s-F- mmmmmmmm mmmmm mm mmmmmmmm mtmmmmmm- . - - ' ' - , . . . n n n...M I ' ..... 1 PLEASE NOTICE. 1 We wfll be gla to- receive cominprlraUoa ironx ottr mentis on anr and all infe?! X SI iae name oi mo wnicr most alwaja b.for wta w VSTeitr fl tt fOCAL NEWS atf " 1 ... - -,r- gl ials m 1 " .risi i11 U.Urc.4 . A,irorToE. II . r '. J.-fTl ;J -wxUu.J.:! Hi-: ! J 4 , . i VV f fi w . - - ... i i - .. .. k VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. 0.; TUESDAT. JULY 18 1882. CommnnlcaUons must b.vrlttfin on only one side of Ue paper, j H k , u . ? ; ,t Personalities most be aToklod. . . i i And It la especially nd jVirtlcnlarly nndei stool that the Editor does not always endors NO. 1 171j hTte-vte;?!2? ux uk caitoruu commiu. , The Ulvcr. fJOllllIll'tlH KjUUIIKJ WlUCiiiiWH. StcamlMMtmeii rcjort that tliere haa The ilelesatcs from tho several town- tu the Cape Fear, ships in Columbus county asseniDicu at su trl t Jg.t: iieoewo.t'rttW.V irJ r: T -.MSftiw orkofthc new llicc Mill nai b l'nitna " : : Z7- !.vtrn that . n.io;nit'n f'e:: Uff about foot been a four feet rise but that it was railing oflf when the List, boats came tlowu. It U prwumetl that unless the raim f Sunday and yester day extender! well up the country that the ri; has been reduced to two leet. All KiRlit Now; 'y There is noining hkc uio raonnswij inflacuce if the KKview. Via callcil attention on Sunday to tlie fact that there was a Uxity aboutaightins the stixcta and indicated a lamp, which had not been lighted for;a considerable time: but it was in sockI order and lighted indue season 6n hunuay nignu It docs sood to speak of these things oc casionally. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .,.7T7.!Unibia Fire Company ...... ..nlir. headed Whitcville, on Satunlay, tlie 15th. to elect delegates to thd Congressional! Convention, to meet at Warsaw on the 20th int: . i A permanent organization was effect otl by calling Col. T. F. Toon to the Chair. Col. Toon acknowledged the compliment in a very graceful and ap propriate speech, which was highly ap preciated. On motion of I). S. Cowan. Esq.. one delegoto from each township was ap pointed to form a committee to recom NEIV AI VEliXISET NEV ABVEltTISKMENTS. W IL3I1 N GTQX, X. C JULY, 18, 1882. , . , . : IIAXOVEH COITXCILS6.35, . UNITED STATES KEXEV? YIATER!1TY. pOM PAN IONS Tkere-srin be a regular meellnjr ot Ifanorer Council thla evening. Jutie 18, 1682. at TlenSen IlalL at Si o'rkjck. A mil atteauanee ucsireo. tj orucr oi van jc JbJj 18-lt J AS. jr. Ji'crayrty. A GOOD SAIL BOAT, OS GUEEXY1LIJ5 bOUXD wm'tarry 10 oniore .ponwna. All . VRnHnn Rnnts at Cost. ) ,;the Forts ! 1 T "7.., .... i.lrisj-. sr. 1 i- YirE WISIl TO CLOSE pUT.pl'tt STOK TJMKK TjIK AUf rjCUS OK, THE officer. I OF LADIES AXD MISSES rTr. o :n w iwwiiv..... j r Cloth Button For. Sale, i In order.1' Price $40. julylMt , (it School, WEDNESDAY, JULY Wth, on Steamer PASSPORT. iVxit loarc wharf at fi aad will sell them at cwl. 'Call ami secure a pair. - J joljl? .1 ' GEO. R. FRENCH Jfe SO ,1 i 1 29 N. Front St. , W. AVCUJUXC f THe Standard TT n r . A mend delegate to the tovefc l woodss ou.UXS.foutonk AXt n Warsaw. -ITio following delcsale irere WlMTCif-,,,;,A7 iiL,M.ca.;l..v; ; ? . recommeudcxl ami enaorsea uy "hSSS Convention: J Whitevillo Township. V Vllichard-! o'clock, A. M. s. . , ".. ' : . I . . Xf Refreshments on boat at city price; Ticket AdulU, 50c ; Children and Ssnrants 53 cenU. For sate byCominlttcc , ..Wi IL STRAUSS, Chairman. , 11. B. EILKl, t, ... .-, u ; ' VOLLEILS; w . r v ..t ,i. t. if. KL.NDKn; f j CUA34 II.' STEM MltR MAN, c ; JOHN M. BREiIi:R, Jr. - . j uijuai;,,-;.:,;.: . iconsii on avi. ; . w lWlrc-.F McDaniel, dears out rats, mice, roacnes. nies. - nken. J W ants. bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, J G Jackson, j .. r.v,-?7N.FTontS All kinds of Upholstering done hero r . j ... juiy is .; . . S ' .';.''' Discoant to Churches and Schools. gophers. 15c Depot. A New Craft. Tho steam tug Anjit & Nellie, Oapt: Bug mwz p Faulk, J A Eldcrdice i'.rr Mini nf the ami W&SllLU " Jit hare Injured tlie sewers Tart commanding, from Wilmington. n Jjongm r- .r.t' cttcnu Unaware, iw muiii.v-, ' srtfk" r . :f thisnort Testcxday for a harbor. She 1 a h"naf. r"wV; is a new iron-huU craft, and is fitted up Jr Ellis. Lees James W Gore, Jno Register, II M LongJames A Thompson. if 1 Ulinton & roinvuaawuu nVri.- T?fif,aine Matter, ..! 1 R.Ki IT ADIES!. AGENTS STATIONERY..,:- -"v iiiuiiioww - . I r. Inlv 18 1 ... ..... vh.; ! . lUrrmrtwOTtTTii WT fimTATR AT Ransom D C CeUan, J B BriuWey: rtf Plfl'lf A HO Waccamaw-MCamp1jeU,HB Short, u;t& compM.T. i Juiyi8-it. Iwiaiie nU r:ur .u about as much as wc et ti i;jir4; c uxr araio&a r " Ji;AMJ!;ri I vrt lirTT. I- .1 1 . t-t ::j:::Bath..Tubsv:;;:.:::j. 5 1 ; 1 . , . J. . i i 1 LLKIXDS AND SUES, 5WCU A.UAi,t.. 1111. IrAM 8' aiKl IQO XAJV Arta, GRANITE IRON WARE, TOILET HTS. ,( LAP BOARDS, BISCUIT VKtJUUJ. CTcry-t thin handy and uscf nl. At . M - -' Bine Crbve, i. with all modern improTemcnts, jand Ligf E H Todd. J P Stanley, Henry 3St. I a .: Tatums A BI Benton, D S Lennon. T3 .rfttthc foot of Chosnut cvidcntlT..built for speed and rt. - vni cVaed up on yesterday, ana gtrtnsth Tho vlnjvc t Kcllie wiU pro- r r.i.vnin water in the street. ' .r n Saturday and yestcr- 1 IT aadoinjaup . of Nancy j u t w T.iHa and ablv ... i iivn vpars ui aw. 4 a - i i iit-i i 1 1 t uauu t i Aait J- talker, tho-man jrho Greenwho lives near the corner otSixA supportelby that gentlemen, Capt V . -wm-.f the 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. j Per. rintaIC6i ; sons Tlsltlng the SOUND FOR A DAY'S KN IWi I w 1VV I mvTWlTVT riTi of .n KAUT.T "VI3II SUP PER" before starting home, by ..asking for it. No trouble at all. I . 1 ED. WILSON MANNING Propr. June 18-tf , . , .-, J . ... S " i ceed on her voyage as soon as the Fair Bluff-H D Williamson, M Q ynen aild Mbhair 1 UlSterS. bscribcrs to our weather is suitable. , ; ; ' I Colcmsxi, R G Anderson, a xoou, . Bogue A J Smith, J iiaii. TIv from Columbus Kerosene ixpioaiuo. Welch Creek-A n iiigu.oo. , -A -- j . I Snon Tiniljir.Q. l, hoiisvu. ... . - . .11 irtr child, about rour or rrtiirtwinrroqnlntions were mtro- oaiilMl iv.auu hiuh wwi.u.v. i n f I litnl I n I ADUiMlw.v.-- I J.UU vwi"o CCilJ BROWN & RODDICK, T..:.t 5 and 7 NortU Front St, O- D. Morrill; ; NDERTAKER, CABINET MAKER JaND, CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Southcrland's stables.ecs iannptfnllT soUcita orders and ruaranttn mnioywu - cood work, prompt delivery and sal every respect. maylStf Wanted. kiTrf Titus lTis, ou xnuaj , r , streets, was badly Durnea v Rifthardsoll and D S Cowan.; Jsq. Hii'lr't fl 1 OVeS ana 1103. tj inala rha fhll AW- Aoir at 1 ! : Tnis OFFICE t not been able-to give ... she was coming down T.. 8DCCche3 wero listened to with r . - .-i : - ar ' l ' J " .... i . . . i VoIujettiUsUlim connncmc.. wlth ft u 1 1 J 1,annA lOTTin 111 I .... 1 mnnll n.l il I i ho stumbled and fell, I i.,D tiw frontlemen contended ' L ... Mll 9 U lalir4tp from Uvt aiiiav.. " .- . uiU3V .mwv n- I iUii J wuiiuMn-j-f"-. U cteuns of ftho and tho lamp was exploded, throwing tfaat whUo wa3 always true i t,!: . ujeocsiy.wwena" .- the burning oil on her clothing, me to tho party, and at all times was ready j-TURKISH BATn soap WUiteTcmns.Col. Jno. u. . burned bcfoTe the flames ,ov Iim done, the behest of L 1; - i. ..a3chainnanoftbedcJega. - - , - "H. . a i.tA dav enU i. ir : r. M. MciKTiRE tec J . . TV 4 WET , NURSE , W1X11U U i K,ixiiu pro Tit July 11 ins Keuuetions just Ice Cream and Soda VYater, as quoted below. rcrcH.Trout an Blac, 0.' ' BaC0n, Eajd Ti.-.rwhlch crosses lniru sircew Freshwater tenra Market and Frinccss was fish hooka ftnd nnes. A full which she had always contributed. The rAA'1: aui mfcr washed sand and debris l.nt i0WMt prices atJACOBifl.t I ,M wprft nevertheless of thelfV'. .... fmvn. It was immedi- . : . . I . ii,fr liririnir orsaniza-1 k ,r,iltinna wlllCll I ' ,. ,t I i - v- 1 Irtwbv1 A ' luly 16 TkERCHNER & CALDER BROS. T keep constantly on hand pure ICE CREAM and SODA WATER, 11 STorod I .. with pure fruit juices, i Customers scrveiat -i reasonable pri-.j -v;SMAr Just Ndrth 6t Garrison; and near Hotel Brunt - 'H v , wlck,gmiUiTVe, i . , JW'T , . , tinn rn, .Ar Tknotal rpfrUiailOUS UiL-a T. j: Qb Turge number of persons, " eiairc that ed but one sentiment perru, V. i rWrll & wentinto effwt July 1 requ.a . convention: the .success of the racers oi w I u.ftnr n nndernaia leuer whu - t , r,t t.w1 v...- . . , I llonnftrftr.lfi TlJirL V. UUU ti-iv. avw affixed, ana not nav- ---rv ' - tt ht finnss- Tea and Backets LARD, ' - - ; . Ilhds and Tea Cuba'and - . Porto Kico wuiiaoorio. fLTunds Bros, , f rrRUGGISTS. WILMINGTON, No Language . sx ecessary j the Columbus should name the Congress- usaa louroaii. arv i r - cent stamp tv in lw nriraniZCU in LOO I . . e .u. nn4oT. on iwuj n. . - n? the aaaress oi - . ...vv.iW.mw. Ulstnoclock. ; I enrelope, will be detained at the offioe wTg are riolutions aU Tic Ssmtia Ugbt Infantry :riU ar- whcre it is posted and a notice sent to , introduced by Capt. Ellis : hie thl morning on the passenger e person to wnom it i Bts07vcdt That we hereby renew our inia. TUtUbe met by the Wii- forming him of the fact, and that the allenccand devotion to .the princi- Corn, Meal, Rice., 1 U.U U U 1.060 Bush Water Ground.Meal, KERc!LnEu"& CAU)ER : BROS. July 16 I . .'LT.i toIlxplairi. s: RUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, JSUUlJi l .. I , .--'i. . Y f ' ? witni 1 ml Tirrifti'fwav. corner 42rd! street, . New York.! Tho ;hlh standard attained by i the firm in lhia city will Ikj hwrcased by Ucir New York connection. ' vuminunians 191v -log New York wttlrecleve at iho alwve num- ber a hearty North Carolina welcome, jr 1 Wagonette for the Sound. i ' i:- o NiAND AFTER THURSDAY. 35th Inst., the WaKonctte will be run to anu rrom mo . . 1 I . .ui r .-oTvfwi tr him on re-1 i rr.v nnvomm nt. as lndicatea oy n.om.rWharf. ' ceipt of the postage due. The former thejmeonor -gSg Q 1 mrs. mfM - 1 01 r? I I I 114.1 -" - Li4 v 4. to the Editor from Pike P. O.. pract ce was to senu uuu rd: l'hat unnv rr elow.htban.a3c5.nt Stam?lJr-i stant and increasi 1 ' ' r- - L1 ' Tll t'rj i - rCob lnrTriPm- sYund;icavrwTlmtagtoi lAiu iftfirh ? The Pnces Speak tor l nem- & 8trSu(at6.m:. .Returning. . eavo WOrtll'GU VVOKflsi VVT 'wJt. .-- - the Sound at 7 a, m., T CrtTrm . n1 WT-n?.,; --liA4cn l' v vV? -'-"- - t.,,t iunell,:, . T. J,S0UTlURLAJD,r FFER AT 'LOW PRICES TOjPR03IPT- l1 toUrUnd county, ptm Ter, g.ow- - . xegulaUoa i:; iMcriptios of the crops in mat " , iottM directed to some place ty from other counties, gives ks some The farmer, are in high sPir- fPP ' d m cLim to ration; an! the um.b r finlr that the con-1 buyers: nuww..- ... I ..ilnABV 1W.OUU iUUCiO vyvj . ng majorities given oy 10 ine C3uuwaij j . ii orer the prospect and feci sure cone tian an average crop. "of in the United States from .ree --f S'that delivery ollice. ; arc ever ready to vote, uui. un - , ' 1 to divide tne nouurs. Builders and others-Go to Jaco- i?w0cd,. That in Presentinp our - A sailor got on too much juice Satur- 10 iiuuue - - - 1 Tipmocracy of our district, ai-XandieUdowniuthostreets. tfiteST" Gtaj claim . 1 t- t ret all sizes ana ai uie anuasungtuo :fii wft nresent :wti verT nmniiii yrnunii near 11 is o selves. 1 000 ' do. MKAU r 1 500 Barrels FLOUR, fl50 Bags COFFEE, 100 Barrels SUGAB V'lSSlesHAYr;"?; --VV; Open Work Piques Uhfew4 RO CUBA MOLASSES, park Printed Lawns 10c,f " h 000 SPIRIT BAltRELS. ' . , Vom anil UMAnd hfl.nfl. For Ease aiad?,ConifoW 5T BMnUVTLLE, ? STOP AT i THE.. AT Printed Linen Lawns, Reduced fix 20 & 25 " ,25 LANT Tobacco, ! ritt tie. He was carried to the sta- lowest txa loose, where medical attendance upTcnbim. Tho wound is said to iesTtry ulyone. Traffic Manager, New and second band. Snuff, Soap. Lye, Potash, Matches, anu aaaaHs r we present Candy, Candles, Hoop Iron, Ma is,ic. f leei we are juoiaj -rr: pi n tt iubs is the name of our oounty-man,- Colj i a j . Short, and resptfuUy W-SnSS. tion as tne canuiuauj .w vw r- . . ; v - 12 '" I i ANTIC SALOON just over the water. Best. of Liquors and Soda Water. Special lunch rooms. Crabs can bo eauffht tfTZZM' 1 A. -K- RBiAOJUSJ June 18-lm r , -V ; ' West of Garrison. ,1 Rememher; 1 i 1 Wetted in Sunday's issue that Mre HAT I KEEP FULIT AND COMPLET11 1 A.jthing in the hardware line can I kcad at rcasonablo prices at Jaco k'i . t City Court. Here were three unimportant cases Ufore the Mayor yesterday. They were tfjeharged. . SoL Haas, herctoiore ucuw-i namooiooi." oualified any prescription. Fun stocxs 01 rswm iJlnVf the Associated Railways of that he is a .gentleman, well .qyjjg tSeT ; preoptions . .Jrag-g, Agent of the Associau. position, one who can and wiu h9tiMviAut.-t-J-JK! Ladies' Weckwer REDUCED EVEN LESS THAN COST. 5 loo Bushel ..... -'- ."-'.' Clay and .Hlxed Peas -I r igent 01 vu ,7 , , v.. fnr the Dosition, one wno can uu,"' ,-bginia "! CaroUnas. had been gf P'd when In ConCTessby in charge also oi the passenger fe placed mcnargeiuaw , - . nisununuji nQtifiiprits Lines, of these M on tho 1st of August. oa " r'- . reflect credit upon our uis Htores : Foi over Sta. 5 " I . . i . ' FOB SALE BY Pope's resignation goes Haas' For Ashovillc. ITe learn that the Arion Quartette. 1 the lines . . - rr. tnctanu . , , - 4 wt- ofllcial tiUeto betnat 01 j x-u JArrThaSi tu fnllowinz is a U4 saw be insirucicu iy OA. Commercial Wnminon, N.:C. ; M. SCHIX)SS, ?rop. WE WILL OPEN FIVE CASES OF iil HALL & PUAHS ALL M hO ID I 111. IJ I , r. aM. I . AIX. UX-f .Manager. - . . . u rrtr uim. and by all honoraoie - T fcvERY RESPECT. 1 tne iraiuu r " h:s nomination. . . , h" . . . 1 . . . jtLn nm.ru uu - . - 1 m . .1... r. ; jNEW PRINTED LAWNS On Tuesday Morning ' I -4. . . J UtTTTAPn S4 i Bruce Williams. Esq.. being present, jJ-JjBSaSX' MTtT? AWV ?& " R0DDICK called upon, and made a speccutur. i. . ;; !f! . i John vvernor,-;. June is Clarets' and iLiglit WiriesJ lnirthi .. TUic 1 the T)It- ! mouon 01 v,a - . -r A v ' . ; ; ' v aebee and directed to be senu - -V-v . rHrER? - . : And Gbodl Whiskeys ! ! ! 4 ND OTHER KEFjtESlIING "AtTtCIJE 4- ' - ' 1 . 1 XofliMs s-aitry weather. ,1 . Xholce Fresh Groceries: .! .v.w.. x.. niuauu neiuuu, "V 7? - Animsta, North- ceedings were direcieu Wuf-- 'f""- r TRrUMER,' acccpanythem. The gentlemen ,mlngton. b?th DmlyReyiew and other Imocratic j -''JCTr '3 probably be absent about two eastern, of South Carolina, ul ;re of the district for pnblicati . ,5na central. Cheraw & Darlington, papers of tne a ;;, V. Wtion ion. ai.Ex- 5 and 7 North. Front.St. r, v ,1 Butter. AddJUonal IcIcRatC5. Cheraw skU CrusLed In. 1, BeanUfler, Hair OUs, j . . FEW PACKAGES (Large and smain ox rawr,. iiunnn", 'vw---. 1 lm TerT finest. 1 f 4Jveryhad - r v i C'4lait - A nirrr art tracts, Co aiTivAS! biviaWa. am ! npn m slbm avs v 1 w . w m - mm ii m a as aaa : . a Uanmvsir. c.cBv. rr;jBu Midland. Western Nortn . - r aTHrofveryjiha srirAOib-LL GRADES.' w wuowmgaro additional appoint- tiuc; 'c, rrlntt Air-LIne. v. , ' ,f.oon. ouite a seriousrx.ug toiBeipuD f;; ; ut eats as d!r.t rt tv r-!w I Cjouna.uau xcstct-j , feiuir-'0l L""SJAiftrr.i k "ts-i wtiL e 1 o mw wwujkawk.vM 1 . . . c i.iinicra i .rwii" ... rr- . tAir n im neiwecu i v 1 .11 wan lavor nra w iui - . 1 uiuikbw ilCWn; w . oou I nh.arloUe, Uoiumoi aU6-7 ;rI clubbing auraj rrjr, james n. carrawax 1 : j9ne j-tf v. MC vuuw wia""vui 1 ".. . . i w fh nnaor iwu , ' uncAn.mMweooaiu uuw ic"f 1 In all twenty ""T " mft time. t t ..I . Vn 1" troni TCt. -ota M Robinson, Owen I anneU. prccin . - r United T iT i-Cr one . M J HeT,r. JrJnh Merritt. AG Few traffio managers in the lnitea iarger one ucu icaj, a - - .tv- list MiSr Th9: Wonnected with the TBr : - RiXondand Danville for. the Ps funded boy was PJip and sent to esecbTth- v.nni Observer of Y r , isnto 1875 as agent V;amftOI1KidderIIiUbyadrayinan. 5th ion., that the Rerenuo -Cutter . jniore. from 1875 to the pres- .Thfl physician who attended the boy arrived at Mchad'on Satur- ent Ume as general freight agent. He uounced his skuU to be; broken: v; irAuSuTn KoUdnigsofthebodies of the UtUe Hon Tt t. T?nMn nr) Col. I. - I Tti4r bovs as yet. . ) w. . -' ammm mi . w i in me ouuuu t i - - rnw.. . . . i - unak and wife.T. W. Fostc na ABY CRLlGaS'.ANrjr. PER-alttULA .t: large stick. ' ' ,n -tnck lane TazletTX&d Itnr pricea, wrTTtvrrrmK OF AEtT DESCBTPTIONS, of all styles anajit au pneea. . koztb Front street- jnna IS. Mrs. Johnson. Caot. E. J. Penny-I Best ever made, iumory Hcktr. Cf wn,w :. t .T: .-nnnrlthartie 1 Jr, T. S s,box M Wlf of Mmli stadirdCur, cloudy i? . . " . ..iwi-M-r- A . "V back. of Salem- A. O. Sherwoodlco- litNaasaa Street. ewXoxr., winds. sure. HEESE fiQ BOXES. T ARCH 200 BOXES, rpOilATOES 50 tJASiss, , rj - ir- 'rpEAc.4 ''lit. ,.j v.. rts. Salt. -:;::.:?;sait. 4 . ...mnnnAT.SlTT : efsY. SACX3 COAESB'ALUal fiALT. ...' r. r. rm rhiU XI oUae - . . . ... ' and a weather, Jres- .tf'dGiiW EtationaatemperattirefAdpr ;). "T Received by crerrfcwamer r, - . Glre us a caltan-I ak to see u laUt . 1 GEO. MYERS, , 1 I Pamily Bibles . XNVJOOPES. AXD PAPER, . . ' haz BLANK; BOOKS, .t:., s.,.;. IVj: STANDAR rOVELS. . , ( : i SEA SIDE LIBRARY J . J. ; tg TrjjilOllETERS ABAEpilXTERS, At Rc4ocd Prices; at ;' j JIEJNSriXUER'S., ulfl? svJi? f I f-r "'. Iff I .1. , T. TT.11 .4 f- rVJf. 83 GiSW. n nun "f w , It

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