' " i riXASEJ?OTICX. ' : We will be glad to receive communication . rr morning Mmdj ex- from ourfrlcnds on any ana all subject' ' f ' general interest but ' ' ! T. JAMES, JOSH The name of the writer must always be for' IPTTO" niirv niahed to the Editor. . I, ' "' ' ! tfI lx mon. n.00.-Three Communications must bo -wrtuea on only; . o-month. Weeata, I one side ot the paper. - -r ; - 'jr delivered by carrier, fre I Personalities must be avoided, T And It Li especially and particularly under- TVF4 f tK ritr. at the above .u per week. bUxhI that the fcultor does- not alwaya endora rtr- ana . I VHT VT WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 4. 1882. NO. 184 J he TfesM rrepou.!cnts )so state In the editorial column?; " " v v 4. j f I , mrrportahy ana w 1 i.vJU. T J. r.lvJ. t W v . J7y Ecvtctc nas uic ww xa.cnaiisvi.io ueuuesuay Crowd and , Good j,,. IMvldend Notice ktTr Very Pest Hams 18c . Dlf I 11 ct ...-Will U Rln or ShlDC To Muresca-Mix." just JLarire Time. I j A very large number ol pcrsous as sembled at Kcuansvillc, Uuplm county, on Wednesday last", to participate in the reunion of the survivors of .the Duplin littles, and company I. The crowd was variously estimated at from 1.500 to 3,000. Quite a. number of ladies were in attendance gracing the occasion with their smiles. ( . . j ! At or about 12 o'clock the large crowd assembled around the speaker's stand and After the survivors of ConmanY I arrived at Ll 1 t Via ctinr1 rf Rve5(V flfillnnrnr fn rMnnnseto ea.lls.ad dressed aililcd 17 new sub- W e i .si well timed THE CAMPAIGN. ' For tho Children. Our Little Ones for, Auzust .is at Orsranizatlon of the Bennett- hand. As nsual. it is full of pretty and Green Club Last Night at the pleasant things for tho little ones. : For Cottrt-lioiise. I children, we know of iio nicer publica- The mcetsng was called to order by tOTl or anything of the kind calculated Mr. (J. J. Doncy, Chairman of the Uq oe more instructive as well as enter- County Executive Committee. Mr; W taining. Published by the Russell Fub- A Williams was chosen temporary lishingCo., 36 BromGeld street, IJoston, Chairman, and Mr U II Pickett acted Mass., at $1.50 a year. Cln motion of CoL W I. Smith, a com- w mift nfrmir xrsta nnwiintd tn suo-rest -luc ponce maxie nicy arresis wr ;U10 thenames ofofficers oftheClub. ,The month of July ior: the Jollowicg ti-i a I fences: Abusing an onicer wniie m I 1 L Jf I A , A M ' 1 M H I . thrmmkteer Mr. T B Kinirsburv. ine uiscnargo oi uuiy, cmureu uia.o, Pl P. n TTli: Col Rnrer Moore and disorderly conduct, 12 white males, 1 o ix!- e : 1 1. .Inn H .TArtiP.q. Thfi committee retired mte lemaie, o coioreu mn.ua, WiyAc the . assemblage.- His remarks were tor consultation, when Mr J II Currie females; drunk and ' down, 2 white NEW AD VEKTISEMlSNTSp The Best. Democratic " Mass Mectlus". j Tliere will be a Democratic mass meeting at : Sm ithville on Saturday, August 5th, at which time speeches will I A 1 rv.o,1 l,v finV T A JAUVIS and 1 COL. WIIARTON J. GttEE ocratic candidate for. Congress. Col. 1L T. ISennelt and - i i ii i i i j 1 lift Rf pjiniprs yuucrmri anil M LnnsJia-1 1 7r will rnh e-rfnrirtn trinni. that dav. rare lor me juuuu t.nu au ccuw, - 1 TTrK ADV1SH AlA TIIOK WHO Int,..! . V. V. Richardson. ; i vY buiimr tho icicbraiPa Brown cotton Chairman Dem. Cong. Executi ve Com Pf1". to place their order wiui u jt an soon a rusn law in South Front Street. 3 doors below Exchange Corner. Brown Gins. 1 mittee. -,;! :;.- v; t;.'.: The funeral will lake place from hi3 late res- uence on ourtu anu iock streets, tnence 10 St. Thomas' Church, thenco to Oaxdaie lor in terment. . . , , om-1 to place tnelronlers wlin 1 tf as possible, as there t always M the season. ... DON TIDKI.AV. KT:icrJtJOurni t 1 rn t.t,.ntof Danlin countv. 3 wnu ieu l A 1 very loucuiiig. member, o! the Masonboro Sun- to hi3 fame and ia his habit made through their chairman, Mr T B Kings- cey. 1 colored male ; murder. 1 colored 1 in i Turnip, at Mr. 1 rr i 1 1 1 i. male: suspicion, 2 white males; viola- wi) ' . .i t i I . rf . I . I finfr MvlmonAA in , wffTp.nrfi tr i nathino" vz P on inc m uu " wuw Attorney General Kenan was caned a3 permanent ollicers ot the Clun: : Wi . -r r ,5 for and he in response to. the. calls talk- President-Col E D Hall; Vice-Presi- in the river, two white males ; violating j r..--t- !,.. i wrn.j.M; o. Sundav ordinance in keeping barber i n-v.r,n T firron our callant eu over ine ugnis mey uau luugub w uems rirsbtvaru, iu.-ttxcii ow- - : , , ( X standa gether and many were the strong hearts ond Ward, W,H Sprunt; Third Ward, shop open on bunday l .colomale lUisaiwal standard bearer, wuiar J Unhm nnP. nrc finntwunrl. Ponrth Wafd.Thos applied for lodging.. 4 white males, 2 bthiscity lOHiay on uie - ; . rrrrT r :;r T, " I r, ,r "rT colored males: two places of business raieu megaiiani. uocuaoi iuu wiuienui u wcaoj , rum. u aiu, uu u xa.uW. , . . . . . 0 ofol r r. p. MarchUoa from Fayette ville. Duplin. He touched! lightly upon the Secretary R H Pickett. Treasurer S Willard. Mr T B Kingsbury was called on ai if You can get u buo mum "winour. jmt. j. w.xoweu, , 01 mibuu, i urgeu vuu uwesauj ui , found open; $48.60 fines collected. T.i renders and others Go to J ACO- issues ot the coming campaign and en- S Willard. . 1Kn1a nr1 T)mn. HlaS. ..!nA1 k! nmlifAM n1nannlv Cny n XT- T T TT In rtcVttfrfr ra nnllpd on and Ujkt vT" rv 7 ' . , office as follows : THEMAlXSr Themalls close and arrive at the City Tost CLOSE. " I ' ' VnvtYiara Ihrrniirh ntftilfl. f&st. ...... .4.45 P. M. lowestrri"1- made a short speech anu maae lor mm- organization. iiespoKe oiine neces- tHroigiiaiid W maUs...'.5.40A.M. Mr ff'H.Umar. Jr.. the gentle- sdf a score of friends.; At the conca- sityof an effective organization ana &--rSiSir'- " ' ' . . I .rtKa oruvViPi tli rrowd was in-I nrcwl nnon the vounff men to take an I ,nu.nnniiM thp-ppfrom lnclud- ruvaboii to assist jar. b. A. nancy :rZJL n uA ohin, cam- X&cTBaUroad a 5.40A.M. .v- c:,l in this citY. arrived vim ""uu kumw, - - -rr o V, . 1 Southern Malls for an points aoum, ' mtbeSigxloupeinuiis cuy, iu A-oh iinir kntn HaI. Row H ooro was called daiiv ...........8.00P.M. . , U'eJacsIsT night and has entered o o " Western malls (C. C. Railway) daily, ! loaded down with eatables suitable for usual earnest and zealous speeches. He Appoints between f fd;5:50P;M. ujvn tie uncharge of his duties ii vrtvv . v if . w i .w - , eijrn. . ' Capt. Johaoie Harper was yesterday anepicure. Everything was nicely pre- gave an array of figures which spoke Mafl for Cheraw and Darlington Kail- g lie recipient of a very handsome watch parc and served in a manner to please volumes for the present system of coun- M foV'iits'betnrYorce"- After the vast crowd had ty government. ; and Charleston.. 00 P.M. i8.00 P. M. Fayettevllle and offices on Cape Fear - ' River, Fridays ......i.w r. j. i jTi tti nnruin uaiiv. " ....5.50 P.M. lie recipieni oi a very nauusuuiu a. i parcj cbna. The fair donor was a lauy LvprVAn Mr. Thos. II. Me- L L on the excursion to Smithville. nnn(rhleft "to feed a rerfment." There Kov-Messrs T. B. Kingsbury, Jno. C. rj BeTalueofselfontrotasahydenie was no scarcity of substantial or deli- James, Col. E. D. Hall and Col. Roger fig brerygreat. It 'prevents great cacies. and wo must say a wordof Moore were appointed a committee to ajg-. ol vitality in fcclin" emotion and praise for tne commiuee who uau me cirait Dy-iaws iur mo waU. Mill3 for Kasv nrn, Town creeit, Tlxc 01 Vliaiuy in icvnu0, iiuuuuuouu i f ,, j,., rA e trr r nrxrTr oViq?t- I shiinttA and TJttla River. Tues- fiiiioc. It helps to give one a mastery matter in nanu. do weu uiu uiey u- ua mouou ui . vwj Fridays. ,.'....6.00 A. M. and distress ratncrinan tne cwi i- - . I T.r : . 1- vnrthem thWh and way maus.... 7.30A.M. ways belntrustediwith.tho management Hollowing namea genuemea w xuu t g Mails.............. ....7.so a. m. r-;,n,r fr!rs. Yelocal must return Cols. Bennett and Green and Gov. Jar- Carolina Central Rad.......... s.so m. . c ni.,.1. t:m ia 1 w . .1 , , . j t i,-.' 1 Mails coiieciea irom bwwh w-ca j ise recent - thanks to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. lilacK vis at tne raiiroaa aepot anu bwsuuujwu at 3 45 p. m. xxzz off an thc Yolama now stands km ; attcntions shown him. j landing orer pain witery over us il good boating water." Thero has been none too much rain in that sec tion, and the farmers are all jolly over tie outlook. We saw & letter, yesterday, from Dr. V. S . ScaweU, ho was shot on Mon day at Wbiteball. The doctors says he U not dead yet and we are inclined to tie opinion that the wound is not as daocroQS as it was at first supposed to be. " for kind attentions Some Objections Answered. We are in receipt of a communica tion from an esteemed friend and sub- crirwr in Pender county, relative to the new road which is to be built from Point Caswell to Clinton, whichwe not publish on account of the fact that inisap- stamti Office (men from 8 A. M. to i2 M., and from 2 to 5.80 P. M. Money order and Register Josh T James, C D Myers, J H Cur- Department open same as stamp offlce.-; . , I m n ir:oUninr A I Stamps ior Bie m. amnu huoubmcoo. 6"""" P TTeinsberfferi T B Kingsbury, A ,,,,.,4 whAn mn office is closed. " ' I ' J J.II.L . nr. -RVVolpn .T T Tavlor. V li General aeuvery open iroia uayiigin. u ux. " 'ou , and on Sundays from b. w a. ju. -nrirxr n a Ronthprland. G J Bonev. ii ; av T. Smith. D G Worth. W H Bernard, A-Tthing in the hardware line can ,U1 ir v irT n f Sfo!man- S A be tound at reasonauie pnuea t u aw do I r , t ir.An I m's. til v .kMsv.m rnn a won t- y 1 1 1 ltiauucii i " ,' - . , . r iAUi tUU9 llttiM' J-4 w " . ; Timothy Donlan, M J Heyer, Sol Bear. 1 First state Fruit Fair ; The committee is reqi w Tft W. ttftt, tv greensboro, august the Purcell House this evening auao-i , ? 9Tn and 10th, 1882. the writer seems to be under a- prehension as to the facts in the case a misapprehension which we fear is shared Qn motXon Mr. W. B. McCoy TKa Wniif. flrowPTR1 " Association of by many others, and which we wiU en- meeting will be held ou Thurs- North Carolina will hold their first fair day evening next m the Court House. Houston's &Bro.'s new grocery store, and the Star Warehouse of 'Albright & Scott both buildings between the depot and Court-house, and within 5200 yards Those -rand instructions which teach deavor to correct., uur corresponucuu cstnlnr nnr rnrm?M fo wo ihom seems to think that itwould bo better to t : . i , v. i -ii p ntf wii- ahjuuiuvu. tat curje us, to do good to them that onng ice reau u ui -j - minrton. instead of stopping at Point I . ii A. sU a I 1 .4 fwnAi I spindly use and persecute us. never Caswell and seems u ear a. Isaac Davi,. charged.with. disorderly Vaddress of weleome wili be de- :p, . conduct, was find, $2 or 4 daysinthe yvered bv Got. Jarvis at 12:00 nW on City Court. r pated at once when it is Crr;np.l fmm thm rrrrirt in ra tf Viti transfer charges at the latter . . I . 'I Jua tiwir will IK C11SS1-1 ' ... - i lir.j I cm nimrp ... i ua uuu uwu ..... . . xiAtnnv mo tnnrnavH. i ivRunesuav. is 1 " " i . . i ni r v nriHiiii. iiu iau. vuw w - - - - . ... . understood that J , nfortnnate n The Executive Committee wi i meet . . . . i raran iu.cjvcuAic, iv m.,.jw a nWrrir t. npnhnw kk "T , hnnatlc. was sent to the city prison ior . - : - ... ; , Wilmmgton, tne steamers , v fnr Hisnrder iv conduct. The Association will meet Wednes- TTpnriptta Watson, charged witn ais- oay mguu u ior Visitors auu sruuca cauiuimm a3 ua- TLe theatrical season will open In this the line will not terminate at Point Cas- ttjoathc lGth of September, with well but at Wilmmgton, tne steamers Ksiop'a new play. Strictly Business." to bo employed forming a part of the There arr lroi,w monv . cntn'M fr.f h;nn rA that there can be no transfer Uie thron irh freieht. As for lj being made, it is thought best not to running the road direct to Wilmington, rcUIih the list Just Yet. that cannot be thought of. There is a desert of twelve miles to be crossea to orderly conduct, was sent below days. . 1 ed for the regular State - Fair, except . . M i I . .... i t ii m. ' nni o:t ti?ii r,ii VMn sober ior luaays. tmit win be cnareea . nau rates. i, me he having been taken in by the , police Express Company also gives very. libe- for being drunk and down, and senten- hundred dollars will be given in CaptJohn M Walter who for the , 7x, r n for being drunic ana aown, Five hundred dollars wiU be giveilin PtLo vt: clays imprisonment for the Uh and no entrance fee is iv n . o nd on ine ouier b uo wcio w. W.C.&A.In v,QKn ,ofi,- ana on mow offence. . . " "vv MauJ4Vi4 v A PrOSa TO rUIlCU than the company could stand, as at be two Mi tn -rtxtnh thfi CltV. i The i ToV " R-K- and relieves Capt in eitner event would be -more m w charged. The whole list open to the world. i 1 J . i Anremium list will be forwarded Grand Family Excursion, f!. T. C. & TV. K. -K. The Committee Board of Directors Point Caswell & Wilmington R. R, Tk t T ! urwiu- ,ra vMtfirdav: ' Two a Terj urge amount oJ do- TT no vpr Tent JSo. 57 1. u. oi fleiuuiuu6 : . .. tlV toagce. or vanilla, Icat shipped 'from p'.v.w 11 riVe the second of their routes are now being locacea-one ou w c BENBOWt Chairman 1211 CAAIM . I . . There trinn.ir r" I.rl:7 nu. and George Britt 'arc. ia , ; ..BuchWatI.a. o. bchf, cii; aT Golioo SZl' ablc TTa ch of the sarvcys. The reports will Qulck,50?plete cure, M ng W of do; tonsuc can be seen at the ""V LT 1, . Tl Tfc commit- not be ready for some weeks yet. mam K.aney. JJiaaaer ana unS Kcvwub r - a ... . .u tK-f: tho ronte will Droo- iiuisuj tlv, - . WM. E. SPRINGER ft CO.. ' Successors to J no. Dawson A Co., . July 50 l, ll 23 Market NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oobk; Stoves. 4 r MY PRESENT STOCK OF THE SEASIDE Library I will offer at retail at one half the regular price. In order to close them out to make room for my Upholstering business. Other sroods In the Stationery -department are offeredat a bargain at S. JEWETTS, aug4 " t ' 27 JbTont st rjpHE BEST.AXD CHEATEST . July SO IN THE MAHEIkT. PAHKEU & TATTjOB. Wo fI RAND FAMILY J EXCURSION the auspices of New Hanover Tent, No. 57, I. A RE NOW SELLTNTl ULDIES and Genta xjDEIj I Trunks at redoced prices, to- make room no guarantee best goods lor tne least money. tne auspices oi ew iianover ieui. au. u, a. i t --nrtT. t M TtnWTtFV fr O. of Rlchabltes, to Simthvllle and the Forts. gS2?J UJ5 V?S KffiSi00, on Stmr. Passnort. Tuesdsr.'Ausrust Sth. 1882. Refreshments aCclty prices. Music ior aanc lne furnished hy Harpers. Will exclude ob jectlonaele persons. Boat leaves at 81 o'clk. Tickets can be purcnasea oi uommiciee or any member of the Order, n. K. Barnett, Geo. W. Bishop, Wm. H. Register, II. M. Bishop, Thomas E. Skipper, Com. aug4-3t ! Dividend Notice. HE DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF New : Hanover have declared a Seml-Annual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., payable on New Saddlerv and Trunk House. iune 25 No 40. Market street Pine Grove,! RIGHTSYTLLE, N. C, SITUATE AT the 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. TWO GOOD SAFE SAIL BOATS and Old "HARRY HILL" to take you out Boating or anywhere else. Just ask for the boat when you want It. . ! j I IJCU. ALaJtiAU, JTTOpr. July 25-tf C. D. Morrill. i. the 10th Instant. aug4- S. D. WALLACE, TTNDERTAKER, CABINET-MAKER AND Cashier. i , 1 - - ' - CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sco pes solln may IQ-ti k . . n 1 1 4 r 'i ond street, opposite Sdutherland's stables. VerV BeSt HaiTIS I OC Der ID. Ispectrulfy solicits orders and Kuamo Y Ol Y urjOL iiaiiio iuu poi tut good WOrk pfompt delivery and satisfacUoi -rms no VOT rr.ATST TO HAVE ; THE every respect largest BioCJt, or io aave larger uuu ucitcx- a.- i . , - " . '"" cilltlesfor doing business than any house m ( ikUrtV Ma nlhrniififgtjwnnr WA llm til be TITE ill': , I .""'(. 1. v..j v. "--I " " 7 1 , nu T1 t-, T . i ' i I aiuiuBi ucW w i w uuuikct auu nu iuo xi ium. first to get a new line of goods. But we do together with an elegant Winter Lap Robe and t UUU1IUC1 VUG ' II IWW AM U1IV Blanket. Apply i J July 1? . j , LOCK BOX 681, C1TT; V It say no house in this .city has a nicer, fresher or better selected stock: than ours. ; Anu, as te Groceries Wliolcsale!1 prices try us and judge for yourself, .v. t ; e As to new goods, we have had Flour made from this year's Wheat, (1882) since July 10, Kefchlier & ! Oaldei Bl QSi, 18S2. und offer au iroods as low or lower tnan ; " any house in the city. ' ' ; ' ' ' Crapon & Pickett, WHOLESALE AND3 RETAIL GROCERS, ' ...... ; . , -n . ? - ' aug4 r 16 and 18 South Front Street. SEED COTTOW Wa nted . .. .. .; i :.-;:;-v'j,;;.;--:fj-' pREPARATORY TO THE OPENING OF the new Season, we call attention ' to tho fact that we .WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAR KET PRICES FOR SEED COTTON. T; ' ; ;L Apply at t j . aWtf ; Willar ds. a n c.nrvvq for the ree of charge to all persons by applying b on Surveys .for the j Q -letter to Jas w Albright, ,rs of the Clinton & local secretary. : " ' . . : Wilminslon K. K. The editors of newspapers will comer here yesterday. Two a lavor upon the public at large by copy- W. C. B endow, Chairman i Committee of Arrangements. Ladies' -; 1 and Misses Cloth ; Button Boots at Cost. ; "TTTE WISH TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK OF LADIES, AND MISSES : ' Jj I r Cloth Button Boots ! and will sell them at cost . U : : .;. Call and secure a pair. -... ; -!;' pots awaiting shipment. Personal. c are in receipt of a very pleasant agTeeablo letter from Mr. F. A. . .x.i . mmla nil nr. I IS nOW tee, asistaeir Wuut?iia.r - - , f fae ri rangements for another pleasant uay, auiy r ? TT Kprr Dlace. above Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bfl Ind Two know they wUi succeed in their as far as the old Kerr p ace , anove pcitivdrciired with Em- HnV Thero will be music tor Black River Chapel, where it will cross gaStMdaSrcure kls-an infallible . r ictw irom iur. r. a. - , vwfjnahl rjcrsons and taice tne v esi. wuo. " - remeuy: uvwr iau w y "h . wbarj, who, afler long months of dancing, and no objectionable persons m 8clected, the road gtinate, long-stonding cases where Qm- icti -1' u . " : . will be allowed on tho boat, See ad- wnicn rouuj nine and allother remedies had failed. t. earnest work, w ergoying a wUi oeai is "bound to be built." . pv nr rjretared einressly for mala- , , . rious sections, in double boxes, two Hlffli Handed Impudence. 'g a strong ca- A white man. one of the excursionists tharjic and a chill breaker, susr-coat- f Cm:.hvillfi- so far for'-ot himself ed; contain no Quinine or Mercury, w at Smitnyuie, so iar lorui. uuw infr r- rmrrimr: thev are on Wednesday night as to offer an in- Sudd eiSciC oS TS thetf u dignity to a lady at Smithville, by em- tion and harmless in all cases ; they em bracing her in tho ball-room at the fectuaUy cleanse, the system, and give ESS. Th.feUow n.nsteneantone lmnV or was a natural born idiot. Y e v jim rv.mnlkint their eaual is not Tertisement elsewhere. Cutting and Shootinflr. rw iv1ncsdav nlirht a cutting s-a w cach-nceded and wPl.3eserved rcsnite the toil and cares of business, up aon2 his native hills in the "Nutmeg ,J,;ae. From th tnn nf h!a letter, he I - i . , lill mnm nl the . - anray iw; piaw , as to be in the midst of a 4 'high old Acadcmy Smithville A man named La We would be perfectly recon- nvv. ?n the city 'a few with a share of his present sufter- montns ago, but who removed to Smithville to ply his business, that of. a InaCrUlrAl rnnflitlon. I mattrcs3 maker, was cut in the thigh Tla colored man who was struck on and abdomen by &'con' bead with a pair of brass knuckles vld not ascertain the cause of tbe thadtyrxandonWednesday.isBaid 'hn Tuni ha very critical condiUon. He Grubbss nbscqucnUy, shot his assailant u removed yesterday morning to his "How JoToaManasc," said a lady aeia Brunswick county. We learn to her friend 'to appear so PT he has not m ainr ho was time ?" . I always havorarkcrs ... . Ginser ionic nanay, wm cn and that Dr. W. J. II. Bella' Jd thus keep tnyseifand family in good fcJ w sent for yesterday afternoon health. When I am well I alwaysTcels reader him medical aUention. pxxl luuarca." tee ouiwwi now are leased to know that a gentleman, a known ; one box will have a wonaeniu fHnnd of the lady, immediately punish- effect on the worst .yareused ckthefeUowforhisimpudentandhigh ffig3ElS handed action. We trust, ere this, he 55 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's has found out that our ladies will be Little Cathartic !r?fft ger on yesterday, who gave him the ex- For tremnlous, wakefulness, dizzi- tentofthe law by making him pay a ness, ahdlack vf Z' fine of $50 and the costs. I ble remedy in Browne Iron Bitters, Jnly 19 , GEO.-R. FRENCH SONS. t ; - S9 N. Front St. Will, it Rain or Shine Jo : ' Morrow ? 1 ; - QLD PROB ABILITIES, OR BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER COMBINED will tell vou. It will detect, and Indicate correctly, any change In the weather, twelve to forty eight hours In advance. It will tell what kind of a storm is approaching and from what quarter it comes Invaluable to navigators. Fanners can plan their work according to its predictions. It will save fifty times it cost In a single season. There Is an accurate ther mometer attached, which alone is worth the price of the combination. Price 60 cents- . - -! ' . For sale at ' ' ' - Jul 7 30 , HEINSBERGER'S. . Twlunds Broc, XRUGGISTS, WILMINGTON,' NORTH Carolina, 1,431 Broadway, corner 43rd afreet. New York. The high standard attained by the firm In this city will be increased by their New York connection. Wllmhigtonlans visit hue New York will reclere at lhe above nam ber a bcartr North Carolina welcome, jv V Ecmember rrOTAT I KEEP; FULL AND COMPLETE Stocks of Drops and have Ingredients to fill ANY PRESCRIPTION Full stocks of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions compounded any hour of the night. Y. C MILLER. Stores : Fourth and Nun Sta., Fourth and Han over SU. t - July 9 tf For Gale. LD NEWSPAPERS, O tae&- THIS OFFICE. ' ... 100 Bags COFFEE, 5U J5ag8 olIUAU, ' 1 , , I 50 Boxes D. 8. SIDES, 25 do..- Smoked do. . 1 OK 4 .1 CTTOTTT TT7"T?a 5000 1000 do. Mixed do. .,,'. ' A full line of Case Goods, Canned Goods, Molasses, Sal? and Hay-u v i - Agents for Wilson, Childa & Co's . ; , I L1I july30 AND TRUCKS-' Just Beceived. NEV LQT OF i PRANG '8 7,i T1 1 July 3d C. W. YATES.: Lunch I it jyjERCHANTS AND CLERKS WHO WILL close i business hereafter at 8 o'clock: will find a SPLENDID LUNCH Every dayTat'SCIiUTTE'S." Best thelmark afibrds and prices very reasonable.1 ? ; . - - i- F. A. bCinJTTE,. t . JunelS-tf v s;!,. Proprlctorw JAS. C. STEVENS0H" -pAS THE LARGEST AND BEST elected stock of FAMILY GEOCERDZS In the dry.1 -.'i-tiv.f -'lei-' ' si- vi;: . He receives daily conAlgmnciits of all kind! .''.-..C-K-'tii vn:! i-Vi.''".;',;,!!.!). of country produce, and deals them, to lis ma. iomcrs Mrect from firsthand t.,, f; ; K ? lie does the largest retail trade in the cty . - I - ' - - ' i" and offers more inducements to famljy barer " I ' ' .. , ,' ,-- than any one cfcMi can. ' - BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY CARDS', . .... a .! -r - I Sunday School Books, Reward Cards, Bibles, r - . ''.-. i- ':,. -i--tUf iu. U'' Testaments, &c, &c , , , , ... ' . , , . . i , , n GEO. WOODS & CQ'SJ ORGANS rank ace . ond to none. : Remember ' the discount to Churches and Sunday Schools! " ;''".'t ' "i". 1 1 r BOASTS UI3 OWN COFFEEV DAClV.' . Delivers goods free to any part of .the. FAMILY FLOUR at $7, tS. eSOper btV j'. . ' Has now a choice lot of X. C. HAMS. July30-tf J. C. STEVENSON. JustEeceived. T HAVE JUST ' T1ECEIVED A CIIOICE lot of Flowers. I am reducing my stock of Fans. Parasols and other Fancy Good! at very low prices to make room for the first Fall stock. July 11 ji , Respectftilly. MISS XL KARRH2.'. I i f?xchaas Corner. r f .

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