THIS PAPER rcrr moral ng, mt w JOSU T.JAMES, Monday ex- rTiOKS POSTAGE PAID: Six month.. $1.00, Tbn li ; On month, wnu. riu i ' . fX F! ,r nf the City. l the AbOTO rftM5wrruU ir week. r- low and LlrL r,i:i;rtanynJ all fall mntUrly, TTih, Hcrtac has Ite Utrncsl . f lc riraiMion. of aiiynarper :ijsd. in Lie ruy yj r 7)f!AL NE WS. ursTIrMriTt J0 W AMUmmw'' "n:a n.-vi!l It Rh or" Shine To HcKijriicrt Mr. C. P. Ickey, who was lately ap pointed a postal route agent between this city and Charlotte, has forwarded Hiis resignation, to the department at Washington 1). C. Wc -presume that hU business arrangements were of more importance to him' tlian the posi tion orroute agent. ' ' " v., City Qurt yesterday. Wbivill have the first scuppcrnong jryes- . rnchrtsoUte yesterday for fifty W'hoirvilc Popular 'Tailors and Hiknbi?"? Dteu & Son. . f iroT dill not hold his Usual reception yesterday, from the Z-ijjL there wcr no callers. $x iivertienient it will be seen thai Ccr. Jorris and Col Wharton J. Green waspeik here on Monday night. Cact Worth, of the steamer A. 2 jrarf, reports twenty-five feet of water ta tie shoals, arid states that tho river ii sdll rising. . , ' - " The gu-iao elevator and warehouse, oa the west si Je of the river, opposite the ft of Chestnut street, is being en tire Uli feared by persons living" along tie basks of the river that tho crops In the IowIm Ji will be submerged and in- jural. We trust not. . Col V. V. Richardson and Col.. II. B. Short, ot Columbus, arrived in the aj liit evening en route for the mass cerixr at Smithville to-day. A.nhinzin the hardware line can t Iocs J it reasonable prices at Jaco The schooner Most' will bo sold at SrihTillo on the 15th inst. Allper- bring claims against her are re- i&dto present them by or before Sec advertisement elsewhere The members of the Arion Musical Society will leave for Asheville this corcins. They will give one. ol their concerts in Asheville on Monday night, and one at the Warm 'Springs on Wednesday night. The Board of Magistrates of this; county will meet in the Court House in this city oa Monday next for the pur pose of levying the taxes for the ensuing jearand electing County Commission ers sod a county public instruction. superintendent o' Our umbrella who stole it? It was tot particularly a good one. How cocld it be, if we owned it but it was best and all we had (tears, idle krs.) Every one seems disposed to iapose on a poor newspaper reporter 31 uie advantage of his credulity, and & umbrella. Ye umbrella sinner, re Jra it. HU Excellency Thos. J. Jarvis will re&s his fellow-citizens of New Hanover, in this city, on Monday night, from the baloony of the National kank UiiAiiiij. An effort will be made to in- .3ce our Congressional standard-bear- ri. Cols. Bennett and Green to remain -re on Monday and participate in the meeting at night. Bound Over, 3Iouroc Dudley had a preliminary Jrinf yesterday, before Justice Mil II, chirgai with assaulting Cambridge JUnei with a deadly . weapon. Dudley "Hw worthy who tclewedn his com- Fauaa the head wiUi- a billet of ood about two weeks ago. He was lcndover to tho Criminal Court. To Banders and others Go to Jaoo ' for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Too can get all sizes- and at tho lowest prices. . Is Improving. Te person who informed us of the iion of tho" man who was struck the Lead with a pair of brass knuck-1 a Wednesday last, was "blowing bucket," and drawing on lus- vivid Siion. Tlie stricken man is weU. and is not only able to ex tsirdj waghii tongue, but is walk I about Dr. J. D. Bellamy farm in aaswbk county, on which ho is cm pjed as a laborer, ' on Manage, said lady .iff "jend, to appear so happy all hrtr Tonic hxrih? was tho reply. Kvf 114 ,k,P myself and family in rood JWhen ram wcjl I always feels sx2zztd. See other odnmn. ' i r m m m -rr -.,, m m m mm mm mm M W m n-i m M mm mm w m II VI1' I II M II If ff 11 II II m t M f m -.... 1 i i J Til I a I IT :. f I 1 I 3 :prr I 1 II I I 1 M w ' 1 r n; . v. v.- VOL. VI. r. ..." t . WILMINGTON, N. G.v SATURDAY. AUGUST 5 1882, NO.-' 18S; For lrentH. Agixxl way to regulate a child's stomach and bowels is to give him a little bowl of oatmeal and . milk every day for breakfast or dinner; see that it is well salted as salt j promotes diges tion. The ailments of a child who is in i . . . uonuai conuuion aimosx always pro- . .1. .1 cccu irom Uie stomach, and much may be done for our children by paying some attention to their diet and so avoid giving medicine as much as possible? Committed to Jail. . Samuel Rcase was committed to jai yesterday without bail for committing a hellish deed upon Maggie Travis, little girl about 13 years of age. Both of the parties are colored. The cvi dence is that the little girl was sent to the house of her aunt with a message about 12 o'clock at night, on Tuesday last, when she was. seized by Rease and carried into the bushes near by where Personal Out former townsman, Capt. Guil ford L. Dudley, arrived in the city last night. He will go to Smithville to-day. Wc are pleased to sco him looking in line health. ; : ; ; r -i't Uapt. V . V. llichardson, Col. II. B. Uemocrfttte: Mass JHeeUurr- There ..will be a, Democratic .mass meethig at 7SmithvUle .on Saturdav, Atigust 5tlu at which time speeches will be maile by GOV. T. J. .TARVIJ? and COL. WHARTON J. GREEN, Dem ocratic candidate for Congress, '! isoufk, x. liennett ami other distm- "a01"'"-,gaishedgentleraen have also been i bhort, of Columbus, and Messrs.1 J; ,G, yited. i - : $ j k . i. u. Kenan, ofuDuplin. Jas. B. Smith, of :;L Theiteamera'Biwpbif anil '-Jlinneha Cumberland, and J. A. Farrell.1 df W1ll nm excursion trips ou that day Rnmnn t, t Fare for the round trip 50 centsHt A lonai executive lyommittee, arrived Chairman Dcm4 Cong. ExecutiveCom- hero yesterday and last nisht. ' . Thev ittee. : i: '! ' r. v.. iid v: ntf will go to Smithville to-dav when a i; STATE NEWS. hellish purpose of murder woke he accomplished his The little girl's cries the people in the neighborhood who went to her assistance. She - told her story ot the outrage and the culprit was found trying to conceal himself. . Tlio Wishes of Many. The following letter will explain it self, and we are pleased to be able to state that His Excellency I Gov. Jarvis will speak here on Monday night, and that an effort will be made to induce Cols. Bennett and Green to do so: Point Caswell, Aug 3d, 1882. i-DiTon Keview: cannot arrange ments be made for Gov. Jarvis and Cols. Bennett and Green to speak in Wilmington next Monday night, as Dresume thev will be in your city on Monday. A good many from this coun ty would like to go down on the boat and railroad to hear, them. Let us know in Saturday or Sunday's Ke view. x ours, P. Called for tlio Marines A lively skirmish occurred at Smith- viUo on yesterday, in which the. assail ant used a knife. Our information is to the effect that a man named Kelly owed or had some money belonsrinfr to a gentleman, and .when asked tor it Kelly assailed him with a large knife. Fortunately the ! attacked es caDcd unhurt and sent for the consta- ble to arrest Kelly, when he defied the officer and seemed to be on murder in tent. In order to arrest tho belligerent man the citizens were compelled to srnd aboard of the revenue cutter Lot- fax, which was at anchor in the bay, and ask for a squad of men to make tho mtmL Lieut. Ross at the head of a squad of marines, came ashore but the man took to the woods before ids cap ture could be perfect- Since the above was in type, we have heard another version of the row. n e could not get a message through last n? rrVif nr1 nm mmnelled to give the following as the rumor which seems to be tho most authentic, there being some little foundalion'for it. Yesterday the colored man who stabbed the white man, Grubbs, was being sent to jail in defaultof bail, when he resisted the officer who had him in charge. The officer summoned some of j the I citizens to, assist him, and the colored men of the town resisted tho officer and his deputy. Knives were frech used and several persons were severely cut. The colored people, it is abeged, swore that if tho man was put in jail, they would tear the building down last niht and liberate him. Excitement ran. high and a not was imminent. The civil authorities were unable 10 chock it and called on tho Revanue rsiftr Colfax for assistance. J-ieut. Ross, at the bead of squad of armed marines was sent ashore to assist tho authorities. The marines were armeu with carbines and their presence soon quieted the crowd- The man who was being taken to jail made good his escape, but scTca or the ring leaders or the riot were placed in jail. It is said their friends seem to be very ouispoea . iu their determination to liberate them. Latxk We received a telegrapmc message which was to tho effect that a riot had existed but everything was then ciuiet. Further troupe w u patcd but as tho Revenue Cutter ing in the iiarDor.u wou chocked. . . ! Freshwater Pcrch,Trout and Black fcftftks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at jACom's-t .S-'.-iul-J . Charlotte Observer -iAMB industry in townis.the sale of peach seeds. : The A. m street gamins gainer. tnem. up and sen them at the drug ; stores for 50! cents per thousand seeas. L meetiug of tho committee will ' beheld. Distinsruished 1 Arrivals.5 His excellency Gov.' Jarvis arrived ou the train on the Wilmington & Wel- don Railroad last evening at 9 50 o'clock. fin lira S mnt nr. th rtorvrvf h i .yrtinn r i -The Fruit Fair, at-Greensboro... bids "4 iuiuiittcu appoiuteu fair be well represented by the horti by tho Uennett Green Club on Thurs- culturists of . this '.State,, and extensive day night. He was driven to the Pur- cell. The remainder of the committee met Col. Green, who arrived on the Steamer D.Murchison at 10, o'clock Carriages were in waiting to convey Col. reparations have ; been made- - for a arge display ! i r i v ; -?ivH - Alonroe Enquiter: Rev.' P; J. Cara way had a very L narrow escape from serious injuries onlast Tuesday; even- Green and daughter to the - Hoteli ' He residence he lost his balance at the top- declined to ride and ;ralked leaning on SSSl&.'SSja the arm of Col. H. B. Short, followed falling. (His head struck' the floor with by a large number of citizens who had considerable force ;and; he" was other assembled on the wharf to meet" him. wise bruised.' -Gov. Jarvis and Col. Green held a re- ,XTFS aA Observer i Mrs. L A. ri, -Pnii Williams died at Warrenton on Mon- ception m the parlor of the PurceU, day from an overdose of morphia. and were called on by about one hurt- Treasurer feathery tells us I that there dred gentlemen. Col. Bennett will are now open in this bounty about) 80 arrive by the Carolina Central this K?ffi,8ft'TTif?? e fSnts ?.f . J , .... .A, the 9th, 10th, and 11th msts there will mormng, and will, with the other gen- be displays of celestial fireworks , that tlemert, go down to Smithville, where never fail in their exhibition. -j The they have an appointment to speak to- earth then plunges through the broad uumaius ui au . vrrauc uuuuer oit uie system known as the August meteor zone. ' ' ' : ; . . v; - day. How Honesty Is the . Best . Pol icy. The Inauguration of the Monthly urand Drawings or lhe louisiana State Lottery Company at the time of its inceDtion ( with its thus seeminrlr unnecessarily liberal offer' of prizes J was a very bold undertaking for those times. ' But, the Honest, Intelligent and Reliable Management has never failed to perform to the moment, and. to the letter, all that it has promised, and now reaps its reward for its fidelity, in bav ins: deservedly the entire confidence of the public from tho the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Charlotte Home and Democrat: .That Charlotte, is infested with a band of thieves and burglars no one can doubt, as it is of frequent occurrence of some place having been plundered. On Mon day night the kitchen of Mrs. Drucker was robbed of what supplies the thieyes could find. Mrs Gallman suffered in like manner, . where theyv obtained a small Quantity, of", provisions.:. In!: ac cordance with their usual f preliminary, they first entered Mr Wilson's carriage shop to 'supply themselves with what tools thev thought would prove useful. They endeavored this time to carry off somegooas, dug leic mem, pemg irignt NEW! l ADVERTISEMENTS. SEASONABLE GOODS - !. . . i , " AX ' .;: . STEVEWSOWS. ff LBS. StOAR CURED - : AND . QMIAMS. X. Ci RUB UER1UXG. 20 Bbls. Wholesale .:4;i ,ir '.s!-v' ff an! Retail.; ': -r'h, i - I ' ' ! ' -In."- NKW .MACKEREL, 50 Kltta Xo. 1, 2 and 3 Prlce-f ijfioc ana 75c.1 1 1 23 BUSHELS PEACin. to bc'sold to-day. t 150 BBLS, FLOUR In stock, prices reduced l wholesale and : retail to correspond wiUi ' the decline in Western markets. ; ' v. .- .' f ;--. --. ' ' ' , ' . .,JIlne u the only place In the cliy where Cof- " - -'-! - - i - fee. .Is Roasted. I have it fresh every day, Java; Laguyra and Rio. . - 1 -. ; ' v : ; ; ; i PLEASE KOTICE. j . ,r pVe will beglid trSTaiS; general Interest tmt . . J U'wKtwinWtiuwiWiA hUied to the Editor: " 1 " ' 1 Comniunlcatloiwnint be wrllte. oa1 oaly od side of the paper. :;:! : ( . J j . rersonaliUea must bJ avoided, u u i ; . , : ' And It Is espipcUlIy and ' partlcuUrJ uniicr- stoo.1 that theXdIto doe vol ahniys endori he t lews of cwrTOpondcnU dolcei softatJ in the editorial columns. -- i p r.Nr.AIVSItTISKSmKTS. . rr ft t -v ine-Grove; W Vi.f L ?it ... .5- SITUATE 'AT T-f'"r "i"3 ,,Si on "Hi Turnip ke. PB?!ffllW5 BWAJsiltl Old 1IAKR JIlLLio lake yon wu rmatloff or anywhere else. Jut ak for, the boat when fnly 25-tf KD. WILSON MANNING, Ihropr. ! ; ! C D. r.lorrill. l ; -TJXDERTAICEli, CABINET' MAKER AND ' CAJP OOL a!nd Wotk Shop ii See' ond street, opposite SouthcrUnd's stablea.eea j lU?8pectfuUy solicits orders and rnaranttn good work, prompt delivery and satfifacUon every respect: - i mayie-tf ill''.. : ' . ill Bur c I -U. AN j ELEGANT SADDLE, almost new. with Blanket and two fine Bndles. voffether with an elegant Winter Lap Robe and a Summer no Also a new and Una Horse Blanket. Apply . . Jnly 19 LOCK BOX 5S1. .CITT Groceries Wholesale. anf5 J. C. Stevenson. . . At Half Price. , MT PRESENT STOCK OF THE SEASIDE Library I will offer at retail at one half the Tegular price, in order to close them out to make room for my 1 Upholstering business. Other goods in the Stationery department are offered at a bareain at S.f JESVETT'S. i nug4 1 27 N. Front fit DER RAND FAMILY EXCUESIOX the auspices of New Hanover Tent, No. 57, I. O. of Rechabites, to Snuthville and the Forts, on Stmr. Passport, Tuesday, August 8th, 1882. Refreshments at'eity prices. Music for danc ing furnished by Harpers. Will exclude ob Jectionable persons. Boat leaves at 8V4 o'clk. Tickets can be purchased of Committee or any member of the Order. H. K. Barnett, Geo. W. Bishop, Wm. H. Register, II. M. Bishop, Thomas E. Skipper, Com. aug 4-3 1 1 Kerchrier & Oalder Bros;. U"J.k : iw Bbis. flour,1 au grades' 100 Bags COFFEE, . . Tt ( f, . ' - '50 Bags SUGAR, . ; SO Boxes D. 8. SIDES, 'i J', : 25 do. Smoked do. I s 25 do. do. - SHOULDERS' ' j: 5000 Bags White CORN. i J. -1000 do. Mixed do. ' ' M A full line of Cilha (wia rinnii r!AAii iuuuiows, OttlJ una 1UT.' L . ';, '.,., I j Agents ror wnson, UhlldS & Co's I i f WAGONS. C ARTS' ' July 30 , AND TRUCKS. 'A r TheBest. AT "THE LITTLE STORE AROUND THE Corner" you will find the best ' - FIVE CENT CIGAR . ' In the city. No Joke; All Smoke; No Choke; No Revoke. Tobacco goods of all kinds, best anacneapesi. m. ukuinjuwall1, ! South Front Street. 3 doors ' aug 3-1 wk -: 1 below Exchange Corner. Just Eeceived. V NEW IX)T OF PRANG'S : j, . BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY CARDS. - " . ;l . . . 1 1 i Sunday School Books, Reward Cards, Bibles, Testaments," &c, Ac' i . I GEO. WOODS & CO'S' ORGANS rank MC- ond to none. . Remember the discount to Churches and Sunday Schools. ' ' " July 30 C. W. YATES. I Brown Gins. - TERCHAKTS' AND CLERKS WHO WILL Gin, to THOSE WHO Intend Sag ,-ine ceieuratea Brown Cotton ce their orders with us lust as soon always a rush late in the season. i J WM. E. SPRINGER & CO. . Successors to Jno. Dawson & Co., July 30 19, 21 & 23 Market S. ADVISE ALL TTs hi place their orders 1 is tnere is always DONTfDELAY. ' buying as possible, as there is 1YI close business find a hereafter at 5 o'clock wlU SPLENDID LUNCn A NOW SELLING LADIES' and Gents Trunks at reduced prices, to make room June 25 monev. Hi JJlv MSKJ W IJHiiH & LO. New fcaddlery and Trunk nouse. No 40. Market street Atianuc to the racinc. lienerais ii. i rifl nmh-i ' 1 Beauregard, of La., and Jubal A. Early, ; i 1 f , . , ? ; x -)iiii:t-it:H V of Va., have the sole management of Chatham Record: On .last -Tuesday tho drawings, and So. or any si irac- Henrv Oakley Jailed w. NCassidv. tion ol it, sent to M. A. JJauphin, iNcw near i? earnngton s mill, in this county Orleans. Ia.. will receive .rjromDt at. Thpv wsre white 'mfiri- frorn Pfirsnn tention. The next event occurs on county employed by Mr. John W. At- S.?2S PJUl t!?- ji ucauajt Auguon uim. wuici ui tuo vmuvauuu ui wuivwu. ; iiu Large assortment person witnessed the homicide, . and. all lijaney uisease, . , that is known about it was told by Uak Pain, Irritation, Retention, . IncontM tn?y mec: near jiir. nence, A7eposii, urruvci, ocu., curuu r uy i " . " y . "Buchupabia". SI. 4epot James U. cuangiair ibw wuru,. ucgau. w quur- AlundS. 1- iciauu uo sutuueu vossmjr dviiwr.vuu I lmnieaiateiy ieii. kju. ast axonuay THE JIIAXLiS I a most wonderful surgical operation Themalls close and arrive at tho City Post I was performed in this county ) by. Doc - - A X . V A " W Z omce as louows : I CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast Cook Stoves. 1HE BEST AND CHEAPEST 'July 30 IN THE MARKET. PARKER & TAYLOR! Everykdayiat.SCHUTTE'S.Best therk ':' . . I '. , r .i affords and prices very reasonable. '' f I 4 ' 1 , M-i- i F. A. SCHUTTE, j ' juoe! I J. Proprietor. Verv Best Hams 18c per;' lb. ' ' .:'.";.;'..:'" ' TTTE DO N.OT . CLAIM TO HAVE THE largest stock, or to have larger and better fa cilitiesfor doing business than any house In - ir : " ' . . i .... this city or State, nor i do we claim to be Til first to get a new line of goods. ' But e:. - ; I ! .' ! . ' a . .. : Northern throufirh and war U ...'.a.ou ir. iu. ana o.u ju. ..4.45 P. M. mails. . . .5.40 A. M. Ralehrh. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes Hurmlled therefrom includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad a 5.40 A. M. Snnthern MaIIs for all DolntS South. daily .i. 8.00 P. M. WRtm malls (G. C. Kallwar ) dally. rexrnt Snndav) 5.50 .P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral- elirn.... ... 4.... ........ -r. ju- LI tors Budd, Lasater, Ivey, Manmng and H.'T. Chapin.. It. was the; successlul J T "R: m4.L. removal of a five-oound 'fibroid tumor AJaUlCb ttUU lm&HCS U1U ILL of the uterus with all its appendages from ' the body , of a daughter of Mr, Oran Williams. It has been rain ing every day this week, and on Tues day afternoon there was, the heaviest fall Of rain that has almost ever! been known here. ' ' ..I . Fayetteville Examiner : IWe learn Button Boots at Cost. W OF LA-DUblo AND MISSES E WISH TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK r '1 we do say no house in this Jcity has a nicer, fresher or better selected stock than oufs. And as t ; ... . " , prices try us and judge for yourself. As to new goods, we have had Flour made from this year's, Wheat, 0882) since .July, 10, ' " ' i'-i '' ' ' -i ' ' 1S82, and offer all goods' as low or lower than any house In the city, u ' ' -."! -:. f. hi Mall for Cherawanaiarnngionttau- fw Zua i.Wra Pmnlnv hvt.hfl fir; null o.W r. BLm I -i j Mniia for Taints between Florence : - ernmenc in improving uie vape xear and Charleston .....s.00 p. in. Ker between this place ana Wilming- Fayetteyllle and offices on Cape Fear- frkn havn rpamrftd bv HnbbelL the VVf.lav - . l.GU IT. fll- I " . Z. ' AM WV- A. M liWI mww "--w"'-'-- " A. A.1 f A. 9 - - - W I Aa m - Favettevillc. via Lumberton, dally, uii gatnerer vi xwepuuiiciiu par i,y , w except Sundays 6.50 p. m. contribute a portion ot their nam earn- Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offl- incrs to the camDaism fund. - We un- mmm. a -A " mr I mm m mm m A a - w . . W9 Jt utoav 0 us iw; Cloth Button Boots ! Crapon & Pickett, and will sell them at cost. Call and secure a pair, .', -GEO. July 19 R. FRENCH SONS. ...... 30 N. Front St. WHOLESALE ANDJ RETAIL GROCERS, aug a, 10 and 18 South Front Street. j".! 1 " lii.JI c-"ww-.n-ii. k..t.,n,ht Hiihw aerstanu a company is organizeu iu mis (except Sundays) a. au i piace wiuibiuuucub uapiuvi u miu K aw I I I I I YW a . mr a m- m. a - - - m w v iyr MfhDTt Auaa . awwm vawf "Bless the 'Babies" l . Mails for lLajsr KhnllnttA and TJtt.10 laveT. Tues- davsand Fridays 6.00 A.M. OPEN 1XJR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls.... 7.30 A. M. Southern Malls ...........7.30 A. M. r,rolln). rntra.l Railroad 9.30 A. M. Malls collected from street Doxes . every uay at 3.45 P. M. ' suimn Office onen from s A. au to i- at., ana from 2 to 3.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp omce. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp omce is ciosc. General delivery open from daylhrht to dark and on sun oats rroni s.3u to v.oo a. ol. the manufacture of cotton seed oiL-f the ginning of cotton, and the" making of fertilizers for '. .corn, cotton,' tobacco, &c. We wish them success. TheTe win be a meeting of the Directors of the C. F. & Y. V. Railway at Greensboro on the 10th inst. It has been called : by Prctident Gray, who seeks occasion to O B ABY CARRIAGES-'- AND Will it Rain or Shine To- Morrow? LD PROBABILITTES, OR BAROMETER tors In fun stock: Urge variety and low vrloeu 'Kl i ). (.'.! PERAMBULA. NEW ADVEBTISMENTS. Wotice. is iy- soon dc "OS mnE sen it rose will be sold at JL Smithville on the 15th day of August. All persons ooiaing claims against .ner wrupre- rmi mem on or oeiore ino jhh imdu.u ckuuu will be paid after that date. Claims must be presented to WM. BROWN, Agent, Smith- vine, unauwiot i ug Afalaria. Chills and "Fever, and Bil ious attacks Dositivelv cured with Em ory's Standard Cure luls an lnlallible remedy : never fail to cure the most ob- sunate, long-sutuiuug u nucio hui ninfl and all other remedies had failed. They are prepared expressly for mala rious sections, in double boxes, two kinds of Pills, containing a strong ca thartic and a chill breaker, sngar-coat- ed; contain no Quinine or. Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain in their ac tion and harmless in all cases ; they ef fectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are nnequaled. For Liver Complaint their equal is not known; one box will have a wpnderml effect on the worst case. - Thoy are used and -orcscribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, or sent by on the5 political issues of the day, M Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. - Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street. New York. . 8m d&w. r..n.. ,v. -n-tM no'n comes mvaiua UUUiU 1UUT tAJ - Kilo asxi?ijwm.o wam i negotiations recently perfected greatly predicuona. it to -the advantage of the uompany. About six o'clock yesterday : even ing the drying house connected with Mr 4 1) Smith's saw mill in this town, took lire and was partly consumed. AND THERMOMETER COMBINED will tell i you. ' It will detect, and Indicate correctly. any change in the weather, twelve to forty- ehrht hours in advance. It will tell what kind j of a storm is approaching, and from what les invaluable to nnvisrs tor. Ian their work according to its predicUQns. It will save fifty times Its cost in a singlo season. There is an accurate ther mometer attached j which alone is worth the price of the combination. Price SO cents. ' jror saie at . , Jnly 30, . HEINSBERGER'S. ; ALSO, V FURNrrURE' ' OT ALL T&ESCBIPTlONfl,' ! : of all styles and at all prices.1- - '' ,. : D. A. SMITH A COu -J,. June 18. North Front atrect.' ( H Worth Worths rounds Bros, jQRUGGISTS, ; WILMINGTON, NORTH Carolinarl,4Dl Broadway, corner 43rd street, New York. The hhrh standard attained by i the firm in tins city win be increased by thrfr New York connection. -; Wilmlmrtonlans v Lilt ing New York will recleve at lhe above num ber a hearty North Carolina welcome. ; Jy 2. . Eemeinfter o FFER 7 Notice. IS EXCELLENCY, THOSl J. . JARVIS, H AND COL. address the If von have any skin diseases or, dis-! eases of the hair or scalp, any itching or discolorations, sun burns, freckles, pirn-; pies, rough or dry harsh skin, yon nave F ti r ir t CVin rViT sure, perfect and elegant remedy. Sold by all druggists. WHARTON J. GREEN,4 will citizens of New Hanover Co. Monday, the 4 6th August, at 830 p. m., from the porcn oi the National Bank, Front st. , v,f .... , t g. j. boxey; - " A J- ' Chm'n Ex. Cora. , angi2t. For Gale. LD NEWSPAPERS. O A ranao. .. . : i XHX3 omcE.. J rpHAT I "rKEEP FULL AND COMPLETE :ks of Dtuct and have ingredients to ejj ANY PRESCRIPTION. Full stocks of Patent Medicines.- Prescriptions compounded .any hnrrnf thnlirht- - F. C MIXiLElt. Stores : Fourth and Nan Sts., Fourth and Han orerSta. . July 9 tf : -.Just Eeceived. IIAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE of Flowers. LI am reducing my stock of j Fans, Parasols and other Fancy Goods at very j low nrices to make room for the first Fall m. I . Bespeetfnlly, . . I . MISS E. KARRER, AT LOW PRICES TOPROIIPT buyersVr- !'-' c i .'.-''' .J,w uueneis tuiw, , ' ' 1,000 do. MEAL, v ' 500 Barrels FLOUR,'. 1 150 Bags COFFEE, r lOO Barrels SUGAR, . 100 Boxes BACON, .100 Bales HAY, v' S50 Uhds. and Ilbls.5 NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, ?,000 Bbls. LIME.CE31ENT PLASTER, i 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, - i : j. , ' 'k : . New and second band.'-' Candy, Candles, Hoop Iron, Na Is, Ac ;&c r inne IS .' r ' SEED ; .COTTOrif j: Wanted. 1 PREPARATORY TO THE the new season, we call attention jury 11 t . -, tSxchangt Corner. 1 angS-tf OPENING OF I i totbafact that we WILL PAY THE inGHEST MAR KET PRICES FOR SEED COTTON. : ; Apply at - ...... f WUIard's.1 Z1,' .

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