. aTtTy morning, Hood! x- erTted y ; jOSn T. JAMES, ,0rru wDrMnmoi. ..-.ptioSS POSTAGE TAID: C il W Six months. $1.00. Thxeo C r 1W One montn, Vinbcdeiif.miby en1crt tv . .art ortbe'cltr. t the aboye week. ;lr will report any and an fU- Daily Review has UU largest - r, arciUlion. of any netrtpdper .W - 1 r-Airnt Wanted l- .;CH-fir Mill w1o.iX- avi Day Book. ; r It StTW-VlrtiU Military Inatl- ' "mu A U Surrn-Brtbel Classical and Mlll- ....a ilir. C-jlrt r-a Clipper No scupptmong grapes as yet- kk cut for the chirp of the rioe birds. iby3 ended yesterday, dog gone Teaches arc plentiful and cheaper in ynct. Heff cittlc are scarce and in good de Most of the rice crops onj the rirer tire been laid by. The receipts of cotton at this port yes tenia foot up 50 bales. .. r-i U.C. Coop's circus is heading this my, coming up from the South. The cotton crop is said to be tiro said to be wevlf hier this year than last. The special policeman at the railroad Oepot arrested two' more boys yester A k rj in this city has a bush- in her xnltf on which there are 4 1 sunflowers bbbom. . , Tbe sh market is well supplied. The Se;ubcr mullets" hare made their ;p:arancc. I: ii the yacht Restless which carries tierUmpion flag, and not the Ripple, u we stated yestercay. ' Oaion juice is good for mosquito bites zt nothing yet has been discovered that b rood for onion juice. , The Grecnbackers of this county pro pose holding a county convention, in a few daja for the purpose of Dominating county ofuctrs. .... The new front to Messrsv Aaron & Hheiastein's store will bo a great im pairment to the building and looks oj. the street. Erery gentleman on the Sound car ries aa advertisement on his back for Dter. in the shape of a Negligee shirt." .Vt'-: White, with lemon color, Is the fasb iocahle combination for jammer. sugar a.id lemon juico also make w excellent foundation for something that Is not to wear. The only cases before the Mayor' Cocrt yesterday Jwere three little coloc td bojs, who wen charged with disor detly conduct. They were reprimand ed acd discharged. Messrs. Northrop and Cunimlng are Materially inp.-oving- their mill prop- rtj. New machinery is being put in and when completed will double the capacity of the mill. - , . v " The of St. Stephens "A. M. E.' tiurta, which ha been for some time paa In a temporary structure on the Uiurca property, haj been n plioed in the belfT of the church. ':.': ' Saauel Rease, charged with a heln edmtr.firajrul Court Aester-T4- Tij trtar has ; been set fornexf edaday and a apeeial venire of 100 -aen has been ordered. , The contractiog agent ol S. II. Bar Ti clrcua was la the city yciterday 5 jaid ua a visit; The advertisement 21arfar. on the 1st of September. TU diiing cari with' lu' corps of apostm waj arrive In this city In it lewdayt. t .V; ...':. 'Jl j . . . ... .The teo5t tony? atyld at a wedding ?wttto present ; eads gnest ' With, a Piece of the bridal cake In A!bcocshapc4 J8 1 borse shoe and Ued with a true wtf'a knot of white . ribbon,.' the ends' j which bcxr the moDosram of the brw and groom. - ' u ' - .. The lethargy which laid "violent hands J the members of the Carolina Yacht J-mb hu beca atTast shaken oT. Alive VliUercat Is now bclnr -taken In Onb la in . . I uirtadiacxs for theapproachiur rt VOL. VI. 1'cnonal. ," Hon. Duncan ,K, Mcllae, who has been spending some weeks on , Ixg Island, recuperating his health, return od to the city Thursday nisht and is, wc arc pleased to say, looking much iui. proved. 1 , ' Maj. F, II, Cameron, of Raleigh, was in the city yesterday. ' , Major John W. Cameron, of Washington City, arrivcil here on Thursday night, on a visit of a few days toiiis father-in-law, Mr. Richard Brad ley, at Wrightsville Sound. Maji Cam eron will be remembered by many as. at firsr Chief Quartermaster, on GeixT Whiting's, staff during the terrible times: of the yellowfcver visitatfon in 1BG2, and afterwards ranking as Chiei Quartermaster of the liepartment of North Carolina, in bothof which re sponsible positions ho provedJiimself an excellent officer. It was on his re commendation that the late Capt. I. Grainger and Capt. .las. B. Iluggins, of this city, were appointed to the grade of A. Q, M., both serving in depart ments under him. The late Capt. C. W, Styron ami Capt. G. L. Dudley, now of Raleigh, were also A. Q. M.'s, under him.and Mr.C. S. Ellis, formerly of this city, but now of SaVannah, was for two years Chief Clerk in Maj. Camer ona office, with the pay and ( emolu ments, but without the rank, i of an A. Q. M. Tlie Arions iu Ashcvillc. We are glad to learn of the great suc cess- which the Arion Musical So ciety of this city has attained in Ashe- ville. They were greeted , there very warmly, and have already , found hosts of admirers. Wo clip the following from the Ashoville Citizen: . The Arion entertainment in. the Opera House on Monday evening was indeed a surprise, and inspired ' enthusi asm and delight in direct ratio ta the undefined expectations based upon the ability of an amateur troupe to deal with the recondite principles of .music, or reach the standard fixed by laborious art. , With this trpnpe. in the results, the barrier between the professional and the amateur was broken down, the lines that separated them wero effaced ; and in all the essentials of scientific acquire ment, perfect cultivation - and skillful execution, the amateurs stood on equal, and on the hichestveround The appearance before tho audience of the Society proclaimed their social culture and position; s but we are sure that that audience was not prepared for the magnificent burst of harmony that followed; for theperlectionof each in dividual voice; for the admirable blend- ing oi ine pana; ior uie pirib auu ani mation of tho perfect whole. T'Come when theLilios Bloom." was a seductive invitation to the treasure bouse of song to be opened for the i evening. .Mr, Mayer -followed with a' solo, Nvatch ing." and his fine tenor voice set every one wild with delight, and he was rapt- urouslv encored. A quartette. Waltz, was then executed by the Society, won derful, beautiful, perfect; so markea in time, so animated m movement; so rich Inmelodv. that it sustained tne asser tion that the human voice ; is the most perfect of all Instruments. 'Mrs.,Kahn weiler followed in. a solo, Scena and Prayer, from Der Freischutz. Her ap- peart.nce, elegant in loucx, graceiui m morement. beautiful in figure and i fea ture, won at on co for her 1 the favor of the audience,. llcr voice DespoKe me TrTpct artiste, the acconiDlished musi cian, the close and cultivated student of inoiieepesvmysienea i nio-uiuo atx. HeiLToice isfull, clear and flexibldis- tinct without bem powerlui, though evidently holding great power in reserve, of adrolrabcouina. and .under won derful control, -trilling with bird-like facim-rand sweetness, or; swening one theTuU tones ofnassion orTmtios. . - ll'U not ridssible'tcf foMow each piece in detail.'fJiOrj tft we would like to dwell upon each one, particularly that exquis-Ito-trio-by Mra-Kahnweiler and Messrs Myer;nnd Mitchell.- In fact, each rfiA nf the'tsrobramme rises op in memory io fpjbrce its claim' to special r Without- exception, the rmoea are as nearly perfect tia the vocal orgaHization will. permiL'. Tho magnificent bass of Mr. Grant. Ia.iu profound depths, and yet:,rith-4ts.comr?snnd clear brain. The rich,, sweet tones of. Mr. Mitchell canghVbvery ear ami held ev ei. i. a rl-botincl ; the tenorof 31r; MayirPila'-perrectrrWid .1 ;fin6 harmbnlocs 1 umcs fcoI 'Mr. iTIUy, 1st tenor, and Ir. Myers, 2nd tenor, with tho voices of lessrs. Welsh and Cbad bouriC-IstliasI. and Air. Fremont, 2nd mtnifiViimi s combination so rich-arid so rare as mayvell enlist the pride of.Hia.city they-represent,- ana satisfy their own laudable . ambition of having attained so-much -oi penecuou (a V ;if delightful amusement. -. : Allocter jt wa3 beyond question the finest vocal entertainment enjoyed here in otrc knowledge. -r- ;t -T , We:Elso:iearnVrom;.tho; that theSocicty were to have gi verf ka rnter- da7a nda n'nfTirf&lAahCTillalas&'Pight. Vnf TTrr-.lt K Pfnpr'1 TCStorfii TTmlth Rrtiflwcr" TCSto health and riiJ'orr-curea Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual UbU;tv..-5 sepoi. A WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY. AUGUST Challensrc.'. We learn that the yacht Glide will challenge the Restless for a race "over the Wrightvillc course. Under a reso lution recently passed by the Club, the RcMlcss will be compelled to accept the challenge or give up the flag. . The Sick. , We regret tot leara that there is no improvement in theconditiori of Dr. J. T. Schonwald, who has " been confined lo his resfdence for sometime past;. Capt. Fred SnialU brSraithyille we are pleased to statci is improving, fand is n6w considered out of danger ;''-' The Alarm of Firel : - The alarm of fire was sounded yes terday about 11 o'clock caused by the ignition of a small frame house in .the Southern portion of the city, near the turpentine stills of Mr. A. II. Van- Bokkelen. The fire was discovered in its incipiencv and was extinguished be fore the engines arrived. . The Mineral Spring. , Mr. Henry Haar, superintendent of the turnpike, informs us that he will soon have the waters of the mineral spring near the turnpike, analyzed. He took the temperature of the water with his thermometer, and it registered 64 degrees Fahrenheit. The water is very cool, and Is said to be pleasant to the taste. " '!'. i 1 In Baltimore. . A letter from Mr. James A. Willard says that he has met with many kind friends since his removal to Baltimore, ,i. -., . ,,! ... - A . who all think that he has . acted wisely in the move he has made. , Wo sincere ly trust that they may prove true pro phets. Mr. Wiliard is located, as a commission merchant and purchasing agent, at tho corner of Charles and Pratt street and will give special atten tion, to the sale of all kinds of Southern produce as also to the purchase of corn, bacon and other articles of merchan dise. ' " ' The Crops, ' The crop prospect continues very fine. A trip along the line of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. will reveal to all who may glance out of the car windows tho most magnificent crops of corn that have been, raised in many locali ties in perhaps twenty seasons past. The cotton is also promising excellent returns. We have never seen a pret tier growth of the weed than we saw a fe days since, ' in various - localities, from Rocky Point to Halifax. The promise at present is that the farmers will have great cause for thanksgiving next November. , Regattas to be Sailed. ) Messrs. Norwood Giles, A. R. Camp-' bell and H. L. Fennell, Regatta Com mittee of the Carolina Yacht Club, held a meeting yesterday .and arranged to have two races by the yachts of the fleet. The first will be sailed on Wed nesday, the 23d inst., and the second abont two weeks later. The race will be the largest which has been" sailed over the Wrights viHe course' in five or six years. The following yachts will-be J entered:' Ripple, Zephyr, Flirt, Cow test, Frolic, Lizzie, Spray, Restless, Glide, Bessie Lee. I , The committee accepted the generous offer or the Seaside Park Improvement Company, and; tendered the thanks. of the Club to them . for their timely aid. The money, $50, donated by the com pany, will be divided, making a prize of 25 to tesayetfforin cach;radeT-Irf addition to the champion nag. SneakTJiievcSjP J There is a gang 6f little colored sneak thieves in this city which should be broken up. They ply their avocation daily upon tho storekeepers: They seem to bo adepts in their business and them is no teJlini what amount Is lost by our merchants in the course .o a year by this petty shoplifting. Yester day one of them stole a bundle of Fa ber penolls froni Kr; T Heipsberger and took them to a merchant- ncarliy J and ofTered them forsale,, stating, , thaf h had found them. Tne 'merchant carried tho pencils to Jlr. Jfeipsbcrgcr. who identified them as his property by his price marks.' The Utile thief tried to cheek him d6wn that he found he, pencils in the streeU Thcsel little ras cals have of late been stealing anything they cotld put their hands on, and sentl ing tho articles. back, by one. of .their frangwb.o would tell some :yarri' about finding It in front of tho store i and inl many instances werorewarded Tor theirivepsia, sleeplessness, and braln'di seas. apparent honesty. They were soon detected in that trick land .have since been selling ui stolen goous to anyone who. will buy them. ' a "r:y A jthing In the hardware line can - r , . - ' . I Bra. :j t . i . t i I Kico Culture. Editor Review I nave before ine the report of a special committee of the Savannah Rice Association on 'Amer ican Rice Industry and Import Duty on Foreign Rice," from w hich I propose to j ujiinu cupious extracts ironi nine to pro tection and information on the subject of "Rice Culture. &c." , The Savannah Rice Association is composed of rioo planters, millers and factors, the men engaged m producing, cleaning and selling, rice, such men. as John Screveni George S. Owens. Wil liam II. Gibbons,- Wm. Neyle Haber sham, II. Fraser Grant. William Y)l Waples.' J A. . Hageri Henry Taylor and P. J. Haskell, which gives assur ance at once , of its business . character and objects. .. V. . ' I recur to the Report. It says : "There are three distinctive, periods in the history ot riceindustry in the unueu otuees: rum, irom its intro duction into Virginia and South Caro lina in the 17th century down to 1861 second, from 18G1 to 1866, both inclu sive; from 1866 to July, 1881. "Anterior to 1820 there are no data to be found as to the amonnt of the pro- .1 1 T a ii a 'n auction oi mis gram, out tne export oi rice from South Carolina, from 1720 to 129 inclusive, was 264.788 barrels o 325 pounds each, or 86,056, 1 00 pounds This would.be equivalent to an average annual export for the period embracing .fll r mmf . . ,1 , MIt appears that in 1770 there1 were exported from the Colonies 150.529 bbls 60,211,600 pounds, showing that about 20,000 barrels, or 8,000,000 pounds,were exported from other than South Caro lina ports. It is probable that the col ony ot Georgia, then in vigorous growth caieny assistea tne increase oi proauc tion." V Why not add North1 Carolina also aided in tne growth ot rice, no doub for export, during the period referred toi In continuation of this brief, sketch I propose to give from this report ta bles of production, showing ; the crops ot many years belore and since the war. between the States, with the Quantities of rice imported and exported into and from the United States. Those interest ed should preserve the papers with these extracts. ri,ANTER. ; Wilmington, Aug. 11, 1882. MARRIED. At Slargaretville, New York. onWednes day. 9th Inst.. ls the Rev. Edward Hunt, Mrs. FANNLE GREENOUGH, daughter of James JJawson, or this city, to V l lAA A M x uJmiLajciv, oi rittsiieiu, Jiiass. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 : What is It rpHAT YOU WANT DONE TO YOUR Fur niture ? .We upholster, repair and polish fur niture.' make Mattresses. Window Cornices and Picture Frames, and Awnings, and haxxg Paper a little better than others, rou will una tho best and most experienced workmen at aug 12 S- JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front St. From the Springfield Republican.' 'A iGENEltOUS ACT ' Tliat-lVlll be 'Appreciated by All , Who' Care for their Com I? plexipn' and Skin. : i - It I is . not generally ' known - that the nervous system has a wonderlul lntlu ence over the: skin,, but this - is a fact known to medical men who have given much of their time to the study of dis eases of the skin. No one. can have a clear and fair complexion iinmixed with blotches or pimples who is very ner vous., .- :-!-; . Ay hatever tends to a-healthful condi tion ot thenervons system always beau- A 9 '" 1 " 1 lines- ine complexion- ana removes rou2hnegs and dryness of the skin. Some skin diseases are not attended by visible sisns on toe suriace, but an in tolerable itching that renders lite miser able. - ;: r . ; We copy the I following deserving and interesting compliment from the Tribune which, says; "Dr. C. W. Ben son's New Remedy, 'Skin Cuke, is re ceived bv the public with great confi- illence, and it isTeirded as a very gen- erous act on- the Doctor's part to make known and prepare for; -general use his valuable : and 'favorite prescriptionfor the treatment of skm diseases, after having devoted almost his entire life to the study aud treatment of nervous and skin diseases, in which he, took great de light. He was Tor . a number of years rhvsician in' charge ot the Maryland Infirmary on Dermatology: and any thing from his hands is at once accepted as authority and valuable. The. reme dy is fully the article to attack the dis ease, both internally, through the blood, and externally, through the absorbents, and is the wpnly; reliable and rational, mode of treatment. . These preparations are only , put up for general .use after ; having been used by the Doctor in his Drivate practice ' for years, witlr the greatest success, and they, fully merit the confidence oi all classes of sufferers froni skin diseases." This is for sale by all druggists,- Two. bottles, internal ana external treatment, in one package. Don't be persuaded to take any other. f t costs one dollar. - .r i . -1 . OH,3IYHEAI! . : , : , --' WTJY WIIX YOU SUFFER ' ' , Sick V heidaclie " ! iicrvoos headache. pearalgia: nervousness, paralysis,- dys- cs, positively "cured ' by Dr. ..Benson's contain fao opium, quinine, : or other harmful drug. Sold by druggists.! Price, 50:cents per box, two boxes for $1, six hniM for .a0 bv mail postage free. rDr- (X ' W. Benson; Baltimore, Mdr C. N. Crittendon, New York, ls.wnoiesaio ' " . n , 1 affent lor tnese remeoies. aug f1 timoandto invite tho planters on the j in a country not ape reariuver tolorm; a "Wilming-j tkrorso or stub ton Wxcti AisiviitwWT r,ir mutnil nm if tent, surpassed ii 12 1882. NO. 191. NEW AI VEKTIS 3IENTS . BETHEL Classical and 'Military ' 1 ACADEMY. for lauty -anl- health. 10 branches, uucqualed la ct i thoroughness hv no. acade my la the South. Melical ami Lw courses preiaratnry to the University of Va. Hoanl, tuiUrtn, iriedi.il att?nUiu-e (half session) fltt. No extras. Adlrc?s Mxj. A. l. SM ITU, Beth el Aeaderay 1. O., Fauquier Co., V. AOENIS WAHTEfl FOR TH DATS OF THE , SOH OF MAW. DK. MAKCH'S GUEAT WOBK 'JUST OCT.- The result of yciirs of patient stadr and travtL A book to cnarm the yoan, delight the old, Interest the student i a book for erery lody4 The style is .elegant ani forcible: the language pure and pleasing1. Finely and ap propriately illustrated, nrtiatic binding. Cow liiendetl ly the piess aud clergy. Will sell on Bight. A rarb oi'PORTexiTi for Ladles, Minlsteri, Students, Teachers and others want ing paying employment. Address J. C Mc CUKDr & CO., PhiladelphU, Pa. angl2-4r Virginia Military Institute, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA. This well known State Institution has been in Euccesslnl operation since 1839, and having wcu ituign uy uio uqi, oi aiarcn a, losz. with a new Boara of Visitors, and jthe re-elec non oi ineoia acuity, is now prepared to an ply, upon the best terms, the distinetivo & vantages of a general Scientific and Military School, upon the basis of the U. S. Military aawauj ab ncai. x win, uut upon tne same system so successfully pursued before the war. i ne acuity wnich once included Gen. Stone wall Jackson, Gen. K. E. Rodes.i and Com. M T. Maury, now consists of the following Su- pciiuwuucuiiBuu a rutessons : Gen- Francis II. Smith. M-r ftnWin tendent ana Professor Math, and Moral Philosophy. 1 cren.- x. a., wixliamsox, Prof. PracOca Col. b. tHiP, Com. Cadets and Prof Tactics i ol. J. M. Brooke. Prof. PhvRiR i Col. M. B. Hardix, Prof.1 General and Ap- CoL T. M. Semmes, Prof. Modern Languages Col. J. W.TjYKLl, Prof. Math, and Logic. vua. u. xj.. Au.vAttiuA, Adjunct Pror. Chem is try. etc - . : . ... Col. E. W. Nichols, Prof. Civil and Military Engineering and Astronomy. Under the direction of an efficient Finance committee oi the Board of Visitors, and with an enlarged annuity from the State, expenses or caueis are retrace a to tne lowest rates, ses sion opens Sept. 1. r r i For information or appointment, address , . GEX. F. II. SMITH, aug 12-4w Superintendent GEORGE PACE & CO. Maxrol&ctiirera or t Patent Portable Circular SAW IH&LS , i also stscosfiry asa, roruua - STEAM ENGINES 5 ZT. SCHS0ZDEB ST., BAXiTTMOBE, HD. and Floor M3Hs, Water Wheels, 'Wood Working , Barrel Mar.mnery. Bninelo muib, Circniar Haws L8n Sft TAK AXls EMKKY i. TA1VITR V. fiend for Catalogs Pnrt&hl and AcTicnltnral Enirinea: Vnrroet Engmet from S to 10 Horse Power: Dry Steam Engines, 4 to 40 Onn XX T Tmnmvod Boilers, all sizes i ircjn wuae KerersiDie dw mum, foot sizes ; Nortn Carolina Portable Corn Mills : Corn Mill Stones, all sizes, guaranteed to produce better MeaL with 25 per cent. lesA power, than any oiMrMxlU SUm in the world. THB TaTLOR MFO. Co. OS" WSS icrKSTEn, Mrx,M Westminster, MdL, U.S. A. . . , . itlOORE COUNTY GRIT. M Taitimonli.li on Corn UIUs and Hill Stonaa. E. O. Thnring', Conway, Mass., writea I aet mill np next day from its receipt ana it worm to a cnarm. 1 think it ia the best built mill I ever saw, stones we bought from ran are better than any we have Adams Oa. loured, in., write 8-mcn ever nsed for grmajnj; nne corn mom. w v va CU.-y M.Am A IVWJW one bushel of corn and made 1 bo&hel and 14 quarta of T sT AAmY Uaraionv ww fZm rr)M T w.tul v-k a m IT nnetaoiexaeai. - - f - " B.J. Darby, Daderille, Ala.,wntea The 30-lnch snu nanels 4 great custom has greatly increased sine I bought your mil Tastlmanlala on misca and Saw MllU. . T!xtmefc f mm lnfter at .T' W." Boner. Smttm ft Dyal A Upton. Callahan, FlaL, who are running eror 0-uerse Dry Steam Kzunne. and oar No, 1 Baw Jlui With Patent Set Work and patent Gauge Roller. 8 have no hesitation in saymfr this la the bent Port- tabu saw Mill 1 pave ever aawed witn, after 13 years' I nave been running tnia mill loormontna averaga is abook aa.eoo twt." isurr a Uo.. Apalacnicoia, iiA.. say tne XCzl4 Engine, Boilers, and oar New Patent Saw Hill cannot be surpassed for workmanahrn. simplicity, and fast sawing. "After 1 years' experience in the lomber bnaineesws do not. hesitate to recommend your work to men who wnnt a rrrTt-clan job in all particulars" TAYLOR MANUFACTUEINO OaWeatminsterOId. V&AXCH OnriCZ. Charlotte. tf-C (Mention thitrv James A. Willard, GESECVL COMMISSION MEHCIIAXT, . AM rUUCHASlVjfc AUMI,;-r: .Vs- E. Cpr, Charles and Pratt Sta.; , aug 04m ? r 4- Balxdcoee, Mr. 1 TwTunds Bros, f DKCGGkSTS, WILMINGTON, NORTll Carolina, 1,431 Broadway, Icorner 43nL street, NeWTork. The high standard attained by the firm In this citr will be increased by - their New York connection.. Wllraingtonlans vi&itr Ing New York will recievc at lhe above np nv. Der a neartyonncaroiina welcome. - jt COW PEAS. 100 Bushel Vv Clay and Mixed Peas , 4 u 11 FOR SALE BY HALli &PEARS1LL .1 inne is a. s II x We wui be ,64,ft rccdr, kemmv rom our friend on any u& Ixk 'u1- ' from gtajeral Interest but The name of the writer must always U for nkhed to the Editor. T j Commnnkatlons mut be wrlUen.on only onealOeof the paper. -r ! t t . Personalities most be aroliled. I And H U especially and particularly ender-' stoo.1 that the Editor does not always endow he Tiews of oorreppondenta unless so tat'- in ine ctlilortal columns:" fZW AIViaCTISE2lIENTSr 'Bird Cagbs.1 rjH)!IJrr SETS. LAMPS ASD UkMP GoodH. l'reswrTliiff lvrtl W. lin .i - . ckl Clothes Uanipcr. ami in fact any thloa foun.l in a rnwT-cLAKi loae furnltn store. Southern Oak Cook Stnrr. VKW fTii?Ai . PARKER A TAYLOU-3, au c 1 lOSoath rrontSt. Attention Teachers. TEMEMBEi: UHAT I KEEP AUi THE SCHOOL BOOKS adopted by tho Static. AUo many other STAXDABD TEXT BOOKS. A liberal discount to teachers. . School and office supplies. Fancy 6ood, Pianos, Organs Ac - ' ' - ' - - i u .0. aug 6 YATES t BOOKSTORE. A Uew Lot ; T. , ' 1XABKES3 JUST RECEIVED AKI TOXX ; - aale low. i hare tw'ibMotTnnlu?' Uses'at pricea to tnlt the times. . . 1 j Bepairlng execnted neatly and wltadl patch, ",, :i-,v!b!'ix';!- j. n. uxtukHDt r Successor to kallard St Bowden, -Wi InnalS-ti" V ' No. 8'Fxont'Btret.f Just Eeceiyedi7 ,.ir I HAVE JUST BECEITED A CHOICE . . '" lot of Flowers. I am reducing my stock of Fans, Parasols and other Fancy Goods at Very low prices to make room for the first Fall1 stock. '4 Bespcctfolly, 1 i.s;i Ki: 11 MISS E. KAIUIEU, I (Exchange Corner. , . , July 11 Ladies'; and Misses Olqtlx ; Button Boots at Cost. - Ti -yTTE WISH TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK.';. . uiotu liutton Hoots r and will sell them at cost. Call and secure a pair. X'! npn i 1 mwvnti a. erkva July 19 , ; 89 N. Front .St. Will it Rain or Shine To- ' Morrow ;? .r '' U4 i OLD PROBABIUTIES,1 OR BAROMETER AND THEUMOMETER COMBINED will tell rou. it will detect, ana indicate correctly. any change in the weather, twelve to iorty-. . eight hours In advance. It will tell what kindT . f a storm is approaching, . ml from what: 1. j tiartAr It- rnmctu. invnlimliln tn na trltm Lni-a J farmers can plali their work according tolU vl" predictions. It will save fifty times Its cost ti i ? a single season. There U an accurate ther. mometer attached, which alono la worth that price ot the combinauon. Price oO cents,., For saw at , jnlf 3Qv -v.; I IIEINSBERGERS Ledgers and Day I BpoKCJ, CASH BOOKS "AND . INVOiCE BOOKS. :. i , ... : -i .-..- -'. js . I . lulls Payable and Receivable. An Immense stock of all sizes and prices to select from, at .,' ' rriNSBERSEi'a.,r J,, .a Musical ' Instruments LARGE STOCK - ALWAYS ON HAND, -f ' SHEET MUSlC-Ahy mot li -Any mot In stock ' can "be f oraerea at Bxiuisx tri iuk at .: ang ii jLUEi aavf iwa oauum, . . i i J Ii . i ii i J Verv Best Hams 18c per lb i I : 1 't-. WE DO KOT CLAIM TO HAVE THE largeat stock, or to have larger , and better fa-. dllties for doing, business than any bouse In 1 this 'city or state, nor do we claim to be imp.. tocetftnewTttienofgoodr-lJnt we do H.Tii J'j A li r A i. J 1'IO'J say no house in thla iclty has a nicer, fresher . or better selected stock than ours. And as U prices try jia and Judge for yotttselL j L,r:u I Ae to new goods, we hare ha4 flour pde.r;i from tnls'yeara Wheat, (Itkzf Ifnce ' Jnlyria," ni -r 1832, und oCer aU roods a' W or lower than ' any noose in ine cut. fl in i. ic Crapoiii &: Piclictt, f t WHOLESALE : :: ANDJI EETAtt; 'CEOERS'' 1 aug 4 m& . o .a a s . m is ana is sontn roni earn, . ; No Revoke. - Tobacco rood of all kiada, iesS lucneapest. - , n. v " t , , r4 - Somth Front Street. 3 doors' 1 1 afifi- 3-lwk 1 below Exchange Comet c w Wo -1. st -1 RE OW'SELLrNtf 'LADncS and Gem3 ' A Trunk at rednced price, to make-wooaK' iororlncreaslns Saddferyand Harness ttrul. s WeaSSSTbt tHAXHgtg7'. Large aCTortment: H. M. BOVD'-N ft CO. New taddlcry and Tronk U"Jt ? - ' The Best.i 3-"T 42 - JT A T "THE LITTLE STORE AKOCSD Jil A. Corner" row will llnd the lt ' - 7 . u -r JrlVE CENT CIGAR t 'r;. at .i I. V .t-f .r ... i