0 THIS PAPER , cepted by JOSHT. JAMES, EllTOH A?H FKOFRnSTOR. "IPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: Six montns, s.w. j.uiv Ooe BlrtDI"- , ' ..: at fiO: One month, 35 rente. ! , .ii;rArAl liv carriers free ....i.i-r,iw'K" " . . i,. an v part ui . . !,, at t.hA A.ltAVA r"' raw low and Hlral. w i heir napcr regularly. II ri,, Bnilv Kevicip lias Oie largest itf Hmdalion, of any JiewsjxJjxr l.lll'Al. NKWS. IJICEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. y4TI-Wank-Books c Uh ki: Notice S J fcWKTT Hot Enough. n',;,Nsr.KK(;Ki: Base Ball j A mmex Ice Cream ill sin Buos Insect Powders. 1. Pkkmi'Ekt To the Public. y Clark Grand Excursion X lii Kuuss Stmr Minnehaha Uf Tor Hay's Market hat fr a stylish gentleman is i".ight tVr " t The vcrv. In'st way to shorten sales is V.stop adrt isin. Tiift n w moon compieu-u iu -mi at. ,llianeT yt-stenlay afternoon. Utii very few really fine peaches have reached this market as yet. Love .U aid to be like a pillow, be canse it can take on a sham arid still be Jkv. ' We always hate our suspicions of a man who invariably takes his soda from the other side of the fountain. Ingenious men have tried to iuvent a soark arrester, but a pretty woman is the only article that succeeds in that ihie. ' A physician declares that alcohol has killed more 'people 'than yellow fever. H forgets that more persons have ta ken it. . A young lady attending balls and par ties should have a female chaperone un til she is able to call some other chap her own. There is a kick in some quarters against tiglte trousers ; it's generally a juarter where it hurts, too, if the old man ii Tery bad. Hon. A. M.WaddclI .returned here jesterday from Fair Bluff, where he has been to deliver the address at the. school breaking at that place. . Persons leaving the city for summer resorts or lor travel can have the IUilt Revikw mailed to their address for 35 cents jer month, or 10 cents per week. It is. reported here that Capt: Fred. Smalls, of iSmithvill.e, isr negotiating for the purchase of a new steamer to be l-leed on the line between ihis city and Smithville. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f Mr. Alson R. Hilburn, postmaster at Boaham, in. Pender county, writes to tell us of a very large turnip raised by Mr. J. H. Hufham, of Caintuck, which measured 22 inches in circumference. The steamer Minnehaha steamed up ywterday and made a trial trip as far as Big Island and return. She worked handsomely and made a splendid ran. She will begin her regular trips to-day, carrying the U. S. mail. The County Democratic Convention tumbles at the Court House in this "jtj.at2.30 o;clock this afternoon? to choose delegates to the District Judi cial Convention which meets at Mag nolia on Tuesday next, and the Con gressional Convention, which meets at Varsaw July 20th. Exports Foreign. The .schooner Edith Ji. Seward, Capt, Tali, cleared yesterday for St. John's, Porto Rioo, with 217,696 feet lumber and 69,300 shingles, valued at $3,616.30, pipped by Messrs Northrop & Cum- Personal. Mr. T. B. Kingsbury, of the Morning Star, left yesterday morning for a week's absence from the duties of the office. He speaks to-day, we learn, at Uahfax, X. c, on the life, character lnd oratorical gifts of Rev. T. G. Lowe, one of the most talented clergymen of lhe South, and in his day one of the fcost eloquent pulpit orators in the country. . . DpolinA rF Mnn ferrous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Im Xerr Otf W a n i.ltl Renewer." $L Depot 'M-C. Munds. st ever made, Emory's Little Ca 1 ills, pleasant to take, sugar of W n. SnpuiS; only IScents a box Kistsorbymafl. StandardCur M Nassau Stn Kw Vrv .Best d&w, v rv a. w r VOL. YL Rev. Jr. Taylor. At the recent annual commencement of Baylor University,. Texas, the hon orary degree ot Doctor of Divinity was conferred npon Ilev. J. B. Taylor, Pas tor of the First Baptist Church of this city, a fact which we record with a great deal of pleasure. Dr. Taylor is j not only an eloquent divine and an era dite theologian but he is an accomplish ed scholar and the degree has been most worthily bestowed. Correction. Mr. David J. Moore, formerly of Co. E, 18th N. C. Itegiraent, to whom we were indebted for the roster of that company, published by us last week, writes of an error or two which crept in and which we very cheerfully cor rect. The mark designating the dead should have been annexed to the names of G. W. Malpass and Quincy Wil liams while it should have been omitted after that of R. R. Reaves. Murray J. Moore and W. F. Stringfield should have been J. Murray Moore and W. T. Stringfield. Fatal Accident. James Beasley, colored, was killed yesterday morning under the following circnmstanceS: He was coming from the direction of Meares' Bluft, towards the city, on the track of the Wilming ton, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, and when about half a mile from Hilton bridge, the 6 :20 train on that road came along, and seeing him walking on the track, the engineer caused the bell to be rung, shut off steam and blew the whistle for brakes, but it was too late. Beasley. was caught by the cow-catcher and his head thrown back against the smoke head of the engine, killing him instantly. He leaves a wife and one child. Fresh water Perch,Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A Ml assort ment and lowest prices at JACOBi's.f A Bad Cut. A correspondent . at Fremont writes us of a seripus accident which occurred in that neighborhood on last Wednes day evening. Mr. Iawson Campbell, of Wilson county, was dangerously wounded on the right forearm from a scythe while riding home in a cart. It appears that the scythe got caught by the handle in one ot the cart wheels, and in trying to extricate it, the horse became unmanagable, the blade strik ing Mr.Campbell upon the forearm,cut ting a terrible wound, severing every thing to the bones. Dr. Gilbert was called, and reached him about eight o'clock, and succeeded in securing the arteries and making the patient safe and comfortable. Take it Easy. Be careful about sunstroke. The first fierce heats of the summer are always most dangerous, because they catch us unprepared. During times of excite ment in very hot weather people are apt to forget their danger and remain too long exposed to the direct heat of the sun. It is best to slacken up the labors of business, particularly between 2 and 5 o'clock, and to avoid indulgence in stimulating beverages. But the old idea that water should be sparingly used is exploded. Drink what ice water you want, only do not take much at a time. Frequent sips of ice water are cooling and keep up the perspira tion. Large draughts are, however, dangerous. The main thing is to avoid overwork and fret. Take it easy. Cape Fear Academy. The Cape Fear Academy closed its session yesterday with elocutionary ex ercises by the entire school. The examination of classes has been gojng on during the past week, which showed a satisfactory proficiency in a majority of the students. Among those who took a decidedly honorable stand in these classes are : . Third class J. Victor Granger, John C. Heyer, Jr., C. F. Smith, Eugene Thompson, Percy Munson. Louis Hanby. Fourth Class J. II. Boatwright, Geo. Hugpins, J. D. Bellamy, Jr., A. J. Howell. Jr., H. N. Parsley, Roger Moore, Jr. Introductory Class Winslow Smith, Geo. Howell, Willie Kordlander. Elocution E. Thompson, Winslow Smith, Robbie Cowan, A. J. Howell, Sanford Birdsey and Josie Hanby. The past session has been one of the most successful during the existence ot the school under its present manage ment, there having been 64 matricu lates. This school has steadily in creased in numbers since itscommence ment, and deserves the support of our citizens. DAILY WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY. JUNE 24, Postage Stamps. r The bust on the one-cent stamp is of Franklin ; en the two-ceut, .Jackson ; on the three-cent, Washington ; on the live cent, Taylor; on the six-cent, Lincoln; ou the seven-cent, Stanton; on the ten cent, Jefferson; on the twelve-cent. Clay; on the fifteen-cent, Webster; on the twenty-four-cent, . Scotti on the thirty-five-cent, Hamilton; on the nine ty ?ent. Perry. Pender Court. Capt. Swia Galloway, Solicitor of this Judicial District, arrived in this city yesterday, and proposes to go down the river to-day, in company with Judge Gilmer, who is to join him hero this morning, to inspect the new Hotel Brunswick, and see if it fulfills the legal requirements in such cases made and provided. From Capt. Galloway we learn that the docket of Pender Court was dis posed of last Wednesday. There were 8-2 cases on the docket," 20 of which were criminal cases carried before a jury. Of these Solicitor Galloway lost but one, which is a remarkably good showing. The most important case was that of Luke Brown, colored, oharged with bigamy, who was con victed and awarded two years in the Penitentiary. Found. The little son of Mr. George W. Cor bett, who was lost on Saturday last, an account of which was given in the Review of Tuesday last, returned to his father's house on the evening of Friday, the 22nd inst., safe and sound, although' very tired and, hungry. He states that he bad been in the swamp all the time. - When the storm of Sat urday came up he took the wrong path, which instead of leading to his home took him farther from it. He had not eaten anything during the entire time of his absence, and all the water he drank was the rain he caught in his hat; In his wanderings he came across a fence on the land of Capt D. Sherman, with which he was familiar, and follow ing the line offence, he came to a little unoccupied cabin on Capt. Sherman's land, which he entered and went to sleep. The next morning he took the road and got home about 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the day we have named. A searching party of about 200 persons had been organized and was on the point of starting again in pursuit of him when he reached home. It must have been a supreme moment with the agonized parents when they saw their lost boy rcturniug safe and sound after his long absence in the dense swamps which abound in that section. We congratu late them upon the recovery of their lost treasure, and their relief from the , V1 ."iCTR. Company for the recovery of $25,- past few days. Tonsorial. Mr. II. C. Prempert has leased his barber shop on South Front street to Mr. C. P. Lockey, who will take charge' to-day. Mr. Prempert has consolidated his business and will hereafter run but one shop, that on Market street, one door East ot Front. Mr. Lockey,- the lessee of the shop on South Front street, is . well-known here and is a thorough master of the busi ness and will, we are sure, give satis faction to all who may lavor him with their patronage. Southern Historical Society Papers. We have received the June number of the above-named valuable, interest ing and important magazine, and it is fully up to any of its predecessors. We have read the various nnmbers of these "Papers" with much interest. They; put in excellent form for preservation and future reference, history that should not be forgotten, even when those who participated in the trying times which they chroni cle are laid in the dust. They a:e val uable for. our children and our chil dren's children, who may gather in an authentic form from their pages the most eventful epoch in the history of the country. Henry's Carbolic Salve Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter,Chap ped lianas, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are counterfeit. Price 25 cents. m Dr. Green's Oxygerated Bitters is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Bil liousness. Malaria, Indigestion and dis eases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, tc PURNO'S CTARRH SNUFF curses all affections of the mucus membrane, of the hea, and throat, DR. MOTTO PILLS are the best Cathartic Regulators STATE NEWS. Smithfleld Herald: We are very sorry to announce the death of A. D. McLean, Lsq.. of Harnett county. Mr. McLean was well-known through this section, having visited our courts for the last thirty years. Asheville Citizen: The house of Mr. J. W. Burton on Balk Creek, in Yan- cey county, was destroyed by fire on tne lain, together with all the outbuild ings. -The destruction of furniture, clothing and provisions was complete. News hnd Observer: The crops in the northeastern part of the State are reported, as looking up, and 1 cotton has made quite an advance in growth. Mr George B Haigh, of Company Shops, and Mis3 Dora Williamson, of (iraham were married yesterday morning in the Presbyterian church at the latter place, Rev George Summey, the pastor,8 offici ating. Newbern Nut Shell: Dr X II Street. from Trenton, who was in our city yes terday, tells a strange freak ot the! lightning at Trenton on Monday. A man working in one of the mills in the place had a lighted lamp, in his hand, and was going about the house, when lightning struck the lamp, shivering it to pieces in the man's hand and doing no other damage. Charlotte Observer: . A peculiar case was reported yesterday by Officer Stephens, and as a hen story it takes the belt, yet withal it is etrue. One of Mr. Stephens' neighbors has a hen that, one month ago, began to cackle just like a hen does when she lays an egg, and since that time poor biddy has not been able to cease her song. Night and day she goes it, not even stopping to eat, but cackles between swallows. She sits on a pole in the hen house and has now become too. weak to walk. Her cackling is kept up all night, as well as all day. It is a funny case, but it is all true. Weldon News: The new Baptist Church at Scotland Neck will be de dtcated on the first Sunday in July, the 2nd. Rev. Dr.Munday, of Warrenton, will preach the sermon. R. D. Hedgepeth, of Hicksford, killed himself at that place on Sunday night by jump ing off the railroad bridge. His body was found next morning and it is sun posed from the circumstances that he committed suicide. No reason is known for the rash deed. The deceased was a shoe maker. Tarboro Soutlierner: The many friends of the Rev. Thos. R. Owen will be pained to learn that on Monday, the 5th inst., he had a stroke of paralysis, resulting in the loss of the use of his left arm. Mr. Owen is living with his daughter, Airs. M. C. Gibbs, in Tennes see. The indications now point to a bolt by one White, (colored) of New bern,. for Solicitor igainst Collins. If the information that reaches us is re liable, and we have every reason to ba lieve it, the dissatisfaction existing among the Republicans of this Distric; to Collins is strong and wide. Winston Sentinel: Mr. John Pink Charles, of this county, boasts of hav ing raised the largest yield of oats lrom one grain, that lias been heard of for many a day. From one grain there sprang 244 stalks and these produced by actual count 7,340 grains. At the recent term of Rowan Court the case of Airs. O'Donnell, who sued the N. C. R. 000, the amount placed upon the life of her husband, who was killed while in the Company's service, just beyond Lexington, in the Fall of 1880, the jury rendered a verdict of $12,000 in her fa vor. Fayetteville Examiner-. On Friday last the turpentine distillery of Messrs. J. E, Elliot & Brother, located on Little River, fourteen miles north of this place, was burned in a singular man ner. The distiller and wagoner, colored men, both in the employ of the Messrs. Elliot, got into a fight. The distiller knocked the wagoner down with an adze and tried to throw him into the kettle of boiling turpentine. The other, though disabled, made a desperate re sistance. Meantime a barrel of 'tur pentine got knocked into the furnace below, and everything was soon in a terrific blaze. The bystanders were too much occupied in quelling the fiht to give attention to the fire, until it got such headway that it became uncon trolable. The "Messrs. Elliot's loss is about $200. They had just had the still repaired and remounted the day before this affair. a jthing in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco iii's NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To-Day's Market. gOME EXTRA ITKE STALL-FED BEEF, nice, tender Veal and fat Mutton and Spring Lamb, to-day at t T .LEVY'S, ' june24.lt Second Street Market. Ice Cream. QRDER YOUR ICE CREAM TO-DAY FOR Sunday Dinner. Ice .Cream made of PURE CREAM, GUARANTEED. Mar. Don't forget to order to-day fer june 24 . J. C. IXTMSDEX. The Steamer Minnehaha till COMMENCE HER REGULAR Trips between Smithville and Wlhnlngton, this (Saturday) morning, June 24th. leaving W barf South side of Market Dock, at 8 a. m. ; returning, leave SmlthTiUe at 4 o'cloei, p. m. Excellent accommodations. Two fine cabins, oae for ladles and the other for gentlemen, june 24 St E. T. BURRC&S, Master, :. 1882. NO: 153. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wotice. I DESIRE TO rSFOUM MY TORSTETR pat rons and the public generally, that I luTe purchased the Tonsoriat establishment at No. 9 south From t,, and the coM-wiU'of the late Proprietor of the kidic. Will be personally in attorn Urn-, abldl hr frood workmen, to-day junc24 It C. P. LOCKET. Hot Enough . FOR AWNINGS., WE HAVE A'VEW or ders on ha ml, but will be ready to serve you in a few days. If you will leave orders at S. JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front St. Upholstering good. Paper Hangings, Mat treaa material. Window Shades and Fixtures, Mosquito Seta and Fixtures on hand. June 21 rri .i T.-Li ;' J.U LUtJ rUDllC. ' JJA VIX Q DISPOSED OF - MY UARRER Shop, No. 9, South Front street, to Mr. C. P. Lockey. I take this mode to inform my friends and pationa who have been in the habit of pat ronizing the said establishment, that I have taken my two journeymen barters, 'Scott ant Evans, to my present stand ton Market Btreet, next door to Mr. Mcllhenuy's Drug Store, where I will lie pleased to see them one and all. Thanking for past favors, I beg a coatinu ance of the same in the future. ' Respectfully, II. C. PREMPERT. Wilmington, N. C, June 24, 1S82. lwk Base Balls, gASE BALL BATS, PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMOS, STEEL-ENGRAVINGS PIANOS AND ORGANS. At - -UEINSBERGER'S. . "g ANJOS AND GUITARS, ACCORDEONS AND VIOLINS, HARMONICAS & TAMBORINES. At , UEINSBERGER'S, June 24 Lire Book and Music Store. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned and forewarned against harboring or crediting any of the crew of Br. barauentinc Indiana, Capt. Evans, as neither me Master or Consignees will lc responsible for any debts eontraetcli by them. . ' CP. MEBANE,. june23-3t - Consignee. GEAND EX0TJESI0N! JUNE 26th, 1882, ..... TO Wilmington, Smithville AND TlfK SEASH O R E ! V via '." ; . ' - Carolina Central Railroad. - . - On the occasion of the opening of HOTEL BRUNSWICK, AT SMITHVILLE. The following exceedingly low rates will of fer full opportunity to visit this MOST DE LIGHTFUL RESORT, where all the enjoy ments incident to a life on the Seashore may be found: Rates for the ROUND TRIP TO SMITHVILLE arc as follows: Monroe..; $5.50 Beaver Dam ;,.... Jtoh j $5.00 Wadesboro... ...) Lllesville.. ) Pee Dee f4.50 Rockingham .....) N Hamlet $4.00 Iaurel Hill $3.75 Laurmburg , $ . 50 Shoe U eel , $3.25 Red Banks. $3.00 Moss Neck ; $3!oO Lumberton .". ........ $2.50 Bladenboro Abbott8bnrg j j Clarkton ; $2.0 llosindale. North West...- .j Tickets good from June 2Gth to July 1st, Inclusive. Ample accommodations will be pro vided and a complete trip is assured. The magnificent Steamer PASSPORT is chartered for the occasion and will visit all the celebrated FISHING GROUNDS near Smith ville. Passengers will take resmlar night train. F.W.CLARK. june 23 2t Gen 1 Pass. Agent. I n sect Powder A ND BELLOWS FOR USING SAME. Kills Bedbugs. Roaches. Fleas. Ants. Flies and inserts of all kinds. Good for usine on Dogs and Cata. - Imported and for ale in any quantity by MUNDS BROS.. - , Druggists. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the day and night. June 18 Saratoga Trunks, "yAJMOUS STYLES AND are right. THE PRICES Linen and Mohair Ulsters, from small to extra large sizes. J Straw Mattings. An unusual sale of these goods, White Cheek ed and Fancy. "1 1200 BOXES SOAP OF -TURKISH BATH A OAT MEAL. AWNING CfcOTII ! WHITE LAWNS! SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to these goods, also to Laces and Embroidery. THE CARPETS are moving nicely, for the prices have been cur . DO w. , jane 23 R M, MdNTIRE. - pmASB ic ones:- r 5upd5n3 m 7 and an tubjectt of rcneral Interest bjit , r " , ' ' . The name of U.rriter mutt alwajs be far. nlshed to iho Editor.1 I f : v? ' 9omun,clI?n must bo written ' oa only , one tide of the paper. " K' jcraoaajltlea mtbe Avoldod. , And It u especially and particularly tmder tood that the Editor doea po alvaya endora be views of correspondents unless so slate c rttt tWedlKHali coianW"'"" NEW a ApYEttTlSEaiNTS. At Yates Bookstore G AN BE FOUND ; A FULL SUPPLY Ot lilNK, BOOKS, WRITING : PAPER, INK, PENS, PENCILS, PIIOTOGUAPII ALBUMS. Memorandum BooU, Writing Tablets, Cro quet, Hammockn, ami a thousand ajhl one oth er tldngs minally In ft Stationery .Store. ' PJAKOS AJND OUdANS very" cheap. june is White;; Bronze. THE UNDERSIGNED. AGEXT$ FOR THE Monumental Bronze Company, of Bridge port' Cnn invito attention to the work oner, eu by them, vjrhese mnnnmrntrn,i.tnt. ihJe, cannot tie clipped, cannot tc t:.:-own over au may ue naq at one-n air me prir of stoue. . ' ' AM AN & WILSON, Juno 18-lm - -Frmcesa St., near 6comL 1 500 BRIlLS rLOUI . , , 100 Bags COFFEE,, fs ' , ' 75 Bbls SUGAR, , 150 Boxes BACON, 10.000 Buh8Vnlte and Mixed COR5, 500 Balea Timothy HAY. 200 Baga Feed OATS, 100 Hhda MOLASSES, 500 Bags MEAL, aoo Boxea SOAP, , 100 Boxes STARCH, " ' 200 Cases LYE AND POTASH. We offer the above for sale at low pricea. June IS KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Wew Restaurant. rjpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTI fully announce that he has juat fitted tip at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front at, a reitaarant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meala and refreshments may be had at all hours of, th - ."---, .... ; day. 1 Everything la new and flratTclaaa. .. To - . . v ; f ... - - 1 - - lite waiters and courteous attendants. Game and; Oysters In season. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. . . . - novl8 F. A. SCirUTTE, Prop. COW PEAS. IOO Bushels Clay and Mixed Peas. - - - '.:.--' ' ' rORSAT.K BY HALL & PEARSALL Juno 18 . Fans and Parasols. IN ADDITION TO. MY ALREADY LARGE and elegant stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have received another large assorts mentofSnELL, It. and R,, LACE and TUS CAN HATS, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS TRIMMINGS, FANS and PARASOLS, Ac. Respectfully. ' MISS E. KARRER, , June 18 ; Exchange Corner. Worth & Worth. QFFER AT LOW PRICES TO PROMPT buyers : ' ; 10,000 Bushels CORN , 1,000 do. MKAI4, 500 Barrels FLOUR. "' , 150 Bags COFFEE, , KW Barrels SU(;ab. 100 Boxes BACON, . .100 Bales II AY, 250 Hhds. and Ilbl. NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES. . 2,600 Bbls. LI3IE.CKMEST& PLASTER, 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, f .. " 'ew and second frand. Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potash, Matches, Caady, Candle, lioop iron, 'a la, Ac Aca To Make Home Beautiful JJAVE YOUR "WALLS KALSOiHXED with our superior Tinted Marbeline in all shades; It costs a fourth the price of Palntlns; and is both durable and beautiful; can-refer yon to some of the best work In the city. Onr Extra Pure White Lead and Paints w , - - '5. '.-. :. i s are selling as low as inferior grades are ofisred SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. . (. At Factory Prices Agency for the. celebrated ' EMERALD AND ZEB VANCE , """ "''V'':-v '''COOKTXQ 8TOTX8. - Our large fine of Hardware is well known amCwefare every dayeeeftteg newanppllea Give a call at NATHAJTIEL JACOBrS, Hardwara Depot, ' Wfiouth Front St. ja 19 tf i

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