II TTe will ba gLU to rtcelre cce. i .. m . - - . tttry ifromecriiietids da aay iir fe&jVcta Ml.n t r - J; 1 ; fieneral Interest but josiit. jAarcs,- ClV of bc city, at the ftbore j??' .", ,r week- rrrt .y .11 f a- Tb name or tLo wrilif tsKut &1 ary ta fsa lilaheatotheEJUor. """ ' : ca oaly eldcorhe j?arcril ' ,r I -. Persona'btlea hixtst tcr atol.: v And It I rx-ecUy ajid yarUcubr!y cidrr be triewf eocrr!pondnti in thcVaAotUlau'lrntUX i JUJAJ 'JlAiM VOL. YI. . it.-- ritli FA I - , . '---:--... ... . . ,- j - . ......... . - rl- ? ,j ,4. . i . ... .... 4 . . . moxni. -Monday, ex- 4 f, . . - 4. -TTw . Ml v.'i. ex i - , -if ' , ; - v,?.- JU-f.rj fc1 I 111 r TT I 'yirrrrr.-rrrr m.u r "I rl W" 1 I Mil U r - ? JL- I! 11-11 J JL 7 iULJO-JL:;i;.;viL ji;;--: -JLJU - V Y 0 11 fcfc II I . - W 1 mm m . . I . I, ' ' ' t I " , : : - ' -Vi1'1 ; - C-roCAliNBWSi -.. 7- T7ltWJ0YEIUJMT ,;. I um'ttirv 5 r .Ju-t with m' -mr w iwtuii- 70 in 9mm - mlm m NViUU or SMwr To.' Nortytrtrnta. iBiyofciderinthecountrj Z.&rw hales of cotton Were re- tv wial term of the Superior iHrPurhn county, iqr uie mai isonn. , ' " t -77 . .. : t ik. I'caiilab e leiicr remauu m rceiaU.i-i.yadar toW. f-,r?nn. S. C. and Geo. n.uwcw. rr. : , . V - anil HisaJs, Columbia 2. . " : ; -inps ete Portraits of most of the old txlr . r- . - "nescM;V u " .. it Tl oi E. Bond, who has been re- captains of tho - company-auorn wo -kU health in the moontaius. UalU. The company i, now un.form- l . .. l tho Hlv and WO arc n its new members ana Will soon oe iuaiuji:aiwwu.uv. "i iromz too.su ju. jaoneyoruer ana isegisier Ui rcturncl to mc city aaa wo aiu inBiBnewmcmwau t iftQoiv oinn life's wav amidst its Department open same as stamp office, rwd to see Lim looking better. , able to parado with more than a cor. him closely along me a way amiustw , stamps for bCio in small quantities at general ixascuw.. . .--v . --.i., l,rv ilimnntfiou wiairKT hltrher and "Vet hlffnftr deliverv when Atamn office Is Closed. o 11 Tr7tt hi- moral circus is porala guarov! ho f w 7. . - 0 S. 11. Barretts b moim circus 15 : .l..! of this time Snored till the crownan emblem, of royalty on Sundayg fxoin8.80 to 9.30 a. m. KHUl loshowrin UoiusDoro oniae -rota r 7 nMfr xtsc. c r tota-.aJraacc agents m the city yes- on Tie panbh tugboat GJe Zaladp, CaPwBurlej, from cw York for lla- ivx pel into this port . yesterday lor l 5he rroceeded on ncr royage m m I ' Fcr the past two days very heavy rizilxxt fallen along tho .line 01 we PT.4 W. U. R. Cornfields in some Ue I jefs are orcrflowed and farmers are tsaiaxto leei anxious auoui wui ing .. rZ i ... rnr. Tinl- :.o ...... - L ' i n . 1 " z ' . I . . w . . . rr i kiti v i ii. i I r!!iV.vti-i friimJ.'i here, wo understand I J ' . . . mJ rit Gov. Jan Is will speak at- Smithy i iv i v a i . . . ttfM I. next Friday nignt.. anu m , w-j . . !. ' . w . i inS mbs of the Duplin Rifles, at " cro.l expected to be in nttendance. CoN. Grrf a and Bennett, i . will address the crowd. The British bamue Jftncv. whlckhas Uca at cnarantine. came up to the a i. v rr a a - M . . l I ....i ..j:. -cwn.rt m uu.m0uuuvo lr6T.tsamngcraawacdihas eTer mjuiui;uiuuihiiiu.. , Exports Forclffn TLeXor. barque 1'trcr, Capt. Neil- fa, cleared yesterday for Queens town, ha, or Falmouth, Eng., for orders. with 1,700 casks spirits turpentine and 1.010 barrels rosin, valued at $3o,G00, sapped by Messrs. Alex.Sprunt & Son. Jlontbly Exports. Frota the Custom House we learn ii-t2IS barrels of rosin, rained at $fcl; 4K,6CG gallons of spirits tur--Une, valuM at $C01,3GG; and231,000 k"ct of lumber, valued at $5,630, were' shipped from this port to foreign ports darins the month of July. . A Few Words. rise to remark that the gentleman who advertised hi yesterday's issuo o te Review has scenrxt the 'rooms - he dtdf This is done at his rca.ucst.7 Sit responses were made to his adver tlscneat yesterday before 3 o'clock, and two after that hour. liCewiso we will ttie occasion to remark here that he ci-rj birds advertised in Sunday's fcrnxw have been rccoTcrcd. Wo are crrj to say, however, that the child's necklace, advcriUodin the same tone as lost, has not" yet been found. So that necklaces are still in order -3e canary birds and rooms arc, not. And while on this subject we will add ' Uw words for tho benefit of advertis ta jrneral. repeating what we have oa a previous occasion : V The Daily Review has tho largest circulation of any daily news- r?ex la North Carolina publithed cast The Daily Review has a bona julc circuUtjon In this city 0 percent. larger that of any other daily newspaper haLiTCT,1 l niifj s . of whkh we are. willing to have tested. ;Declln'or-Uan.- ; . Kerron Weakness. Dyspepsia, Ira--Kee, - Sexual Debility, cared by .Well's Health Rencwcr." $ I. 'Depot The IJi Kxctirwioii. The rxcursioii from GoUUljoro ami "vicinity will arrive Jiens to-day jibiut liotiti. u c, leant tuai .tDo. excursion larty will tuunlH.'i' lctroc!t 100:ditl5lK). A great many l&ercIiantH Will take part in the excursion; juid we trust that the date foot up 130,137 bales os tigfiinst merchants or this c'ty will convince 1 19.0C0 bales torsame dale' lpt year; 'an, them that ft isto ; tticirlnlcreit to trade increase this ye'tr of 17,077 '.bale3. Wilinpigtoti. V 1 i I TIieAPUlo Crop. : , M ... I -i m, .iii ! Pcntow front all sections of U State tell us that the apple crop never Was as large as it is thU car.;. We learn there i on a farmer in Dunlin count V who has about three hundred, ba'shels'-offapples . . , , , 1 ,,r lying on the ground ln.hU orchara. n e trust the farmers ..will realize hand- somelyfrom their. fruit -crop, but are fearful that they will not da so. It is a very casy maUer tofdry or evaporate apples, and there Is .always a-gooa market for North Carolina fruit at the North." i : .. . . . . . . I The armorv of the Wilmington Uslit IJn. recently fitted up .. . , IS nOW suppuea Wim Ic, uiafa- . . ... . iotl, i organization wm buo nm nnt with' theK; company Wderinc trivial excuses for failures to do so. . . 1 fl A Novelty. -vf- t s Wnrrock. the Job Printer ha3 shomi AiAi da. a a . w w . . - . - . - v tiful! g.pagc wooi genptions and "other entertaining .1 I puonsauuouiw u-iw--a . rHrll 11 . lma i rilmdar and IS finisned WIUI handsome illuminated cover. Ho will . . -r iil nT, ition of 1.000 copies. . -li. s -'-ftifafr'Antirelv newinthlS i i nil .. . . w w i . a I section, and win uc an aurowuo - , . nr. tv useful -medium oi advertising, xi , j x.Ksw1 nP fpAnf vivpj ana bas airewj upu - .,r vo inairirt cover o4ru uu i u founu page $2-lxe of J' JZ Soe not .f nnt l the WOrK' IS COU-IUCW-. I Wl I wk m mmm t - ' ' v irtr rmd nredict for him success m this new enterprise, me oook cau uc seen at his office. . I W ' H r aZ . . L ' m ar . m . convenience of those of our with the citizens who are not familiar with the I boundaries of tho different fire wards of this city, we again publish them as, fbl- 1 . r Koii 1 tiio hiocr thintprs nnn nnsrat reasoners 1 uonaries ior. saie. persons utoitujk ,iu iiu US a sample copy 01 - I : . . .7 " TT , ... .. chase win tleaso send intoeir order.by Annual" for the year 1883. . Ay m tnc nortn aroima mierenoc.. . istol October. fl ;. ; : a ;: ; , ;J- - m. - tii.-A,1 w;tW- ftrt fine! . , ..r..t jj t ou5 , ' wt oooik, iuu3lha . j,or tremulous, -waseiuincss, uiz,z.i- . .-, . r - engravings, including several 01 ness, ahd lact ot energy a nios vaiua- v ForeCiOSUreil aie.,J y . w raitii u . ww. ' .- ...... - . - . . .M."i. wiri fJJUir.V- JTVonV K otoh. lows: . . r .. first. Lnstnctr-Au u " . . t . . 111 iL.t tuMinn numi cit v Korlh of the TV. & W. R. R. Second Vismci au i , thfccitv East otl din buxxi.""-- Market street and the W. ;. ? Thirtl District-AU that portion ot the imru , ... , .n . v. . . M w-i -w i city u ess oi niuj Market street and the W.&W.R-K. cnr4Y nutrict AU that portion oj tha citv East of Fifth street and south of " I ' . I Market street., . ' ' . 1 . tv. ill hit nortion oi luu i iun xJiti-ui- r- r 1 i n i TTio Exciirsionisis. , . I"" train, on" tho AVil- mingto'n & Weldon Uailxoad i 1 I1C . A wM" ' . .. .1 1 I I ,cx- n well as irom tuu -H.ithft Atlantic'- North Care- Una roads.. It wiU be a. good oppor- tunity for our merchants to cuiuva to thinalntanco of a class of business LXbXtoloroseldom .vUit- ed our city, and we arc . glad , 10 ...-. vrlA have ta - t . u J.ttnr In hand . to - of iMrn 1 n t i . uui visiting friends a cordial wel- fer our iw . . 1 . come to Wilmington J Wo learn that a fund has been raised and a committee aptowait entertain them while - visit tho Sound this afternoon, retnrn jn tc-ni-ht, and to-morrow wiU be, rin,c-lcndingtho courtesies of the dtyTin.cultivating .ntanco and m hemes to-crrow n!ht. ; city West of Fifth and Soutn 01 aiarac Smith. Julia Shellse.;iiesteroneeu-u, utirA-7rr5""T - -U cllJ ti? .;: Georgiana Swan, Lisbeth R Smith, - ' ot - New and second hand, the prices are very low. , . i; ; streets. ' ' . . 1 rhn Francis Stewart, Girvanno ' Schiaur, Tobacco, Snuffl Soap, Lye; Pqgash, Matches, i-,. hfrviWVelitt'-W Sixth District-All that portion of tho f. B SUh7(3), Annie n Smith, cay.raidleeoopL-oivNa citv West of the Cape Fear River. Xhrinda Smith,. W II Sykes, T B .... . - . - - onthei the prices arenicirr. - T --V 'Klvlc Smith, R J Strickland. Peter Scott, - HI AlV : I !sryW '- ' Weare ETEjKtuto eiose out balance of Freshwater Perch,Trout andtHlack Kiliistcr Shaw. . t jev ;,,...:rMV Carpets. So if you can i suited from Uie fish hooks and lines. ' Artirrt- WTWilliamJV;igging atson nES figur;xwj; g7!! U3U uw . T.iic ToKitrii WpHnT PattV V aUtOn. Lr Ii . rill - V ' ,r 1 "Ml"'?..! im mpit on & . 1 awact nnpw , ilvu . 1 1 meub w ri v - r-- pected to arrive here at aoUb Persons, calling for letters In tfte aDovo -doy.and wUl bring xeprcsentative bus fe wffl .advertiscd ; if not . r?.ti Iina.dr the road -a 4i;ii iw nt :. iness 'wen'i'w"4 ... icaneti ior wnaiu icii i The n.ceipts of cotton at Ihhi port for the inontli of July foot up 20 bales, as abnt 1,388 hales for tleeauje''iortt!i'4 a ISI, a ilecreaso thii month of l;l6i bale. The. receipts of Uic crop year to Harbor Master's Heport. J . . - .... - . , I Jic. arnval or vessels at mis port uur- iS the month ofJuly. as wolcdrn from He books of Capt. Joseph 1 rice, the harbor master, foot up as foUovvs : ." 'AMERICAN. " ' ;' IJf'v" ''rlS: benooners, li... .r j,oa . . . '. . Totalti' American ' 15.".,.'..'r0,745., . f ;-.-,!. jF6Wi05CriVj'r':-.r-5i- Barques', . ... . .. J .2,962 tons. Brigs, 6 . v. - y 167? i;" Tota Foreien 14... .4,633 Grand total, 2 11,377. Kev. jyr; Yates.. . , , , , i cjnurcn, itaieign, preacneu ior -ma consaticn front; Street'-JUJ U rt-.1, QnnrlxrTnnrninff from, the text v,v ---o ---- . i "Be ye laithlul unto ueaut ana -x. wiu Lj-Ii. ,n:f-)i,- ;'i giw uiw a uuhu w , . . e fa, mm ;a lowl nnnn thft victor's . bead. And ."r" .71 tnen ltt m au lis iuuness va f ed in the grandness of thouglit1 - It was a sermon calculated to waken within .1.,y4-nA'r. milron Trrif hin I Ko.ri aHwi rpsotntionato be v.. " : . 1 . .. .... .. I cnlfi with 1nrl Dr Yates is" one of suits wiui uou. . ut. x atcs . is . uuo , vl : , J ... .. - .. - ' - - . I - '. rfif nfT.ira 1 ,,(:ft:t .v.--w---- - rm P 11 .l-tJ n . ..Vw following unel ' . . 1 . . TTf. J 'I main in tne rostomcq m uns city, u eu- nesdav. AuffUStSnd: . - .; -- i ' i Ti-f:oa xrn:. iienry uiaaw. mis xxina " iif.r. miss marv au. tMr SaraU Dunson. William H kSST i)ton,John U Denton. Bettie f T Vncnir o ' M r. g ReV r ll Glass, miss Hannah um f -o ifiLnss Matilda Hall. William B ttii c" v. TIH1 m- Millv TTpotr.n. IT7t -.:-,TT-1a it. Tea T.nnrftTThlTtlM. ""f ? ZryVrTrj:rrr": WarHIU, Charlotte 'Holmes. J u JacKsen, James oouiss w Jameg clarissa Jackson, Abbie Jones K K King, Eddie Kuig, ranfc Aetcn- "a " 1 Marv Lee. M Lou M ire, Rob't H Marion, Rob- ert Morgan, S C McFallen. Levi Mills, Martha Nelson, Ixtta Nixon, nAfi-i. n wp.na. .fane Olliston. . a. w w -- . A-Lewis Pierce,- Fnday or Island Pickett, Alice Porter. 1 R Ii D Robertson. Robert Robinson, W M Reindollar, Samuel Rush, Jobn line Rhan.. Y,: t William Turnec. Lizzie Thomas. Edward Thomas, E W Taylo, C 11 rI 'i 1 rvc-f-r .1 I ,1 111! : T . S n SheDra. Jnlia Sanders, J ... , o tn, t ni iiioonn xl omiin, o ciici, James Buntincr. care James Williams. Malvinia Walker, Hagar Wingate, Henry Walter. 1. J warmg, E J White. .w arren, wil' 1! t A 'Whifa.'AIVl in '11 UI9. 11ILII13. 1 f tiV . - f Aionzo wesiern. - . . , . . 1 tniw..! inttpr office at wasninsion, T!n. Rl Brink. P. M. Wilm.mon Xew Han9ver County, . . v , ythingln the hardware Hue can te found at reasonaoie price lTtT1 - . T . IcmocratIc Iass Mectlngr. rhpre will ue u vcuiuwauu Jjere wm , oQ g-y 5th at which time spheswi asrajfa critic candidate for Congress. . and;otr nUcmen have alsd been m- vited. g njrhncJu Jf SP. ou that day. F-fo5thetrou ;f rai..co.. .11- 1 T.iuMltin TT1 QCQ Rlalin "NTo rrniU1 eriff said decree appointeov jeu-w u ; . nmT1--1vaAv J ' t: . ti r two t,v Court House door in the .city, or pvimungwn; j -1 ax. U. ' oTJCi V JJ Olil I rmrRt,. : miss Marv ' Bassom. J fls W YZ ki oii.nr. for rash, at l o'clock M.I u -a. . v M , " I TonA )-nm TToctOTl TIuqH I Mam.v SunfAmhPf 4t"h.-' 1 KS2. : that ' lOt OI '1 I V(:',''t1! I " " . . w I . .1 .f . .Mnmn a UAfh.Et f ntor. I . w . . . . . . a i . - . . . t . tu i i n w. i. ..... . i r 11 1 1 1 1 iiu . l p.. m..o. .u. i . k f " 1 l- rw I I5ack Affalu : rf , , The steamship GulfJSircam, Captain 1 Iiigram, from "New i York; arrived at ; her wharf tin this, city: last, night., This is her l5rst'apie:irance here since last l&inh, and' we. are jdadfto see her; agam m oar waters, and .hope that. She may now be ; permanently ; on the? hne from here to New York! .Tbcifialf r.lac and jurt fe a ftiti City Pwt oflico a- follows:- "r, . Korthcrn through mailk fast.... ..... 4.45 r, M. Northern' thronrii ami war tnailit . . A40 A. if. Raleigh. . . . . ; u . ; JL50 V. M. and SwM A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad awl , s, 1f , routes supplied tberf troin includ - Inir A. & S. C. Rallroal a .... ..5.40 A. M. Southern Malls fgpall .points oujh, , daily ............ .8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. CKalhrsy) dally. Alt rtntriM lwtwfn II.IMlpt Hint lta.V- -t..- ..f. f - , .j". Nl P If Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail. . road..... ,,.Uv,.8.fiaPiL Mails for poln hotwufln VlrtmniVt i- . I and Charleston. . .f . t .8.00 P.M. raretteTille and offices on Cape Fear 5 - Utter,-Fridays .i.our. i. FavPttevllle- via Lumberton. daUv. except ounoays.. .......... ...... . x-. jjx. i Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offi " r nsiow j. XI. an mienneaiaw urn- I ces, Tuesdays and Fridays. ....... ;6.00 A. "M. I (except Sunlaya)... S. 30 A. M. Mails for 171111, Town Creek, , ' . Sii'i. . . OPEJLVOk DELIVERY. - Northern throuirh and wav malls.... 7.80 AL M. southern Mails... 7.30 a. m. Carolina-Central RaUrdad..i-.v..-..: .0.30 A.-M. : Mails collected from street boxes every day EW ADVERTISBIENTS f-:-r irr- - . .7 - - j f'.m : ami i:?;:r TROM THE UNDERSIGNED ON SECOND, H .1 -.r T-1- C. (Theflndcr will be sulUblr rtnvarded by re turnin them to thelr owner or at this office aries for. sale. Persons desiring ,to pur tue TT VTRTIJlC- AND IK 1 UlCSUAHU KJlr A l . - .. . . - . . . i J decree of the superior uourt oi iNewa.,i OTCr cunty, made m a cause tnere penouig i . . .1 C n V. o lowon T . i" " XI7T1- J owp "v; SEEM Defendants, the undersigned,1 the Commission- . . . .. ..-. onof TW i fr,,. n Thini Rtmit si feftt. then to Mulberry street and then West . with Mtd- 3ft&i JSfiSS JSgS-J-JS Commissioner.' aug 2-6t-2, 916, 23, 27 and Sept S , ' i A "Mfiw Lot ; : l; mmtmim m wr w .v WMl I fY HARKJSSS J U&- v x I ' mm T tnii n-ea of Trunks arid Va ooiv w r . " w. 7 lisesat prices to suit thotimes. 11568 atpncca 10 - MJLepaittog eiocutcdiieatu and wjth dis- J . I - i nairn , , . , .-... .U:i -A J. XX. UAU-OJ-, , . . . successor to Mallard Bowden.v Irine lS-tf No.' 8 Front Street. ' j Worth & Worth. , . m AT PEICE3 ToaPtoMPT O " . . f ; . t . W: 1 ' . t ' - StkaV 1 . 1gjfe - hso Bas coffee, f If. I TIZ . . i , c.fSS d Bbi;;-,'-i . vwrBnpnr NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, t .. :., vmv f riERES FIGURED XAWNS, 1 a it NnU ner vard. ir . - w - -. i-j -u k. .... . .r?:;... .: ju j stock, of. Ladies' .and Gent's Handkerchiefs. Towels, etc Groceries Wholesale. Kefclirie?& OaldertBros.j OFFER : 1000 Bbls. FLOUR, aD grades, J 100 Bags COFFEE, I V '.C 50 R-gs SUGAR, - .1;,;Ji,iT' 50 Boles D. 8. SIDES, ; 25 do. Smoked i dot ..rn A 53 do,, do. SHOULDERS, lf..--rl 1000 do. Mixed.: do ; A full line of Casa Goods, Quoed Goods, MoL-Jsed,' Salj and Havi ''''A"'.; TTr. tt wiiomi. I.Tinda 2 Co's : r ,M- i. WAGONS, CARTS. 5 " : AND TEUCK&. .'July So jy R. BUTK3ERS; ESQ., .. ! ?resldent Wilraioston ib Wcl!onl R. Co. - smPleaae epotice. ."J?? to construct sud a draw la your tridj across SeNorthcast branch of Cape tear as riU permit Btcamci a t iavlxltht stream witr oat obstrucutrac' . r - ri ' - - . . - , ; JuiylKa JJAGIY & UOYZ. KPAIRKti' AND lU'IlOLSTERED., VTE eiKltiivr to girc KttiafaMimi ahtl thwe tf h lKivc,foreil tta vlUi a trinl y we nicccU In making comfortable and dnrable Mattress, csweare second to rone A trial' will con yince you that you ret ta lap for your money at ! S. JEWirrVf-7 X. krout it. kj Examine our Vf ail Paper, ; t -.. . aug 1 . Will it Rain or, Shine Tor,! ? ::j:;Morro.7;v;;;'t iTtJ ; PliOB ABILITrES: OR RAUOMETER AND THERMOMETER COMBIXED will tell vou. It will detect, ant indicate, correctly, any change in the weather, twelve to forty- eiffht hours in Advance. It win tell what klnl of a storm is approaching, antt from what ouarter It cornea invaluable w iwiaiore. rarnjcra can plaji their work according to its predictions. Jt will save fifty times its cost in & kIiwIa uiunn. Thn k an araiiratle ther mometer attached, which alone is worth the price of the combination. Price 60 cents. .' - , . . r.For salA at t juirso i "I miasiiiiiuiira. ti . . "T -i.. TWf .' ' .1 11ST. n,K K VKI1 . . r : ., - . j ; - j i KM LOT OF rRAXG'S A J ! .i BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY CARDS, Sunday School Books, Reward Cards, 'Bibles, tJEO. WOODS & CO'S; ORGANS rank sec ond to none. Remember the , discount , to July so C. W. YATES. PIC NIC. TXTE EECEIE EVERY WEEK . A Jb J&boU IT ' lot of those . . . ' T 1 PIC NIC PICKLES, , . . f ..PLAIN AND MIXED .', 4 v AND CHOW CHOW, " ' , , Only lO ceutsaUar Try our MAY QUEEN FLOUR, ; r . , None better in the State BEST HAMS for 18c, at Ciapon & OPickett's, ,Jt"yu; 13 and IS South Front Street. BEST selected i ii ce', coimeW of ail k$. ountVp-c.a ai deals them toljscus- tomers liCT from first hands. He does the largest retail trade "in the city, and offers more inducements to family buyers than any one else can. A s t .;irv ; ; ROASTS HIS OWN COFFEE, DAILY. : DeUvers' goods free'to any part of the city. .: ? FAMILY FLOUR at 8. f S-50 per bbl.V it- i: '. 'M-- fu;'i. -' . Has now a choice lot of N. C. IIAMS. ;.-; , . - ...... - j . - i- . rr ' ' : - J. :Clx,STEYENSONr I onpc FmhrO derV and Fill LBCeS, UmprC I UtJI y ailUT i ) A.jj.viri,iK:' Whitn finnrfcV! an Ms, Ai ' : GOOD ASSORTMENT OT -THE Above : 1 ..:' - TOWELS Too many on hand, " and they must be sold. ' FANCY MATTTNGS?-Some choice patterns; I TITRKISI use them. july 30 M. McINjriRE PEA IOO Buchelo Clay? andfi$axi Peas, for sale Tit; H lune 13 rjTOB USD3SIGKED' WOCli'lIESTBCTI. fully aniunce that e has rust fitted trp at No. 3,' Granite Iluth Front at., A resii-uxraat tor tadic and Gentlemen, wbere" meala and rcfreshmenUinay he had1 jJ"0UIl5f day; Everything Is new anil Urst eiaav: To Hie waiters and courteous a ttcauants. , .n rGie and' Oysters la' tcasoa. JTise Wines, liquors and Clears., k. ' rovis- r.A.ciixrrn:,rrc7. R AS THE LARGEST AND GS-S ALL S PEA1KS AJLili new t JDViaiTisErjnirrs.- 1rK ADVISE "Atl. THOSC WllO tutetul 1 1 .Vayiu. Uio U kbrjUd r r.rvw n i tton libi, to iUi their onkn w lili ,u J ut - na uS ikmIU. thrre H alwayV a rusU Ltia the wawn. DWTOlilJi WM. E. .M'KISGEK CO., '' - Snccesors to ".1 no. DawwrvA Co., July 30 ,, -i jt n 4rkct .. Cook Stovesi rpiIK REST AND CHEAPEST P ! is .I.N TnE MARKET. f;Mtri ju- jnlySO rAft-xrV TATrxin. ju am x6Vittrj?srxa?Af" retairixo T XandUpholRterlns't.hPplatbetUrrliclUint ou "Second bctwccrOlaTkct r jwk ftwt. All tlVlKl'UUUMtUUJIIIV Milt It! 1kitV m (.UVU Btylej at iao era tQ1 prices prd fi .tT,al'i-' I r have been lri the business as a journeyman for ten years; .cjlyemeacnll. , . ulyS04its J . J.'P. O. SCLLn'AK.' ; A RE SOW SElXJXGXADrES' and Genu J' Jt. Trnnks at reduced prices, to make rocra . for our mcreasingSadd&rra&d Harness trads. we guarantee best goous zor mo icBt money. Largo assortment: OI.' M. BOWDK 16 CO.. j -s , : ew caaaicry ana iTuns iiousc, . , . June 55 No 40. Market alrcc Pine Crovc TTCTIUGnTSVlLLE, N. C.t SITUATE AT -W the8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. TWO GOOD SAFE SAIL BOATS and Otfl "HARRY HILL" to take you out Boatinjr cr . i anywhere else. . Just ask ior tne boat w,ncn i vou want it. ' ; . ' I ED. WILSON MANNING Propr july-tf 4- C. D. rjorrill. TTERTAKEEf CABtNITiP iMlKER AND,' CARPENTER. Office ana work ouop on sec ond street, opposite Southerland's stables.ecs Respectfully solicits orders and ruarantlnr good work, prompt delivery and satfefacUon every respect. i ' ; may ft-t . G ,j. :. rT7" ILL 5 BUY-'AN ELEGANT ' -ADDLE,' almost new, with Blanket and two fine Bndlcs. together with an etegant Winter Lap Rob ana' a Summer one. Also; a new and t lino Horse Blanket. Apply -.-"'-1 i juiy is Kv ,;;;...; lock box bsi, city. , rwlundsBro riftiYiHn 1 431 Broadwir. J corner 43rd street. New Yerk. The high, Btandardi.attaUied by the arm in this city will be increased by their New York connection- Wilmlnjtoniiiis visit-; lngxew York wlllrccievQ at Jhe above num bera hearty North Carolina welcome. Jv a.1 '.1 To Make Home Beautiful HAVE YOUR 'WALLflf .XtALSOULKSD. with , our; .euperiPX; plated.; MarbeUnq, ta ri'V'i'r;ifn'j vIakiVu h' fft)W -if jr'f shades; it costs a fourth the price of raintim :4..i. . i.. 1 . ... i., . j'" 'i J f"j s " J . '(, ' and is both" durable and beautiful; can refer .-.; i.-ui-ui;i-:ri t-m$il tu yyjt-svi i'v you to some of tjie besl voTk'ln the city;'! Our Extra Tcre White' Lead tod Palati.w .jI hvaV ",,ta.'if '2-y,''' mil 3m''i ' are selling as low as Inferior grade tre.eCt i 1 : j -SASH, DOORS AND BLP3 v t:yjn: At Factory Price .... " - j . AIortlieelfbwtTd.r.trvjl-' if.'., EMERALD j AND ZEB VANCE i , r; l5 . 1 7 1 U H livj'- COOKIKQ STOJZS; l OOr large' line of Hard re. Is. wtll-'knota and we kre every day rcceirtn jf 'new iuTPe . uive a caii aii. ? ':arf f WPPS 1 ' JIardware Depot.- e ? -Jn ' I '"un IStf"- CiJMlo South FroatCi ijaA closo JbusIueM '-iereafter. at4 5 o'clock- wi n..:ii 1 1 .. sift artf .til;- Every cUyJatSCIIUTTaBif ihruarte -ordaad price, rtrfrwtln , , F, A. bCMwTTl, PUE0ELL HOFSE -' : r r wn.MrxGTOK', ??. cj 4 i B. LrERRT, TrovArtorr vi lAtn - Pronrietor Atlantic Hotel- 'llrst . . in alllu appol-tmcnts. TcraJ tiiu to Vasoiietteibrtliooto - fe mS. AN AND AFTER TIIUR3DAT, 1'; Sound, Princess luueii-tt u -4 c.T.J; souTni...?-.4 Just Ecceivefl. rt Y HAVE JCST ElXi:nI- A' CIICICI--kof'rTrcrs?- f am'rclIlclDS ray icck Cf; Fan, rarasois aiMjourr T'vrJ . . lowVl'rlcW toDiake ;roonr for the tnTfA ! . r.-x-'r'.'! -. lil3 L. ha:.. I - . - Jlyll the Wasonette will be run w ami iro , leaving Wilmlf ton, corner wu"' streets; iat t r V fCi.-. . - i