Tiller ATZR -. I i : . -I. .. , u.i . i . , , . . - ceptrf by JOSH T. JA3IESf - .piroE ArBorwt- ..-.;. vtWTAOK PAID: Uiri" -rv Jtr 5H tOODU , -v. ""V -3:M' . , .uHitml by cattIct- free T rl r nT ,rt of U citf. at lb boTe ,W ra low and KbcrtL 1 U -Tti-rr trtU rciort anj auJ all fall- elWlrirrul-rlr fr iAc --" , eirculdion,cf any newspaper ALin the city oj " nnALNEWS. J llTTil-W ADYIBTISEMIMTI. put A '-LwcaI a ,;K5-U-T1 lWt H 3 Ho"- 1 -",-"We J II MitL-NfW u.Kin WiRtu-Iroccrlf. il il A rt- ill-Cow Teas Eg)m A Diiic-Spec .L rtitii'i ci-Kcadcrt j t M-H-nrr ln SbJrti . jiriliaria-ramlly KxcunOoa . jjt4 C KAEaw-Jo Kecelreil J C 3l-Ttvi-rrh Peachea ju J IUt.ati K-1 am Offering. rtcw A Tattoa-TOnl Caff a. BrMrrcHEix A Sos New Flour Id ru Masxisg Pine Grore ti a $irTti C Dlea the Cable JiC)Ei-Ta Make Home IWaattfal T.J. sh' rntKLASi Por the Sound, i. to N ll-xi-lru; Clerk Wanted W ?ritiis A Co Brown Gin. A A waiaixt-MarTtn Celebrated. I C 3fJ-i.s-Turn! and Cabbage Seed jluisi.xui -Lulgtra and Day Booka . nihx A IIckett Very Best Haras. Ju L B XT Wright Repacked Lemon? 5"rirArRT For the Black. fish Grooads t.tuE Fkkcu A Soss Ladlea and MUsea J X Willaru General CommUvlon Her rlul Jt ". Gordo x A Dro Insnre Tour Cot tCu. J Gobdox, K of Jl and S MetlD-bf "ca KtJKHXER A kr Bros Continue to al wholesale. TeLth Sunday after Trinity. 1-j S-jt this afternoon at 51 minutes fist 6 o'clock. Xew moon this afternoon at 56 min utes past 3 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday foot up 73 bales. There were no interments m Hellenic tVuieterj during the past week Three adults and one child were in terred in Oakdale Cemetery during the week. Oze adult and three children were in trmlin Pine Forest Cemetery during week. Mirriase licenses were issued to only fvwred couples, four in number, during S-eweek. The "c;own" collars and culls are decidedly the best. They ars sold by I'tu&Sox. . f ToIIce your premises. Iime and other iifectants can bo had at the City Hall fcJ lung for them. Kiilncy Disease. Irritation, lletention, Incontl- 2 v r; posits, Ci ravel, c, cured by Bachupahia'. $1. Iepot James C. S.H. liarrelt's circus will pitch its on the vacant lot corner Third, and uarnett streets. The trouDe will show tcro 00 Monday, theUta'pf September. The Xor. baniucm Capt.Thorsen,' -wed jestcrday for Ixndon with 1,630 of spirits turpenUno and 185 bar- y x, ' T-ncd at $33.550.!shippd ra: AIex' Sprunt Son. ? t .... . -'.i.. n lute will have in a fow , ? a xy handsome stock of new f :?in wall-paper. He has selected c- tock with a great deal of care and Pcts to show some very elegant pat- r. -srs, w. II. Green. John II. Ilar- JJw. C. Munds and.Wmiam An on.who have been in attendance ae second annual convention of State Pharmaceutical Association, Ia3ton hare returned to this city. S. T. Hallman will preach in k tVi Lutheran Church this morn i .lt 11 o'clock, and again at 8 o'clock Tening. We are requested to Uat the usual Sunday School ex- Dot o observed to-morrow. Tjjo Harper .Cxcarslou. plnd faxaUy excursion will be Ja on the ftusport Friday next, un aanscment of the Captain. Cw. xnusicfordancin. and JT7 liarPer has made all for a pleasant trip. ilw,J' ... month, tic Three . Lw -aau fl 1 S 1 Y 11 II A H I I l I f ' 1 1 . l V ' a J ; V U - - tl IV. . . - ---- v:. J i V.LV 1 U , W - 1 t - w .. : I 1 f .... - ... ' -- . , . .... . . , ... ' t .... ' r -., ' ., , -' ., .i.i .-v.;.. i'ii " j ;l ... -.. . ..- ...... .-.MUl "rWV: 1 : . ' - j .. ) ?, j ,.V !!. , Y, t : " T i . ., . 11 ...I.. ' ' - VOL. VI. Shrimps were plentiful yesterday at five to.ten cents per quart. . Mr. J Halm will leave for New York ttxl:iyt-where ho goes to purchase his Fall and Winter stock of goods. 1 Ou ami alter to-morrow, the wagon ette will leave for the .Sound, at 5:30 o'clock, instead of at G o'clock", as here tofore. To Builders and" others Go to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors," Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. ......; . ! . Mr. I. Shrier advertises that all of his remaining j stock", must be sold anyhow. Ho means business, as all will find out by calling on him. j k - The Rev. W. M. Kennedy will preach in the First Bhptist church this morning and evening at the regular hours, in consequence of the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Taylor. The "approaching 'regatta over the Wrights ville course, is not to be strictly a club race. The regattas aare open to all but will be sailed under the sailing regulations of the Carolina Yacht Club. Ah, yo lovers of sport, one more op portunity is afforded you to go to the Blackfish grounds this season. The steamer Passport will take out a party on next Thursday. See . advertisement elsewhere. I 1 ' It is reported that the savannahs near Burgaw have been entered by a gentle man in this city, who proposes going in to sheep raising on a large scale. The savannahs afford ample pasturage for a large number of sheep the entire year. There will be a match of base bal played to morrow at the Athletic Grounds, between the Blue Streaks1 and "Our Boys' nines. These clubs are said to be composed of j the best base ball players among the colored people of this city. A colored man was attacked with a fit near the foot of Chestnut street, yes terday, and fell through an opening in the wharf, burying his face in the mud He was discovered by some of his friends, who took care of him. Had the tide been high, he would undoubtedly have been drowned, j Messrs. B. F. Mitchell & Son have recently added tho "patent process 'and made other extensive and important lm provements te their flouring mill and are now prepared to furnish flour equa in every respect to a Northern or Wes tern brand, They are now grinding new wheat of unequaled quality and can furnish flour in lots to suit. Merchants and others would do well to give them a call. See advertisement elsewhere Cotton, j The receipts of cotton at this port for tho period from August 1st to j August 12th, foot up 304 balev, as against is. bales for the first fifteen days in August, 1831, an increase this Angnst of 110 bales. Tho crop receipts to date mis year foot up 136,4111 bales, as against 119,254 bales in 1881, an increase this year of 17,187 bales. ' Cliicken Thieves. Chicken thieves paid their respects to Mr. J. V. Benspn, who resides on the corner of Fourth and Dawson streets, on Saturday morning. They stole about twenty chickens and got off with their booty. Mr. J. Sidbury, who resides, on the j corner of Fourth and Queen streets, was also victimiz ed the same nisht.. AH of his stock of chickei was stolen, j Freshwater Fere h, Trout and Black fish hooks and . lines. - - A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's.! Steam Brakes. A new patented Bteam brake has been nut onlrclght engine No. 3, on the AY . & W. R. K. The brake is put on tne driving wheels of the epgine by means of steam, and a tram can be stopped when under headway very quickly . The brake Is but an experiment and if it works to the satisfaction of the offi cials we presume all the freight engines will be supplied with them. - --p- City Court. The Mayor's reception yesterday was well attended. i Joshua, McGuin, disorderly conduct. was diiihargeL ! . Judy Ann Hunter was lined $2 or 4 days In prison, for being disorderly. She took the 4 days. Ada Harris, alias "Long Nine, was fined S2 or 4 daysfor disorderly con duct. She paid up and departed. Anna "Williams,., same offense, was fined $2 or 4 days. She went below. Edward Taylor was discharged after having been reprimanded for disorder ly conduct. , - . V" . . ;- . WILMINGTON. N. j Not True. ... :.,,.:..!., ; TLure was a report in circulation yes terday to the effect that a man had been d no wncd on Friday. r night fro in j off one. of the river steamers, when .within about six njles pftbs city. We called at t he f iflice of the agents of the steam ers and ascertained that the report had 4 been given birth to by a colored deck hand who was a near relathe of. Baron Munchausen.' and who frpquehtlyV told such yarns in order iolfool" his com rades. The Captain of the steamer was asked about the report, . and said.be had no kno vledge of the - matter,' and' was positive that the man viras not "drowned from off his boat. Additional Subscribers . j Mr, S. C; White, .manager of the TeV ephone Exchange, is endeavoring toiu crease his subscription list to one hun dred. He has seven ty-fivo : ; business houses and residences on Jiis list, all of whom most cheerfully ' recommend" the exchange to more subscribers. ! He has worked the exchange up toa very high standard of usefulness, and it is now an almoss indispensable convenience. ( He will in a few days start around among the new subscribers in the city, and wity we surmise, have no trouble in getting thft twpntv.fivA mnrfl Bnriflnrihnra Hosir- ... j ... rL This will he but Y stenrino'-stnn to .... . - , -, . Still greater usefulness of the exchange, and we deiirc to espres and cheerfully testify to our appreciation of - the high RtoncUrYl fr, whicli r"VTii Thaq raTsAt the Wilmington Telephone Exchange Convicted of Hirbway Kob- 1 bery. I . The attention of kthe Criminal Court was taken up yesterday in; the trial of I the case of John Johnson, charged with highway robbery. Mr. Solicitor Moore represented the State and Mr. Jno. P. Bellamy jr., the . defense. The trial of the case was begun at 9 o'clock in the morning and was given to the jury at 9, o'clock last niirht. There was quite an arrav of witnesses for the defense, Mr. Solicitor Moore addresse'd the jury or one hour and a half and made one of the best speeches of hi3 life. Mr. Bellamy's speech is also highly ( spoken of. The jury were out about ten minutes and brought ina Terdict of guilty. The convicted lelon Has not vet been sen- -V tenced. , For the Review. Iulormation TVauted. Editor Keview It is currently re- ported that despite the fact that 'Judge r . , . ..." Darbv held the position ot Uity Attor- ney and receid pay for the same, the Boards of Audit and Finance and Al derman did not have confidence in his legal ability and competency lor the po sition, and hence numerous fees were naid to other competent members of the leal fraternity for their advice and ser- u:av.o vices, uuuws 'u vxo vvo pil Colonel Chadbourn. of the First Di vision of the Radical army, to move the abolishment of the oHice. . Now, - Mr. Editor, if this be true "Jcde" Darby should havo been re- mnvd Inner airo. and Jus place nnea liv ati abler and more competent man and the citv relieved of the. burden of paying other attorneys ior nis incompe m 4 tency and lac 01 aDuny. . t Onprv: If the ."Jed2e"" was I not a Uwvnr of sufficient calibre to make a com netent city attorney what method is proposed to remoia mm into compete- . . - & i cv ior a luuesniur . Would it not bo amusinc to sec the! antics of "Jeilge" .Darby upon, the bench, deciding a point of law, with ch iMrrwd Hn the law) centlemcn as Tlon (ifeor" Davis, upon one side of the queition and Hon. Duncan K. Mc- Amu uiniu w . ---.w- . . I . . . J In conclnsion, auow me, as a tax-pav- cr, to'call upon the Mayor or uuy j. reas- urer to enlighten our people by publish- in the amount paid by the city for le- af advice and services to other mem- bers of the bar. since Mr. Darby has held the position and received the pay of City Attorney. jjaniel. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At the meeting of the Howanl Relief Fire Qgine Co., No. I, beklAugust 7th, 1SS2, the En ii n i irri inimiii3 hub cuiiuiuKii u draft suitable Ho solution on the death of our . ii . i. .i-OT-r. t t T-eB-nmvn" I who departed this iiie on. tne za oi -ugust, fore submitted the following: iw:. iicr uui r c .j o o-u i Wheheas, lthaapcaseaourimigniy ww n his Providence to Remove from our midst j our decease! orotuer nreuian, h-uim -u.- i LONO, who was one ot the oldest memocrs oi Dress Goods, Hosiery, Nouons, Blankets, rian thu r-kmrnr. and who served the same'for a I nela- Ribbons. Domestics. Underwear. Shawls. inn- limp a Foreman .and as Engineer and I whose departure was pinch regretted by his I fellow fireman, tncrevore ue it I Jtuolvtd. that by the oeatn ot our uro."er nreman, ..-. .!-" v, vs wiut-; it nM of its oldest members, whose loss we deeply deplore, but bow In humble &ablasloa 1 all things welL Raolccd, that as a token of respect to the memory of our deceased Jbrother, fireman the members of Uus Company shall wear the badge of mournin SMSGM ,lrth, age and day of death of our de- ttl?? ne:Un blank name w rf RirJ. that a conr of these Resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother fireman with the assurance of our heartfelt that also a copy of these Resolutions be sent J to the daily papers Tor puoucauon. F. CI MI ILLER, I U AN, I (LAN, 1TENS. f A. ADRIAN T. DON Committee. T. MAR' J. HAAR 1 - ' " 1 ' " '' Y''l ' StJNDAY. AUGUST 13 j Church Services Tolay. ' - St. Jatuea' Church, corner Market and Third streets. ller.-X: A. Watson, D. D. Iter tor. Tenth Sunday after Trinity, Aujnwt 13. ISrfi, Sunday .hoJwjoI at 10 a. nt. Morning Prayer at 11 o'ekk. ETcnlng Trayer at 6 o'clock.- " SL John's Church, corner Third and Rett Cros streets Her: Thoa. I. Wtts. Reeton Tenth Sunday after TrhntTf August 1 i tfiarlH w:niuoo t.w. m. aiornlnr 'rayer ana. Sermon, at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at'5 ta. Krenlug Trayey at p o'clock. . . : 'First "Baptist Church, corner' of lUrket'and yifth streets. IteT. J. 11. Taylor, l., laator? Sunday Schooa at u- nu - i$errioes at 11 a. m.,;wl S p. m.. conducted'' by lie v. W.M Kennedy. .Missionary meeting , at 4 o'clock. Prayer nieetlngTliursday night at 8 ockcf. , Joint services of the First and Second Pre-' byterian congregations will be held. untll ur- uier nouce, in ue Jfxre.inurcn.corneroi L uxxiirfi ana vrango sireeu, at il a. m., ana in toe bee. Ami f nil y n rrkraAt 1 W tt rwl ramnh.ll etj - - " . . , .v !. . . A V I IV ! C7. rob at :15 p. m. Services by Eer. Joseph R. WU- on, ..:'.'?!' J9:I-?i: r,; Cnrlst Church (Congregatlonaiist)Xiin street; between 8ixth.aml Seventh.,Jev.I.D.Dodge minister. ' Preaching services 11 o'clock, ( a. m. and 8 o'clock,' p. m. Pastor , Uible Class at 12.15 p. in. Prayer and ' Praise tueettn y Wednesday, 8 o'clock, , p. pi. Snnday School, S o'clock, p. m.. in MemoriaMIall, corner 7th andNunsts. .'lOKUii St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 of clock p m. i Dally Mas at CiOara. , , . . i . , Second Uaptist Church, . on Sixth,1 between Church hnd Castle streets. Rer.-J. P-klogi Pastor.' Servlcesat 11a. m. and 8 p. m. ! Sun day School at 9 a. : m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. . , ... , f.(! , (. St. Paul's Episcopal . Church.t ' corner . of Fourth and Orange streets. Kev. T. M. Am bler; Rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 8 oxlock; Sunday school at o'clock. Seats free. , y - . ' . fi i Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of 71 i rr . - . . - rv w t - ti r - F.TnV ana Yainu streets. iev. ranc 11. I ivoou, pastor, services at n a. m. ana 8 p. 1 m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m.. W. M. Parker. superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Christian ffiHSfffSSlSSS strangers and visitors cordially invited. . , .h Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. T. Page Rlcaud. Pastor. Services at 11 a. ra. and 74$ p. m. ; Class meet ing at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 1b o'clock. First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of Fifth and Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor. Sun (lav School at a. m. Preachine at 11 a. m., 3 p.m. and 8 p. m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Family Excursion. , rjtHERE WILL BE A GRAND FAMILY Excursion on the PASSPORT to Smithville and the Forts on FRIDAY NEXT. Music for S.roI aug 13-n J. W. HARPER Steamer Passport yyrLT MAKE A TRIP TO THE " g&.'. " 5 aug 13-it juhn w. hakpkk. Turnip and Cabbage Seed. kON'T FORGET THAT I HAVE JUST received a fuU supply of Ruta Baga Tur- nip and Cabbage Seed. Also a full line of Patent Medicines, V010116,8- -xtS I niirl Vi ti o liaa T onir tr lri I a t hAth T mv of rv Extracts v ""J jT c. MnLER, stores. Corner Fourth and Nun sts. " . and Hanover ' aug 13 It Pays mo give me your paper hanging X and Upholstering. You get it done the very day you want it. I have a splendid line of Window Shades, I am selling cheap. Car ets cut, made and laid; a nt guaranteea. bend n your order. Al fine Fall stock coming 1n everyday. Elbow grease .win ten, you know. The Paper Hanger and Carpet Maker aug 13-1 1 For the Sound. V THE WAGONETTE WILL LEAVE MX Stables this morning at 9 o'clock, for Wrights- ville Sound. T. J. SOUTHERLAND. aug 13.it : 1 Tl-,,; ni1- T7T7"4. . VI UICIIS. . u UUCU. a nrwiii hktt a tit.ki it nil via TirA'V'- nrhn i f ---- -v ... v "v i understands the Drug business thoroughly. rest ntenco -.quired. APPiy m person or i I. ... . . -r TT . ton a . Dy iecr vo air. .va.. -u-umoo, . .u i ; - castle hall. ) stonewall lodge, No. i, k. of ip. S TRETHREN : You are earnestly, requested i r to attend our next regular Convention,' Mon day evening, 14th Inst., at 8 o'clock, as busl- ucss oi importance win come ueioretne-oug ; By order of U. O. . W. J. GORDON, augl3-lt ' K.ofR-S. Koticel "Notice! T?OR A CHANGE OF BUSINESS I SnALL ri - during tno present .reek ecu . tne balance oi my stock of Dry Goods, contained In my store .... 1 at No. 47 Market street, co-udsting chiefly of , r. Ac liemcmber this: is no hnmbc for everything must be sold during, the present week. I nave two fine surer pia tea snow cases and one dozen chairs widen 1 snail dispose oz u th? nuiw; un - . , A. SHRIER. aug 13-1 1 . - 47 Market street. "Bless the-Babies"! - - pABT CA-JIAGra A'D PER-MErfr-i. t .!.,--.. , ; ; t,f$, tors in full stock; large variety and low price, an ! (i - : -I .. . - 5 . I FURNITURE OF at t. nFmrPTTOXS I of all styles and at ail prices. - - - I r a RrrriT m . l -.- - I i . June pa. North Front street. 1 V 1882. ; i ' NO. 192 rr .r,r. "TT? ' NEW , j Al VJB1UTIS3UNTS- I Am: Offering (6ouxD ijAkcjaixs' iV irhiTi? coons: Piques qhe lln-si,''; rm? rBho, 'Table -A Danfale, Towels au4'XpUn&. A neir ltuul : ia ' h-yioltfr "'.'iil -..! . wi fc" tr - "' 1 . S y. aug.lS Kerchhcr & Calder Bros. - i ;i i - JOXTISUE TO OFFER AT WHOLESALE mil tAv nt flour, hoop iron; w MEAT. ,. BUNGS.. : . : .i'.-.Sh .V. CANDV, CANDLES, ft it MOLASSES, CORN. J il tiiv Vr? A S h' hick f STARCH, - - ..-LYE,. co foTAstr," CASE GOODS, i l "snuW: TOBACCO .CAN GOODS AND CA8EJGOODS t RICE BIRD, .RIFLE & BLASTING POW. DEB,' SHOT AND- CAPS. ' lA tug 13 - W E W F LO U R, FROM K. C. AV1IEAT. y-E ARE GRINDING DALLY NEWyiour from North Carolina Wheat, crop of iS82,whlch ' : .A. . r- 1 : . -t . ;,, we are offering at LOW FIGURES. - . .t- . - - : Having lately added the J'PATENT PRO- CESS", and otherwlaemade extensive lm- i i . , provemeuta In our Flouring Mills, we are now V j - ! prepared te furnish Flour EQUAL IN QUAL ITY AND PRICES to; Northern 'or Western brands. I s Can also furnish GRAHAM FLOUR in quan tities to suit; PEARL HOMINY, the "BEST BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY", and GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. B. F. Mitchell & Son. aug 13-1 wk ; I What is It 1 rjlHAT YOU WANT DONE TO YOUR Fur niture ? We upholster, repair and polish fur nltnre. make Mattresses: Window Cornices and Picture Frames, and Awnings, and hang Paper a little better than others. You will find the best and most experienced workmen at aug iz jWETT'S, 27 N. Front St. , ; .. . Insure Tour Cotton Gins I IN THE VIRGINIA FIRE AND MARINE INS. CO Assets $600,000. , AND . PHOZNIX ASSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. Assets $5,500,000. JNO. W. GORDON & BRO., Agents, i 24 North Water Street, augl-5t-sun Wilmington, N; Review Readers . A BE INVITED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of the genuine BARGAINS we are now offer ing in our remaining stock of Spring and Sum mer Clothing. We shall leave instructions to sell, during our absence. Clothing at any price. stock of Fall and Winter Fine Clothing Is now -v. ..Ub " . W "V V t feWM. being manufactured fori us. We shall exhibit frrita aatkarn a T.a rk cr 4---1i a t mt -w. AMta Anl(lw - ",rw-':' " new unaer tne suuv - aug 13 il CLOTHIER. -- - - -1 - t 100 Bushels I Clay and. Mixed Peas, FOR SALE BY TT A TfT. feTH A T?.S A T.Tf ----"mr':tr:iir:?y - ' , Notice. -t - -.. IWVtlVVI I mrra - sens COSE WILL EE soi.n at I Km thTi m nn im iio aiv at nrait i aiii persons holding claims against Iier wm pre-1 sen. 1B r uciujc -i iusu, CUUDU I win be Td after that date. nmt i 1 . .n-.. Tmmm-f .. . . ... I ipresenieu to jjwju.i. azen, oraiia-1 riile, Enmswicl. Co N. C. angs-tt 1 w wui iw gua to rttjn eoanxatat:aa r fromourTrkrndjonany and idl aakjecti. 'l eeneni tntirest but " i i . 1 . . ' . I . The name of tho writer umat always b fox -uahed to the Editor. : CommunlcaUons most be written oaa oalj one aide of the paper. -Per-onaditles must be avoltled. . . AwlltU espescla-1 ftooil that the Editor ttoca bot always eador he view of wmutdcnU'tmTat o " ' " " ' "" to tbetUoVfal ytlaninaj 1 j ;, 1 p () 1 4 ( NEW t AOVERTISI!liyX3. Bird Oages. rjlOILKT SKTi. AMP3 ' AND LAMP a, Preserrln SeUlea, B-s and Eaam clod t lothca Hamper and In , rart aoj thla feuml In a rtRMT-cR bou.e furnishing store. Southern Oak Cook Store. VEU C1IKAP. at " c - PARKK tt A TAT IX)R3, I aug 6 i s " ' i. : u j 8outh Front o A. VJiJIard, Q.ENERAI COMMISSION MERCHANT, - and ruRchAsiifb AGEjrf, i v S. K. Cor. Charlca and Pratt Sta.. aug9n BALtnioaK, Mn. j rJundo BroG. DRUGGISTS,w IWlIINGTON, NORTH 4 CwUna.i;91 Broadway. .corner. rd street, New York.. The . high standard attained by tbeflj-nla thiseiry wlllbe 1-ereaaed by theur , New York connection. WUmlnstonlans . vialt ing New York will reclere at lhe above !iim. ber a hearty North CaroUna welcome. Jt L H; Attehtioii Teacherij. REMEMBER UHAT I Kl 2 C?,ALL THE i A i , SCHOOL books adopted by the state.' AW many other . STANDARD TEXT BOOKS. A liberal discount to tcaehera. School and office --applies, Fancy Goodff 1 i , . i i Pianos, Organs, c aug 6 YATES' BOOKSTORE. A New Lot i' o F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOB sale low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va lises'at prices to suit the times. : r : 49 Repairing executed neatly ajul with d . patch. 'V- ' ' .. i ' j ' J, H. MAI-LARD, ! ' -.!.-...' i -: i ' j Successor to Mallard A Bowden, J iuna lS-tf No. 8 Front Strest. Just Eeceived. J llAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICC lotof Flowers. I am reducing my stock of ii- Fans, Parasols and other Fancy Goods at very low prices 10 make room for tt fint 'j" stock. Respectfally, ( MISS E. KARRKR, lExchange Corner. July 11 Ladies' and MissesrCloth Button Boots at Cost. -rrrE wish to close out our stock OF LADIES' AND MISSES Cloth Button Boots I and will sell them at cost. , , Call and secure a pair. j " ' ' : ; GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS, i July 19 1 33 N. Front fit.!, Ledgers anclDay Books, QASH BOOKS AND INVOiCB BOOKS Bills Payable and Receivable. An immense stock of all sizes and prices te ! select from ,'at IIELNSBERGER0. Musical Instruments. .t j LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. A SHEET MUSIC Any not In stock can be ordered at SHORT NOTICE at i 1 aug 11 j THE LI V E BOOK STORE.1 Very Best Hapfis 18c per ; lbf f iy E DO NOT , CLAIM TO HAVE THE . largest stock, or to have larger and' better f' " cilities for doing business than any house la thla'd ty or Sute, -nor do we claim tobe Trai : . - ... . ' I i ' 5 ftkst to get a new line of goods, ltat we do ! say no house In this Jetty has a nicer, fresher ... , - . .. : . . w or better selected stock thanoixrs. And as te prices try us and Judge for yotrrsclf. i, ; , ' As to new goods, we hare had Flour made from this year's Wheat, (1882) since July IV 1 1882, and offer all goods as low or lower than' ' any house In the city. Crapon & Piclictt; WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL GEOO-l-S, aug 4 18 and IS South Tnmt Street. Tho Best. AT "THE LITTLE STORE AROUND TUJS, Conexrvn will Cod the best ,.,.., 1 in the city. .No Joke; All Smoke: Xo Choke: aiS."t '.':;.L-ir 0g"wk . tke. Tobacco goods or an ainns, best St. tJ--IV -LT, . ! - South Front 8 tree t. S doon j below Exchange Corner. ! Wo. W W W. -: . . . 4; t?k xow SELL-NO LADIES and Cema - Tmntt mi ntrmcrti nncra. 10 . w' for o lncrrtng MS ElUUWKe : f. ' " . . TT . . W J Tiv assortment. U. Jl. iHjwjri m,w. i . i. . . J 1 1 ..JlrW llnnu .( , ew u; ittse.