The Review. e wlllbe gled to itcein ttDm our frlenda on any and JO0H T. JAMH interest bat Tbe name of the writer SlCtimOHB FOTTAOB PAID: lhedtoUeJE(tttoc CommunloittoTis must be wriUea on oaly one aMe of" tbe pajwr. liaeajld m4et be STdMedT Aad H to espeetalry jid parUcnUrly und liberal. VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 18 1882. tsawihs-UMMe. t ahraj-i eador wUI report My NO. 196. regnlnrty. Daily U rabjects I ""r will be deftia-ei y camera tew TLw rw Ww ud At y fieri laryesl pie cirrmiation, qf nmy newspaper LOCAL NEWa -M1 Tt ItW AOVItTISEWIiTI. Ta " - i-wkTT -rrtuns Centra Seed LHgrn d1 Day Book T. TriH k l" Tfae barque rtui. London. Aur and Knii arrived at Tmtf'c. nece, am red at Aa eatifdj ew system of cutting is by with perfect aooocea. f r. Fred Melts, formerly of this city, mm of Hewbeni, wa here yeator j io the iaicreet of a tobacco house in ewbero with which he ia connected. Hr. R. C. Jones, who has for some mis past been employed at the Pur. 2 Hoose in Norfolk, Va.. ha accept aiapoailion at the Commercial Hotel niilqty. Atoapkof hucksters were arrested as warrant yesterday for non-payment of tfca market tax. His Honor the the trial of the cases Export Foreign. The Nor. barque Vanadis, Captain Petersen, cieared yecterday for Riga, Russia, with 3.300 barrels rosin, valued at ir. TfM - " 1... , i. tv de Co. Inn jruuin briir H. rut in Sentences - , Mlla,u nimanr, cieareo yea- community was rid for a lirao ot i.-mij IOr iiamourg witn 1,010 f "hi4rd citizens casks of spirits turpentine and hAVMla a ...... 1 . . 1 . AAA r- r I . i w.o i uoin, niut-u ai 9,o4o, - snip ped by Messrs. I). R. Murchison ft ( So. Of the Criminal corner of E'urhth an 1 Camnhell streets. Court. I and ran down the wires to the loot of The August term of the Criminal Ilei1 Cross street, where it was carried urt was brought to a close yesterday- off by a ground connection. A gentleman rurty-t wo cases were disposed of dur- amI hUlj who wore ruling up from the ing Uic term. During the session the sound were badly shocked by the light some niilS and were dazed for some minutes. The following are the Mr. J. C. White, manager of the tele- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Promotion. Mr. Jbo. C. James, of this city, for; number of years past Assistant ! 1,185 1 sentences to the penitentiary: Frank phone exchange, made a persona! in- Rakcr. alias MoU, larceny, four years; spection of ail the fire alarm stations i, R. Tiboe, and Joseph Tilx)e, larcc-, yesterday afternoon, and found several ny, five years; John Johnson, hixliwav I of them more or less injured, but not! robbery, teu years ; Robert Stephenson, to the extent he had anticipated. They, A. K-BE larceny, foor years; J. H. McFarland. ; will all be put in working order this j Wilmington, n, c, I r ss m . n -r t . . v.-.u.i r nr. i : larceny, nve years; fcouhia bwai'i. ivr- .morning. v e nave not uie vului airrn iu, kiic ur i i i i iit l - ' . . minetM ty..mhi.i. tm w o jury, four years; Mary E. Green, perju- doubt but that the telephone in this city, has been appointed Freight Agent at Richmond of the Richmond & Petersburg R. R. Mr. James will leave here on the 25th inst. and will assume -i r it n s cuargu oi uie omce in uicnmona on the 7 -' : a e rknnM . Garden Seed. UTA KACJA TIRMP AND T!TEK ,of Sctl for Fall ami WioU'r plakitiag, in hulk or papers arieUe Will lyo ilU "i-ry low wmm bhos., Pharra;ite, Br.klyu :r.W VUVEKTISJ Bird Oages. AND LAMP To Truck Farmers and! J if i " Fruit Raisers. H?SAnitssw, ' " ' ' JiailUHTS. MIDI in ,.. thlu fi.un.! in aniwtarf funiWoai tore i ry, seven years.- To the County House of Correction: Clara Melts, larceny, twelvemonths; Mary Borden, affray, three months; Wm, Davi3, larceny, two years ; lx? wis CHAXCK IS OFFERED NEAR for the above industry. slightest Eari loamy soil where an abundance of stable Wires I otuer manured t an be bad. The ktmie al- arrested the ' from ear'lv fixftsj threat facilities for market aa tn I e by ral are offerei. Straw ber aS IH . riM Pl.lhu . .11... ,rl- .1. 1. . In ,1... i . i ... i.. . in ; v iii ii k.ii. i t in lilt .......... ! . 1J 1 i I . A : a i j . iiuU1IL Aei lOUSUautajiC IO Hie anil prOP- i"rlltt; ienrrmni anil iiHUDiunre i crtv. scattered about the town electric fluid, and so scattered 1st of September. His family will low later in tbe Fall. fol f apt. Lee Hand, a conductor on the Carohas Central Railroad, has resigned bis position. He is a clever and popu kv man, sad will be missed by his say JHiMtt along the line. Rev. C. M. Payne, pastor of the Sec ood Presbyterian Church, has returned to the city, looking, we are pleased to ace, in improved health 'from his so la the Western part of the State. Mr. S. P. Collier has been appointed to succeed Mr. John C. James, in the MBjtifMi at tho'railroad freight offices m bare, made vacant by Mr. James' ap pointment as Freight Agent at Rich Head of the Richmond & Petersburg Railroad. We publish to-day the second number oi the series of articles contributed to las Review on rice cuitare. This ntfm bsr should have been published pre vious to that given last Tuesday, but through a mistake No. 3 was published before No. 8. Dave MaUett was drunk and down j etfsi day. sod was "taken in" on a dray. He was "very sick," and was est aware of the attention which was beuigpaid him. When he wakes this norning, he will find himself surround e4 by familiar scenes, and recognize the well-known voice of the janitor, when my. "Well, Dave, drunk again!" Rice Birds. To-day is the time when tradition sad onr "oldest and most respected cit- &ay that the frisky rice birds will their appearance. We learn from nee planter that the birds which were ftported as rice birds a day or two ago were black birds. Now you can listen to the "bang" of the old musket as it nun out death and destruction to the birds. A Thief Shot At. Yesterday morning, about 4 o'clock. a man was discovered by the police coming stealthily out of an alley run mng through from Iront to Second streets, between Market and Princess. He carried on his shoulder a bundle. and when ordered by he police to stop, gave leg bail. He was chased as far as the wharf, and was there lost sight of. One of the police fired at the man, who was undoubtedly a thief, but it is sup posed that the shot did not take effect. The Rain It Ral net h . The rains of yesterday were cop:3us and of long duration. Market street was a sheet of water and boxes and barrels were carried by the tailing wa ter in the gutters to the turbid waters of the Cape Fear. Farmers say that we are getting a little too much rain, but then "it is an ill wind which blows no body any jrood," and we can console ourselves with the knowledge of the fact that the filth on the streets was washed off and carried by the tide from in front of our residences and places of business. At Pino Grove. About one hundred and fifty persons were at Pine Grove, Wrightville Sound, on Wednesday evening. The young people indulged in a dance in the pavil ion and enjoyed themseles as only young people can who dote on the giddy dance. Captain Manning, as usual. made his guests feel at home by giving them a hearty welcome and so to speak, the keys to the city." In this connec tion we will state that captain Man ning will cheerfully give the use of his pavilion to any of his guests or their friends wjio desire to spend an evening on the sound and indulge in the dance. He has a fine string band at his house which can be employed at reasonable rates. Williams and three months. Edie Devine, larceny, Further information on application to S. L. r REMOST, auglS-lt Wilmington, N. C. ames A. Willard, f i KXKUAL COMMISSION MKBCHANT, AND PURCHASING AG EXT, 8. E. Cor. Charles and Pratt Ste., aug Mm Baltimosk. MfK Attention Teachers. t KEEP ALL THE Picked His Pockets. A Rare Opportunity. A rare opportunity is offesred the truck farmers and firuit raisers to purchase one of the most desirable farms in this O1 Picture Frames TVre i very general complaint tfaioat (he present unhealthy and very arreeable and disgusting mode of re aing night soil. In large cities a ink excavators are used lor Purposes and no one fs ineonve- in any way by their use. Why the city authorities invest in one toe ol lactones of a suffering Mbhe Hig languished thr To Builders and others Go-to Jaco i for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, c Tou can get ail sires and at the west prices. Politics in Pender. The Democracy in this county are and will make a vigorous The first county Derao I miaila i will he held al lcH fcriek. on Saturday. September speakers have been similar mass meetings toPew in September. The county aention for nosniaating county can "ill meat at Burgaw, on Mon J. October Sth. and then tbe nomi a and other speakers will make a county canvass. The pri- township meetings for appointing Nil tSUw Montv mnrMition will JVWon Saturday, 30th September. lJ Satchwell, the energetic Chairman ot ta rr. r t- - and Mr. A. II. Paddison, -iH Secretary, are wide awake, will faithfullv attend ta the duties Ot their iJL Fire at Smithville. Yesterday morning, between 1 and 2 o'clock, the store and stock of Captain Fred Small, at Smithville, was totally destroyed by fire. The fire was fiist discovered bursting through the roof of the building, and when persons arrived at the scene of the conflagration, it was found that the interior of the store was in a sheet of flame. An effort was made to save the books and papers of the establishment, but the volunteer firemen were driven back by the intense heat. Capt. Small estimates his stock at from $800 to $1,000 on which there was only a oonion of insurance. The building was the property of his father-in-law, Capt. W. J. Potter, and was not insur ed. No one can surmise the origin of tbe fire. The store was closed about the usual hour, by the clerk, and at that time there was no evidence of the de stroying element. A Confession That Was Not a Confession. The woman, Mary Eliza Green, who was placed in jail sometime ago for the larceny of jewelry, clothing, etc., from a residence in this city and who. about three weeks ago, swore out a warrant against Daniel riowara, me .iaiior, charging him with a serious crime, was taken into court yesterday, upon her own request, to make a confession. She stated that a woman named Mary Borden had instigated the charge against the jailor, and she consented to sue out the warrant and swear that the assault was made upon her. She was ordered off the stand by His Honor, Judge M cares, who stated that he did not believe a word she uttered. Before she went into Court, she stated, in tbe presence of several witnesses, that a man, whose name she gave, was the cause ot her taking out the warrant and perjuring herself, but when she got on the stand she changed her mind, and laid the instigation at the door of Mary Borden. James Brown, a verdant colored j vicinity. The city is accessible to it man from Cheraw, S. C, was robbed on Water, between Chestnut and Mul berry streets, on Wednesday last, about 3 o'clock. He was walking up the wharf when he was accosted by a white woman, answering to the name of Car rie Hill. The woman placed her left hand on the shoulder of the man, and while asking him for a drink picked his pocket. He felt the woman's hand in his pocket and pulled it out, the woman taking his pocketbook along with it. He saw his purse in her hand and told her to give it back to him. The wo man ran in a house and the man, who says he did not know exactly what to do because he did not know the law mentioned the matter to some one who was passing. He was advised to take out a warrant against the woman and did so. He went with the officer to identify the wo man, but could not find her in the house in which she ran alter pick ing his pockets. The woman, who proved to be Carrie Hill, a notori ous character, was found in a dance house near by. She was arrested and placed in jail. Rrown claims to have lost $72. He seems very much worried over his loss, and cannot speak ol it without crying. None of the money has been recovered. We were cogni zant of this robbery in a very short time .alter it occurred, but upon the request of the officer and magistrate, who .were making every effort to recover the mon ey, we did not publish it yesterday. Brown says he never saw the woman before she robbed him, and that he pur sued the course he did because he was a stranger, and was afraid of getting in to trouble. either by rail or water. The soil is particularly adapted to the cultivation of early fruits and vegetables, and the lands are '.well protracted from early frosts. Read the advertisement ,of Col. S. L. Fremont in another column, i Geo. W. Price has been lecturing in Newborn. His subject was, "England" It is said that his description of the habits and customs of Englishmen, their mode of traveling, of doing busi ness, and of living, was intensely inter esting. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco bi's. t LitfM ning's Freaks. A very severe thunder storm passed over this city yesterday afternoon. The peels of thunder and flashes of light ning were4 perhaps, the most terrible and awe-inspiring during the summer. The telephone bells rung, and the wires popped, and in many places balls of fire ran over the wires and were carried off by the ground connections of the instru ments. Ye local was seated at his desk writing up his news, when he was start led by the snapping of wires over our head and the balls of fire running down their narrow track into the ground. We were not hurt but were a least bit "scared!" However, we suddenly remembered that we had some business to attend to out in the rain, and, with coat in hand, left the telephone and electric fluid to take care of them selves. We drifted into the City Hall, and found that the lightning had played the wild with the telephone in the court room. The wires were snap ped in two and the window facing, down which they ran, was badly scorch ed. The officers in the building say that balls of fire were flying around exten sively and that the report made by the i lightning was as loud as a cannon. It j was first thought the end of the court j room had been punched oat. The smell ' For the Review. Bice Culture. No. 2. - i, From the year 1773 down to 1791, a period mainly covered by the Revo lutionary War, there are no statistics of production or of exportation, but in the latter year there was exported troni the United States 96,980 tierces of 600 pounds each or 58,368,000 pounds. The following year, 1792, the exports sprung up to 141,762 tierces or 85,057,200 pounds. The following table shows the export ot rice from the United States from 1791 to 1830 in decades: 1791 58,368,000 pounds. 1800 67,233,600 pounds. 1810 78,804,600 pounds. 1820 42,997,800 pounds. 1830 78.418,200 pounds. Beginning with 1840, the statistics, un tjl then wanting in positive data as to production, become more instructive as they become more complete. The fol lowing table exhibits the production, export, and home consumption in the decades staled. Year. Production Exports Home Con tbs. lbs. sumption lbs. 1840, 80,841,422, 60,996,000, 19,845,422 1850, 215,313,097, 68,000,000, 147,313,097 1860, 187,167,082, 75,373,000, 111,794,032 In the first of these years the export . in. was 75 per cent. ; in tne second 6i per cent. ; in the third 40 per cent, ol the production. In 1860 ended the first pe riod of the American rice industry, which was distinctive in the absence of the importation of foreign rice, in max imum home production, in low prices and in exportation, which controlled the markets of foreign countries, and made them large contributors to Amer ican prosperity and wealth. The second period begun in 1861 and ended in 1866. In 1800, there Was no im portation of foreign rice, aLsd the export of domestic rice reached 75,373.000 lbs. In 1861, the first year of the Civil War, there was imported 148.550 lbs., and there were exported only 39,683,000 tbs. The blockade of Southern ports was commenced in 1861, and the Govern ment's record of domestic rice couid have been but partial only. Lsee Keview ot the 15th tor a con tinuance of the statistics of this period.) a new stock of Moulding rejutv Utbe made into odd sizes. The same mSv be said of Win dow Cornices and Moulding to make them of, and men competent and ready to do the work, can be found at j S. JEWBTT'S, . aug 17 27 N. Front at Refreshments, COMMITTEE OF LADIES WILL FUR nish Refreshments,at City prices, to thoso de siring it on the Fandly Excursion to be given on the Passport to-morrow, aug 17-2t Marked Down to Close Out. J HAVE MARKED DOWN MY SUMMER STOCK OF MILLINERY, etc., to make room for the Fall Stock I have just received by Steamer a large lot of NEW STYLES OF MILLINERY AND NECKWEAR. I have some real bargains to offer. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER. aug 17 j Exchange Corner. JEMEMBER CHAT SCHOOL BOOKS adopted by the State. AU to! many other STANDARD KXT MKA. A .it i,v . Lrr'i liberal discount to teachers. , ,C , Hf ff3a9 ,;r School ami office rappHr, Fancy Good, Pianos, Organs, Ac. aug 6 TATBB Ledgers and Day Books, QASH BOOKS AND fBTOiCB BOOK. Bills Payable and Receivable. An Immense stock of all sizes and prices to select troBH at HETNSBERGFJfS. Musical Instruments. LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. SHEET MUSIC Any not in stock can be ordered at SHORT NOTICE at aug 11 THE LIVE BOOK STORK. SPECIAL! New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, Aug 19 BENEFACTOR L ..... . Saturday Aug 26 GULF STREAM.... Wednesday, Aug 30 REGULATOR Saturday. Sept 2 BENEFACTOR Wednesday, Sept 6 GULF STREAM Satucdav. Sent 9 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to THOMAS E. BOND,' Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, I 35;Broadway, New York, WM. P. CLYDE 4b CO.. General Agents. aug 17-tf. Wagonette for the Sound. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, Bith Inst., the Wagonette will be run to and from the Sound, leaving Wilmington, corner Second and Princess streets, at 5Vg p.m. Returning, leave the Sound at 7 a. m. iunell-tf T. J. SOUTHER LAND. BROWN & RODDICK, 7 North Front St. w E WILL OFFER THE BALANCE OF THE FOLLOWING FOB THE DAYS NEXT At and Below Cost I SEVERAL LOTS OF DRESS GOODS WHICH WE DESIRE TO CLOSE OUT, PRICE 10c. REMNANTS DRESS GOODS. PRINTED LINEN LAWKS,, PRINTED LAWNS J PARASOLS, FANS, THE MAILS Thcmails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 4.45 P. M. Northern through and way mails 5.40 A. M. Raleigh 5.50 P. M- and 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. A S. C. Railroad a - 5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday) 5.50 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 5.50 P M. Mail for Cheraw ami Darlington Rail road ....8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence i'lm.i.i.Lin u on t i of sulphur for some time was vwy I jCZiaTfHe aaetfaeea on Cap fax strons. The alarm wires at the .Adrian Wver, Fridays. ..... . .LOO P. M. . j Fatetteville, via Luraberton, dally, engine house were also broken ana ; exceit Sundays A 5.50 P.M. the report is said to have been very Kerchner & Calder Bros. jONTINUE TO OFFER AT WHOLESALE a lull stock of COFFEE, SUGAR, FLOUR, MEAT. MEAL. MOLASSES, CORN, HAY, RICE, SNIFF, TOBACCO, BAGGING, TIES, HOOP IRON, BUNGS CANDY, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, LYE, POTASH. CAN GOODS AND CASE GOODS, RICE BIRD, RIFLE & BLASTING POW. DEU, SHOT AND CAPS. ang TA loud. The fire alarm box at the cor ner of Fourth and Harnett Streets was badly damaged by the fluid. The lin-htnini? ran into the telephone ex n Onslow C- H. and lntenueillate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A- M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek. ShaUotteand Little Rivet, Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A M. E W FLOUR, FROM N. C. WHEAT. ARE GRINDING AILY NEW FVUT from North Carolina Wheat, crap of l&f2,wbieh we arc offering at LOW FIGURES. Having lately added the "PATENT PRO- m CESS", and otherwise made extensive m proTcments in eur Flouring Mills, we are now 9d SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES MADE UP LACK NECKWEAR, Ac. A look ever will convince you of tha truth ot the above. BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front St. WHOLESALE ANT? RETAIL, tnly 38 I w .a. w v, 1 m Hi 4 f . all llirLllf 111 I Iinii VII XMU M V IliniUI. . . J - iJO .11. ; Change and telegraph olliee and IS MUO oathm MaikTT. T.30 A M. prepared ta furnish Floor EQUAL IN fC AL IO have been very severe. A bole was . Ccmrai kJ Jgp ,ty and PRICES to Northern or Western burnt in the switch board in the latter at 3.45 P. M. h u , Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to d M., and j brands. place. ' from S to 5.90 P. M. Money order ami Register A little irirl who was drawing water at Impart mem open same as xtamp office. aa aUo furnish GRAHAM r LULK In qoaa- l B . . , stamps for sale in small quantities at general - iKa rrculAnm of her father Oil .biebtn, ! ,kliverv when staiiiu office is closed. tities to suit; PEARL HOMINY, the "BEST between Mulberry and Walnut streets, 7roTsno9yW at the time of tbe flash, had her hand , shehtly scorched by the lightning run- ! Freshwater Perch,Trout and Black :..ntu wn n-hnin The lifht-, frsh hooks and lines. A rail assort- lima " v n Lug struck .he telegraph wires near the ment and lowest prices at JACOBi's-t : BOLTED MEAL IN THE CITY, and GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. B. F. Mitchell St Son. aug 18-lwk Turnip aadCabbage Seed. TVPrO,T??'TOT I HAW. JTBT Draam atcAa cmiA a waTTtn and Brushes of any kind, at v Corner FpnkVaikA ' aug 13 " ( ' and Hanover " m m m s fflia 1 Brown Ci n. WE AbYISE ALL THOSB If HO 1 buvtaa' the Olebrated Brown ( aissftfattSSftlwWSrT rStehi ' Ihfi wr7ism DONT DELAY. - july 30 19. SMIMMafheM, f Notice. ramie RTHK ROSE WILL L Smithville on the 15h day of August t-ntam Wtinair f wirt aawraa aa lentl SemdnOTbefore thel5th lnat. rinirf rmki alter that date. Ctariai Men ted to wm. snows, la. Brunswick Co., N. C. aug 1 i i SOLD AT be I

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