Tins PAPEX r eepted fcy Mondays ex jOSU T.JAMES, 14.00. .rtONS POSTAGE FAU .ir months ft-C. Tare. POSTAGE PAID: re f4:: rww, month. S5 cent. .att. 4.t..J br carriers fre prtofUcltj. at tb EDO To week. TJirt, aU M. VOL. VI.- '! f I t , WILMINGTON. N. C.V SATURDAY. JULY 22 1882. NO. 175. THE CONVENTION. , u rirfulalicn. of any nwspapcr , Br-01-1 - SLall Fe.1 Beef Tho Concluding Ballots Col. "Whartou JY Green Nomina ted on tho Doth Ballot. The Democratic Congressional Con vention, which assembled at Warsaw on Thursday, closed its labors about midnight or the same night, but the re sult was not known here nntil yester day morning.' -Tho following arc tho Jo M Moore; Carteret, W I, llowiand; Columbus. V V Richardson; Cumber land, Capt Jas B Smith; Duplin, Capt Jas G Kenan; Harnett, N S Poc; Moore, L P Tyson ; New Ilanover, Wm B McKoy; Onslow. Col S B Taylor; Penaer, DrW-T Ennett; Sampson, J A Ferreil. , !i On motion of Mr. Allen, of Duplin, Captain V. V. Richardson was made Chairman. A vote of thanks was tendered to the Chairman and Secretaries for the able . i w-irsthc Ncgli 7y hore-l" - L. lst. .wSurcrU indicate that it I 1 11 t " . f,!!!nr off. 14 a-, concluding proceedings. shirts '47th ballott Waddell 161 ; bhackel- and faithfai discharge of duty. Sox keeps I ford 534; Short 118 J. i a vote of thanks to the .citizens of STATE NEWS. is! NEW AIVEKTISMENTS. Stall1 Feci Beef kF THE BEST QUALITY CAN BE HAD Market between Wilson Siflitiasi The corn crop li-irv. RtrA wis nnnrecidentlY larjre. 1 1 I We heard a Nash I countv - iarmer say uy caiung cany w Saturday that wheat could be bought in geeMrf Tniru sU. Also, choice Lamb, nis neignDornoou at. eeveuvj-m o i button ana veau . It is .said that .. - , . PLEASE NOTICE. Wje will fil&CtorecelTC. coomunlcattoa from our Meul3 on any and all aubjecuj f gesccalinicttsibitt; ' i ij .: j f The name of the writer must always be for niched 0 tte Elltor. ' .p .''!! j CommnnlcaUona most bo written on only .. one aide of the rarer. ' Personalltlca must be a Tolled. Ant It la especially and partlcnUrly nnder atool that the Editor does not always endora he rlewa of correspondents unices ao slate In the editorial columns. ! I . NEW APVEKTISEJIENTS. rpIIE SECOND STOUY OK MY HOUSE OX ! A i . . . . J the corner Eleventh and Market streeU. iar den. Stables and rood water on pretnle. APPIT U V1UU9. liUltE.UT. SroltftTHU. Tarhoro Southerner: some of our farmers , are paying as high Upholstering. . lUUXITUBE UPHOLSTERED AND BE Or JNO. Wi BO RS EM AN on premises. , 1 DUUI I! UUUi s JEWTrrTs - 27 N. Front St. 48th ballot Waddell 140; Shackel- Uvarsaw for the use, of the Academy country have had plenty -of ram all ford 46; Short im. - f and hospitalities extend was also through tne n. 3 4Uthbiliot-Waddcil 157; Sliackel- Utople(LP . . ; tesiaM ford 30 ; Short 130. j Col. Wharton J . Green was conduct- P Plvler brought us from Mt. Pros- 60th ballot Waddell 1289-16; Shack- ito the stand and bade a short but pect, a briar stalk that measured 16 . - Til . 1 A MnM tinww 1 0 . as one uouar anu van uciius i -y fvrrs. With the Dresent prices of cot- V n ton we cannot see very j much profit to I paired, at in a fiTCat measure to tne scarcity 01 j Cornices, Picture Frames, Mosquito Acta. c l Chine handy and useful. 1W . .... : i jnly. , . i - 1 julylo- TAB of) the C5 AS II AT, labor. Monroe A LL KINDS AND SIZES, SUCH HI 11 INFANT'S , and the LONO 'BAT1 1, tJUAXITK IKON WARE. TOIurrr; SHT?. Hangings, -Window Shadea,'Window lap BOARDS, BISCUIT BOABDS. Every. 1UI. At ! i . AIOvEB & TAYIjOB'i. Enquirer: Portions C D. T.lorrill. 50 PIECES FIGURED IrXS. At 5 cents per yard Vo .TTwTIT tho HoiLHC. elford 57 : Short U6J. DEETAKEB, CABINET .MAKER AND -.t mla The Crops. J.T. Collinof Pender wunty,who 155. U'.. . . stnnlav. Ulls US that .7? wi .u UI3 v..j j-- - 51st ballot Waddell 155; fon!62; Short 115. ; s 52nd ballot Waddell 155 ; ford 6a; Short 117. f 53nl ballot Waddell 155; i i 4 t. rxniintr tVte I i'ppt in heiffht. neat anu cnasu? " , - T o r - w Tift figured lawss, mYtw m iMnnrrrrj - ivi I . J. . . i,vf4 4 a ' it i t Ui -Cnw Vnrliv last,. I XJJ CARPENTER. Office and Work Slum on See. ond street, opposite Southerland's stables.ee s Itespectfully solicits orders and rvaTantia good work, prompt delivery and satUfactlon every respect. maylft-tf Sliackel- nomination so unexpectedly made and Shackel- I I. Sliackcl- Kiti rtllfttv Waddell 155: i Shackel- iitalPltaMdIfS fordi Shortl25. ., I eicfcdinsly fine and that if. the ballotWaddell 135 ; Sliackel- ford 63; Short 134. 56th ballot Waddell 154; Shackel- f l ml . C"l , OO 1 S 5DS CnlinUC ma? 0fh6' rl, will make enough to last them ,n of which we are rery WO J c i fjjto bear. ' MaBitrato Court. Trianicr. colored, was brought ii; nomination so unexpecuxu RzelFs Ferry, on. Fridaylas he was frequently applauded. At about ... v, w Prane wliirfr measured 6 t. 1. PnniranfiAn rtlrkiim wl I r " : 1.. rm f?T f A tin nnrl f fpAt I : 8 innhes in heiffht. Tlio uemocra A Uuique toiu. j ic nominating convention, for this dis- Mr.K.Thorburn, of this city, has in trict, will be held in Wadesboro, on the 23rd of August. ' rassionavuu lNcwbern Journal: Col. , John JN. one which is probably very valuable. Ug found iin the city yesterday It is a copper penny, 01 me series au cid flag of the 67tn regimem. as"Nova Constellatio, "and bearing aate had been securely Kept tnese many years 1783. ' . r . 1 At 6 cents per yard. a hftjratiftil stock of Ladles' ' and Gent's Ilandkerchiefs. Towels, etc july 21 ' ; 1: I JNO. J HEDRICK. ILL BUY AN ELEGAXT SADDLE, Cosmopolitan Bar. EST WINES, LIQUORS, CI GABS, ETC - ICE COOL LAGER, a speelaltyJ July 13 JOHN CARROLL, Prop, South side JIaxket st Pine Grove, r uiGirrsviLLE, n, f T a. 6 ITU ATE AT the 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. ! Per- A' DAY 3 EN. i ui ""XV. rrv r rr.:" . . ' v-wenATtrtdle. TT tne Miie rost on tne , . .J4L . Vnt ttnwn nf h Mr. H. U. W mtenurSC. OI uus ciuv, aunosc new, wmbiuv rrrC-i Urtna visitinir the SOUND FOR It is saia mere w w uu. w v. ifc durinff the war as color together with an elegant " JOYMENT can get an EARLY ; -FI8 SUP i -ir m hiMirron i w uv i a .Mimmor nnH. aisu a uun wu i nonn v..-. m. w savins rn it these pennies struct on uu buuuu bearer of the regiment. Uur trav- siankeT Apply - a 4 Ji ; onon. . , nrn Wnshintrton for approyal, as Alino. affe. t. Mr. C. C. Taylor, reports juiy 57th ballot Waaacii, i4 ; onacKci- - enmnwhpra a few Tr.roM seen onhis Hyde county 19 LOCK BOX 581i CITY. for it. ford 53 ; Short 124. , ; " "Tlf This is so. and if the trip were exceedingly fineJ Mr. ; Jb- 58th ballot-Waddell 135; snacKei-rj- -o-r" . , ermine. Bear, near Jumper coin iur. iuui uuiu o . acres whicn lie expects w yiem oul uuu- PER" before starting home, by 1 asking ED. WILSON MANSLNU, ITOpr. June 18-tf .. . : . , I . i ! , i J Jo.ifccMIIUs jestenlay mom- ford 501 ; Short U7. .... "iTTi, tlillu SSSTSS." ith assanlt snd battery. 50th baUot-Waddell 1M1 ; Shackci- r ------ - MSSesaion --JT iar, . , D TJlunds Bro: RUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, reallv a small bonanza in his possession ai0nrOe Express: Prof W J Scroggs, CaroUnail,49l Broadway, corner rd street, 1CE ckm and SOd1 WATER, i IfwerccoUect rightly the artist refer- YMt M?n1fl Si?. juuiac I- - i . , ...I . cu.Vni. ii we recuuwfc ii-uMj . i rA r.T, . nr OUtn Dauoi-Hauucu a,w-v I , A .i tof fwn of these coins in ohuiuyiuc, wm v .wu4vv - - y . connection. ivu.w - fanr wPfilTH EO i r. I oJ'ULiam I lUb UrUdIM allU OUUa VVcUCIi NORTnl . iriPirT rnvsT A vtt.V ov IIAVn PURE )ii WATER, flarored scrreu at r t Bnrewas brought before Jus-1 ford 46; Short 131. uceMK2tiijcstcrday,ur)onthecharge 61st baUott Waddell 134; of rerjary. an J was bound over in the ford 66 ; Short 132. ,sa of $3M to tho next term of the U. 62d ballot Waddell 135 ; S DUtrict Conrt. ford 73; Short 124. , I A iiuv 63d ballot Waddell 131; Freshwater Pcrch,Txout jud BUck 63d ( e,i hook, and linet. A fuU assort- i0 y 135. Btet and lowest pneaa at JACom 3.t forf ; short m Cotton TliclYca. 65th ballot Waddell 154;! OctrErcriU noticed two colored ford 95 ; SbortW. J Cea with suspicious looking bas -in feU 1M? . . i..ukf am1ia foot of ford 95: Short bJi.i tier prosesiou T . ; lt. w.Mrfl 154 : Shackel- were in the tnat two ui few weeks to make his horae in that ?Yot hands of collectors and tne , iIr Jameg l Helms, who ber a hearty m Wilmingtonians visit- FRED. SMALL, will recieve at ihe above num. Jus(. North of jGarrisoni and near Hotel Bruns. North Carolina welcome. r 2. whereabouts of the third was unknown fivea aDOUt three miles west of town, - i wick, Smithville, N. C. . July 8-lm bwv.1. Theeditorofthis paper has a coia of w found deiu his and MiSSeS Cloth WOfth &, Worth. 1785, probable cause of his deatn. JVir.ieims BUlbUU uuuw au wubwi Shackel- probable cause of his death. Mr. Helms nma oKnnt fiftv fars of acre. To Builders and others Go to J ACO- Favetteville Examiner: It is current- W1 ttrtciT n-r rrnfiW OTTT OUR STOCK T.: I aax hi - iLiauuiicuir w w .. - Shackel- BIia for 5 Blinds and Doors, Glass, , reDorted on our streets to-day that of i ladies and Misses j 1 Tou can eet ail sizes auu u mo xuiuruau nuixi ithm. w ---- vix-u TJ-n-f--n Hrknta " i1 i 4. wui pass directly through our Market ClOtu iSUttOll iJOOlS . lowest pnc. nnn5p.. The Cape Fear River has 1 - , nrorvwhprc are booming as Uti art Inw at this Toint for 1 the last and will sell them at cost. thpv have seldom boomed before. month, up to a few days since, that it lri h plosiIv forded, and many or our 1 Wliat, Never? No! East-side farmers took advantage of the Never! ! - situation lor a iree inp 10 our cilj .- Shackel-Shackcl-Shackel- Never! of a 1 lv m m m. 1 u rrr 1111 13 ua Lisa.u ays www There never has bee a new journalistic enterprise soon to be cpntnl in anv part of the World, wfcere riA1. thA Mito . Q. . , ffirsystem oipubUc ?rT J gf SaSSStw d p?oetorship of ; Shackel- lotterfes has. been, or p now legalized J n William r , .honha bczan to I C7th ballot S thre. .the ddeU .,iSb l 1 -an rr 'mo Dars wero 1 wt. - , V T .o ntaln cotton. The ford 861 ; Short 924. ' I , 'f"J.to..!wnL C9th ballot-Waddell 1 in a stable on tne prenux " I : . . irr rrioTv,Tnv lui"ir" WUlltmUMurchison. Ha save his ord 791 ; t.nort , v. LX?ltotSZrHe maMge; wa of Matthews township, raised .r- ti, lir thief 17. . . listriDuupns. uuuca T?T(T,rfi nr hoc fnii.omwn encumbers on one hill tianeaioeo. - winwkddell 142; Sh ones. Mr. escaped. I ,.f.t.JMi.xf,nmmv20. La.,andJuDai Aa riyt . r TurtmM Andrews, of Bear, Creek town- Koro;ouoti.,rrT 2nda rliWered a gold Kailroad Improvcmente. , 72d ballot-Waddeu maJ of wmcn can ff --- 5- An experienced Ta shnrt U)A Mcuuuuiui i cauuu w - r; ' - r.,i 1 ? 1 nvnm noii th wins, wmcn Til 1 1111 I A.Llll lllVyU VAw ' are two in number and nearly four feet Call and secure a pair. 1 GEO. B, FRENCH & SONS. July 19 39 N. Front St. vFFER AT LOW PRICES T0JIPR0MPT buyers,: j 10,000 Bushels CORN, 1,000 do. MEAL, , ;500 Barrels FLOUR, 1150 Bags COFFEE, X 1 100 Barrels SUGAR, - 100 Boxes BACON, 1 100 Bales HAY, EA llhda. And BblH. 1 NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, I 2,000 Bbls. LIME.CEMENT A PLASTER, 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, i i - New And second hand. Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potash, Matches, Candy, Canuies, iioop iron, jxa is,-c iui - 16- -. 1 ' I 1 - UUU 4J . The Standard , vy OOD'S ORGANS FOR TONE AND FIN- iad are unsurpassed. ' 1 , 1 j . Decker Bros. PIANOS are Becout to none. Discountto Churches and School. Wagonette forthe Sound: ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, 15lh lijt, tho WnmnAttn xrill Iip. run trt and from tho -: Sound, leaving Wilmington, corner Second land Princess streets, at e p. m. neiurang, leava the Soundat 7 a. m. . nr,wn.w t' ' iunell-tt T. ,F. SOUTIIERLAND.! j I, 1 rJevv Restaurant- T11TE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTT- . . . irp -mmv 4R. omn tr IM. A. laupmu, . , . mu;V. Tho IVilmineton & Weldon liaiiroau iora o;oaur.-, iv,; n holder of asuccessiui miner has examinea ine ;vwu, Ll, nearly completed the necessary 73d ballot-V radoeii W i o Utet may iet $75,000 o m Jif AAA aA- r. 1 4 f c-v; nm lor sso.uuu. cw. are two 111 uuuiuci u.u i,v"wj nsj ucariT wmuK;tu - I : . , , .i n I tlCKeb luav ' j ' i ... i nac tho nrnsiwy'r, fix- LThlrt aCrOSS &miins rcv.. . - 4,4 . u I rt " u ,-f TTr,itnl 1 Choice Beading Matter, LUTerei "wilf probably be M placed in posftion. ready for the pa- 75lh ballot-WaddeU 1551 , Shackel .r.rbWlddl 1591; Shaekel- iu be paid soon isnc n crks. a u vv j ,0,1 .? VT-;lfT nf the I C r ty! 4-2? Short 1314. ( inrDiTDsraiiom w uiaw i4o-- 1 .... j pl..v.,i. a .. ' .o. RAAV-Rsh Creek, thel 77th ballot-Waddeu iwi ; . "T trices at Jaco I li C illiltW W W. - JVT1 lit I DC lOUIlvl 2W JCiW""""" i1iw-i1infr linn rr Tlimlin and Pender ford 43; Short 1371. ! . t . J , I. t 44.4 - , r .o. v-f wmidell 1544: snacKei- era -cocntiea. and that Will pro Da my oe tvi- ota uaxiww . .i.i x .Tn wnV Both! fn1 42: Short 136 sutures will be of the most substan- 79th ballot Waddell ii , till kind. ' ford 27; Short 147. 2uliar accidents, that we ever Mr. Thomas jvic- on last Thurs- I .r.nioi a. 3tvrc STATIOSERY. jvi ro tv j 4..-. - j. - - . C., W., ww. YATES BOOK STORE-. At julY 16 fully announce that he has just fitted up at No. S, Granite Row, South Front St., a restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and : ' .l .1 -' ' ! refreshments may be had at all hours ot th , it RPlfiah Tlie next urawms ruereou, ui iuu wuuy , 4. . . .-- .x ifi. August 8, andearly day. Hisjeam of fn away NeW Tort & Wilmington ao-ainst a tree with such Tiolence as to ;o.in the hardware line can entirely tear off his right ear. -Un the 27th of June a little tnree-year-oia dayl 'Everything Is new and first class; YTo lite waiters and courteous a ttendants. i Steamship Line Shackel-1 r XT,- n Af . T4ashlev. of this coun- ,r nrna rl-nwnprl fit TaillbS mill..: He :J ' . . -i U mill tirhon Hon rrn ni.aviri'r hlkjul uio iuu f, his father suddenly missed him and at I once ! began to search for bom and in 11 a. J . fcj uv. ; .IV sn, hallot-Waddell 150i; Sei- . ......4.45 p.m. -uuiucr " I fonl 27: bnon iiuj. ' 1 Oa the afternoon of the 20th inst., a cist ballot Waddell 15Ji; THE MALLS TbemC.nd arrive .. tt. CyPt onee -ty-"fdlhedead close. . . body in the pier Bead. News and Observer: office as follows ; Through a pri- vi Sr .ITsMkiLand 6.40 a. M. fetter we learn that theraiare fuUy Sactel- gdeig S: c. iadand TSSttoSrt Saratoga, among whom 1 1 w.-viivrf rnprviruiu . 1 . wi 1 Af hnn TrnTTii-. routes """ . 5.40 A. M. ,. .ludsre K. JT. JJicit, auu umoi. ar; sN.-m nf rin nd .Wind DaSSed i f 1 err . ClinH. 1 .121. throu2h the section of Tender county Ijins between South Washington anu ronj 27; Short Ieshurs. on the WUmington & Wei- ballot Waddell 1331; don Railroad. We were unable to learn lf 07. short 152. j! ' how tar it extended on either side of the c.Lh ballot Omitted in our reporx ing A. sAnth. " nl in ians. One of tne tnern juaiw " .." s.oo P. M. -rVi:i u r,'f,r t Nnr. dally wJ,-iiV i stations on me juauccw - ,il pl v, wmn;(C.c.EaUway)daiiy, . .m. folk Mlroadbeara the immeof Sawyer Shackel- (exceTtsy).V"-iVVKai- t nnfl Af the best . okes of the seasor ft 11 nn nti nprwixu iiaiu".. , t uuu . - . . eilh...T.:. ti-" v;:;?.- A hinges on the name. MiarorCherawandDarlingtonllall- p I nearedjthe station road """" " ViVmr I TTrtntVi whnsfl awkwardness season A tew days ao, a gawKy railroad, but for a space nearlyor quite g5lj1 ballot Waddell ynWtk in wi,!tli its frtrw Ipvpllod the I 4. , je. Cl,nrf 111 - f, toi as with a woodman's - axe. The gfc ballot WaddeU 155i ; Shackel diT "Ktion was from the Northwest, and ford 43. short 134J. . j ' . . L V as the eye could see on eitner 87tb ballot-Waddeu ia, 0. tie road the trees, some of wmcn r i 43 . Short 133. t (except Sundays). -.".v;, V. byrrone upon tho eround. foballotWaddeU 1551; Shackel- iffljfc igy-gjSS STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. M. KEGULATOR. . ... J .Saturday, J nly22 mj-VEVAfrrOR......... ....Saturday, July STREAM. ..... i . . .Wednesday, Aug 2 f "' ! . L' ".' ' ' . - 4 .-w,,rrr a nn4-T, . KALUniST. 4UX e.::-.r(S.T. P..iCriTnnto the ' " r"rrrr" Onslow C. . J .7..6.00 A. M. pleasing. "f ThA rlnnr thcxtcf ACTOR...... .... Wednesday, Aug o GULF STREAM... Saturaay, Aug Through Bills Lading ana Jt7Game ahd Oysters jin reason. jjjnne Wlncs Liquors and Cigars. ) ! lnovjl3- F. A. SCIIUTTE; Prop. , Marvin's Celcbratca jpiRE AND BURGLAR TROOF SAFES, AliSlzes and Prices, from $50.00 to $2,200.00. Acknowledged by the best authorities to.be the BEST SAFE MADE, Extract from Scientific American edltorUrot Feb. 11th, 1882: "We are also asked as to the best fire ,proof safes. We say M All VIS'S.- A. A. WILLARD a our repor, -7.:...- h whose awkwardness was only 15Gi; Shackel- tJjJIMr. Saled by his happiness, was ih a car I anaV:frrinfiaTeFear .i rl fhn waist of a June 18 .1 Axent atlWUmlngtoa. 7 T Tuesdafa Tand Fridays.........' SSemlS. by steamboat, daUy yc nave nearu, as yet, vi 89th not s Vriso us If, In tho track ballot Waddell 161i ; .8JJ0A.M. w?th the usual ligntning speeu, Creek, i cfnf.t i,:3 head in the car, too one He Elver, Tues- i xr nntAAnvrn the aisle, and looking, as wiih their ' P Pointio- to the South- ford4; Short L . , ouVolJ .-opfor deliveW.'.. theardent loyer ttonfM. "'f? f TntomPolnU . r Jrr. um DJUiUt " I ?0 i...:. .7.. 7oa.m. r; Thenassengers in the .car lnNortn and South Carolina. esAi,ltitA cnmanoTftnunaiiue, uu r . , 45. short r-l- . . , I UkI. rri Rxiiroad. . . IW ' -'fit: at lanhter when -- i w. , - . ,, chrirpi. uarouim : 4 .4 hATA rr uai were uiuvcu i j ioaldBotsVu,ir.Inlrac! toUot-Waaoeu " ..W'1""'"? " 7. .JthecountrymMg a ci sach whole, 'iio . ucrasiauoa. JUJO I ford 85; Short ooi. , k ... suot oa op? ."Sar from 6 borx'J. - Huskcan , .tfATi I , Lwkrard name of the station caused .Tto excursion front GVUUboio to Col, Short 65; ! Henry's Carbolic Salvo TmtogiYe himself away. . uiaiu AnmisL o i t ballot Waddeu J , i I I TTllll n tij city, on the nau aau .1 Is the Uhoi oau zi" ch an-1 . . - f Ptobcofmuchgrrmagni-lGrc.n J0b PfintlHg I ; . . kinds of Skin PH, TP. T OW PRICES! J i Pimples. Get ' Vfr JLi Saratoga Trunko. Linen and Mohair Ulsters. Cambric and. Linen Collars. For Freight Engagements apply to : : THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, i i Wilmington, N. C :: TUEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, . 55 Broadway, Sew York. WJL P. CLYDE CO GencraJ Agents. July 19-tf. . .. .. -r . - I t " Hd'k'f s Gloves and Ties. Ar-1 02nd Bacon Lard, Mouses. trsr?i f first SUPPOSCO- - i .r1 with tholnrccn 1551. . i , -liu - jc. villAt WaddCU of " i Kmpics. w ntTfeit North Carolina and tno -. - SALTVE, as all omers j GOOD WORK l North Carolina roads to tao v iw Waddell 1UI; Short 71; mcc'- ceuu. . PROMPT n, number of our Mod. Mh ballot-Grca W. MkS" rfl. !roa the country wiU be m uje ci'j. i4-i. n Uasb McLean. " -WOTkeurfuiijUoDeiorpeno"". Boxes Smoked and D. 8. SIDES, Tcs and Buckets LARD, - a T latoi 'vw4 9.1)1) -"."T Po RiCoMOLASES. 100 50 finlyl .ala Inr tiv gKBCIINEll C ALDER BROS. ouycf whom will ntoWJB nomination was made unani- CTARRU SKUFF curses Saithtiiv. the Forts and seashore. It Greens nommau DUKNO E CTi" membrane. .. F inl mftfU. i . i all tlMTinil3 Ul UiO wUl be -a good opportunity xur , ' -njr Ucmen were electee , XZ and throat. xftw -4. thA dls-lv merchants and business men to pec - Committee for lf.,- ,-4wi ;t, nnr neighbors an Jxecuuye kaj fen Finland counUes, which, we tnct Braddy. Brunswick, J CxthxrUc Eesulators bt Lot, they wfll Improve, I liiaaea, , 1 ete. Ti elected I .ons of the mucus DB. MOTTS PILLS are the best out of tho city, and sent to them by inall fr f postage. E. S. WAEBOC Joh Printer, Cor. Cheatnot and Water St. WtotoK. Corn, rndal, Eice. m nnn Baps mio anu uiw , 1 0.0 0 U LOU) Bush Water Ground Meal, J9 vr y vr rarolina RICE. ; kScSxeI calder bros: July 15 . . . . k All at very moderate prices, j J TURKISH BATTI SOAP. - j , i - IS r B. JL McINTTBE lU Pamily Bibles TTYMK BOOILS, '.. BLANK BOOKS. STAXDARI SOVELS, j MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, K - SEA SIDE LIBRARY, r TnERMOMETERS & BAROMETERS, FIRST-CLASS ORGANS. At Reduced Prices, at I i t

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