The Daily Review M O IR. 1ST X 1ST GK " SUNDAY. AUGUST The Daily Rcvi Ou large fide mrrmlmhtm, of any namupmper 9uUuked1iktkecUyofW BY TELEGRAPH to Ddlr Review. 1 SENATE. r.trfllO bdocum bububw 7i.- w -r - . . . . - moved I QUI mo there of the in view of -the tact the i f,i ho no probability House abanclontn' F""fV- . . Mr. Bayard then J Mriutiou appropriating $33.0UU ior of mileage ol Senator, who iM-jJSod the Marion convened on Uc obeiy0Ca 1881. Considered and pasft- ed by mmaniinou:. rote. A ooofcrence committee was ordered uASTrwl" to print Oic ftfn cXraJ report and the bill gran ting a rilfht ot way to the Fremont, J-Jkborn V.Uev K.B:.-rr the v. .l.r.lrM nMHT ILL IOU. IU rending a motion by Mr Miller, of oods bill. V Y.. to take up the knit g til i. mi ZLi ! would not oppose the ..7tl tiL ntleinan from N. V.. Htfl ' ,wo was ftutorin from lll-healtb, dc- nfcrcilce npofi on the Mindry; ; Uvi, JUL 10 submit some remarks op the ! Appr0prjation bill. He stated, simply. btct before leaving the city . out;ththScnatcftmendmcnts had been would immctliauly alter this subjeel hiCCtl bv tho oonfen-nce committee wS disposed ol. Kist u,K,n the tax re- thc Rmount of $958.000. Tliecon Snulbeins taken up and steadily fcrcncC report was agreed to and thus wii with until voted upon. The . noneral Annropnation bill wafe knit goods bill was then jaken and , Mr. Miller uiseussou ua Va!dreied to Mr Miller, and offered an amvndmeut hich he desircit .rttlnUeiu force until a general re tormaUon of tariff could be made. 1 1 .u.v,n woolen mnnul. in- ..k..tnrv nn wixleu innnu :te- lurers, from 30 to 50 per cent. i ....... . . k t.nA fin woola at - ' U . w . rum ana umdb. ' .vt.- wT ad Zorcm. After debate, the .im. nt was voUhI down by : . nayo - rr-y . ,u 1.U...I,. OA mHV VOLf (JLC'IL Mr Yoornees votcu no wuu ey" Mr Davis, of Ills., also voted no - ! Mr Harris moved to subitate ior the bill a proposition fixing thc du ties on hiportedweoTai per cent, ad U rem- rejected without division : yeas a; rUDOUl un i:o.. . r , TcSe "de troni thc Democratic muc. 1 MrHaJctrom the eonierees 011 iui- 1 5n ZltA .mvn.ont Knort nL itSwi 1 ?1 d9P-gjjglJ KfiL. bill to iLj-. k nK 1 ir Un.U in FU.. from the operation ol btWl in re at ion to min erals occupied the rcmainiler 01 incumc ftw mornin - husillOSb Mr Antlionv. from tho conference on the bill for the publication ot the agri cultural reports, reported an' agree ment by which thc Senate Bng"2" making an appropnation ot j,uuu topay for the work is retainel in the bfll. XUis contemplates the printing o 3D.O00 copies. Thc report was adopted aiul argument was resumed on the knit goods bill and a number of msndmcnts offered by Mr. Davis, all .t which were rejected, and at o o clock the bill was passed, without the amend ment, as it came from thc House, yeas 3ft nays 15. At 6.35 the Senate took a recess uutil 8 o'clock, in order that the conference report ou the Suudry Civil bill might be presented. Mr. lapham called up tue Senate bill authorising Sara'l L. M. Barlow of V. Y., John H. Colton. of Pa., and others to lay a submarine cable be- and Kurone. nm MnmittM amendments to the bill wurc rebooted, and also one offered by Halo. directing that thc rates charard upoa the line for messages ior individuals Jcloiot exceed ) cents for eachord. Passed. HOUSE. The Conference report on tho Naray Appropriation bill, was submitted by Mr Robeson, and agreed to. On motion of Mr. Kisson. of Iowa, the ponsle amendmenrto the joint reso lution for the establishment of diplo Htde relations with Persia, was con curred in. . . Mr. Cox. of New ork. moved to r in the Senate amendment to tne amending the statutes relating to mmm. lie cxpiainea mat uie ol the bill was to provide for of foreign Teasels selling from American porta. Agreed to mm .1 - -W a a iUa Avft TO MOOSe men procvuucM w w of the &PCBK er tablet Mr. Motkwk offered a r, .lnti.n rrantini the uo nnnt of the ro ft ft.' I k (11 l C ill tunda and adjacent rooms in the Capi tol to thc Garfield Monument Commit tee of the society ot the Array 01 ine iberiand. from the 5th of govern to the 9d of December to hoia a and reeeptiOQ. the object bom- to aid in the erection in W ashtngton or ft statue to the memory of the late Presi dent GarfieW. Agreod to. On motion of Mr. Thomas, of Ills a joint reeolntion w passed, instrucuug the Secretary of the Navy to convene a Coflyoiryto mveaUgathecir of Me., asked leave to thc joint rcsoln ioint select corn el three Senators and six Repre- to inquire into toft condition want of American ship Duuainf uter usts The leave the joint reeolntion uoioi the House pro- la Tote, hy tellers, upon the. mo tion sack by Mr. Holmau. ot Ind., tor a recess lor two hours Lost. Mr. Wilson, of V. Va.. frutn U imittec on Korn Affair, rejxirtcn Monaa Claims bill accompanied by a rssesuttoo cm- lor inHwmation thc 9th article of the 1819, between the United Spain had been fully com- laid on the table and the placed on the Calendar. n p:nioi treaty at r WlUa of W. Va., from the com- miUee aag- ZEiel "ShippifS 1 to anawf certain , whH . ! e d cUned to ararwer, and to prodnce ceitain ev Aftrr tue rece-, i a v eioc was done until Mr. Iliscnck. one of the conferees on the .sundry civil rxiion bUl. moved that the Howe take a reeeses until 8 o'clock, stating that at that time an agreement would protabiv have been arrived at. pending whWt the Speftker laid before the House a messatTfrom the President transmit ting tbcrcport ot the Secretary of State respecting the cases of American ci - lorerral to trek- h rSSl Thft Secretary -rates that the om tSl " ' - ' ; aorican citizen, Km prhwin Ireland are ho JSr AtcSv.vency. Stalling and Gn- 'litoU 1 wecney: and Selling pro cod regular ccrtifi etes of nature . Sdon. Gannon establi: a claim to i nertoan birth, and O'Hfthouey was regularly naturalized on Lb ground wrvfcea in the nary. The report r.irthrr states that it appears. tar note ZZZ finiier Lowell, that Her Majes- tVs Government does not entertain,, at present, the intention ot bringing. thec prisoners to trial, but it has ol- lered them a discharge, on conaiuon ' that the shall leave Ireland for Amer ica, which, however, was refused - vvmeii. i.wwv.w, .- t j Mr. Ixwell has again oeen to urge a speedy trial ot tne prisoner, The House then, at 5:46. took a re cess until 8 o'clock. . Mr Calkins, ot Ind.. submitted the coufercneo report on the bill to relieve certain MMtrs of the late war from . u n( Hr"Tf inn and it was 1 tr.v k ot X. Y.. presented the di!poscd of by thc House TEXAS. Tlie Yellow Fever. I Ky TcleL'ran'h to Dally ItcvlcW.l 1 v. Texas. Auztisi 5 Nifcht There are aixiut 00 cases of yel low fetwr nw existing and they arc in creasing rapidly. There was. to-day. a ih.if'i ot'.-i (;eniKin nainetl (iuait, re- .i..i, o :i (;crman v fmm F!nri)OC. There arc eon - v, .... J I , J . " - ' ' nieiin ,:., ,jin tr reports alout uie ftiscnue saw roughout thc country, but they are not reliable 4 I WASHINGTON. to Daily IteTicw.l Washington. August 5-Nicht- v.vm.ut.ivn and Judicial i . tUa Appropnation bill was received at the j White House to-lay and was almost 'immediately signed by the President. TherrcsHlciit sent me louowmg jmnu .11:1' 10ns to the bcnaic to-aay : v, o. G rant and Win. Henry Trescott to be eommissioners to negotiate a commer cial tre-ity with Mexico; John H. Dil lion. of Mo.. Secretary of legation, of the United States in Mexico, It is stated that the President has de cided upon a strict enforcement of the 8-hour law as that was construed dur ing the administration of Gen. Grant. OHIO. Thc devastation by a Water spout. By Telegraph to thc Review. Columbus, August 5 Night. Infor mation tcMlay is that trains on thc Ohio (Antral arc not running further South than Waxahalla, and thc road will rc .iiiirc several weeks of repair before they can get beyond that 6oint. Thc loss by the waterspout ou Thursday is much creator than at first supposed. Kmni a nuint three miles north of Ciniin.' down to South Bend and up 9 I - m L jf a 1 A . . the west bmncli oi tne unio cenirai w Iluckinham, a distance of 16 to 18 mUeft. the track h almost entirely de stroyed. For milos it cannot be ob served that the railroad was located there. Most all ot the live stock in tho two valleys was swept away. It is believed that the loss to railroads, mines, &c, will approximate half a million. FOKEIUN NEWS. (By Cable to Dally Review.) London. Auz. 5 Night. A dis- natch to ffiwilni Telegram Company, ilated Alexandria. 6.35 p. m., says: At 5 o'clock this evening, the British troops with a number of field guns, as silted by sailors, attacked the advance 1 uard of Arabi l'asha, near Kamlch. 'n Mhnimlirh i innl and Cairo I ft,,, - m a.U'nnl lirWiM I ftlfk pn mvs nobiuon irom uiree sw.-. im . m m, ft ft ifti he " engagement, which is or a senons na ture, still continues. Arabi Pasha sent U men with a white flag to the British camp this morning. The partv was re ceived by Maj. Pnngle, but the inter view was without result. 1 ; Alexandria, Aug. 5 Night The object of the operations to-day was a reconaisance in force, commencing at 4 o'clock this p. m, A steady advance was .made, the marines upon the rail road line, the rifles upon thc West bank oi thc Mahmoodiou Canal and the South Staffordshire regiment upon the East bank. The enemy was driven in from their advance posts and compell ed to bring into action all of their troops available, in front of their prin cipal line of intrenchments at Kafar El Dowar, mainly about four battalions oliirdantry. a force of calvary and ev cral guns. Tho latter were completely eihUKni by the accurate fire of our 40 pounders. The Egyptian infantry held their ground with considerable stead i- Tbe mannes on me rauroao. the immediate com mand off General Allison, pushed the enemy back upon their second line of entrenchment toward Kafr FJ Dowae The marine were supported by the South Staffordshire regiment and the rifles. They suffered somewhat, but . , m w a . a "iw w.uo 1 R "T. , ,,v J. ' ...vw. . j lU0 nun operation., wnicu w w ?,5 m enemy 10 .'P??""0 and what guns they had in front of the position, was completeljattained. xms was ascertamea oy nifnanu, wnen the British riowly aoa sieaouj w. drew. No accurate rewu wounded are yet attainable. The ene mas loas is also unknown. A large nmDbof wounded fell into the hanos of the British, and many dead were -een. A considerable number of the enemy were made pi isoners. The Bn Sh recruits made successful expen ients with the forty pounders men tioned, while mounted on their iron clad railroad track. TeleffTOPblc isrevltlea. Mrs. ScoTille, sister of Guiteaa, -a . wtiHnn for a divorce from has her oc his husband alleging cruelty on two casions and passionaic ui uart. as the cause, on DOMESTIC MARKETS. I By Telegraph to Dally Eevtew riNAJfcaaL. KW Yokk, Aug. J-&!25a 1 . jqc flnvprnmcnUlinCnQ "S.r to Md a htf vZXi. i 3 Mr cent.; State bonas inactive. COM3ir.ItCIAL. Cotton quiet; sales 391 baha; Uplands ,o . ,T. HnrWns 13i: consolidated wUwV net receipts 711; exports to Continent 687. ptr-ir Southern steadily held with trade quiet; common to fair extra , 5 to. 90; gooil to choice do f8$7.75. Wheat, thiols a shade higher, clos ing firm ata triflo under best rates 0 2 spring $1.40 bid ; ungraded red $1.02 $1 16?; No. red, August $1.14 $1,154.- Corn, cash a suaoe betterun graded M No August . 85i66i; OatsAli nigner aim r - very nrm ; No3 6363i. Coffee quiet, SSS and unchanged; quoted at 810 ; joS lots f- gSir unchanged in price and very quiet, fair to good rerd quoted at 3-167I .tn.i nnA Molasses quiet and steady Rice firm. Rosin quiet and unchanged. Spirits turpentine farm ..nj ..nintjr, Fork, cash lots dull "Clrnnminal old mOSS Spot SSSSl rnew cW. $21.50 $22; September S21.4Ol.O0. 1 open cri iWOT- hut nfWwards recover ed and advanced a trifle, closing rather weaker . again; trade rny prime sieam, spoi, rr ioX August 12.75; September gJ2? -refined quoted at 12.90. Freights to Liv erpool firm ; cotton per steam, 1 !fcrf wheat, steam. 5Ad. Cotton, net receipts 91 ; gross receipts up vnnroR closed dull and easy; sales 10 000; August 12.98 12.99 .-September 12.57; October 11.93; November 11.73; iwmhpr il.734Pll.74 :Januarv 11.82 fi)11.83; February 11.9411.96 ;T March 12.0612.08; April 12.18012.20; May 12.3012 32 St. Louis, Aug. 5 Night. Flour quiet and unchanged, AVheat opened lower, advanced and closed slightly above yesterday's prices; No. 2, red, fall 97 cash; 97 August; 98 Septem ber Corn firmerat 7576 cash; 744 September. Oats active, firmer and higher at 45i4C cash; 395 August; 35? September. Whiskey steady at $1.15. Tork dull, .jobbing $21.25. Bulkmeats quiet, shoulders 9.50 ; short rib 12.80; short clear 13i. Lard 12.15. -4X COTTON MARKETS. tBy Telegraph to Daily Review. August 5. a- Night. Galveston quiet at 12 ; Norfolk, steady at 12 ; Balti more firm at 12 15-16 Boston steady at 13i ; Philadelphia, firm at 13 ; Sa vannah, steady at 12; New Orleans, quiet at 12; Mobile, quiet at 12; Memphis, steady at 12$; Augusta, quiet at 12; Charleston, quiet at 12A. NAVAL STORE6. By Telegraph to Dally Review. J Charleston, Aug. 5 Night. Spir its turpentine 424 cents. Kosin for Strained and $1.45 for Good Strained. , . Savannah, Aug. 5 Night. Spirits turpentine firm at 4l cents. Rosin steady at $1.60 for Strained and Good Strained. BANK STATEMENT, TByTelearaDh to Dallv Review. Nftw York. Auz. 5 Night The klv statement of the associated banks is as follows: Loans increase ;27 1.430: SDeeie decrease $1,950,000: legal tenders decrease $642,900; de posits increase $414,800; circulation increase $68.200 : reserve decrease $2, H96.600. The banks now hold in excess of all legal requirements $2,634,425. Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs. rats. mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleaned out by "Rough on Hats. ldc. Indications. - For the South Atlantic States, local rains, and partly cloudy weather, winds mostly from the south west, stationary or slight rise in temperature and pres sure. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay ette ville-, G. W. Williams & Co. Steamer Minnehaha, Burruss, Smith ville. Master. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith' ville, Master. H J j C CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master. Steamer Minnehaha, Burruss, Smith ville. Master. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay ettville, G. W. Williams & Co. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R. P. Paddison. Br, barqucurine Ellen Holt, Duncan, Roaario, Argentine Republic, E Kidder & Sons. Nor. barnuentine Palanda, Henriken, Antwerp, Patterson, Downing & Co. Exports. FOREIGN. Kotturk). Argentine Republic Br. barnuentine Ellen Holt 344,753 feet of lumber. Antwerp Xor barquentine Palanda 1,750 casks spirits turpentine; 143 barrels rosin. Church Services To-Day. Si. Jim. Cbun oThtrdaandRcd r.rrrZ o!..J ttr frtnltT. Amrut S. Morn- lnr Praver una twuraw" o'clock, sun- da v School at 6 P- E veiling Prayer at 6 o'clock. r . .. er at 6 o'clock. Fifth streets. Ber. J. B. Taytor'. i. Sunday Softool at AS2&n. jfc 2T Pratiuhuradfly night at 8V4 o'clock. Church, Rev. F. corner 01 ou.iu -t- . ,r- v 'DM.h.i( PMtnr. EDKlian Bcrrices l 11 .Tnr. Gerian -wTVceaat 8 ft. m- Sunday School. 9.30 a. m., W. H. Strauss, Supt. Joint aorTiccs oi the irat .p f.. and Orange streeU. at 11 a. m-, Sd cmX corner Fourth and Camp ati:15p.m. Servicoa by Rev. Joseph bell ets. K. WU C Prist Church (CousreaonuU9t)S un street nwcen Sixth and Seventh. Rev. p. PifS VTi WwhiM services at 11 o'clock. n n II. mlnUter. Preaching tvx - u - S KpTr and PraisTnm. Wcdneaday 8 o'clock, p.m. Sunday School, 235SK, in lFin Hall, corner ,th andSunsta. St Tbomae' Pro-Cathclral. First Ma6a at . am. Second Ma, at 10 a. Vesper, and Beoedlction at 5 o'clock p m. Daily Mass at 6:30 am. . Second Baottet Church, on Sixth, between i-. . v.a ftx at o streets. Ltev. o. x. "'"o P.Bmr srrlces at 11 a. m. and fe p. m. sun- day School at 9 a. m- .Prayer Tnesdav nijrht. meeting every St Paul's Episcopal fturcn. of Fourth and Orange .stow."; t: Morninjc Prayer a 2ftt " "r! .... . ,.1 .-w o'clock; bier, Rector. gVi. o'clock. Scats free. K.VPniIlIT I 1 BYOl J v u-. i vt Street M. E. Church, south, cornei i wont :md AVainui streei. Frank II Services at 11 a- m and 8 p. W. M. Parker, minerintendent. rraver mecuug "". , IT XsSuou TuesdaV evening after hrst and taSdsSStatbs. at S o'clock Seats free and strangers and 1sltoi-s cordially invite. at B O ClOCK. uiiotiu" Services t 11 a, m. ana ------ ing at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meows j ing at Mt o'clock. First Baptist Church, (col.) comer of Fifth and Campbell streets.Tv. M. Cemway pwtor. Sundav School at 9 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. , 3 p. m. and S p. m. If yon have any Bkin diseases oy dis eases of tho hair or scalp, any itching or discolorations, sun burns, freckles, pirii ples, rough or dry harsh skin, you have fnDr.crW. Benson's Skin Cure, a sure, perfect and elegant remedy, bold by all druggists NEW AIVEBTISMENTS. SEASONABLE GOODS AT STEVENSON'S. 5,000 LBS. SUGAR CURED AND N. C. HAMS. Nl c. roe herring. 20 Bbls. Wholesale and Retail. NEW MACKEREL, 50 Kitts No. 1, a ana-J, Prioea 90c ami 76c. 25 BUSHELS PEACHES, to be sold to-day. i isA nm.s ftOITR la stock, prices reauceu j .1 wholesale and retail to correspond with thc decline in Western markets. Mine is the only place In the city where Cof fee is Roasted. I have it rresn every uaj, Java, Laguyra and Rio J. C. Stevenson. aug o Very Best Hams 18c per lb. TE DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE THE largest stock, or to have larger and better fa cilities for doing business than any house in this city or State; nor do we claim to be the first to get a new line of goods. But we do say no house in this clty has a nicer, fresher or better selected stock than ours. And as to prices try us and Judge for yourself. As to new goods, we have had Flour made from this year's Wheat, (1882) since July 10, 1882, and offer all goods as low or lower than any house in the city. Crapon & Pickett, WHOLESALE AND I RETAIL GROCERS, aug 4 16 and IS South Front Street. "Bless the Babies" ! B ARY CARRIAGES AND PERAMBULA tors la fan stock ; large variety and low prices. ALSO, FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, of all styles and at all prices. D. A. SMITH & CO., June 18. North Front street. SEED COTTON Wanted. TREPARATORY TO TUE OPENING OF IT the sew season, we call attention to the fact that we WILL PAY THE HIciHEbT MAR KET PTtiCES FOR SEED COTTON. Apply at WiUard's. augS-U Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. -CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. XJARD 8A LOOK ATTACHED. MISCELLANEOUS. Remember KEEP FTJIX AND COMPLETE fflHAT X stocks, oipplv,Krp;teBt Av-f-r Prh.tkiM oomponnded any over Sta. , MundsBros, -pRCGGISTS, WILMINGTON, NORTH rollBny, rreet. uSSSS! ?hS? lra beany North CaroUna welcome. Jv 2. Notice. mHE SCHK ROSE WILL BE SOLD AT 1 Smithvillc on the 15th day of August . amwwp'" rt MjraiiiMt her will All i ii 1 t ii . uirullWl i'l 1U li v Claims must be will be pal.l arier u. -Tit Smith to ville, Brunswick Co., . L. aug 5-tf Pine Grove, WBIGHTSVII.lK, . . Lv., the 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. AT L'.a nnn C ,VIT. TIOATS ad OKI "HARRY HILL" to take you out Boating or anywhere else. Just asK iot vuo ow you want it WIUSQN MAKMNG. Propr. iuiy25-tf - ; -HA Simon "RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE XL baa embarked m tne f aiionns ; ,"uol"?" vr .iiiincr And rAnablc of makinsr, dye- Clothinff. All or- deli promy atWndeVl to." Prices molerate -Shop on Market between Second and Thirtl sts. july H ; noVDTWorrilL TTNDKRTAKER. CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street opposite. utbriana's nnsncetfuliv sonciis oruoiis u . gOOU ttuw, -I , c t XrnrTrVunwl. - may 16-U , s. ,,,.,.viit rtn ivfrv an hausiucuuu " "'""J Z . . . . .1 v , , Home Made Candy. -pURE AND WHOLESOME. All kinds made fresh every dayat cnnnH fttwt thivo, dftOTBTbelow the Foet w.wwf -" - A A fflce. aayltf -p R. BRIDGrERS, ESQ., P,.owlrnt Wilminarton & Wcldon R. R. Co. erw-rijuM. tkp, notice, that we require you to construct such a draw in your bridge aeross -Mnrt lionet-. or ine uauc rear aes w nei-mit steameis to navigate;that stream wltu- out obstruction. - july H-3m BAGLEY A LOVE. Just Received. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE lot of Flowers am redueinc mv stock of Fans, Parasols and other Fancy Goods at very i- -n-rino a tr make room for the first Fall prices stock. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, . .Exchange Corner. jnly 11 Ladies' and Misses Cloth Button Boots at Cost. XTTE WISH TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK OF LADIES' AND MISSES Cloth Button Boots ! and will sell them at cost. Call and secure a pair. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS. 39 N. Front St. july 19 To Make Home Beautiful - M r . T r- -V M TWT TgAVE YOUR WALLS jj-a-iouxaj-wjvw with our superior Tinted Marbeline in all shades; it costs a fourth the price of Pain tin and is both durable and beautiful; can refer you to some of the best work In the city. Onr Extra Pure White Lead and Paints we are selling as low as inferior grades are offered. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, At Factory Prices Agency for the celebrated EMERALD AND ZEB VANCE COOKING STOVES. Our large line of Hardware Is well knowi and we are every day receiving new suppHe Give a call at; NATHANIEL JACOBrS, Hardware Depot; inn 18 tf 10 South Front St. New! 50 PIECES FIGURED LAWNS, At 5 cento per yard PfERES FIGURED LAWNS, ; At 6 cento per yard. 100 A beautiful stock of Ladies' and Gent's Handkerchiefs. Towels, etc july si JNO. J. HEDR1CK. A New Lot o F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR sale low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va Uses at prices to suit the times. ST Repairing executed neatly and with dis patch. J. H. MALLARD, Successor to Mallard fane IS-tf No. S MISCELLANEOUS, SUMMER GOODS ! AT K ATZ 86 MARKET STREET Extraordinary Bargains! DRESS GOODS! A IX THE LATEST NOVELTI Ks ins, Surrah and Brocade, SHks, M..uv ttque, Tlnael. Koute. Nun's VsUtau, Buntings, all wool Beiges, Lawiw, Tminw to match 7 ' White Goods In every style, texture and uuaUtv nnn Pf iue, Tucking, Linen and Linen LavraaT Embroideries In Cmbrlcs. Nainsooka Ami - passe-1 1u V orUmanahlp and Price. Laces Im i ported from almost everyjiountry, kouctt d sold as special iobs. an GLO VES .1 HOSIERY ! 1 CORSETS ! HANDKERCHIEFS, C0LLAB8, SC A RFSlRIBBONS. VEILINGS. CREPETNO A CREPE VEILS, VANS PAPunit . 1 - mwuuuu:, In endless variety and astonishing taw p,nna ffousekeeping Ooods J LINEN & COTTON 8HEETINQ8.D AM ASK8, Napkins, Towels, MEN and BOY WEAR, LADIES' GENTS' & CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. i In short evervthinsr desirable for an outfit. and at Prices that defy competition. can ana save money by patronizing M. KATZ, june 18 30 MARKET ST. (0 ft K if m be 0 I o I 0. I u 0 S a S a a ' o 5 a I o a K 0 I 5 a I e I i CP S3 CP a e e o I I a 2 J Ph as XXL S a 5 u o to o a o New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FHOM NEW YORK BT WEDNESDAY AND SATUBDAT at 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM Wednesdsf, Aaf - REGULATOR.. Saturday, Af irMMilir. Aof ' ACTl-Wlfc. GULF STREAM SatnraT'; A" May Through Bills Lading and LOW" Through Rates guaranteed to and from ro in North and South Carolina. For Freight Engagementoppy THOMAS E. BOND, Superintendent- Wilmington, THEO. G. EGKR, Freight Agent, $5 Broadway, 5ewT WM. P. CLYDE CO. jury SO-tf. Ice Cream and SodaVVaten j KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ICE CREAMand SODA VATER. with pure fruit juices, cusiu reasonable ptlees. FRKD. SMAlL just North of Garrhjaanad near m wck, SmIthvflleiN. C '" Genera) A,

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