0 .very monitor. Mondays ex- JOSH T. JAMES, Won rorinv. .-.nurnoss postage pah I J6' . . . ri mnth. 55 cat. w!H be delivered by carriers In r'P?" rt of u,c dty, at tbo above low and JlbeniL AJTr, wUn:porla..rrI-U !- ..arwwnirtilarlv. Dnibj Iicview ftas the larycst r ,. :,htlion.of ami narspvper LbCALNEWS. (iouToITew advirtisimVmtsL Wil Light Infantry Attention;; xicjsTiKK Saratoga Trunks si Jii:os Insect Powders. f x usiox Stmr fohu " Dawson y,nrv scarce and high. jnm widowers club i rupidly. ,weiHn- ritupsiNl 'from ten to fifteen cents The rentable market ..is well mip- piicl, but prices keep up. Stca .li&liip Benefactor, Tribon, hence. i:cd at New York yeale-iday. He is now hurrying to the train with a rilisobouzhtfrom Dyer, t The thermometer indicated 92 de- in our office at 3.30 this afternoon. A deiirable Summer residence is ad vertised for rent until the 1st of Octo ber. -. TV a Antr catchers were out yesterday iuv WJ netted about a dozen badgeless canines. Ahnnt. fiftv excursionists came down on the Carolina Central R. R. yester diy en route for Smithville. ChioVpn thievem aro almost niirhtlv on the rooster's path. We frequently i e ' tl I e ,A. : , aesr 01 small juaaes ui uiiciciia. Ono nfthn wirps of thp. Tplpnlionft "Ex change was broken yesterday and any i 1 1 1 1 ? . A A ll trouble wnicn arose in getting uie ex- change was que tctnat cause. Persons leaving the citv for summer iwnrta nr for t.mvpl ' win bavA t.hn DiiLT Bkvikw mailed to their address for 35 cents per montn, or w cents per week. to Bailders and others Go to Jaco ii for Sash Rlinfta and Dnora. fllasa. c. You can get all sizes and at the liowefit prices.. f A new electric fire alarm, connecting vith the fire bell on Fourth street, has ken placed in the City Hall, which, it ii hoped, "will prove more efficient than the former very uncertain and unsatis factory arranemeni. It ia expected that quite a number of joung people from this city will attend She opening hop at the Hotel Bruns jwick this evening. The Passport will Jeave at 6 o'clock ; returning, will leave jSmithrille at 13 o'clock. I The excursiou, which came down on jibe Carolina Central road yesterday, !wis not a large one in point of nuni tn, there being only about 60 persons iaall. They made a trip to Smithville oathe Ftusport, and had a good time "ierauy. . lUm is yery much needed. The hy on the sidewalks furnish iho Puisotsprinklinff soriio of tW fli Fghlares, but there are streets where lf) aro not located, and the dust in WlocaUties is intolerable. A-tthinzin the hardw n TO 1 in rtn n . t . v-- uv vail foand it reasonable niicea at J a ... T oro. W. W. McDiarmifl r.f t rton i2o6csonwn, came down on the wuraion train esterdav tt ax a ... pleasure of a call dnrino- ...... joon, and we were glad to fee him look- s . ru ana jeaity. ije went to Smith rije last mght, and will probably re-' ' e learn that a. rwcfo; i ' h at Chadbourn on theW., r v T ir-J-"- Chadbourn, fdb0nrnEs(l;; Clerk. We ;u,e assertion that no more effi- J.n c&VL he found these aited States. for St. Kitts. W. I., with 1 12,- It- tt ,w.:ana lou.ooo sningles yJ-Messrs Northrop & Cum- f 1 H 1 ;: ' "5 VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28 1882. .TUDICI AL CON VKXTION. J' -.!("':, ..f NO- 157: lion tinted. j jKirty to uphold the principles ot men j : aim w enure oi our conmiou country. nir; - , ; liteolccsi. Though pcartjcly recovered V. iIclvT and Cant. ! rmi i. .....1 i,..iu..,,.r : -. iui'ju iiini ;uiurU' i'l lilt! Swift Galloway. Jteuomi- -"h a.vsteni of county government, we (ii most earnestly declare that the only ihope Iroru" utter bankniptcv, for the The Demwiatic Judicial Convention I Jcaw. nl prosperity of those eustern tft ilik 'ri,?r,i Tn,i:nii n:f eomuit?? winch have heretofore - Vieen m his tut r nrd, Judicial Diatnct, ; aniicted with the llcpublicau system of met at iMaguolia yesterday. It was a ; county .government, is ths continuance very full and a very harmonious con-itthe present system, which we find veution. andthegciitleni-u comiosii ! to most economical, in keeping with ii . tour ..-civil condition and Mtnatiou. and it were among the most prominent ivp- . fr ,ie 'continuation of the same, Ave do resentative men in the district. ; hereby most earnestly apictil, to the The (Convention was called to order j' Democrats throughout the State. at 12 o'clock, noon, by Mr. 'DuHmtzi I't Golloway was at the Conven- Cutlar, of Xew Hanover, Chairman tion. it Judge ilcKoy, not being pivs- 6f the District Executive Committee. ent- on motion, Blessrs 15 H Iiunn, J x. Decline bf litMiv kSQ?6!"1 Dj-epepsia, lm. Malleti, dnmkand down, was A U c uaJs- ue wnt below. I A White l. v , . . ixjj,., v"ifc" wuoasKea mat ner h ibP7v!U.ppre8sed w" fined and paid - -yuauiZ &n Ofiirw Oil. motion. Messrs F M Daniel and A A (Jalloway, of Goldsboro, were inade temporary secretaries. The following gentlemen were ap pointed a committee on credentials: New Hanover MI Taylor. Wayne J B Kennedy. IenoirDr Adam .-Davis. Jones 1 M Fearsall. Duplin J W Hill. Sampson J 11 Beam an. Pender IN Alderman. A motion to vote by counties, in all matters before, the Convention, was adopted. The following were .appointed a Com mittee on Organization and Rules : Greene N C Dail. Wilson T A Woodard. Wayne J H Winslow. ' Pitt Joseph S Staton. Nash T M Arrington. Lenoir John II Dawson. 1 Jones B M Pearsall. Duplin D B Nicholson. Sampson John D Kerr. Pender R P Paddisbn. Onslow ZT Brown. " New Hanover B R Moore. , The following were appointed a Com mittee on Resolutions : New Hanover Charles Murphy. Nash H D Avera. Wilson D L Ward, Pitt Willis R Williams. Greene George W Sugg. Wayne T W Slocumb. Lenoir G F Parrott. . Jones B M Pearsall. Duplin Dr M K Devans. Sampson P II Murphy. Pender Bruce Williams. - - Onslow T W Hargett. . The Committee on Organization re" ported as follows : i For Chairman W. F. Kornegay, of Wayne. For Secretaries Josephus Daniels, of Wilson, and T. M. Arrington, of Nash. Fof Assistant Secretaries W. W. CaVraway, of Lenoir, and D. F. Carra way, of Wilson. . On motion, a two-thirds rote was adopted as the rule of this Convention- On motion the Convention proceeded to ballot for a candidate for Judge oj this Judicial District, with the follow ing result: First ballot A A McKoy, of Samp son, 226; H F Murray, of Wilson, 167. Second ballot McKoy 203-1 ; Murray 170i. Third ballot McKoy 2014; Murray 169i. Fourth ballot McKoy 2034 ; Murray 170. Fifth ballot McKoy 2034; Murray 1704. . Sixth ballot McKoy 2034; Murray 1704. Seventh ballot On this ballot Judge McKoy's nomination was raade unani mous amid intense enthusiasm the delegations all rising to their feet and recording their votes for Judge McKoy. The next thing in order, as announc ed, was the nomination of Solicitor for the district. John D Kerr, Esq, of Sampson nominated Capt Swift Galloway, and on motion of Mr J W Blount, of Wil son, Capt Galloway was nominated by acclamation, amid the enthusiastic plaudits of the Convention. The Committee on Kcsolutions re ported .through their Chairman as fol lows: Resolved, That we renew our alle giance and fidelity to the time honored principles of honesty, and economy in the administration of public affairs, and promise our undivided support to the same. In the current and periodical change of men and things we see no reason to release our allegiance to the principles and precepts of our party, which has for its aims and intentions the good and welfare of the whole country. Ecsolvcdi That we concede to every American citizen the right of religious and political freedom of thoughUyet still we regard the late Liberal Republican movement as born of over-ambitious desires and last for office and inordi nate desire for sain, and regard all who embrace the movement as friends of the Republican party, and as opposed to the strenuous efforts of the Democratic evening seuU?rtainment,and with many j ; PIED. i kind wishes for the health and prosper- j lvmTN ?2Y -in' thi . ritf yeiiUv. 2Ttlu ity of the accomplished pTincfrtals of J RO"Kirr CAT, ron of k. ani j, 6. Whit ,i .-, , . , , 1 i r. ajrel-years amis month, me M.i!tK.i, to whom they are annually . um rni win take place thu aftriHon at 4f illdebtl for so much utiillore.l 'i,Mc- r.Si ,at. thtt of Uc iwrenl un i i iiiucu unaiioycu jHeas- j ontngv, iictween Sixth and Jfovcnth strccli. ure. E Woodard aud E AVr'Kerr,vcye nomi nated 4i -committee to inform him of his i noinituition. The following gentlemen were ap pointed Executive Committee for this Judicial District, viz. : New Hanover DuBrutz Cutlar, Chairman. Wilson F A Woodard. Wayne J A Bonitz. Carteret Julius T Jones. Sampson E W Kerr. Duplin Dr Matt Moore. Greene W A Dardem Nash B II Bunn. Lenoir G F Parrott. Pender J ohn R Paddison. Pitt Willis R Williams. Jones B M Pearsall. Onslow J G Scott. . On motion, the Convention then ad journed. : Alter the Convention Capt. Swift Galloway, Messrs B. II. Bunn. C. B. Aycock, John E. Woodard, J. D. Stan ford and Dr. W. T, Ennett delivered stirring and effective speeches. Musical and Recitation Soiree. A brilliant assemblage, as is always the case on these occasions, gathered at the school room of Misses Burr & James last evening to witness the clos ing exercises of the school. The exer cises began by the school singing the "Gloria in Excelsis," which was ren dered by the pupils in excellent time and expression. This was followed by a salutatory address by Miss Johnnie B. Quince, who acquitted herself very charmingly. The address was admira bly conceived, beautifully expressed and most gracefully delivered, and would have reflected credit upon a much older head. She has reason certainly to feel well satisfied with her effort. Vocal and instrumental music succeeded and while we cannot attempt to particular ize, we cannot refrain from mentioning particularly the"Sounds from the Ohio,' which was executed very brilliantly by Miss Lula Agostini, as was also the solo by Miss McPherson. The comic medley by Miss Agnes Wood and Mas ter Munson was very amusing and was acted to the life, putting everybody in a good humor, in spite of the intense heat. But the gem of the first part was the vocal trio by M;sses Wood, Ander son and Vincent. . It was touchingly beautiful, a shade of sadness blending with the strains of melody which seemed to strike a responsive chord in every breast. One little mite, scarcely bigger than a man's , hand, but whose name has escaped us, gave a practical illustration to the seductive arts used by the dear crea tures of a larger growth to captivate the unwary and innocent youth and brought down rounds of applause and encores for-the admirable manner in which she "held the mirror up to na ture." The choruses were all well given and indeed the whole exhibition was a great success, in every way reflecting great credit both upon pupils and teachers. The essays read by the young ladies of the graduating class. Misses Hinton and Mcarcs, and the salutatory and ralcditory, by Misses Quince aud Cam cron, were their own composition and deserve to be mentioned in terms of strong commendation. They were chaste, refined, well considered and arranged, remarkably so when we take into consideration the youth of the fair graduates. Mr. W B. McKoy distributed the prizes to the successful competitors, pielacing each gift with a few, well timed and appropriate remarks. We cannot name all who received prizes, but to MissBelle Anderson was awarded the ExcelsiorMedaLwhich is the highest token of merit that can be obtained and which requires the recipient to be first in every thing, in studies, attend ance and deportment. It is a high honor, and the wearer may well be proud of her success. Worthily has she won it, and may she wear it long. The exhibition closed wth the 'Chris tian Graces," and then the large audi ence dispersed highly gratified with the . Another rsurglary. Atxmt 12 o'clock Sritnrday night, j while the city lamp lighter was on his j rounds lighting the' street lamps, he was accosted by a mairjust as he was about to light the lafti on the corner of Front and Ann streets, and told that he could not light it. The boy weiiUm up th street and attempted to light the lamp in front of the residence of Mr. S, H. Fishblatc; vhcu the man told him if i he lit the lamp he would break his neck. NEW AX VERT LSMENTS. FORTUNE'S' FAVORITES. " e win be glad to receive commoBlcatXo . general interest bat . Tie maid of theater i&mYij bo tux nbhed to the Editor . . . - CommunloitloiwTmist be "written oo only oe lo 0-f V 'aC Personalities most be avoided. . Ana UH.rrrialJr aiid plrtlcaUrly ttnder. bo views ( cortwiKmdeitj!nnler io ititte In the efiltorlal eolurnxm. t3 n 3 A - : - .. r . - -. 1 .' r i - - t 'i i James A. ColcnTeTT Tork cUy....... , Ltai Mgy Ackerly.-W Second ftt , Newark, ' ' J.. 4 j -i.tso DHAW1N; Or MARCH 14. fi.1 J,h.v iloi l0OJ John Creecan iw a trt Nnaref . six - Samuel K Pahner, S35 Slih nTc sew j John liurrcll, liorkkint!. Ma.. ....... ,j tnwarti i timet, 1, JIulbcrrr Place, ' " ' A dtIlv-, llmMigh ?tate Uank of Whu l'hcj Arc, "Where Tliey Live, ami to Avliat Extent Sho . Blesses Them. The Wonder ful Keeorrt of the pstst year'" A partial list of tbc irlrc5 paid by the Ixm- U ina. tU4le lxttery Company thrrinjj the year ending May, together wilU tne Uiimen anU 4ldrcste given to the ConutHuv by the bold- Le M it Campbell, 727 -btV CJUto& nW,Kr ....i..".. ....... Geoi-inJ 11 "Count. Newl'rt rliw Vm KoehnScin, Hrli gvHrt. Ohio... i;i.v i,r 1,000 - rm 1 1 1 i n f Iiac1 wrfrirk lil'v-A mutwuitaH i t The boy took fright and ran down the Keccipts for the amounts are ou flicut the street and reportetlthe case to Oflicer I UM5e:WI ,ne Marsh Walker who went with the boy to see what was the matter. As the ofScer and his guide approached Nun street the man hurriedly disappeared in the direction of the river. Just at that time an inmate of one of the residences on the west side of the street called to the policeman and told him there was a robber in the house. The officer, hur ried to the back part of the residence and saw the man jump over a fence and disappear. The thief had gotten in the dining room, and had broken open the safe when he was frightened off. , The man who forbade the lamp lighter to attend to his duties was evidently a con federate of the thief and was standing on the outside to . watch for the ap proach of the gentlemen of the house or the steady tramp of the cops. Robbery of a Store. Saturday, evening last, a store at "Kendall," on the Cape Fear River, owned by Mr. Fred. Kidder and run by Mr. J. C. Batson, was broken open and robbed of between $25 and $30. When Mr. Batson locked up the store he no ticed Dave Statue, a colored man from this city, a workman on the farm, standing by the door. Monday morn ing he discovered that the store had been opened and robbed. Investigation showed that about $30 and a quantity of cigars naa Deen scoieii. nio Ooi- cions were aroused, and he at once commenced to look for Statue, and found that he was the only man missing from the farm. Mr. Batson thought at first he would come up on the Passport, but afterwards concluded not to, as he thought the thief would be looking out for the boat to see if anyone from "Kendall" would come on her. He mounted a horse and came to the ferry, and crossed the river in a small boat, just before the Passport arrived at her wharf. Mr. B. soon saw Statue standing behind a pile of wood on Tur ner's wood-yard, intently watching the approaching steamer. He summon ed an oflicer and had his man arrested and taken before a magis trate, where he preferred charges against him. Statue was dressed in a nice suit of clothes, and sported a new straw hat and pair of shoes. Saturday afternoon the prisoner did not have a penny, and was refused credit by Mr. Batson. When Statue was arrested he was asked about the clothes, and he stated that he had borrowed them. The oflicer who made the arrest thought differently, and went to the second hand clothing store of Mr. J. II. Daniels, and asked if he had sold a suit of clothes to Statue. Mr. Daniels stated -that he had, and went to the magistrate's office and identified the clothes. Statue Was sent to jail for trial in default of bond. He subse quently confessed that he was particcps crimiiiis to the larceny, and accused an other man of rebbing the store. He says the man gave him part of the money to keep his mouth shut. The River. . ; Steamboatmen report that the water in the Cape Fear rivrr is very low, and that, unless there are rain3 within a few days to swell the streams, it will be im possible to cross the shoals. There are now but about 25 inches of water there, and it was falling rapidly when the boats passed incoming ; down. The A. '. Hurt, Wave and Bladen were in yes terday, but they all expected to meet with difficulty in returning. They left, however, as usual, at 2 o'clock yester day afternoon. Thanks to Maj. C. W, McClammy, of Scott's Hill, for the first cotton bloom from Pender county. It is of the Ozier silk cotton" seed and was pluck ed on the 25th inst. DRAWING OF JUNE 14, .1831. Alexander 15. MeCroskr. SomcrviUe. Tcnn. $30,000 Jonn xiane, l. o. Box 39, cw lorfc ity.4- Solomon ApfcL 574 ' TY Sth St.," Cincin nati, Ohio Wm F McCaffrey, 2 Monroe stj New York' city....... WC Pendleton, 12 Bradley sL, Xevr London. Conn... J ir Mathews, 25 West Chestnut at., Louis ville.Ky ...i.... Cha8 Brennecke, cor. Cth and Kentucky sts., Quincy, 111 Paid Nrtlonal Bans of Dallas, Texas.. Samuel S Sharp, lOH Castle st., Boston, Mass Geo Albert, 53G Master st., Phila., Pa. j a lierun, Markaviiie, La... 10,000 5.000 .5,000 5,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 Jacob JJenner, ew lork city L. Kelley, Brooklyn, NY.... ; James I Cottingham, 258 Light St., Bal- 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 timore. Md. A K Lovejoy, Minneapolis, Minn...'... , New Orleans, La John Ktte, 133 Walnut at., Cincinnati, Ohio R II Campbell, 41 River St., Cambridge port, Mass... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 500 500 DRAWING OF JULY 12, 1SS1. P S , Kearney, Tailor with Warner & Searles, Vlcksburg, Miss 15,000 Jesse hi Webb, Gay St., Westchester, 10,000 Pa. John Benz, 7 Hope st., Utica, NY James O'Gorman, 30 North Delaware are., Philadelphia, Pa. J R Ilendrickson, New York city. ..... S Stein, S B Pond, Union Square, New York city M A Bowen, care Richard Morris, 100 Front st. , New York city DRAWING OF AUGUST 9, 13S1. Felix LfLester, M & O R R Shops, Jafck- son, Tcnn Geo W Barkdoll, 625 Cherry st.,Norrls- town, Pa . Wm W ShaWyLakcside Foundry, Cld- - eago, 111. Mrs H tNcw York citv. 7.n...7..' Mm n Hi;V ,Sw VV ' Chas Burch, New. l ork city ; . SDelmotte, 520 Magazine St., isew ur- . leans, La '1,250 Henrv Ziemer, East New York, N Y'. . . .1,250 A Tier, tnrougn ju ju j-ooi & uo., Bankers, Shawneetown, 111 Truman Bartlett, 59 Tremont at., Bos ton, Mass ...... 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 15,000 15,000 5,000 .5,000 m 1,250 1,250 DRAWING OF SEPTEMBER IS, 1881. John ConnorS, Engineer L & N R R., ' . Memphis, Tenn 15,000 Simon Silverman, Indian Bay, Ark. ... 15,000 Hynes Wathen, Vincenncs, Ind., col lected through First National Bank.. 10,000 R Temple, Albany, NY 5,000 G A Prinz, Cullman. Ala ..." 2,500 Emily Moir, 737 Myrtle Ave., Brook- lyn,N Y.... 1,250 E J Short, Warsaw, Ind. 1,250 DRAWING OF OCTOBER 11, 1881, Augustus DcGrammund, 488 M St., Washington, DC M Schmidt, 440 W. 32d sL, New lork city John C DIcffcnbaeh.West st., N.l city , collected through II D Coke, Jr., & Co., Bankers, Washington, D. C Alexander Urias,54 Division St., New York citv..... J G Roux, Edwards, Miss M C Caspar!, 245 Argyle St., Baltimore, Md .......4. B R Howard, Aberdeen, Miss.. i 15,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Jme Ki, 2U0 Penn PttUburjbU ' - 4 v ; v : u: ; ; ; -? ?s ?v ? 1 ' aJRAWrNG OK APRIL 11, 18S Z i S.t Iiils Sauser, South Calhocn St., Fort .t Wayne lnn.:.tui..... ....... - ,.i'Mni asUlojrtan Irvins WliituevldBroad-i u - T8 irJ Wayne.Ind. r 15.000 5 L ilatjjcld,,l2a prlneton t., Et:. 17 r 5,000 , Boston. Mx State Senator J B JudktoV.Uttle UoeVr. Ark..... Philomene Iiurent, 315 Cbartxei'ilt. New Orleans, La, . . . . .. . ..... 4 . J Pelletier, 21 Ca.vrdolet st.. New Or- leans, Ii. J,f Vhcn, KJO rennsylranla " kveV, W ashinirtnn n r. i,000 2,500 2,500 1.250 1,250 1,230 Washmton.DC Pahl Manhattan Bank, Memphis, Tenn "DRAWING OF Itf AT o laso " Johni Weger, Kasota, Minn, throngb " irt National Bank, St. Peter, Minn. 30,000 :. Charles Nelson, cor Sixteenth at. and Avenue M.GalvestoDjTex.. ........ .-,10,000 W II Ackers. 78 River t., Camjr 1re-. Srt, Mass i....... ... . "1500 c" Cos Newbjryvort ILTprcga . and Fast Freight line, 32 Court Square, 43 Franklin st., and 75 lOlby st., Boston, Masp 500 Irving Pierce, through Bank of Co'ftV merce,.St. Ixuls, Mo....; .'....i'. 2.500 C M Stinson, Fairflcld, Iowa.. T25 The Public is requested carefully to notice the, new and enlarged Scheme' to be drmcn Monthly. "Capital Prize $75,O0O . Tickets only $5. Shares in proportion. v PARTICULAR NOTICE. 1 ; Alltho Drawings are under tho exclusive; Fupervirfon awl control of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A, EARLY, i r Louisiana State Lottery Ct)' 14Gth Monthly Grand Drawing, New Or leans, July 11 th, 1882. 1C67 prizes, total ti5. iJlB'. V5'000' f25.W. 1 10,000. tc.ooo, etc. 3 00,000 tickets, 11 vo ($5) dollars ; fractious. In llfths in proportion. . ( .. , For information apply to M. A. DArrir'nr, ' k New Orleans, La., or M. A, Daupjiik,: WW Seventh St., Washington, D. C. For full nar tlcubxrs see the advertisement of the Company'"" In another part of this paper. , June 2SltUJfcvr7 Fourth .of .July, - . :. STMR. JOHN DAWSON WiLL LEAVE . her wharf, foot of Princess Blrcet, at 5 o clock, a. m., on the Fourth, for Point Cas- -' wen, vf ncre me reunion or Co. E. lSthRcrl- miwuKn M$'w ixmr me: juno 2S-2t wed-sun Babies. PRESII SUPPLY OF DOLLS FOR THE little folks, at S. JEWETT'S,' W " V 27 N. Front st. Leautlful Paner Ilanclnini. irni!iAmA Awn. lngs, Nice Mosquito Nets, Elegant Hair Mat- ireHscs. luno 2S H'D QUARTERS WIL. WGHT INFANRY, Wilmington, N.fcQ., June 28th, 1882. V summoned and tho Wtrnn ivmi Honorary memlxjra rcqucBted to meet at the'' Arratry at 8.15 a. m. Thursdav. parade and excuTSIoTi to bmlthvlllc'&c. . ,. , uj oraer or the Captain. : - " r 1 1 ti F. A. Ijbd, . june 28 ' ? Orderly Sergernt -- . . i r DRAWING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1881. John T Garvin, M H R R Station, Bart lett st., Itoxbury District, Boston, Mass 15,000 J Riissell, 144 Main st., Norfolk, a., collcctwl through Exchange Nat. Bank L Edwin Motter, Emmlttsburg, Md.; . , collected through J M Sclxas & Co., New Orleans, La John Bcatty, 101 Christopher tt.. New York city Frank Weibcl, 71 1"t st,. New Or leans. La B F Jacobs, Wai-enaburg, Mo.... 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 DRAWING OF DECEMBER 13, 1881.- AZAckerman, Milford, Del 20,000 Miss Marv J Biggins, . Prospect and Fretlerick sts., W asliington, D. C. i . . 10,000 W Powell, Washington, DC 10,000 , collected through .J. Drouett, Fireman's Ins. Co., New Orleans, 10,000 W G McConnell, Toledano St., near Ht Charles St., New Orleana, La 10,000 Wm Page, 2022 Carson st., Pittsburgh, t Pa..Vf... 5,000 J M W alker, Danville, Va... ........... , 5,000 XT JI Portlock, collectel throngh W P ' Campbell & Co., Bankers, Florence, ; Ala.. Ixinton IHspalch: The peach crop is abundant and will yield rich returns to all who take the proper precautions to save and market it at the right time. Much of it will be dried, if we may take the number of evaporators sold as an indication of what our farmers intend doing, " collected throoeh Georpe II Theard,2tl Koval st., New Orleans., r L Dc Poorter, Edgard P. O., Si. John , the Baptist Parish, La. P T Simpson, 61 Royal st, New Or leans Capt. Thes Wall, 3 Palmyra st-. New Orleans, La TCOrge a. IngUi, vaniii, inn. ......... James Casey, New York city......... G A MacDonaVi; New York city. Jno M Koux, 32:J0 North N tt., George town, 1 C F Site. 0OT S. Glranl ave, Phlla., Pa- - John II Skid more,30 Cross st. (CLarle town), Boston, Mass.....: DILVWING OF JANUARY 10. 1882. J M Davis, Morning Snn,' Shelby Co., Tenn.... Sebastian Ltkinaan, 7'J3 Larimer t Denver, Col. - True A Heath, 126 North Main at. Con cord, N 11. i.. ........ rakl sutc National Bank of New Or leans, for account of Bank of Com merce, Memphisterm. . . . ... . ------ L Sanders, 321 Broadway, New York.. 2,500 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 600 J500 .100 ; 500 ; 500 30000 10,000 5,000 2,500 5,500 DRAWING OF FEBRtTATtY 14, 1882. M Doyle, 3i9 Kent ave., TJrooklyii.N Y 15,000 Hermann u. uanjen, w jaynwiw bi, Brooklyn, X Y......i.f......-.... A Thomson Co..Nejfr Orlen. for account of Y G Buh - Co., Mobile; Ala. : - RMS PhiJ!p, Canaan P 0.t Lee Co , Ark., through Getman National Bank, Memphis, Tenn........;;... M Michaells, 345 Blue Island are., Chi cago, 1 11... -----?--- Henry Hamilton, Chk4o, 111.......... 15,000 5.000 5.000 -2,500 ,200 Wanted :ELY; ''FORV 'Tn months, one or two rooms, first floor prefer- XMMEDLVTELY, "FOR-" THE ' SUMMER ' ' red, In a House situated near the centre of the t Atx; Good pricea will belaid if suited.' r Apply at this office for further" Informational June 23 ;; Every. Kain; v:;:;.' J).T??; iTi?'? sQurrpiis f into Tiur, 0 bouse. . Througk sympathy I inform you that yJr you may And moiulto bars at v ;i v " ' r - -? if'- 4s:JJEWTrs., 27 N. Front strt 't " Hair Mattresses of rood or cheat) material made to orxler. ' . - iy f - - - - ; ' Saratoga Trunks'.11 - FULL SUPPLV-sixes 3234, aadM. Ladxes,, & Childrenfs Hosiery UNDEBWE AR-f or LaVlle' C&n 14 aTid ChlM. ' ' fc .-' ? rrZ f-.ut ta-H ri"ilvdrr TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS and all new , . .... ?'f.', . ? ; -r-u isierG a OF LINEN AXD MPU AlRi 1 LINEN fcnEETING AND plLTXw"cASDCC;f X , lecchexl and Urown Col tons and Shirt- ings,meuverycno!oeraJul t; Jane 2;. ' J-. ;,B. M-'McXNTIRE. . i' in T f.i (Yi I rr.rrA I: a ' TO, ALL I'ERSONJJ -Ttt CALL-- ' . v: . - A.tn bli'I'li in a lew uav. .Upon t t. Geo. R. French & Sons, " -.rfftifltl1 ll 7;- . and bay a pnir of nice Shoes; for self,' " ?t-f" i i'-r vwi rs?:.t -i mother, wlfa or cousin and aunt. CUallaooa., .. r , jj - , N f f . - C 9 . - . ' and don't be bashful. . ? I June 25 -t f