ruiisB Konca. ' ' , . .. . t ., : ;:.- . r - - -wii.hed every epted by JOSH T. JAMES, , j-KorxrrroR. T mlTOS XII ioo Six months, $2.00. Three Oo 7 ?:;0:. tme month, $5 cent. win be dellremi by carrier, fire. Tbe paper w q dty ftl aboye r 10 cents per weea. . , or ! " low and HberaL SriUwUl report any and all fall- . ire their paper re" v. 7TnZn, tirricio has the laraest rtT W circulation, of any newspaper the city of Wilmington. LOCAL NEWS. TJn-Blank Books c jEwKTT-KveryRain C,kav Merrills V mjNSi-.KKGKK-Blank Books vi.'m.s linos-Insect Powders. . - v Jackson, Secty K. - II. 1 i. VOL. VI. WILMINGrTOK N. TUESDAY. JUNE 27. 1882. NO. 156; Lodge No. 549, K. & h. of H.. e glorious Fourth ft just one week Gone North. Hon, Duncan K. Mcllae and Mrs. Mcllae left here last Saturday even ing for. SheepheadBay. L- I.,, a short ride from New York, where they will pass a part of the Summer in the com pany of some relatives. Col Mcllae, has applied himself very arduously to the duties of' his profession of late, and needs rest. We trust that he will find his health fully restored on his return j to us in the Fall. j Burglary. The residence of Mr. Jesse Ires, ou the corner of Fifth axd Bladen streets, off. Very 'few K 0 Tho do, -...Min several badgeless canines. provisions in the house were taken by "iim I was burglariously entered Sunday night, ware ween mna 1- - -, . ,.- . , cr-tr... ine imei enecuju an fuiranw miuugn the kitchen window, and then entered " cart was. out yesterday and the dining-room and pantry. AH of the fvr Voar Steam Fire Engine the thieves. About 100 pounds of flour ' i .ix -vt t4 r-hor. which was in a barrel, was emptied in Company (co oiu, - . tnljlp.roth and carried off. The thief (.11 Monday next. parc'Mallett. the irrepressible, was . 'i. .wi down vesterday. He was taken in by the police. Oar Little Ones." The July number of the above-named for 'Bovs and Girls," has i lrffc crowa is expecuju. to ue u o - - . rC cLwell on the Fourth and a been received. It is quite an interest I'omt Usweii on t publication for those for whom it is pliant time is anticipated. especially designed, being made up of The verdict of the Fashionable gentle- ghort simplc storist suited for juvenile men is : We buy Irom VTZU oc minjJlf ana each article is illustrated by Tailors and Haberdashers." an instructive wood engraving. It is The Democratic Judicial Convention published by the Russell for this district Will be held at Magnolik Co., of 36 Broomeld street, Boston, to-day. A pretty full delegation from Mass., at $1.50 per annum. this city will go up this morning. . Broli:e His Arin. Persons leaving the city for summer Mn H c prgmpert had the misfor- reorts or for travel can have the tan0 to break his right armi while at Dailt Review mailed to their address gound, on Sunday. He was at- for 35 cents per month, or 10 cents per tempting get into a boatswins when week. u . one of the ropes slipped and he fell to the u f 4- J tr va ground, breaking his arm in two places, Don't forget the " be nd bclow el. given to-morrow to SithvUle and the one t & t, f.nm RinW livHnw- UWYV. aud iiyuij 7VrTwr No 1 butinnWiiy dangerous. Mr. Prem ard Rehef Fire Engine Co., No. 1. nfru, imnditelv to this Thereii a good time ahead for all who ZZSk ' ". and the nee UlbJT T?til.V' XJX3 essary medical attendance given him. may go. Quit a number of excursionists from jn view of the fact of his not being able along the line of the Carolina Central WOrk for some time he is going R. R. arrived in this city yesterday. North on a, visit to recuperate his A large crowd is expected to-day. health. Wo wish him a pleasant trip. They are'en route to Smithvillo. . Exports Foreign. Ger. brig J)e WMt Zeplein, cleared yesterday for Hull, Eng., with U406 casks spirits turpentine and 500 barrels rosin, valued at $31,041.50, shipped by Chess-Carley Co. Br. barque August Capt. McDonald, cleared on the 24th inst., for london with 3,500 barrels rosin, valued at $7,500. Quick Time. The members of the Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company were Out with their hose reel last night for practice. They ran two squares with their reel to a hydrant, attached the hose, and threw a stream of water. The time taken ta make the inn, attaclr Oie lioso to the hydrant and cut two lengths from the reel and get on a stream, was just ouc minute and ten seconds. v j City Court. HammouTietgcn, disorderly conduct, fined $5. Paid up. Francis Sloan, - same offense, was lined and paid Si- I Alice Bolton paid $1 for disorderly conduct and was discharged. Seven young colored men, whose names we are requested to withhold, were arrested for defacing a fence. One was fined $1 and the others discharged. Col. Moore's .Remarks. ' Some of Col. Roger Moore's friends differ with us as to the exact tenor of his remarks in the Convention on Sat urday last. In referring the matter to Col. Moore he informs us thaf" in the course of his remarks he stated that he felt like offering a resolution thanking Mr. Darby for resigning the position as Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee; an expression of regret that itThad taken him so long to find out that he was not in accord with the party in an economic administration -of the County and State governments, as at present administered, and which are ;he very salvation of the tax-payers of the. Eastern portion of the State; and hat th ffood old party could survive his desertion. daybreak they went to wake Mr. Sauls, when it was found that he was still in death. Paralytic strokes, heart disease, and kidney affection, prevented by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R. H. Cowan Lodge No. 549, Knights and Indies of Honor. T KGULAll MEETING WILI, BR II ELD Sj Ihta (Tuesday) evening-, at 8.15 o'clock, ia Ttenken Hall. By order of Protector. jun27 JAS. W. JACKSON. Sect'y. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. Compositor Wanted. 4 COMPETENT AND SOBER Compositor can fin 1 a permanent sitoatlon by early appli cation at June 25 THIS OFFICE. Every Rain JJBITES THE MOSQUITOES INTO THE hfoi0eTlirousli BympaUiy I inform you that For Rent. TTNTIL OCTOBER lt, a comfortable Sum U mer residence, within fire minute walk of rwt Office. Terms moderate RENTER, jnnc i 3t Caro of Review fxom our friends on any and all subjects of ' general Interest tout Ct 1 1 i I- . 1 . 1! r' The name of the wtfUc nitut always be furl nlsbed to Uie Editor: Z .V. " 1 - -; Comrnunicatkww mut be wt1(tei on 'only one side of the paper. ? . Persoiaeirfiste ivoUeCl "V ?HI And It Is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor toe$ tot ahtray endors ,,e iews t ?jrreppndlcnta-r waesaua, stale in the editorial columns. . ' i , NEW,; ADVERTISES niTSt e K you may find nroqtiito bars at , 8. JEWETT'S. 27 X. Front street. Hair Mattrssses of good or cheap material made to order. We ARE NOW SEELING LADIES and Gents Trunks at reduced prices, to make room for our increasing Saddlery and Harness trade. We guarantee best sroods for the least money. jvevr aaaicry ana jnrunn uoue .: o v. market street B O 3 o OB Si. o c - 2. o a 2. a .8 o, n o T3 5 2. 3 91 O 1. CD o - a Cu g. i - 9: 00 f S on a OB a d a a n o P ' 3 S. 5 o a 4 O 3 3 S3 2 .03 Post no Bills! It is now against 'the law to paste To Builders and others Go to J AC0 "noora. Glass. a- v non crof ll iTP.fl and t the biUs or posters on any fence in the city UBMUrim t without the consent of the owner. Seven 1 . 1 l mm rci Y young coiorea men, wuu uamra ftp peared on a poster as a committee pasted on the fence of a gentleman in this city, were arrested yesterday ana were tried by the Mayor for the offence. In view of the fact that they were ig norant of the law, the Chairman of the the committee was fined $1, and the hfllnnm were discharged. His Honor The store of Mr. James Hewlett, on Wrightaville Sound, was entered Fri day uightand robbed of a good deal of the stock. An entrance, was affected through a back window. Mr. Hewlett's loss is estimated at about fifty dollars. No clue. Thanks. to . tr o 5 a B B" 5. s 3 3 3 s o o Qi O 3 c H K H O B t o w H t-t O o o H o 5 O e-f- 4 . 3 a S3 5 m 33 CO G Free Tickets IVEN TO AT.T.' PERSONS TO CALL upon june 2j I n sect Powder s A NT WELTjOWS rOR '"VsiXO SAME. J. Kill nedbupi, Itoacbes, I'lou. iA r'lis and InscrU of all kinds. Good for v i J on Dojrs and Cats. ; ImiwrUnl afri for sale 1 any quanUty by MUNDS BROS.,. T ,-: ' ' - Druggist. Preserlptious pTepared at all hours or th t day andnihu . ...June I , . Wm. E. Springer & Co (SUCCESSORS TO JOIlN' DAWSC CO.) Oldest Hardware noVsr. in the ' State. GOOD GOODS and low prices.; K . f S lt 21 wid Market street ; " "June 25 t. . , . ttVUnxln5ton, N, C. v TKe Steamer Minnelia;- ItLtT COMMERCE : HER ' -.'REG U LAK 1 If You Want JOODS OF SUPERIOR QUA LIT T, AT A small figure abore cost, go to Parker & Taylor's June 25 , 'iv- SUMMER G00DS ! AT HI. UI. IC A T Z ' S, Zi MARKET STREET. Extraordinary Bargains ! D R ESS GOODS! Trips between SmithviHe ' and 'WinnTnjrtdn, ' this (saturaay) morning, June i4in, learroff. Wharf South side of Market Dock, at H- a. in. ; returning, leave Smltnville at 4 o'clock, p. m. Excellent accommodations; two one cauins, oae for ladies and the otber for gentlemen, June 24 St . E. T. BUKRUSS, Master. " iTo the PubUc. : r- HAVING DISPOSED OF MT BARBER '; i i . -r ; . . r r :-:; ' ' i . Shop,, 9. South Front etreet, toMr. C. P. Lockevv, I take, this mode to Inform nur friends . and patrons who have been in the habit bf pat roniztnK the : said establishment, that I have taken my two Journeymen barbers, 'Scottamr ITtto va ' tv vmw t-MtaAvtf aa1 am i Xf ei vVet ttMikt next door to Mr, Mcllhenuy'a Drug Store, Where I will be pleased to see them one and all. 1- 'j. nan sing tor past iavors, x, neg a conunu ance of the 6ame in the future. 'Respectfully, ! ; U. j l'llKSiri5.UX . Wllinlngton, N. a, June 24, 1SS2. lwk At Yates' Bookstore pi AN BE FOUND A FULL SUPPLY. OF BLANK BOOKS. WRITING PAPER, INK, PENS, PENCILS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. LL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN SAT- j Memorandum Books, Wrlthig Tablets, Crc- lnsT Surrah and Brocade, Silks, Moire An- qnet, Hammocks, and a thousand anu one otn. 4fikA rriMaAi Vnnin nn'e voiiirtr i-CAntraiinR I ' " - t , Buntings, all wool Beiges, Lawns, seersuckers, er things usually In a Stationery Store. Porpn 1 a V.vpr na manv ntvles and shades I ' s ' 1 ' ' with Trtmnungs to ma ten. T PIANOS AND ORGANS very cheap. White Goods June 18 COW PEAS. Mr. .To)-n R Priiann hhairman ot imposed the fine only as a warnin (miftM nf Arrnnontaon thArart others who may be guilty of the same Psint n wl hos mir offence. He will not be as lenient nere- ihanks for an intatmn to attend ft nic after. The fine was paid by the com- mc to be given there on the Fourth by mittee. , - . the citiiena of that place in connection sverelv Bruised, nim uio re-union oi vu. xj, ioiu n. v. . Artpr. fitfimTit Mr.T, Donlan, the efficient and ener- P . Snnrintendent of Oakdale Ceme- The Stolen Instruments. teryf met with quite a serious accident The valise containing a valuable set yesterday 'aernoon. He was riding ff surgical instruments, the property of iAno- on his cart, on Fifth street, just as Dr. W.J. Love, which was stolen from tne rain came up, when a piece of paper car at the w. & "VT. R. B. depot, was was blown against the muic wnicn picked up by a colored man yesterday ww tho cart. The animal shied and near Smith's fVV n1 tnmorl nri fr Li ir. rtAnln hp.tween the wheel - -w MUU VMS. a VM U VA w tXi iC W A. A AllUM Capt. Brock. The valise had been cut ond body of the cart. He was con open by the thief who, when he saw tiderably bruised before tho animal what it contained, threw it away. The couid be stopped. He was taken to his instrument were rusty from exposure. home ond received the necessary raedi-CttPt- Brock sent them to the owner. attendance. We hope he will be out Hot Enough? ' k in. a few days. It is too hot to talk abont it yet it is a ICidney Disease, fact that yesterday was the fiercest day pain Irritation, Retention, Inconti- of the season. At 12 o'clock, at MundsT nence, Deposits, Gravel, &c, cured by dru2 store, in Brooklyn, the thermom- "BuchupaW". $1: lepot James C. registered 97 decrees and at o Munas. i 1 . Kobbintr the Mail. Robt. Williams, a young white man living in this city, was arrested yester Close of the Session. The scholastic year of Misses Burr & ' -o pan Ti Snnc looa'wioW l;t FHdav.- The "v A vr. 1 (bUlV avwvw " examinations have been taking place during the past ten days. There are four graduates, who have undergone a thorough and searching examination in the primary as well as in the advanced branches included iu the course, which have been most meritorious. Yester day afternoon compositions were read and specimens in free-hand drawing were executed upon the blackboards, without patterns. This evening the Soiree will take place, at wnicn ume TrDATUAT XV "DATiTiTPTT the graduates will each read essays and JjJlIU W 1 0 XlU JJJUUJXi one of them will deliver a valedictory aud buy a pairof nice Shoes, for self, mother, wife or cousin and aunts. CaU soon and don't be bashful. june 25 Spanish Laces ! and all will receive their diplomas. The exercises will be private, only a limited number of tickets to be issued outside of the patrons of the school. 5"and 7 North Fr&ft Street. STATE NEWS. ... . . Uer TTAirw tttT WlTlfrVEn AX INVOICE Lenoir Topic : The dwelling nouse oi " - " - t eter o'clock, inthis office, it stood at the me. Yet we had fine hrTM 11 rlo v long and all that was necessary for com fort was to keep on the shady side of the street. . , About 5 o clock in the afternoon, hpwer, a cloud came up from .the Northwest and there was a slight fall f nin and a decided fall in temper. jure. day by Deputy Marshal Jos. H. eff, charged with robbing the U. S. MaQ. Young Williams was employed for the month of May by the contractor, E. F. Martin, to carry the. mail between this city and Snecds Ferry. While he car ried the maU six registered letters wer Personal. miasms and the Postoflicc Department 5Ve niMA iv 1,.... wnri-in'T thp. case UP- The TOhtarce thic morning of 5Ir. D. S. young man was not arrested until late r mway. of Wilson, N. C, editor of ngnuy little Wilson itojlxngs ana proprietor of Carraway's Liver r' standard remedy. which is rapid J becoming known to "the afflicted. r Carraway's visit here is on busi wdvi commend him to the couf "oui consideration of out' people. h&ter Perch,Trout and Black rV1 and lines. A full assort- lowest prieee atU jlcoii'M ly, but when he was arresiea ue ac knowledged to have taken one of the missing letters. ' He says the letter con tained 10 ten-cent postage stamps and one $5 bill. He denies any kno wledge of the others. He was sent to jail by Commissioner McQuigg in default of a bond of $500. ; Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable pnees at jaco Mr. .Tones Coffev. who lives in Watau ga township, is exactly on the top of the Blue Ridge, and its roof forms part of the great watersnea oetween tne streams flowing into the Atlantic and those flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. In twenty steps ot his house are two springs, one of which is tributary to the riatAwha through John's river, and the other tributary to the Ohio through the great Watauga and Tennessee rivers. Charlotte Observer: We regret to announce the death of Col. T. W. Bre vard, Which occurred in Tallahasse, Florida, Tuesday night last, of conges tion of the brain. Col. Brevard was a brother of Dr. R. J. Brevard, of this city He was a prominent lawyer and politician. Cyrus W. Wolfe, of Sharon township, this county, threshed out a crop of wheat, about a hundred bushels, one morning this week, had two bushels of it sent to mill and ground, and ate biscuits made of the flour at the evening meal. Miss Blanche Wolle, of Sharon congregation, Presbyterian, aged twelve years, has received a Bible presented by the "Spencer and Frehng huysen Fund," New York city, to the child who would commit to memory the Shorter catechism entire. This child did the task and repeateu tne cat echism perfectly from end to end. Newsand Observer.' It is proposed to establish in this city a museum of Con federate relics. We should nave nau one years ago. iut mere aru 6uiiaci here and there many ODjecu oi xa. in terest, whose value in this sense will be enhanced many times oy oemg piawu with others. A telegram received in this city announces the death of WyattF. Bowman, Jbsq., a prominent citizen and capitalist of Winston, who died in that town yesterday morning, from paralysis. Mr. Bowman was President of the Wachovia National Bank, of Winston. Mr. R. M. Sauls, aged 35 years, -whose home was on Davie srreet, near Blount, died Wed nesday night, at Clement's mill pond, this county. He was one of a fishing party, other members of which were his brother, Mr. C. H. Beine and J. H. Renfrew, and all were asleep in a house near the pond. Yesterday morning at In every style, texture and quality possible. Pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen Lawns. Embroideries In Cmbrlcs, Nainsooks and Swisses unsur passed In Workmanship and Prlcc C Laces Imported from almost everyjTOuntry, bought and sold as special jobs. GLOVES I HOSIERY ! P.OPSETR ! . HANDKERCHIEFS , COULa.ES, SCABFS, KIBBONS, VEILINGS, CREPEINQ ' & CREPE VEILS, FANS, PARASOLS, In endless variety and astonishing low Prices. Housekeeping Goods ! OF SPANISH LACES ! In Black and Cream, very much.the best value we have had this season. Balbriggan Hose. LADIES' BALBRIGGAN , HOSE FROM 25 cents to 75 cents a pair. fOO Bushels' Clay and Mxed Peas. . - , FOR SALE BT r . HALL & PEARS ALL junel, , ' . ". ' Fans and Parasols. ; 5- TH ADDITION TO MT ALREADY LARGE and elegant stock of MILLINERY and FANCY, GOODS, I have received another large assorts ment of SHELL, B. and-R., LACE and TUSJ CAN HATS, BEAUTIFUL - FLbWKRS TRIMMINGS, FANS and PARASOLS, Ac Respectfully, . ' JunolS, MISS E. KARRER, "Kxchang Corner. BIank!Bopks, LINEN & COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, OPTING PRESS.fM . ,r:i.-: : Ladies' andLCents:Wrltinsr Paper. Napkins, Towels, 'Excursion' Baskets, MEN and BOYS' WEAR, ., Parlor; Organs and Pianos, Dress Goods. PRINTED LAWNS, from 6 cents. LACE BUNTINGS, 12c, regular pric 25c. Gloves. Black and Colored Silk and lisle Thread Gloves, just received, in Lace top -and Sarah Bernhardt style. ALACK SILK MITTS an elegant line. BROWN & RODDICK. - 6 and 7 North Front St june S3 LADIES GENTS CHILDREN'S GAUZE i MKRINO UNDERWEAR. , In short everything de&jable for an outfit, , and at Prices that aery competition. Call and save money by patronizing IU1. IU3- KATZ, " june 18 3 MARKET ST. ; ; j. On Easy Payment. r - ' Come One and All To jnne ,23 Live Book and Music Store. i ... . i ii . I t iii J i To Make Home Beautiful H AVE ' YOUR i WALLS ? tCALSO MINED witb orpr euperior JTinted ; Harbellne in j a 11 shades; It cost aiourth the price of - ramtlnf n'-s ' : ' ,:Jt f3"';r -V." i, and is both durable ad,.beoUful; am i refer Mattings and Carpets. ; Attention Is directed In this quarter. . -. LACE CURTAINS, LAMBREQUINS, CORNICE quite a variety. Ladies', Gente and Children's Underwear. Those beauUfnl (and cheap) White Lawns. JjwMMme ometwork talt . - - i WHITE AND CREAM DOTTED MUSLINS, from 25c to T5c, per yard. LACES NEW AND PRETTY., . Onr Extra Pure WhiU Lead and Paints w ' ' - are aentag as low as InSerlor grade aW ofibred 8ASB, DOORS AND BLIND9, 1200 BOXES TURKISH BATH SOAP, lack Silks; or. Several pieces just tn, from f 1 x t26 per yard. Also a line of colored bilk. . -: 0 .t- june 15 ' . B. M. McLNTHlET White Bronze. mmt TTNDERSIGNED. AGENTS FOR THE I Monumental Bronze Company, of Brtdee port. Conn., Invite attention to the work offer ed by them. HKNDOoanKnumunw ible cannot be chipped, cannot be throw and'may be had at one-half the price of These monuments are indestroct-1 cannot be thrown er tone. A MAN A WLLSON. jnae If-lm Prinoeas St, near Second. B'JO 1 ACriMSy Price -f ;? rn fw-i m ,i l.COOKIxa 8TOTE.d nnVhrm Tin of IlArdware Is. well Jtnown. andXwefare every da yjreeei Vlng new. supplies Give a cell at , ;r ;- : LNATHANJEL JACOBTS, , DJaaiau " W South rronlBt,

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