WjBASJS NOTIOB. ' 1 I , ml m v W B wtt 1 m b m mm , 1 m , 1 m m ; gene . sav em mm mm m mm w mm. - mm m mi m mi mm m mw mw i - - mmm i nm m mm mm mm mm m mm mm curkn free JOSH T. JAMES, BIHfw ai.urnoraiBTon. ... AIM. SU .1 00. One !. J; will be delivered by ?ilL la OW Tt f UK, city at the abort r.,lr Kw ana nuemi. ..mT), will rer any and all fall- " r their paper rcgnuriy. Daily Hcriew has the Ltirgest VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. O. THURSDAY. AUGUST 10 1882. ! NO. 189. i . - p ' i - - - rmlniion. of any newspaper . j in Ike city of Wilmington. fnfiALNEWR ll8a ti w ADftimtwim. ..-ror fate n o aw Mi Mil H fH Ki.rr-0-nir Bennett Green Club WIII it Kan r niue io S lin The must fa-iii"na,,' gentlemen ar fumwfcaJ bjr PrEK A SoK . - f jjr r. Willis, of the Dramatic 6tV of Taruoro. wu in to see us yes- imfay. Tar members of the Bennett-Green llab are requested to meet at the Court Hoi- this evening at 8. o'clock. Mr. Elizabeth Sliolar who was rieken with paralysis on Saturday last, fed ytsterday morning. TV steamship tiulf Stream, Captain lagram. left here at 9 o'clock p. m., erday. for New York. Freshwater Perch.Trout mad Black sjb books and lines. A flail ' assort- ftt JACOM'S.t H a rehouse and Elevator opposite this city, has been lengthened .. i now MM a capacity of Tat Hibernian Henetnlant Assoc ia tioa will give an excursion down the river to-day on the Passport. A pleas sat time is anticipated. 1 Tat many friends of Mr. W. B. Orr ia tonicity, will regret to hear of his critical ill ni en at his home in Alabama for some time past been suffer af from mat fell destroyer consump- Tb excursion to Waocaniaw Lake tan morning will be well attended. The nttee hare pertected alt tncir ar ils, and promise a good time to all. The train will leave promptly at 9 o'clock. Exports Ko re if ii. Nor. barqne Drectia. Capt. Jensen, cleared yesterday for New Castle-on-Tyae. with 3.500 barrels rosin, valued at $6,500. shipped by Messrs. Alex. Npruot & Sob. The Circus is Coming. S. II. Barretts Circus will exhibit in this cgy on Monday the 1 1th of Septem ber. Look out boys j the circus bills will be np in a short time and you can look at the elephants and lions etc. But wont the saw dust smell nice. Criminal Court. Tab tribunal was in session y aster - dsy and disposed of the following State vs. Louis Moti. larceny assjaaOubmits. State vs. John W. MoGuire. marking hogs. Cass on trial. eaas claimed the attention of the Court daring the day. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at J ago sis. t Two Circus Troupes In the State Maybury, Pullman & Hamilton's Q reus and Menagerie will ahortly be exhibited in this State. Their agents are now at (Greensboro making arrange ments lor their appearance in that town. S. II. Barrett's areas, which exhibits in (Joldsboro on the 96th will fo via Raieigh to Charlotte and thence oa the Carolina Central Railroad to tmseity. The Encampment Abandoned. De. Mis-This Yesterday was the day settled upon timeagoby thcEdgocombeGuards Columbia marched down The Firemen's Parade. The colored firemen of this city, to gether with the Victor Fire Company of Kaleigh. )utmded yesterday aller- ,.. i ' i . - - i i i . uwii. aiio j ' 1 1 m iMK hi iunuett at me Atlantic Garden on Oth anil Swaun streeth at 3 o'clock, iu the following or der: Raleigh brass band, Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company No. 3, Victor Fire Company, Raleigh Cadet Couipauy, Little Cclumbia No. 5, of Kidder's Hill, ami Dread Not. ol Brooklyn. Tbc march was down Swann street to Fourth, dowu Fourth to Red Cross, down Rod Cross to Front, down Front to Castle, up Castle to i Third, and up Third to Dock, where addresses were delivered to the tire men. His Honor, Mayor Smith, welcomed the visiting firemen to the city, and ex pressed a desire that they would be pleased with their visit. James H. Jones, foreman of tho Victors, thanked the Mayor for his welcome and good wishes expressed for them. Just at this functure Geo. L. Mabson stepped forward on the stand, and presented the Cape Fear boys with a new and pretty United States flag, it being the gift of Maggie Davis, . a young col ored woman of this city. Valentine Howe received it in behalf of his com -pany and thanked the donor for her gift and assured her that his company would ever prize it. At the conclusion of the speeches the line of march was taken up and the companies marched to Sixth md Mar ket streets, where they broke ranks for the contest of speed the prize being a handsome swinging silver ice pitcher and cup, which would be award edto the company making the best time in run ning with a hose reel carrying 300 feet of hose a distance of 250 yards, and run ning 100 feet of hose from the reel, at taching it to a hydrant and supplying water. The reel and hose weighed 1,000 pounds and each company was allowed ten men for the reel, one for the hose and one for the hydrant Only ten men pulled the reel. Chief of the Fire Department Robin son, Mr. R. M. Houston, Elijah Lane, Altrad Howe and J. C. HUl wore selected as iudares. The distance, 250 yards, was measured off and every" thing declared in readiness tor tho con test. The Little Columbia, No. 5, led off; they made the run and threw water in two minutes. It is but justice to say that this company lost time by getting a rope on the reel foul, which tripped two of their members when they had run only about 125 yards, and their in- . 1 . 1 I 1 A experience in working me nyurams. The next run was made by the Cape Fear Company, No. 3. They ran the distance and complied with all the re" quire m en ts of the rules of tho contest mtl threw water in one minute. The Dread Nots took the next run and threw water in one minute and ten seconds. They did not make their nozzle ooup" ling tight and the nozzle was blown off by the force of thewater. The Victor de olined to run as they did not understand the handling of a hydrant. Valentine Howe, toremanof the Cape Fear, offer ed them his throe best men to Work the hydrant, hose and coupling, it' . they .ntiM take oart in the contest. Ther hstill declined to make the mn-anthe tiremen assembled around the joylges fUnd to witness the prestation Sf the oriza J. C. HiU pisesntati'i in a little speech, in whioh he alluded to thdfaith ful serssce of the firemen. Valentine Howe received it in behalf of p.is; com -pany. He alluded to the friendly feel ing existing between the nretwem and the city, and urged his men to perpetu ate it, and pledged the nearly services of his oompauy to ths oitirens o wage war aaamst the subtle nre dend. The Viator Twrmmv wax escorted to the 1 AUajttieardesH whese they are guar tered, fty the Dread Ifets and the-f ifttle Msrkct Axes uimI Planks. Now that was a nice row in which Bill THE MAILS DIED. Themalla close and arrive at the City Tost Howard and Jim Sones, two colored ow : close worthies, engaged in on f nesday. j ?,?;:-f!f- Kaleigh .30 1. M. anl 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes Ml no lied therefrom inr.hid- o l.t ulv w.is hurt Itnl fhrtv wanf.ul (U i"K A. & . C. Railroad a 5.40 A. M. .. v . mrmz i m southern ..8.00 P. M. i Howard was armed with a piece of plank and Jones was heeled with an axe. SHOLAK In this citr, on the 9th last.. Mrs. E. A. SUOLAR. aged 50 years, 3 month? ami 10 lars. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to .attend the funeral from her late residence on Fifth street, between Nunn and Church, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4.30 o'clock. from our friends o t tntereat but The name of the writer must ahrara be far nlshcd to the Editor. Communications must be o"c akto ofnhe pier. Personalities must be avoided. And it is eapeeiarty and partlcalariy nadar ood that the Editor docs not always endor be r lew s of correspondents mlM n hi the edltorlil columns. - i f" NEW ADVERTrS BMEHTH SUMMER GOODS ! matter Uxed up by the Courts, flow-I daily Mails for all points South, Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, NEW ADVBRTISMENTS. et'n 5 50 P. M.tlll nWVV.w ..w..ura.)ir.iuiic3 iwi , (except Sunday) .5.30 P. M. trying to chop him without being axed ; ah points between llamlct and Ral to do so, and Jones took ont a warrant against Howard because ho was bored and couldn't stand being planked down. Justice Milbs bound them both over to the Criminal Court. The Excursionists and Fire men. About 500 excursionists arrived in this city yesterday morning via the Carolina Central Railroad from Raleigh. About one hundred of the number were whites, who were provided with sepa rate coaches. The Victor Are company and a cadet company were a part of the excursionists. These organizations were escorted to the Atlantic Gardens, cor ner Ninth and Swann streets, by the colored fire organizations of this city. The. Raleigh firemen were taken around to the engine-house where they for the first time in their lives saw a steam fire engine. They and their friends spent the day walking about the city, but their attention was particularly attract ed by the shipping in port. The excur sionists are orderly and well behaved and we trust they are pleased with their visit to the metropolis of the State. Pnttinr a Stop to a Dangerous Habit. The railroad authorities have been annoyed for some time past by little col ored boys, who congregate about the yards and depot shea. They frequently run dangerous risk in stealing rides on the trains which are being shifted from one track to another in the yard. The engineers have frequently been com pelled to stop their trains and leave their engines to go to the assistance and ex tricate small boys from dangerous po sitions, in" which they had placed them selves . The little boy whose foot was cut off a few days ago was one of the crowd whioh had frcquent'y been warned against jumping on and off the trains while in motion. In order to prevent further trouble and accident, the railroad authorities have had one of their employee sworn in as a special policeman to watch, these -boys and put a slop to tbeir loafing on the com pany's property. Two of the boys were arrested yesterday and placed in the city prison for a hearing before the Mayor's Court this morning. M. for Cherawund Oarlimrton Rail. road 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M. Fayette vUle and offices on Cape. Fear River, Fridays ...1.00 P.M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5.50 P. tit Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sunday) 8.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and war mails. .. .7.30 A. M. Southern Mails 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9.30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to rill., and ; from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. X, Y, Z rjUIREE ROOMS TO RENT AT Mrs,. Free man's on Front street. Apply to J. K . BROW 5 use 10 It AT sj KATZ'8, 36 MAKKKT STHEKT. Extraordinary Bargains I DRESS GOODS! HOtGl BrUnSWICKa ins. SnmUi and Brocade, Sftks. Kobe An. tique. Tinsel. Enuk v. V.mA mir? , aque. Tinsel, Xotde, Nun's V iunung8, ait wool Beiges, La SMiTUVlLLE.N. C. , ' jot ui,. HO UUU1 TVlRECTLYlN FltONT OF TftE OCEAN, Witt Trinunlnga to match. and twenty -five miles below Wilmington. The HOTEL BRUNSWICK is a new stent For Sale. aaiar aSQsjiSFMliiaSi jl. . w mm tMft to Tarooro toim int thir .nnn.l aii- I Vmnt aaiSD JrSsot Street to ttieir en- apnient at Fort Johnson. We re-i fine hs. TliS pirfs1 wos. by the V. learn that the proposed encanyn Cape Fear was attached to the tag-pole thas been abandoned on account and was triumphantly carriedjto the e receet coDioun and freunent rajna. mWne hmm. The CSapa Fear eomia- TV- luruhon. r , i.- I m'ftwtiil . Mantua at ihvlx nail from li o'olpck this morning ulitll 3 ... IT A o'clock this afternoon. iae rnor How to Wash Flannels. Tho belief is quite general that soft, all-wool flannels cannot be washed without shrinking and getting yellow, and for these reasons .many persons de ny themselves the luxury of wearing them. But there is no foundation in fact for such a belief, as' the softest and finest flannels may bo washed an indef inite number of times without becom ing harsh or yellow, or shrinking in the least, if the following method is inva riably pursued: Dissolve a small quantity of good soap in hot water; add cold water enough to form a sufficient quantity of suds. Be careful not to have the suds too strong. Pot the flannels in the cold suds and let-Shem soak for several hours, when, unless tfiey are very much soiled, they can be pleanscd perfectly by a Httle tubbing. Jt. Uiey -are very dirty it may be necessary to change the suds in which they are soaked Ifip or three times, liinse in ooid water soften td with a little soan or borax. Do not r i tK.truii ri ii. rx;b Soatf noon fhv flannels. dissolved borax should be at water in whioh but no blueing should ever be used Borax softens and whitens them ; blue ing renders them unsightly. Jt is best to always irbhilarrnwa -before they are quiet dry. ; : : : t f : Rescued from Death. William J. Coughlin of Somerville Mass., says: In the fall ofl876 I was taken with bleeding of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. I lost my appe tite and flesh, and I was confined to my bed. In 1877 I was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the lungs. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feel better and to-day I feel better than for three years past. 1 write this hoping every one afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that Consumption can be cured. I can positively say it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sickness. STATE NEWS. DESIRABLE BUILDING ted on the corner of Wright and LOT SITUA- Second streets. Suitable for a store, a dwelling, or both. Will be sold very cheap. Title good. For particulars, apply to H. O. CRIAG, At Wm. Goodman's, No; 8. Market St., aug 10-lt WUmington, N. C. i White Goods everZ style, texture and quality possible Pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen Lawns Flu t. t Embroideries Excursion. rjiHE HIBERNIAN BENETOLENT Society, will give an Excursion THURSDAY next, Au gust 10th, on the Steamer Possport, to Smith ville and the Forts. Refreshments at city pri ces. Fare for the round trip, 50 cents; child ren half price. aug 6-2t-su-t h James A. Willard, JENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND PURCHASING AGENT, S. E. Cor. Charles and Pratt Sts., aug 9-3m Baltimore, Md. X litfl . a iiiiawiiteiyof Mr lUoSvine to an umimeiy ueaen ny iaiiing into a with which a colored ring the piazza, on Thursday evening last. It seems that the child was playing, about on the wet floor and slipped, falling backwards into the tub, ajjoThough snatched from the scaldinsr water almost instantly she never lived more than 13 hours. A i . . A flannels are wfched, tuo or not wai I . . . . , t i t-i -i i f i l- . ill ri ti iT Greensboro Bugle : Hon A H Van Bokkelen and wife,of Wilmington, spent yesterday in town. A rabid doga tacked Capt. Worley, who resides on Church street, this morning in his own house and came very near biting him and one of his children. He killed the dog.in the house. Durham Plant : The recent heavy rains have done considerable damage both to crops and mill and bridge prop erty. Deputy-Sheriff Farthing came down Monday morning with thirteen prisoners trom milsboro jail. There were twelve men and one woman. There are several important suits tojeome up this term of our court. On docket are six divorce suits that stand for trial, and one for breach of promise, in which the damages are put at $5,000. The court is likely to be a lively one, and a large crowd in attendance. Nctvs and Observer: Mr. David C. Dudley, who was so terribly wounded six weeks ago, is getting well again. The negro who struck him has never been captured. The vaults of the uew court house were yesterday com pleted. Work on tho front of the build ing, which has been suspended for ten days, will be resumed. If some good violinist who could call figures for the fashionable dances could make Raleigh his home, he would no doubt meet with encouragement. Bufe Stan ley's place needs to be filled by some one. The young people about Frank linton we learn are going to have a dance on the 17th inst., and will have to send to .Petersburg for music, because there is no good prompter with any of our bands, sinee Stanley's death. Robcsonian: A more promising pros pect for a bountiful harvest has not been seen in a number ot years. In the AsliDole and Cotton Vallev vicinitv the verdant scenery along the roadside is sufficient to stimulate the energies of the agriculturist of any country. Wc regret that it becomes our painful duty to chronicle the death of Archie McK. McPhaul, who departed - this life op Sunday, July 30th, after a lingering attack 'of typhoid fever, aged 21. years and a few (lays. r-Lictle fjiii infer of Mr Wm llowper, came Mosquito Nets. ALL READY TO HANG OVER YOUR bed. No excuse for resting badly, when ypu can get a Mosquito bar so cheap, and a food Hair Mattress if you wish it. Leave or ers at S. JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front St. Upholstering done by the best of workmen. Bird Cages. SETS. LAMPS AND in Cmbrics, Nainsooks and aw passed in Workmanship and Price. Laces I Im an OKgaBati!..'11 GLOVES I ,31 iJ ilk- :1b HOSIERY I M iS!-dNiawi CORSETS ! LAMP rpOTLET JL Ooods. Preserving Kettles. Brass and Enam eled, Clothes Hampers, and In fact any thing louna in a fikst-cjlass nouse rurmsmng store, Southern Oak Cook Stove, VERr CHEAP, al PARKER TAYLOR'S, aug 6 I ' J9 South Front St. Simon Bear RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE has embarked in the Tailoring business. He is both willing and capable of making, dye ing, scouring antl repairing Clothing. All or ders promptly attended to. Prices moderate Marki Shop on july 13- cet between Second and Thirdjsta. Attention Teachers. JJEMEMBER UHATI KEEP ALL THE SCHOOL BOOKS adopted by the State. Also many other STANDARD TEXT BOOKS. A liberal discount to teachers. " School and office supplies, Fancy Goods, Pianos, Organs, &c. aug 6 HANDKERCHIEFS , COLLARS, SCARFS, RIBBONS, FANS, PARASOLS. In endless variety and astonishing Low Prices. Housekeeping Goods I LINEN & COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS , Napkins, Towels, MEN and BOYS' WEAK, LADIES' GENTS' ft CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. In short every thing desirable ' for an outfit. and at Prices that defy competition. van aiii uiunvy uy fmtTOfUfing ' M. M. KATZ, - - - I - - - june 18 M UAMKm T. For Sale. rNE SADDLE AND BRIDLE, XT 7 TTAnoi.' wr a t trtiii V'ICj nuivi, DUiUI&Ci sou ,i:u, i One Halter and Summer Laprobe. -Apply aug 6 p. O. BOX 571, City I. iii YATES' BOOKSTORE. REMOVAL. Mercantile Printing House J HAVE MOVED MY OFFICE TO THE commodious, throe-story building, in rear of DeRosset ft Co's office, half way up Custom House Alley. Having bought a new, large press and added materially to my stock of typo, I am prepared to do work of all kinds with promptness. Will be pleased to have my menus can. ang G-3t WM. L. DeROSSET, Jr. 1 li. BRIDGEHS, ESQ., ifJ President Wilmington ft Weldon B. B. Co. S Hi -Please take notice, that we require you w wiisinivt Bucn uraw in your in nit aei . ! . . . . T . . . . the Northeast branch of Vhe Cape Fear a Brill pciTOit8teame.stonavigate;thatstreah Whb out obstructioar i Jku - july ll-3m -f ine Crove, - TXTRIGHTSrVTLLE, N. C, SfTOAT AT TW GOOD SAFE8AIL "HARRY HILL" to take yon out any where else Just ask for the beet wken IKD. WILSON MANNdG, Procv. july 2S-tf Tmnptie BOATS and Ohl sotokor ompanv farmers who could not leave crops. We are told that some C0Uon and cornfields in that section are mpietely submerged with water. "Rouajli on BataV 'Tears OOt raia. mln mvkM Aim. bed-bua, skunks, chipmunks. lac- Depot. u friendo tuner m said a lady appear so happy alt have Farters the reply, Cer Tonin h.iwtw KaiUS niysafr and family in wpoA mZL JLn I MQ well I alwaysfeesi d aatared." See other column. rifl kave for their hcmie. Ala cvamng. No Fever. A telegram was received yesterday by a. jjsmw' . JS su af. Katt from ocr quondam Mr. 6. P. Thomas, who now Ursa at Laredo, Tea suuag there is net a ease of yellow layer wH two hmerred andrrfty miles of thai place. Mr. Thomas and his slater wofedrom this city several years ago and havo since been living in Laredo. . Bl mgaw, N. C, Aug. 8th, 1882. At a meeting ot the Democratic ExecnM rs tive Conimitteee of render county, held here to-day, a convention of the Demo era tic nartv was called to meet at this place on Monday, the 9th day of Octo ber, at 12 o'clock, M.. to nominate can didates for the various county offices and for the legislature. The Township Conventions toelect pdirdcdTo WlJ on 1 5th dayof September at 12 o'clock, at the respec tive voting places of each township. Qn motion the aanoetary was request ed to forward these proceedings to the Wilmington "Review and Star for pub lication. A. II. Paddison, Sec. Com, Newbern Journal: Mr J W Mor General Freiglit ami Passenger Agent of the Midland Railway, moves his headquarters to uoldsboro, where he relieves Mr G W Collier, the sta tion agent. Mr A M Woolredge is ap pointed as station agent at this place. We learn that Mr Thomas E Gas kins, of this count v, died at his home on yesterday morning. His death was sadden, he having been up early in tnc Groceries Wholesale. JCases LYE arid POTASH, 200 Boxes SOAP aml STARCH, 100 Boxe CRACKERS and CANDY, frrfWydfee SODA and BREAD PREPTN, 1 lMarfl,xos TOBACCO arwl SSUFF, f Fkmr, Meal, Bacon, Lard Molasses, Vans, Hay, Corn, Oats, Hoop Iron, Gme. Spirits Caaks, Bungs, Paper Bags, Twine, Axle Grease, Ac. For sale by Kerclmer & Calder Bros. u6 Foreclosure Sale. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of the Superior Court of New Han over count f, made in a cause there pending between Rnfas 8. Tucker, Platatitr, and D. S. Cowan, Executor of M- E. Brinkley, D. S. Cowan and wife Sarah S. Cowan, T. C. Mcll. henny, C. M. Stedmau, and Margaret Repiton, Will it Rain or SMM-fa- , hi.t aef Morrow ? Qi.r, PBODABtunn. ossbilB Yn. it win oeieci, a no UMneaie cenecCly, or a storm quarter Farmers i prediction. a single orason. There rm Is aypmsLihaia, aaaafflil eial it comes invaluable to nariter. raa plan their work according; 40 H ns. It will sftre Sfty tnmtmmmmt In blth tow'tr'iawthtae price of the combination. ror mm mi Jul? 3d FrtceiOo HKIKS morning giving directions to his hands, i Defendants, the undersigned, the Mr Gaskins was an honored and useful far In said decree appointed, wll To Builders and others Go to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fa. Yon can ret all sizes and at the lowest prices. 7 Comission will sell at the siiiuw w nuj jwit-uiw j on Jtonoar. Beptemner n, tans, mat wc of On Sunday morning a boy was lound land in tald cUy, Ijeginning at Southeast inter in the market dock which proved to be section of Third ana Mm1berry streets, rnn Vvj" wj n.- ii. i,fit g-n um ntng thence South on Third street SI feet, then Ldward Das. He was last seen alie j.- parallei with Mulberry street ll4 feet on Saturday night about nine o clock, j to a brick wall, then NSjah with wall SI feet aboard one of the boats in the dock, to Mulberry street, and then West with Mul Liit wai. luiuiici uw omumvM- )n)proreajBnu ooo.uk or a large three-si ed a jury and held an inquest over the dwelling containing, 11 rooms, kitchen, bodv; the verdict was, "pome to his toJartere' t'Sffl ' AmtU Kr .Hor.t0l drwnintr H wm neaaes. wiutra MORIffS, about 13 years old. aug tet-j, 10, w, , 27 and Sept $ The Best. r - A T "TUB LITTLE STORE J. Corner" you will And the best Vl K C ENT VIG AE in the ci No Revo aug 3-1 wk niao& soutujTonl helow ns. streea. iwac rm rown OJJ WE ADWISE ALL THOSE WHO tufend burimr the Ctlehmteil Eressw COMnn lace tbeir order wiia as ie, an tnerev aiwayw a ff&R a cO., jury 30 IS. I M MarlMSS, Gin, to as pons the season. WK ill RE NOW SE Trunks at ISOSi JJM8 t (Joan taas W BdT7 oMartS?5

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