MISCELLANEOUS I . 1 iiiiifi -?Tt'J i;.rsB rauatbe remor- s 11 a7i 95 Per Cent.? nm '.cr.iiijf.M aiuaeyssnu at tor of the -Ml f Which it l com ... the rrvat both a . .r::KU. aad b K MM M pM I'U.in ouu mi. drive 'T-aWr. waddes caued by un I .r Ihf ian'-lt rr"i lllln.p tmrwrnnm- ,kuy J2 of Woeaea; for has no euasl. Beware . 1 .w-.-. lr. ..I.I M - - 1 ( u AUSKK S SAFt DI ILtTwARNICR Jk CO.. apilthn Rochester. N. T. 01 LflU L PilKHAM, OF LYNR, Utt., a 0. r.-.v LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 ::-ZTALLZ CCMP0U1TD. la a lititivr fnre Valtifcaaa P.UI..I IWyhlaU J U takMMM miwan UMrkrtt finth ifilatlt". MM! mm iffy taa watat form of Pa hi Com fftM. Ul avartaa I moMc. lafltaimatlnn aad Ukr MH and l.pl- ieiit. amd th co eqnn I r aad la narUrukurty adantad to ba V Ufa :i ..a tin--' aao asna taaaera feaaa tb ateraa In m dy m9t ill 1 il MMl TW ttadenry to can- 11 1 j fiMU. nalntoni j . imtniaafl craving mm of Um Cotuarb 41 1 Ikat mm araartaa?ew. .iTBaraaiawa)aly enrad by It wnaUM i t an c riNkii wn tfcftable re Mt D- ! at 31 and Oft Will r ii lyaa.aaa mnL Ma aottlmfer fa. tank by 1 eeHnt arW. ft par box fori laBkatkava mt kaaaarn IC rnaflj LTDIA LT'Ot MUX by Hulbert Bros. Wholesale fc Price List. Phmo, 7 oct.. square, rosewood. . rarred. agraffe 9190 00 PUn,.uprl1thT.7toeL. cabinet rrand 174 00 rpM, 4 acta reeda.9 stopa and irrand ... orgaa S hirn. 6 aeU reeda, 11 stop, coup, Vrr. aubbaaa. 73 00 ' rhyoa aaVtryaaa are war-a 2 Vloha outfit, box. 1kw. atrinjr.com ? iletav soo irW eremona model, extra fine. . u'oo Aeeofdeoo. 10 key, baaa box. line tone 1 00 Aeeordeoa, keya. 1 atop. S aeU fnetka.iiertpei. S 00 Month Organa, Vienna concert, it bulaa. 90 "JJJf 4inl Richter 10 11 Maaa oyuu.' i ienuVne' Concert 4 -s?4jaSis " M tune, wind with lever large S9 00 VtotE3Uo P" nhlai' lMiid tv-JPI0' 10 00 IKqh patent head, S or 4 t rings S 00 C,,-r: P. mhlne head, fine' - rrrrr. 4 m J?52r M lnrh. hraaa braeketa 2 00 threat, braaa eornopeon style, earn w anderooka f 00- . if"' bcm Praaalan. omarwntr! 9 00 Wtlia, liuitar ami Banjo strings, inuitar ami iunjoMrlun, M VWon, Guitar and' Banjo StrtajrV, " Gst, uumtmrn, GeraVan' or ltaVlaa," bast lartCnJoka. Howe's or winner'a', ,lVJmt Mmke a gorl trado'for'ioo stnr fifrbnj awnahni. will sell khem for i5 each h they lsat. Mfry k quae safe la eaanaaa letter If HJtalT addrtinl. I uVtiy oaah with order. Will take i w i vum w vmi w mbkv mtw- Mtke MOnaarn amii HBlbert Bros,. Is the oaly General Whole ooae la (U. LoWav ni'I.BKRT BROS., necstraet, Hamk Loads, Mo. For Sale. QU NKWSPAPBRS. this orncs. sm EsSa. obIfwmmmm o UM rmnmr. rrvKiiAMi The Daily Review. HAPPY LOVE. While thcr eat s Hunt BMC did km ( Than to ei a little brher. And er hJok ih ? her. WheX MdeK JLLC tSr AsbesboskL Tleem be ren tared to Inquire 1 m'' Jmam Martar, Ami her mother ami her aire Were quite well? Ami from time to Umc he'd ere her And Ida 1 tAhfutaee was dire, For a spell. riien hia hoskv (hrmi . ,irr.. 2 fi" Im hld h. r that (he 'S-mire j n:tneir would rladlr tie her H-H WIMIMI gUUllr tlC if Mm would . Mlrht be now o uk hrairpv And he thought he would expire. H hen fhe uUd. to bin ileal re, That he could ' Burlington Hmwkeye. A MINI NO aTvENTU BE. Thrilling Experience of Two PeuusylvaniR Coal Miners. The moat thrilling occurrence that haa happonetl in this vicinity for a long time took plaou at the Oxiord shaft, iiytle Park. 'luesday morning, two men having had a most marvelous escape Iroin death. Mr. Thomas Richards, a a m bcr ol the Continental Club, thai flourished in this city some time ago, is what is called the donkey runner at that mfne. Every two or three days it is his custom to cuter the shalt to see what water there ;s in the mine, as well as to keep the engine in good working order. At 8 o'clock on the above morn ing he intended to make the trip, ud asaed Mr. James Lewis, another work man, to aecomoanv him. The Oxford mine, it should be remembered, is now Kite, and no men are inside the works Mr. Jxjwis consented, and they took their positions on the car and vfere lowered to be Rock rein, at which working another carriage is taken to decsena to the Clark vein, where the engine tOrbe visited was. The change wss safely made, the signal given and they were lowered. When within 85 feet of the bottom of the shaft water ap peared upon the carriage, noticing which lewis said that their feet would get wet, but not thinking there was any danger. Richards, however, was better acquainted with the mine, and knew that the shall was Hooded, which was only too true, ; the water having over flowed a dam at the Rock vein above and filled the mine to the depth of 85 feet. When Richards saw the water, with a spring from the side of the car nacc he reached the side of the shaft and clung to a water pipe that passed down the shalt. lie called to Lewis to do the same, but the latter, realizing the dancer now. was too excited, aud tailed to follow. The engineer at the top of the shaft was not aware of the matter, and kept letting the car down. When it began to cuter the water it was a little tight. as it alwvs is in passing that tpoint. and the man at the engine gave additional steam, which plunced the car contain ing Lewis into the water. His foot be came fastened in some way. and before he loosened himself, which he finally lid by pulling his foot from the boot, he had cone under the water some 28 feet As soon as freed his body floated to the surface, where he arrasped the rope at tached to the roof of the carriage, and floundered about. The engineer stood at his post entirely unaware of the excit ing time below. JNoming appearea to be wrunf. and he waitea lor a siimal. In the meantime, Richards, who had iumped trom the car, was un dergoing a severe struggle. As he clung to the pipe, the top oi me carriage, m going by rubbed him so closely that it stripped his overalls and pants from his legs, and in some unaccouniaDieway ne also lost his noon, unc nuuureu auu fifty feet separated him from the rock vein, the onlv place now left to signal the engineer and to save Lewis this as- cent must be made as quicKiy aa possi i ble. Hand over liand be clambered up the pipe, resting now and then on the j large oearua max swuiou v vm shaft. Every rew moments no wouia call upon iewis to bang to the rope that he would soon be st the top and all would be right. Lewis was swallowing lbs foul water all the time. His strength wa fast waning, and uuless assistance came before long, he would perish. Bravely Richards plodded, though the strain upon him was intense. At last he gained the rock vein, but the time con sumed was three-quarters of an hour, and all that time Lewis was clinging for life to the rope. Richards quickly iTe the signal, and the engineer hoist ed the carnage from the water, as the carriage gained the top of the water Lewis slid down the rope to which he had held, and sat upon the roof of the car. In this position, he was raised to lhe Rock vein. Several workmen had come there after the signal, and they helped Iewis from his place, but it was done with the greatest difficulty, as his bands seemed glued fast to the rope. They then changed carriages as ingoing down, and were hoisted to the top. .V ronton (n.) Republican. Composed of the best known tonics, iron and cinchona, with well known aromatics. is Brown's Iron Bitters. It cures indigestion, and all kindred troubles. The tremulous boughs of the wavine trees were raining down shadows that fell cool and fair upon Lurline Perkins beautiful face as she stood silent and alone near the woodshed. The mur murous sighing of the summer breeze was borne to her by the tranced air, and ever and anon there came up from the meadows the sound of the farmer's axe as he felled the sturdy as paragus that was soon to delight the palates of the rich people in the city who could pay for it. Away to the east ward, mirroring back the azure dome of the sky. lay the lake, and the swell of its silver foam but served to make the silence deeper. The girl stood for several minutes as if entranced by the scene. Then turning sadly away, she exclaimed, in lowbitter tones : I suppose I shall have to milk that drat ted cow. and the sooner I get at it the It is impossible for a woman to suffer from weakness alter taking Lvdia . Pinkham'g Vegetable Com pound w Chicago Trxbune. Malaria, Chins and Fever, and Bil ious attacks positively cured with Em ory 'Standard Cure Pills an infWllihU nmedy: never tail to cure the most ob- longstanding cases where Qui nine and all other remedies had failed. They are prepared expressly for mala S25 ec?on in double boxes, two kmds of Pilla, containing a strong ca tharjic and a chill breaker, sugar-coated; contain no Quinine or Mercury, caumg Piping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain in their ac tion and harmless in all cases; they ef fectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequal txi For Liver Complaint their equal is not known ; one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, or sent by mml, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever mnfo only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co.. 114 Nassau Street. New York. 8m dew. "Gracious, Sybilla, how Count Cham pignon sneezes; he is unaccustomed to our climate; go and tell him to come away from that window. The Count was a delicate looking like fellow, with an enormons endowment of capillary decoration on his upper lip. Sybilla, whom her mother mentally reserved as a sweet matrimonial boon for the Count, moved toward him at a Chicago canter, and archly attracting his atten tion by a sharp thrust in the ribs, ex claimed : 4,Count. I've got a message from ma for you." "Ah. zat is so vera kind," he murmured, with a gaze of admiration at Sybilla, who continued: "Yes; she says if you take off that moustache ana pnt it on your head, you won't be so apt to catch cold." Brook lyn Eagle. Still Another. . Otklika, Ala., Nov. 1, 1880. H. H. Warner & Co. : Sirs I have been cured of an affection of the kidneys by the use of your Safe Kidney and Liv er Cure. J. C. Condon. THE MAILS' Themalls close and arrive at the City Poet office as follows : CLOSE Northern through malls, fast 4.45 P. M. Northern through and way mails. . . .5.40 A. M. Raleigh 5.50 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. a N. C. Railroad a 5.40 A. M. Southern Malls for all points South, dally 8.00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday) 5.50 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 6.50 P. M. Mall for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M. Mans for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville anddffices on Cape Fear River, Fridays L00 P. M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5.50 P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays g.00 A. M. Smith ville malls, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Mails for Easy lam. Town Creek, Shallotte and Little Ri. er, Tues days and Fridays. 6.00 A.M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls 7.30 A. M. Southern Malls 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9.30 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes every day at 3.o r. ai. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to Ii M. . and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register .Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Henry's Carbolic Salve Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter,Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are counterfeit. Price 25 cents. Dr. Green's Oxygenated Bitters is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Bil iousness, Malaria. Indigestion and dis eases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, ete. DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures all affections of the mucous membrane, of the head and throat. DR. MOTT'S LIVER PiLLS are the best Cathartic Regulators. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated ; no griping; only 15 cents a box, ol Druggists or by mail. Standard Cur Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. 8m deVw. A Card. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, free op charge. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary . r. . . . .... a J If .JJunn n soutn America, oenu a wju-auuiejw- ed envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D. New York tJUu. aeoo worn Groceries Wholesale. Kerchner & Calder Bros., OFFER : 1000 Bbls. FLOUR, all grades, 100 Bags COFFEE, 50 Baga SUGAR, a 50 Boxes D. S. SIDES, 95 do. Smoked do. 25 do. do. SHOULDERS, 5000 Bags White CORN, 1059 do. Mixed do. u A full line of Case Goods, Canned Goods, Molasses, Sal) and Hay. Agents for Wilson. ChUds a Co's WAGONS, CARTS July SO AND TRUCKS. PTJRCELL HOUSE. TTNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON. N. C B. L. PERRY Proprietor. Late la all Its oay. COW PEAS. iOO Bushels Clay sod Mixed Peas. FOR SALE BT HALL & PEARS ALL tuaelS I ' " ii I . . - ' ' MISCELLANEOUS. From Frank Leslie's Illustrated JTews-paper.- A LADY SAID Those Horrid Pimples! No I Cannot Go. Please Present My Excnses." Probably two-thirds of the ladies in society and homes of our land are afflict ed with skin diseases of various kinds, to do away with which, if it could be done without injury, would be the hap piest event of their Uvea. Then she would have instead of a disfigured aud marred countenance, one that would life handsome, or at least good-looking, for any one with a clear, pure skin, no matter what the cut of her features are, has a certain amount of -od looks wh ich attracts everybody t is now, she imagines every one s.; and talks, about "those freckles," "those horrid pimples." and other blemishes with which she is afflicted, and this is true of either sex. To improve this appearance great risks are taken : arsenic, mercury, or high-sound titled named articles con taining these death-dealing drugs, are taken in hopes of getting rid of all these troubles. In many cases, death is the result. No alleviation of the burning. heating, irbhing and inflammation is given. Alt troubled with Eczema (salt rheum), Tetters, Humors, Inflamma tion. Rough Scaly Eruptions of any kind, Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pimples or Tender Itchings on any part of the body, should know that there is hope for them in a sure, perfect and elegant remedy, known as "Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure." It makes the skin white, soft and smooth, removes tan and freckles, and is the best toilet dressing in the world. It is eleeantlv out un. two bot ties in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. Our readers should be sure to get this and not some old remedy resuscitated on the success of Dr. Benson's and now adver tised as "The Great Skin Cure". There is only one, it bears the Doctor's pic- d i it i a. - mre ana is lor saie oy au druggists. $i per paoKage. A SENSATION HAS OFTEN BEEN MADE by the discovery of some new thing.but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. C. W. Be nson's Celery and Chamomile nils. They really do cure sick headache. nervous headache, neuralgia, nervous ness, sleeplessness, indigestion, paraly sis, and melancholy. Price, 50 cents per box, two for $1, six for $2,50 by mail, postage free. Dr. C. W. Benson, Baltimore, Md. Sold by all druggists. C. N. Crittenton, New York, is whole sale agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's rem edies. iuly 6-lm The Public is requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly. -Capital Prize $75,000 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. QMS 1 ff Wh aU Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 35 years by the Leg islature la ture for Educational ana c nan table pur poses with a cai itai oi u.ommjuu to w tt.cn a reserve fund of $550,006 has since been added. Br an overwhelming populai vote Its fran chise was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D.. 1879 The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing, Class H, at New Orleans, Tuesday, August 8, 1882 147th Monthly Drawing. Look at the following Scheme, under the exclusive supervision and management of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis iana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia, who manage all the drawings of this Company, both or dtn art and semi-annual, and attest the correctness of the published Official Lists. Capital Prize, $75,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 75,000 1 Capital Prize of L.. 95,000 1 Capital Prize of 10,000 2 Prizes of $6,000 12,000 5 Prizes of 2,000 10,000 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes, of 100 Prizes of 300 Prizes of 600 Prises of 1000 Prizes of 1,000 10,000 500 io,uw 200. 90,000 100 50 i 25 90,000 25,000 25.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 ' " 500. 6.750 4,000 2,250 950. 1,987 Prizes, amounting to , $985,500 Application for rates to ciuos snouiu on iy w made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. . . For further Information, writs dearly, giv ing full address. Send orders by Express, Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed only to - M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, - 007 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. N. B. Orders addressed to Now Orleans will receive prompt attention, inly 1 wed-sat-4w-dAw Worth & Worth AT rXVOW PRICES TOJPROMPT buyers r 10,000 Bushels CORN, 1,000 do. MEAL, 500 Barrels FLOUR, 130 Baca COFFEE, , 100 Barrels SUGAR, 100 Boxes BACON, 100 Bales HAY, 390 Hhds. aad Bbls.' NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, 2.000 Bbte. LIME.CEMENT 1,000 SPIRIT BARRETT, MOW TohawMo. Snuff. Soan. Lve. Po Caady, Candles, IIoop Iron, Ns la, 18 Cosmopolitan Bar. TEST WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, MTC SW ICS COOL LAGER, a specialty. JOHN CARROLL, Prop, JmlyU Dr. CLARK CURES AU. DISEASES OF Oya. Skin and Blood. MILLIONS testify to its efficacy la healing the above I aaateil dis tees, and pronounce It to be the Laboratory 77 West Or Clark Johnson" : Thia ecrtiaes that relief for Heart Disease and Liver Complaint. july '-'T-lawdnriAwly ITS RELIEF AND CURE AS CERTAIN AS DAT With anfpt v from the ilanrcrs of stramrulaUon wishing nnf mIiouKI send 10 cents for his book, mmbUB wVma mm after cure, also eudorftcmente of profes-dona! gentlemen, Ministers, Merchants, others wh have lecn cured. Trusses and RupUire ttooner or later affect the nerv tal system, bring on organic diseases, impotency, destroy energy andaocbd deatrra.au mnnr nhl an.i no ol.l iiele. New York offias ill Broadway. 1 tava for eosaautat week are Mom lays, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Thursdays aud Fridays, every other week, after her - - GEORGE PACE & CO. Patent Portable Circular SAW Ala Statteary aad ParttUs STEAM ENGINES 5 V. 8CHE0ZDEE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. New Summer Resort! Hotel Brunswick, SMITHVILLE,!N. C. JIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE OCEAN, and twenty -five miles below Wilmington. The HOTEL BRUNSWICK is a new struc ture, and will be open for the reception of guests on THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE. It commands a splendid view of the Harbor and Ocean. Steamers and ships pass in front of the door Sailing and fishing are unsurpassed. Bath Houses for the use of guests. A good Band of Music and Ball Room will be open day and night. Ten-pin Alley, BilLard Hall and Bar attached to the Hotel. THE TABLE will be supplied with Fish, Crabs, Oysters, Clams, Terrapins, and every product of the sea. First-class Passenger Steamers will leave Wilmington and Smith ville morning and even ing, making two trips each way. The Proprietor has an experience of many years in charge of summer hotels at Beaufort, uicludingthe late Atlantic Hotel. Cheap Excursion Tickets will be sold on the different raiiraaas. Terms moderate. Special rates to families. B. L. PERRY, Proprietor, and of Puree 11 House, Wilmington, N. C, mar 14-3m. 50 Fifty Boxes 50 T EPACKED LEMONS, IN PERFECT order just received and for sale cy July JNO. L. BOATWBIGHT MlMSSiSiiiEIE dndte, ShWingsa, mO4 iti.my of tbc best medi cine known are com bioed in r&rkcr dinger nic, into a medicine f such varied powers, as to mai:e it trie g-eate Iiiood 1'imficr and the Best HeaKa S Stresola Restorer Ever lists'. It cores Rheumatism, Sleea4e n ft diseases of the htomaco, Howek, Lungs. Liver ft Hidoeys, f. Is entirely different frora ParkoVs Hair Rnlsnm. . .w... ; 1 .mtrrr ar-.. Tb St. CW i,ittcn, jt mh nd odierTosics. aa it i to raM BcveTuttoXxates. Hisoaac mm. ILmmmr tmilm Joltlnl eater ta ry aalr. ft Co.. Chemists. N. V. . . ul f LancaSar'as Parii.C Dollar Saau IS Mm -m mi I BEFORE - AND - AFTER TMIE8 OityTtOUM 66 616, of a V paMMBi WltTAH MLT CO., MAtSHAU, WgL jn97-deodawly MILLS V r mm w rist Ollls. Water Wheels, Wood Workh SoVtf 7er CUsJsM 17 : I BT SSI Ltal I ktLaXi 11 a. at a a , a . - JOHNSON'S Indian Blood Syrup aW THE STOMACH. LIVER, BOWELS, KID- BEST REMEDY KNOWS TO MAN. GUARANTEED TO CURE DYSPEPSIA. Agents Wanted. 3d St., Sow York City. sell It. kUXAUICTHTUWX, NTC , JtUT ) lSlt. yonrlsnt AN It U m D STROP baa arew saaaaoch t. I would not be wiUioot It for Ore ttaaea UMceak. JOHN RUSS. ture FOLLOWS OAT BY OR. I A. SHERMAN S METMtft, anl without the Injury tr roll Ul III MR llkeiMMBM Of bad and Philadelphia, 303 Walnut St., Wedaoeday. Juue. Boston, 43 Milk St., closed tHl Osjwoa i l July tS4w Wilmington k Weldon Railroad Company. Orncs or gknkoal 8PTxamizuazt, . Wilmington, N. C, June 96, 1669. Change of Schedule. AND AFTER JUNE 95. 1659, AT CM P. M.. Passenser Trains on the ton A Weldon Railroad will run as follows DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DalLV, Nos. 47 North and 48 Sours. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, . Arrive at Weldon .TT.1SJ P. Leave Weldon A17 P Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. D'pt, 6.58 P. M Fast through Man. a PAawasasa Tsaixa daily Nos. 48 North and 40 Sooth. Leave Wilmington, Front St. . Depot. Arrive at Weldon. TL6B Leave Weldon aio P. M Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. D'p't 10.65 P. M Tram No 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Golds bo ro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. and 7.16 P. M. , Dai ly . Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.00 A. M. and 8 P. M. Daily. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wei- don for all points North Dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 48 runs daily and makes close con nection for all points North via Richmond aad Washington. No. 47 makes close connection for Tarboro. All trains run sol. d between Wilmiagton an d Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN . DIVINE, General flnrnirinfamdsnt a POPS CXmrn mm. 1 " a - - - apU-tf Carolina Central B. R. Company. Omct or gknxhal SuraaiaTSiiiiSHi, f IWllmington, N. C. June list, 1S69. Change of Schedule. fH AND AFTER JUNE 29d, VsH followma Schedule wUl be operated on this Railroad : PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY. No. 1 i Leave Wilmington at .6. 80 P. Arrive at Charlotte at. 149 A. K vn a t inve unarwHO at i.oo r. aa. wo- j Arrive at Wilmington at. . . .6.86? A. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 9 stop at only, and points designated in the Time Table. Tram No. 1. Dally except Sunday. Do. No. 2. do. do. Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Daily except Sundays. Leave Charlotte.. Arrive at Shelby. . Leave Shelby i .40 p. M. Arrive at Charlotte 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make eloss rninsrtkm at Hamlet with E. AA. Trains to sad from Hal. eigh, and at Charlotte with Shelby Tram. Throuah Sleeping Cars between and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Tram no. i makes connection at with A.. T. ft O. R. R.. for 8UteevtUs. ooav necting there with W. N. C. R. R. for all potato on said road. Train Nos. 1 makes connection at Char. lottc with A. AC. K. R. for SeortaMTK. Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and all potato be yond, v. Q. JOHNSON, june zz-b Wilmington, Colnmbia & Angnsta B K. Co. Office of I Wilmington. N. C. Juas9S, Change of Schedule. O" JUNE 99TH. 1691 1.00 P. M. the following P will be ran oa this road : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. DAILY Leave Wlhnmgton. L69P. M. Alt P.M. for COlaoabts sadaBpolatsoaG. ACE. ini as "SEL 'MM W U6 II tkV West and 7 East. 18.1$ P. M. Leave Florence x,kw a. m. Arrive at C. C. ft A. JuBctioa. A96 A. M. Arrive at Colombia.. ....... ........ 6.49A.M. Leave C, Joluaabis.. ................... .1A00 P. M. Leave C. C. A A. Junction. 16186 f. M. Leave Floreaee.... 1.66 a. M. Arrive at WUsategtoa. A9-A.H. Imst Mail asd Passksokb Tbais. DA.r. No. $6 West, and Day Matx. and Pao- oct Train, No. 48 East. Leave WlbDtogtoB. .....VLUT. M. ArrtM al rinnnr!. 9tT A. M. Arrive atWUadogtem. Train 43 stops st all Stations. No. 40 stops eady at Firming I , w aMeviUs, DDffTlMrOMi ClMrMMMisa4 WBntiagtom. JOMM P. DIVIW6, fl onm tin i m IslMdl A. POPE, General PsatrrSgsr Agfjat awitVtf

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