rm tatkx PIJLLSJQ NOTICE . We will be glad to receive communication from oar friends on any and all subjects O f J "," J - -n ii r -. mm .wii jiiM-M L mii M, 1 L general Interest but M""i")r' "' "v - cpti fey ! 'UrBH4T08. - -' TTtll - - TT .TnirTIOSH POSTAGE; PAH & :fT . . On month, 33 Cnt. o01"' n, ik- delivered by carriers 1 1VVL ...r j..ri of the city, at tbc free above low and liberal. aud. H fall- Tr -'ill reuortaoy tl,eir paper regularly. cite 'jj't paHy riac luxslht latest r- t a r ' v ; :v U)CAL NEWS; iinrs"wwssMi"T- j ha j j , in i rfrs wastry n rtri ij'i '- of cotton at this port yes jnot up 33 ' lwI rfuit" is now justly won ' bf iheTailowand Hberaasheps, Dtex fSos. steamship liyulator, Capt. Doanc, fromVe' Vork," arrived at her wharf this city yesterday morning. Xn excursion party of about forty -erthants from along the lines of the broads will spend Friday at Stokley's, .b Wrightsville Sound. lapt xTirSoutherland is having waterputinhia stables. He- proposes puiUngin a water motor, yith which to ran his hay cutting machine. ( We are glad to know that Mr. T. ftmlan. vho was so severely hurt a few dyS tgo, is improving. He is unable to leare his residence as yet. . Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleaned ot by "Kough on Rats." 15c. It is agreed on all sides that the Dem ocratic Judicial Convention which was held at Magnolia on Tuesday was one of the most harmonious known in the history of politics. If some of our clothing dealers would get up some coats for this hot weather with ice cream trimmings and cold soda water linings we should be tempt ed to make a purchase. Quire a number of excursionists ar rived yesterday from points along the line of the Carolina Central Railroad and spent the day in town. They left last evening for Smithville. J. P. Jones, a deserter from the brig Francis Jane, now lving at Smithville, was put in jail for safe keeping, yester day, and was sent down on the Ptiss orf last evening to hi3 vessel. . Possibly the largest crowd ever as sembled at Point Caswell will be there on the Fourth. A very large crowd is expected from this city, and it is now thought two steamers will 1)C run from here on that day. From friends along the line of the C. C. R. R. we learn that the crops are ' fine and very promising. In some sec tions rains are wanted, but the crops are not actually suffering- for the wan f it. , - The crops along the line of the Wil ramgton & Wcldon Jttailroad, between uis city and Magnolia, arc looking erj well, although in ?omc instances both cotton and corn are backward, ana it all needs rain. The promise at this time, however, is a very fine one. Ina McCall, of Rcckingham;' the charming Southern elocutionist, was m the city yesterday. She, in company with several other of Richmond coun ty's 3air laughters, was en route for SjnithTiUe, to attend the opening of the Hote4 Brunswick, and speeding a few daya m sight of the ocean. - - Jrsona leaving the city for summer dZZkL h the DailtRitiew mailed to their address wk CCnUpern,onth'or W- cents per J'"!1 it ought to be "tens, vely known that ordinary boiled tn!rithb0ilea mUk- one of enies known f--any form bowels. Its efficiency is in ? it is browned like coffee and . t intervals of four hours, taking rfood or liquid whatever riu ve virtue is intensified if no milk ?en with it, and if the patient will I1" in a warm bed, then it be aea an almost infallible remedy. Bean Soup. Jj the season for the palatable and tol use of vegetables is upon us, offer to our housekeepers the follow t timely and useful recipe: iake apaa of wter and wash it jthen boil it until it becomes hen T ? u Pur m one w&P; loaiir. pegins to worry, prepare raSJ1 100 nch.! pour in more totixS7 Water with a towel be ffaS.1 v The dri the water, fiooner it browna ; serve hot. OIi. V"I. Pcroiial. Mr. J. I Statilv, who Jkis Wu in Aiigii:ta, ia., for the past six "weeks,- - s retinue! to the city. Mr. lt. K. f(mifrl..,r Wiimina-. ton, but now a merchant doinx" bu.-Ti- uess iu tlie tliriving town of Laurin- bur, m here on a short visit w hk h combiues business ami plcasui-e. I " '- - ; CoiHpletefl. j We leant from (Jaot. John liarrv, who lias just returned to this citv. that me, icoiiaiui iNeirK riaiiroaU 1 now: finished and will be turned ovej to the AVilmington & Wcldon IL R.this week. ! The new road will e a valuable feeder to the W. & Will. RI and has opened m a fine country. . . Tliree in One e saw yesterday corn cob wh'ch . . U1 van wi.iUUfc UUnUKIlY. ADOUl one inch from the butt of the cob, which was about the usual size, three perfect and well developed cobs shot out.; 'Each cob was well filled with grains. It was raised in Wilkes county, and will be sent ,by its owner to the University at Chapel Hill. "Golden Days. 99 The July : number of this magazine has been received, and we knofi not what t say except to reiterate our former unqualified praise of the excel lence and interest of its articles, the chaste beauty of its illustrations, and the nicety of its press-work and make up. Published by James Elverson, N. W. corner of Ninth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia, Pa., at $3 per annum. Personal. Our quondom fellow-citizen, Mr. R. G. Ross, now of the firm of Lara, Ross & Co., is in the city visiting his friends. He tells us he has completed his con tract with the Government on the St, John's river bar, and also his Fernan- dina contract. Mr. 'Ross is now en route for New York looking after his interest in other contracts. , Cotton Blooms. We have received a cotton bloom which opened on the 25th inst., on the plantation of Capt. G. F. Walker, of Pender county. This makes the second we have received which bloomed 6n the same date", and we may expect, with this weather, that the blooms will be opening now rapidly. In connection with the above, Capt. Walker, who is a practical farmer and a keen observer, says that all the crops throughout Pender and in ether coun ties which have come under his observa- tion, give promiseof an . abundant har vest this'fall. Tube Rose Cnlture. . The delegates to the Judicial Conven tion held at . -Magnolia yesterday were edified by the sight of two men hitched to a plow, mule fashion, which they were dragging through a field in which t tube rose bulbs arc being cultivated. This, we were told, is necessary be cause of the caution to be exercised not to tread upon the bulbs and an animal would therefore not answer for the pur-'pbse:V;-.'' ;;s ... -: ' ' ; There are a number of small fields in the environs of Magnolia, said to cover ten acres in all, jvliich are planted - w ith these tube roses, the soil thereabouts seeming to be peculiarly adapted for their cultivation. It takes three years of cultivation for the bulbs to mature sufficiently to bloom and then they are packed in barrels and sent North and sold to florists, who pot them for bloom arid sale. , It is said that the cul tivation of these bulbs pays a very hand some profit to those engaged in it. The- Hop A very large crowd went down the river last night to" "be in attendance upon the opening of the Hotel Bruns wick. .While we are burning the mid night oil. they .aro chasing the fleeting hours away, being fanned by the in vigorating breezes from old ocean, and their hearts keeping pace to the enliven ing music furnished by the Harpers. We begrudge them not one moment's pleasure; - The Military Excursion. The Wilmington light Infantry ex cursion to Smithville and the Forts, on the steamer Passport, takes place to morrow. The boat will leave the wharf at 84 o'clock and all who may attend may rest assured of a delightful day. We trust that there may be a large turnout on the occasion and that it may prove to be not only a pleasant but a profitable venture for the' gallant boys in gray. r--- WILMINGTON, 1ST. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, To Itcopcn. J5MVi- tt, the proprietor of the liy- i erJ sllo,cs on. nth .street wIiicIl were bnrnel some few weeks :to,' retun'ied ;ipre on lucsday.. irom IIh; estern M':irt " the State .with :v lot f fine 1,4,1 He-is now negotiating lor a Io-auon ami expects to open again lA a fcv We ar sorry Ut hoai" iluit his lo?8PH have footed up soniethingjikc $1,o over thW insurance. We tnist ihat lie may ilo in his new venture. ----"o "v ""v". beifm,ul at reasonable prices at Jaco J ; Howard.. Kelief Fire Ensinef i ; : CoiiinanVI ' f ! . " , (uite a large crowd were in atteud- lance on the excursion, of the Howard Um t i n 1 The committee haxl so well arranged their. plans that all who were present received the maximum; amount o pleasure, as the hours - fleeted rapidly away. The "boys" know full well how to have a pleasaht.time and make every body else enjoy themselves, and fully sustained their reputation yesterday. Sorry we were not with them. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash; Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and. at the lowest prices. ' . ; f The thermometer indicated 93 de grees in our office at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Don't Die in the House. 'Rough on Rats." Clears' out - rats, mice, roaches, ' bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipmunks, gophers. 1 5c. STATE NEWS. Newbern Journal: We ; have Air. Clark's letter declining to allow his name to go before the State Conven tion for nomination as Congressman-at-large. ' Greensboro Bugle : A Mr. Graves, from Xanceyville, who had been clerk ing in Winston for Mr. Poindexter, committed suicide on Saturday last by taking laudanum. His remains went through last night to Danville. ' Raleigh Visitor: The revenue col lections in the fourth district for the week ending last Saturday evening .were $18,019.06. - -Mrs Utley, widow of the late Mr John Utley, was found dead in her bed at the residence of Mrs Spikes in this city, on Saturday morn ingast. Rev A C Dixon, who was recently elected President of Wake For est College, has . notified the "Board of Trustees, by telegram, -that he cannot accept the position. ; , liobesonian: The revival at the Meth odist church still continues. There have been a number of conversions up to date and quite a number are enquir ing what they must do. . A joint company is being tormea lor the pur. pose of causewaying or macadamizing the Fair Bluff and Lumberton road from the former place to a point near tlio T-ocJrlmoA nf Af n? flilrni YVilHn.ms In this county. The W., C. & A! 11. 'r. j proposes to furnish half the money and tlm corHrQ rt (nlnniliii! nrifl Rrhrcnn I traversed by said road, the rcmamder. Greensboro1 Pat riot .'IThe name of Odell, in this State, is becoming synony mous with manufacturing enterprise. J. A. & J. M. Odell have long been identified with cottoi manufacturing and and their energy and enterprise has been of incalculable benefit to the State in developing its resources. Raised in Randolph county, they have worked up from the bottom and stand to-day con spicuous representatives of the indus trial progress of the State. Sunday their second cotton factory was dedi cated at Concord. The services severe novel and impressive. Quite two thous and pcoole assembled to . witness the ceremonies. The dedication sermon was preached by Dr. Craven, President of Trinity College, himself born and reared in Randolph. Xetcs and Observer: Receipts lor the week 297 bales ; same week last year 686 ; decrease 389 ; total receipts to date 59,896; total receipts same date last year 75.023; decrease to date 15,129; receipts same date, 1880, 49,099. The large workshop of Messrs. Elling ton, Royster & Co:, builders and con tractors, located in ; the northwestern part of the city, near the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. The fass is between $20,000 and $25,000, and falls entirely on the members of the firm, as there was no insurance on anything. - ' Hon. W; T. Portch and the other members of the code commission ar rived in the city yesterday. Mr. Dortch says they have completed their work, but desire to go over, it .together. It will be ready for the printer in two weeks, he thinks, and during that interval the commissioners will be in Raleigh all the time engaged in the revision. A Cad. To all who are snflering from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous Weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, 1 will sena a recipe that will cure you,, free 6v charge. s This k great remedy was discovered by a niissionary in South America, Send a self-addressed envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Ixman, Station I). New York Citv, deod w6m. AIVKUTI5K3reXT3. H a i r Twlattresses A M MOHJUITO NET.. ,1 IlAVr THE In lluiinirnr II t1l t A 1ll 1. .. f.irnUhyouwitli a MOSQI'lTO XfcTr .-o vu can enjoy the mattrc..' slwnM ymi tvIsIi, i ' try 11 jearr your orncr at S. JEWjETT'S. June 21 . : 27 N. root street, i Hammocks ! Hammocks ! ; k T !.; .l5, 1.73, 42.23 ainl tKt.i At IIEINHr.EKGEU Autograph-Albums. 'A.T 2'M 35c" T;ic ' $1.25.. !?, 81.73 tan . "At IIEINSBEIiOER'S Sea Side Libraries. FULL STOCK ON HAND. AY NOT in stock can be orUereu at once, , i At : HELSSBEKGEirS. June 29 Live Book and Music Store. Insect Powder A ND BELLOWS FOB USING SAME. Kills Bedbugs, Roaches. Fleas.. Anta Flies and insects of all kinds. Good for us la on Dogs and Cats. Imported and for sale i any quantity by MUNDS BROS., -; ; ; Druggistb. Prescriptions ."prepared at all hours of th day and night. v ' June 1 New Summer Resort! Hotel Brunswick, SMITHVILLE, X. C. -QIRECTLY IN FBONT OF THE OCEAN, and twenty-five miles below Wilmington. Tbe HOTEL BRUNSWICK is a new struc ture, . and will be open for the reception of guests on THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE. It commands a splendid view of the Harbor and Ocean. Steamers and ships pass In front of the door . Sailing and fishing are unsurpassed. Bath Houses for the use of guests. A good Band of Music and Ball Room will be ouen dav and night. Ten-pin Alley, Billiard Hall and Bar attacneu to tne Hotel. THE TABLE will be supplied with Fish. Crabs, Oysters, Clams, Terrapins, and every product of the sea. t First-class Passenger Steamers will leave Wilmington and SmlthvUle morning and even ing, making two trips each way. -. a ne jrropnetor has an experience of many Proprietor years in charge of summer hotels at Beaufort, icr igl mciucunx ine laie Atlantic Hotel. Cheap Excursion Tickets will be sold on the different railroads. -Terms moderate. Special rates to families. B. L. PERRY, Proprietor, and of Purcell House, Wilmington, N. C. may 14-3m. Saratoga Trunks FULL SUPPLY Sizes 32, 34, and 36. Ladies' & ChildrerrsHosiery UNDERWEAR for Ladies', Gents and Child ren. ' TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS and all new Trimmings to match . Ulsters Ulsters ! OF LINEN AND MOHAIR. LINEN SHEETING AND PILLOW CASING, Bleached and Brown Cottons and Shirting- Some very choice brands. MATTUSra I A NEW SUPPLY in a few days. June 28 ; R. M. McINTIRE. Free Tickets G IVEN TO ALL PERSONS TO CAIX upon Geo. R. French & Sons, - f 4 ! J . aud buy a pair of nice Shoes, for self, mother, wife or cousin and annts. Call soon S - and don't be bashful. , junoS-1 H'D QUARTERS W IL. LIGHT INFANRY, ; Wilmington, N. C June 2Sth, 1882. ORDER NO. 4 The memlrs are hereby sumraoneU and the Veteran Corps and Honorary members requested to meet at the Armory at 8.15 a. m. Thnredax-, June 29, for parade and excursion to Smithville, &.'. By order of the Captain, -- F. A. LORD, V June 23 , Orderly Sergernt Wanted FlMEDIATELY,-; FOR THE SUMMER months, one or two rooms, first floor prefer- red, in a Iloime situated near the centre of the city.' Good prices will be paid if suited. '' , Apply at this office for further information. At Yates' Bbokstore pAN BE FOUND A FULL SUPPLY OF, BLANRt BOOKS, WRTTrNG PAPER, TSK,' PENS, PENCILS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Memorandum Books, Wrltlnsr Tablets, Cro quet, Hammocks, and a thousand awl one oth er things nsnaRy in a Stationery. Store. MOT PIANOS AND ORGiCCS very cheap. Juno 13 - r .j -l.. NO. 15T. 1.882. KAVf A f VEICTIS E3IXTS. ! !';- ,;. FKESJll SUPPLIES Or : VlNt3, CHOICE LWUOUSt AXD CIGAJIS. KTery article we sll i strictly. m rnVrepentciW f Oura Is tlic oldest ctalHhed RTwery hottso In Wilmhiston, ami ire are .letrfnlned to keep j UP blsh r'n U has euJoycH fr0 tnan a quarter of a century. We respectfuUy Invite an examination' of stock. GEO. MYERS, .1 1 and 13 South Front jnne 18 To the Public. jg-AVING DISPOSED OF MY BARBER Shop, No. 9, South Front street, to Mr. C. P. Lockcy. I take this mode to inform uiv friends and patrons who liavc been in the habit of pat ronizing the said cstabUshmcnt, that I have taken my two journeymen barbers, Soot and Evans, to my present stand on Market street, next door to Mr. Mcllhcnuy's Drug Store, where I will lie pleased to see them one and all. Thanking for past favors, I beg a .continu ance of the same in the future. , " - -. Eespectfnlh', ' " ' II. C. PllEMPERT.. Wilmington, N. C. , June 24. 1S83. . v Iwk , White Bronze. THE UNDERSIGNED,' AGENTS FOR THE Monumental Bronze Company, of Bridge edrt, Conn., invite attention to the work offer, po by them. These monuments are indestruct ible, cannot be chipped, cannot be thrown over and may be had at one-half the price of stone. AJlAiN & WILSON, June 18-lm Princess St., near Second. Change of Schedule. : . THE PASSPORT WILL LEAVE SMITn- VILLE every: morning except Saturday, at 5.30 o'clock. Leave Wilmington at 9 o'clock; a. m. and 6 o'clock, p. m. Saturday; leave Smithville at 7.30 a. ui and Wilmington at 4 Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD MOST RE Bpectfully Inform his many friends and patrons that he has severed Ids connection with the firm of Prempert & Son, and that lie may in the future be found at the establish ment of Mr. John Werner, No. 29 Market St.. where he will be pleased to see them, one and all.. Itespectfullv, : june 13:2 w. v A. PREMPERT.., Honie Made Gandv. ' jpURE AND WHOLESOME. . t.--, ' ' All kinds made fresh every day at '' C. E. JEVENS'. Second Street, three doors bctow the Post office. . ' . may 14 tf Pine Grove, WRIGIITSVILI.E, N. C, SITUATE AT .the 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. Per sons Visiting the SOUND FOR A DAY'S EN JOYMENT can get an EARLY "FISH SUP PER" before starting home, by asking for it. No trouble at all. i , ED. WILSON MANNING, Propr. junelS-tf. t , .. .. ,.-, . Scarborough's Saloon and Restaurant !, ' EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. MEALS AT all hours. Clea n Lodgings. Everything gna n teed as good as .s .n the city. '' Bar is supplied with the best'offLiquors. Board by the month.. ......... ......L fl5 00 Board by the week, 5 09 Board by the day 1 23 And you can get your meals any hour of the day. t -V , - -; -...t JR. J. SCARBOROUGH, a18-2m . , No 8 South Water St. Wm. E. Springi3r & Coy (SUCCESSORS TO JOIIN DAWSON & CO.) . -p.- , , . t -v-,,?. y' n? i QLDEST HARDWARE HOUSE JN THE State. iOD GOODS trtid low prlce4 19, 2 and 34 Market sitreet, u . Jnne 25 ' I y , Vxnniogtoii; X: a , The Steamer . Minnehaha yLLL C03LME : CE . HER . REGULAR Trips 1 et ween Smithville and Wilmington, this (Saturday) morning; June 24th, leaving Wharf South side of Market Dock, at ivU a. to. ; returning, leave Smithville at 4 o'cloek, p. m. Excellent accomraolation&. Two Jine cabins," one for ladies and the other for gentlemen, -v , june 24-3t K.. Tf BURRQaS. Master. , Bacon. MolassesLard. etc infi BOXES D. S. SIDES, ,! 1UU 1M Bbl?, Tc4 and IIbd? Molaafces, - " 75 Buckets and Tubs La pi. " -1200 Bbls Flour. For sate y ?" June 25 KKJtCHNER & CALDER BROS." Coffee, Sugar, Meal, &c SACKS RIO COFFEE, "r U W nbSagar, ' ' 500 BnsbeU Meal. r ,- . , . r , v For sale by 4y j - 5 i nlfltf-i to Uie Editor. - 7, intunicafomrajwut wrtttTi oirealv i one side of the pape. - . " remJn'trUei.: j AiPJ.aPftttlarlj under. Utood that th fr lw 1ITOilcntoinlg-:tte l i" the editorial columns. 1st j Grand Military Excursion OK THE iirieton Light, Infantry! -i ! T I UTitSl A V, ,f 881! . rgOAT llKAVKs'. VllAP.F at bS Ocloik , ifvr SMrnrvni'ixii the wrs: Music and KcfreshWnL. t r-r "-' K aoBa'CKcl'mkO; - ni s.-, V V : ' A lcautlful llorar Unute: wlll'lWrc- f. .. f jv.--5 fcntcd td tlie most popular laly dn loarit. Kach bolder of a jUcfcct enUtleU to a rote. - WlioW - tickets 50 cent ; Children and Scr rants 25 cents. ' : ; Tickets for sale at, Dyers2 FuhuslitaStpre R. n.BEERY, v . F. L. ME ARES, B. W DUNHAM; - 1 a, V.!Ci-JONES, GEO. HAJtRISS, Jrl Committee. , TJew Restaurant. rjlHE i UNDERSIGNED f OULp RSPECTI. InUy announce that he haa'jusTflttod tip at No. S, Granite Row, South Front st, . a restaurant, for Ladles and GcnUcmcn,' Where ' meals ' and rcfrhmenMaTfcisAia th day. Everything is new and dIbi Celasi. M Po . lite waiters and courteous attendants. . . j yGamevjind Oyster: in.' Mmmj'trTYa Wines, Liquors and Clgars!'r ! -' vf- BOV18 I i A il , . f t ; p 'jC SCHUTTE, Prop. -.1 j For Ease and Conrfort AT SMITHviELE,;JST6p AT "THE AT- LANTIC SALOON, lust over the water. . Best of Liquors and Soda Water; Special lunch rooms.' Crabs can be caught from the pUuza. . t A. K. REirNOLDS, june 18-lm - - 1 Wwt of Garrison. ... j. , y fi . t ; ; t- (f v tA A ; ( ssn,lj-p,il j ' t s-r,-:! il .-i ti. J . a it - Tor Sale EeLtt oriiease. HOUSlfAND LOT CORNER , ; FRONT AKD, MULBERRY STS.p v - a Apply to - I. T. ALDERMAN. Boat Building' a Specialty, AM PREPARED TO BUILD ROWTAND KACING BOATS.1 Best of material u Red and prices moderate GItc me a trial. Juucmm. np:3itiJSJ3UhvlUe,N,C. -L. at ville T bop: in kand' Bee i-'AYJiAT..4! have. Best of 1 Wlnes Llquo Cigars 'i Canned Mea irsrl COOl? BEER" and ears.-. Sardine. r tA. . f or Smltti lunch. J.D.DAVIS. ' june IMm fi?.f: v30jar Court nousc To Make; Home-Beautiful JJAVK YOUR . WwlLLS f KALSOiONED ; wim ,onr: jmperlorjintW . Marbellnein n ' It costs fourth thii yrUxi of aJatlBs; , and is both durable and beautiful; can refer :- i '-r j . U'.v you to some of tho best work inthe cljT Our Extra Pure JWMto Lead aadTaliu w Are sellings Jow inferior grades nreafibred. , SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, 0; f. At Factory Prices t Agency ior the eclebratfd ; .try'.-? l el d':vrj Lu;v-kJ.t EMERALD AND ZEB VA'CE; 6 , cookrNa stoves Our &fre line of lUiware li well khown 'j rxt tft ;t ,t SJidrc:ttro evrrr daytrewlvlng netrfstipptte m ;.v t ,N ATHANIEL A CO BPS, jsn 13 tf . 1 X- ftl 10 SoattaJlYo SC ., OPENED . THIS' DAY I ' . , vnASDKERCiriEfS. r Janets -ffl JNO.EPRICK. rdiariHIbtel y Wilmington, N.-Cr . FIRST-CLASSWinriYEiarECT. -is- - H . ... ... t f ! .1 . .

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