T i The Dally Review. SUNDAY. JULY 9. IS82. BY TELEGRAPH. fg- Thc Daily Review hns the largest bona Jute circulation, of any newspaper vnblUhcd. in the city of Wilmington WASHINGTON. Telegraphic isreTltles. Bond Call by the Treasurer Large Land Issue in Florida. f By Telegraph to Daily Review. Tho Secretary of the Treasury will, on Moudaynext, issue a call for $16, 000,000 of G per cent, bonds, continued 2k Dcr cent., from July 1st.' 1881. Prin cipal and accrued interest will be paid The River and Crops The steamer D.' Murchison arrived in in this port late yesterday afternoon MISCEtliANJEpUS, 5- tetf I - Jno. H. Giles, ' , ftwnsorial artist and aiANUFAC- TITRER OF PERFUMES. Shorn nfiir corner of .f nn vMtnliiT. mrA m ttll tnrt.hfri "rfoA urn. an- Front and CasUe strecto -lono up? uea wwr. A special dispatch to the 'Cincinnati tZrkrf'Stitt "taut tha Sciola disaster, were reported found The rirer hai risen eight inches Friday nignc, nu a sua luxuic wr-w r ; i nt "I,nable. Give me a ealL Gould neDOUth. whose was announced in the New dnce Exchange, on Friday, was com suspension icina.fced. Good rains have! fallen iu t iune ls-tf LT 1- D 1 . , .,,, -I ci pal anuaccrueu iniwui uc v pelled to suspend through the a umj x reuu j cH4 r- latire doings of ' his bookkeeper CONGRESSIONAL. f Hy Tcleiraph to Dally Kiew.l SENATE. . Washington, July 8 The Senate Commitec on the District or Columbia, to whom was referral tho nomination of ex-Senator West, for District Com missioner, agreed' to-day to report to tin Senate in favor of hw confirmation. There was considerable opjiosition on the part ol Democratic members of the ..mtnitirt based upon West's iolitical irunc in tauUiana, and tie vote in his f i-iwnr w.n stric-tlv a party one. I in th str. Mr. Beck said that as 1 nniriidmcnta to the House bill i-.iitirinsr internal revenue had been reigned this morning fnm the Itcpub liean caucus of last night, he gaye notice of an amendment subjecting duties on imports from abroad after .January 1st, to a discount of 1 lcr cent., and after July UU I3. to 10 per cent. The additional discount was referred to the . Finance Committee. . - A' provision was added for the surrey . of the Illinois & Michigan Canal and "intimates of the cos: of enlarging same. The question recurring upon the committee amendment as amended tho yeas and nays were ordered. The com iiit Amendment as modified was adonted. Jt provides for a survey of the Hennepin Canal route with esti mates of the cost of construction and the annual cost of maintaining and use when completed and for a surrey of the Illinois & Michigau Canal and esti mates of cost of enlarging it &c, so as to make its dimensions correspond with the Heunepiu connections, aud appro . priatcs 1 00.000 for this purinwe, rciort to Ikj made at next session. Ihc re maining committee amendments were Mr. Ransom, from special Commit ter on Potomac, reported an amend ment appropriating $500,000 for the im provement of the l'otamac IUver in the vicinity of Washington with reference to navigation, the establishment of har bor lines and the raising of the flats. After a long discussion upon its rele vancy the amendment wxs held , to be in ordtT upon a viva voce vote. No further action upon the subject was , taken and the bill went over until Monday. Adjourned. HOUSE. Mr Crapo of Massachusetts,submitted a report of the Conference Committee on the bill to enable national banks to ex tend their corporate existence. Mr. llandall, of Pennsylvania, made the uoint of order that the report was not accompanied with thc.cxplanatoi3 statement required by the rules, anu the noint beius sustained, the confer ence report was withdrawn, but Mr. Crapo will endeavor to get it before the House uunng me aiuiniwu; The House, at 11:20 oVlock, went into Committee ot tho Whole, Mr. Kasson. of Iowa, in the chair, on the Mindrv civil appropriation bill. Pending an amendment, being that offered bv Mr. I Converse -of Ohio, .striking out the proviso restricting tho investigations ot tlie National Board of Health to diseases ot cholera and ycl low fever, after some debate, the amendment was rejected. Mr. Peele oflnd., offered and advo cated au amendment including small iox among the diseases to be investi gated by the board. Adopted. Mr. ill b. of Ky., rose lo reply to sme criticisms made by Ir. White, of Ky , and was proceeding to attack the latter, when ho was interrupted by .tr. itrown, wno oojecieu 10 a rcpeii tion of yesterday's disorder and dis graceful scenes. Mr. Willis persisted, but was finally choked off by c-bjcctions, and his speech was not even iermittcd to be printed in the Record. After concluding the consideration, of 13 of tlie 85 pages of the bil 1, the com mittee rose and the House adjourn ed- A Republican caucus wai announcetl to be held immediately. The Hivcr and Harbor bill was taken up and the Hennepin project further discussed, the cUc$tton being upon Mr. Butler's amendment providing for an additional; survey and report upon the cost of construction and annual main tenance and use of the canal. After a long discussion Mr. Butler's amend ment was carried. Various modifica tions of tho phrase, as suggested by Ixgan and Allison, then prevailed without objection. 13th of September, next, and interest will cease on that day. The following is the description: $50,Nos.801 to 900, both inclusive; 100, Nos. 5,501 to 6,500. both inclusive; $500, Nos. 3.001 to 4,150, both inclusive: $1,000, Nos. 19,001 to 21,000, both inclusive; $5,000, a mi mnnn Knffi inlnirIJ - . . a mi fen V. n 1. 10.000, IS05. l-.aoi IO ll,iw, iwm w- clusirc. i . The Commissioner) of the General Land Office has directed the issue of a patent to Jno. Lowe and others, claim ants to thelwe Mill gram, comons- ing 1C.000 acres of land situated in Alachua county, ta: Kepresentawve Iowc, of Ala., is one of the heirs to this property, which is reported to be of great value! . speett 111S liabilities are $250,000. and the crops, as well as the nyer.have been materially benefited thereby. Fountains arid Bath; Tubs. E AAVE ON HAND , JV FUI-J SlWft. DOMESTIC MARKETS'. kf i'mmhinu. TUth Tnha. Gartien SDrinklers, Rnhhpr IIosa. Gas Fixtures. Globes, Chan dlers and Hydrant. Posts. Special attention Gas Governments un- . . , . t rtef catrortv hs and after tuursdat, J5th inst., four wuiu uuuiuaiu, wcic iuW1)0v.j . . . WHironette wUl be run to aud from tho i . . .... i ' " r t . . c i x Sound, learing limuogion, corner oeepn" anu Princess streets, at u p. ni. Kecunung, icare tho Sound at 7 a. m. i iunoll -tf T. J. SOUTHER LAND. NORTH CAROLINA. and Trouble Between Citizens Revenue JJunmicr.s. Bf Telegraph 'to Dally Ke Tie w.' Raleigh, " N. C, July 8 Night. Thero is great excitement at Statesville. On Saturday last ex-Cougressman W. M. Bobbins mado a ( political speech and commented on the administration of Dr. J. J. Mott, cx-Rcvenuo Collector. Ou Thursday W. L. Mott, son of Dr. Mott, assaulted Robbhis, injuring him severely. From this sprung an assault by Wm. Stockton, a revenue officer, on Joseph Adams, State Solicitor, break ing Adams' arm. Jno. E. Osborne, a dry goods clerk, expressed indignation when C. S. Cooper, a brother of Thos. N. Cooper, present Revenue Collector, abused Osborne roundly, when the lat- " :r. r 'XTnr old;- S22.50 for 'new; but not dangerously. Iho matter is to (By Telegraph, to Dally Seiiew ' ' " FINANCIAL. New Yokk, July 8. Night. Ster- incexchanffe 4841. nhjiniredt new fives 1001: new nd a half per cents, 114; new four per cents 1 18i. Money 23 . per cent. State bonds active and higher. COMMERCIAL. Cotton, net receipts 53; grss 64. UlUres ClUSCU mm, bmv . - fi Julv 13.04013.06: August 13.08; Sep- on nre' tembcr 12.72i873 ; October 12.01 12.02 ; by the crow. November 11.8iail.85; December iniured. Two 1L84D11.85; tanuary ii.vioii.uo; February 12.04 12.05; larch 12.14 12,15; April 12J2512.26. , f Flour Southern steady and fairly active ; common to fair extra $5.20 $6.15; good to choice $6.20$8.28. Wheat 1 higher for cash, closing firm and 1 under outside rates; No. 2 spring $1.30; ungraded red $1.10 l 3. Trt 2red. Julv 1.28iS 1.294. Corn, cash lots firmer, closing firm and I Explosion of a Lamp. Last evening a swing kerosene torch lamp1, which was placed on a cart on Market street, exploded, burning three Or four customers who were standing at the cart; Mr. Martin Dickson aid I WllrOTlf t TO for til 0 SOUHd. . - . . . til. TTT A n .4 a paia to rurnisiung nouses rim i ir vw fixtures, Ail noveiiies in vw aver auv. w Appurtenances received as soon aa out. rJuly.S-lwk K. II. GRANT A CO. burned. Mr. Dicksbn's right hand was hadl v burned, and Ms coat was set on ' I A fire by the oil. The woyian was se verely burned about the right hand, anarancl shoulder. Her clothing was BockLime, but was quickly extinguished vd before she was seriously cau or three others were slightly burned, but not to an extent worth mentioning. Oscar "Wilde Decorative Art, A fair lecture audience greeted Oscar Vilde at the Opera House last evening, A small pedestal table stood in the cen ter of the stage, and "on it was a glass of water. The scene set represented "a. i o(cq. xTr, 2. .lniv iiDrarv. air. vuae waiseu t ou tue 8788. Oats, cash lots Arm; ii0. o, stage shortly before 9 o'clock and was 01. Coffee quiet, firm andjinchanged; applauded' with" the decorum that was Sugar steady and fairly active: fair to , . - jfo good refining 7i7; rehned quiet; n building purposes. $1.25 PxiU 1IAKRKL. LOAD LOTS $1.15 PER BBu Address FRENCH BROS.. Rocky Point N. C. or O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., july 41&wtf i Wilmington, N. C. M The People's House. EALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have established an ICE CREAM PARLOR in connection with the People's House, j , C. EVANS, Prop., jjunels-lm Dock near Front street. be at once investigated in court. .FOREIGN. standard A 9i. glasses, foreign easier and mom active: Cardinas 30. Rosin steady at $22.2.10. Spirits turpentine steady at 46. Pork less active and 15 20 lower, closing dull; mess $21.50 for Aug. .ooot $22.70;. middles scarce and nominal. Lard 15 17 lower and weak, ana un settled. Steam, to arrive, 1355 cash; 13.35July; 13.25 13.37 August; 13.25 13.42 refined; ,!13,50 to centinet. Freights to Liverpcol firm ; cotton, steam, Jc 3-16d. Wheat, steam, 4d. fJW Cable to Dally Rvicw.l 1 jvt4v TstT Q "XT 5 A a-vtf-v" S.VrLyj? 7. Vf I.. " (Jc.itnn nuit and steady : sales 57J: i.ii i a i i- i I ITnliinns 12 15-lBt Orleans 13-lo: iioui cavairv nave iiiiucriroiie a iuixiica.i i "rr ' . examination with a view to ioreign "'wuul iKZV J.T f have telegraph- w uroac -oriiam wo; w vouuucu o.xiw. senice. lnc Auunraitv nave teiecrapi cd to the Duke of Edinburgh, the Ad miral Superintendent of naval reserves. instructing him to Keep me reserve squadron at Gibraltar. ' Malta, July 8 Night. The British iron-clad Achilles and torpedo depot ship JJecta have sailed lor Alexandria. London July 8-rNight. rhc Tinux correspondent at Alexandria telegraphs that the Egyptians, uudcr uen. x sseff, who were deleated by tlie false prophet, numberad 5,000. ;Xhe fight occurred near Konlofan. Tho Egyptians lost 6 cannon. ' Skobeloff's ' heart complaint, it is thought, was due to contusions received during the Russo-Turkish war. His end was without warning. Only a week or two ago ho rode 70 , versts in a j little over one night. lie spent the piiicAGO, July 8. Night. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat, active, firm and higher; No. 2 winter red $1. l8A!cash: $1.15i$1.16 July. Corn act- ivo and lower at 80 J01 cash ana J uiy ; 79 1 August. Oats steady and in fair UCiumiU ni uuv t August Pork active and lower t $22.1022.15 cash and July ; ;$22.1522.17i August. Lard unsettled and lower at 12.72 12.75 cash and August. Bulkmeats steady and in fair demand; shoulders 9.75; short ribs 13; short clear 13.75. Whiskoy steady and unchanged. BANK STATEMENT, j By Telegraph to Daily Review. . New York!. July 8 Night .The greater part of Thursday at Moscow, weekly statement of the associated Exhau, and returned to his hotel in ex- banks shows the following changes : cellcnt spirits. There 'were at first re- Loans, increase. $3,795,600: Specie. ports of foul play, but a cursory exam- increase. $8,159,100: Legal tenders. de- .? 1 1 it M. .1 A 1 ' I SVSU V inauoa snoweu mat ueaui was causea. i crease. &o.uuo: jeposiis, mcrcase, by a rupture of tho vessels of the heart . London, July 8 Night. Major General Sir Archibald Allison, chief of the intelligence bureau of the war office, will proceed to Malta immedi ately. Two regiments of, foot have left Alexandria for Gibralter. A dispatch from Paris to the Renter TelecrraDh Co. states that the government will ask the Chamber ot ' Deputies to-day lor a credit of 312,000, for a precautionary preparation made by the Minister ot Marine. ! i i . The Cctitral Xcio correspondent at Paris says the expedition to Egypt will bc!composo ofi 20 vessels, with 147 gunsand 8,280 men. Alexandria. July ,8 NiffhtThe Diplomatic Agent of France telegraph ed yesterday to tho 'French Consul, at Cairo, tnat an attack by the fleet was momentarily expected, and instructing him to send all of tho French subjects away and to , place himself and the archives of his office in security. The Consul placarded tho telegram in Cairo, thereby causing a renewed panic, and came himself to Alexandria. The Austrian Consulate in Cairo has also been closed. Tho panic in Alexandria is unabated, despite tho completo stop- oi worJc on the fortifications. VA s4ysf eW7yWVf JVV01liOy $ 12.950.000 ; circulation, decrease, $58, 100: Reserve, increase, $2,872,300. The banks now hold $8,303,325 in excess of i all legal requirements. i NAVALi STORES. : p$y Telefraph to Dally Review. Charleston, July 8 Night. Spirits turpentine steady at 4142. Rosin in demand at $1.65 for strained and wood strained. Savannah. Jnlv 8 Night. Spirits turpentine 41 cents. Rosin, $1.65 for strained and good strained. : COTTON 'MARKETS. characteristic of the audience and its manner from first to last. . The lecturer wore a new suit, consisting of dark vel vet coat ond knee breeches, With a pro fusion of lace around the neck, down the front and at the cuffs. lie had on dark stockings and patent leather pumps. " ' V 7 , . He spoke for about an hour without i ; notes. At first he assumed an attitude which has been maxle familiar by his ! full-length photographsrand maintain ed it, with occasional lapses into grace fulness, until he had finished. A shbiect as evasive as beauty, for i beauty was the real subject of the lec ture, is difficult to grasp with logic. Not analysis, not description, was the method of treatment, but revelation. "Beauty cannot be taught, but only re vealed," is 1 the apothegm that Mr. Wilde never tires of repeating; and this, fitly enough, is the key to his style, He was attentively listened to through out his lecture and frequently became exquisitely beautiful in his language. He handled no prosaic subject, nor was his handling prosaic. Long melodious sentences, seldom involved, always clear, unfolded his meaning, as grace ful curves reveal a" beautifid figure. Mr. Wilde will spend the day in the city and proceed on his lecturing ! tour to-morrow. I V. , t i. i ii 'Churcli Services To-Day. ' First Baptist Church, coVnerof Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, D. D., Pastor. Sunday school at 9! a. m.; Services at 11 a. m. Missionary Society at 4 p m. Prayer meeunjj xnursuay mgnc at av O'ciock. : y St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, Pastor. Sunday School. 9.30 a. m W. II. Strauss, Sup't. English, services at 11 a. m. German services at 8 p.m. St. James Church, corner Market and Third streets. Kcv. A1 A. watson, D. D. Reetor. Celebration at 7 a m. Sunday School at 10 a m; Morning Prayer at 11 . a m. Evoning jrrayer ai op. w. r oi mouiab x ru-Vameurai. x irac Aiass at 7 a m. teecona Mass at 10 a. m. vespers and Benedictionit 5 o'clock p m. Daily Mass! at Ice Cream and Soda Water. -r KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND PURE 1 ICE CREAM and SODA WATER, flavored with pure fruit juices. . Customers served at reasonable prices. , s Just North of Garrisoa, and near Hotel Bruns- i wick, Smith villei JN. C. i : juJy s-im OPENED THIS DAY jANOTHER LOT, 50 pieces, 12c Bunting. A handsome line of -. i 1 ! WHITE; GOODS. i , ! . V! GLOVES, and HANDKERCHIEFS, jtme 18 ' JNO. J. HEDRIpK. Free Tickets Hn'ENfCTO ALL PERSONS TO CALL . upon S 1 :.. Geo. R. French & Sons, : and buy a pairjot.nlooj Shoes, for self, mother, wife or -eousliL ami aunts.' Call loon HIBCEiaAHEo SUIEIEI1 GOODS AT tsi. rn. it a t 7 1 Zi MARKET STREix. Extoordinary Bargafci, DRESS GOODS! ; ins, , eurran ana Jtrocaue. Bununf Percals with Trimmings to, match. f White 0odds In every stylo, texture and quality Piiuo, Tucking, Linen and Went.!? Embroideries ; 1 In Cmbrtcs. passed in Workmaashfp tad Laces 1 1 ' : ". '''' - ., . ' ' -'1 ' ,:. . . Imported from almost rr'n . d sold as special iobt. ."-""cwwrt am GLOVES ! HOSIERY COBSETS! -. -V .- V-'.:'.. '!-. , HANDKEECHD2FS, COLLARS ' J i SCARFS, RIBBONS, ' ' VEILINGS, CEEPEIX0 . CRKPK VEILS. I : - viva .:, . . In endless variety and wtoalshinf UnrfrteM. Housekeeping and don't b bashful. Iune 25 Goods I LINEN Jt COTTON SHSETINGS, D1MJLSII, - ,4-- f. i; ',.,- t- j,r, it t - j ... j ... ; Naptins, Towels, MEN and BOYS' WEAll. LADIES' GENTS' & CHILDREN'S GAUZI ! MERINO UNDERWEAR. , 1 In short everything desirable for aa ontflt and at Prices that defy competition. . Call and save money by patronLdag ' ' t, M. rjJ. KATZ, junel8 3$ MAKKET'ST. utter. 1 )-.' FIret .National-Bank of -Wr 100 PACKAGES'A1'L GRADES. Consigned and must be sold. June JS-tf -! - DftROSSET & CO. mington. QHEESE 50 BOXES. - gTARCH 200 BOXES, rjlOMATOESSO'CASES," . , - ' GANNED CORN, T PEACHES, Ac;, Ac. i Prices very low. June 18.tf ,. DbROSSET" A CO. '-! JL...J. J j ; ' : ,. F' Wil. & Weldon E. E. Co. capital 3Tocr... .............( SURPLUS FUND. ."W Deposits received faad IcollectioaCwulO" all accessible points m the Utitod States. , : Is your scalp full bf 'dry. huskv scales aud little pimples? Dr. Benson's Skin Cure will cleanse your scalp and re move all scales and . tenderness within six days. Try it, for it is the best .head- I Office of the Secketaet & Tseas.. . Wilmington; N. C., July 5, 1883, E. e. BURRCJ33, . -f DIRECTORS: l D. G.W0KTH, fBy Telegraph to Dally Review. , July 8. Night. Galveston, steady at 12 ; Norfolk, firm at 12J ; Baltimore, dressing ever used, $1 per package; J dividend of Thref per ctcnt on firm at 12; Boston, firm at 13: at all druffgists A 1J1V11,J!'A three per cent, on jruiiaueipuia, t una ab xoti oavaxmaa, i quiet at 12; New Orleans, firm at iunston Jbrse rress: Biahop Lyman 121 : Mobile," firm at 12J : Memphis, preacnea a most excellent sermon at firm at 121; Augusta, quiet and firm the Episcopal church Sunday last. Pive A. MARTIN, t . JA9. BPBUJtT.f JAS.IDAWS0X. the Capital Stock of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road Company, has' been declared paya- I at 12; Charleston, quiet at 121. LOG AX KEWS. at cenuemen ana uiree laaies were firmed. VIRGINIA. Au Important Decision Rela tive to State Funds. By Telegraph to DallyJRevlew.l Richmond, Va.. Julv 8 Night. Judge Wcllford. of the 111 dim ond Cir cuit Court, to-day rendered a decision in the case ol Cantt vs. State of Va., iu which the plaintiff prayed for an in junction to restrain the alleged misap propriation of the proceeds of $500,000 ot the sale of tlie State's interest in the A..'M. & O.-llailroad, $100,000 of which money, by an act of the last Legisla ture, was appropriated for the estab lishment of a colored Normal School, the remainder to bo used in refunding to public free schools a portion of tho moacv heretofore diverted therefrom. The decision was in favor of the com plaiaant against tho State, enjoining and restraining any State officer from in any manner nsing or interfering with tho said money or anv part thereof. Tho Cotirt also ordered the State Treasury, to take possession ot said money and pay it over to tha Commlsiioners of the Sinking Fund to be applied by them as provided in tho act of March. 1671, known as tho Funding Act forthc set tlement -of tho State debt. The case will be taken to the Supreme Court xf Appeal. Nervous debility, the curse of the American peoplo, immediately yields to the action of Brown's Iron Bitters. inrre oi voric on which had occasioned Admiral Sov- 1 The steamer Alinnchaha will leave mours protest. The exodus of Euro- her wharf this morning at 8 :30 o'clock. tcans couunues. ana numoers oi lum- I c;an v -wi u-i town. fiudinTno room on board th two chango made to her propeller her speed luhatuna steamers. , lcav.nir to-da v. has been matenauy increased. which were so crowded that the caD I S : tains refused to start until 300 nassen- ' mny excursion. pers had been taken off of each vessel. The regular annual excursion of Hie cash office of tho ! public debt de- Hanover Tent, I. O. of Rechabites will an. - - a. t a fc JL I iKLruucnb iias Dcen iransierrea irom MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer rassport. Haroer. Smith- ville, Master. . . i I Steamer Minnehaha. Bnrrnss. Smith- Ml r vine, juaster. , Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay- eucvuic, jt. . y imams CC Jo. f CLEARED. ble on and after the 15th inat. r: The books for the transfer, of. stock will bo closed from the 10th to the 16th Inst. ' I J. W. THOMPSON, july 6-St Secretary A Treas. OFFICERS: E. . BURRUSS. 1 i JAMES DAWSON............. TlcePiti 09 - A. K. WALKER.... 7 W. LARKINS.... A'l CM aptSS-tf FRESH ! Z B . " bairo to Alexandria and thVtff vTf 1" ? the steamer Passport on York, T. E. Bond. , , . . -- w I rTT j a. il m w 1 mi I o. Tv - m - , oieamer xj . Aiurcmson, smitn, J? av- . A A - ? 11 - T- TIT TIT'll' . t, I ofcusvuue, vj. v . w luiams as jo. j Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point CaswelL R. P. Paddison. Steamer Passport. Haroer. Smith- n r . . viue, xtiasier. . Steamer Minnehaha. Burruss. Smith ville, Master. Nor barque J?lid. Neilsen. London. n ' . ' jj. ii. juurcmson & uo. I Uer barque Edward Pens. Kinn TI 1 . . . A " xiamourg, .rauerson, downing & Co, !5I . Thursday next, the 13th inst. There Will be music for dancing and refresh- . . . . . menis win do scrvea at city prices. The fare for the round trip is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children tickets to be had of any one of the Com- New York. Julv ' 8 Nizht. Som mittee, Messrs W. A. . Register, H. M. of the station freight handlers were, at- Bishop, H. K,1 Barnettr5v W. Bishop m,a.4 cui mi.Tt i. 1X1.. Ill Uiuerv .ni Thna C that office have gone on board the Eng- , "u lish and French ships.! j will NEW YORK. Tho Strikers. (By Telegraph to Daily Review. EVERT STEAMER BRINGS US NJSlf & FRESH SUPPLIES OF i ; 1 9 FAMILY GROCERIES. WINES.BCHOICE MQUOp I Park, but they succeeded in resisting their assailants. The New York Cen tral & Hudson Rivter pier at Barclay street is crowded! with accumulated freight, very little having been received Skipper. First of a Series. I Germama Lodge No. 4, K. of P., will give a series of excursions for the and much less handled. The Erie piers benefit of the Lodge, the first of which S?lSo?aM:. ift! F. ? Pl-e on the tie freight has been received: but as I n canescL'lY ine Italian string fast as possible it was loaded on flats band will furnish music for dancing and to be taken away. At SU J ohn'i Park refreshments will be served on board at irepoi no cnange was apparent, une dty priccs. Messrs. W. H was being loaded. A prospect of set- i SoL Bcar J- F- Kulw."F. W. Ortman. nuts. he remote future, LiM. nuucn ana iu. w . ioscher from the ' . om mittee and all who know these gen tlemen will feel assured that no pains will be spared to make the Mlay an en joyable one to all. I ; , . ' , Exports. I. COASTWISE. , - - I X New York SteamshiD Benefactor Daies couon, 760 bbls. spirits turpentine, 1 388 bbls. rosin, J10 DDIS. tar. 45 bbls. miA turpentine, 10 bales yam. 51 tierces nee, 27 bbls do., 178 bags meal, 38 cases tar. 34 rkcs- TnpTYfinr!io to av Gerken, gles. 139,326 feet lumber, 27 bags pea- f Q AND CG a!e& I Every artleie we Mil l ftrletr as 'Ourttotheoldert eetablumed froc7 In WUmlnrton. and we are Hetermruc?9 - r . . . - - -i - - 'ii:. np the high reputation It has enjoyed totf Z, j than a quarterof a cenrory. 2 tt Wff respectfully stock. tlement is as yet in the " --'---- ' . Indications. For the South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, occasional light rams; light northeasterly winds." mostly south erly; stationary temperature and pres sure. Freshwater Pcrch,Trout andj Black' fish hooks and I lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at jAC02i's.t FOREIGN. 1 LondonNor bar Flid. 1.8751Scaska spirits turpentine, vuo- DDIs rosin, I" AiamDurs Ger barn no Pwrrl rens ddis rosm. C. D. Morrill. June 18 tarila aa enaiaif 11 and 13 8. 1 Best ever made,' Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, m pleasant to take, sugar coaxea ; no griping; oniy I a cents a box of Druggists or by mail. Standard Cur Co., llTNass&u Street, New York. Ssx d&w. . When at Sinithville UNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. OGlee and Work ShM An ond street, opposite Southcrland's sUbJea.ees Resoectfullv solicits ordcrm anri mannt 1. - - i . , ... a . . " . sooa wore, prompi aeuvery and satisfaction everyTeect. - -1 i -,. thT lajf ROP IN AND SEE WHAT I HAVE. . L . . ll'l . . "v MA J www ttine. lAQ-aon. ixkji. Jimm iinn. uumea . imu. MMhr . .... ' a .iM .iuuu. , . mtm U. UAVIK. juae lS-la ; . Kear Court House, For Gale. LD iKEWSPAPESS Pig Fish and Soft Oratf LL TIIE TIME AND A 'A , e l. wncn m ma. . , . , , J MYRTLE GROVE OTSTX31 t anytime during tho year. JeomifSj and faro. ttnaurrasaed- Glr rT..V Boatalwaya ready. w. xx , 1m 7n-ZZVLw Juaiia- Tins' CT31C3.