Please Nonci 'riMfceslad to receive auamuiilcjitkia from our friends on any and l&l iubJecU ' o f r i pted by t but v-a POSTAGE PAID: Six mourn, . v. .. . ... i. M WWW ' ' Til MM 7 ... . - One months ems. " will be delivered by OTiers rre in .nj Part of the city. 1,0 nu per week. - F?. Jwlll report .7.M -U- " .Ksr naoer regularly. - - a r ,wg r mmm irm Me rrvlalwn, of awj netespaper I I Tt 1 .-. ,4 .0-1 .OCALNEWS I SSHTK AOYERTIUMWTS. .lil.iuk Hooks r.EK'.KK-Han.mocks. ' i:;r MntLresses. lit " . li.iiflaK! Auction Sale. ion. (;o0tlbFf;uUcau! u...llmrn report the Cape Fear Zr t lo and continually fall rTfr v. vision has now become quite n;. er the Shoals. Jlffit-ultov "fitness" for "mashers,11 thc "Tailors and Haber- The -lit-tin j due to iaihert- DVKK. 0ur vouux Wend Dan, Glavcn, who . ... xwi fnr some time past, per of boiler S2,ta3 returned to the city on a rit to hU parents, Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black ishhooks and lines. A full assort, LtandjowwtFices at Jacobin 4nes Burke, white, was' picked up ' . f "Fifth and Church stwK yesterday, in a beastly state of fiition. Shewas conveyeu tu ard house on a dray .and will have a caring this morning.. , A subscriber-at Pike, Cumberland county, A. C.; MT. x. kj. viunv, icnds us a cotton bloom, wmcu ni picked from hid fields . on Tuesday, Jane nli. Mr. Lumeteiis us inai. mo lie looking well, and the outlook for the farmer is rery promising at this time. l'eraoni leaving the city for summer reports or for . travel can hare the DiiLi Review mailed to their .address for 35 cents per month, or 10 cents per week. ; The steamer Vesta has been chartered and will run in connection with the steamer John Dawson to Point Caswell on the Fourth of July. Library Moonlight Excursion.- The hot "weather will render the Li hrarj excursion an inviting opportuni ty to spend a cool and pleasant evening upon the river to-night. The Passport, we understand, will leave her wharf promptly at 7J o'clock and return be tween Hi and 12 o'clock. There will be mnsic, dancing and refreshments to make the time pass the more pleasantly. Flies and Bugs. j v Fli, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleaned ot by "Rough on Rats.1' 15c. i Death From Sunstroke. The only case of sunstroke we have heard of in this section this season, oc curred in this city on Wednesday last, wd proved to be fatal. ; Dick Mc Clammy, colored, had been sent with a notroverthe railroad, and when he was returning he was overcome by the heat and rays of the sun. . He was picked up and carried to his house, but died iu about an hour. Dont Die in the House. Rough on Rats." Clears out 2 .S18' ked-bugs, flies, rats, ants, Fire. Yestenlay about 12 o'clock, the roof of a house on Church, between Sixth ano Seventh streets, was discovered on fire. Several men in the- neighbor hood clunbed to the roof and extinguish. l the fire before it could do much dam S? 71x6 house was occupid by John wiUington. The fire caused quite an citement in the neighborhood, as the oiaioing was surrounded by a nest of 'inable frame bnildin-s. To Builders and others fin, t t . for Sash, Blinds and Doors. Glass, Yoa can $t all sizes and at the "wcsipnces. t. C. & C. R. R. The committees from Pender and counties and this city, who J for some time past been working rt of tne-J Point1 Caswell & Railroad; wiU report "on Hon. i TSh' next. A suflicient amount J subscribed to buHd the road, fad f?r a mcctiQS.of the stock ocn will be made in a few days for purpose of organizing the Company Planning out the work, which will pushed rapidly to completion, - . ' n I y " - - - - - """ " . 1 m -1 ii i i i 1 i i i i in VOL. VI City Court. ' The .only case -"yesterday morning was that of-W. Mc Callister, charged with disorderly conduct. Ilia case was an agravating ono and His Honor im posed a fine of or 30 days. He went below. - For Nun tucket. The families of Messrs. Alex. Sprnnt and B. F. Hall, also Mrs. Green Daniel and daughtcrs.lcft for Nantucket, Mass., yesterday morning, where they will spend the Summer. We wish them a pleasant trip and improved health.' Base Ball. Two juvenile base ball clubs of this city, named respectively the "Flying Cloud" and the Twinkling Stars," played a match game of ball yesterday afternoon in the vacant lot between Chestnut and Princess streets. The "Flying Clouds" were the victors, making 21 to the "Twinkling Stars" 10. .Personal. Mr. A . J. Galloway, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of the Second District, Capt. V. V. Rich ardson, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Tliird District, and Col. H. B. Short were in the city yes terday. Another Drug Store. Messrs. Munds Bros., of this city, have purchased a drug store on Bread way, in New York city. Mr. W. C. Munds is now in New York running the store and Mr. J. Dickson Munds will leave on Saturday. Mr. J. Theus Munds will run their store here for the next month when Mr. W. C. Munds will return to this city and he will go to New York. We wish the gentlemen every success ii their enterprise. Resigned His Position. Mr. W. B. Orr has been compelled, on account of failing health, to resign his agency of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Company m this city. He will, in a few days, leave for the western part of the State, where he ex pects to stay during the summer, with a view of recuperating his health. We trust he will return to us in the fall, ooking well and heart Yv ' No More Rooms Wanted. A day or two ago a gentleman adver tised in the Review for a couple of rooms'. Well, he got the rooms and asked us yesterday,for heaven's sake,to take the advertisement out of the pa per and let this community know that he had rented. He says he didn't know there were' so many rooms to rent. Neither did we until persons came in the office of the Review to answer the advertisement. ' - V :-Tli ought To Be Insane. "Dummy," the colored man who has been prowling about, making himself very free with other people's eatables, and who was brought to the city Wednesday evening from Capt. No; ble's plantation, was released on the charge of larceny, but was put in jail for safe keeping until his mental condi tion can be looked into. A commission de lunaiico inquirendo will sit upon his case this morning. The poor fellow is evidently of unsound mind, and is thought to be an; escaped lunatic from the insane asylum at Goldsboro. "A Mean Theft. Yesterday lorehoon, while the street hands were employed on Eleventh street; between Market and Princess, some scoundrel stole the stockings out of the shoes of some of the laborers. The hands were digging a ditch, and had taken off their stockings and shoes to keep them dry, and when they went for theni at dinner time, they found that this robbery had been committed, as above stated. The scamp, or scamps, also stole a very good pipe belonging to one of thehands. Carr a way's Pills. Dr. W..II. Green, of this city, has as sumed the agency for Carraway's liver pills and they may be found on sale at his drug store, on Market street. These pills, be it understood, are free from calomel and the ingredients of which they are made are the purest. They have received some very warm testi monials from well-known citizens of this State, who attest their beneficial et fects. Mr. Hugh F. Murray, Judge MeKoy's competitor in the Judicial Convention held at Magnolia a few days I ago, says ua rao taey acs ucuci uiau any other pill I have ever tried" and 1. S. Read, of a well-known , 'Baltimore drug house, says "I consider them one of the best family medicines in tho land." i WILMINGTON. N: G... Mr. R. K. Bryan, Jr., of ScottV Hill, sends us a cotton bloom plucked on his plantation on Wednesday. It is the second received by us this season from that locality. Mr. Bryan says it is ten days later than his first last season. Not a drink, not sold in bar-rooms, j but a reliable, non-alcoholic tonic med- ! 1vinn nuaf-il at- nil timnd nn1 !n nil -aa t tl&ut ..V till ilUI&l. ttUU. 1U tLk sons, is Brown'3 Iron Bitters. ; The Excursion Floral Tribute The excursion on the Btssmrl vestcr- ,lay. to Smithvillc and the Forts, given f under the ausjiices of the Wilmington Light Infantry, was one, of the most pleasant of the season. The gallant soldier boys never looked handsomer, and the ladies were even prettier and sweeter than ever.- Dancing "was; the- order of the day, and the younsr' folks ! enjoyed themselves to the utmost ex tent. Refreshments were served at reasonable prices, and. the ices were pronouueed unusually fine. The Light Infantry inaugurated a, new feature in their excursion yesterday, which lent a chann to the occasion on account of its novelty. The young lady who was the most popular on the boat was present ed with a beautiful floral tribute.- Each holder of a : ticket was J enti tled to a vote, and ; after tha balloting was' finished and count ed, the poll holders declared Miss Mary Hill, of Goldsboro, to be the most popular lady and the winner of the prize. Lieut. E. A. Old ham! stepped forward,, and iii a neat terse little speech, presented to Miss Hill the tribute, a beautiful bow and arrow made of the choicest flowers which had been awarded her as the belle of the occasion. She received it modestly amid the shouts and applause of the excursion party. Miss Hill is a daughter of Dr. John Hill, of Golds boro, and is in the city on a visit to her relatives. We have heard of but one expression of tho day's pleasure and that was uni versal commendation and a desire for a repetition of the Wilmington Light In fantry's excursion. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco bi's. f K. and Ii. oi'Honor. We learn from a friend at Fayette ville thatJEccles Lodge of Knights and Ladies of Honor was installed in that town on Tuesday night last with thirty charter members, by Deputy Supreme Protector M. Kaphan. The following officers were duly elected : P. P J. A. Pemberton. . P II. B.Horne. V. P J. G. Oehrl. "! Sec. R. T. Scanlin. F. S G. II. Heys. Chap, A. H. Watson. Guide W.D.Jones. Guardian Ab.Elson. Sentinel W.'M. Decker. Trustees B. E. Sidbury, W. N. Tillinghast, R. T. Scanlin. M. E J. W. McNeil. , . A resolution of thanks was tendered Mr. Kaphan and recommending him to other towns where he will go to insti tute lodges. . Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartie Pills7 pleasant to take, "sugar coated ; no griping ; only 15 cents a box of Druggists or by mail. Standard Cur Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. 8m d&w. THE MAILS. f Themalls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast. . .4.45 P. 31. Northern through and way malls. . ..5.40 A. M. Raleigh. 5.50 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad. and routes supUed therefrom Includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad a - 5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, ' daily. .....8.00P.M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday) .5;f50,P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh. i 5.50 P. M. Mall for Chcraw and Darlington Rail road. .8.00 P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 Pi M. Fayettevllle and offices on Cape Fear ' River, Fridays......... ......LOOP. M. Favetteville. via Lumberton. daily. except Sundays 5.50 P. Onslow C. If. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays aud Fridays. ....... .6.00 A. Smithvillc malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundayp) 8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy. Hill, Town Creek, Shallot tc and Little lUrer, Tues days and Fridays, i . . .6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... 7.30 A. M. i Southern Mails. . 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9.30 A. M. Mails collected from' (street boxes cverr dav at 3.45 P. M. Stamp Office open front 8 A. M. to i3 M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale, in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office Is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from .30 to 9.30 A. M. .. .. . t , Why is Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound like the Missis sippi river in a spring freshet? Be cause the immense volume of this heal ing river moves with such momentum that it sweeps away all obstacles and is literally flooding the country. FRIDAY. JUNE 30 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3t. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CHONLY Jt MO KRIS. The Auction Sale ."...- ; - .... - , QF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUUNI- turc from the residence of Mr. J, .A. Willnrd will be' continued at our Sales rooms, this day, FRIDAY, 30th Inst., at 10, Ar M. june 30-1 1. Moonlight Excursion. jrjNDKK THE AUSPICES OK THE WIL MINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, FRI DAY. JUNE 30th. The Steamer PASSPOKT will leave Market Dock at 7 o'clock, and re turn at Jl SO p. liu- Tickets Limetl. Price '0 cents. For sale at Dyer's. June 30. . ' Lost. A" CHILD'S GOLD BRACELET WITH Chain attached, was lost on Tuesday night cither on Market, Fourth or Orange streets. The? finder will be rewarded by leaving it at juneSO-lt THIS OFFICE. Hair Mattresses jND MOSQUITO NETS. I HAVE THE material on band for ' making something nice ia the way of HAIR MATTRESSES ' and! can furnish you with a MOSQUITO NET r so you can enjoy. the mattress. Should you . wish to try it leave your order at S. JEWETT'S, june 2 27 N. Front street. Hammocks! Hammocks! T $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 and $3.00 At HEINSBERGER'S. Autograph Albums. 25c., 35c., 75c., $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2,00, At HEINSBERGER'S Sea Side Libraries. FULL STOCK ON HAND. ANY NOT in stock can be ordered at once, At HEINSBERGER'S. junc 29 Live Book and Music Store: Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING SAME. Kills Bedbugs, Roaches, Fleas, Ants Flies and bisects of all kinds. Good for usin on Dogs and Cats. Imported and for sale i any quantity by MUNDS BROS., . Druggie b. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of-th day and night. june 1 New Summer Resort! Hotel Brunswick, smithvil e, n. C. "JUiECTLY IN FRONT OF THE OCEAN, and twenty -five miles below Wilmington. The nOTEL BRUNSWICK is a new struc ture, and will be open-for. the reception of guests on THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE. It commands a splendid view of the Harbor and Ocean. Steamers and ships pass in front of the door Salliitg and fishing are unsurpassed. Bath Houses for the use of guests. A good Band of Music and Ball Room will "be open day and night. Ten-pin Alley, Billard Hall and Bar attached to the Hotel. -THE TABLE will be supplied with Fish, Crabs, Oysters, Clams, TeiTapins, and every product of the sea. First-class Passenger Steamers will leave Wilmington and Smithville morning and even ing, making two trips each way. The Proprietor has an experience of many years in charge of summer hotels at Beaufort, including the late Atlantic Hotel. Cheap Excursion Tickets will be sold on the differentj-allroads. 1 TerxSsjnoderate. Special rates to families. -T B. L. PERRY, Proprietor, and of Purcell House, Wilmington, N. C. mayl4-3m. , Saratoga Trunks. FULL SUPPLY Sizes 32, 34, and 36. Ladies' & Children'sHosiery UNDERWEAR for Ladies', Gents and Child ren. TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS and all new Trimmiags to match. Ulsters Ulsters ! OF LINEN AND MOHAIR. LINES SHEETING AND PILLOW CASING, Blcaehc"! ami Brown Cottons ami Shirt- - - " , - - i - - ings. Some very choice brands. A NEW SUPPLY in a few days. junc 23 R. M. McINTIRE. Free Tickets G IVEN-.TQ ALL PERSONS TO CALL upon. 3eo. It. French & Sons, and buy a pair of nice Shoes, for self, mother, wife or cousin and aunts. Call soon and don't be bashful. June. 23 i w A- 1882. NO. 158. NEW ADVERTISEMNTS. ! E VERY STEAMER BRINGS US NEW AND FRESH SUPPLIES OF; i FAMILY GROCERIES. WINES, CHOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Every article we sell is strictly as represented. Ours Is the oldest established grocery house in Wilmington, and we are determined to keep up the high reputaUon It has enjoyed forjmor than a quarter of a century. Wc respectfully Invite., an examination ot stock. GEO. MYERS, june 18 1 1 and 13 South Front To the Public. itaving DISPOSED OF MY BARBER J.JL . Shop, No. 9, South Front street, to Mr. C P. lockey. I take this mode to inform inv friends and patrons who have been in the habit of pat ronizing the said establishment, that -I have taken my two journeymen barbers, Scott ana Evans, to my present stand on Market street, next door to Mr. McHhenuy's Drug Store, where I will be pleased to see them one and all. Thanking for past favors, I beg a continu ance of the same iu the future. ' . Respectfully, II. C. PREMPERT. Wilmington, N. C, June 24, 1882. lwk White ronze. THE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS FOR THE Monumental Bronze Company, of Bridge edrt, Conn., invite attention to the work ofler po by them. These monuments are Indestruct ible, cannot be chipped, cannot be thrown Over ana may uenafl at one-half the price of stone. AMAN & WILSON, june8-lm Princess St., near Second. Change of Schedule. rpHE PASSPORT WILL LEAVE SMITH VILLE every morning except Saturday, at 5.30 o'clock. Leave Wilmington at 9 o'clock, a. m. ana o o ciock, p. m. Saturday, leave Smithville at 7.89 a. m. and Wilmington a t4 p.m. no ounaay trips. junel8-lwk J. W. nARPER. Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD MOST RE spectfully inform his many friends and patrons that he has severed his connection withJtlie firm of Prempert & Son, and that be may in the future be found at the establish ment of Mr. John Werner, No. 29 Market St., where he will be pleased to see them, one and all. Respectfully, june 13 2w A. PREMPERT. Home Made Candv. J)URE AND WHOLESOME. All kinds made frejsh every day at C. E. JEVENS, Second Street, three doors below the Post nice. mav 14 tf Pine Grove, WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C, SITUATE AT the 8 MUe Post on the Turnpike. Per sons visiting the SOUND FOR A DAY'S EN JOYMENT can get an EARLY "FISH SUP PER" before starting home, by asking for it. No trouble at all. ED. WILSON MANNING, Propr. june 18-tf Scarborough's Saloon and Restaurant! jgVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. MEALS AT all hours. Clean Lodgings. Everything gua n teed as good as ji .n the city. . Bar is supplied with the beatfLIquors. Board by the month............. $15 00 Board by the week....... 5 00 Board by the day 1 25 And you can get your meals any hour of the day. R. J. SCARBOROUGH. apl;3d-2a Vo 8 South Water t. Win. E. Springer & Co., (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN DAWSON A CO.) "VLDEST HARDWARE HOUSE IN THE State. GOOD GOO DS and low prices. 19, 21 and 25 31aTkct street, 25 -' - - - Wllmingtoti, N. C. june The Steamer Minnehaha y-ILL COMMENCE HER REGULAR Trips between SmllhTlllo and Wilmington, this (Saturday) morninjr, June 24th. tearing Wharf South side of Market Dock, at8Ua.m.; returning, leave Smithville at 4 o'clock, p. m. Excellent accommodations. Two fine cabins. f one ror laaics ana i ne otner lor grauemcn. ) june24-3t E. T. BURRUSS, Master. j ; ; ' ! " I At Yates5 Boolcstore QAN RE FOU5D A IX'LL SUPPLY OF BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, INK, PENS, PENCILS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Memorandum Books, Writing Tablets, Cro quet, Hammocks, and a thousand and one otk er things usually ia Stationery Store. W PIANOS AND ORGANS very cheap. jane 13 - ... - - r - !lthe name of the writer mast ahravs be fur tusbed to the Editor. , . Communications must be written on only ond side of the paper. ' ' - - 1 PersonaUUea must be avoided. Al it Is especialljr and particularly under stood that UwEOitor docWoi always endora , he views of correspondents unless' so state In the editorial columns. ? .- - ; NEW AIVERTIS3IENTS. Grand Military Excursion OF THE A - i . Wilmineton Light Infantry ! jgOAT LEAXS WHARF at 8t o'clock , for SMTTIIVUXE A2sD THE FOItTS. " " w sic and Refreshments. Objectionable per. excluded. ; 1 -'-.i- V I i? 4 1 sons excluded. A beautiful floral tUbute' trill be pre sented to the most popular lady on board. Each holder of a Ueket raUtled t yote. ( Wnole tickets SO cents; Children and Ser , vants 25 cental TickeU for sale at Dyer&; Furnishing Store R. n. BEERY, s-!-: , I i , .J TH t MEARES, ' B. W. DUNHAM; GEO. HARJ ,i i W.-C" JONES, GEO. HArriss, Jr., Contfalttee. june 1S45M8, S5, 29 TJew Recta u rant. rjlHE rjNDERSlGNED WOtTLD EESPIXTI. fully announce that he has just fitted up at Ne -3, Granite Row, South Front at, a restaurant . for Ladles and 'Gentlemen,' where meal ts4 refreshments may be had at all hours of ' th" day. Everything Is new andrstlelaas. p0 lite waiters and courteous attendanta. , "Game and Oysters In Iseason. ' Tine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. : Pov18 r.A. SCnUTTE, Prop. For Ease and Comfort T SMITHVILLE, STOP AT THE AT- LANTIC SALOON, lust over the water. BestT LiiquIlnd Watr- Special lunch rooms. Crabs can be eaught from the piazza. A. K. lCYWrtr .Ta june 18-lm ' West of CarrlftnV For Sale, Kent or Lease. JJOUSE AND LOT CORNER FRONT AND MULBERRY 8T8.tT"T. 7 AND 13 Apply to June lOtf I. T. ALDERMAN. Boat Building a Specialty. J AM PREPARED TO BUILD ROW. AND RACING BOATS. Best of material used and prices moderate. Give roe a trial. ' ' . 1al W. W. WEEKS, june 18-lm SmlthvUle. N. C. When at Smithville ' J)R0P IN AND "SEE IWIIAT I HAVE. of nea.EIouors, COOL BEER and Cigars. Canned Meats, Sardgesetc "for june 18-lm Near Court House. To Make Home Beautiful TTAVK YOUR WALLS KALSOM1NED ' with our superior Tbated MarbeUne to U shades; It costs afourth'the price if Painting ' ' ' ' '. ': ' . .,...." 4 and is both durable and beautiful; can refer you to some of the best work In the city. Our Extra Pure White Lead and Paints w are seRuagaa low as lnferWgrades are oflcred. ; SASH( DOORS AND BLINDS, At Factory Price Agency for the celebrated EMERALD AND ZKB VANCE J COOKING STOVES. Our largenne of lUrdware U well known andjwelare erery dayeceivlns new auppnea Give a call at. . 1';(;;-tiL: " . - . ; 1 NATHANIEL JACOBI'S, , ' - Hardware Depot, i i'-l jun 18 tf' ! I'lO Booth rroat fitl i OPENED THIS BAY ! yNOTHER LOT, M plcres, iJVic' Bunting A handsome line ef ' wiims GOODS. ; ;x -LACES,. ,7 U ' U ' - CLOVES, an . fc -' .: - I',-. ' r . jrXANDKTJSCZDXrS. JXO. Jj rXEDRICK. june IS Commercial Hotel VVilmington, N.: C. M. SCTIXJSS, Prop. -piSST-CULSSJS IrafiPECT. "

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