1 Tho-Daily Review. SATURDAY. JULY . IBS. BY TELEGKATil. ry 27V Daily Jteriew has the largest bona fide circulation, of any netcspapcr COXGBES3 ION A I. fByTetecrsph l ttetieir.l SENATE. Washington. July S3 The Senate, at lluW. rtsumctl consiacrauou ui v.t.1 AtmroTnauon om. the tinucalo fall at auch a rate that the city and troops will m a week bo entirely dependent on the wells and cisterns and condensers. ' ,' , London. July 28 Night. The cor respondent of the Times at Alexandria tlerarIis a lollops: Lord Charles lieresford states that without the assist ance of the American marines he wouia hare lirrn unable to discharge the nu merous duties of suppressing the fires, preventing looting, burying .the dead and clean nz the streets The House of Commons last evening agreed to the supplementary vote for 10,000 men for the army, f ' A disDatch to the Manchester Guar dian from Alexandria states that per sons competent to judgo believe that iiirrthrt ration cron of Esvpt will be lost, and also the zrcater part of the wheat crop of Jower Eypt, in conse quence ol the neglect oi irn.?auon. y At : : 1 tw.l. V. m riertn A The Printing Committee reported the B'mce lt evening lleports arc Senate resoluuon xor pnnunC u.uw circulated on the Stoct Lxcnange max copies or the official report oi tno inter-1 Arabi Pasha has declared that he will national Cotton Exposition of 1881. nr0t resist the Turkish troops if they p-5a1. . oDerate witnout European auxiliaries . Kn&lc bill to provide for the publico- antj th-t Austria and Germany have al iln of tlie 10th census, was passed. reverted to the plan of exclusive It provides for the printing of addition- Turkish intervention.: : ml copies of reports on popuiauou. a-r The JSritish have now'JI guns in po- riculturc rnanulacture ana niec-ibltion:itIlamlcJi. chanics, fish and fisheries andappropria- Thc Slatubird, iu an edition just is- tes $678,000. It also proviues ior mcA. says : Up to thc time of dlstnbntioa of complete -sets ol thew Urcss no information with i reports to libraries and other pabUcJ a rahi pasha's offer had been received institutions throughout the country. bjr the Government. A dispatch from Each Senator to be entitled to onler 15, Alexandria to thc Central Sacs states and each KepreseetatiTC 10 sets. UuU there will be no clioiij of mili The Senate the took up Ui ravaj tary preparations as it is thought that Appropriation bill and thc bill was read t,c 0cr lu!iy ol,jy meant to gain .C-f.. .w k rVtnimitiro amend. lUt aMiUi UWUH ww..- I llUiU. m,Se committee amendment was dis arrccd to. The bill was proceeded with as in Committee or th hole. ATnm!mpnts mAkinz chanzes in ro- Ix)Mhn tAily 28 An Alexandria dispatch toMtcutcr'a Telegram Com pany, dated U28 this afternoon, does not mention the reported (pacific over tures of Arabi rasha. The dispatch sped to the retirement of naval officers .. a OVjU nat jvo just arrived from and promotions on tlie rcureu iisi ami Cairo states that a number of natives to allowing auy vacancy among Kcar dressed in European clothes and wear admirals to be filled by the 1 resident in2 helmcU havcliccu paraded through by the nomination ol captains as wcu tuo struts as captured British. mm sww aai r mww r as oi commouorcs u wi"'pu rnled out. Thc amendment making prohibition against promotions to the grade of commodore immediately opera tive instead of upon July 1st, 1883. as Ero posed by thc House, was objected to y Mr. Williams and voted down by let than a ouorum, 13 to IB. vriotn cWi!rcii bv thc committee in I?ma of annronriation were azrood to without debate, and Senate amendments Anibi Pash; were passed over informally. Notice I 3ir(jaiis was given of oUicrs to be nercaiicr oi feral. and the remainder of the com m it tee amendments being atloptcd without discussion, thc bill- went over until to-morrow. Adjonrncd. HOUSE. miscellaneous , Alter transacting some business, the House, at 1 nntil Monday. In thc House of Commons tliis after noon Sir Chas. Dilke, Under Foreign Secretary, stated that a telegram had lccn received Troni Cartw right, acting Itritish Diplomatic Agent and Consul (icneral at Alexandria, which alluded to the indirect communications by Arabi P;isha with thc view to surren dering thc military party, but there had been no direct communication Irom 1a so far. . ! i lone read, amidst cheers j an extract from thc instructions forwarded to Lord Duflerin, British Ambassador at Constantinople, alter the i Cabinet meeting yesterday, saying tliaV England was glad of thc coojcnition of any pow er, but calling upon thc Sultan to state a date for thc dispatch of troops, and be- V Telegraphic isroTUIes. A silk mill at iJorth Bergen Hudson Co- N. Y. was burned on the night of thc 27th insU together with the ma chinery, stock, and several adjoining dwellings. . Loss between $00,000 and 100.000, and 500 hands thrown out of employment. ne worK oi an mcenui ary. The prosecution concluded the pre sentation of evidence in the star route cases yesterday, excepting as to that of ex Senator Spencer, of Ala., should he be found. i s . Frank Bigclow, former receiving teller of the National Bank of the Rc nublic. at Washimrton, Mich., was ar. rested yesterday at Port Huron, Mich, lie absconded June 23d, and is said to be short $25,000 in his accounts. A re ward of S 1.000 had been offered for his captnre. . , i fc Itidncy Iiscasc9 , Pain. Irritation. Retention, Inconti nence, Deposits, Gravel, &?., cured bj Buchupabia ". si. Lepot James C Munds. JIISCELLAirEUUS.. . ARRIVED. Kfiimr A K HnrtL- worth.- Javetxe- Tflle. Worth & Worth: : - Steamer Wave, RobesonFayetteyille, Geo. W; Williams & Co. Steamer Bladen, Skinner, Fayetteville DeRossct & Co. ' Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell. R. P. Paddison. I Steamer Passport. Harper, Smith- Tille, Master. ' CLEARED. i ' -' ' ' - - i "' - "r i Steamer A P Hurt.- Worth, Fayette ville. Worth & Worth. i . - Steamer Wave,Robeson, I? ayetteviue, Geo. W. Williams & Co. Steamer Bladen, Skinner, Fayetteville DcRosset&Co. - Steamer Passnort. Harper. Smith- ville. Master. Nor. barque Walle. Wallc. Ham burg, Potcrson, Downing & Co. . I ; Exports. 1 ' FOREIGN. HamburgNor. barque WalIe5,335 bbls rosin :- - : ; The Public U requested cartfuUg to notice the i new end enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. t -Capital Prize 75,i)OOJB Tickets only $5, Shares In pro- portion.; ' k S FL 1 '- DOMESTIC MARKETS. By Tcleffraphlto IaU j Kevlcwj KINAKCIAL.. . WEEKIiY STATEMENT. rfrOCKS OX HAND JULY 22, 1882. Cotton ashore, 4U; afloat, 58; total Nkw York, July 28.-Nighter- i m afloafc 4tlH. ing exchange 485. Governments! l i fi M 7 ( , i , four and rZL.Bunr rrr nan . flf oai tn. e miscellaneous for3 their despatch to issue a' proclama 2 ;S5. adjourned tion upholding TcwfikKhalivc anh de nouncing Arabi Pasha as a rebel. Mr. FOREIGN NEWS. (JSy CAble to DiUf BeTtcw.) Port Sxm. July 28. Night. The Governor ami Vice-Governor of Port Slid have taken refuge on tlie fleet, lcarinha wrath of Arabi, and the commaluVr of the troops is now acting Governor. On Wedncsdav night the " inhabitants of the Arab village there, led by fanatical priests, attomptcd to eutcr thc European portion of tlie town, but were rrnulscd by the military. The fallowing clay the French Consul ap plied toAdmiral Conrad for protection lor French subjects. The French Ad - iniral nubsomcutly asked Kear-Admiral Hopkins to make a joint occupation to preserve order, and this was arranged When Bl IcIxKscns suddenly return ed from Ismalia, a violcut scene occurr ed between him and the representatives of the French colony. The consul, M. DcLesser saUl, cousldcred Port Said his pro pert v; that the consul was fool for asking for occupation ; that it was plaving into the liamls of England to do ko, and that there was no danger. as he had a ruarantctr of safety for French subjects from thc officers com ruandinjr the Arab troops. When eve- rytkinr was ready for landing, the i reach Admiral refused to carry out his part of the arrangement. DeLes- seps visited.the Governor and assistant Governor, who were still on board thc Mongolia, and Kear-Admiral Uoskins, bat failed td bring them to his views. IUiaforcemeots are arriving every night from Fort Guemil. The Governor con siders the delay in occupying the town will be fatal, as tho Arabs arc becom ing stronger daily. lne Jumisa uorrcue, unon, nas ar rived, bringing instructions which com pletely modify the situation here. M. DtLeaseps protested against her enter ing the Canal, but aho entered without' paring dues. Loxrox. July 23 Night The Times has tho ftJlwiug from Constantinople: A dispatch from Ismalia says that the British Admiral has declared that he will not land troops unless in company with the French- -DcLcsscps, upon hearingthls, declared, with an oath, that as long as ho remained no French troops would bo landed. ' Arabi Pasha has repeated in his de claration that he would not injuro the canal as long as there was no loreign oc cupation. Special . co3patcLrAarii fore shadow tho abanuottmated bv the Socro- Gladstone said that communications Ayere still passing with Italy, regarding her cooperation, and added that a com munication had just been received from thc Turkish Ambassador at London, announcing that the Sultan would Eend troops immediately. Thc communica tion from Manuas Pasha coutaius not reference to tho proclamation of Arabi Pasha as a rebel. Thc communication will not interfere with procccdinjrs of the conference. Alexakdkia. July 2S Night. A strong expedition will start this even ing to seize and occupy a position on tho railway within two miles of Arabi Pasha's camp. ! ( AVASIUNGTON. 1 Hj Tclcraiih to Pally Kc lew. J Xkw Yoi:k, July 23. Night. Thc lauurcs lor thc week, reported to New York is 111, a slight reduction on last week. The Eastern States furnished 18; Western, 3D; Southern 1U; Middle 22; Pacific States and Territories 8 : New i one City 5. xJie only failure of note m New 1 ork is that of Wilson & Co.. laid refiners, with liabilities unsecured of about $100,000. Tho probabilities arc Uiat tuey will pay in run, one-halt caaa aiiii inc oaiancc on lime. weak: new lives 1014 v new a nail per cents, 1111 ; new .iour per cents 1201; money 20i per cent; State bonds without feature. j COMMERCIAL. ' Gotten keady; sales 1,963 bales; Up lands 121; Orleans 13 J; weekly net receipts 671;- gross 3,872; exports to Great Britain 3.955; to France 426; to Continent 586; sales 12,013; stock, 141,- 572. ' ' Flour, Southern weak; common to air extra $5&5.90: good to choice do $6$7.75. Wheat unsettled, open ing higher,' but subsequently lose ad vance and declined, closing dull and de pressed at lowest points of the day ; un- uly $1.13i0$1.15a; August $1.12i $1.15i. Corn opened higber out aiter wards lost advance and declined, clos- . A. A J 1 inxr weac at lowest pomes: uncrraucu 84i85rNo. 2 July 831841; August 831 85. Oats, No. 3, 65. Coffee, quiet and firm ard prices unaltered. Sugar, hrm and In good demand; good renn- ng 7J 71 ; rehned strong; standard a !) I . lolasscs unchanged and quiet. lice hrm and quiet. Itosin quiet and unchanged. Spirits turpentine dull and weak at 45 cents. Pork, cash lots, firm ami more active; options offered lower and very dull ; mess, spot $21 T for old ; $22 for new; middles wholly nominal; long clear 134. I-ard, lower and unset tledand very depressed at 12J5012.60. Freights to Liverpool dull ; . cotton, steam, 3-32d5-32d ; wheat, steam, 6d. Cotton, net receipts none; gross 364. Futures closed steady; sales 93,000; July 12.84O12.90; August 12.8412.85; September 12.58 12.59; October 11.97; November 1 1. 78 11. 79; December 11. 79; January 11.89011.90; February 12; March 12.1212.M; April 12.25 12.26. - - Chicago. July 28. Nfcht. Flour dull, nominal and easy. Wheat, regular, unsettled but generally lower at $-002 1.01 Julv: .973. Ausrust. wrn un settled and lower at 775, cash and July 754 Ausrust. Oats unsettled and gener ally lower at 58 cash and July. Pork infair demand but lower atS20.6020.65 cash : 0.5520.00 August, lard active weak and lower at 12.02A cash and August; 12.15012.174 October; 12 lor the vear.- IJulkmeats dull and drooping; shoulders 9 ; short rib 124 St. Louis.-' July 28 Night. Flour quiet and weak. Wheat ojeued higher aud advanced, but broke, Decameex cited and closed firm ; No. 2- red lal 951O904 cash; 96 July. 96.1 'August Corn lower at 76077 cash ; 75S bid Aug list: 744 September. Oats firm at 51 52 cash; 31 September. Whiskey steady at SI. 16. Provisions quiet and with very small trade and weak prices Lai 84.671. Tar ashore, 3,872 ; afloat, 303 ; total, 4,175.; Cruder-ashore, 957. RECEIPTS FOR TI1E TVEEK '-"ENDING '.' . .. .. ' JIU 22. - ;;' : : . : . ' - . Cotton, 123 ; spirits, . 3,6a ; i rosin, 10,587; tar, 148; crude 2,294. EXTORTS f FOR THE WEEK ENDING : ' JULT, 22. : ' '" DOMESTIC- '. '"..'. Cotton, 61; spirits, 1,425 ; rosin, 3,860; tar 403; crude, 20. ' : , FOREIGN. Spirits, 989;' - rosin, 4,788. MISCELLANEOUS. To Make Home Beautiful AVK TOUR WALES , KALSOM1NED with oiur superior Tlntel Marbeline in all shades; It coeta a fourth the rio of Painting and is both durable and beautiful; can refer you to some of the best work In the city. , j Onr Extra Pure White Lead and Paints Louisiana State Lottery Company. Inconoratcd Iu 13 for 25 years l.r the Leg Islature for EducaUoual and Charitable pur poseswith h capital of $1,000,000 to wh.rh a By an overwhelming populai irote itsiran- ehlse was made part of the- present w Constitution adopted lecembcr 2d, A". D..1S79. Th. only Loiter ever voted on and. endorsed bg the people of any State. , T j.s nerer Mctu.es or voiwnzx. Its fiRAXD -SINGM5 NUMBER DBAWIJfGg tnb nl.iriTiotlthlV A ftPT.KXmo OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOKTUNJ Eighth Grand Jrawinff, Class II. at New Orleans, Tuesday, August 8, 1882 147th Monthly Drawing. ' Look at the following Scheme, under the exclusive supervision and management of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis iana, and Gen. JURAL A. EARLY, of -Virginia, j - who manage all the drawlmrs of tills Company. both orpin ART and SE3n-ANXiiAi and attest the correctness of the published Official Lists. Capital Prize $75000. lOO.OOO Tickets at Five Dol lars ;acii. .Fractions m inns in proportion, LIST OF PRIZES : I Capital Prize of. ... .... . 75,000 1 Capital Priie of........ 1 Capital Prize of. . . I. : 2 PrLtes of $6,000 5 Prizes of 2,000......... 10 Prizes of 1,000........ 20 Prizes of- 500 100 Prizes of - 200.................... 800 Prizes of 100., ....... 500 Prizes of 50...;.::...:;........ 1000 Prizes of ' 25...;....... i.. ...... - APPKOXIMATION PHIZES, i 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. - ' ' 6,750 9 " 500. .4,500 9 " 250. ' ' 2,250 . 'W. K. ...... 25,000 10,009 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 1,967 Prizes, amounting to. - $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. . - ...... . . . For further information, ' write clearly,- gir-' ing full address. . Send orders by Express. Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed only to . ,. - . '. , 1 ; Al. A. UAUl'lllK, ' ' I ; New Orleans. La. orH. A. DAUPHIN, . 607 Seventh St.,i Washington, D. C. N. E. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention. niy i2-wea-sat-4w-a w Jo h n We r n e r , re selling as low as Inferior grades are offered, practical GERMAN BARBER AND rERFlMER, ' ' 29 MARKET STM "WILMINGTON, N. C ; MANUFACTURER OF FARISIAN BRH lantine, Friction and Lusion. Also, Ex tracts, Colognes, Beautifier, Ilair Oils, Tonics, Eenewflr. Renovator. Hungarian.' Cosmetic. and Ilair Dyes of every shade.-. ' n; , ' I beg to inform the public that I can be fouiid at Mr, John Werner's, prepared to wait upon all who favor me with a call. ; !- may la jiVMis . jjvukavax SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS; . At Factory. Prices Agency for the celebrated . - J EMERALD AND ZEB VANCE s CLEAI1III6 SALE ! BROWN & RODDICK G and 7 North. Front St. CCORDING TO OUR USUAL CTSTOM At this Season of the Year WE WILL bWER rOR THE AKXT r , . 30 DAYSL ALL TIIAT BKM)NGS TO StlltMSR STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED1 PRICES! ABOUT Our Mar&ing Down I EVERT' ; CUSTOMER CAK TUS CHANGE AS ALL 5 ' 1 .: (. W.A. OtTft GOODd ARE' .1 MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Call aad judge for yourselrel No space to enumerate . J r.f CHICAGO. A Terrible explosion and a Lucky Escape. Dy Telesraph to Dally RCTlew. Chicago, - July -28 Night. Last evening, at a stone quarry on the Northwestern outskirts of the city, a workman took a can ol powder irom the magazine and opened it with a coUl-chtsscl. There were 2,500 pounds of powder in tko magazine. Tho work man left thc door open and stood close w- it. imv upenimr ine can a sparK iixjui iiis coui-cnisci cxpiotieu ine can, Diowini? tue workman out of further danger from the explosion of the 2,500 pounus remaining in ine mac&zme. wmcn loupwea immediately. The mag- &eerzu pcopie ana some oones were broken and a creat deal of !?1aut xn ucmuiisucu, out. no uves were lost. NAVAL STORES. f f By Telegraph to Dally Review. Charleston, July 28 Night. Spir its turpentine quiet at 41 cents. Itosin dull at $1.50 for Strained and $1.55 for Good Strained. Savannah, July 28 Night. Spirits turpentine 414 cents. Rosin, $1.60 for b trained and $1.65 Good Strained. - TOTAL RECEIPTS, New York, July 28. Nicht. Th following are the total net receipts of cotton at all the ports since Sept., 1881 : Galveston 427.459: New Orleans 1.173.- 620; Mobilo 263,121 ; Savanah 725,284 Charleston 495,890: Wilmington 133.- VIRGINIA. 614; City and West Point 175,923; is runs wick; o,t; rort itoyai -S.727: Pensacola 10, 137 : Portland 7.694 : In- dianola 113,753; Washington (N. looi ; xotai 4,wi,m r ; C.) Official The Daily Xctcs san : that General Sir Garnet not await the arriTal of thc Turkish troop before poshing whatever advan- tas he raay in the meantime have ao quired. . The Times has the following des patch; A IrrandriaS 27 Tho Quino?- peg alone remains or the American squadron. Lord Charles Bcrcsford asks zno to acknowledge the immense service to gmeronsly readexcU by 120 American marines, who were landed in Alexandria after the bombardment. AixxAJCpKXA, July 28. Night, A very Important seizure was made jes- leruay . oi uic secret corrcsponacnoe which pa-ttcd prior to the bombanlmcnt between, thc military party and thc, French oficial. The corcspondence was carried on through tho agency of the Swiss adrcutnrcr Minct, a strong supporter ol Arabi Pacha, and who is The correspondence" is said to prove bubstantially that all 'suspicions enter tained as to tho military , bcins fecrctly .supported by the French were wcli fcundfd. Its water In the canal con- Another Republican . . Goes Astray. I By Telegraph to Dally Ecrlew. jcumoxd, July 23 Night A war- was issuea some days ao bv IT. FOREIGN MARKETS. By Cable to Dally BvlewJ Liverpool, July 28 I p.m. Cot- was there any Sqcr inesc L. . nmwk.nnr Tin,MrTf- iui. -I ton. sales American ll.7nn-.Tnlv 7 9R1 a i p w 1 1 r wMwtuwwMVi iuwauu ajm. uin w v- - w iuj ui uuiiu i i miiauj. until IcCCntlT I -C "rrwrv"-,v' a-vx , kuuauzl ui uiu j. i9 xiitnet txart nere, on thc charge of forgery and embezzle ment. The warrant was placed in tho hands of U. b. Marshal R- P. 4iiugncs' put has returned by him October 6 55-64; October-November 6 44-64G 43-61 6 44-64; November December 641-64; Februarv-March 6 44-6406 42-64. Futures ouiet. COTTON MARKETS. rBy Tekraph to Dally Kerlew. u uiy vs. n ignt. u ai veston a met yesterday unexecuted, Popham having no aomicuc, owmg 10 , removal some month ago to Washington, where he held the position of bupenntendent of thc Foldin? Room of the Honsa nf Rirw a I ' A ImMvi Vliftlf Illllfl tcscntativcs. A warrant was there- and stead v at 12l: Norfolk, nniof upon forwardetl to U. S. District At-1 steady at 12 7-16; BalUmore quiet at lomcy vx)rKniu lor cxecuiion. rop-ija I3-ib; jsoston steady -at 13; Phil- h.im l( rh.irwml with fnninm t )m nqmaliAlnTiU mimI f f 141... C J i of Judge Hughes, of the U. S. District steady at 12; New. Orleans, quiet t xywtfc, in we iiiaui-r wi rxjTurru oanK-i i.) ; itioDiic. quiet ax iv; Memphis, rnptcy cases, thereby unlawfully ob-1 steady at 12; Augusta, quiet at 12 propnating it to his own use. COOKING STOVES. Our large line of Hardware 13 well known and we are'erery day receiving new Bopplle Give a call aU tun 18 tf NATHANIEL. JACOBUS, Hardware Depot, r 10 South Front St. New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. Commercial Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHLOSS Prop: V j JIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT - JtSf First-class Bar and BILLIARD SA; LOON ATTACHED. j a2T, CC3SBH far." via. 3S0MPTIQS IU1 CAM BE CORED I 9 1 " f mm M.M mm mmm ' m ': '' We doa we adrertlM Exactly. BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front St. ; , . ''. : T ill: ': :' ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, i Inly 23 , . I I Linon Sheeting. ; t H ' 1 1 , : Linen Napkins, JQOTLIES.TABLE IINE v : - AND TURKET RED DAMASK. A TOWELS, TOWELS 1 On toe above goods we propose mailaj larje ' sales for the next ten days. Will Mil u chup are aoiag sicwb; ; at a profit, as some otners we ass; a trial. TRAY NAPKINS, white and col'd bordered. 9 , , STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK . E VERY . SATURDAY, at J o'clock, P. M. ! I REGULATOR. ....... . . .. . ..Saturday, July 23 BENEFACTOR. ........... .Saturday, July 29 GULF STREAM... ....... Wednesday. Auir 2 REGULATOR...... Saturday. Amr BENEFACTOR. ......... .Wednesday, Aug GULF STREAM.. .... J ... . .Saturdav. Ant? 12 o I 1 - , . Through , Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North and Soutl Carolina. For Freight Engagements'apply to v THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent, ' V .'. Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGE3, Freight Agent, ; 35 Broadway, New York; W1I. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents. July 19-tfc- :. . Limcc. NEW MATTINGS,"tTery chotee styles adjtJ, Cures ConsuniDtioiL Colds. Pneniaiv . i? & - ' 1 " ciwest prices. : - nla, Inflnenza, Bronchial IMmculties I Saratoga trunks. ii sizes xrouumiis, Hoarseness, , Asuunay Croup, IThoooine Comh. and all Di eases of the Breathinsr Orrans. Ii soothes and heals the lleinbrane ol xne Jjmigs, lnnamea ana poisoned by the disease, and prerenta the niirht sweats and tightness acrottn thA bMt which accompany it. r C0NSU1DP is Only ntHVVVtTVfnh aa h rfi First National Bankbf remeay, ana uaaoS HALS Ail Is that remedy. DON'T DESPAIR f R"E XIEF, for this benign specific will enre you. eyen thomrh nrofp.sfnnfti ftid falls. " r . , HOSrERY A great yarktr. CORSETS Many of our Ladles kow tint we have the best nukes, and they are sold m low as possible. ;-- .. ; i . SOME BARGAINS IN v CARPETS to-ckW out remaining etoclCT : : J , T- Turkish Bath Soap 23cpcr boxl ti I July 23 y.' :JL' M. McIATlMt, mington. HEtlRVS me mm CAPITAL STOCK............... i J SURPLUtirUND leston. quiet at 121. Indication. j For Uic South Atlantic' StAti incrcaain clouilincss followed by 'local rains, winds mostly south westerly. I owjwoary or 9 lower icmpcratare ana pressure. . i Home ITade Candy, URE AND WHOLESOME. All kinds made fresh every tlay at Second Street, three doorslbelow tha nt floe. mavlstf - Salt. Salt. 50TO2?S mCULTUIAL SALT4 15,0 0 0 LIVERPOOL SALT. 1 200 FDE TABLE SALT. 500 SCKS ESK-ALUM SALT, Fine Table Salt In small pockets. ! lOnm Tierces and Barrels New! iCT&'S! ,OM CropSCub and yMM the Most FowerftU Sealing 0nt men urw, jjtstnjectanc . ever JJiscovererZ Henry's Carbolic Salve heals burns ' H&nrv'e Carbolic Balm im. Henry's Carbolic Salve allays Vain. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures eruptions. Henru's Carbolic 8lm jfLr Henry's Carbolic Salve heals bruises Aafc tor Henry's and; one no otlier. BEWARE-OP O0UNTESFEIT3. 3 Job Printing ! JOy PRICES! . Deposits xecetTednd eolleciaons udi all accessible points In the UaltdcQSUtei. E4E.5BURRC8S, D. A.JtlAimK, JASDATTSON. C- GOOD WORK I lunelS Syrup lor sale at low prices? 'WlLLARDS." Lunch ! JCRXJIIANTS AND CLERKS WHO WILL certain prices at mroffloe before hay h your PB1NTINO done elsewhere. 1 Work carefully done for persons resldla out of the city, and sent to them by maU fr JAMES DAWSON, OT7ICESS: E. S. close t business Jnd a i ' . llk . : - - .... . hereafter at 5 o'clock wni Cor. Chestnut ir.-.a cT1!. - 1 " TlrtrreskUat. jLmt CastSer Jkm Jk. HAIAr.tt..w...M.... W. LARiai.................. ap!25 . apl 23 SPLENDID , LUNCH Cosmopolitan Bap. Eyeryday-atCHUTBest thearke WINES, LIQUORSr CIGARS, JSTC. WyCE COOL LAGER, sitj. T ? ' juoelS-tt,.: . PrmjrtVS, I- JOimCARllOLy.T BR. BRIDGETS, ESQ., .. . . ) ' inresldens nunuxtsvm m roe to construct such a draw y iJJ 5wlil theNortheastfcrrzcicft wK permit steamer to nayliar1 rT out obstruction. "w, -, 7? W 1 Ida Market st July U 5a

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