. A Steamer will ply betweeu this citr and tho Bluff, affording am ple opportunity for aH to attend who mar wish. junelT-lt A. HILL, Pastor. $10 Reward. ESCAPED FROM CUSTODY AT TIIE County House of Correction, a few dars ago, LEVI WALKER, colored, convicted at last term of Criminal Court. Supnned to be near Goldsboro at thl time. Is a light mulat to, gross talker, a1out 5 feet, 10 inches high andweighs about 17.V pound. , Above reward will be paid, for his lodgment In anv jail where Icangethlni. J. If. SAVAGE, junelT-lt Superintendent. When at Smithville JROP IN AND SEE WHAT I IIAVE. Best of Wiura, LInnons, COOL BEER and Cigars. Canned Meats, Sardines, etc., for luucii. J. ii. UAV15. june 4-1 m Near Court House. Jno. H. Giles, mONSORIALPARTrST An MAXWii' TURER OF PERFUMES. Shop near corner of x runt ana casiie sircets onc but Dest work turned out. Prices reasonable Give ma a call. junc2.tf PURCELL HOUSE. "JJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, w WIIJtflNGTOy, N. C B. L. PEKRT, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First Claea in all Its appointments. Terms $2.50 to $2 pi i day. fcbS-tf J. W. Knott AYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR Rags, Iron, Copper, Brass, Lead. Zinc, Bagging, Bones, White Paper, Old Sails, Ac, &c. Foot of New Market, Wilmington, N. C. Capt. A. C. Moore Is with us. June 2-1 m , The People's House. M EALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have established an ICE CREAM PARLOR In connecUon with the People's Houbc C. EVANS, Prop., june 3-lm Dock near Front street. A New Lot O F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR sale low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va lises at prices to suit the times. Repairing executed neatly and with dls- J. H. MALLARD, Successor to'Mallard & Bowden, may 21-tf " No. 8 Front Street. Fans and Parasols. . JN ADDITION TO MY ALREADY LARGE and elegant stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have received another large assort mentof SHELL, R.and R., LACE and TUS" CAN HATS,. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS , FANS and PARASOLS, &c. J Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, Exchange Corner. Junes FRESH I E VERY STEAMER BRINGS US NEW AND FRESH SUPPLIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES, CHOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Every article we sail U strictly as represented. Ours Is the oldest established grocery house in Wilmington, and we are determined to keep up the high reputation It has enjoyed for mora than a quarter of a century. We respectfully invite an exnminaUon of stock, apiaa GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front OPENED THIS DAY ! NOTHER IXTT, -i0 pieces 121 Bunting. A handsome line of WHITE GOODS. LACES, GLOVES, aid IIANDK ERCH MiFS. June 11 JNO. J. UEDRICK. "Bless the Babies" ! jgABY CARRIAGES AND IEUAMBUL.- tors m fnll rtock; large variety and low prire ' ALSO, FURXrTUBK OF ALL DESCRIITIONS, of all style and at all price. P. A. SMITII ft CO., jnne 11, North Front street. PtEASE NOTICE. We wCl tjetika i cud re commmtScattac front onfrlea general Interesi Set i4. iii f The name of thewr!tcr must aim bo fn. nlshed to the Editor: ' ' ' ' " x - - Commnnicati cms mtst t ; written on only one side of the paper. Personalities must bo avoided, - . v , And It fa esp!!!j; and partlculirlr under stood that the EdttortfoM tont artrari'tcdorte 1m? vkw of corrcMpon.VnUvnlrt to stated In the etlitorial colnmiv. . NEW AIVE1Ti5e3INTs" For Sale, Rent or Lease. ULK AM I.1T CORNER FRONT AND MULBERRY STS.I ' Apply to .; june 13 tf I. T. AI.DERMAX Wagonette fortlic Sonnd. O.P 'AFTER TIIirKSDAY.""l5htoit.. the agonet te will 1 run to and from the Hund. leaving tlmhigton, comer heeond awl Princess streets, at n p. m. Returning, lcavo the Sound at 7 a. m. junelUt . T. J. SOUTHER Irx i. T1!? Ll?J; Dapple. k a y .notji. im- X a or felt wv woU, n bo ha 4m e he iKm. . found at thA Vw .!, n 1. . 9rt??MkCtst Tnk Satchel de! goods for tho least raoner. - . - jiuic 11 : XI. Al. BOWDEN A CO. For Hire. 4 JJORSES. BUGGIES, CARRIA- ges, Photons, Wagonets, Road Wag ons, at lowest prices. Prompt attention ta all orders. T. J: sormfERLA vr Omnlbu aad-baggago Uno to and from rail rPa(L - may 23-tf Pine Grove, t , WWS N' C SITUATB AT the 8 Mile Post on tho Turnpike. . Per tnc SOUND 'FOR A iUY-S EN int3 EARLY ".FISH SUP. PER before starting home, by asking for It. o trouble at all. , ,r .ED- TLSOS MANNING, Propr. june 15-tf Molasses, Salt and Bacon 10,000 SACKSLIVv 12T Hhds. and Tcs. Porto Rico Molassc. ) Boxes D. 8. Sides. Fornalebr j uno 1 1 KERCHNER ft C ALDER BltOS. W AGONS, CARTS, TRUCKS and Drays of the celebrated Wiluon ft Child make, at manufacturer's price. For sale by june 11 KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS. A NO. 1 WELL BROKE MULE, In iierfect .condition, ami one socond hand two-horso Wagon will Ik, sold cheap by june 11 KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS. v Stationery - gUlTABLE FOR BUSINESS OR PRIVATE BLANK BOOKS adapted to all uses. ; READING MATTER of all kinds. A great variety of phcr articles usual to my Una. ' ' "j : : OBGANS AND PIANOS AT BOTTOM PRICES, at . " ' june 11 YATES BOOK STORE." Kerchner & Oalder Bros. " o QOMMISSION MERCH A NTS AND . Dealera in GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. ' -?'."' GENUINE GXnMAN KAlNIT apl 23-tf ON HAND. . ; . f 3 , Best in Town ' ' CAN SHOW TIIE PRETTIEST Kid Button Boot for :La dies' Wear. to e found In tho State. - .-; : f : n We. do iUsplay the largest stock of , Boot and Shoes in town; , T -'. ' Wc soil better goods and give more ff your .... . money than any house dealing in onrllrfe. ' Try us and eo if it is not no. - . I GEO. 11. FRJ-:XCH ft SONS, june 4 3J North Front st. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING" 0ASIE. Kills Bedbugs, Roaches, Fleas, Ants, Flies and Insects of all kinds. Good for ulng on Dogs ami Cats. Imported and for sale In any quantity by MUNDS BROS., - r Drugghita. PrescriDtious irenarel at ail Imnr. nf th day and night. " jnna - For Sale. - TWO PARIX)R CAR PETS WITH WIDE border, fin Bruaflcl. tajiblonabl JShailen and quite larg. ALo very barnl!n ikjiL ti ed overlalil Dining Table and ' Mdcloard. These articles have lecn ued only one wa wh and are sold only lecatis of owner leav ing tne city. A bargain offemd to iwjn luuer. For particulars ad'tre postal to "Si" IJox 'l. City. " - Jtmoll Don't Forget ;; rpiIAT I . KEEP FULLr ANJ COMPLETE Stocks of Drugs w have InrreTtnt to fill ANY PRESCRIPTION. Full atocka of I'aUnt Medicines. Prescriptions enmpotmdd any hour of the night. . , - y. C. MILLEli. : Stores : Fourth and Nan St., Fourth ol Han over St. - may 21 tf Scarborough's Saloon ami" Restaurant! I7VEIZYTHIXG FI RST C LA 5. MEALS AT all hoars. Clea a Lo!lig. EerjU:tog rw j teed aj gool a.j .n the rliy. ?: . Bar U sapplio"! with the cA ofJLlquirs. t'A l imi. 1 1 a Boanl by the month. ; , f $ li 00 Board by the week.. S 00 Boanlby the day... 1 1 And you can get your. meaU any, hour oi Uux day. .. J. SCARBOROUGH. aiy 2m No oath Water SU i .1 1?

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