Il , . ,- --. " ' ' ,. , 1 - ... I-. i. morons. Moadaj. ex- i ma j'1 .., x y w -jr - r . - ,T " 2k - - . r -1 .a i . r a ; n -:'.,..-...,... a r . m . .... ., ,. -- a i m : . i . in ,. a a . -a j . .. t " 'i- t a. r ' ' o .. . i . . ,. . v . a , . ' i t 1 - j . ,- . JOSUT. JVMES, rRCimuNS POST AUK PAID: r - SU nUu, $2.00. Three l Jf ,'i.ou; Oomofai,i5 ceiiU. u,3r b iWlreml bj crrlcr- Ire la .ny part' l rffMTi0ccBU per week- - 'J-tMn rW- low ?tbCTL will mnrt mnj aini U fU- 77 Daily Jlvicw Juis the larjt$l t tirailmion, of any nantpapcr iFsTr tiHirW A0YERTI5tMEKT5. t VAt-'-"1,",r,,cr aon is now u tho uucUni:n!ur the hopes of the TV w fanju'r-" . Tic mV4 f cotton" at this jxrt yes- trnlaj f- UP 3 MuJ. imnU i saxr on every hand. Init i.uh lit re fegxv lry laud. Xucity curt yesterday, and MaU :n:e'i K" WM in mourninff. ATtbin in the hardware lino can found at reasonable prices at Jaco Kn Horace Sctuldcr, Scars, hence. anired at Tort Spain on the 26th ul- Thj does every body bay from Ihruifc Sox. Uecauso they keep the litest. Sfciuship Benefactor, Capt. Tribon, irrltcd Lore yesterday afternoon, from Sew York. One rear ago to-day August 16th tie r fca-e of new cotton was received at this port Scir.ume IP. Hayes, "McFarland, hncc. arnved at Georgetown, S. C, Asruitllth. Gcr. brig Der Wanderer, Strubing, iiHed frem Hamburg on tho 13th inst. ist this port. Xorwegian -banjue Kordenskjold, Larsen, for this port, sailed from 'Bre tca, August 11th. . Schooner Charles Morford, Burdge, tenet, with naval stores, arrived at Xew York on the 13th inst. There U an unmailable letter in the postofiice, in this city", addressed to Jno. II. llnnter, Atlantic City. I'eachcs will give place to oysters next month, simply because September can boast of aa rM and August can't. The empty pews in the churches give the lest indication of the large number of people absent from the city this Sum- mer. VQL- VL , WILMINGTON. K C.; AVEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16. 1882: NO. 194: . ..I ' ; i , - ' - - 1 . . i i mm pav . . ' Z f : : 1 , Ldirgrest Canro of Ilosln Jvcr Shipped from the U. S. Br. ship Meney, cleared yesterday by AIrsAlex. Spnint & SouK for Bri. tol; Jiglaml. takes 8,702 round barrels of rosin, (c r 0,125 payablu barrels) the largest cargtiof rosin, probably, ever shipped. i v Scarcity of Good ISeef. ' rr...- i i riicro is ftiit a scarcity of rc:d icooI beef cattle in tLe market, and the butch er tell u that 4suv3 o( gtQd ; tie would le in demand at fair ayiu prices. Wc hope yome of our 'country friends will take pity on1 the .butchertf (the consumers are of mo consequence) and drive in a good drove of first rate cattle. ' i ' ' Getting" Kead3'. The old bill boards are bein cleaned and put in shape for the coming circuses, Mechanical -Skill. Wo noticed yesterday, in the window of Mr. L. Flanagan's variety store, a line specimen of mechanical skill in tho hape of a miniature steam ferry boat, the haiidiwoik jLf Mr. Willfc Flanagan. It is a'doubtc'-tfccer, has two smoke-; stacks, two pilot houses, walking beam and 'wheel houses) all cOrapIele; and is made entirely of wood. r I n one of the wheel hou's&s there is, a , niall clock, "sure enough." it Is ad ingenipus piece of ; r workmansJirpii: aud-irifleeito'- mnchi heart jdilseasx: credit upon the patience and skill of the young affiaieur.shipwrighC' . ! ' STATE liEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mount Airy Xcwsr The price of wheat and Hour -i3 coming down quite slowly. Good flour sohl on our streets this week at $3 per hundrei pounds, and nice wheafat87i 'cents per bushel com not to bo thomrht if A lady whoso name we did not leanfl came troni the country on Thursday, 3d inst. to receive medical treatment un der lr. Joseph llollinswortb. OnFri day morning she was taken - very ill and before the tkctor - could reacJtvJcr diod.D It is supposed that she died , of Kerchner & Oalder Bros. TrtxA our XrlcniU oa anj m gabjecU I f , The nkme ot lb wiUei mul aJwyt u far COTtununitaUoiu tucut UtwrtUea oa mly UAwt It bTespeaaUy UhI r4iolr!y toot thai tbe Editor doc not atway endor be views of correspondent. uaic to' 1 la tbe editorial columta. ' " i I 1 ' NEW AIT2RTISEaiEXTS. COXTIXUK TO OfTEK AT WflOLKSALE a 1 llll fittM- Of ' 'A KFKK, V ' MKAU T rj r . QASVY, : , MOUSSES, 4 C j CANDLES, , COKN.- r - - OAP. KICK, v-wi.-i t . .j, L.YK, ' ' , . &NUrr, TOBACCO. POTASH, ' ' - CAN GOODS. AND CASK GOOIOS. Bird . Cages. ; l, Clutbf.ilMiiens Awl In ilmnrthlc-: - LAMP rpon.KT UooiU, tKutlierm Oak Cook Stove. VKU ClILAP.t t "' ' South Front St q Jameo A. VJillard, ?AO.PUIMaiASIXO AGENT, ' 1 v TioIdsbohJ -Jlfcssenrkr: 1 MaTor IlKzell. - -JJKKi tiUOOf AXI CAl's.r- ;AUg IS- ;I Clirle. imirratt Su.. of this county is ahead in the beet line, nf ,:f inr - m. imZ - r ftm n V' having leftQme In ouroffice weighing TJ-'Et-W rF O U - - IUltdoKe, Md. over 12 pounds. -The freshet in the j .iH ; jt,; r ,k, .Lt lnr' 1 fA !!.'' ' I JKOJI N. C. WHEAT. HUhUli lWOUm l 9 List of Letters The folio win and new boards are being put up to ac- main in the Postouico comodatc the "show pictures." In the nesday, August courso of a fuw davs the boards will he I A. James B "What'irive a hpnlthv nnnptilp. nn In crpASAf! ifiorpstinn Kf rpnHii t Mm rrni J rivers lias"SdbsilliL:and we are Dleascd --nwww -wmp v ui I . . . I I T --7S -NowuV . V- KQRTII -wL. ..,1 II.. T I T . I w " I d . I ew : .: . , 4 iiuo puituaacu uiu xjljcuiuu resilience iroia lorotuaroinui Wheat, cropof ISSiwbieUiv li- 'yiuroaaiy corner tirtl itreet. i aim wm move 10 v iisoii - wiin a view I ,i , I Vr,..f .1 U1u. aiuunea b embellished anuyllustrated with what rWalteB The cicars ionlsts from Charlotte are eijcted to arrive here this morning on te regular train at 10 minutes to 9 Br. barqucntine Chocolate (Jirl ar rired in below yesterday, consigned to Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, waiting tor orders. It was jo coed yesterday morning that i little thicker clothing was found com fortable, bnt the coolness all cvaporat dw during tho day. Tbe blackfish excursion, probably tb fct of the season, will take place to morrow oa the steamer Itsjnxrt. Get ready to haurem In. Krery ward club In the city should be rajrraaucd. The Second, as the central win!, might well take tho lead. What do you ny. gentlemen? A colored boy caught a catfish yester day afternoon at Market Dock, which - nea!Hr,L-liSnC8 between the eyes and was fwentyrthrec inch'cs .mlength. The Bf. fcane Ikorgt Ihxvis arrived U tt SnuthulW. yesterday, for orders, cociincj to Mtasts- Alex. Sprunt & Son, and proceeded to Brunswick; G a. Capt. Sherman, of the steamer John bvon, reports that there has been a ri alto-tther of lata ia the Black IUv r of aboat Ted of water, which is, wwmr, now falling oft. . A larjc party is to be1 given at Pino Crore, Captain Manning's place, at Vrij24vflle SodnVthls evening, and iraaber of ladles and gentlemen from city are expected to attend. "Th Supreme Lodge of Knights of of lho World will convene at ltrcit. Mich.", onTucsday. next the last; Messrs. John L. Dudley and J. A. Bonitzv will attend as the chosen Frtscatatlves of the North Carolina Graad Lodge. WicSnletr wa- it ilio Cape Fear. There has been a btmtjicce of rain in the nppcr Capo r seetba, end natigation is all that U desired. - Crops all. along the of the river are better, and fann r are feeling as jolly as tho boatmen; , the ase Baker, Reilly Burnett, commonly known as the -financial hole , . , , t 'xj. u ttitci. xjclb-ci, xwciiij - ix.uvw, commonlv kill c shows promise to do, and the aver- Mary Bonnet,MaUlda Blackwood, Mary dcroand c small boy will have his attention E. Bender, Kate Barclay, Calvin Blunt, Thrmrrh ifcisn' Iw E c.'rt" l tncttatod by thefr &iti!f!5J2otoXe' luoabore. num. Attention, Teachers, i The artesian well, Prepawl to farnlah Flour EQUAL IN QUAL-1 EMEMBtoi; CHAT-i' 'faCEP ALL TTIE . . . ' . . !. ot Diauog it -niS'.permaiieMt! residence. J v " 1"fVftt.. , J g unclaimed, letters, re- Nothing has :been heard Irom Sena- r Havirie latclv' alded the ' "patkxt-Wrw ' ww -v la.-.-. ; l . At - Is , , . - .. ,- ,. - I in tniscicy, wed- wr v auw iu respousew uie invitation " , , " ' -n - Allen. Marv M Allen. w! pmonrw'wewMr A) , ' . v I Vlv a JJ liaiUlf ilikLlI -Lliab A1D LlZLlil I - I I I V III It-" has proven f a, failure. not In mortals! to command brands. ? ITY AND PRICES to Northern or Western SCHOOL BOO adoptea hT tbe 8Ute. AUe mm w AAA &a. uAitiw, - kr au bw m x-i ' - a. a LiOiLiiL,! n j-. i iri w . i a il i r- - u- -rk a w w a - w -i . ill vnv ni nap w -. IBB i vm w . -f- ir-v r w rics of the arena. . ' .josepn isiocxer. jvizz isannerman. certamly deserved it. He worked faith- . H - :i-; w h;j n . . ,. , . ..- . , cwicSjl- &t&&; . 1. i . .4 I lV.LllW A . t.Jll. IIUJ'M Hll T I UIB , W I dm i I WM4r at Mr. Wm. Tilley, of the Southern Ex- an, Minnie cutler, Manod uareia cor- home. : The joint meetings of the OF all kinds. press office in this city, left here yester- j.Ali; WAviAn Xpknn twi, f??!1! eiff"8.1?11- -- i i -r. -i . i aiuuers ui jluuiiu. iu nenansviiie. a.uir. r . r Mr ; i ; e- i . . , - - o B. F. Mitchell & Son. aug 13-lwk ' ; ; : : .....vw, w.MUO W I . IT. !; i - ' - I augG . TAXES' BOOKSTORE. pany, requiring bis presence m New " PrfFr-. .T O Fil!viW. .T AV. SftfJ2ffS55SL ne-0la . m A ra -a . . - -i -aw. r 1 . 1 1 lie v's mission 13 known nero as vetr io cetta uoeiec a jji uoiasmitn. i tttr MArr o but it is possible that he maybe re- Jrjffc'wW city Ppflt ...:i -. oi-n Vt .-, .rvo w- -f-jmce as rouow: - 1 i Hsmw m.y.M vww brell, Minnie Galloway, SE Gilbert, M - close. . , : , his return. 1) .Tnlin Wfinm. ' . Northern thxouarh malls,. fast... .....4.45 P. M. tr w.;i,;--t n r c a 1 ortnerntnro-gnana way maiia....5.40 a.m; r ! a . n l I-. .---. . . -r ... I ............. w.w jl . jjl. ouu in. uriiuuiui iuuri. saran J narriss. .uewis Jtioiunssworin, I MaiJs for the N. C. Railroad and -, . . ' - Julia Hars. James W Hall. Joe Tl routes supplied therefrom Includ ine iouowmg cases were aisposea oi TTnmhrIp- 'tnhn RnrrlwlpV ; : wrfff , to? .&?f:c. -Railroad a --...,:.5.40 a. M : --f .-,!- . nT,r"v,' ;r"". "-Ar vVt "n &ouuiern juaua lorj&u uoints south. u jwiviua. . iiiu. jtereDeiiinton.i; jnariey riowara.i -daily '....-soop. m. r-r a a w . - t w v . . w -f r a . - w m -r -xr. a. : i ra a ( -. v i - oiaie vs. J onn jonuson, auas iienry i .j . r anme a J onnson, jcj . JJ! ones o i eicit maiia iv. .-uway;aauyi . ... IW I A . . I - ... n E. B A ' -. W 1 A M. . 1 1 f" :jL-jrZl I, 01IIII V I - .... . 1 a Ll 1 r nw-l ; . I'nilftf " il UUKX. I . L I I 1 1 . 1 1 1 L 1 1 ' 4 - .l.IIlt I . -. . . .jfiiiiixiiii. mr iDiii tt i v l i i il.l. . vjruiiL . . i - - ' State vs. Henry Johnson' alias ' John Johnson, for larceny. Verdict: Guilty. George W King,' Frank King. William Statovl Margaret croom, lor sian- Kornegay, i nomas w.ivenaau.- der. Verdict: Guilty., VTV"" "eurJ V rs. COW o F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED D AND ( All points betwCT-h Hamlet and Ral- .5.60P. M. J " I .f itrH "W Cffo tra llonrv .Innnsnn films .Innn I . -, . . ., -,. I ...... .......... ....... ...o.ou xr . iu. w.. -...-.... I. K K S Klflwell. JKIlZanetn KPrr. Maliror Uhfirnwand D.irlinirtnn I?jU. 100 Bushels Clay- and Mixed Peas; " . .FOR SALEBy , f ''' '' HALL&iPEARSALL FOR sale low. I hare futfline of Trnnkt and Va prices to iratt the time. Il , Repairing executed neatly an wlth.dl ' -.7 j-MAllillD, .' .':v.i Sqcceajot to MaQazrt A' Howden, n 1oaol8-tf - v! f-i - No. 8 Trtnf trtt. ;. ; . , ! . 1 iimo 18 Stato vs and.battcry.- Defendant submits. . Butter road. .;. ( ,Vi-.. 4 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence t ; and Charleston , . . .8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and offices onCapeFear ' - 1 ' V Ti,. . v DLippitt. . ' : -U..IX-rjiVjrA o. xruuicj, iui tu,juit M .TPMarks. .To m McCallum.. J ".e.W.;W.J. ... A - FEW PACKAGES fLanro and fimam of E Mattocks, John McFariine; Henry oioTcfaYd tate t V t McAllister, Henry Mills. Chloe Moore, ces, Tuesdays and Fridays ......... 6.00 A. M. uj Bteamooa., uauy . . : jrs).. ..8.30 A. M. FTill. Town frPflk , t r -ti -v o t . I . o..ii... r .-..." . ii i a I xm jxiary ieisou, liiSi, ousau- ihiauu, nnauoiie irau mine . juyei, 'jroes- dec XOU can get au wu o W vortfi. TT W Nash. J II Neilt." -f f da js and Fridays. .... .;. . . . . . . : . ; . .6.00 A. M. i . ,1. I .V VC. ' , . : OPJEN FtIK 'DELIVERY. . v , lOWCSt prices. , U Jane Unyne. : , ., - Northern thromrh and wav roalla. -..7 3ft A HT P Louisa Prill. southern Mails......... 7.. am. ThO AriOIlS. R A Robinson. B G Reeds f2). Hat- Caiin Central Railroad.......... 9.30 A. M. BI To Builders and others Go to Jaco- Martha McGee, S S Meredith, Sarah sSe for Saah. Blinds and Doors. Glass. Moseley, W J Martin. ' ; , ' Maris for Easy PACKAGES ALL GRADES inn ' Consigned and must be'sold. . : June lS-tf DEROSSET A.CO.i . CHEESE-60 BOXES, , ; QTARCH 200 BOXES, Jnst Rerjeived; . T HAV. JUSXf RECEIVED A- . CHOICE lot ol! Flower. , I, am; rednefng .my Istotk,1 of Fan, Parasols and other Fancy Goods at very low prices to makorin'for tbe Sflrit Tall, StOC-L , . r I Repeotfully, ... n",.!! it il',- oj L il i 1 1 iSs Ci 1 f i' i ! MISS E.! KARllER, rExcliania Corner. I I II 111 A'll 1ITNiH J Ki ' ' : 4...... oftheArion Music- tleJtobcson. Ca-,Kown( CharloUe Rich at 3.5I. !?.-, . .7?" f rei7 y A, . XNV)) ;r,rKV i been on a visit to I aruson. ,. , - . , i stamp' umce open wm 8 a;'M. to 12 M.; ana 1 1 ;".i:T fTi-vi Wkrim Dccn on alsuw l .o-TnnflOfw,rr.TS Rpllftrs ' Xna li f rom 2 to ft30 P.-Mi Monertrdei- and Wte T r -!. PEACHL3, Aq., 4.,. of the State for..tWO.i-- Cf.;nMnn -Kf.. ' f or. -k Trim no Department open same as stamp office. .. . if. 5-""ii. V- - T" Ti4c.cT-' L 1 juii io.u 1 . E.iiVOor.i. at w. . . , . t . 5 - . ' J. i ' (.7 - i ' - Several members al Society, who have the Western part weeks tasL have returned to the city; Sloan. Philin Streeter. Shaw. Scott and the others will follow, in a few da. HeStitekla TV. msaaa VPS RS hlffhlV 1 aeT??.L.Ii " t '- ' ! Jt, V J ' ' ' ' 7.. pa Stamps for sale in small auantities at eeneral aeurery wnen stamp omoe is ciosea. darls ladies ! and .'Misses Cloth Button Boots '.at Cost. ! v; '-c r- Ki ;-.3i i. XtrE wisitib close injt 6'im stock OF LADIES' AJjiD MISSES : . , , I V' Cosmopolitan Bar." iVoSTn to suffer Jl w.sks. ugvoia. ciaai-A ttxe. j-Vj. Bntton OOtR ! taking, Iydia,;E. icb cooi. i.AGEE.i', WOmjHnTO JJOOlS'l JOHJM rOAKUfJLJLiVlTOp,'? V-' . , ' South' side Market st . a a r A aiira--.ariiK.A . i -- . - nm i m nirv ii.liii s w w ' r. m. I 1 1 m tl n I I I n il I ill I . 1.1 tl .Tka wxnwrfa thOV rrnvn tTaiSOD. A II 1 1 U-lh-UI. H -'t- ' 1 fWl n liM I I lli'lll B lir k . JLA V 4., A -- " AA W W'' ' ' I .... were cminenUy successful, and more IJ1 ? &SwS - KEW ADISMTS: : than enough was realized to pay the cx- lJoha . Wadlaw, Josephine; Wftters, , , , ir U A i'.iA ' ' '.t To Make Home! Beautiful penscs of the trip. J : r, Cynthia Ann Ward- 7 ,"tI V L: ! ii; ti i'J:. XzzpetexTcung.JSrorinaii ; IS lilt'. "J'. r: ; fit Killed While Stealiiiff a Itidi -5 MpettetheaboT .E? '? The body of a colored man, apparent-' list will ph say VvertisGd;" if not Uairciotian "AVE TOtJR WALLS . KALSOMlNED rV-rrforc Ilnok-. nml ' Drilllnor ITi. I it iroiL ju vcars ui nxv. n uww i vi nn ii inr wim m iui uas wm uc sua . " . . .r i . . - . . 7 ' . r r . . . hoistercra uoau. ana Tools ana me men to yesterday morning lying on top ofoneot to the dead letter office at Washington, use them. t s. jewett's, Bhades; it costs ;aw.irth mail train on the W...C. T nl'.''l 1-l p'ri R. Biavft: P. M. aug llV. til n.UMi . 27 X. Front St. tiiwvwtd v " - ju vx - ' " - r ' i . Li - & A. R. R. which arrived here at 60 . Wilminston. New0 Hanovir County, Tur-n nnd f!nl-riQ rm. When ibnndrthe ikan quite N.0;,n-v, y,J. . , . , , uiui uuv,M V?Cu. .i,.l TK- rliomrnrv of the bodv Was . if. ' ' t-XZ TONT; FORGET TIT AT ' I - II AVE JUST yoato some of the best ucm. a-.. r . J i . . I ' . . . . . !....; t. Jt. received a ruu suppiy.oj uuta. uaea tui- m , urttir t!if f.irs were DeinirJ ' J. JtirilTllU XSUlltror- lirucr. l niri Anii raWiasra Seed. Al?a a. f nil lino of Wm-.M' Martin mi intclliirenf VOUH2 Drn?9 Patent Jiedieines, Coiomes. Extracts coloreu man, -a resiuent .01 uwngor, ...... f. c. miller, Alich ' came to this city for the purpose : Corner Fourth and Nun sts. auglS ' ) " '!.. and Hanover Cane SEATING CHAIRS, CHAI SEATS, f TTAVE nnil Rpna Tlftlr nnd . Tirlinir. Wnli I v , ' . with otir superior Tinted MarbeHne m all a fourth the prtccjof Painting 1 ' -' u, ; a t and is Loth Morable and bearutifilli 'can refer work in tho city. .-. 4 . 4;.. - ' : ... .J,. Onr Extra Pure White Iead and Paints w ana win sen mem at cost-. 1,, ii' - Cal and bochto a pair: c'; ' -d'.dv i , '.i.jir.ii ; geo.r. nreS'cn ft SONS. July 10 ;r f ASH . BOOKS AXD ; INVOICE SOOK9, Bills Payable fthd Receivable. are selling as low as inferior grades are offered. .... - - not niade shifted after the arrival of tM train a . 1 an a An examination : rovealeo: tne 1 iac that death was caused ,uy a of collecting 15,000 from the -J-ouisana 1.1 -... t V10 linirl' and the rea-lc fttofir rmnrtnv. 'fhlfi him as . I ... ..I.. ... civl !.itvrn oc I . .... Ti fiiHi. 11i.1a J sonablo supposition is that .tne "e nmuer oi wiwiua oi JUfUK ; Wt51 tY.aUlBU. , .. L a - I II l I .llv I T- WIllUIl 1TUU bun ' - .... man was stealing a nae ana w" stryt. ;Tf 07000 in the drawins of July a good, reliable youxg MAN who Itth. no had been investing lalottery tiii.:!: .C ill- r - i - ' , , , - - - , r- . , . unucnsvinns iiip. LrK uusiucbs i luuruusmy . i m.m at.t i vnrn X? VTV nrobablythe lee Uee, mrougn wjuucu ticKets ai miervais uunug .riu r 1 . - - 1 - ,j ' a jnJn T.n nifrM. Vn i Had onco oetorostruciric lor riw. aciuestrereroneo requireo. Appiy in person or inn iram uasitu uuttut, w -e i , . ..i . i : .,i ... - r, 1 1 An Immense ftlzes and prices, to. select fpm, at r . . . j .. IT- Musical InBtramentsi -''il ..;: stock of all SASH, DOORS AXD BLIXDS, J , . ' At Factory Prteos Asrencr for the eeieurateu ... . r LARGE STOCK ALWAYS OK HAND. SHEET 3IDSIC Any not In stock can be ordered at SHORT XOTICK at aug 11 1 , 1 -. BARGAINS . IX WHITE GOODS,' r is no certainty. The remainder, .lie, . ppwpver,, .rcmarkeo. rue3 Fbcurcd Swiss. Ecru Lenos, Table trmeht by the au- MI will certainly put ip to vgooilusea ( terment by the au Qrlcan3 nesDemocrat, July lMmitz "f t - auzlS y Eoreclosure Sale . I -. .n1-nn ortrl r-pfit hl,-bather- ShOD I been recently employed in thft pill: at I ith ft rtion hia. raaney .but had qocxD Chadbourn. on the W.. C. & Ai R. H.. f not, dded on the ' investment . of - the O but as to this there body was given interment L.t:. I I 1.1 taurines. , 1 - . ... r.v i f j f - 1 1 ? i ' . . Quantities pf Fruit. r ' ' .'. J'V ... isjMasaeff nv ' ... . . "v.-- , iMr5n nhills and Pavers and Bd-T ! Parties who have been in the jnienor 1 .tiwJ CUTedrshth Emr of this State recenUy. tell us that the re- ory.g standard Cure Pills an infallible tvorts in rc-ard to tbe fruit crop have jmedy: never faU to cnrelhe adstob- pons in rcgaiu Ktinate. lonc-tAXuling oases where Qu not been at all exaggerated. ,lhey say gJtol3fSSmedi had lailecL that the trees in some localities seem yfrkysxii prepared expressly for mala- scarcely awe it ixioua icc.iwia, uwuu, -j - loads of rioe'ridtlJ reaches, apples and kinds Of containing a strong- 11 , :ri m-v lwj thamc ano a emu oreaj-w, Dears are all very plentiful and may 00 Oninim. rr .Sfercurv: - r ...... . i. -k 1 ... I CM ; muuuia miy r .j v r had for almost nothing ' And ret, here -. nff no:n.rvr or punnns; they are la Wilmington. , with three ' Uiiiftff. nl irnd. three rivers to sappij W, iw .."-'SZr'.S'ft ' . .1 1 1 ftvrnfiiiv cibimj iuc aim-u : nice apples are worth y! a Dusnei auu -.i;f ftT1( toI;e to the body. As a nice peaches $2 a bushel. It does seem houschoId remedy they are unequal ed: hard on the residents 01 a cnj roc mjkk ftrri.T ZZZ.a . h - Vnnnrn nnn HOI Will IU1 U a wuuunim timn I . - 1 T V , ,n-i - . 1 J - Best ever made, Emory's Little Cpr thiLrtir. PilLi. t.liuint to take,, sugar coated; no griping; only I5? of Druggists or by mail. Standard Cur Co., 114 Nassau Street; New xor. 8m d&w. , i 1 1 fun 13 tf N ATHAN JEL'" JACOBPS, ; ,11 ;., ' i if ; "-Jf ; IUrdwatcpcpot, j. tofloutU Front 8t t .... THE JJYE jBOOKi-SORE. Verv Best Hams 8c pef ( lb. WT2 DO NOT CLAIM TOnTK THE largest stock, or toi hare, larger ind .bitter fa- cDlUes fo? doing, baslncss than any bouse In : this city or State, nor do w elalaf to tie tub . n' -f W-a 'i.i.T' " 1. get a new line of foods. .JThit .we do say no Itouse la this rcuy has a nicer, fresher ;;?:: ::.: i .:: -f-i I- or better selected stoct tliaa oarff.7 Ap as to prices try tutand fxplri for yoarieu J I - 4 As torwcood4J wehaTe a4. noor mads .... ...... ..... il M In 18 jiowt offer alY.-Mda'aoi : lHw 1 or lower thaa effect on tho worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians,' and sold by Druggists evexywhoav orrsent by mail, 25 and 60 cent boxes. Emory s Little Cathartic Pills, best jever mad e. only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co-, 114 Nassau Street. New York. 8ma&w. ' 1 .... : , MS3W trtuln1TrrnTfiIil'aa'lAmlnrldtmr thai ! TVBY;XUtRIAGE3 AXT PERAMBX'. iOif jt, , f ALSO, d tat oil t. a t -tt?. t 1 ijfi'ii wnoltsALE acsDff nTAni 1 rOcers 4s , . 1 a It) 0ua1 'Pa ' - - ' a m uohco vi auu cmiv w . i i ..... .. i . - - - - . . ti iu a. s ... n to uu ia doiui -..m rau ourww . made . in a raiise were penaing 1 ...i aiinfW' r. ' . . ' . Executor of M- E. ,BrinUey. p. 8. 1 , -n-Jr MIT II A CO.. . hir 'f-lCftT-J fl' CiZ Hin' wifaftaraUti. CoWan.T. C: Mcll-1 . . . .1 t. f, Jr " . .1 TT' .-7 T -7 -T VT.T M W - aw . - W-! A A A ' 1 j . orm x rons- aurec juaellS over coanty, between Cowan. : Co van and benny, C L 8todmaa. and Itarsare Repiton, Ueiex-uanis.'tne TOKjczsiKneu, wo uotanuMtuu. ' ..(.I .-.n..ol nrill U at th ''rrr- -rXZ.Zr hi i :- a :nir r 'w s 7 JlGla.tonla!tbeiror'irs witu-n JustMsoon eecuou wi a. nun ouu .. t.-. . j . - - i Tnnu iKkkuii' uuba innwwEiWiu Dnrifi inTvm- urn E ADVISE ALL THOSE "WHO .'Intend bujlnr- tbo Clebmtel JlrTwSf Cotton )Uu5 their or-ier? witD:n just as 1 'ST 'B ;UX3DEliAT.' 3 : .0 V.a.-.."'.-...'? J rv. 4awfn A Co.. A 3 ifatkets a r u ; rfht 1 r kectlon of Third -andmibeny iureeip; rim- boWine -claln .agahiai-lier-wlll pro- nino- t Jlpnro Sooth on Thlnl 6treet M tnen 1 T - s.n Jl ... t).. I .f I. fn.t Wm .kbna --'-' . . Z . . . - . . ilni- --a I KUIihui via jiv.v.v .. list parauei witn jatuiuenr w .VTT iT -rill lie-ttaid aftr ttut date. Claim mnst be i i . 'U.i,.--toabWk wan. then orth.wttUwlfcl feet ZUA WMJTKOWN. ASdSf " ,Jf 'WCll TQ toMnJj;Bdtbe ?Ule. Brunswick Co.. N.C w4,U -'V: western part of tots 1 and 2 Jn blokjas. Tbe laproremcnts consist of a large three-sfory dwelling containing 11 rooms, kitchen, ser vAnta Quarters, ciaicrn anu i uxxxxs. j v--hou5 i AVILKES JIORRIS.I ' ' Commissioner, an? 2-6V2, 10, 16, 23, 27 and Sept 5 For LD NEWSPAPERS. i l ia. KOW fEU3XG LADIRT atj-l Gcois rm . . a. Trnnks at reduce l once, to maxe room. for oar Increasing haddfery ami Harness trade. We guarantee bct roods for tne least money. O Jtfmnet- l THX3 0ITXC2. Large assortment. II. M. BOWDEN ft CO. lose 33 Koto. Market itnet m ' - f

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