A.. W morula. Mood,, ex- US? cepted by JOSH T.JAMES, riwl-"lUmoS9 POSTAGE rAIIfc too- Sx months, $2.00. Three 0e - i oo One month, 35 cents. -"Tver will bo delivered by carriers free ,;irt of the CitJ' Rt the ' ..r 10 rent per week. ' f d.iuc rate-'low and HberaL uX-r, will re,ort any and all fall- their paper regularly, 77ir Ztaty Review has the hiryest t ' ... . , . rirrvlatvm. oj wj 7iwjyu LOCAL NEWS! IRCEX TO EvADYERTlSEMEKTS. ja'dTa Listing Tates lilan.k Hooks S Jf.m-ktt Mattresses. ( i. Mkhank Ship Notice Mi-M Buos Insect Powders. Hkinshkhokh J ust Call and Sec j, ' Clakk Grand Excursion jf aj. J C. Winder, General Manager of Carolina Central, was Ja thecity ".yesterday. 1 " ' ' " . ", St. John's Day will not be celebrated by the Masonic fraternity in this city this ytar- The -"Mash' Hat is the greatest nov elty out, and is bavins a big run. Dyer lls them. t - . Hr I. Shrier is fitting up his store in a handsome manner, preparatory for the Fall trade. We are sorry to learn that Capt. F James, health officer for the lower district, is quite sick. Freshwater Perch,Trout and Black fisk hooka and lines. A Ml assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's.T The mails for the Carolina Central Railroad will hereafter close at 5:50 jm in., and open for delivery at 9 :30 a. m. A match game of haseball took place yesterday afternoon between the Quick step and the Kough and Ready clubs, in which the latter were the victors by a score of 34 to 5. The civil docket of Pender Superior Court was taken up yesterday. Messrs. Iievane, Martin, Ricaud, Russell McRae, J. I). Bellamy, R. H. McKay, Holmes and Darby, from this city were in attendance. . Mr.W. S. O'B. Robinson, United Stated District Attorney, is in" the city. He came for the purpose of ejecting the squatters from the Government property known as King's Row. Mr. Geo. W. Muggins has a clock lrame made of quartz gathered from the Kocky Mountains in Colorado. There are thirty-fire specimens in the frame, which is made in the shape of a tower. A. verdant youth from the country was carried to the guard It'ouse Wed nesday night. Yesterday morning His flonor investigated the case and found it was simply an inoffensive drunk and discharged him. He left for home im mediately. The tax listers for Cape Fear, Har nett, Masonboro and Federal Point townships will be at the Court Houso to-day for the purpose of receiving the tax list of residents of this city who hate taxable property in the townships named above. Exports Foreign. Barque Jennie li. Diverty, Capt. AU Uns, cleared at this port yesterday for St. John's, Porto Rico, with 235,000 twt lumber, valued at $4,015.92, ship ped by Messrs E. Kidder & Son. Unmailables. The following unmailable matter re mains in the postoffice in this city: , Mrs. P. A. Larnage, Aurora, S. Creek, BeauiortCo.. N.C.; one stamped en velope, illegibly addressed ; lot of calico samples, no address. . To Bafflm and others-Go to J aco li 6 for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, c. lou cm get all sizes and at the lowest prices. Severe Accideut. Capt. Morgan, of the steam tug mwith a y serious acci- II t jestcraay morning. e was chopping some wood, when we glanced.and made a very se- Z?, 5 f00t and le De was dtv i V"" and brouSht to ttus l3 Where his wounds were dressed. Postponed. Tbe committees of Sampson and render counties and of this city, having TX the intcrsts of the Point Cas eu & ciimon IUilr0adt werc to havc m this city yesterday, but from cause they failed to do so. They Ba fT however, at some day in the Ttare, nen arrangementa wIH Perfected for pushing along thif im PorUnt work. KWney Disease, i2ltation Betention; Inconti Gravel, &c, cured by U $1. Depot James C. f 1 H VOL. VI. THE lEMOCKATS. First Guns of the Campaign The Primary Meetings Held Yesterday and Last Nijrlit. Primary meetings we're held yester day and last night in the various wards in the city and townships in the county for the purpose of choosing delegates to the County Convention which meets here next Saturday and to organize for the campaign. The meetings . were all well attended and much interest was manifested in the proceedings. The re ports lor the city will be found below but only one township Harnett,! has thus far been heard from : : FIRST WARD. At a meeting of the Democratic voters of the First Ward, held in Brook lyn Hall, Mr. W. II. Strauss was re quested to act as Chairman and Mr. F. C. Walsh as Secretary. On motion of Capt. O. A. Wiggins, the delegates to the County Convention were elected by acclamation, resulting in the choice of Messrs. Simon W. Sanders, Mike Carroll, Chas. Murphy, W. H. Strauss, Archie Alderman. The delegates were then instructed to vote for WaddeU delegates to the Con gressional Convention. An election was then held for the Ward Executive Committee, resulting in the choice, by acclamation, of Messrs. O. A. Wiggins, W. H. Morton, W. M. Parker, John Barry, J. M. Henderson, The First Ward Club was then per manently organized, with Messrs. W, H. Strauss as President, J. M. Hender son as Vice-President and F. C. Walsh as Secretary. SECOND WARD. The meeting in the Second Ward was held in the Court House, and was well attended. On motion of Col. Roger Moore, Mr. John C. James was called to the chair, and Messrs. J. Hal Boatwright and W. H. McFarland, on motion of Mr. G. J. Boney, acted as Secretaries. There was but one ticket, for dele gates to the County Convention and but one for Executive Committee of the ward,and these were elected unanimous ly. It being thought bestto cast a bal lot for the tickets, Col. J. G. Burr was appointed to cast that for delegates, and Col. Thos. C. James that for a commit tee. The foUowing tickets were elected : For Delegates to County Convention Roger Moore, DuBrutz Cutlar, E. D. Hall, Junius Davis, P. Heinsberger. For Executive Committee G. J. Boney, Wm. Goodman, P. Glavine, M. P. Taylor, G. II. Smith. THIRD "WARD. There was a large attendance at the Third Ward meeting, and an earnest enthusiasm was manifested. Mr. "W. J, Yopp was called to the chair, Mr S. Bear, Jr was requested to act as Secretary, and Messrs. W. N. Bowden, J. W. Perdew and A. J. Yopp were appointed tellers. The following were chosen' as the delegates to the county convention, which meets at the Court House on Saturday next : G. F, Alderman, August Deumelandt, C. G. Southerland, L. H. Bowden, J. C. Stevenson. The foUowing were appointed to meet with the County Executive Committee immediately after the adjournment of the County Convention on Saturday next: Samuel Bear, Jr., W. H. Yopp, L. W. McLaurin, Timothy Donlan, E, G. Parmelee. The foUowing resolutions were then offered and adopted unanimously : Resolved, That the Democratic Voters, the tax-payers of the Third Ward, de sire to express their unqualified appro val of the present system of county government. It is the only hope of refuge from a corrupt waste of our county finances, and of vital importance to us as a party, and as tax-payers. We therefore demand from our friends its support and- continuance. Itcsolvcd, That the delegates from the Third Ward be instructed to urge upon the County Convention the im portance of bringing out a full Demo cratic ticket for county officers. FOURTH "WARD. There was also a fine attendance at the meeting of the voters of the Fourth Ward, which was held in the City Cour1 Room. "t In the absence of a member of the County Executive Committee Capt. W. P. Oldham, President of the Fourth Ward Democratic Club, called the meeting to order, and on his motion Capt. A. L. DeRosset was called to the chair and Col. Ed. S. Latimer was re quested to act as secretary. . An election for delegates was gone in to, with Messrs. M. S. WiUard and Al bert Gore as Tellers anoVE, H. Eilers and H. H. Wattera as Recorders. The " ..T. .."V"; - WILMINGTON, N. C following gentlemen were elected on the respective tickets : Executive Committee W. A. Wil liams, A. G. McGirt, W., II. Green, R. H. Grant. R. W. Price. Delegate W. A. Cumming, Jas. Madden, Owen Fennell, S. II. Fish blate, W. P. Oldham. FIFTH WARD. Tee meeting of the Democracy of the Fifth Ward was largely attended. Mr. G.W. W. Davis was called to the Chair, and Mr. H. E. Orr, Jr., acted as Secretary. The following are the names of the delegates selected for the County Convention; ,r;u. ,,rvV Jordan; Branch, VWo.-H.t GriOth; Fred." Rhewv John Branch Joseph H. Han by. The foUowing were appointed to meet with the County Executive Com mittee, which meets immediately after the adjournment of the County Conven tion, on Saturday next: W.H Griffith. R. M. Capps, W. E, Mayo, C. L. Frost, and H. E. Orr, Jr The meeting then proceeded to organ ize a Ward Democratic Club, with the following officers : J. D. H. Klander, President; W. H. Griffith, 1st Vice President; Wesley Millis, 2nd Vice President; H, E. Orr. Jr., Secretary ; Capt. D, S. Bender, Treasurer. nARXETT TOWNSHIP. At a meeting of the Democratic voters of Harnett Township, held at its voting place yesterday, Capt. A. A. Moseley was chosen Chairman and Mr. James Macomber Secretary. The chair having explained the busij ness of the meeting, nominations being in order, the following gentlemen were elected delegates to the County Conven tion: W. B. McKoy, A. A. Moseley. Alternates C. II. Alexander, G. W. Harper The follo wing gentlemen were elected as Executive Committee : Louis R. Mason, Wm. F. Alexander, W. B. McKoy, E. L. Pearcc, A. A. Moseley. After the business for which the meeting was called was concluded, those present proceeded to reorganize the Democratic Club of Harnett town ship by the election of Capt. A. A. Moseley as President and Mr. James Macomber as Secretary. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Club Executive Committee, many members of the partybeing present and all sections of the township being well represented. All present were wrell sat isfied with the good work so well begun and the bright prospects before them. Here's Your Chance, An excellent opportunity is offered our up-country friends along the line of the Carolina Central R. R. to visit Wilmington and SmithvUle at very low rates. The Hotel Brunswick at Smith villc.wiUbe formally opened next wreek and a schedule of rates has been adopt ed that should tempt many to run down here and get a mouthful of salt air. The tickets issued at the excursion rates will be good from June 26th to July 1st. See advertisement elsewhere in this is sue for particulars. Prompt Delivery. We have before us now a letter which was written by a gentleman in this city to a friend who was at the time in New bern, the letter being, unfortunately, addressed on the envelope to Smithville while the direction in the body of the letter was to Newbern. It is dated June 26th, 1876, and it came promptly to hand June 13th, 1882, the recipient being Maj. Graham Daves, y,rho is now in charge of the Atlantic Coast Line of fice in Charleston, and the writer Gen. M. P. Tai lor, of this city. Where this letter has been wandering lo ! those many years, it might be difficult to say. Ay thing in the hardware Une can be found at reasonable prices at J aco bi's. t Sun Spots. There has been an extraordinary out burst of sun spots within the last ten days, l-ast week a spot resembling in its general appearance and its position upon the disc the great spot that accom panied the" magnetic storms ef April, crept slowly around the eastern edge of the sun, advanced with the revolution of the orb, until a few days ago it was weU situated for observation. The area covered by this outburst of spot is a tri angular figure containing, in round numbers, a thousand millions of square miles of the solar surface. The disturb ed region is visible as a black dot with out a telescope, when the eye is protect ed by a smoked or deeply colored glass. FRIDAY, JUNE 23. 1882. Samaritan Xervine. We notice that a number of South ern papers which have been advertising Samaritan Nerviuc have dropped it since the exposure made by us a few dayssinee. "Dr. S. A. Richmond" is, as we. had occasion to say a few days ago, a consummate rogue who has never been known to pay au advertis ing biU. s He is an ignorant rogue too,, as the foUowing circular published by hini willshow: . St. Joseph, Mo., June 1st, 1882. Gentlemen: My quarterly advertis ing bills are now coming due and. I find it impossible to meet them promptly, as th$2wycrti3ing"h toereato but a limited demand for the medicine. I owne valueable Hotel Property here in my own name, worth $125,000. with mortgage on same to the-amount of $47,500. I am now try ing to seU the property, if I succeede it wiU enable me to pay off my debts soon. I have recently sold out my in terest in the manufacture of Dr. Rich mond's Samaritan Nervine and formed a Stock Company, said company re fuse to pay contracts for advertising made by the old company, therefore I request you to cancel my contract and I wiU agree to nay you for the adver tising allready done as soon as . I possi bly can. Hopeing that this explana tion will meet with your favorable ap probation, I am Very RespectfuUy, S. A. Richmond. STATE NEWS. Greensboro Patriot: Rockingham crops are reported-to be very fine. To bacco is unusually promising Har vesting is going on, and the yield every where is immense. Durham Plant: The wheat and oat cropsfnow being harvested are said to be the finest seen in this county for a num ber of years. . Rev. Frank H. Wil- kins, colored, pastor of the Baptist churcht baptized nineteen persons m a pond, just outside of town, Sunday. Charlotte Observer: Gen. D. H. Hill, it is stated, has reconsidered his inten tion to resign the Presidency of the Ar kansas Industrial University, and wiU remain in the position which he has so efficiently fiUed. The postal au thorities have made arrangements with the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company, to have the fast mail trains, which were discontinued last February, put back on the road and next Sunday the first trip under . the new arrange ment will be made. . ; Raleigh Visitor: Lewis Clyde Belvin, four years Id, son of W. L. Belvin, tell from a porch last Saturday, aud broke his left coUar bone. There are nine dry goods stores on Wilmington street, between Hargett and the corner of Ex change Place, and three grocery stores and four bar-rooms, one restaurant. one shoemaker's shop, a barber shop -ft . V . and an auction nouse m tne same space. Goldsboro Messenger: The farmers report improvements in the cotton crop. A slight nan leu m some parts in this county on Monday. In the Mount Olive section it did some dam age to the growing crops. The wheat crop throughout this section is said to be the finest known for many years, notwithstanding the recent ad verse reports of injury; The oat crop, too, is better than it has been for sev eral seasons. Last bunday morn ing Mr. John Burnham and a com- panion, both living on the Alvin Whit ley plantation, in tne "noundaDouts," five mUes distant, went in bathing in Neuse river, and the former, getting in to deep water and being a poor swim mer, was drowned before succor could be had. News and Observer: During the past thirtv days 40 convicts have been sent to the Western North Carolina RaiL road. Two children of Mr. Thos. Johns, twins, aged six weeks, died of cholera infantum Monday night, near Auburn. The deaths were in ten min utes of each other. - Sunday morn ing, at 9 .o'clock, lit. Rev. Bishop Northrop began the ceremonies of ded ication of the. Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He was assisted by Fathers White, and Oberly. One dealer in fruit sold in this city lasUveek 1000 quarts of wild plums, at 5 cents per quart. Iti3 said that the physi cians are considering the propriety of 1 fit A presenting mm wnn a suiuidic lesu- monial. Capt. B. P. Williamson has just received returns from the sale of peaches shipped by him to New York. The price they brought was $5 per Dusnei crate, out u cost just to pay; express - and 'other charges, so the net result is per bushel. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bil ious attacks positively cured with Em ory's Standard Cure Pills an infaUible remedy : never fail to cure the most ob stinate, long-standing cases where Qui nine and aU other remedies had faUed. They are prepared expressly for . mala rious sections, an double boxes, two kinds of Pills, containing a "strong ca thartic and. a chUl breaker, sugar-coated; contain no Quinine or ; Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efiicienl, certain in their ac tion and harmless in all cases ; :they ef fectuaUy cleanse -the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequal ed. For Liver Complaint their equal is not known ; one box wiU have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by. Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, or sent by man, ana so cent boxes, jumory si Little Cathartic Pills; best ever made,! only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co., U4 Nassau Street. New York, tmd&w. NO. 152. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mattresses. 7 0V CAN HAVE A MOT OS K OF Hair. JL Mo, Cotton or Straw made to on lor or your oM one renovatel an4 mato a good as uew, at s. JEWFTT'S. ' , 27 N. Front St. Also leave orders tor Upholstering, Paper Hauling, Awning waking. He. june 23 Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARK HEREBY cautioned and forewarned V against harboring or cwlitlng any of the crew of Br. banioentine Vt luuuiu, vps. tvan, aa uettner .wv . y--m . ... . the Master nr Cnn;J(nwia will responsible Tor any debts contracted by them. C. P. MEBA. June 23-3t INK, Consignee. Tax Notice piIE TAX LISTERS FOR CAPE FEAR, Harnett, Masonboro and Federal Point Town ships, will be at the Court House to-day, (Fri day the 23rd inst), for the purpose of receirlng Mie -tax lists of such residents of the City as have taxable property in said Townships, june 23-lt. GRAND EXCURSION ! JUNESGth, 1882, TO Wilmington, Smithville AND THE SEASHORE! VIA Carolina Central Railroad. On the occasion of the opening of HOTEL BRUNSWICK, AT SMITHVILLE. The following exceedingly low rates will of fer full opportunity to yisit this MOST DE LIGHTFUL RESORT, where all the enjoy ments incident to a life on the Seashore may be found: Rates for the ROUND TRIP TO SMITHVILLE are as follows: Monroe. . Beaver Dam... Polkton Wadesboro $5.50 $5.00 Lilesvillc. .'. . Pee Dee Rockingham namiet i oo Laurel Hill. . " ' ' g 75 Laurinburg. 4 .'50 ishoe Heel 5.25 Red Banks ... . 3 00 Moss Neck. .."...."." fuiioo Lmmberton $2.50 Bladenboro . Abbottsburg, Clarkton Rsindalc. . . , North West. $2.0 Tickets good from June 26th to July 1st, luuuonc. -tuipiu accommodations wiilncpro vlded and a complete trip is assured. Tho magnincemt Steamer PASSPORT i chartered for the occasion and wUl visit all the celebrated FISHING GROUNDS near Smith ville. Passengers will take regular night train. junc2:J2t Gen'l Pass. Agent. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USDfG .SAME. Kills Bedbugs, Roaches, Fleas, Ants, Flies and insects of all kinds. Good for using on Dogs and Cats. Imported and for sale in any quanUty by MUNDS BROS., Druggists. day and night. junolS Just Call and See fjpiIE LARGE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, STANDARD NOVELS, At HEINSBERGER'S, live Book and Music Store. BEAUTIFUL GALLERY OF FINE STEEL ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, MOTTOES, ST A TIT A KT SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. june 22 At HEINSBERGER'S. Saratoga Trunks, "TTARIOUS STYLES AND THE PRICES are right. Linen and Mohair Ulsters, from small to extra large sizes. Straw Mattings . An unusual sale of these goods. White Check ed and Fancy. lOn A BOXES SOAP OF IZVJK) TURKISH BATH A OAT MEAL. AWNING CLOTH ! WHITE LAWNS ! SPECIAL ATTENTION la called to these goods, -also to Laces and Embroidery. THE CARPRTS are moving nicely, for the prices have been cut dowx. june 23 R. ATMCINTIRE. Commercial Hotel Wilmington,-NrC. XntST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. X . . t 2 mm- nrst-eiaas sax ana "H-makD' ba LOOH ATTACUXD. apl 9 fflbelua to rcveuiillatlii from rar fika any ai"atiw$ect of general interest but ' 1 ' The namo of Um writer must lwaj be fur nlshetl to the Editor. CommuulcaUonmiut I wrtttea on oly one side of the paper; - 2 . Personalities must be avoided. : V . And It La. especially" and particularly under stood thai'the Editor doe " not always eadors -he views of corrcspondenta unJes so state d in the editorial column. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fine Stationery, gUCH AS KXVELOIF, . FOOLSCAP PAPER, LETTER PAPER, ' ; COMMERCIAL XOTT5 PAPER. I will guarantee to suit any 000 in BLANK BOOKS, Steel Tens, Rubber Band, 4c, 4c 3- First class Pianos and Organs. Great Inducement at 4 IIEIXSBERGEK'S, June W Live Book nd Music Store At Yates' Bookstore - QAX BE FOUND A FULL SUPPLY Of? BuANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, INK, PENS, PENCILS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBLTklS, Memorandum Books,. WrlUng Tablet, Cro- . quet. Hammocks, and a thousand and one oth er things usually In a StaUonery Store. PIANOS AND ORGANS very" cheap. 4- . june IS A Few Lot QF HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR sale low. I have full Hnea of Trunks and Va lises at prices to suit the times. Repairing executed neatly and with dla- patch. ' J. H.MALIARD, Successor to'Mallard A Bowden, lune lS-tf " No. 8 FTont Street. Butter. t- - . ... A FEW PACKAGES (Large and Small) of the very finest. J00 PACKAGES ALL GRADES. Consigned and must ha nnld. june 18-tf DEROSSET A CO. QHEESE-50 BOXES. gTARCII 200 BOXES, rpOMATOES 50 CASES, CANNED CORN, PEACHES, Ac, Ac. Prices very low. june lS.tf - DEROSSET A CO. Marvin's Celebrated JpiRE AND BURGIJVR PROOF SAFES, All Slzeand Prices, from $50.00 ;to $2,330.00. Acknowledged by the best authorities to be tha BEST SAFE MADE, ... Extract from Scientific American editorlal.of Feb. 11th, 1882: We are also asked astItn best fire proof safes. Welsay MARVIN'S'J ' A. A. WTLLABD. june IS Aaent at Wilmington. "Bless the Babies"! gABT CARRIAGES AND PERAMBULA tors In full stock ; large variety and low price. j ''' ALSO, - ; FURNITURE OF ALL , DESCRIPTIONI, " Of all styles and at all price. D. A. SMITH A CO., ; 'orth Front street. june 18. OPENED THIS DAY I . : ; ' . . , jNOTHEIt LOT, 50 pieces, lxcBuntlaf. A handsome line of m -. WHITE GOODS. LACES, GLOVES, and ' -HANDKERCHIEFS, june 18 JSO. J. IIEDRICK. Wilmington Shirt Factory (tbe only one In the State) No. 27 Market hu J . ELS BACH, Proprietor. ' f ' THE ABOVE FACTORY Is ready now to offer to the public great lnducemcata 1n White Shirts at the following low prices: The .nt 1 v -j viu varn tMZi uou vpen front, 75c. Of them; popular Shirts we. have soVl hundreds of dozens In the city, as well aa in the country, and therefore Is well known to the public, and need, no comments. The "Roy al'', a Wamsutta fcblrt,. With 2W0 JJneo front. DOc; 5 Boy's Shirts all Bize1, 75c, ' Night frhlru 75c, , Col. Dress Shirts f roii 25c al upwards. Cotton Drawer from 2Mc upward. - Jlervy Jeans Drawer double lined on ttae scat, SOc. . .shirt and Drawers made to order at low Six nre and a good fit always guaranteed. --t Country ordeni Hrktly attemlcl to. These articles, which we now offer for sale'are made up at home by welt trained and t long ex peri enced hands ami no northern make can equal in sizes, fit and quality. Tbcse KlilrU arc all reinforced and cut lentghways the cloth, thor oughly examined before being put In stock. Every Shirt la guaranteed to fift and war ranted a represented or the money will be re funded. Come and save money and bur vour Shirt at the factory. '. f 3 Very Kecpeetfpllr, : ' '"'.'J. ELSBACII, -June 18 . .- . ManuXactarer. Salt. Salt. ' 1 QO70 ACRlCCLTLTiALSALT. l!5 oooSJlCB:sLlvi:lIPOOI'8Ai;r ' 5 0 0 8 J"CKS ,99AESE SALT, Fine Table Salt In mall pockets. New Crop Ciba Mohuea, crop Cuba, Porto Rico. Old CropiCoba and Noctar Syrup or sale at knr price.

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