Z ill JRSB.BV&S: ft: a r - , jibe:; n..t cau. i(ngio ,f-ulS.MW without. Hence, - .. t w---if.vwv i i i.iv i i: cysand or the ,---um- - j frv'J i" ,.v mwMe caused by un rTVT iVr aid f-lnary Orxsn; ratf." Iir -J. r..-W f Women; for vt7intlrj derangement jrtmcr-ur- " 'y ' V.r lu rx oiiuih iWware t-lf ta; , ' ,,:in4 and oncocUoii said ;;k f ,r WARNER'S SAFE Di ll. ' T f ' 1 ": J . I i , ' Roche U?r. N. Y. Hl- .. . 14 n: j LYDIA E- PirJKHAM'S 7Z3ZTABLS COHPOUITD. 1S Car fr all FE3rAL.E WEAK LvSES Jmclm&luM IeerTfcrm, Ir rtoUr an4 ralafal HXMtrs(toB Ul&aaatlaa mmd tTleermllca f I LAPSUS CTEIU, Are. trniMut to tVe tie. rfSrcloui and ImnwIUU rrnximtssrr uonxsotnit rr ninr. W- W-r Vbm pbUe; aad for all tfJmmi of th JTfKIDVET COMPLAINTS fEUker KX 1TII II PTXCTAJT DXfOD PCKITBS U rrhl-ftb rrrr mnf o( ilaEMort from tk Koo4,IUfMMU wtn tVa and rtrwurOi to u4Pb, umrHV79tB rewik m the OapouBd. I rl- A U Gxapocn kaad HoodPnrt3T ar t4 tlDuia Vntm AvrnM. Lyiia. Kan. rfVof4UM;t1. HibotSlpft5.toCyairoUd bwkf Batt U Um forni ef fUlM. f r C loaraxoa pic, fl r boi for rttW. Mm Plftlbam ftwQr aiww aa ktkvt of lBjiiT EneW t lor (Mwakt. Xmtin. tkU Fojxr. rrtrMAl.rrrnalTntaTiua rnrw Cnmrtv tarn. I inw aa4 XorpkUtj of Um Lfrer onU, M"-Sahl y all Draiita.-V , O) Hulbert Bros. Wholesale . ; Price. List.' - rrlce fuaA, 7 oct.. aquar,- rosewood, carred. agrafe.. $13d 00 ruao,oprtxQt.voet..cablDe grand 100 Orra. 4 aeu reedj.9 tops and grand orrsa 59 00 w trrn. 6 ku reeda, 13 top, coop- Wr. ab-baM.... ...... 73 00 Oar run a and Urgans are rar- 5 Vjit.?.r' !t.. s1 S VloSa rrcmo'na mxkI, extra inc.. 00 ArronWoB, M key, bass bos, fine wnc i..... AropWn. 6 keyi, 1 fttop, 2 ct4 re4.vrfeet .... Muth Unfam, Vienna concert, 24 boWa 1 00 3 00 50 4 24 1 00 100 50 1 10 23 00 f WMUA&W AMVUfcCC hoW.G 5... 11 Moato rraM. tnttlne Concert u boVi,;s II Clartonrt. genuine Martin, 6 key, horwood J !1 5?itJnebon.-r' ""W" nrefVraes 15 US .W -nk. line Urg Wlna wlUl tevcr Violoncello, patent. rahlnh"Jl fovvSii,' pnY head. ......... 10.00 3 or 4 23 00 4 00 2 00 9 00 9 00 15 10 13 A Gtt:r. apl, machine head, Ene flaiah 1 Inch. 4 bra 54 brackcu trat. bnu eornopeon style, case '(i crook. s r?!.??!0.' br PruVun,oaenti m violin, Guitar and lianjo String. ,. H Iirot ?uTTr). GulUtand lianjo Slrburs, . Vrc .7 VloUn. Oallar and lianjo Strings, r , H Kros.....' u,s Eossun, German or lUllan, best . qoai'ty "troeuon Dooks. Hows' or Win ar", - - 30 "lTlflr lnt m1 a mwtrl tniU fnr 1 (Yl C! Mschlne. will sell them for $23 each wkl tbey but. m,T Is quae safe In common letter If 'y addressed. : k - i ; ' Ttrms gtrtctly cash with order. Will take Rasp. 42jrjsnU and dealers tend for our 40 paff Cat- J? T6 wholesale price. ajenU laj per cent, profit. sw na when yon eonae. to StSTsanU. . ' mrt Bros., U the only General Vnola oce In St. Loola. 4,.,, nui.Binrr linos., . Oa ye Street, Salnt lxmls, Mo. iy , , For ;OaIo . is T .. . IT W M "TT A r I 9 7 mL fl I I.4 ts;wv -tf np; Per Cent. -rlrurwninI kldu 5 K?TJL" ,t orv e t the riwl J,,Ml: '??bl 'oM.n. drire dise anil 5-- wrtf FWCUMA AJTw.TCIV,TTIJ B THE HOPE C The Daily-Review- .MUTABILITY Tle flower Uwt aniUca toUr To-nxrtow tiles ; All (ImC vrc vl.li losar Tempu ami then fltc.' f t Wlwt U tb workl' delight? IJ?btnlitg t!ut morki the ltzh. Brief CTtn hrlghl. Ylrtbc. Ixmr fntllltldf ! r'rk'rwUhlp too rare ! . Love, bow It belU poof bli for irvnl despair! i liut we. Uiougli noon ther fiill. .Nurrlvctliclr joy. and all ' nn.ii ours we can. , Whilst skieaare blue aud LrlghL WhlUt flowrr arc gay, . . -Whilst eye that rhaugo ere nlstt Miikei glad tins day. hiUt yet the raliu hours envp, Urvaru tlioii ! aud from thr r,. 'I hen Wake to w ecp. . OhcUryi - . j ' Kor the liaily lie view. , Slaii and Sentiment. It was abalmyevcnin in early June, when the freshest flowers Were blrxjm ingantltho binla saui? 'tbeir, sweetest songs. The sun was rather i near the horizon, and Hire w hi fcoftonins lhht over a pretty scene: a sronp of girls scattered ver the step aud piazza of a uousc on fctrect. Uu a Sutumer eTcnxng. girls in white dresses and with a glow of excitement on their faces never fail to look pretty. Most noticeable among these partly because of her conspicuous position at tljo top of the steps is a. black-eyed girl with an abnndabco of brown curls. MHcigho!nshe calls; "There comes Jen," am several rim to meet another white form coniinz through the irate to join thcnii A chorus of voices greet her: "Ileigbo, darling V j I , ? Howdv. honpvT "Soglad you've come!" And lastly, two or three together: "Oh, Jen, didn't we have a killing time last night? IIow did-you enjoy it?" "I never had such a sweet time in all my life 1" was the answer. -Oh, I had the darlingest time out!" says the black-eyed girl; then raising both hands and shutting her eyes for a moment: "Oh, girls. I'm just gone over Dick Murphy. I do . think he's the sweetest fellow I ever saw !" ' Several answer together "So do I." Isn't he!" "Isn't ho tho sweetest dancer?" "I donx see anythinsr sweet about him," says a little blue-eyed creature, wno is sitting on the piazza railing with her feet In a chair. i "The idea, Bell ! What's - the reason you uonir aou, seemeu to tninK so last night." ; "Well I don't. I think he's hateful ! When did I seem to think so last night?" j I '... i:u l l.: .u i i t i.k ;:.".t.?:r" l.:c iy." "es,- it was the second I danced with him, but think he rwas despicable the rest of tho evening" jand tho vctile Del 1 turns her head away, and looks rather dreamily into the west. he's the dearest fellow I to flirt with; don't talk ! Don't you like him, Jen?" s ! "N o, 1 think lie's a mess V1 "Oh, you do," says black eyes, "Jen, that's tno worst I ever heard. You have fonrotten what I heard vou sav to him last night. . Ha, ha, ha ! That hurt you, Miss Jennie! But wasn't the music darling? I think the racquet is too sweet lor anything: . J Oh yes," says another laughing voice, vou enjoyed that first racquet. didn7t you. . . .. Over: the lclt"- tho brown .head goes to one side "no. not by a jug full. I do think lie's the latest dancer" I think he's decidedly lato !" : ' I bet you'll promenade with him to night." . . "I never is to," says Black eyes, jumping up ... 'That's too thin.' Neli. It won't wash any of it." - - y - "Jennie calls Blueeye3 J'roin : the banister, -"yoa looked lovely last night. I never saw vou look nicer." . "Dear me I Thank :vou. I didn't know T could look lovclv." Black-eves calls. "Bnt. really, Jen. you did look daisv. vour dress is awful sweet. You made it yourself?" . , , ' "I really ' did. . "Jen. vonro a brick." Thank you, I'll return the. conipli- return the. compii- ucuu iumenuuu4u.i ., ... i -I;really. am " Blackyes answers wtfotoc'and taking three pr tour steps of the raonuct, she is at the side or licit. . "Anu so uiue-eyea uiuiks . xiun. . 1 . 1 . : Til iL! is hateful! Well, ho loved vou once. I know, bqt if you (Jo hate. hiranow,:I knowe don't carelQr,he told. me. last night he didn tt care : for anybody. Mame. don't you think Dick Murphy's just darling? . 4 Hnirmketi verr nan a some last nuriit. but my ! one: could hardly get a chance to speak to htm, he was so -aevoica w Kate ' Mertoh. Wasat she - beautiful last night! Cream color is so becoming m m sr (itlu in lovo any uvut x nuuiuu i ZuZ' :- ttw ttoVi,Vq nTYiiit-i - " , I tlCTinsneu,ana peruaps pecauirujt are not ;i;r ..r7r rT. t." o the banister with the evening T iMni- i.a w th wr thorn onlicr head. No, 1 11 go on. ir t nf uoou evening. . . i . i i , i t i.i-u i rniPfi KJivinir i mollis in v iu jvv uwa crt HMr hi n soil siift does non&o! . ."voj look around when some one exclaims: "Do look ! There come Jack and Jill down the hill, and they're making a bee-line Xot this house; too, Oiris, don't Hooka sight?" I . NTn vnn're all O. K. Oh. my law! if I Jnlm nnrt this is his handkerchief" pulling a blue silk wrap from around her neck; suppose ne nau seen Yl 1. 1 . A nthofiCtIA u acnjea n-r-."1" of the piazza - and f iSaTKrf TSlon i i . i - .w a. v Kif. OCaXU BilO MlSlinuUiUUiuit. 6tiU, Bay heart, sit stil !" , rY? nere iney come 10 cnin mts Kiiijs I heard a bellow-say yesterday. If they keep us too long Ini going to ask them It's Fred ilerton. Take him out I say ind brinsr in another horse." The two , youn men or ramcr oojs in discussion, mst ax tnis moraeui Klon a.nd lmlr nn Rida Street. as if waiting for another. Presently that other appears. "Hello, boys! How's hix ?M hftmw: Oh., first rate" answers the taller1 one. John and Iliare'justbeCQjiar- jug a norso race ana 1 beat him. Yon know I always do." :t 1 " J ; i . i . "Yes," John answers, ?jiiia' horn you do ; in my eye. Did you beat him "I i should smile I did. J gave him fits. I tell you I never raaup with a fellow I couldn't beat in a race."- j "Cheese it," says John. "Wiio do you take me for? Havenl I distanced you at least a dozen time." ; ; r: , ;.J Mix j , ' Of course he always beats nie,'1 John says. "He left mc out in the cold last New Year's day-eh Fred ?" "Pull down your vest and give us a rest." , : j. .,.;; "Come, come, boys! let ithat subject swing 1 didn't see the race, so cant feel so ranch interest in it; but I see how it stands. How did you like the boat raco jcstcnlay ?" : '1 "It was tip-top. That skiff of John sou'k U a little teaui, isn't ahc?7 . "Yes sir ; she's., a fine little boat,r Fred adds. ' - ".She is that," answers Murphy, "but I tell you,- boys, my yawl would throw them all in the shade." ' s " "Oh, go away Murphy ; what are yon giving us?'' .Solid ficts.-' Yes 6irJ:none of "these eould hold a candle to her. She's up at Exter now. John, have yoii got any money?' . "Not a cent; Tm strapped," he an swers. "That's a pity. Fred, you're just the fellow. You're a man ot elegant .leis ure, and need exercise. Take my. row boat and pull up there to-morrow; , If you arc a good rower you can reach. Exter about 3 o'clock, just at the time the wind changes. , You can leave ihe rowboat in charge ot old ' Simon; set yonr sails in the yawl and have1 a glori ous old sail back, and get Itere soon at- tcr sunset." . :. , : -r Mcrton answered slowly. me.if you please." The other two joined in a hearty laugh: "11a! ha! Fred, too little exercise in it for you, eh! I'll tell you, though, you wont be doing 'any thing this week anyway ; if you'lltake a run up to Extea and bring her down I'll let you use her in the next race.V "Now you're talking. I'll do that." "Chick," says Murphy, Til tell you, John, I'm not afraid to trust her repu tation with Fred. He may be slow in au feu) 1111 f yer 'an,' " says J? red, tak- ing Murphy's hand and shaking it. a norse race, put in a yawl l assure youj tery poor doctor, compared with he's not easily beatenT '"' ' Lydia E, Pirikham, of Lynn, , "l ou're about nght. Murphy, . 1 er Hermes mav have been after all "My goodness!" exclaims Jennie, pharmaceutical chemistry of Mrs. Pink looking on from the piazza, "that fel- ham's Vegetable ComDound. iow, wnoever ne. is. muse De going t 1 ... away for a year; and I should imagine it would tate tnat long lor ins arm . . . mm to recover from that terrific shaking." . "Come on, Fred," says John, "if we don't hurry tho birds will ' have flown and we lost tho chance to fly with them. Dick, you had better come along., with us. ra nke to chat a little longer but I can't resist at least a look at my pret ty Bell when she is so near us. Murphy looks around with a start and a frown at the last sentence and glances quickly from the speaker's iace to the piazza. Almost instantly his ' eyes single out the little white figure on sunshine 1 he says. t we? Ycu'ro going to the party at S 's r" , "I don't know. Perhaps so," he says, as they turn to walk away. John turns around again, "Yes, of course you'll go, old fellow. Good-bye. I'll sec you future." - . "He's gone now," Nellie says. "I declare Ibelieve it is Dick Murphy," and Bell turns around just after he has passed out of sight. "But look here" Nell continues "we must be sroinc:. Let's all start by the time they get here. You know we have to dress for to- ' assjasw I don't know, says one of the other flrls. T don't believe I can so : I have snnh a mid and hfvidaeJie. 5 J . ' : Ul i Nell looks at heK "Oh; sell out.l I have no idea you arc going to stay at home, and vcu reallv must not : we'd all miss you so much," and several adds, "Yes, we wbuld. Oh do go." By this time thetwo young men had reacued tne gate anu xxeu says jsoiuy, ITor tW Mnp. two bv- "two: the hunch-backed camel and the kangaroo IIow you was Jacky? I wonder what's tho latest from the seat of war." 1 As the near the steps they tip their hats with a oolite "Good evening, ladies," and the chattering begins again. , Fred Merton, with a tired movement, pushes his hat a little back from - his brow, throws one arm over the post at the foot of tho steDS. and leaning . over, com- ' ' - - " ;"? i , n:" i iIAMa r nn tfio cton L, : irC wir tM mwS" ltTTi JTa rC tCw t 1 FM. UK U1U. Di O J vuw Jl. .,r - v ' i: 'fi k hi. tnnil v fen! nomnlimented bv bis victory ""--j - r i:--f in l arieast it is a mu khonft it as if it were quite a -feat- and everybody seems surprised and congrat- ?! nh t Erf. WAUs von nemny beat know I can. Fred, let's try to-morrow." Tt'a don't." he answers, turning - to ask a question of John; and thencon- versinir for a lew moments wim mm, r t , i so" ana wnen uewroi wu vc nm-rtTrln rr Mlr pvps Anfi hnrsffl out r - " ' - .rnh , t KpTrvrnrnardon. AfLsa Keiiie. I should like .very much to race with you. rlease show your lorgivc- nes3 by going with me. Can't ' you- goJ this evening?" . - . , ; - . :s "Not this eve, some otner eve,-' sue answers. t , , i l v Blue-eyes jumps, from ...the. banister,' and throwing oh her bat, conies 'tb the head of the steps. ; "Girls, t I f must go home," she says "Oh, what's your hurry Bell? (we're ,11 in & fiw minutes." ut it's tingUte, and imast iiro on njiubiiovr, iw. o . .T.. KIU ! ..r.a .JfffiS "AkAv win .11 r" - . ' iir f p oe au y;ml Oh, yes. ane Nellie. Well "Don't know that I can be there, Mis Nellie," Fred says. v . ,J. The idea! Why?" f "Because rm going on a tare 10- nighV . .. . , . '-.- : ".Arc yon not ashamed .Nellie De- gins. Due some one.exciauns: . jlucto the 7 o'clock bell and it's time to go? Doesn't Blue-eyes look sweet this even-1 I - IIUU OW JUU lVS-Ul&Ull, UUtl John turns.- to look in the-direc tionmdicatca;and while the young la dies run to get their hats and prepare for leaving,; lie. watches the two going down the street. 4I don't mean to say I want to leave this pleasant spot," he says, "but I do like bells, and of all the bells, I like blue-eyed ones the best." f"OIi;LJ . n that's gone dbwh 'ni leg. That's pretty good. ' You ueedna watch, she won't look back at you. You've got em bad,havent too old fel low?" Miss Nellie comes dancing out "Miss Nellie, may I have the honor ot walking home with you?" : r ' ! - ; "Certainly; if you ouiti your behav ishuoss in other words if you will try to behave. But, let's hurry on; mother is going to bless mefor staying solate.'? COXC l.tJDED TO-MOKIWW. , ' - ;-::'. - rV- - ' For t rem ulons, wakefulness, dizzi ness, ahd lack of energy, a most valua ble remedy in Browned Iron Bitters. .-4- " A six-year old was seated in a bar ber's chair. J' Well, my liUle .man said the barber, "how would you like your hair cut?", vOh, like papas with a little round hole at the top." i ... - f -( Toadies and all sufferers from neural eia, hysteria, and kindred comolaints. 'will find without a. rival Brown's Iron fitters. . - ( A -Philadelphia counterfeiter: named "Gopher BUT' has' been arrested-, and an -exchange thinks the authorities adopted the course .suggested, by - hia name. ! t - - ! t- -: ."How do you Manage," said, a lady to her friend,- 4ito appear so happy all the time?" , "I always ' have V.Farker's' Ginger Tonic, handy," was the .reply, and thus keep inyselfaiid family in good health. HVhen 1 am well I always feels good natured." See other column. r : One of the United States , consuls in Italy began a magazine article , twenty five years ago, with this glowing state ment: "Julius Caesar .was a consul: Napoleon Bonaparte was consul ; and so was 1." We : are persuaded that the ancient Hermes with all the subtle art jand nat ural resources of the Alchemists, .was a Airs. Mass. only a clever, nractitioner of the Black Art: but we know there is no humbug in the I ... C. . - ... From Frank Leslie's Illustrated News- paper. A IiADY1 SAID 'Those Horrid Pimples! No I Cannot ' Go. Please Present My Excuses." : ' ; . ; , Probably two-thirds of the ladies in society and homes of our land are afflict ed with skin diseases o various, kinds,, to do away with which, if it- could .'be done without injury, would be the hap piest event of their v lives. Then she would have instead of a disfigured and marred countenance, one that would be handsome, or at Jeast good-looking, for any one with a : clear, pure SKin,' no matter what the cut of her features are has a certain amount of : good looks which attracts everybody." As it is now, she imagines every one sees and talks about "those freckles," "those horrid pimples.", and other blemishes with which she is afflicted, ' and this ' is true of either sex. . , f To improve this appearance great risks are taken : arsenic, mercury, . or high-sound titled named articles con taunng these deatn-deaung drugs, are taken in hopes of getting rid of all these troubles. In many cases, death, is the result. ' No alleviation of the burning, I heating; itching and r inflammation is given. : All troubled with HiCzema (salt rheum). Tetters, Humors. Inflamma- tion. ;Kough Scaly Eruptions :.ot any kind, Diseases ot the Hair and Scalp, ocroiuia, uicers, x unpies orr xtsnuer ltchmgs on any part ottne oody, snouid Know tnat mere is nope ion mem ra -a sure, peneci . anu eieant renieuy, known as "Dr. G7 W; Benson's Skin Cure." It makes the -skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and j freckles, and is the best toilet dressing in the world. It is elegantly put up, two bot- ties in one package, consisting oi doiu internal and external treatment. , Our readers should be sure to get this and not some old remedy resuscitated on the success of Dr; Benson's and now adver tised as 'The Great Skin Cure". There is only one, it bears the Doctor's pic- . j f t i ii j : i tare and is for sale bv all drmnrists. oer nacKacre. : . , A SENSATION ' has often been made i j .i t e . it: i t ' " noining nas ever skxxi. idb MJot iovc ur. C. W.enson-s Celery and Chamomile l1' r il.n 'L? 11 if0 JSLTJ "S P? Price.' 50 cents : per box, - two for SI. six for $2,60 by mail, postage freer-Dr. C. W. Benson, Baltimpre, 'Sold by all druggists. : C. N. Crittenton, New York, is whole sale agent for Dr. C. W.Bepson's rem edies. - i july 6-lm A lTew;Lbt F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR i. w - low. I have full lmes of Trunks and va i i . - ... - . .i . llses at prices to suit the times. ' O- llepairing executed neatly and with i dis patch. J, H. MALLARD, - j Suocessor to Mallant Bowden, , June 18-tf No. 8 Front Street. ' Jtist Eeceived." ; : ; i HAVE 1ST RECEIVED Ai' CHOICE of Flowers. I am rednemg myt stock of FjistJ!amol4imaotIJiiCT law nrlrM tA mftkA room fOTthe first FEU i . y r i I.: v '-J i - i.i '4. tocx. Respectfally( MISS E. fARRKR, Sxehaoxtt Cornel. yuiy u ?r. CLAUK : . 1 V- CUKES AM. DISEASES OF THE STOMACll. X.lVElt,J BOyEIIviP crs. Sklq and lllowL MILLIONS tctlfr to t tffliracW ln.boUns, theabote "" f nnaied diH swes, and BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. .'. , GUAKANTEtb ro CL" mi DTsrErsi.v: ' 1 1 Laborlory 77 West Ir Clark JohxsosI: This certifies that your INDIAN RLOOOSYllCt Jtas giren mo much relief for Heart Disease and LI tit Complaint. I would not be without It for lire time thecot. , july 27 lawdflri&wly. - , V; . - 1 " ! JOHN BUSS. i 1 o III ITS ' RELIEF AND CURE AS CERTAIN AS DAT FOLLOWS DAY BY DR. J. A. SHERMAN'S METHOD, With safety from the dangers of straonlation aBl without the Injury tru$ Inflict. ThoMt . f wishine proof elwulil send 10 cents for Iris book, contalnlne Hkeneue of bail cares before and 1 after cure, also eudorsetucutd of professional others who have been cured. Trusses anl Rupture sooner or later affect t be noi-yous - and meu. jj- MM OJ OVLlU Ul aSIJ VB VB vM IV ISOV-ACtC-f 1U S" W- J younff old and the old useless. mt Yprk office JUUUfJ U1U HI1U VOV UtU lUMSItnUI. week are Mondays. Tuesdays and Thursdays and Fridays, every other ' ber. --"'v.-: ---r.-.:i o alraaTs.. weekafter &CO. Ma nTifaetnrers ot : 'v Patent Foxtabla Cizcclar SikW'J3 Also gtatiaury triPctitls - STEAM ENGINES L 6 H. ECHHOEDEIl ST ; .- TiAT.TTMOKB. HCTt ' I Urlst and Fkrar llills. Water Wheels, Wood Workfni ind Barrel Machinery, BWnrfe Mills, Circular Hxvn Send lor Cataloffu ; ;. New Summer Resort ! 1 Hotel Brunswick, . ; f SMITITOLLE,!N. C. : , JIRECTLYIN FBONT OF THE OCEAN, and twenty -five miles below Wilmington. The HOTEL BRUNSWICK is a new strno. turc, and will) be open for tho reception of guests on THE! FIRST DAY OF JUNE. It commands a splendid view of the Harbor and Ocean. Steamers and ships pass in front of the door - I Sailing and fishing are unsurpassed. Bath Houses for the use of guests. A good Band of Music and ' BaU Room will be open day and night. Ten-pin Alley, BULard Hall and Bar attached to tne Hotel. i , - ; THE TABLE will , be supplied with Fish, Crabs, Oysters, Clams, Terrapins, and every product of the sea. First-class Passenger s Steamers will leave Wilmington and Smith ville morning and even-1 Ing, making two trips each way. j ! . 'The Proprietor has an experience of many years in charge of summer hotels at Beaufort, , lncludmgthe late Atlantic Hotel. -! -' Cheap Excursion Tickets will be sold on the different railroads. v i J Terms moderate. Special rates to families. B. L. PERRY. Proprietor, r t '- i - and of Purcell House, Wilmington, N. C. may 14-3m. I 50 Fifty Boxes 50 jDEPACKED LEMONS, IN PERFECT order justj received and for sale cy - - July 9 JNO. L. BOATWBIGHT Ouaer, liucnu, Wan--drake, Stilling-,' iuxl many of the best medi cines ifcrum-n are ccm- . tioed in Parker" Oinijer lonic into a metuctae ji ucn vanea powers, as rro make it the jTeaast CloaJ Purifier and the " Best Kealtd & Strength c Rcuorcr Ever Uxti.. I( cures Rhcum4tmm, S5eef ie5rftr4, (iiiexes Jof th tiaaen, Bowels, T .. t!. O. I'" J Parker's -j(AtoaaosJc&lIiaifcib. aMiCtoerioaicv a it a. Ncrr fcil t ir cvcristaricatas. IILcxcs vutMlutrn7,.' & ChmLtts. K. V. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD EESPKCTI- X fully announce that he has just fitted tip at No. 3, Granite Row, South Front st., . a restaurant for Ladles and Gentlemen, where 1 meals and refreshments may be had at all hours of th day. Everything la new and first class. Pa Kte waiters and courteous attendants. -jOGame "and Oysters in season. k Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. dot 18 . " F. A. SCHUTTE, Prop. TRm' E.. Snrincrer & Co. " i . ; 1 - (SUCCESSORS TO JOIIX J)A U S W J O LDEST HARD WARE HOUSE IN THE State. GOOD GOODS and low prices. ; 1 r; . pi fl and 3 Market street, -7; June 25 WllmlsgtoB. X. C. " l r .ii w .HHI.Wgn ,,ic5:: I n d ianrB Ip ocj Gjrti 3d St., New York City intsyUtell It. t . . ' Eliza BETitTows. N. G , Jalyl2.1sSI, , 1 H- I -fl 7 gentlemen, Ilulstcrs, Merchants, Farmers; and mm- m M WV UUDS& t 9a , t a ' . 251 Broadway - Days for consultation each , . x-miaaeipuui, ts wn.nui fct... wennesuxTS. June. I)ston,: Milk t ' closed till Hpnuw.ci' . . .v i f . . july .. , . , T BATXROAlS, &c. ,1 ii l( t Wiiuiington & , Wclflou; , . ; ' Raiirohd Company.' Office of Gexesal Sufesintekdkxt, WUmlngton,! N. C, Juno. Change of Schedule. rN AND AFTER JUNE 23, 1S32, JT . 6.49 VJ Passenger Trains on the , liming, ton & Weldon llallroad will run aa follows : , DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAILS DilLT, -Nos. 47 North jlkd 43 Soctuv," -T- Leavo Wilmington, Front St, Depot, 6.40 aI M Arrive at Weldon. 12.50 P. If Leave Weldon.. L j S.S7 P. M Arrive at Wllmgton, Front St. Dpt, 8.60 P. It . Fast Thbough Mail & Passekgeb Tkaisi dailt nos. 43nobtii xscd 40 soutov : Leave Wllmlngton.Front St, Depot, 'SLSS'P.M Arrive at Weldon....; ., U.55 P.M Leave Weldon.............. , 6.10 P.M Arrive at Wrllm,gton,FrontSt.D,p't 10JX5 P. M Tram No. 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky ' ?. Mount for Tarbore- at 12 M. and 7.15 J P. M... Daily. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.00 A M. and 3 P. M. Dally. .. 4 Train No. 47 makes closo connection atWeK dou for all points North Dally. All rail vU Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bar , Llne -, - ".; m Train No. 43 runs daily and makes tlose con. nection for all points North via ltlchmond and W Washington. No. 47 makes close conncctioa for Tarboro. i All trains run soVd between WlhaJngton and Washington, and have Pullman "Palace bleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. . General. Superintendent. a. i-uris, uenerai passenger Agent. aDl4-tf, r ; Carolina. Central 11. 1 Jt: ;?, ?r JCpmipany. '.lijV Office of Gexehal &vTVBJXTEStixT Wilmington, N. C, June 21st. 1S82.' 1 . - - Change of Schedule. A?i AND AFTER JUNE 22d. 18S2. "I 't following Schedule igsdcnoauie wm be operated on this . Railroal . i - , j ? ' PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN ; v rDAlLYr No. t No. 2. ) Leave Wilmington at,..-... 6.30 PM, ; S Arrive at Charlotte at.. .7.40 A. M. i Ticavc Charlotte at..'. .".UP. M. Arrive at Wilmington at... .8.50 A. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop . at regular station only, and points designated in the CoBroanTa Time Table. 4 n.-.l i;,-.,f.;.v u.'i: 4' Train No. L Daily except 8unday Do.'o. 2. r do. -do. Saturday. ,"J . ; EXPRESS. AND FREIGHT, "!r f, Leave Charlotte..... M. A40 A. Arrive at Shelby. 1140 V, M. . Leave Shelby..... . Arrive at Charlotte...t..:;;.v:..-7;;B.40 P. 1L: Trains No. 1 and 2 make close' connection afr K Hamlet with R. i, Ai Trains to and from Hal eigh,and at Charlotte .with fcheihy DlrUtoa.' ' Train. ,,...-:. ?,. -..'..-.- ?', Through Sleeping Cars between' ."Wilmington ; and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte, , " ' ' . Train No, 1 makes connection -at Ch arietta ' - with a., x. o t.v it; ii... tor btatesTUJe, ccn nectm cting there wita W. -N. C. R. ILforali polnU . said road. ' '"! ' - t on Train No. 1 - makes' lotte .with A.' i& C. R.. B. for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all polafs be- . ivoi f wumvHVi a to v4il - June 22-tf ; General bupTtntetidcnt., '' TFilminirtoii I V ; Golumbia ' 1 .'.. i. & Angus tai E. E; omcE oy Wilmington, nlngton. N.C; June23.1sa. :r ) ?r. ! ' 1 r . Ti K 1 II ' ' if 'J I u tf-w-JOfE 15TII,Jg ;A'r 1.00 P. M., tbe'followlng Iassei:ger ficbcchilfl NiGrrr express train?, datly-Ncs: 'r" - wesi and 47 TjuC 'V: ! Ieave Wltinlngtou,..,.......19.10 P; JI;. Leave Florence.. ....i. .;..... -5.57 A. M, . Arrirs at C. C A Vimca.MIUJi A..-1. ' 4 Arrive st Columbia ....... .4iA.?i. . Teare Columhfcu 10.00 I. i.'; ' Leave C, C. A. Junction......... 10.50 P. M.'; Leave Floivnoe.. .....--.. ......lo A. M.J ArrlreatVllnlngtoa.....7......... 6.t A. M. - f, Night Mail axi PASerxcEuTuAL, Daili', . co. 40 West. A Dat 'MArr, A5i .pask': ' - . , SE5GER TKApl. NO. 43 F-JS t. ' ; ' ' 4 - f ;: Leave Wilmington.'. ..... I .I ILI I. Arrive at Florence..-....-'...-....--- A. 5f. i IveFloTence.....V..........L'!0 P. M, , Arrive at WIlab2gton. .......fS.13 P. 1J, to Train 43 stoprf at all Sutlona. ' r - , No. 40 stop only at Flemington, Wliiiefllle, . . Fair iJhiff and Marion. ! j ;; 4 - Passengers for ColcmbU and all pr 4 cUoaC, ,. . AC. R. R., C, A R. R. hUtions.Aiien June- ;j tlon, and all points beyond, should take 43 . NUbtlixpre. - - 'i." r t v. - beparatA PnlUnan Sleepers for Charles to a ana for Augusta on Train 47., X. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wllmtngton. -i f - r . : ; JOHN DIVINE. -A . - .; . : . f .General upcrinteade2it, Ai POPE. Gcrcral rtsserscrAfc-cat. , m a s . .. . w . . j ' f EE i Tl rmiTi ft! k; vr - rn 1 h1 r 1. ". - ) .

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