TmM'AFER eTCry rm0rning, Monday. ex- ibs cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, EllTOB ANO PKOPBIETOK. n,PTl(W5 PC-STAGE PAID: Mjc-RirTIO: ' ? no Throe $4.00. iuviiki Oue month, 35 .cents. . .. 1 Vr rrora f on r? Th PIr ' t f tho city, at the above rah. t! r-1 ., rule , f 1U (Tn ' i.nt ami liberal. A,in-.i!,i- rC1,ort any and all fall- ive their iaier regularly. I)aily Review hat U,e luiyesi. i , He circulation of any ncvspayer 1 tJisi;Eiy.Ki: Hoyt s VaV' Jacobi American Legion n.nnr Ks.cursion ; - . Oi - Thc roinTcaswell Railroad is boom- ir-'- . . Tt-ral boats may be entered for the Mr. Elijah Hewlett says he is strong V bis pirpoe to run for Sheriff of this county. The crops on the upper Cape Fear ,re, we understand, suffering for the want of rain. - The Cape Fear continues very low and the boats run with difficulty. i i,nt fr. inrhes on the shoals is the nwui." - depth of water now. Sunday wa3 an oppressively warm day but it was succeeded yesterday by nseasonable weather, the .wind haying slutted around to the Northeast. Mr. J as. A. Willard and family will leave here in about two weeks from this time for their new Lome in Baltimore Mr. Willard has leased hig residence to Mr. A. If. (Jreone. To Builders and others Go to Jaco si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. ' ' t The Superior Court of Pender county, His Honor Judge Gilmer presiding, eonrened at Burgaw yesterday. Quite number of lawyers from this city are in attendance. -The convni if tees of the Point Caswell k Clinton Bail road were on the war mth yesterday and will be out again to day. We learn that a merchant on the wharf subscribed $1,000. Good! A. drunken man shoved a woman against a window near the corner of . Nutt aud Mulberry streets yesterday -afternoon. The "'dove's" hand and wrist was badly lacerated by the broken rlass. 1 large number of colored excursion ists arrived in the city yesterday en route lor Charlotte, where they go to partici pate in an anniversary of the Good Sa maritans. The excursionists were from along the line ot the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. "liuchupaiba." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, $1. Druggists Depot, James C. Munds. There was no rain hereabouts Sun day afternoon, other, than a few drops, but we understand that there was a delightful fall of it along the line of the W., C. & A. 11. R. and C. C. R. K., some 15 to 20 miles above the city, nd that the crops in that section were greatly refreshed thereby. Ixcal astronomers may be interested to know that tht present comet has been at last carefully observed, the re sult going, to show , that it has-a real nucleus, and if astronomers confirm" this testimony, it will settle the question as to whether a comet nas a solid body at the centre of its mass. , Thanks to the Marshals. Messrs. M. II. Goodwin, J. H. Cribbs, D. B. F. aiu, J. c. Williamson, B. B Man nag andD. G. Darden.for an invitation attend the commencement exercises the Fair Bluff High School, on Thurs y neii. the 23d inst., on which occa on Hon. A. M. Waddell, of this city. w:h deliver the address. " " "Wanted ! A young man, a Dempcrat, for nomi .naton as Solicitor in this,' the Third iQdicial District. He must be a law Jr. of good standing in the Demb rrtic party. Apply at Republican Head quarters. ' " ' s " ' City Court. ! Isaac Stanley, charged with assault- 2 and resisting a ; police officer, was JJ?1. Half of the fine was remitted. Ahe defendant paid $20 and was dis charged. kelson King, charged with the same Sjate offence was fined $2.50 in default which he was sentenced to fire days' V ATi,,s ;.t K .-KKL Wanted. Mw r.iiMS-Inscct Powders. i'rBV Sa v A'lE, Tax Col-Nofiee (jermau Ul 1 VOL. VI. Personal. - i Mr. James Wilson, oftbis city, leaves! here on Thursday morning for a two months visit loathe North, business and pleasure being combined, bnt the for mer, we may be sure, bein nant. His address for the 1,417 Third Avenue. predomi- present is i Apples and Onions. Mr. Aaron Colvin, of the steamer John Dawson, brought down for us from his place, on Colvin's Creek, spec imens of apples and onions which are hard to beat. The former are of th Early Harvest and June Red varieties and the latter are magnificent red on ions, one of them measuring 13 and an other 15 inches in circumference. Gen. Lane. We learn from the Richmond Dis patch that Gen. James II. Lane, form erly Principal of the Cape Fear Military Academy in this city, has been unani mously elected President of the West Florida Seminary, Tallahassee, in which institution he was a professor prior to the war. We, in company with many others in this city, have a warm spot in our heart for this gallant ex Confed. and most heartily wish him suc cess wherever his lines may fall. Two In the Coop. Some three weeks ago an account ot the robbery of Capt. John Fitzgerald's residence, in Brooklyn, ;by a small col ored boy who was employed to cut some wood, appeared in the. Review. Since then officers have been on the track of the little rascal and kept an eye on him. They d,id not see fit to make an arrest until they-could ascertain to whom he had sold the stolen property, "viz: a hunting case silver watch. Saturday the boy, J. H. McFarlane, aged about 14 years, and A.' L." Brown," the man to whom he sold the watch, were arrested. McFarlane acknowledged his guilt. Brown said he bought the watch for fifty cents. Both w;ere sent to jail in default of bond ; one for the theit and the other foi? receiving a stolen article knowing it to have been stolen. Capt. Fitzgerald says the watch cost him $25 a year or two ago. " '" v;- " - Freshwater Pcrch.Trout and Black lisk hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at JACOw'a.t A Lost Child. On last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Geo. W.Corbett.oftheBlackRiversection.was out fishing in Collie Creek with her two little boys. About 5 o'clock in the after noon she noticed a storm coming up and called to the children and started hemeward. When within 200 yards of ker gate she looked and saw one of her boys, accompanied by a little colored boy, coming through the swamp. Tkinking it all right and ' that -tlie child would . bo within doors in a few - moments, she gave no, more at tention to the matter until; at , a later hour, after the storm was over, she as certained that the child, who was about eight years of. age, and named Georget waV missing ; Immediately a search was instituted but the boy could not be found. . The neighbors were summoned to aid and all that night and all day Sunday and all Sunday ntght the search was continued, there being over 100 per sons engaged, and at 7 o'clock this morning, when the John Dawson left Point Caswell, no tidings of the missing child had been received. - Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable priees at J aco Bt's. , t To Advertisers. We wish to call the attention of ad vertisers to one or two facts of interest to themselves as well as to lis. - First, the circulation, and by thfs we mean the actual bona fide circulation, of The Daily Review is larger tlian that of any other newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. Second, the actual bona fide circula- tiou of Tiik Daily Review is fully 25 per cent, larger than that of any other daily paper published, in thecity of Wil mmgton. Third-r-We have reason to believe that we can give advertisers 1,000 more readers than can any other paper pub lished, in the city of Wilmington. Fourth Our advertising rates are from 25 to 50 per cent less than those of any other daily paper published in the city of Wilmington. It is for .advertisers to put these va rious facts together and see"wherein it is to their advantage to advertise in Tub Daily Review. A full feeling after meals, dyspepsia, heartburn, and general ill health reliev ed by Brown's Jron Bitters. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 20. No Challenge Passed. Mr. Charles ILJonesl of tho Char- lottti Observer t publishes a -card in the Sunday issue of his paper denying that he had challenged Mr. W. P. Canaday to mortal combat. Mr. Jones says: "The statement originated wholly in the, inventive brain of the editor of the Patriot, and troth compels mo to assert that he drew entirely on his imagination for his statements in regard to thii mat ter." , Pender's Voice. At a mass meeting oi the Democratic party of Pender county, held at Bur gaw, on Monday evening, June 19th, 1882, Dr. W. T. Ennett waj .called to the chair and A. II. Paddison 'was re quested tp act as secretary. A committee on resolutions was ap pointed, who reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : JBesolved, That in view of the faithful services rendered to the State by those well-known gentlemen. Hon. A. A. McKdy, Judge of the. Superior i Court, and Capt. bwitt Galloway, So licitor of the Third Judicial Dis trict, in the impartial discharge ot the many and arduous , duties of their office, we, the people of Pender county, do take tins opportunity of ex pressing our entire and hearty approval rf ftiA ntVTMfrVifc fair arnl imTMrfia T wan. ner in which they have discharged their omcial duties during tneir termofomqe which is now rapidly drawing to a close, and if, in the sound discretion ot the convention which assembles at Magnolia on tho 27th inst., the names of these two gentlemen should be placed on the ticket for re-election to the respective positions which they uow so acceptably fill -with honor to themselves and credit to their constitu ents, the people of Pender can be re lied on to give them a warm and hearty support. . ' r On motion, the Wilmington Daily Review, Joukxae and Star, the Wil-. son Advance, Goldsboro Messenger and all other Democratic papers, were re quested to publish, theboye proceed ings. Fine Fancy Balbriggan underwear is shown at Dyer's. t Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met iu called session last' evening. Present, His Honor, tho Mayor, and Aldermen Hug gins, Alderman, Worth, Bowdcn, Northrop, Sampson and Willis. , The Mayor stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee on Fire Department in the matter of dispensing with one or more of the steam fire en gines. The Committee reported as follows ; The Committee to whom was refer red th resolutton inquiring into the propriety of selling or disposing witn one of the steam fire engine, respectful ly report that it would be injudicious at present to disturb the fire organiza tions now existing, inasmuch as the water works, however benenciai, can not supply the utility of s steam engines with this efficient organization, even in the business part of the city where hy drants are located, until efficient hose companies are organized and even then it is questionable, with the growth of thecity, aud large space Of territory not protected by the water works, whether a proper protection of proper ty w'ould justifyany change. The committee would suggest that at a period in the future, after the advan tages of the water supply is more fully tested and hose companies organized, the expense of the fire department might be materially reduced by keeping only one engine alternately on duty 'and the number of horses now fed :-at the ex pense of tho city and. other expenses now paid for the support of three en gines be diminished. (Signed) W. I. Smith, J as. B. HUGGES'S. After a full discussion by members of the Board, Alderman Worth offered the following: Btsolved, That the report of the com mittee be received and that within six- t v rlfivs after the water works com- rmnv mm nleta their stand nine and fill the same with water and it is found ef- ficicut for the purpose lor wmcn is is uc siirnexl. that one of the steam fire en eines be dispensed with ; that the com- fany ot the engine aispenseu wiui owed to continue their organization as a hose company if they so desire. Resolved, further. That the Commit tee on Fire Department are hereby instructed- to take the matter in charge and report to the Board the proper time for the execution of the foregoing reso lution. Adopted. . The meeting then adjourned. We arc sorry to learn that there has been a considerable destruction of fruit trees on Myrtle Grove Sound. It seems that the trees were infested with bugs, and some one advised that spirits enrpen tine be applied about the roots. The advice was followed, and many fine trees have been killed as a consequence. Only two weeks from to-day to theGa lorions Fourth. The Point Caswelliaus say they expect a large crowd to visit them on that day. on the occasion of the reunion ef the veterans of the "Bloody 18lh,w A "Sevr Organization. A number of talented young gentle men of this city have organized a pan tomime and specialtytroupe under the name of the Wilmington Pantomime and Specialty , Company, with Mr. R. A. Hewlett as Business Manager and Clown; Mr. Martin Daniel, Stage Manager and Pantaloon ; W. F. Burch, Harlequin ; Sam'l Carr, Musical Direc tor, and Robt; Gardner, Treasurer. The gentlemen will commence to re hearse this week'in order to be able to appear at an early date. We learn from them that they have received an offer from a Hew York theatrical man ager to tour the State. They are con sidering the proposition, but have not a yet decided what to do. They are well adapted to the cast they have made and will no doubt do themselves great credit. The' Associated Railways. The Richmond Stale publishes an article to the effect that the railroad combination known as the Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carolinas has been broken. Acting on this a reporter of the Reytew called yester day upon Hon. R. R. Bridgers, Presi dent of the roads forming the Atlantic Coast : Lme, which are parts to this association, for information as to the correctness of the - report, 'and Col. Bridgers, in response to in quiries, stated that the arrangement had not been broken up, although some changes would be made, the most im portant being that each road would hereafter have its own general freight agent. This is the substance of the re ported change, as stated by Col. Bridg ers,- who added that the proposed freight agents for his roads had not yet been named. w The days are at their longest now. To-morrow the Calendar Summer be gins, and on and after that day they will begin to shorten. JfEW AtVEBTIOEMENTS. Mattresses fXV rCUB CUELBD HA IB, MOSS OR Straw, made to order, at S. JEWKTT'S. '27 Nrth Front Stwet. Upholstering. Awnlnr maktnsr. Paper Ilantr In?, donfc at same place. june 20 Wanted.. 40,000 Pounds WOOL, Pounds BEESWAX, 40,000 30,000 reunds VANILLA, well cured. Tons 1 BONES. Also. 500 Hides. Ran. Brass. Cop per, Pewter, Zinc, Iron, Ac. We defy compe tition. Jutpiy to wa.'A.ur( x tnst.t.ij, . North Water St., WUmlngton, N. C. june 20- Hoy t's German Cologne, HOLES ALB AND RETAIL, at HE1NSBERUER . GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, ot HEINSBERGER'S. FIRST CLASS PIANOS AND ORGANS, at HJEINSBKRGE&'S. GUITARS AND VIOLINS, ai HEINSBERGER'S. BANJOS AND ACCORDEONS, at -HEINSBERGER'S. ORGAN ETTES AND ORGANINAS, At the Lire Book and Music store. june SO American Legion of Honor. npHE COMPLIMENTARY EXCURSION BY CLARENDON COUNCIL No. 67, to the Grand Council ef North Carolina, will be giren Wed nesday, 21st, at 9 o'clock A. M., on steamer Passport to SmlUiTille. Each member will be furnished Tickets at the Beat for himself and one member of his family. Extra Tickets for family may be had by members, to Include dinner, at $1.00 each. NATH'L JACOBI. je to It Chairman ef Committee Arrangements, OFFICE TAX COLLECTOR, C1TT OF WILMINGTON, N. C. JUNE 17th, 1882. Notice. T AM SOW MAKING UP DEEDS FOR 1 the Seal Estate on which the taxes remain un paid for the years 1879, 1880 and 1881. All par ties interested who wish to avoid having deeds for their property made and registered In the 'Records of the County- must call at this oQ.ce and settle the same prior to July 1, 1883. I ' HENRY SAVAGE, june S3 It . Tax Collector. When at Smithville TJBOP IN AND SEE WHAT I HATE. Best ot Wines. Lienors. COOL BZER and Cigars. Canned Meat. Sardines, etc. tor lunch. J. D. JD Avla. juaaei-lsa -year Court Hooae. 1882. NO. 149. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING SAME. Kills Bedbucs. Roaches. Fleaa. Ants. Fiittt and Insect of all kinds. Good for using on Dogs and Cat. Imported and for sale In any quantity by MUNDS BROS., - imigxtsU. Prescrrntloua Breoared at all boars of the dar and night. jane IS - Pine Grove, WRIGITTSYrLLE, X. C, SITUATE AT tho 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. Per sona Ylslting the SOUND FOR A DAY'S EX JOYMENT can get "an EARLY "FISII SUP- rtu - ueiore starting home, by asking for it. No trouble at alL ED. WILSON MANNING, Propr. june 13-lf Butter. a -FEW-IAGKAGES Xarge l Small) of X. me very nneac 100 rACKAGES"ALI' gkades- Consigned and must be sold. june 15-tf DeROSSET & CO. QIIEESE-oO BOXES. O TARCII 00 BOXES, rjlOMATOES-50 CASES, CANNED CORN, PEACHES, Ac, Ac. Prices Terr low. june , DbROSSET CO. For Ease and Comfort A T SMITHVILLE, STOP AT THEJAT LANTIC SALOON, just over the water. Best STIC SALOONiust Liquors and Soda 1 of Liquors and Soda Water. Special lunch rooms. Crabs can be eaurht from the piazza. oaugh A. K REYNOLDS. june 18-lm West of Garrison. For Sale, Rent or Lease. HUUSK AND LOT CORNER i 1 1 Ft f r uyr jlxu MULitcautx bis. Apply to june 19-tf I. T. ALDERMAN. Jeff THE FINE DAPPLE GRAY NEVER look ed or felt so well, as he has since he don- nod a set of that EXCELSIOR HARNESS to be found at the New Saddlery and Trunk House, no. 40 Market st. our Trunk and Satchel de partment is complete. We guarantee best goods for the least money, june 18 H. M. BOWDEN A CO. Turpentine Tools. XJULLERS, HACKERS, DIPPERS, WHET ters, Picks, Hackweights, Tmss Hoops, Joint- Chisels. Aoe. -Larore amount of the alovo goods now In stosk ana on the way. wwu goods and prices guaranteed. W SI. JS. SPKIAGUiU LU. Successors to Jno, Dawson & Co., 19,21 A23 Market St., Juuelfi-ly Wilmington, N. C, Hay ! Hay ! XTfE ARE SELLING SMALL BALE IL1Y from Store, lower than the lowest. Come and so us. ROBINSON A KING, june 18- Jt Corner Water and Orange ta Boat Building a Specialty X AM PREPARED TO IBUILD ROW AND RACING BOATS. Best of material used and prices moderate. Give me a trial. W. W. WEEKS, SmithvUle, N. C. june 18-lm New Lot QOLDEN HARVEST COOK STOES, JUST IN. PURE WHITE OIL. Parker & Taylor. june 13 J Fine Stationery, gUCn AS ENVELOPES, ' FOOLSCAP PAPER, LETTER PAPER, COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPE1L Lwill guarantee! to suit any one in BLANK BOOKS, Steel Pens, Rubber Bands, Ac, Ac, MSf First class Pianos and Organs. Great inducements at HEINSBERGER'S, june 18 Lire Book and Music Store At Yates Bookstore C AN BE FOUND A FULL SUPPLY OF BLANK BOOK, WRITING PAPER, INK, PENS, PENCILS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Memorandum Books,Writing Tablets, Cro quet, Hammocks, and ft thousand and one oth er things usually In a Stationery Store. PIANOS AND ORGANS very cheap, june 18 A New Lot QF ITATCTT JUST BECEXYED AND FOR sale low. I hare Tall Baca of Trunks and Ya- Rsea as prtoee to suit the time. M9" Repairing exeevted seay and with die vateh.. ' J. JL IUT.LAKD, Sacceeaor toIallard Jk Bowdeo, fas lS-tf No. t Front Street, PLEASE NOTICS. We will be glad jto reeelre coxxusoxilcaUosl from oar friends on any 'and all subject" ox ' general tntereet but The name of the writer must always be for- atahed to the Editor. X' Communications must be written on onlj one side of the paper. Personalities must be aTOlded. . And It U especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse he views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. NEW ADtTISE3INTS. DINNA FORGET ! BROWN & RODDICK, 5nd 7 North Front Street. THE EIGHMIE SnniT; - $1.00 Eacli. Q.ENTLEMEN, REMEMBER WE CARRY a f ulline of the above CELEBRATED SHIRT. They are acknowledged byJJAXL who hat worn them to be the best fitting Shirt ever la troduced. The Patent is the mostraluable of anything ever introduced into the manufao turing of Shirts; that is fully acknowledged by all. They lit any shape and th Bosom cam not be broken. .' . i. r HAVE YOU EVER WORN OUR Duke of Argyle SIHRT COLLARS? You require NO TIE WITH THEM. We are the Sole Agents for the sbOTe. BROWN & RODDICK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . 5 and 7 North Front St2 june 4 Ulsters Ulsters, LL SIZES, FROM 34 to 42, v ui iuus uauu?) New Mattings, White, Fancy and Red Check, . LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Cotton, Lisle Thread and Silk. Hoop Skirts. . LADIES' AND GENT'S II'DK'FS, TABLE LINEN AND NAPKINS, Some real good BARGAINS in many things that cannot be enumerated. R. M. McINTIRE. june 18 " . wmte bronze. THE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS FOR TUB MonumcoUl Bronze Company, of Brklze port. Conn., Invite attention to the work offer cd by them. These monuments are indestruct ible, cannot be chipped, cannot be thrown over and may be had at one-half the price of stone. AMAN A WILSON, june 18-lm Princess SL, near Second. Fans and Parasols. JN ADDITION TO MY ALREADY LARGH and elegant stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have reed red another large assort ment of SHELL, R. and R., LACE and TUS; CAN HATS, BEAUTIFUL) FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, FANS and PARASOLS, Ac Cespectfolly, MISS E. KARRXR, jane IS Exchange Corner. . i 4