. a,a PTC1 w I mm II 1 . 1 T T - i - - M m m win II - ' i it ar i m --"."v - as r- i vaiaBsssiBMBBw - . t i. - . . HSFml cepted; by i JOSHT. JAMES. .r,ro AororKto. . ...irinNS POSTAGE PAID: Kir month, IXOo. thm. U.W. Tint 0" "i si 00- Od month. 85 cent. " j'rlill be delivered by carrier, free part of the city, t the above r.. r 1 .1. low and liberal. 1 'rU will rtort hhI aU faU 'tfelr Pr regularly. TLtuReview has the largest f c circulation, of any newspar V. then!! """"" l,OfJALNEWS, juTniw ADYIRTISEIIIITS. i Ila.SmithvilIe . Csrrs?Llver IiKOS-Druista. jtvis HiMZ-Xolice. ; r- Tiu-KT-Botcher. plKmET & Co-Batter. C. iCaLF.K-Remenil)er. II M. lo.TiFX & Co Wo. S Jew-kit-:-Window Shades. Jhrutjh ku Conflagration, j. ji. MAiAAKD-AXewIot M ! Katz Summer (Joods, -Worth & Woimi Groceries. C- W. Yatj The Standard. fiU TT Histz Dissolution. Takki: & Tatixjk Bath Tnbs. HfiNSKEKGEK Fora Fine Organ js. I Boatwkigiit Lemons. fuwixK & Keotii Ice Cream. Wilmington Telephone Exchange. Amax & IlAKKiss-rWhite Bronze, R. M. McIxtike A Few Bargains. Buown & IlODDiCK-Big ReducUon. Gcrmania Iod-e K. of P Excursion. W E. SriiiN'otn & Co Hardware. -j . x. "-' Haxsex & bMmi Carolina Oil Co. I eenci. ew IUnoTcr Tent, Io. 56 Excur. s.on. .Afisi R Jvai.kek Fans and Para sol. 1Fbkp. 5mau. Ico Cream and oda Water. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. No City Court yesterday. IV-r other locals see fourth page Ibj's length I t hours and 28 minute3. Suaset this afternoon at past T o'clock. 13 rvnnTit Sixteen prisoners are confined in the N"o interments in Bellerue Cemetery during e week. . Two adults were interred in Oakdale cemeicry uunng mo wees- Only two bales of cotton were ro- ceWed at tbij "port yesterday. Kd Messrs. xowlerfc Keoth's ad- rertiscment in another column. The case of the stolen brasses has Ji nrf f5.fT been rjostmn1 until nor-t Ktrfrr?av AKnvuuor, npvu. aaueu from this Dort vpslnlav fnr pw V orlc I . r---s7 1 Mirriage licenses were issued to one white and 2 colored couples, during the I a week , nooa which we hope extended into the interior A.rthingln the hardware line can te fennd at reasonable prices at Jaco t I Men's Boston Garters are. comforta I be and convenient ,25 cents at Dyer's t Three adults and thre? children were laterrediaPine Forest Cemetery dur ioj: the week. . aermelons were plentiful vestcr- cay tut were held at from 30 to 75 w .cu, iur uic pest. Local news was very scarce vester- day . No one but ve local trhA 'kr appreciate the appalUng facL , The City Clerk and Treasurer did not sella dog badge daring the week. Sour there have been only about 80 badges sold. f As yet no tidings of "Dummy," the raa who escaped from the insane de ptraaent of the Poor House a few' days io, haye been received. The rite cf baptism by immersion 31 be administered by Rev.. A. M. Coaway. atth foot"df ?rinp trpt. afternoon at 5 o'clock. Col. John JkL Robinson, President of JS, & RR, & GI, R. & A. and C. C. roadj, sailed on Wednesday last r Earope, to bo absent some time! A Good Look. Mr. J. j. Gay, of the "Orton Planta informs us that ho has 210 acres fca&r cultivation in rice, and that 190 Jcresof it will now average 3 feet in Wght, and is as fine and looksas favor h4e for an abundant crop as ho ever Ue thinks he may safely reckon Dpoa CO bushels to the acre, on an " avcr Ho has rice that is already head ot, which is about 15 days in ad nace of ordinary seasons. v I Mondays .el -.j. r .. 1 . -n 1 n . ; u I . . ? . ,L J VOL. VI. Cotton. I he receipts of cotton ; at this port from July I to July 8 of this year, foot up 133 bales, against 463 bales for July 1 to July 11 1881, a decrease this week of 329 bales. The receipts for the crop year ?o date foot up 135,950 bales, against 118,134 to July U. l881, an in crease this year of 17,8 10 bales. Exports Foreign. Nor. barque Flid, , CapL Neilsen, cleared Yesterday for London, with 1,875 casks spirits turpentine and 200 barrels rosin, valued at $39,388, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. per. barque Edward Pens, Capt. Kepp. clear ed yesterday for Hamburg, with 3,384 barrels rosin, valued at $6,007, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. 1 The Slock Oraujre A train ' Our warning was none too soon about tho mock orange. We learn that one or more cows were' made -desperately sick from eating the trimmings 'J we spoko of yesterday as having, been thrown out on Princess street. If it is wrong to allow cows to be on the ?;tftit it is worse to throw poisonous shrubs in their way. t.i Mr. William A. Brown, a son of the . . . s lateThos. W. Brown, Esq., is m the u . Sl 4 4, Mr. Brown is now employed on the I fZarxr VrV- U."irtrTrf rt rl ia 1ot rr 1to , w pleased to see him. yesterday, and hope the little respite from the busy cares j of 1 Ji a? l ' t . ma uuues may proye ueneuciai to mm. Journalistic Enterprise. The Wilmington Rcvicxo arrived here last Saturday morning with a fnll tele graphic account ofj the execution (of Guiteau. This is what we call journal istic enterprise,- and, by the way, yve nwum "1VA iVucl ( " Daily Jieviao gives the lates news ;at i . r vim .u wo unyob pww ui auj uiiuj paper puu- liofil ir. thn Cfot. -r.,1 oa Tvrr.,woi; journal it never wavers or, gives forth any uncertain sound. Chatham Record, To Builders and others Go to Jacd- bi's for Sash. Blinds and Doors. Glass. &c. You can get all sizes and j at the j t . The Americau Stasre. A portrait gallery of the leading ac tors and actresses of America, with critical biographies, by Alfred Trumble, ?3 the first of a series of works i whosa : t 1 i 1 . ... i character is explained by its itle, tb?50F.ftVB0XeS50 issued by Richard K. Fox, of New J I York. A handsome volume, contain- ff twent y-nme fine portraits ofpopulaf . . . , 1 ,...... . I players maie ana lemaie, witn vivia i and authentic biographical sketches by well known dramatic I journalist of New York,lit cannot fail to achieve a I place for itself in . popular favor. The want of authentic theatneal biography s one which ! is . constantly felt.1 In I nrp-sentinir the first installment of thia lie the author and publisher haTe opened a vein which will yield both fame and profit without doubt. We can predict that successive issues will be eagerly looked for. i The Case of Highway Robbery.' The case of John Johnson, colored, Was UUU ALL ValO VVUK 4WUV J tnMmj j I r Bellamy represented the prosecution! and Mr. jno. D. Bellamy the defence.) The witnesses for the; State were ex amined. xThe snw, which was found ori Johnson s tossession and which is claimed by him, was identified by sev- eral persons as the one Which was taken from Masters Worth and Huggins and t.h rnnVv rAntlomn .without swearinxr are positive that the robber was a man who resembled the prisoner in stature, voice and actions. I They described a peculiar Skull cap which was worn by the robber on the occa sion and it was proved that Johnson at that time owned and wore a, cap of the kind described. The' witnesses for the defense were not examined ; the"counsel for the defense stated as ' his reason for not doing so was that1 he di care to show his grounds of defense, ox rebut ting testimony, until the case was tried rs4min1 Clnnrt. TT stated Miivio uto viuuu i that he could prove the prisoner s in nocence and further prove that the gun in question was his and that he came bv it in a legitimate wayi .The prison ers was committed to iail in default of a justified bond of $500. The steamer Passport has been char AMwi iiaCf r!yAnm aiTiil St. Andrew's la T-j oocieiy ior a private eiuiuo" - j day, 11th inst. . Tickets will be issued only to members and their guests. - I WILMINGTON. N. C. 3fEW ADVEBTISEMENTS, Ho! for SmithviUe! rT,HK STEAiIEK MIXNE1IAUA WILL, JL lare her wharf this fSundT mornhir. m.t 8.S0 o'clock, for Smithrtlle. Call at the Hotel Brunswick, for dinner. Fare for re and trip. Jur9-lt E. T. BURRISS, Capt I Bath Tubs. ALL KINDS AXD SIZES, SUCH AS HAT, lilt, INFANT'S and the LONG BATlT, GRANITE IRON WARE, TOIiJET SETS. LJLP BOARDS. BISCUIT BOARDS. Every- ining u&nuy sou uscxai. as July 9 PARKER A TAYLOR'S. Remember rpHAT 1 KEEP FULL AND COUPIJETE bucu oi ATrofs ana nare msTeaiencs to uu ANT PRESCRIPTION. Full stocks of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions compounded any sour oz inenignt. -jr. j. suAiLdStt. Stores : Fourth and Nun 8ts., Fourth and Han rer a is. July s if Germania Lodge, No. .4, K. of P. ILIj GIVE THE FIRST OF A SERIES ot excursions to Smlthvllle and the Forts, on t the 8teamer PASSPORT, WEDNESDAY, Jnly 12th. The Italian String Band will fur. nlsh the music . Refreshments' furnlrfhed on board. The boat will leare the wharf at A. M.. sharp. Tickets for adults 50c; children oyer is years, S5c ; under 12 free. i fY. H. GERKEN, SOL BEAR, J. F. RULES, W. ORTMANN, N. HULLEN, and E. W. lXJsuiiKK, uommittee. - - juiy y-2t Dissolution. fTl HE FIRM OF T1LLEY & HINTZE HAS JL been dlssolred by mutual consent. Either party is authorized to sign in liquidation. HERMAN HINTZE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED has purchased the I. (meat business of Mr. E. Levy, on Sec ond street, near Market, and will affer to his friends and customers the best meats the mar ket affords. GEO. T. TILLEY l rpiIE UNDERSIGNE1D will continue the bu- Asiness at the old Stand of Tiller AHintze. on econqsireei. iwo aoors rrom maraei, ana respectfully solicits a continuance of the pat- ronage so kindly extended to the old firm. At Just received and for sale ey i Julys jno. L. boatwbight Lawns. A N OTHER LOT OF THOSE CHEAP i LAWNS at 3 cents. 1 XUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND Cheapest Lot of Laces 1 . Ever shown In this city, at J. HAHN'S, I I '''''' 38 Market Street. : i Jnly 9 I . Groceries at Wholesale. v-v a nr tvo v a a t i errtve I fm a. , aJa uua DtvMJ( Smoked Sides, Smoked Shoulders. FLOUR SL Louis A, Daisy, Park Miuj7 - .-''. . Bell Mills, King WllUani, SUGAR Standard A, Extra C, Golden C. ' COFFEE Java, Laguyra, Rio. - - i i . ' Salt, Soay, Starch, 8nuir, Tobacco, Candy Cds. Lye. Potash. Crackers. Soda, Cor. , M! "d Day. For sale by July 9 KEXtcnNZ2 jCAiaDES rsoa. SUNDAY. JULY 9. NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. A FewBargains in Carpets A N EXTRA EFFORT 18 .REDiQ MADE X EXTRA EFFORT 18 .BEING MADE to cloee out everything In thLa line, with 1 -- r CUMP ererytmnj in thla line, with w x the stock in September. .UlSE CURTAIMS-All who see these goods are pw "fd with the styles and are astonished at the prices. . Will send sample curtains to any lady who cannot conveniently call to see them. HCSIEBY For Ladles' s.ml Children I. t-h- ety. " SILK U1TTS-AU kinds. , j UCESLACS-UICES I Ke such assortment to be seen In the ettr as at Mc INTIRS. j j i- 8ARAT0SA TRUKXS-A good assortment, Ll jnly 0 R. McLNTIRE rucvr iuniungs just in. C0HTLAGEATI0N ! . - i v .' QTJR IMMENSE DISPLAY OF SPRING CLOTHING during the past week attracted the undivided attention of thousands, and especial comment was made concerning the extremely low prices attached to every garment. The people acknowledge' themselves nonplussed nobody seems to know ' i how we can afford to sell Clothing so cheap, triye such unheard ef bargains and still remain' happy. It is quite true that we lose money, aye, consider able money .during oar sacrinclal sales, i but therein the secret lies.. We believe In casting oar bread upon the waters and are content to await Itsreturn.even though it be after many days, etc Fig uratively speaking we lose now on our sales, bnt on the other hand, our re turns In the long ' run? are doubly suffi cient to cover all present i losses. Most Clothiers, you see, hold on to old prices , . the result is at the end of the season they find themselves holding on to old clothes. That is not the kind of doc trine we practice or preach. We be lieve In keeping up a perpetual move-1 ment In our business, and sell at any sacrifice at close of the season, rathsr than offer eld stock to our trade at the heglrinlng of the next. J OT,,X,J3DRBpTJK.C3-, July 9 ' KLNG CLOTHIER. BIG REDUCTION IN V DRESS GOODS f BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front St. W E HAVE MADE THE FOLLOWING reductions In our Dress Goods Department ; i - . ; . .i : ... ; those who faver Is with a call will find that the ruftrkiny dwn is genuine and just as quo ted below: , j 5-4 Fancy Silk and Wool Bunt- 1 "I ings. ...$1.00 formerly fl.S5 ii i i i ... Black Silk and Wool Bunt- lngs. t' ; 75 formerly 87 25 formerly 33 CO formerly 85 50 formerly 73 30 formerly 37fe 25 formerly 50 Black Hernanles.......... Silk and Wool ! r 44 . 4-4 ColM English Cashmere (slightly damaged). .... DONT FAIL TO EXAMINE The Lot of Dress Goods WE ARE SELLING FOR 12le. For this Week We will devote special attentloei to the sale of Remnants and Small Odd Lots all over the Store. Ton can rely that the prices will be marked low. Eugh to entice niaay U purchase who hrve evr no immedlaU want of them. v ; . r-: . - -. i 1 ' : ! ' ' CALL EARLY. . ! - ' " -; ' ;.;;!. " . V BB0T7N fir B0DMCIL i 5 and 7 Korth Front CtJ ' , ' 1882. NO. 164. NEW adtisemxts; Excursion TTORTHE BENEFIT OF NEW HANOYER l? J Tent, No. 57' L O. of Rechabltes. on the Steamer Passport, on Tharsdar. July 13th, to 8mItU.Ute .nd . Foru. Music for d4t' nd pfresbmenU of all kinds will be (or sale me loot or Market street, at 8W o'clock a. m.. ic.cta wr ioe rounu trip 50 cents uo sw venis. xicEeu may ue obtained ol WILLIAM II. REGISTER, if. Mv BISHOP . K. BARNKTT. G. Wj BISHOP, or TUGS. . SKIPPER, Committee. July 9-snn-wed luren 'a cents. be obtained ot The Standard -OODS ORwANS TOR TONE' AND riN lsd are unsnrpassetl, . ' r , . Decker BrosV PIANOi are, second to none. Discount to Churches and Scliools. J " 0 loice Reading Matter, LADIES' & GENTSV STATIONERY, 1 At! YATES BOOK STORE, jnly 9 . I I Wilmington Telephone Exchange. I rjIHE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF THE Subscribers to the Wilmjagton Telephond Ex- ' ' i ! Change, up to July 10, 18S2 : f No. Adrian & Toilers, Wholesale Grocers ana (Commission Merchants. 24 Altaffer. i Price & Co.. Manufacturers and Dealers in Sash Deors and Blinds 48 Barker & Co.1,' E G. Ship Brokers and ! ittninussion Aiercnanfs. T ntnn. o, TJ,l,jrw t- . -r ' $f&?&JFy-: Goods, J,os' i5 it k. fv ii Smam V 42 Bernard, W H, Residence. . , j . , r Vulir JUU,5tJ?l!.f 5aix omi- 28 Colvllle & Co,! Jno, Lumber Commission i juercnantsi 7S Colvllle, Jno, Residence, i 9 Cumming A- ICo, Pres( ) Saw and Planinir Mills 39 Chess-Carley Co, Oils and Naval Stores 43 Chess-Carley Co, Oil and Naval Store ! Yard. S3 Collier, S P, Ass't en'l Frelffht Asent A C Line. 57 Oarendona Water Works Co. John. C I Chase, Snp't No I, Journal Building 58 Clarendon TVatcr wirks Co, Worksat - V Hilton. 3 Carolina Central Railroad, F W Clark, Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agt Carolina Central Railroad, Depot r CaroUna Central Railroad, Hilton Bdge Carolina Central Railroad. Mmkd' Tiutr Brld K JL, Produce Exchange , 19 Cantwe Si Davis & Son, W E, Ice, Fish and OysUr OQ VtMf VaHnii.1 T I, 1 I 85 Foster. FW. Residence: 44 Giles & Co, Norwood. Carolina Rice I MlllS r ' , , CO Grafflin, C L, Residence 1 - 13 Hart, Bailey & Co, Wilmington Iron and Copper Works 45 Harriss & Co.- Geo. Commission Mer- i cnancs ana snip urokers 1C Helde & Co, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Vice Consul and Ship brokers 6 Hall & PearsalL Grocers and CommJs-; ision Merchants , 00 Johnson Co, j Harding, Commission IMercnants i 62 James, Josh T, Residence ! 80 Johnson, Jr. Alex, Turpentine Dl lsUller I land Naval Store Dealer 20 Kenan & Forshee, Brokers 88 Kidder & Son. E. Residence 89 Kidder & Son, E, Cowan Steam Saw and ! Planing Mills 90 Kklder & Son.E, Office 41 Morning Star "Newspaper ) Inard. Editor and Propria W II Ber- ropristor 14 rtsoane fj tr, snip uroxer 36 Mitchell & Son, B F, Merchant Flour ling Mills 30 Morten A Hall? Turpentine Distillers 63 Miller, F C, Druggist, Cor 4th and Nun I streets 1 - v 64 Miller, FC, Druggist, Cor 4th and Han ! ( -j over streets f .-.. 47 Merritt & Holllngsworth, Livery; Sale l! t '1 t?vSaa1aA a AklA te tiZtotftfSE' Comsslon Merchant 80 Martin, Alfred, Naval Store Yard and Distillery j 56 New York & Wilmington S S Co, Tbos E ( Bond, Supt 11 Northrop, Samuel, Insurance Office 10 Northrop A Cunnntng, Wilmington I steam saw ana jriamng Mills ! Navassa Guano Co, ofll e Navassa Guano Co, Factory at Meares uxun , . 1 Purcell House, B L Perry, Proprietor 12 Paterson, Downing A Co. Dealers in Naval Stores 101 Paterson, Downing A p. Naval Store (Yard -1 61 Review, "Newspaper," JoshT James, J Editor and Proprietor 13 Soatherland, T J, Livery, Sale aedEx- change Stables . l I 22 Sprunt A Son, Alex, Commission Mer ' chants L 77 SDrunt. Alexi Residence . 1 S3 Southern Express Company 40 United-States Signal Office 53 TanBokkelen, A H, Union DIstlllcrr . 54 VanBokkelen, A H, Office 53 VanBokkelen, A H, Residence . ; 23 WBJlams, G W. Residence ; 86 Williams A Co, G W, Commission Mer chants . ' 1 si WUhams A Co, G W, Naval Store Yard 27 Wilmington Compress A Warehouse Co, G W Williams, President, f 23 Worth Worth, Commission Merch'ts 37 Wlhvn, jArthnr Y, Steam Saw Mills S Western Union Telegraph Office ' 100 White J C, Manager Office i Wilmington. Colombia A Augusto R E, " ' . Telegraph Office . ' li Teppi W j might Apartment A C V i line i ; v-w Hats will be ready for distribution on the) 10th lust. Subscribers faffing to receive Ma wril nlRSJte notify the manager.-: " jalr fC WHITE, Manager i M . -. nri i i r i iTCbi&sco.jn.omc. 1 .lOO3818- J 18 Chadbourn & Co, J H, Clarendon Steam e? rr SAfJKS rn ATtsw aV mr hat.t itc win Deflate rcceJr cbttununfcatlon fromcrar frlcndaonany ana aU xxbJecU S tmeral loteret t but The name of tlie writer mtut ahirara beta nl&bed to the Editor. Communications must be written one tide of the paper. Pcrsonalltlea must be ayolle4. And It Is especially and pjirUcoUrly under too.1 that the Editor Uom.ixX -always endors be tiews of correspondents vnJess so sUte in the editorial 'oolam-nsj' I '' a : !.' 1 xew abvektisments. Carolina Oil Comphny. "PISE CJD OIL MANITFACTITIED AT I Jl our works is recotumendod to le the cbesiK I V?Jn l,6lIuarket; the tet pre- t niit"!1110 1 at lrJflInK l'tfces; Also i "' j aus uuiiu inii'nim w sisi ui Si"" "T.Wk' J .U, -1 , ' . ' ) ... T - Wind o v S h a d e N A VARIETY OF COLOItsl'sTT LKH '-r- .1 . - i 8ize wllb cord or spring fixtures, at 1 JEWKTTS. . ' -w". ' . 27 N. Front stree MtTMt. A nice stock of Unbolsterinf roods and P. per Hangings on hnL : ;i . j July 3 .176 l. jnL Trunks at reduced prices, to inatw room for our increasing Sadd lory awl llsrne tra.'. e guarantee best goods lor the lit mor . . Large assortment. ,11. M. TtOWDEN &CO. ; jsew fcaddlery and Trunk House, June 25 No 40, Market street '- ' - '"' i i 1 1- .,, , . Wm. E. , Springer (& Go., i'- ' L; . - ' i 1 !"'(.-; (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN DAWSON COj OLDEST HARDWARE HOUSE IN I THE State. GOOD GOODS and low prlcesj I 19, 21 and 23 Market street,! June 23 r , Wilmington,1 K. C, lee Cream ! I Scream ! li E ARE NOW MAKING DELICIOUS ICK CREAM of Pure Cream and genuine fruit Jnlces and deliver It in any part of city, at 45c rper quarter $1.75 per gallon. KENNEBEC JbUNT ICE. ( the FOWLKR Jt ICKOTIf I July 7-1 wk j 1 Cor. Frent & Church sts. RIunds Bros, , X'.RUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, KOBt'lt. I JLJ. 1 ' . i vw.mot.Tu. uivauna lollies: Bllx;it New York- Thc hh standard attained bv tDe flrra ,n lhw city will le increased by thefr New York connection. Wllmlngtonlans vlsit- lngcwiorKwmreciovo ac mo above num. ber a hearty North Carolina welcome. Jy 2. Salt. Salt. TONS AGRICULTURAL 8 ALT. Fine Table Salt In small pockets. New Crop Cuba Molases, j 1 2A I ' " , I ran iiiHo TMn. Ttn iWA (WrPnlu' an.t ectar Syrup for sale at low prices: i n . . ,.., i i WfTtiUaii I JnM!i I "WrjaLAgPS." ' ' ' - '- i : n . , 1 r fl T1 R flTlfl rflTflRflliR li' J. ttlia ttUU Xttlttf UlBi I i I t i : TV AnniTinv Tn a t me a tw t a ior TN ADDITION TO MY ALREADY LARGE and elegant stock of MILLINERY andFASCY GOOD8 1 ve recei ved another large assort J ment of SHELL, R. and JR., LACE and TUSJ 1 ! r CAN HATS, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERSI TRIMMINGS, FANS and PARASOLS, Ac . ' ' : . ...J' i ' I "espectiuuy, i miss E. karrerJ June 18 Excliange" Corner. For a Fine Organ QOME O THE LIVE BOOK 1 . ' I i I AND MUSIC STORE nere you will bc politely waited upon an 4 can't help being suited, ! ( ' li ,r ! i At HErNSBERG EE'S Y ATEST PERIODICALS - I i 1 ALWAYS RECEIVED IN DUE, TIME July d AT THE LIVE BOOK STORE. A i New Lot O F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR i v v-.i V'l,'1!!- sale low. I have fnll lines of Trunks and Va at price, to suit the times. Repairing executed neatly and wlthdis- patch. J.'IL' MALLARD, I. I Successortto Matlard A Bowden,' lunelS-tf I Ho. 8 lront Street White Bronze. rriHE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS FOR THE A Monumental iironze Company, or lirwre edrt. Conn., Invite attention to the work offer po by them. These monuments are Indestruct ible, cannot be chipped, cannot be thrown oyer -and may be had at onehalf the price of stone. , ' ' . ,. AMAN A JIARRISS. July 4-tf J , North Front street, sear Market u, n luiwaie - : iiii . t , -I .n i l ril li "r : a LI .JI II I I I .1 Vv'l'V. v' r '-vVf ;'V-"'I,:' .."i t. "r-:" fl''i. ' J v' .V' '. . V

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