j0SIIT.JA31 L-VrtoSS POSTAGE PAID: C .; On month, S5nU- 1 0- Si parfft city, at the abore 'JSf--' m. 1 J7kw and liberal "Lr nsrerregularly. rTTruihiEcdcuf has the largest r-O- iflC " . nnu ncicsvaver VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C.. SATURDAY; JULY 81882 NO. 163. 1 .pnTLNEWS. r.J.Tr-Winilor Shade : Jri.EN-rure Ice Cream vn p Small Ice Cream and fl ,41 of cottou at this port yes- Mock-Orange la PoLsonous. i f Only two years ago several fine cows were poisoned in this city t by eating branches of the mock orange (really a cherry and . known to botanists as j prttnus Caroliniana or Carolina chcr- i , llmr..w.. . .... .1 T - ' ijj iiuuhii ituiu a jam on jronccsa street. We noticed yesterday the same thoughtless act repeated iii the same neighborhood. The fruit of this' tree is ttc part conta iniug the poison, and it GOTHAM. letter From nn'OId Wllminff- toniaii The Fourth Iii the Metropolis. I .' Brooklyn,' N.VT., July 5, 1882. , ! Dear Review: thinking tliat the readers of the Review would like to hear how, the 4th of July is -spent in and around the metropolis, I have de cided to drop you a fow lines and give you an ontlino only, for to dosjcsboall is yet greeu, but as poisonous as at ; the scenes and places of interest , and any time. Such thoughtlessness is un- i amusement would nil your limited accountable. Seaside Park. 1 1 ffcf tA4'r 'J " rn.lmth the fish market. . " " - . X Mil i-i the date ol usenr" nuo s P at the Opera Houe. rrcsruce tipt. Joan w IIinson formerly of h:,city but now of Charleston, was Tcrjron a brief visit- Tb ieanier City of Alum, bound tow rhiladelphia for New Orleans, ' . :,w this port ycstenlay morning fr cc.'. -She will probably proceed on hrr rovage this morniug. A una from the neighborhood of Fticral Point, while driving on Third tntl this morning, went to. sleep and fell from the cart, the wheels of which lined OTer his hips, bruising him prct it wTcrcIy. bat not breaking any boncs. oiar Wilde will discourse on Decor arire Art at the Opera House to-night. f Ice Cream at Smlthville. Persons visiting Smithville and want ing ice cream in the middle of the day, ran Le furnwhed by Capt. Fred. Small. He will send the cream to the steamers or in the' garrison to thoso persons who wish it, or will serve it to them at his kr cream saloon, near the Hotel Bruns wick. Sec his advertisement in another ro'ann. space to its utmost capacity. h ! As our Christmas berrins in the sunnv ( South, so the Fourth of July begins 1 1iovr trio riirrlit fVr Kv I Iia fiittir . number of gentlemen met yester-' n,nn rr-l:m nrnin;nn nr tornnao day at noon at the office : of fessra.! E. land the incessant firing of firecrackers, G. Barker & Co., and organized the xvhicli was kept up all night and all day Seaside Tark Improvement Company! SL"?- d lor U ngrilsviUc !ound. i in organize-seemed to bo equal to the thundering! tion was JMervous debilitvr.tha r.nffift or thf American people, immediately yields to the action of Brown's Iron Bitters.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ice Cream, v ' . . i - " v; QKDER.YOUa ICE CBE.1M TOD AY FOU Snnday' Dinner. Ice Cream mmle of' PURE CAMGUABANTKJEb FRESH EVERY DAl . Dom't forjwt to order to-dar: ' i Jnly S-lt r J, C LUMSDEXi ; Ice Cream and Soda Water. J "KEEP COSSTAXTLY ON IIAS0 PURE ICE CREAM and SODA WATER, flavored with pure fruit Juice Customers, arred at reasonable price. - -i - --.- - -.v : - FRED, small;-. : Jut Xorth f Garrtsoa, and near Hotel Bruna- -, . ; wick, SmltUTlllc, C. . - Julj 8-lm NEW AI VERTISEMNTS. Ice 7 Cream f I Scream. ! WE ARE NOW MAKING DELICIOUS ICE CREAM of Pare Cream , and genuine fruit juicca 4tnd dollrer it in anjr part of the citr, at 4oc periuart or 1.75 per gallon. KENNEBEC FLINT. ICK. FOWLER KEOTII,, Cor, Frant Jk Church ata. juij7-lw" ! f rjJunds Bros, i DRUGGISTS, WI L3IINGTON, NORTH Carolina, l,!49l Rroadway, corner rd street, new xwi xne mgn stanaaru attained by the firm in thi city will be increased by. thebr New lork i connection. Wilmingtoniana visit ing New Y'6rk wiU recieve at ihe above nnm' ber a hearty North Carolina welcome. Jy 2. Window Shades cffecteil under the general in-j roar of our noble old Cape Fear M- Tx A TARiETr.'or colors; styles and ion law of tho State, j - !iJilWui3V1V?STaS,kCpt?P UU itea, with cord or aprtasflxiure.at V hlv before and aftnr niirhtfalL - :- i - ' '. I '"". 27 N. Front street. i tarl v in the morninz all boats and A nice stock of Upholstering goods and Pa tMfna o-io. f Ka ,v0, fiiwi pcruaaginjaonnana. jujy a. a. iiu ivm i tup vw vtj f v, v 4-t-a-av aw 1 . , overflowing, but about noon the sky be came overcast and the pleasure-seekers Y?" . "i"' r , Yf a X v A RE NOW SELLING LADIES and Gents the ram began to lali, and thereby Trunks at reduced prices, to make room checked the ardor of even those who for our increaainsr Saddlery and Harness trade . Vou cannot si iow off a neat low cut shoe oa a small foot without a pair of I boat. tisc tsll hose from Drat s. -j corporation Messrs. F. W. Kerchner. -E. G. Barker, A. II. Greene, II.1 Yollcrs aud II. C. McQueen were chosen a Boanl jof Directors, and atterwards, at a mect- ing of the recently elected Board, Col? F. W. Kcrchncr was elected Chairman and Capt. VYK. Kenan Secretary and Treasurer. Tho objects and( plans of tho com pany are withheld for the present, un der suggestions Irom parties interested. The Opera House will be crowded to hear tho great lecturer to-night.. t I Tho Vesta. j In referring yesterday to the accident which occurred to the Vesta last Tues day night, on the return trip from Point Caswell, it was not our desire to in any way reflect upon tho capacity of the boat or the care and caution exercised by "her owners, Messrs!; Love & Bagley, both of whom arc practical machinists The information was obtained by a Re view reporter from what he considered reliable authority and the Editor, when ho read the proof yesterday morning, at 12 o'clock, thought that the statement was authorized by the owners of the had already arrived at the different We suanaitee beat for theleajt money. i . n T-i a t Large assortment. II. M. BOWDEN & CO. We lcryj Isfo: Utter. A M5Tvt PACKAGES (Large and Small) of h-tx. me very nnesu I 1 ! sqmmer reauria, viz.. : j oucy xsiauu. . New taddlerv And Trunk House. Kockaway Beach, Wen i island, Central tune 25 j No 40, Market street Park, Prospect Park, 1 ort Green and hundreds oi otner places, it is esti- wTO 1? -nrvciT IV Cf -i mated that there were 10,000 people at "m oprlllger 4V lU., Rockaway Beach when the rain Ttegan 10 iau aoouE j p. m., ana at ioney rsuccESsoRS to john datvson & co. Island I suDDose there were a ereatl - r. manv more, sis it is a much more ror- VLDEST I HARDWARE HOUSE IN THE ular place for pleasure-seekers. ' ,There w was to nave been extensive nreworKsi state. GOOD GOODS and low prices. June ii 19, 21 and 23 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. Slightly Disabled. M ! rtenlay morning, just after the strtacr Minnehaha started for Smith- ktitlajt accounts it was again falling ATlJaUon is very slow and difli- JMessrs Jxve and liagley, Dotn o whom, as we havo said, are practical machinists, assure us that the state ment contained in yesterday's issue is t fwTf ?r asmrt nuaint ? a 1 nrtinlira nl!sh hrntp her rrooilr rv Ktriirino I . . , i , 7.1 They say that the fireman was not tfttuuta very large log which was I , f, f , , f n frt A i ui u ha gnu itw b ,w cV 1 T r a and neglect his duties.! The trouble was Q QimrtlA nnfl nnn nnn IiL-pIv tn rv .1 - . . 1 1 va 1 aM&Mi'av vmw, - j vi. T 1 r V cur at any moment on I almost ' any quickly and substantially repaired, ; Lf..OT. rrhai,, fllA River News. was not tight and the water which was Th orJr rirpr t. .,i.i, raised by the pumps, instead jesnhy were tLeZXa Jen. from Fay. of going into the boiler, ( went into he , WW... I.v 1 xt ' ? P,vt.f r.c.Ti Tt.n T : luapu uasiey, wno is me engineer tn wrtedasbinrvprvW iti,rm f v I the boat, as well as part owner, stopped BUen came over the shoals without niacbinery. This Is . the simple c- , v.- 1 v statement 01 tne iacis wnicn nave Deen tm cf ahont 3 in, K.aKn o? unnecssaTuy. anu we may auu, uuuuu We may also add here that no one was discharged for remissness of duty on the occasion, as there was no remission. 'Rough on Ilats. I The damages were so stight that it cost Oar out-rats, mice roaches, flies, inst 60 cents for the necessary ' repairs. , tr 3 Vv . , i xne t esia carries tvuiai iuajwwi license, and is subject to inspection at To-Night. W time. 11 . . i vicar iide, the aposUe of rostlieti- Secure vour seats for Oscar Wilde's a, as onr readers are aware, will ap- lecture to-night and avoid the rush at ' - " cy uus eTcninir. at ine i nrKw l?er House. Mr. Wilde is now. re- iag North from a Southern tour Frank Islio's Sunday Ma-a- wia shortly sail for Ensrland on his , 2lnc. ara. He was 'trreaitrf with lrm One of tho leading features ot the Ws at frlf a c . a August number of this popular period- ms to have born r; Vf Vr,r6 , ---. i , tuuui i meUt wl j TrH111 Xliutuua ucn oviiaif Tor. in those chics, nrr-o "A f2nod Fellow " Amonir the other for the entertainment are now on sale a:. w,'ti , or a4111113- Dr. Talmage, on Decoration Day- - - caargeo SI for resrred AVrftit it i and what it Means -Street 50 cents rencral rr,;.ct .i Rinirinir and its Influence on theRefor Cecals to thMiT. niatlon in Germany;" 44Cyprus, An A-JthingU the hardware JIne can House was Founded by Prayer! found at reasonAh! .r; V t.; Vocal Music of the Ancient J lebre reasonable prices hi Jaco ot For Darby. earc a53ured. on excellent author-! y. iut Judge 3IcKoy will get a very VIIow the Rous:h The rows," by Alfreton Ilen-ey, etc. MacDonald's serial. "Weighed and Wanting," is con tinued, and there is an excellent story by Ella Rodman Church: entitled, "Ifono Chestlewaite's Trouble." There are also exceedingly interesting Sketch es and Essays; Poems of groat merit uenerai w . n. at several places last night, which were postponed on account of the extreme damp weather. Those at Manhattan will take place Thursday evening, and tnose ai v esc JDnsmton oaiuraav. blJ tn street, JN . x ., wnicn was given by fully announce that he has ju6t fitted up at No. .1 I. fsnllivfln thf rh mninn rtiimlisr. I i. . t New Restaurant. I O t- tau..!. ,. . r (as votir correspondent believes) of the , m. world, at which he completely used up for Ladle and Gentlemen, where meala and 'Jimmy Elliott," the man who has : j be had at au hours ox tn been blowing aboutWhipping Sulhvan. refreshmenta may ; At Monmouth Park, yesterday, there day. Everything la new and first class. Po were seven nouy coniesceu races, eaca j f being witnessed by an immense crowd, Ute waiters ajxdcotuiousattenlant8. notwithstanding the ram which was Iklling, the principal one being the one mile and a half race for 3-year-olds, for Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 43Game and Oysters In season. iTlne the Lonliard btaKes. lne states, in cluding entries and purse, amounted to about $12,000, and was won by Runny- mede, owned by Dwyer Bros. Ttme, i.Af hnf nnfnn n rxlortb' I White Bronze. THE UKDKRSIGNKD, AGENTS FOR THE Monumental Bronze ConiTuuir. of Rridire. edrt.Conri.i Invite attention to the work oflSr po by them j Thcso monuments are Indestruct ible, cannot be chipped, cannot be thrown over ana may be bad at one half the price of .atone. J r ASIAN & HARRISS, July 4 tE North Front street, near Market. WewGlbeglad to recelri ebiaimilcatloa iromjTir friends oa any. ad; .aJUanhJects general Interest but 1 j ' i iTtt name of tho writer muat always bifta? tusoeu to uie jMutor. - i CommualcaUons must be written oa omly onesldoof the papers Personalities must be avoided. ! And It Is especially and parUcnlarly tmder- 8tool thai the Editor does not always endors he views of correspondents unless so I state In tho editorial columns. . , 333.' ni t - v ; ; : i r; v t . u n i . s r ii ii it m - i a . . . . . .. uk ii ir i ' ii 1 1 1 1 i r .; . ii ... i i ii iii s ii ii ii i r ii - i ir ; - i i i i m , u i,. i . i i i i i , i - . PJ : y A r: !::;- :: n. W Hi WW ree . . i , . .. t-i .i - ir J ' i i 1 1 , M I I II J 1 - 1 1 1 1 J 1 U . i - : , ; VL Li ; f i Li A f f , U ., . " - . I I ll.. - . I . , . - i ' . I- I I I XEW ADVITISMIINTS. :jrr.i t Flour,-Meal, licc.- Bbl 1XOUR, all gTadea ' .4 4 200 500 15,19,1 Wtor3,In,, MCAL, ! Of. Bbls Carolina RICIJ. For sale by " f I ' 1 i July 2 KERCIIJJER C ALDER BROS. J . Hay, Corn, Onto. 500 Bfk 9 TIMOTHY HAT 10 000 Wh2 J'1Xed ciORN, 1 000 BusU FEKD OATS l . ., . for dataflow by '. " : I '.. July 2 i IOiCII-EI Jb C ALDER BROS. 100 PACKAGES ALL GRADES. , Conslened and must be sold June lS-tf . DeROSSET & CO. ; Salt. Salt. . QQTONS AGmptJLTURAL 8ALT. 15 000C8LRPOOL T J J 'gQQSACKS FINE TABLE SALT ! 5008ACKS CO-fBSB-'-WJM 8 ALT, ' Fine Table Salt In small pockets. 1 New Crop Cuba Molases, '22QHhds, Tierces and Barrela Kew crop Cuba, Porto Rico, Old CroplCuhJ' and Isectar byrup for sale at low prices.. June 18 WIIiIa., CHEESE 50, BOXES, gTARCH 200 BOXES, rjlOMATOES 50 CASES, ( CANNED CORN, 4 ' I PEACHES, Ac, Ac f Prices rerr low. i June 13.tf DkROSSET CO. Fountains arid Bath Tubs. "IT 7TS AAVE ON HAND (A FDTi STOCK ot Fountains. Bkth Tubs, Garden Sprinklers. Rubber Hose, iSas Fixtures. Globes, Chan dlers and Hydrant Posts. Special attention paid to furnishing houses with Water and Gas Fixtures; All novellieB i in. Water and Gas Appurtenances received as Soon as out. STEAW MATTINGS ! GOOD ASSORTMENT PATTERNS. Linen Ulsters ! A FEW LINEN SUITS (Cheap.) uly 2-lwk R. H. GRANT & CO. Wagbnb'tte for the Sound. AN AND AFTER THURSDAY. 15th Inst.. J the Wagonette will be run to and from the Sound, leavlne Wilmlnorton. corner Second and i&etur uig, leave Princess streets, at G p.j.m. mo sonna aw a. u lunellftf T. J. SOUTHERLAND. Rock Lime, IVlohair Ulstero I Childreniunder Skirts ! - , i . . LOW NECK AND SHORT SLEEVES' A2SD HIGH NECK AND SHORT SLEEVE 1 1 , (Saratoga Trunks. SEVERAL STYLES-GOOD QUALITY, S3 i . Si and 36. .-. I TTOR BUILDING PURPOSES. X ,i I $1.25 PER BARREL. nT 13 F. A. SCHUTTE, Prop. Worth & Worth. t 4. rs u I fl I"" -w.i Bv - JYti HCSb JJ1 ltLIlUJIl tilCIC W3 UI3U f CAR LOAD LOTS $1.15 PER BBL. Address FRENCH BROS, I Rocky Point. N. C. or O. G. PARSLEY. Jr.. juljM-d&wtf I . - Wilmington; N. C. Id, LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENSn DBF And a compiete stock of Laces. july.2 A R. M. MCINTIRB buyers some fine racing, including a steeple chase rnce. t Base ball, yacht r racing, rowing of different boat clubs, cricket and kin dred games were the . order of the day, each resort having from 1,000 spectators upward. , i New York and Jersey City hara been the scene of one the largest stnkes on record for the past four weeks that of the Ireight handlers who struck for 20 cents per hour. They had an excur sion up the Hudson yesterday which was largely attended. The different trades unions of New York, and the . freight-handlers of Jer- dov rSf-v and Wow YVvrlr will have a ft ass-meeting to-night at Union Square, TN addition to my already large whichv the weather permitting, will be NLv, ;gant stock of mixiNERY and fancy a verv lanre one. i ; i i I am glad to see that our (for althongh GOODS, I have received another large assortj . t ti . xr t.: I living in JorooKiyn, my auecuuus eret .OTTT T -r, . T . , run out for my old native State) Judi- ment of SHELL; R. and R,. LACE and TUS cial Convention re-nominated tnose can , hats, beautiful flowers two genllemen of ability, J udge Mc- 1 ' a Kov and So Hntor tiallowav. orwiit. ' x v We Sell SUMMER GOODS ! 1 19,000 Bushels CORN, , I ' 1,000 do. MEAL, ! I ; 500 Barrels FLOUR, 150 Bags COFFEE, 100 Barrels SUGAR, 100 Boxes BACON, , 100 Bales HAY. ' 250 Hhds. and BblsJ I mnr ntinn iiTTTi a irT a nova yslJXmw.'K'Ptkv. ?t Books, Photo' Albums, Baskets, Clips 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, ' '' Ttew ana secona nana. ANELS, AUTO ALBUMS, VISITING Cards, Letter Books, OU Board, Blotting Pa per, Draft Books, Note Books, Receipt Books, Violin Strings, Vlolid Byws, Playing Cards, 4 AT M. It AT Z ' S, S8 MARKET STREET. and Files, Picture jFramesi Copying Pencils, Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potash, Matches, Drawln J Pancr ' " 1 Candy, Candles, Hoop Iron, Na la, &d Ac. rawin A'apcr, C lune IS Fans and Parasols. July 2 PIANOS ANDORGANS, ' .': . r . &C..j j &C, &C Wil. Extraordinary Bargains I! DRESS" GOODS!1 LL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN 8AT .- i - . - - i . ' i .i ins. Surrah and Brocade, Silks. Moire An , to use the old term, for each of them will be swift in carrying our standard to victory, and "dont you forget it." . I Now. if our Congressional Conven- will not o in for anv sectional strife, or allow itself to be bulldozed oy a iaction, as it has done in the past, but select the most available man. evemnmz win do all rizht. otherwise your correspondent has misgivings as to the result. i The Democracy of this city are or ganizing for the approaching . election and are going in 50 win. lours truly, . itto. J: June IS Respectfully, M.SS K KAKBKB. Exchange 2. Corner. OmcK OF THE SECKETXKT &, TBEiS., Wilmington, N. C, July 5, 1882, 13 o 1 f r. . . ' j kv 1 ivia iiooenson. i: 1 TarmenJ Judge,Parbywill. it is Browne, etc., and a most comprehen- 7 n almost oat of sight of his tick- sivd interesting and instructive miscei latherrr tv- 1 Jlmr. The Home Pulpit" has a ser- siacf.; r" .WiXJ w uwu m0-hyvrm Talmage, "Do Dreams of the Republican pxrty say that Annhing?'?Amon the oUier ey nust rote for a Democrat any- features of interest are:- Tho Collec- t tiey prefer to ro in for a. renuine. tion Basket." VMissionary otes,7 pure and not for lm. Information for the Curious" The iuioa of tK 1 nL . , Drift of Keligious Comment," "rerson aoftheainde. They havo learn- al Notes and Comments." -Obituary Jadge McKoy vsry high- Notices," etc., etc The UlustTations 'ev know Kim t Vw. -;n .u. arn numerous and finelv executed. This w man as ho is incorrnnHMa as a magazine should fin J its way .into jcrji - ' " v ,7; every lamiiy. ine pneo is umj w theTJf 1 of tbcm dcto"raat cents a number; $3 a year! postpaid. ,v 7 wiU Tote for him anyhow, even in Send 25 cents for specimen copy. Ad- n of the party lash. These aits I urV ,StuVx w ' ' CII.VU XtUK X Won To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the owest prices. Rescued from Death William J. Coughlin of Somerville Mass., says : In the fail of lb76 1 was takeftswith bleeding of theiungs follow ed by a severe cough. -1 lost my appe tite and llesn, ana i. was connneu 10 my bed. In 1877 I was admitted to the Hospital. Tho doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar At one time a report went aronna mat. I was dead. 1 gave up nope, dui a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the lungs.- I got a' bottle, when to my surprise," I commenced to feel better and to-day I feel better than lor three years past-: ' . I write this nooinxr every one afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and bje convinced that Consumption can be cured. I can positively say it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sickness. 5 Ml C C2 2. 3 5 C U S5 s s 0 e i. 3 3- s B rt S ST n ' o -t ' o o M o 9 9 Jf 5" o IT . o rs 3. rs , .O . tv- Ci ? 2 a a- : c S t s a 3 o. 3. w 0 p 8? o 3 o S 0 a. 2. 0" . B 5" JB -I 5" n 5 s o 3 0" ' . CO K H B: 03 I, D O o w CA H C 5 2. 2 Ot 5" a 3 - I P o 5 1 'I S3. QQ OS S8 ft I Weldon E. E. Go. gsSil'uS&SSSS! with Trimmings to match. V it; White Goods In every style, texture and quality Pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen Lawns. Embroideries 1 iK j ' ij 'I 11 1" iyV --r!i ' 1 ble. DIVIDEND OF THREE PEE CENT. ON the Capital Stock of tho Wilmington & Weldon Kail Road Company, has been ' declared paya ble on and after the 15th Inst.; 1 The books for the' transfer of stock win be ' closed frem the 10th to the 16th inst. J. W. THOMPSON, July 6-3t I 1 Secretary & Treas. ' In Cmbrtcs. Nainsooks and 8wlssea unsur passed in Workmanship and Price. j Lacl es Imported from almost ererr oonntrr bourht I ana soia as special jobs. S3 For a Fine Organ ZfOMfi TO THE LIVE BOOK Here . '1 ou will be politely waited upon and 0. Pi x "0 rr ! can't help being suited, IIEINSBERGER'3. f ; GLOVES I HOSIERY ! C0ESETS ! LATEST PERIODICALS ALWAYS RECEIVED IN DUE TIME julyS (h o sale low. S Sil vmm 1 m . 1 reucQ on. ,j.nxi wmcn ot lender whl also, we opine, be true of other counUes when the jTcshwatcr Perch,Trout nd Black fish hooks and lines. A foil assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi'M . Don't Forget rjTHAT I KEEP FULL AND COMPLETE Stocks of Drugs and hare Ingredient to fill ANV PRESCRIPTION. Full stocks of 'Patent Medicines. . Preacxiptlona . componnded any hour of the night. F. C. MILLER, osorea : Fonruiand Nan Sta., Fourth andllaa When at Smithville AT THE L tVE BOOK STORE. A New Lot HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, , - SCARFH. RIBBONS,- I . . j VEILINGS, CREPETNO . FANS; PARASOLS, In endless variety and astonishing Low Prices. AND FOB F HARNESS JUST RE( I have full lines of Trunks and va ROP EN AND SEE WHAT; I HAVE. Uses at-prlces to suit tho times. ' Repairing executed neatly and with dis patch. J. VL MALLARD, Sueeasaorlto Mallard A Bowden, fuaelS-tf - , No. a Front Street. Best of Wines. Lkmors. COOL BEER and Clrars. Canned Meats. Sardines, etc, for lunch. . . . . J. D. DAVIS. June 15-lnt . Near Court House. C D. VJlorrHlm i -TTNDERTAKES, CABINET fHf AsVER AND r a vPirrTrw V TtA Wm'fflMi on Sao- I small fljrure above cost, go to Zh$?Zs?V5g?Sl pStu Parker & Taylor's rood work, prompt daHrery and satisfaction I very respect, i .If You Want fi CODS OF SUPESIOS gUALITT, AT A may lS-tf 1 Jme2S 1 (jOOdB I A COTTON SHEETDsGS.DAMASrS Towels, , j i HEN and B0 WEAB LADIES GENTS A CIHLDHEN,S GAUZE t : MERINO UNDERWEAR. , , In short everything dearable for. an ontflt, 1 and at Prices that deify eompctlllon. - l ; v Call and save money by patronizing ' r.1. r.l IATZ. :7 june 18 S3 MARKET CTf ' t -r. (. .i t

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