PlaEASK S0TIC3L 3- ' -T We will he glad to TCcelTe.ecmxnunlcatlo r en:" ,1 i.UHvcrci D7 t-i1" fthi.HtT. t the above .1 a" - rfotion of tiny nctnsiKipcrs V"''. .MijW. ' -- - V rK:is'"'kin ('ure I): t' .,fl,HLiKi:-rra Fine Organ J jVwi-TT-More Mouito Net. jj.fI.ecture: "JJecom- Jvi'B r.iiisx Con- ..4:. r " (vmtn ajgeUinpkntifu!. X.V retfipti of cotton lor the two .;Tby yesterday, foot up tv Kourth pa5setl off . quietly a rule, mere was a ithville.and the usual pu- -'V.Ic rxerris f the day at Hilton, "" . t ! in nmm-Aiia rioiii disasters to re- TVre are n miu who iu this world seeks bgter. buy clothes and furnishing! of Ilasc Hall. Tvro juTonilci cilorwl clubi, "Star- i;2hi and "lUue lliJgc,,,played a match aui.flall jetenlay near the cotton fa t..ry. The Starlight were the win ners, having made 13 rounds to their . jncht? 12. Freshwater rcrrh.Trout and Black' G,a hor tsand lines. A full assort tuect and lowest prices at JACOBi's.t I'n mailables. The following unmailable matter ro triiaaln the instoffice in this city. Wed. n.!iyJu!j ith, 1882: . v Mollie A. Hooks, Abbotisburg, N. T.;J. Luckauy, S. K. corner Con cord and Inspection streets. To Builders and o hers Go to Jaco " bi'i for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Jkc. You can get al jowest prices. sizes and at the City. Court. Joseph Telfair, disorderly conduct, as fined $00 or 30 days. He went be low. W. H. HfIIoray, for similar offence, w as 15neI 3. Albert Jones, charged with disorderly conduct, was discharged. One case of disorderly conduct was acd $3. Military Matters. The following. General Order No. C4, haben issued from the office of Adjutant-General Jones: Col. Richard p. Hancock, of the First Kegiment, having been commissioned Brigadier-General of the First Brigade, North Carolina State Guard, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late 4 n. Basil C, Manly, ho is hereby as :pwd to the command of the First MiK :tary IMstrict, and will Ixi obeyed and pected accordingly. By order of the 'ovcrnor and Commander-in-Chief. Why Thiuirs Go Up. ' It jou will -multiply $30,000 and J lO.uoo by S, you have the result $73, Jf25.00O. So the grand capitals of rne Louisiana State Lottery have gone ong wiili the increase of cost ef whole tickets for the monthly drawing. Which baa joae from two dol'.ars to five dollars A finsTe dollar sent to M. A. tit .P ew rle. 1a.. will hare illSi?6 T an7, of. Setting Two dollars sent may bring .J 30.000; but five dollars sent may bnnx you $75,000. One reason for the T?p w tbe Cict that the managers uU never supply th demand, to the futif10 1U ular patrons. For :SS.,ltfinntlon.-WriUilo M. A. nSP. 5" e?" ns, La., and be " to do io before July 11th next. I. O. O. F. Iistrict Deputy G. M., W. J. Tenny, fl by P. G., W. S. Hewlett, J. L. 1 udiej ,l.o. Craig : and P. T. Dick- ,y.Ust night.' installed the following trcen for Orion Lodge, No. 67, of this cy: ... vj v. Aitauer. 1-G-VD.Morrell. i I -S-J.lI.Pugh. 'ST- C.' Farrow. Treaty S. Warrock. JJarOen-A. G.McGirt.. ftfcductor S. A. Craig H-toX.GBiVJlVnny. I- S. to X. G-F. J. Gooding, 1. 0 W. H. Griffith. - Gr. H. capps. , s- V. G-U. H. Orrell. J- S. V. G Chai. Frost ! . . b. to V. G-Frank Maunder. S. S. to V. G-W. T. Williams. -Chiplaia-W. J. Penny. I mt J .-; VOL. VI. lolicc Report. .i - t : ninng trio moniu oiyune mere were made Jbr the following 6- fenscs: : Abobhig an' officer, 1 .white fe- Ihiring the month of Jime there were male; assaulting an oflicer, ti colored males; defacing a fence. 7 colored males; disorderly-"conduct, 8 white; males, 2 white fcniales, 7 colbrctl males, 5 doloreil females ;' drunk (nnd down, 3 white males, 1 white female, x?4 coioreu males; escHiel irom i'twr. House, 1 coloretl male; fast driving, 2 colored males; larceny, 1 colored male; applied for lodging. 29 white males aud 2 colored males. Sir places: lof bus-. ne3 s were found open. -, Finos collected $37.50, Episcopal Visitation. j Bisliop Xorthrop is now "making a visitation . of the "Western portion of his diocese. In Charlotte, on last Sunday, he ordained to the priesthood Itev, Daniel HeAi.fO. S. B.iUhovlll .devote himself to rnis3ioaary tluties throughout the State, bn'the same day the BishoD confirmed seven candidates. . J une 24th he confirmed eleven in Hickory June 27th he confirmed three in SL Mary's, Gaston county. Next Sunday he will officiate in St. Agnes1 Church, Greens-. bbro." " ' ' " ; I 1 r The bishop has contracted for the buildfng of a $2,500 r church in Salis bury The ground was given by Miss Christine Fisher. . She lias also j given a liberal donation for the erection of the church. " i Arrest of a Highway Kobber. John Johnson, who , was arrested sometime ago charged with larceny, bat who succeeded in making his' es cape, was arrested again on Monday f by Officers Carrf and Strode. Ho had said he.would not , be taken alive ana was prepared to do dirty work but Of ficer Carr, with true detective instincts, care the thief a little.surprise before he Lcould get to his fire arms and boWie knife. A fine breech-ldading shot gun was found in tho.housc in which John son was arrested. The gun has, been identified as the one stolen from Mas ters George C. Worth 'and Frauk Iliig gins, near Greenfield millpond.i several montlis ago. Johnson will have a pre liminary hearing on Friday next. Ho is charged with highway robbery, the penalty of which is net loss than five years or more than sixty in tho peniten tiary. I Xelcsratcs to the Congressional Convention. ' . , The'lollowing .named gentlemen hare been appointed by Ir. Da Brutz Cutlar, Chairman ofr .the County Convention, as . delegates and al tcrnatos to the Congressional Con- ventibn, which will assemble in War saw the 20th inst. : . 1 ' : Delegates D (J Worth lloger Moore, Josh T James, W It Kenan, A II Van Bokkelcn, Dr A 7j , DcRossct, Jas F Post, S H Fishb'latcJ W A Cumming, John J Taylor, John C Hcycr, ll A Bagg, A A Moseley, L -H-Bowden, II MoL. Green, J C Stevenson, G J Boney, W V Oldham, K V Hall, James Aitier- man. w jLauaierro, u tiwmi Samuel Bear, Jr., P Ueinsberger, II C Brock, A G llicaud, F W Kerehner, Junius Davis, John D. Bcllmay, Jr. Alternates K Thorburn. V C Munds, S W Sanders, C M Harris, h W Mc Laurin, E G Parmalee, It II Piclcett, Tom (t Pifckett, Thos sHepherd. C E Borden. C G Southerland. Wnv H Sterling, J H Daniels, W L Parsley, O A Wiggins, J II Boatwright, Jo's D Smith. Sam'l Northrop, Fred Rhew', C W Yates. .711 Dunham, Wm II Yopp, DeLancey Evans, W A Whitehead, R II Mcryy, W C VonGlahij, Wm Good man. J W Taylor, Jaui?s Madden.' urinff Out Your Smifloiwcrs. We thought Oscar ildc was going to give Wilmington the go-by on his Southern lecturing tour, but Mr. Frank Gray, his advance agent, was here yes terday making arrangements for a lec ure inthis city on Saturday night, the 8th inst. We pTiblish elsewhere a good portrait of the aesthetic and dramatic art lecturer. X" New York exchange, in speaking of him, .says : The lecturer wore a new suit, con sisting of dark Telvet coat and knee breeches, with a profusion of lace around the neck and down" the front and at the cuffs. Ho bad bn dark stockings and patent leather pumps. ! ', V : ' Mr. Wilde spoke for an hour and twenty minutes without notes. At first he assumed an attitude Which is made familiar by his fnll-lcngth photo graphs,, and maintained it, with occa sional lapses into gracefulness, until he had finished. At the conclusion of the lecture a lady threw; lirv from her box. The- audience applauded, and - as the lecturer returned he was greeted wiih & bunch of iaconeminot roses. . He nicked them ud. ?&in bowed ihi ac WILMINGTON. N, C. THURSDAY; JULY ,t Z The Fourth ata Point Caswell. ,A.bout three hundred iiarsons left thi3 r city on the morning of the F ourth for Potut-. Caswell, where the reunion of Onipuny- E. of the 16th N. C. .Regi ment, was held. . The 'steamers John J)awon i and Vesta left their wharves at about. 5 o'clock., and after a pleasant run of about firc: hours, hove in sight of Poifit t Caswell. " The banks of the river and tho bridge which spans the river just above the boat landings were' thronged with ladies and gentlemen, who had congregated to give the excur sionists a hearty welcome. "The -boats landed amid the hurrahs of the men and waving handkerchiefs by the ladies. The 'survivors, of Company E '.were drawn up in line on the wharf. - The .Wilmington Light Infantry, headed by its splendid drum corps, filed off the Vesta and. escorted tho members of Company E to the speak ing stand. The roll of Company E was called by ; its OrderlyJ each -man preslnt answering to his name and un covering his head when the name of a dead companion was called. Col.1 A. M. Waddell was called for, and was in troduced in. a happy i manner by Dr. Fred Thompson. The distinguished gentleman .spoke in his usual happy and eloquent style, and . made many ne w . friends. He stated that he had made no earthly r preparation and had not expected to be -at Point Caswell. ne iurtner switea tnat . ne was in Smithvillc the night before, but that Capt. R. P. Paddison ha4 chartered a steamer and had gone down to Smith ville after him, and at 2 o'clock in the night got aim out of bed and brought him to Wilmington, and from thence to Point Caswell. Col. Waddell spoke for about one hour and. was attentively listened to by the large concourse of people, which was estimated at from 1,500 to 2,000. A beautiful floral tribute was presented to him by Mrs. E. A. Hawes. At the close of the speech the crowd dispersed and spread their cloths for dinner.1 As far as could be ascer tained every one on the grounds was bountifully fed , and after dinner the young people adjourned to witness the tight rope walking of Master Robert Hewlett. After the performance danc ing was indulged in by thej young folks up to tho time the boats left for the city. The music was placed on the Vesta and most of the young people returned on her. The John Dawson arrived in this city about 10:30 o'clock, but the Vcsta owing to some slight accident, did not arrive until about daybreak. The Hotel Brunswick. '( One of the most, attractive places of public resort on the Fourth was the Hotel Brunswick at Smithville. The finishing touches have been put on the building, and a large number of j per sons from the country have taken ad vantage of the excellent opportunity offered them to spend a week or so on the coast. We constantly hear of par ties bciug made up in the j country to spend some time at Smithville at the new house. Mine host Perry has had many years experience in running sum mer resorts, ! and gives to his guests oyery comfort and pleasure at his com mand. In connection with the house is a bar, billiard saloon, and bowling alley, and large' and comfortable bath houses ; sailing and fisliing are un surpassed. The cuisine of tho Hotel Brunswick is second to none -on the coast, and an excellent meal, rich in salt water' delicacie is spread for the guests of the house. Mr. Harry W ebb is the caterer for the house, and his weU known reputation in this line should be a sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the bill of fare presented to the pat rons of the house. The sleeping apart ments are all open to the breeze, and are furnished with" new, neat and com fortable furniture. The ball-room is large and airy and the music unsur passed. ' ' :" ' Our up country friends now have the nestlv desired bv them, that of visiting ; t - a first-class Summer resort by the sea without having to travel an immense distance to reach itl 1 Convenient ar rangements can always be ! made "by parties with the railroads and steam boat authorities, and tickets, at low rates, will" be issued from any point to and 'from Smithville, which will.'- of course, include steamboat fares. Gen tlemen in the interior, who may have business to transact in Wilmington,can bring ' their- families with them ani leave them at Snfithville, While they can " "visit the city every day, returning to pass the night at Smithville- . , , - ,. . .. . , j : Nervous debility, the curse of the American people, immediately yields to tye action of Brown's Iron Bitters. : ' ' ",' "." - ' . ' i . j J i j . L . NEW ADVERTISmrENTS. 'f' I A yi SATURDAY, J U L Y 8. LECTURE DEC0B1TIVE ART. - j ': List of Letters.- ' The following unclaimed ; letters re main in the Postofiicc in'thiS city, Wed nesday, July 5th:'i J!i ? j ; ; ' A E C. Atkinson, JohnXlston, ." f B-Maggie. Brown, Lucinda Barnes, Samuel Briggs, Susan D Brommer,! J W Brlnkleyf James H Bell, Charlotte Brown...' : V, '. . ;C Edward Conner, Frankie Costiri, Annie C Cotten, Ann Jane Crawford, Aimy Cam ell,1 Hattie Crummady, J W C61e J H Cashwell L D Cherry, Mary Francis Clifton, Sarah Cooper. , j 1 D Clarra Dunn, Jack Davis, . M Densy, Walter Dobbins. , ' j E Mary E Evans. ; . " ' i ; F Wm ' Futrell, Louisa Freeman, Henderson Fodmy; Fannie Fohyille, H W Fulmider. ; . L H L L.Hoyt;H Jt Herring, Elsie Haywood,- Daniel . Howe, Benjamin Hill, S Houcot; ; - , i J- S H Jordon3, ' Katie E Johnson, Mamie Jones,' Charity Johnson, i i K Prince Kinyan. P Petteway & Moore. ' ; M Mariah Mitchell. - .:' i i : - O Michael O'Conneli: " i ,- P NCPressley, Sallie Pearsall,, A F PoweU; , - R Eddie Robertson.! Clemm Ross. S R Pedrick, Richard Reed, J II Red mond, v S Wm Thomas Samonersett. Thos Savage, Mollie Spicer, Lucy Smith Bessie Steadman. Benme l bmitn. T-D WTrask, Daniel' Tedder! (2), Clias Tilley. Dennie Thomas. W Clara Watters, C R West, John II Webber; Mary Jane- Weltes. Mary Wilson. Kobt It Williams, baran Wer ner. Violet Williams, Wileox & Co W J Wrankins-" Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for within ten days, will . be sent to the dead letter office at Wasliingtoa, D. O. Ep;:Ri Brink. P. f Wilmington, New Hanover County, N. c. -i- Don't Die in the House. "Rough on Rats," Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, . flies, ants, moles, chipmunks, gophers. 1 5c. . ' DIED.. IiOWDEN At his residence In Pender coun tr, on thc22d. of June, Mr. LEMUEL BOW DEN departed this life In tho 74th year of nhis age. -!, 'y- ' . The deceased was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, and for . many years he Ailed the 6acrod ofiico of an Klder. in Keith Chnrtrh. This office he tilled until declining health compelled him to leare his scat vacant at the.; place of worship. : Ho leaves many friends and relatives to roourn their irrepara ble loss, but their loss is his eternal gain. He died in Christ and with a full assurance of an eternal gain. Peace to his ashes. " Kox. : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. More Mosquito Nets. aNEV SUPPLY JUST TO HAND,' AT ' 5 S: JEWETT'S, - rurniture neatly-repaired and (Upholstered. Hatr, Moss or Straw Mattresses made to order with my improvement. All Housewives will appreciate It. ; ".' ,jnry 6 Notice tr ; Oonthictots. PROPOSALS ARE INVTTED FOR BUILD- ing an Academy at-Point CasweJl-j The bulW lng committee will meet Friday, July .It, for the purpose of letting tho contract , to the low est bidder. For plans and specifications apply to ' . . jNOi h-'Paddison, July G-lt ' Point Caswell. N. C. ITT Wil..&Weia6h;jl0arCo, it mi iiwrHa OmOSPP TRK JSECBSTAjrr & TKfitS., " rl ' r VTlxnlngton, K. CX, J uly 5, 1S82, A DrviDExr of three per cest; ?n the Capital Stock ef the Wilmington Sc. Weldon Rail Road od Conrpaay,' has "been t declared paya- . - i - ble on Tho books fr : xhi transfer of stock wffl b closed from too lftth to the 26th. last.. ' ' -r W. THOMPSON, 1 ' . . nil hti. Jjlly-$t f 1 Secretary St Trea. NO. 161 NE W AI VERTISEMNTS. : . From Frank Leslie's illustrated tfctc$ ' ' ' paper." '' ' . i - A LADY SAID ( 'Those Iorrid Pimples! ' No I Cannot Gq.s Please Present My Excuses, - j i -1 Probably twotthirds pi the ,ladies in society and homes of our land are afflict ed with skin diseases of various kinds, to do away with which, if. it, could be done without injury, would. be the hap piest event, of their lives. Then tihe would have instead of a disfigured and marred countenance, one that woulfl be handsome, or at least gooU-looking, tor any one "with 'a clear,! pure skin . no matter what the cut of her features are, has-a certain amount j of , good looks which attracts everybody. As it is now, she imagines every one sees and talks about "those freckles," "those - horrid pimples," and others I blemishes , with which she is afflicted j and this is true of either sex. . - ... . ,;. .m ..., To improve ,thi3 appearance great risks are taken : arsenic, mercury, or high-sound titled named articles cohr tnin? n rr f Vioca Hon f Kloil5 tr rlt-iirrci o fa taken in hopes of getting rid of all these troubles. In many cases, death is the resuic. ; i js o aue viauoa; 01 ine pu rnm, heating, itching and inflammation is given. All troubled with Eczema (saltH rheum), Tetters, I Hum ors Inflamma tion, Rough Scaly (Eruptions of any kind; Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pimples, or Tender Itchings on any part of the body, should know that there is hope for 'them in i a sure, , "perfect ajtid elegant remedy, known as "Dr, C. W. Benson's Skin Cure.,r. . It makes the skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and freckles; and is the best toilet dressing in the world. It is elegantly put up, two bot tles in one package, i consisting of both internal ana external j treatment. Our readers should be sure to get this and not some old remedy resuscitated on the success of Dr. Benson's and now adver tised as "The Great Skin Cure". There is only one, it bears the Doctor's pic-, ture and is for sale by all druggists. $1 per package. , ; j1 : I r , : A SENSATION has often been made u by the discovery of some hew th!ng,but nothin has ever stood the test like Dr. C. W. Benson's' Celery and Chamomile Pills. ' '- -. " ' They really do cure sick headache, nervous headache, ! neuralgia,' nervous ness, sleeplessness, indigestion, ; paraly sis, and melancholy.. ;, , -1 Price, 50 cents per box, two forl, sii for $2,50 by mail, postage freei-Dr. C. W. Benson, Baltimore, Md.; . Sold bv all drujrdsts. ' . ; C. N. Crittenton. Kew York, is whole sale agient foi?r. CL W. Bensoti1srcmr &uir;o, Uij m ua : For a Fine Organ piOME TO TnE LIVE BOOK 1 i AND MUSIC STORE Here you will bo politely waited-upon and can't help being suited, - M At : HEINSBERGER'S. V ATEST PERIODICALS . ' 1 I ALWAYS RECEIVED IN DUE TIME July 6 ' . . . ". AT THE LIVE BOOKSTORE. :,;:.fv,We-1ll;.;;;;-iTt:- PANELS, - AUTO' ALBUMS, . VISITLNG Cards, Letter Books, Oil Board, Blotting Pa per, Drafr Books, Note Books, Receipt Books, Violin Strings Violid Byws, Playing Cards, Pocket Books. Phoio' Albums, Baskets, Clips and Files, Picture Frames, Copying Pencils, Drawing Paperi 'a: Ac '' , , ...;.-. 1 PIANOS ANDOBGANS, M ' Ael.- Ac.', 4c Sx. i i- July2 1 IfTouWant GOODS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, AT A nail figure above cost, go .to' S& Taylor's 1882. . . . - ' - I . i ; , , i X n ,r- -- r Tlje iam of tho wnwraw lalTt47Xor ulahct to tho Edltos-,. CiMunIcaUoaamut t; frtlTfcn oa f only ooo sldo of the paper. .Personalities must bo avoided. And it la especially and paitlcalarlj under stood thAtihc Kdito doe. not' Iwajaendors: no vlewa of oorrepondenta unless so sUto In the editorial columns. f 1 i .OMit'G Schedule B Taxi , , jptECJThT .'Tlti DEUt IlllMiyas.l mml8sion Merchants, Keepers of Hotels and Boarding Hotiees An.tjill othe Tratles or Pro- above tax, are hereby notified that this tax falls due on the 1st day or July, and f the law requires, tluil thi same Tk paid hi' durin'z tlw first TEN DAYS la the M out hi. , t I v- . f.;i . 1 1 m 1 1 jos. H'siAMrsoK,- .1 July 1 St n? c. . Register of Deeds. CaroIiiiaMoil iColiipany. PINE WObD OIL MAN tJFACTURED !at our works is reconimendnl to be tho cheap est Paint Oil in the market; ad the beet I prc-l servauye rpr vqod cyex lnventetU J-tr,,Jo ny me oarroi or canon at I Tar Oil and Charcoal, at lso fiico No. 6, South Water Street. I June 25. HANSEN & SMITIL ... , . . i J AVliiteWoihan Vantcd. U' aOry IIOdE TSOrFEREr TO I 1 I- TO I A XJl young single white woman who Is young single white woman who a good washer and Ironer.' Famlly smalL Referencea required. , Enquh-o At Miller's Drug Store, Brooklyn, Fourth street, Corner Hanover, i "JUiy 3-31 j T! I CAR IX) AD LOTS $1.15 PER BBL. I Address FREVrif Hitns l v v y m. villi. XI. . , Of O. G, PARSLEY, Jr., i. Jdiy!4-d &wtf 1 i i t 1 1 WUmpyton,'Si. C. i Rlunds Bros. . i JJRUGGISTS; WlOfTNGTON, NORTIjt Caroliuai 1,401 Btoadway !ioliicr"Mrd street, I New York,' The- high ' siaadtml attained bv the firm in this city will Ikj Increasel by thefr New YorkcontLPcti6iU' Wilmingtoniansh visit ing New York will rcclevo- at iho above num. ber a hearty North Carolina welcome. ; jy 2. j White Bronze. THRbDNl)ERsreNf:ppC6Kil FOr! TUB: Monumental Brcfttre CtThtanr, of Bridge edrt, Conn., invite attention to the work ofler po by them. These monuments are Indestruct ible, cannot be chipped, ennnqtbe thrown over and may be had at one-half the price of stone. AMAN A 1IARRISS, T lobi i iNorth JPncintt treet.iwar Market. Ship Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREHY cautioned and forewarned Capt.Nlelnen, as neither the Mas lr orCnnfarneAi SrlH h iTVfiiou D1W1V .V. ' J V.Vtl9 V . k V V. It T bllllll HEIDE i CO., juJy4-3t uonsignees. : v r,i ...!:.';r For sale b- July 2 ' KERCHNElt CALDER.BROS. Hay Corn, Oato. i firin Bales Cuolce TIMOTHY II ATj - .... .. . .1- . L ...h tf fnf Jla Vnmc and Mixed CORN, ooo i,oop July 2 KERCHNER & CALDERI BROS. ; ; 9 A' Uf DHIC 1U IV ITT - ' Fountains and Bath Tubs. WE AAVE ON HAND A FUI.Xr STOCK of Fountains. Bath Tubs, Garden Sprinklers. Rubber IIoe, Gas Fixtures GIoles, ' Chan dlers and Hydrant Posts. Special attention am to (nrpistuog nouses wiun j ateraona In water and Gas purtenances recelvod as Soon as out.' I nly2-lwk V R. II, GRANT & CO. , IL II, GRANT &C . ..: . ... First National Bank of Wil- .1 u : mington, N. Ci A PER CENT, has lecn declared by the Board of Directors of 4h h Bank payabfe an the 10th last. . I - A. JC WALKER.iCashier. Wilmington, N. C, July '$2 Si nae. ! Wagonette for the 8onnd N AND AlTER TITURSDAY, J5th! Inst, the WarooettA win be run to and from the tr agonett Lvlnz Wi Sound, leaving Wilmington, corner Second and Princess streets, at6 p. tn. Re turning, leave .1 u 1 m j. ... - ..." I . iuneJl-tf : STRAW MATTINGS ! : it GOOD ASSORTMENT PATTERNS Linen UlGtercl A FEW .JJNEN. SUITS (Cheap.)" rJohair Ufcter ! Children's ; Under :Skir,ts ! LOW", NECK AND SHORT SLEEVES : A ND HIGUEANi SHORT SLEETjEf ji; gamt9gCTi8j -f SEYERAL STTIJii-GOOD1 ' QUALITY, 32 -W ?tzr. ..!.." 3rlandSJw'? l.t::t j L.brE3, GENTS AND CirTLDRENS It D K FS. 1 And a eonmlete storVnf ' , ! z. . . G. general interest ImiC i OirRlotitie : Mir 1 , . h jlUK JVUILJJLKU nJliPOSES. : r . i knowledgements and retired, .,.. . . : ' - - J . ,41 -y.

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