PLEASE NOTICE The Daily Review. We will be glad to recatr from our friends on any and general interoet but trsH T. The name of the writer: atahed to the Editor. CommunWmtions ainM be one aide ofnhe paper. wo vnflTAGE PAID: . O. month, SS Penoaattttee mnt be avohtod. And it is especially and particularly under wwi that tlie Editor doea not atwaya eadora be tiews of correspondents naloaa, ao state in the editorial columns. S K delivered earners w Psmtp"" ' L. rfP" . liberal. VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 11 1882. NO. 190. ht??Lu rrjrt any and all toll- an Mbtecla t rv Oree ii -Bennett Club. Or. ' uvw A Urtl Chih held iii the Mavor's of- Thti rcccnt scientific efforts of ..iW.UifcV :T-JU :.. r ... i.- -i-ae a Satehwell bciorc the State N "" " I .... a u as f Vitu'on o iii I . rr n L'I'u I 1U Ti wiiTitmwn. !B..rutfi Tlie Hiirvoyinff Party. The engineering eors which is at work surveying the Point i over the signature of Will. G. B., the . M m m a a wnler, alluding to the e-cnooi there, n)6"-l'' "!"oU,". rei' Favetteville. via Lumberton. daily. i exoent Sundava . 5.50 P ' Onslow C. H. and intermediate olll- - , productions ana were aneuuci niu- , SmithvillemaibsUyeteamuoat.aaiiy - to inl vrv mimh nnnrtri:ttod. The: (except Sunday) .......8.30 A i J TXri i u: , MniU for TCasv mil. Tnxvn Creek. - i lit itiui.i monu ir i iu iiMn imii 1 1 1 j r - VJlllUOIl lO I . , , genial manner win loug oe lumcm-bered. scarcity of beef cattle in Our triends in the country Auost. -rtrt. U- 7. . . . - .. :n M IDS in "Ini - i . I iog cotton seed oil mills to some of our Victor Hrc Company .nd thdr know ejactly frietfc ftarteu Dome jwij They marchel to the depot 1 br a band of niosic. F-tihwatcr Perch,Tront and Black fca hooks and lines, A Aill assort BtuA kMt prices at Jjlcobi1s4 haudsome, new, rice i renr tarea. Jxitaher has beeu received in his dly lortbe Orion plantation. It will be Mat down tbt rircr to-day. The Hibernian Benevolent Associa aoo'i wcarsion of 'yesterday was voted ipiessant anair. The bolt was not m dcri and those in attendance enjoy d the day- Z ioothsr colored boy was arrested IHMtfsy at the depot and put la the y prijoa. That is about the only, and issniiilj the most effectual way of stosf s stop to the boys playing about thf railroad yards. Tht two boys who were arrested Wsssssiay at the railroad, were dis-ehrf-d yesterday morning. The May -wtheaght as their offense was trivial, one kj i imprisonment was sufficient punishment. Tht midnight marauders, have been paring their respects to Mr. O. M. rdlyaw's chicken coop. They nave risited It twice during the past week sod hare succeeded in taking off thirty bead of chickens. ' We are requested to state that there will be serriees held in the Primitive Bsptist Church on Castle between 5th sad sth streets on Saturday and Sunday ext. EsserC. C. Bum will preach ssd the public are invited to attend. FUes and Bugs. Foes, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, sues, gophers, chipmunks, cleaned oat Vy "lough on Rate." lie. what success he has met with, but trust that some one will take hold of the matter and erect a mill in this city. There is plenty of seed in the country, which would be sent him if there was a good demand for it. As an investment, we judge from statistics we have seen published-, there is a good margin tor large profits. j For the Young;. We have received the August num ber of the Original Chatterbox, edited by J. Erskine Clarke. M. A., and pub lished by Messrs. Estes & Lauriat, Boston. Mass. This magazine is intend ed for the young of both sexes ; is elab orately illustrated and filled with very superior reading matter for the amuse ment and instruction of that class lor whom it is especially designed. It is one of the most popular of the multitude of periodicals gotten up for the young. Subscription price $1 per annum. Another Rumored Sale of the Richmond and Dan v i 11 e Rail- Satchwell at Newton and Franklin. lr orinal --TT.. i T X L." W k ii .f .,r!iii!..itioii rind ni os for the " - I i M A Ii Ai . r.u ..i..u j..,i larire erowds and were every way well in r tUM i unit in "i uiu i tnu un; .muiFini. - Several new names were :iddel to the ! received anu successiui. ine wesiern . im l.rinir fino ifwirtimto Tn o inni. roster l tlie club. The meet tug was : "b haVinonious and the views of the -old 1 muuication to the Metitodirt Advance, i war horscsT' were oxehaHged. .jits rnrfjr iiik rurij . ! . .. now 4Uurin the sessiou uiaiiy interesting I uuvL'oll l..,.n .mj tiruMi itA mmi 1 Jin viriniK 1111 i . . S . . r-. I'lirr .IL l I ' 3111 I I L lit: 1 MIU V ta V, 11 l.LU 1 nClU VJV. Ill VI VU wia Ce JM liM j Clinton llailroad, will reach Clinton j pcrtant topics. Among these were the Ihiuww--- 1 arH.. TUv n n rvpvinr exeeiieuj lecture on nyg.e u, x... i vii min, . , m . .... ...... - j cs w: v.iti. iiL'in i i iiov wm. Sf'iioiariv . r ! lmiiiirt-t . ..... . ... , I - -' J J . n lUiaru i' " tin? miner route us lie la ana iiaeK .j IVrnJrr o"uj ! Creek. On their return they win sur , .. . . vev the lower route from Point Caswell. It is thought that the - m , V 1 upier route will be the one uecnieu up- Tfac aeviUe Citizen contains ex oo alter tAo survey. tended notices. A writer from Frank- Cotton Seed Oil MUIm. j lin, under date of 22nd July, writes to Mr. Geo. Dick, ot Baltimore, has j that paper as follows : i Ux thi- ntv forihe nut week, talk" I Dav before yesterday, Ir. Satcawell ,i. ... ..j ' . , , . - i Iinisneti nis counse oi leuvures uu Normal students, on School Hygiene. These lectures, three in number, were listened to by the students and our citi zens, with great interest. The lecturer was very successful in popularizing a scientific view of his subject, and in holding the attention of his crowded audience. He left Franklin yesterday, followed by the good wishes of all who heard him. Another correspondent, "J. F. R.," writing from the same place, to the same paper, says as follows.: By 11 o'clock Tuesday morniug the large Baptist church in Franklin was crowded to overflowing with an appre ciative audience to hear the distinguish ed Dr. Satchwell lecture. This was his second lecture at this place and the third comes to-night. Dr. S. is a geni al gentleman and has made hosts of faiends among our people. lie is a guou talker and appears thoroughly conver sant with the subjects he discussed. The doctor dwelt long on tnc neces sity of well-trained oooks and said the State should taKe ine matter m mum and make an assessment of taxes to es tablish and support in each county in the State a school for teaching the science of cookery, and house-keeping. He said we need such a change of sen timAnt. nnon this crossly neglected sub ject as will place our social and domes- tic arrangements, in iuwu icbuj, "f" a firmer, a higher plane of recognition and usefulness. This is demanded by every consideration of domestic, salu tation, ot school hygiene, and of good to the State. . L -i Dr, S. in conclusion spoke feelingly and eloquently of the varied charms of music, and said. "It is nothing new to say that next to that unotion from above which anoints the hearts and makes eloquent the tongue of the faithful min ister of the gospel, there is nothing more soothing to our nature, or more Eotentialto lead us to the Cross and to eavenly aspirations than music, lhe mingled voices, in harmonious song, of congregations assembled in the house of divine worship,, as their melodious strains echo and re-echo the love, holi ness and grandeur of the Messiahs name, are strong and impressive of re ligious truth, and in harmony with the longing of man for a happy immortality beyond the grave. Science unites with religion in proclaiming that vocal and instrumental music intertwine with the 1oWq of health and exerts a holy mtlu- ence for good, upon man, as hejourneys along life's rugged road. The singing or playing of sacred hymns or songs elevates us from earth and makes clear er and brighter the glorious pathway ot entrance to the golden gates of that ce lestial City prepared lor those who love and serve the Lord." We can form no conception of the ability of the lecturer or the superior merits of his three lectures, delivered before the Franklin Normal School, by these necessarily imperfect extracts. Suffice it to say, however, that he sus tained his reputation as one of the deepest thinkers among the medical profession of the State. Guilty of Justifiable Honii cide." The case of Andrew J Walter, charge ed with manslaughter, occupied the at tention of the Criminal Court yesterday. Mr. Solicitor Moore represented the State, and Messrs M Bellamy and D L Russell the defense. The case was giv- TIIE MAILS' ' " - , j Themalli clone and arrive at the City Post office as follov a : CliOSE. Nortlicrn through mails, fat 4.45 1'. M. Northern through am I war uiaiL,. . . -'. A. M. italeigt: 5..Y) P. M. anl 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. ('. Itailroad and routeb Miuidied therctrwm includ ing A. & S. C. Railroad a 5.4'J A. M. Southern Mulls for all pointe South, dailv 3.00 P. M. Western mails ';. C. Hallway) daily, (except Sunday) 5.."i0 P. M. All points between Hamlet ami Ral ehfh...'. 5.50 P. M. Mail for Cberaw and Ihirllngton Rail road J S.00 P. M. Mails for points between Jflorcncc ami Charleston. . . ..' 8.00 P. M. NEW ADVEKTISMENTS. Window Shades OF A I.Li COLORS AND A VARIETY OF design, ordinary or extraordinary ri.-cs. on eori or spring fixture, as they are ready to be huug or iiuns when yon wLsh them. Or ders promptly attendetl to if left at " S" JEWETTS, 27 X. Front St. Upholstering. Paperbanging, Mattress mak ing. Carpet laying, hy the best workmen, aux 11 C Ledgers and Bay Books, i li ASII BOOKS ASD ISVOiCE BOOKS Favetteville and offices on Cape Fear River, Fridays l.ou r. M. M. lulls PaTable and Receivable. An immense stock of all sizes ami prices to select from, at HEfNSBERGER'S, M. (except Sundays). . . for Utasy Shallottc iuid Little Iflvct. TueS- ft da-s and Fridays 6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DEXTTERY. Northern through and way mails 7 JSC A. M. Southern Malls 7.S0 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad..: 9.30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 'ti M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.80 to 9.30 A. M. Musical Instruments. LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. SHEET MUSIC Any not in stock can be ordered at SHORT NOTICE at angll THE LIVE BOOK STORE. STATE NEWS. The steamer Minnehaha took down ,-a number of the colored excurj oauu from Raleigtf on yesterday. Tbey leeoi delighted with their trip. Umj of them had never before seen a fciaiaboei, and a ride oo one and a ot the ocean was quite a treat to tat. Once more rumor has it that the Richmond and Danville Railroad com pany has passed under the control of the Baltimore and Ohio road, that road being reported at having bought a controlling interest in Richmond and Danville stock. The rumor goes on further to state that Mr. Garrett, a brother ot the president of the Baltimore and Ohio, will succeed Col. A. S. Buford as president of the Richmond end Danville, and that Col. G.J. Fore acre will succeed Col. T. M. R. Tal cott, as general manager. All this is only a general rumor, and we give it merely to show what the talk is in rail road circles in this city, without placing any special dependence upon its ac curacy. We clip the above from the Charlotte Observer. -j . 1 " Got Us That Time. Capt Frank; Wilkinson was limping down the street yesterday, as wo ap proached him to got him to tell us what he knew about the rig of the British vessel Mersey, now in port. He drew a 1 njTfr aed said he was not feeling wel!. nnd conld not talk raucn. We asked what was the matter, and- he re plied: "The vontrioukir and auricular forc-are npt in equilibrium, there is an iLUfeasod centripetal action about the 'cerebrum and modnHa oblongata, the portal circulation vascillates, sus pended nature seems hesitating, and tha hi starboard side was trying to crawl around to the lewnrd of his port: men 1 xr .,M rf have the heart to inter- season.- ( view a vtn who was as near deau as tliav anfi aaviaeu nun . au w r"j ji cian Ummedhrtelj. He ami ted sweetly, vmir L iji-m iui u isi or-I TOp lied that he tuougnt we alarmed, as he only orink h his nock. " e saw he nautical technicalities. and left hint iaa hnrry. tfcetlnof Che Carolina Yacht Clul llxc annua! mectllig ot the Carolina Yadkl Cta was held at the office of Messrs. Gnea , MuioWaen yesterday jnpnr Ike e4 ofieew were re elecid fcr the eneag year-ne w aR piicatftms lbr metirbershlp to the club were received and acted upon. A reso hUMNBVBM requiring the yacht cartfUi6 caajnpioa Sag to aau av n a ,.ms ,mrirr tnc rUlC3 e't ' he 9rsH Park Company extended i i 1 1 mnm mn ta t Llllfll Lll nll, fT ll-A for owdoroL,d a ladv purse of as a pnzc u, TZL Mr. A". T. Sherwood, former Signal (Aoer La charge of the office here, left yesterday afternoon for Bismarck, Da otaa, where he goes to again assume control of that station. We wish him a pleasant trip and as long a sojourn in his boyhood's home as he desires. 5ew Cotton. w reeei winsafw cotton oi tne " aaeat so us bj onr good friend ad aabacribers at Duplin Cross Roads, Meri. G. Boney & Sons. The cotton grown on Mr (i. Honey's farm, ana i tue ss pretty ee we have ever seen. It we WU grade atrkjtljr ood middling. Te BofMert and others Go to Jaco- ! w haah, Blmda and Doors, Glass, loacanaet all siaea and at the had a Oxford Torchliget : The Oxford & Henderson Telegraph Company has just declared a dividend of 27 per cent, on the capital stock We regret to chron icle the death of Stephen Satterwhite, the well known merchant and business man of Midway, which occurred on the night of August pd. He was about 70 years of age. Elizabeth City Falcon: A man by the name of John Palmore, of Colum bia, Tyrrel county, tried to commit suicide last Wednesday by taking a dose of strychnine. He took an over dose, which even then liked to have killed him. Antidotes in the shape oi strong coffee and tea revived him, but report has it that he is in a very pre. carious condition. Catawba Mercury: As we go to press we learn of a fearful boiler explosion occuring yesterday morning at Shrum towh. the present terminus of the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Guage Railroad. The train had arrived and the engineer and two passengers, all on board, had laft the train while the fire man was raising steam. He had been heating tho engine without a sufficiency of water, and on turning on the water the explosion occurred, literally tearing him to atoms. His head was found some distance from where the explosion occurred. : ' , Goldsboro Messcnyer: The Rich mond and Danville Railroad declares an annual dividend of 8 per cent., or two per cent, quarterly. Senator Z. B. Vance, Gen Cook, Col John A Gilmer Mai J W Graham, Col Thos S Kenan, and other distinguished citizens are ex- Sicted here on the occasion of the 27th egiment reunion. We learn that Messrs John A Kornegay and W B Whitfield, of Indian Springs township, held an investigation into the recent un pleasantness at White Hall last Tues day. Mr A T Uzzell was fined $10 and the other parties were acquitted. This was on the charge of an affray prior to shooting. We learn that Mr O K Uz zell, who is charged with having shot Dr Seawell, waives preliminary exami nation and will give baii for his appear ance at court. Dr Seawell, we are glad to learn, is out of danger and improv ing. Charlotte Observer: Mr. R. T. Braf ford, of Clear Creek township, has struck a gold bonanza on his farm. The vein was discovered last spring, but has been worked only at odd times since, by Mr. Braftbrd, his son and Mr. D. M. Miller, and they have taken out in these odd workings, with the rude im plements they use, between $900 andi $4,000. The vein is very small and ir regular, growing wide as It descends. They have sunk but twelve feet as yet. From all the indications it promises to be a very rich strike. Two or three days ago the residence of Mr. John Vogel was entered in broad daylight bv a couple of little negroes, who succeed ed in taking away a large lot of jewelry belonging to Mrs. Vogel, consisting of earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc. A portion of the jewelry was recovered by a little negro boy, who stated that he found it in the street Mrs. Whisnant's house was yesterday morning entered, it is supposed by the same boys, and a J still larger quantity of jewelry was stolen. The jewelry stolen from Mrs. Whisnant is valued at several hundred dollars, among the lot being pearl, jet Fresh Peaches ! Very Cheap TECEIVED DAILY FROM BLOCKER'S Orchard. Sold at 50 cents and 75 cents per i basket of half bushel. If you arc thinking of preserving I will ac commodate you in price and quality. Callandsee aug 11 J. C. STEVENSON. ti NEW A I V I-IKT ISEMKNT8. SUMMER GOODS ! AT i M. M. K ATZ ' S, X MARKET STREET. Extraordinary Bargains I DRESS GOODSI LLTnE LATTOT NOVELTIES IN .T ins, surrab and Brocade, Mia, Moire a tique" Tinsel, Bottle. Nnn'a Veiling, Bengahne lluutlngs, all wool Beige, Lwn. Soemuckera, Percal. Ac. Ever ao many style and ska dee with Trimmings to match. White Goods In every style, texture and onalirv Pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen Lawn. Embroideries Im an In Cmbrlca, Nainsooks and 9wlaae2uatn1r passed in Workmanship and Price. Laces inorted from almeat evervvnntry, boneht d sold as special jobs. GLOVES I HOSIERY ! COBSETS I HANDKERCHIEFS. COLLARS, SCARFS, RIBBON8, j VEILINGS, CREPEINU ' A CREPE VEILS. FANS, PARASOLS, in euicueaa variety ana astonishing low James A. Wiflard, QENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND PURCHASING AGENT, S. E. Cor. Charles and Pratt Sts., aug 9 -3 m Baltimore, Md. Bird Cages. rjlOILET SETS. LAMPS AND LAMP Goods, Preserving Kettles, Brass and Enam eled, Clothes Hampers, and hr fact any thing found in a fibst-class house furnishing store. Cook Stove, VERY CHKAl , at Southern Oak aug 6 PARKER & TAYLOR'S, 19 South Front St. R1 Attention Teachers. EMEMBER UHAT I KEEP ALL THE SCHOOL BOOKS adopted by the State. Also many other STANDARD TEXT BOOKS. A liberal discount to teaehcrs. School and ofllce supplies. Fancy Goods, Piano-, Organs; Ac. , aug 6 YATES' BOOKSTORE. Groceries Wholesale. 150 Cases LYE ami POTASI1, 200 Boxe8 SOAP ami STARCH, 100 Boxa CRACKERS and CANDY, 100 50X68 SODA and BREAD PREPTN, 100 Boxe8 TOBACCO and SNUFF, Flour, Meal, Bacon, Lard Molasses, Salt, Hav, Corn, Oats, Hoop Iron, . Glue, Spirits Casks, Bnngs, Paper Bags, Twine, Axle Grease, Ac. For sale by Kerchner & Calder Bros. aug 6 To Make Home Beautiful AVE YOUR WALLS KALSOM1NED H Excursion and Ball. excursion to Waccainaw Iae .fterdey. under the auspices of Wym lH Tribe. L O. B. U., was quite a euo- It was wdi attended and the ex- im- joataa bordWa of tho beaatifnl Tberj retxrrned hi rood treet y aOeraoon and wound up taa challenged race under the rules of of the day with a pleasant club ' , i .u..k and underau a atfheir wigwam, on Prip- mm m Giaaar k-iiJ i- atuxad.w See other colnmn. k vw. rhu of the fleet. The aommittee will aseet in a day or two to resnltlmt rrom with our snperlor Tinted MarbeMne m all shades; it costs a fourth the price of Painting and is both durable and beautiful ; can refer you to some of the beat work In the city. Our Extra Pure White Lead and Palnta we axe selling as low as inferior grades are offered. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, he Mppfr fer tte oksnrpi- f be found at reasonable prices at Jaco I m'fi mmm S.V I .. . . n l uuii . , 1 w rxnlnrtXT a ITr IH- , i 1 en to ine jury awm v anu goia jeweiry. Ing out for about two hours, the jury announced that they were ready with ; gyjj, and Feyer nd Bil. Uieir verdict. His HonorJ udge Aleares, i ioag stacks posiUvely cured with Em was sent for. and upon his arrival the ory's Standard Cure Fibs an infallible verdict was taken. The foreman of the j remedy : never fail to cure the most ob veruici w n f . stinate, long-standing cases where Qui- jury gave m a verdict of guiltj of jus- aother reSiedkll feiTed. tifiablc homicide." The counsel for the , Tney prepared expressly for mala defense and prosecution did not under- j rious sections, in double boxes, two . wht wa8 meant by the verdict, ; kinds of Pills, containing a strong ca stand what was meant thanic and a chill breaker, sugar-coat- nnd His Honor was requested to ask ontain no Quinine or Mercury, whether the jury wished to convict or i uging no griping or purging: they are acouit the prisoner. The jury signified mild and emcieuU certain in their ac- . i. si r k; and t vcr- tion and liarmless in all cases; they ef- their belief m his innocence, ana a vcr .. ,ene the 8V8tem. diet of "not guilty" was recorded. W ai- aal tone to the body. As a Ear was discharged, and after a gener ; household remedy they are unequaled. Ih-Hhakinjwith hi Wends, x Ifim QfRfUjWC Irec inan. -i. . Thavarensed i ad :" reoclring new rappB. , M 1 TTM .wmA cs.A I Grveaeallati NATHANIEL JACOBTS, Hardware Depot, ianlatf 10 SouUiFront St, At Factory Prices Agency for the celebrated EMERALD AND ZEE VANCE i COOKING STOVES. Our large line of Hardware is well Housekeeping Goods ! LINEN A COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS , Napkins, Towels, MEN and BOYS' WEAK, LADIES' GENTS' A CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. In short everything des.rable for an outfit, and at Prices that defy compattttotv. Call and save money by patronizing Mm Mm KATZ, june 18 30 MARKET ST. For Sale, QNE SADtlLE AND BRIDLE, ONE HORSE BLANKET and One Halter and Summer Laprobe. Apply " aug 6 P. Om. BOX 57S, City R. R. BRIDGERSf ESQ. President Wilmington A Wekion R. R. Go. SIR: Please take notice, that we require you to construct such a draw In your linage i the Northeast branch of the Case Fear ae will permit steameis to navigate that l out oostructlon. stream with- July 11 ?.m Reapectfnllj, jy Simon Bear T ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE XX has embarked in the Tailoring bm lie is both willing and capable of making, dye- intr. scourine and renalrtna ClOtnmg. au ders promptly a rfne Clothlna. ed to. Prtoaa moderate. ders promptly attenaea to. rnosi nseoenuo. Shop on Market letween Second and Thlrdjsta. July IS- Pine Grove, W EIGHTS VILLE, N. C.,- SfWATE AT the 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. boats ana oia TWO GOOD SAFE SAIL BOA1 'HARRY HILL" to lake von out an vw here eke. Just ask for the boat you want it. J , fXD. WILSON MANNING, Propr. jalySS-tf j Will it Rain or Shine Jo Morrow? rr'' rvLP PROBABI LITTES, B BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER COMBINED wiU tell von. It will delect, and indicate coffteetry, any change la the weather, twelve to foaty eight hours hi advance, H will ten what kind of a storm U apinauto. aad frsea what nuarter it come in valuable to navigator, farmer eaa plan thetr work according to R predictions It will save Sfty times Ra east In a single season. There H an accurate ther mometer attached, which aloew ft worth flto price of the combination. Price St) eesiu. ror sate at jal7 The Best, T "THE LITTLE STOB Amii rner' you will find the beei FIVE CENT CIGAR the court room once more a ,vr.m-h havinir been nronounced 'guilty ; mnA r,rnTYVH hv Phvsicians. and sold l JU"0 - ' ' O . T ' nf ' m of justifiable homicide." , by Uruggiste everywnere, or sent oy Aything in the hardware line can bi'S. mail. Little Cathartic Fills, best ever mane, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street. New York, fcmd&w. in the city. No Joke ; An ntoeaw; No lievotc. Tobacco godof jl Jds. and cheapest. N. uBEEN EWALD, 1 bouth Front mreet.Sden aug Wwk below Exchange Corner. Wo a RE NOW SELLING LADIES' and Gen ia f TVnnkH at redueeo prices, to " . . -rr m nnwrivv i

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