a mm m L 7 T. JA' X8 FORT AGE PAID: . m no Thrwe ' - .- rarrn , -m be : d rn .. per week. . Z. ami nixr at the above . ' fa ' 1 rib kw -d UbermL r, will repon ey tir paper ray-laxly - . ... j mwZT7 rilu ReriemJ Mas une tnry m Hreulation, y eTOw- -B ,X)CAL NEWS. 1 1 Airomwuii. The Daily W - " - -n, MHi -i. -1-Mw-ej MMil. KEVIEW, WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 1882. B LEASE NOT1C. WewlDbeffad to VOL. VI. NO. 197. nlabed to the Editor. rt e aide of tbe paper.- Ami it la especially partlculaxlj u4 stood that tbe Editor doe. not elwa ja en dor .i1 TO Struck by Lightning. Daring tbe thunder storm Thursday afternoon, Fred. Men res, colored, who was standing nt the corner of Seventh leg by lightning. He was thrown to tbe ground and his leg was badly burned. Frui - R,.-4.rd,-n HO' m.mmU j.u.-teraeJe Kpraideot-Sotice " ler aad Day Book. 9rJW IZlZmmk Fanuereaad tLFBt,J,T",,r lllXT , -myw Onl, 3 bales of cotton received at this pc5 - ,irio hardware line can JZ reasonable price, at Jaoo "rind that :dorg.M nd be rewarded br Mr. B. a Kmpic at the Bank of jfe Hanover. iwt Simmons, of the revenue l Newborn, has been ad to the (-oiox at this port. U the fire alarm wirea were put in a-Vr Testerday by Mr. J. C. White, ... - IT 1 k. r. VrKnm Stag Hall." 121,455,856 pounds. The total cou- A house is being erected at Federal sumption, however, in 1880-,81 was Point for n party of gentlemen of ! 17lf exclusively that the cfty. It is being nicely fitted up, and is . average amount of loreign rice con- and Mnrket streets, was struck on the being built expressly for their use. It suuied in the United States durin? the is to he a "stag" arrangement, and noiK 3" " "" n.., e i. mii tu changed ; that the total average annual females will be permitted to enter. The j consumption of both foreign and do building is in no way to be termed a mcstic has sprung from 72,075,489 place of public resort, but is erected ponnds m 1870 to 121,455.856 pounds, exclusively by the gentlemeu for their own use. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. SMALL COMFORTABLE HOUSE with S or ti ruOMtoijwkHM or minnte. Walk of la tbe editorial NW VbVKRf.rKNW. Biird Cages, Set an Fire by Lightning. During the thunder storm, yesterday afternoon, the lightning struck a der rick lying at the government coal yard, on the west side of the river, opposite the foot of Walnut street. Tbe derrick was badly damaged and was set on fire by the lightning. The fire was prompt ly extinguished by a watchman on the steamer Woodbury. A Man Drowned. A colored man, a deck hand on the steamer Wave, was drowned a few nights ago on the down trip of the boat. It is thought that the man, who is only known as Ned, lost his balance as the steamer listed in turning a bend in the . 1 1 mm. mm 1 U M A O river, ana leu overuvaru. uo known to have gone to the side of the steamer to dip up a bucket ot water, and has not been seen since. The lie&ratta. The regatta, open to all yachts, to be sailed over the W rights ville course m and that while the importation and con sumption of foreign rice has not mate rially diminished the production of do Parcel Hoi:. Address J and state torn-. : J d aire REvre', aii;; 19 St Carolina Club I Id A It IS AS OOOI AS YHJ JmU 4ifcT OtnA, lWviM mrm4 . . 1 I M 1 .1 - . n ioiin Hampers, di in i.trt any lb "irau w . t ncsT run inii n miaeahaai m Sonlbcrn On. Coog V. mestic rice has increased so as to meet anywhere for five cents. They are found only the increase in domestic consumption, at while an increase surplus of 14,221,- SL JRWKTrs. 27 X. Front St Where von will also lint I the la teat Nortlwru 618 pounds of foreign rice is annwUly vim t the hwct pricea. "g1& A. 1 w t - J . . 1. A Weuneeday next, bids fair to be the: "onaea in mcrcan smmmm mm I r ,u it holding tn check the price of American j should be borne in mind that it is not i ! To Builders and others Go to Jaco- Lost. A drunken man, who was acting in mj disorderly manner at the foot of MArketitreet, yesterday afternoon, was rt is by tbu police- From Capt- Small we learn that his amounted to $1,200 and that he . j .ftm insurance on- it. We au wuij w rttretW) hear of his Ices. A colored man standing on the corner forth and Harnet streets Thursday linwifin during the storm, was .n hv the lizhtninc. He iu not hurt. The Little Giant Steam Fire Engine ia sow ready, for duty. She has been thoroughly overhauled and newly paint- ei The "boys" say she is as pretty as a peach, and is "a daisy." There arc seventy-live telephones, fir Alarm stations, connected with the Wilmington Telephone Ex change, and Mr. White will soon have the sumber up to one nunorea. a .w timmm m i1m wfirvhouse of Wcam. Hall & Tearsall was broken own and robbed. The thief or thieves carried off about half a bale of cotton. As yet them is no clue to the them. Mr. H. T. Westermann, of this city. left her yesterday alternoon for Old Fort, oo the Western North Carolina Railroad, at the foot of the Blue Ridge where he will remain for a few weeks. Buys and slung shots are very an serine to residents in the vicinity o: Bfkth aad Dock streets. Several win panes have been broken of late and or two ladies have narrowly es- injury. a club race, and that all yachts can en ter. The regatta will be conducted un der the sailing regulations of the Caro lina Yacht Club, but none of the rules of the club will be observed. Sent to Jail. Carrie Hili, the white woman who is charged with picking the pocket of James Brown, colored, had a prelimi nary examination yesterday, and was sent to jail, iu default of bond for her appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. Her paramour. Wm. Boyer, who is ei's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. STATE NEWS. Matrimonial. Air. W. Harriss Northrop and Miss charged with receiving the stolen mon Alice M, Filjyaw were united in the ho- eVf $72, also had a hearing, and his case y bonds of wedlock: on mux so ay mum- UOw under acmsemenu nc. The ceremony was pertorniea in u c PrQhvririan Church, the Taken in. 11113 kJWVMM - "J " , , j I r xf Pavnfl oftciatimr. The Elisa Uawes, coioreu, wuoia uuipiuj happy pair left ou the Northern douuo eu as wasuwumau j . --j j ;.wAAAr the ceremony, city, now summering it on the sound, kraiu iuiuit.iiv.j - . I , , c on a bridal tour, carrying with them was roDoea a lew nigou, aSu the congratulations and best wishes ot the lamny wasn their host of triends. A colored woman stopped at night at Eliza's house and asked to be allowed to remain until Chanred With Perjury. morning. The request was granted ana a!1v Brinson and Nelson McKoy, the woman got up early the following mm Til .1? .1 A. lwl rlinrrpd With OeriUry. ninrnintraild WCOt OH. JMlZa UlU not LVtil wv.v., m - w mt were arrested yesterday and carried be- 8Uspect the woman ot having stolen .... il. . mm jl .-mmnnAl hni IqVC foro Justice llall. iney were me rom ner umu Bnewiuuiuuii j u oHnninal witnesses on behalf of John Work. The week's wash had been Johnson who has been convicted ot picked over and many under garments kiakaT robberv. Sally Brinson was were missing. The woman wno is sus- k,h nwr to the next term of the oected of the theft is said to have been Criminal Court and McKoy had his seen with some of the stolen articles in - nvod rmder affidavit, before on her person. A search warrant was another magistrate. He will have a lssxje and the premises oi tne suspcctcn nrliminarv examination this morn- was carefully searched out none oi me r. . . . , r A stolen articles were wuuu. oFFUt and opinion of the officer tha.t the woman R ing fVimolete assortment Pntr&Mrfc Knots. Bows. Club-House x uu - and other Ties are at Dyers. t heard of his coming and carried her booty off For the Review Rice Culture. x No. 4. k;i riiatinrtive oeriod of 11ULU aaww - a new m The gentleman who was shocked by Jm electric fluid while riding up from the hound Thursday afternoon, has on his seek a spot about the size of a silver osflar. supposed to have been caused by the lightning. We understand that the Sea Side hxrk Improvement Company will give a tapper and ball oa Wednesday night next at the Sea Side Park, W rights v die ooad. complimentary to the Carolina Yacht Onb. The Harper excursion yesterday was ' 'leed a very enjoyable one. There was no rain at Smithville but the steamer ran into It about fifteen miles from the city. The ladies furnished the re freaamenu, which were excellent in aslity, bountiful in quantity, and rca tssable in price. They will furnish the rrfreshments on the next Friday ex- New Ceiling and Floor. For several weeks past workmen i in onnaiTMl under the supervi- ,,tka nave vvu -& ow iii -" " i sion of Mr. R. B. Wood. Sr.. in putting American rice industry g up aceiling in the banking room ot the " eize. the hUtory of Bank of New Hanover budding. The tic production, foreign importa- iw ceiling is very handsome ana is tion ftnd consumption or rice in tne ade of North Carolina yellow cuny united suues m mum i m, i j : ia n maonihen one pine. ineues'S" i nd is beautiftilly set off by a deep Ainm whieh is of darker color m . I. c.,nrkiirHinprS. A IICW tiled man iuc floor of the same pattern as the old one has also been laid. The director's room is being improved and, a beautiful new ceiling of pine a but of different design from the one in the banking room, is Ko;r wut no. The work is a great lm- d dd. much to the looks ot the interior of the handsome building TABLE Showing domestic seeoaelpgrtat ex- Dortatlon and couauwpUon of rice since tne Civil War to 1881: gSSIiSlifiii! j, -i -a -4 - - 4 ?r m J3SS? T... A. nr. nr. 1 9 M Z.. r 1 8 5 -Sr.-..1 , g 15 City Court. Mayor had three callers at his yesterday morning. A coun tryman, who was disorderly, was fined $1. He paid up and departed. Sneak Thieves at Work i. nirrhr the store of Messrs. Crapon & Pickett was robbed hams by three little sneak thieves. The little Tascals were noticed K.nrinr about the store and were close- i rvKwi frr come time, but as the n lniikl night crowd com noed to come in. the attention of the proprietors and clerks was given to their customers and the boys were for a while forgotten. During the rush the thieves managed to secrete themselves in the yard back of the store, and as the r. a I', 5T . 5. opportunity was offered them they stole three or lour hams by pulling them iwm . rek over the back window The stolen meat was thrown over the -Mi 11 I 1 . . v I ISJ I lnt the alley, xnv a- cr. X rl X ' fyjfl1gg8aS8gl H i g S 5 i H ? S3 2 B -5 Vixa-'V,,i 7; S !r 5 r" . 2. fence one thrown struck a colored woman, who wm onk shoo in the building ad- A coioeed man, who was very disor-! h she picked the ham z-' 5 1 i 2 - - e -. l; 5 3 1 ilflilfiiif lififl' Monroe Express : "We predict that "P T Mnf uri i 1 rf-fcr wit TTn Jon nAiinfrf 1 J UUC UCUUClt Will lltlj t Uiuu wuubi by a majority of at least 800. We donft hear of a liberal, at least ene who has any strength, in the county. Weldon News : The crops are getting on finely in this section. Corn is grow ing and will yield well. Cotton is tuim" with bolls and unless there is very bad weather a good crop may be expected Favetteville Examiner: Mr. James S. Dye left Fayetteville Tuesday last for . . m . aj e i Baltimore, tie will tate a position in that city with Armstrong, Cator & Co., w. . . i-a-ii i P 297 tiaiumore ct. xne gooo wisnes oi his many friends here accompany him Tarboro Souiliemer: Croos on light lands, and on hillsides, are almost com plete failures. Drives in dinerent lo calities have not shown us a single fair crop on light land. On stiff land the crops are excellent, as good as couia De asked. frand Democratic rally at Cason's Old ield ou Tuesday. There were about 500 "people present, and stirring speeches were made by Judge lsenneci, tien. Dargan, Col. Leak, Mr. Eugene Little, and Mr. Walter Tarsons Asheville Citizen : At a Republican County Convention held in Marshall last week, the Republicans nominated a straiarht-out Republican county ticket. Thov would not touch the Liberals with . f 1 "It- 1 tlM,f U a ten tool duiu. yy e usuu lucu m speeches of Young, leach, ahd Cling man fell flat on a people who were not to be fooled. Np.whem Journal: A colored man near James City, Isacc lorbes, has most excellent farm. He has 100 acres in eotton and expects to make 150 bales A field of forty acres m cotton and seventy-five acres in corn on the planta tion formerly belonging to Samuel Coward, near Maple Cypress, is entire lv rovnred with water trom the over V -m r 1 How of JNeuse river, ivir. iowaru says it is totally lost. Chatham Record : The present pros npet promises the most abundant crops in this county that have been known for many years. The crops of wheat and nam that have already been harvested were unusually abundant, and corn and cotton promise to be as good. ne ph oron was never more pienniui, r . 1 . , A' ,.,,-fU neariv ever v tree oreaitiua uuwn wim its luscious load. This may truly be termed "the year of plenty." And just here we would remark that during good crop years the Democrats carry the elections. - On the 10th inst, Mr .Tom Kivens. of Cane Fear township, " aM"ww ' - ' ' " . ' T T mot with a most pamlul accident, tie his wheat threshed, the heinff inside the barn, and he troingZun into the loft, fell through and one of his feet caught in tha nvlindcr of the thresher and was crushed so badly that the leg, below the knee, had to be amputated Afcao. and Observer: There are fifty four telephones connected with the Ral o-h Telenhone Exchange. We un w. rr. , . - i r derstanu that rroi. tverr na. ueeu ui- fered a very important position in con retina with the ceoloirical survey o portions of Virginia, korth and South UaiOtlua, leuigia, iviauan, v co Kentnekv and Wfest Virginia which has been undertaken by the Uni ted States government, and that ne win probably accept. He is just now ab sent from the city. During the se vere rain and thunder storm, of Tues day afternoon, Mr. Sir William God win, of St. Mary's township, this coun ty, was in the house with his family, standing near the door, wben he was st ruck by lightning and instantly kUled. Xo other member of the lamily was in jured, and those in the room said it 'looked as if a ball of fire entered the door and stmk him. Mr. Godwin as a gallant mcmoer oi Laea.omuii :arolina Regiment during the war, and WHITE SETTER BITCH WITH TEL low ears and one yellow ayot ou hart. Finder will lie re wartled by leaving- name with Ji. G. EMPIE, auff 19-lt At Bank of Hew HanoverA. Notice. EM OC RATS OF THE FIRST WARD are QENKRAL COMMloSloCS MKBOUAKT, AM PIUU.1I ASING MGkmVt, S. E. Cor. Charlc. abd Pratt Sm auaxai Baltimurt, Mi. it Attention Teachertu CBICWI conlially requested to meet at BROOKLYN HALL, MONDAY NIGHT, Aug. 21st, at S.8S o'clock, for the purpose of completing' the organization of the First Ward Democratic Club. We will have some good speaking. W. H. STRAUSS, President aug 19-td First Ward Dem. Club. For Sale. NE GOOD SECOND- HAND -fii '! 'J.J J 1 . I'ifi Jtltii TURPENTINE STILL, - - It - . Twenty Barrels capacity. ONjE HALL'S COTTON GIN (30 Saws) i . AND PRESS, almost new. HALL & PEARS ALL aug 10 UTA BAGA TURNIP Garden Seed. AND OTHER varieties of Seed for Fall and Winter planting, in bulk or nancrs. Will be sold vry low aug 18 JNDS BROS. ml: Pharmacists, Brooklyn .. A . ... t .a. 1ER THAT I KERP ALL THR SCHOOL ROOKS adopted by the State. It' ( many other STANDARD TEXT BOOKS. A Hber.1 discount to teaehers. ' School aad offlce euppliee. fanej Goad. .1 I . - LA . - f m tm ia I m. Pianos, Orpb., . 4 ,; au : .: rdt-oi .Jdf.- aug6 YATES' BOOKSTORE. Ledgers and Day Books, QASH BOOKS AND INYOiOR Bills Payable and Receivable. Aa ack of aU sizes and price, to select from, at JDUN&BXROERUt. . Musical Instruments. A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS OR HARD. SHEET tUSTC ASy not In stoek rin be ordered at SHORT MOttCKja., aug 11 THE WVE BOOK S fit ll ait oil SPECIAL! iTiirw - I keaili : , PUR0ELL HOUSE. ' jj ' TTNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First In aU its appointments. Terms $2.50 to $3 day. fet 8-tf To Truck Farmers and Fruit Raisers. A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED NEARj Wilmington, N, C, for the above rndturtry. Early loamy soil where an abundance of stable and other manures can be had. The lands ad join a rice plantation and are well sheltered from onrW frnntfl. rpflt f arili ties lor market Ing by rail or steamer are offered. Strawber nes, I'eacnes, c., are grown mere m nic srreatest ncrfection and abunJahce. Further information on application to . 1 S. L. I'KKMUST, auglS-lt Wilmington, N. C Marked Down to Close Out T HAVE MARKED DOWN MY SUMMER STOCK OF MILLINER Y etc., to make room for the Fall Stock. I have just received by Steamer a large lot of NEW STYLES OF MILLINERY AND NECKWEAR. U , f. iLr"' 115 If. Ife I have some real bargains to offer. .1 f, aug 17 Rpfioectfullv. MISS E. KARRER, Exchange Corner. Wagonette for the Sound. N AND AFTER THURSDAY. With inat V F t)ip Wno-onpttf will be run to and Trom the Sound, leaving Wilmington, corner Seeoad and Princess streets, at .Vj p.m. Uetarnlng, leave the Sound at 7 a. iu. r ii J ianell-tf T. J. SOUT HER LAN Dv BROWN & RODDICK, .. .aii:;I 5 and 7 North Front : iiiwI-VJ, TSTE WILL OFFER THE BALANCE .Mat', vl - a '. ; u0d.cl ; fiUirilBd .1! THE FOLLOWING FOR THR KBIT tLuwon'vi DAYS i ' oo:, Jnai3ve.l c,'3. ... 9gp.i .... . . . jn'umlctJ ! At anil Below Cost I i m i l.HtHfiu ' mm 4 m . m f mm) 'SEVERAL IXjftS pF DRESS GOODS WTBW TO CLOSE O'! J Li St.nl "6.1 WE so H.f? iracE loo. tri.e dl.01 ; o c$t.v ; ZQbXl... REMNANTS DRB6S GOODS. I d .'. . r .IM,0. wwM v . H..rj r tu x i a fmh a n ijin n, , dlvaioS :,I PRIN39D LAWNS4 .. ... sau. . . PARASOLtt, inli toirifdbttaH FAifB. Kerchner & Oalder Bros. ONTINTJE TO OFFER AT WHOLESALE I m. - T oViTT:'. .. . V - SUMMER S&JKfltaaU X . '- 0tl .8 ...... nta-rii.i SBC " SHETLAND SHAWL , iCC.Si aoeJbslR IVIDIRS MAtPtACR NRCKRAi a lull stock of BAoanre. tif above, TIES. 1 " w T1K, . 1 ' v i ........ e-- is BROWN & COFFEE, SUGAR, FLOUtf, MEAT, MEAL, MOLASSES, CORN, HAY, RICE, SXUFF. TOBACCO. CAN (,(HH) AND tAfiE K RICE BIRD, RIFLE A JUTU FOW ' J DEK, SnJT AND CAPlS. ahg IS J -, CANDY. CANDLEs, SOAP. STARCH, LYE, l'( rTASBL. :W ro8,l ....... "K.ir A look ovefrRi SfftSfll yon ot . 1 1 detij. Dsre MaQett was sentenced to live issprisoameat for being drunk ssddowa. Personal. wWdge tbe pleasure ot a . . . . ck.m look out for others up anu aepv i - 1-hree were thrown over and the boys acaled the fence to take them off. They ..ii woman about the hams and ' a i. ..u ikf sKm "uiun l 'em. Note. Those Interested will find thl a val uable table and will desire to refer to it often. l7is remarkable that during the first Ave years of this period more domestic riee was exported by nearly forty per cent, than in tbe eleven years subse quent. . . ' . .. It will oe ooserveu iuai uic uu'"wi. was wotinde! in the hand wife and several children. He leaves a Freshwater Perch,Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment brsI lowest prices at JACOBi'8-t Col. W. Foster French of Lumberton Shoe Hill, F E W FLOUR, FROM N. C. WHEAT. E ARE (.RINDING DAILY REW Floor ,'d ""5 off much chm- I production sprang from 7,m000 lbs. andMr. s. C. McCsskiU, of call yestsra from our former citiren The woman then earned me u - 931,379 pounds, wnue tne averagu au jwwMw jiuui uiu I H toki how -i ennsuniDtion of domestic rice v 9 i w i ' aw i a w 'V as -.m . nnn v iL,aua ' 'soakrR of Atlanta, Georgia. He is.! came by them She reoognized w ir. mm, mm w lat ino- in m- i mmmm, .j'rk. iwtV( Josh Telfair, wno IS hsaukaad exuresasa himself as ; --id to be Ooc of the most aurviw from North Carolina Wheat, crop of lSW.whk we are offering at IjOW.FIGURES. Having lately arfded the "PATENT PRtfl CESS", and otherwise made exteare provcmetits In our Tloorlag JfuTJs, we are prepared te fural-h Pleaz EQUAL IR QL'.VL ITT AND PRICES to Nertacrn ot We ton "Marked Benefit." was 71,313,953 pounds the average Savannah Ga.. Feb. ti. 1881. bnindil. c : iTnrtod, ,n Iwino- 64.365.3Tj ti it V i.vvw fit Cn Si.rA1 have rTv;ra caiisumnuon J-L- vnn r s a iV Kid nev and Liver Cure ! Can alao furnteh GRAHAM FlJOrRta qaan of RRgii riee 50,143.75 pounds , orlfor kidney and liver diseases, with ttaM to saU; . PJBiJU, hominy. .Krmt lv cantA for annual consumption mrrPt htmoJlt. J. B. Jotce. , :;rT iaff..r in the half decade from ! : . i BOLTED meal in THE city a . t ti i r, and 7 North Frost St. ME,? .. ievri24.ri t . uoiriradr" i . . wosaoV ROIfrNMX.. ARb BRTA JfliofciioM an.... ftl 1 AlLi.Oi. SSJU Turnip arm uaDuage ooea. YONT PO0V THAf- I H-RFSrfcsT Ur received ozau alp. awl Cal Drugs, Piei and Brusbe. nppi ay. khad.at F..CL firT,QeroerFpHrts i t - aa 17 ox Km he ilSMprriir UUaovCK " Brown Gins. X well Dleaaed with hi. new home, thieves in the city. u. u . r nAi t t 1 !I A . . Yirr "Tri i Tk..;!! Ko lwn nd crcrmaii at Wom.1, s u. a v. ml iaaiao i 5ot an experiment ot cdi k- verace annual ooRsamp- Hotil Rnmswick to-niffhL Quite I ur GRAIN ilIraii?j! HRe la mo. V-pa!WRir a ca. niY5-s.. 5nJy Notice. lJ7 . jhL.lL AT All win pre- ,ffi,S?!Sriflt .loirrH.i. sass&mttSa i-,- b. f. mtcheu a rMt - 1. . U -J anil 1 -i.i.i U 1 Hrma ftlUl r IU . - ,31 - - .1 - i .11 ..-. an r l T fuaoajiM whm i t.Tw trvr......, i . . 1 . i . aug llwk W Bnini3JL Wit Aa V . rf-. r r aan visn u sub reiatiTw roauieuicwMu mw. . 4rf 1 rrr rm v r r that is claimed Tor it. i

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