.HSCEIXANEOUS- . a 4'-v: .7. ! v i r"l!l -.jifc ? P'J..r4tUon without. Hence, KIUNKY AND I.IVKK l rtt. "u J'11 U,U l,ri,,rll'. It ll'lk'1;. , 95 Per uent.; I ...! I.I...... nt unw al Hie root ! me TiH',!-iH nt-t of which It I.- r-rny , tir uin theVmat onraiit. ImiIIi '-...i . i t The Daily (Review. "' ' cit-rtiltnu. drive illr-d.; ami . .... . . - . .air"" ,,!. trouble cau.ol or un 'rWC..i-T Un-r and Cilnnry Onrans; fltil-. .Lin Dknlm of Women; for ,r,1 rTi (arpfiT!W-l Jennjctfix-nU fcener J rt r-'"l ha no ciuaL lie wart j:rr. .a:u'Ju ami concoction aM M,w'l V ,ar EARNER'S SAFE 1)1 It. II- WARNER A CO., . .Rochester. N. Y. jlll i OTi:i iaT UNTITLED WO-tlAH. frwrn We tao Uoc.j J fjlr. U rol llke of Mr. LydlaC. Pink ie a XjwUw alQCsrltfim-ttb4- mj t ti-ir eia u Der FrWvd of wooin, M mm t W orraepoadeeta lor to cH ber." -The f tv-tr, 1 obUld to keep Ix Hdy t .... 14 fcip v aamrer tke Urge correspondence lift 4?rpoe U spoa Uertar U ixmcUI ktnia f mStrtnx. or lor at relM from It. ILtr Tcte!dCMBB4 la a BMdieino for food aad aot rt trpoMC . I Iut jwooaTt lav ttrttmAd M rn&UA f U trat of thU. f ' " CvMcooot ct tu roro iMtiU. tt I reeemaMa&d (wkjii Xt.'vorka Ck chr&ad mtm nneh yMk It Q cv rUr!7 wont form of tHlg tt u tUru. LMeorracM, ImgMUr ad palaTal bHirttatoa.a OniUi Tromhita, Inflirm tkm and rjntlM, rioo4!ac. I1 ttipUnU and U con m jmt rrfrnf i"", "" U MpociaQj adapted to CaffLtfa. ?' I ft pti rry rrUoa eC t!te irtVm, and glvta krtLUaa4lur. Zt rrmov flntaaa, fUtokntT, U p 3 rnrttor for ttSraaUatj, and reUTM wmX U Vk ftoeuw-k. It rarM JUoaiUgr. neadacnea, fcrrqwrroeruoa, Qoaeral SlcrpkMan mlTn -jrrtl-n Taat f 41nc of bearing 4n.Mrfpata,valct.aa4 backaoba. Is alTajt mmmt cmred by tu um. It wtfl at all tlnvra, and n w iliiii mifff irl tiiTiri T wttntbalaw It nM call IS. Xr bote or att f or i, and is 90U by rtcT-U Aoy dTca rxyilrtd a to Tcial caw, and l iajbm ef maay who bar bn tCstortd to perfect W V7 tV aw ci tM VcrfUU Compoond, can bo aur tfUriassXri.r jpf tof tlr. tJ4ay OwpteUt f iarrs tbH compound U t. ii m tctUnt ttimocJjJ ibow. rtallM ufT inn,- mjiom wrtUr. -ro M H4 for tbo car of ComtlxWUoa. Oemtm a4 Torptdtty of tb IlTer. Ilf r Mood rvtf wrUwm to tf uncial lino and bid fair to ta Copnad ta tt popaUrtty. . aS at nprrt br m aa Aacal of Kfrry who tolo imMitem U to do good to otUrfc. riudtpau. Fa. CU Mrs. A. M. IT Hulbert Bros. Wholesale Price List. Trice rtaao, 7 ocL. aqture, rosewood, frCAl. snSc 00 I ; ritart,oprlhi.Tioct.,cablDCt(rranl 174 00 " 'ncB.4curccU,0iopoandgnuvlC . w , nnn ; C 53 00 w 6 wu rvcU, 13 top, coup kr, abba.M ". 73 00 Oar I1n an! Orjana are war-; . TloUa ont2t, box, bow, 8trln3,cora 2 pklc .... r.La crtmoTA mxlc!. cxtr An.. t -lecon.eo, 19 leys, bo box. tine t!M? AernJ,xo. key. I atpn. 2 seta I recKprfect...;.4...,r... xtuih Orjian, rtna concert, 24 bo Se.... ............. Hwyi Orjan, Genolno lllchtcr 10 bol, H ..... ...... ...... ....... oraaa, . ticaalne Concert dobe hoWs.it S 11 Ciw-oct. rrnulno Martin. 6 key. r &MWnmV. h ebonr, Gcrnxaa allre ferule I rone, crank, flne " -9 tunes, wlntl with lever Unra V5oim,nio, iiatent, maciilne beatl rM. ............. ............... - W m - w 2 001 1 00 S 00 so 24 it ljuo 5 00 50 1 10 lit ar 3 or 4 hea'1, Una 25 00 10 00 2J 0O 4 00 3 00 9 00 9 oa .MS 10 - to,4 bra, braekru comet tmLM roraorcon st-lo. casc - BitUkA...... Tiffin, Uttltar ami DnJo Mrtny. " ''........ Vrrr WJ!n. lioiur aal l!n)o Mrtmr, UUm.. J..... 5 KasUo, German or Italian, beit trwSollJoV.V I IoweV oVwincrV. 15 ir.BUsln,menl 30 -iI?,'a ravlo a r"I trate for loo Slnp wfT?? Mac wUlacll them for ta each b 7 It . 'e7 aal akfe In common ktter If '7 adlreaMl. J ttrlciry caaa with order. Will take Areau an4 dealers enl for our 40 pare Cat- a!?.? oUI prleea arenU can when yon come to St. Loula. lUeTnC : Any 5x11 k ,r,wnolla house RJberi Broa.", U the only Geoeral Wholo- oaaa u St. Loni. 3ftI. t HULBERT BROS.. .PpCiSale; THE KOSAHY OP MY TEAKS. Uwy Some reckon llclr art; by years, ' - Sumo nieaaurv) their life by art - ; Bittiwroo tell their ilaya by the flow of their v tears, , . Ami Uiclr life by the moan of their heart. I The llals of earth mav fthow ' The length, not the ilepth, of year; Few or inijy they come few or many Uiifour tluio U liet measured by tears. i . Ah! ik1 y tins silver Rr.y . Tliat crp-Mi ihruuh tuj sunny hair, Awl not by the. aeenca. thiit we iais vn our way f I A ii I not by Hie furrow t lie linger of care On forelieal Aii'l fjre h.ivti nmile; Not li wrc count onr yearn; Not by the miii .f the eartli but) the iliailc Of our aotit jliuX the UU of our tears. For the oun are online uM, I Though their row le brtglit aul fair; While thi-ir bloo-l beau warm, their heart lies cohl , , j O'er thrin the ring tithe but winter ! there j Awl the H re oftime younjrj f i When Hmmt hair it thin aul vvliiU; AikI tlM-ybjic In auu t la yuaLli theyisun, .ni nicy kuiit, tor their ero-u was lujht. Ititt lioa.I by Ual I tVll Tl e rosarv or my yearn; Frjiu cruAt to c x they Ical tU well! And they're ble.it with a blowing or tearri. IVrttcr a ilay of httlfc Than a cvnturv of sleep ; Give me Instead of a lonj; trcam of life, Tnetempcat aiU tear of the deep. A thouanl Joy may, foam i Ou the billows of all my years; But lever the foam brinir the brave bark hum 1 1 It reael h haven through tears. Fatheu UrAX BEKJADIIN -UARVEV HILL. Sketch of the Jbifoof thd Great Georgian; Bcnjauiin Harvey Hill was born a Hillsboro. Jasper county, Ga., Septem ber 14. 1&23. He sraduatcd from the University of Georgia with the class of 1844, receiving the highest honors He was admitteu to the bar in the course of the Tollo wing year, and made his mark soon afterward in the caso o Jordan vs. Jordan, which lirst came up in the bupenor Uourt of lroun county, where ho obtained a verdict. Through out the progress of the lengthy and com plicated litigation wmcu ensued and which finally terminated in his. defeat before the Supremo Court, he not only displayed extraordinary legal capacity and oratorical power, but evinced that unyielding devotion to a cause which always compels respect and admiration. The same qualities made famous at a later date the hard-fought case of Choice ts. the State, wherein he as zealously battled for his client's life as though his own bad hung upon his efforts. In his youth and early manhood he is said to have been a constant student of Cicero, and to the influence of the mas ter are to be traced many of 'the excel lencies which lent grace and vigor to the productions of the scholar. Henry Clav was also one ot his beau ideals : and here again appears : the mndcrfui facility of an appropriativc mind to seize upon and protit by the nobler char acteristics of its model. 1I1S ENTRANCE INTO POLITICS. In politics Mr. Mill was orizinally a Whig, "having been sent to the State legislature in 1851 as a representative from that party. V ben the Y higS as an organization ceased to exist, he affil iated with the American or Know Nothing party, and in 1855 became their candidate for Congress against Hiram Warner, the Democratic nominee. Ho was defeated, though only by ian insig nificant majority. In 1850 he may be said to hare Jirst become widely dis tinguishcd as a popular orator, lie was that year a presidential elecctoron the Fillmore ticket, and from the day on which he made the hrst grand ellort in support of his candidate, must be dated 1 - 1 1 1 f 1 .!. Ills recognition aa iuo itxiuur oi iiis puny in Gcorcia. During the same canvass he met upon tho stump Mr. Stephens at Lexington, and Mr. Toombs, at Washington, and achieved, his friends have claimed, vic tory over both. Out of the former of these political encounters p recced ed a controversy wun air. oiejuivus, Hintu finally drew forth a challenge, irom tnat ircntle.man to nersonal combat. This challenge a commendable spirit of pro- priety induceii iir. nut to uecnnc. IN THE CONFI3IEICACT. In 1850 he was elected a Senator in the Georgia legislature, where he re mained up to the time his State seceded. Having again been chosen ; a presiden tial elector in ISfiO, he canvassed the Stnte In the interest of the Bell and Everett ticket. He was at this time a strong Union man, and as such became a delegate to tho Secession Convention oflSGl. In this body he warmly advo cated the Union, until a test vote had been taken, when, seeing the case was hopeless, he yielded, and upon the final ballot assented to the popular measure, though against his own judgment. Dur ing the same year he was sent ' to the Provisional Congress, at Montgomery, and later to tho Confederato Senate, at Kichmond, where, both as chairman of the judiciary committee, ana upon the floor of thcr Senate, ho rendered the most faithful and efficient service. Mr. Davis is sid to have honored no other Senator with such confidence as he re posed in him ; for, I though originally a Union man, when once he had joined Itands with the Confederacy he became one of its most zealous champions. As an evidence of his indomitable en ergy and devotion to tho cause, ot his adoption, it is sufficient to say that when toward the close of the war, dis heartened by defeat, exhaustion of re sources, constant desertion ofj the sol diers, and the inactivity, of statesmen. the popular courage awinaieu' uuwi w zero, mil was juuruvjiug J.0 over the country, endeavoring from the rostrum to breathe- now uio anu iniuso new hope into the flagging spirits of the people. TROUBLE IN THE 5 EN ATI l onrriintpr is said to have occurred in the Senate Chamber of the Confederato Congress between Mr. Hill andjWm. L. Yancey, i of Alabama, an unfortunate affair, ' concerning which nn nirt ir-nl.rs were ever relia bly furnished, the chamber having been in secrdt session at the time and there being no official publicatipn of tho facts. AFTER TIIE WAK- At the close of the war, Mr. Hill was arrested and confined in lort Latay- ette. When released, he returned to fjMKaadjieyotCiihimself to Jiis; pro fession. A few years later he caused considerable excitement by the vigorous protests which he entered 1 mm timn in I time against the iron policy of the Fed- .u VVVYmenl toward the South, and tho high-luanded measures of Lhe'llecon struettonists first in asixxjch at Davis1 Hall, and afterwanls in his Notes on the Situation," and in the famous IJush Arbor address. The "Notes on the Situation." which nplieared at intervals in the daily jki pers, became famous for their; elegance or style as well as for their denunciato ry strength. Iu the piling up of vitu purativif epithets it has been aptly said, only Cicero could initial hitu. . In 1875 Mr. Hill was elected to the Forty-fourth Congress to till the vacan cy caused by the death or representa tive Garnett McMillan, aud at the i ex piration of his term was re-elected to thel'urty-lifth Congress. In Janunry, IHt , he resigned to accept a scat in the benate, to which the legislature had just elected him. i It was during hid service in the House that he engaged iiJ tne memorable discussion with Mr ..... te, winch was probably the hrst eJ4 loi t that brought linn iiiUj great na-l headache or constipation, as ot! tioiial proiiiiiKM)ee. His first Hghtl preparations will, is 'Brown's Ii agaiusi mo admission ol Kellogg, and tcrs. later, tijoii Mahone. not only serve I to maintain the reputation he had before achieved, but broadened hU fame lor oratory and carried it to a height above that of his most eloquent compeers. The term for which he was elected will expire in March Eoxt; but, had lived, no man in Georgia could h: Y arsaw society is excited over an ex inbition.of fantastic, extraragancp with which a number of Russian officers re cently entertained themselves..- Adju-tont-Gencral Count Pillar and Prince Mijanowiczt of the Hussars, conceived the idea of a1 Roman banquet in the style of Lucullii3, and twenty-six other officers united in the novel diversion.- The banquet hall was (Med with roses and pcrfiinied with all the odors of Ara bia, and the feasters arrajetltlieniselve.s in Romau togas ami wore garlands of roses on their heads. Swallow?' nests from India, wild African pigeons and a ragout of nightingales were" among the costly viands with which they were served. Tho banquet lasted eight hours and cost $2 1,000 or 750 apiece. This gastronomical extravagance has pro voked bitter criticism in Warsaw, where it is denounced as a wicked imi tation of the wanton luxury which pre ceded th fall of the Roman empire, ami where it lias, at least, done nothing to make more agreeable the relations existing between the. Polish population and the Russian garrison. The only irn preparation' not color the teeth, ami will that does not cause ier. iron ron liit- j The' Coldstream Guards, the corps which has gone to Fgypt, is one of the three regiments which compose the foot brigade of Royal Household troops, and represents the very flower of the he British array. Privates iu tho srrtards have are all picked men. and ' eniov belter c-1 1 .. I I.: i i i .1 . . i i .i . auiA.w.iiuiijr jjptjoa iiuu ni iuii us lie i aim pnviteges iiuui ine oiner regl- ilesired to remain in the public service, ments of the forces, while the officers y irtuaiiy, he held a life omce. are par excellence men ot high rank His character is too' widely under- and large fortune, and the sDoilt dar stood to require a word of comment, lings ot the most aristocratic English Ills abilities shone forth like stars from society. I hey are bv no means carnet the night of contemporary mediocrity, knights, however, and carry on their remaps no man ot his time could both stanuard the blazon ot many a crallant- speak and write the English language ly-won battle in the Crimea, and in the with such lorce and cleaance as aelons- wars againstlNapoleon I. Wellington s cd to his tongue and pen. More espe- alleged command, "Up Guards - and -at cially washea thorough orator. The rem." illustrates tho post of honor aF- worthy successor of Webster, of Clav ways given' to this magninccnV regi- antl ot Calhoun, his untimely death is not aim loss a nation's. Atlanta Post Apjipal. The MISCELLANEOUS. Classical and Military w "I -.', ACLVDEMY. ,i 1 In a country notel for beauty ami health.' Course of Muly, 10 branches, unetioaleil in ex tent, turpare'l in thoroughness ty no acade my in the -South. Mclical awl-'' Faw courses preparatory to-the University of Va. Jloanl, tuition, medical attemUnce (halt session) fUi. No extras, A hirers 31 aj. A. ti. SM ITII, Plh el Araleiny P. O., FaiKjulcri Co.," Va'i augli-tw.' : I n.: : U AGENTS VVXnTEO FOR THE DAYS OF THE SOW OF IU3A;Wii Dk. Macch's tin eat WokkJcst,Oct. The result f years of patient study 'and travel. A book to chami the rounjr, rtejiiH the old, interest the student; look ir evcry bcMiy. i The style Is elegant and feit;ibJe: tbe language pure aiwl pleasing. - rlnelvj ana ap propriately il!ustratei, arthstic Hindm-'. Com mended by the press and clerRV. Will sell on pi?ht. A UARK oeeonTirxiTr for Ladies, Alinigtcr?, Stuxleuts, Teachers and others want ln? paving emplovment." Address iJ- C. Me CCl:Dl & CO-i hiladelplda, Fa. ang lMw Virginia Military Institute, LEXINGTON, , VIRGINIi , This well known Statk Institution has peeh In success itil operaUon since lJ9,;aud having been reorganize.l by the act of March S, tHtW, with a new Bosru of Visitors, anl tlie ire-c lec tion of the old Faculty, Is now prepared to eup plr, upon the le?t terms, the distinctive ad vantages of a Keneral Scientific and Military School, vH)tt the basis of the V. S. Military Acaueiny at est i-nmi, aim .upon uie same J system so siiccerfcfuily purs;iellefore the war. r i nc r acuity w iin ynce iucmuel t jen. fetoiwv wall JacKson, tieir. 1L h.. Il'wics,' ant Com. M. F. Maury, now consists of tho following Su perintendent ana J'rotesBors r KANCIS 11. WHOLESALE PRICE?., gTg"i .Th ftf ol low In c naotrtlons ret wholesale prieeBt!l&gral1 1 . 1 lii-wiM smaUonlya hlgheprtoea fjare to be chajjre ifAThrjT jtandard...., 2 tb... m S I baW- Oil i 70 f IS llViO 1 00 a IS 10 0. n oo a it ilTU-l8 1.V 5t4 '..li'iivi iuj ... 00 49 11 I rUitrni. .V ' Secoml Hand, each J... 173 0 85 cw r York, each". i. 1 l0 O 3 00 BKKSWAXV lb.' ... . . . . V 4 ''if 'O llKlClCH,ViS!-tMi--iuintw' I .'ijir I s,lllnjiii-tua,,.r.,.w, TA 0 Jl an l!am,rfcrT......v.. fuii, v t i,.:.'.7. " WKsTr'US smokei ; i lams... r.. ;...." . tideM, jfc. . . , . -u-n ir D, ........ . Dur sAXTKo-;; .Shlew, If li Shoulders. lb.... BAnRliUSlrrtU rttrUittai. ii r.. North. Carolina. . . ,. . ' Nrtliern'J7.v.Uv... CANDLES,? lb penu. i... Tallow I... A lama n tl no. . C71EKHK. ; lb . , Northern FaeUry .-.....! I-;ary Cireau,.,..,k,.r:ft, f . . I f .'iiiX.ili, to O j XZ ' AJ , . 2S II IS m ment ofinfantrv. Althousrhthe Guards are not ordered in service as often as the other regiments, and have never been sent to India, the officers have been permitted to volunteer in all of the petty wars which have occupied ; Eng land's martial attention of recent years. A! large number of Guardsmen were killed in Zululand and Afghanistan, and several officers and men wear the Victoria Cross. . . great value of Airs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for all diseases ot women is demonstrated by every day experience. The writer of this had occasion to step into the princi pal rnarmacy of a city ot 140,000 in habitants, and on inquiry as to which is the most popular proprietary medi- At m. r - t cine oi tue .time, was answereu mat Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound occupies a most conspicuous place in the iront rank of all remedies of this class. Journal. New Tork Herald. A BONANZA. Millions of Money to be Made From Cotton Seed. Speaking ot the new era of prosperity lr the bouth, Commissioner Kenner, of Louisiana, said to-day: '! made the prediction five years ago, aud the i Pur i DUSines Juswnes feel better and toay j feel better than the prediction, that the manufacture of I -.-.0 0t ! Rescued from Death. William J. Coughlin of Somerville Mass., says : In the fall ofl876 I was taken with bleeding of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. I lost my appe tite and flesh, and I was confined- to my bed. In 1877 I was admitted to-the Hospital. : The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the lungs. I got ,a bottle, when to my surprise, 1 1 commenced to oil and other products from cotton seed would within twenty-five years bring from one-fourth to one-third to the South of what our section then go.t from the staple itself." r "And that means how much increase in your revenues?" 'Probably not less than $100,000,000. The business has entirely grown up since tho war and it is only within the past ten years that it has attained any importance, There are now sixty-five or seventy mills in operation or being erected, and the progress and profits of the manufacture are already astonish ing. When the chief mill in New Or leans was established some ten years ago we paid but from $7 to $10 a ton for tho seed. Last year we were obliged to pay Irom $16 to 10 a ton. At first we could get such supply as we wanted along the water courses, and the trans portation cost-but little. The demand has grown to such proportions that we must now xro into the interior, and the difference in the cost of getting the seed to market makes the diflerence in the for three vears cast. "I write this hoping every one afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that Consumption can be cured. I can positively say it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sickness. .... i o ss .. . 11 V 13 .... li O li '';!.. i J l' , I j ....! iitoli. 14iW ............. .1.1 D COFFEE, V lb . - -iff? f H .? a r . . . . U . ; I VI V. i i . . w 1 . . O ' lnyra.-........v4,,-4.v-,. r lo . 40 ' Wo.. ........... ..;...,;.. iu .a CORN MEAL. V- bits" In ac I UW 1 13 1 COTTNTlES, V bumlVe.'... 1 30 O 1 5r J-HUIJbKTlCI- -j i ; i t l. J I 'it: '' W.f -1 . 1 1. m m i , .-iiwiiuic, -, v J , . I'm, 44 larns, ? bunch...... 00 1 10 F.Gii S,? dozen... ! 00 I IS ! Mackerel, No. 1, ? bbl.......l3 00 J-lackerel, No. 1, ? half bbl.. S SO Mackerel, No. 2, ? bbl..;. .. 9 60 Mackerel. No. , W half bbL . 5 00 .Mackerel. No. 3, ? bbl-T 75 .. I r. a mtm ..1.1 nwKH,T VINn ........ ... tetident and Professor Math, and Mpral !vnvAi ii Jim V-LI"' 4 r A JlllUVIflJl ' 1 - . , . . - - . . , ' i 9 lien. T. II. Wilijamsoxj Prof. Practical .M , : C20 00 CIO 00 crio oo a ft oa 9 6 00 3 00 .ltd S 80.. at 9 oo Kn?.. etc. Col. . Ship, Com. Cadets and Prof Tactics. t ol. it. M. unooKE. 1'rof. Phvsics. r Col. L B. Hakdin-, l'rof. General anlAp- naeu onemisar. etc. : . , , ,i Col. T. M. Semmks, Prof. Modern Languages, etc. Col. J. W. IrEix, Prof. Math. tnd Xorlei Col. J; H. Moi:nrsox, Adjunct Prof. Chem- Dtt Cod. Vth.;i.... FKIlTIJLlZi:ilS, y 2,000 lbs , Pcru ian Guano, No. 1 ..... J . , ' - " 0. 2....i. Baujrh'a Phosphato-.-i.... Ground Hone..............;.'. Hone Meal....... ... Bone Flonr..:... ....... Navassa Guano..... 40 00 . ir 44 pa. Complete Manure., i 00 00 1 un vj ; Whann's PhosDhalo. 1 . : I . t . .' i00 00 570 00 WnnrtlV Tr-rarwKAi . - ' J t ' . .- AO ATI ATA (Ml . 57 50 S6 UU .00 00 .CO 00, 5 00 6000 00 Oft bo 1 50 ttn 00 4951 00 00 M0 00 M5 00 istrv. etc. 1 Col. E. W. Nichols, Prof. Civil iuul Military t- a 1 . .a a . : : , . . iinfrinreriiis!: anu ABirunoinv. tt - a. a. JJ- .i.t. M iti .. . -rt .. -... unuer me uireciiuuoi uu ciucieut r mauix 1 .jierzviT fc Cnta'A IhoinhLi 00 00 TO0 00 Committee the Board, of Visitors, and with S gc5"St TertoffiSS 00 ' 0 S " - ' , " : " " r ; . .. ... r. w 1 " . ' . 7. I l-Trench's cariJonatetjf Lime... 7 00 J T w sion opens Sept. 1. ; c . i: - -)' f For information or, appointment, address I jN X. 11. dZUXXit, :-J 1.1 J. nnvMA-..n- ' GEORGE PACE & CO. MxmTiCactiirers of , ?"., t Patent Portablo Circular tmmmS C! A TOT T.TTT .IT Je &mC3L Vtr ; JJ.n, 1 BlTOi STEAM ENGINES 5 2T. SCESOEDER ST., BALTIilOIlE, MD. Mm -r jJ FronchVAgTicnltural Lime.:.. 4 SO O ft 00 ' I. -rlne. ...... ..,,.... 0 00 Q 5M, X Northern Super. .............. 5 W to U 00 h- u c ) Extra:.' .V. ii..... : 8 00 W '-'- Family.......;.... 7 00; O 8 7fli . City MlUs Eitxa. ewtjew , .. Family........... 0 00 ft M 1 t . .' Kxtra FamUy...; 6 50 G 1 to GLUE V Ib-.....4.i.. i 11 (B . 13 GllALN, V bushel ,rr hr . Corn, from store, bags.tr hi to. 1 11 0 1 1 Vft Cora, cargo, In bulk, white.:' 1 05 ' & I 71 Coxa, cargo, In bags, white. . 1 10 1 s CD 1 li Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. , , j , . 9$ ! Oota, from store..... . 65 fto 67lfe Cow Peas 1 O0tfZ I 10 , 4 10 Jrist and FIoot Kills, Water WTieols,' Wood WOrttoi ma itarrei jaaonmery, isninyio jams, unnutrp Mill 8uppllevetc; TANITK EMKIIY yiULf Send lor CaXAloffn MISCELIiAXEO US. From the Springfield Bepublicai A GENEROUS ACT That Will be Appreeiatedl. by- All Who Care for their Com plexion ami Skin. It is not cenerally known that the nervous system lias a wonderful influ ence.over the skin, but this is a face known to medical men who have given much of their time to the study of dis eases of the skin.' -No one can have a clear and fair complexion unmixed with blotches or pimples who is very ner vous. Whatever tends to a healthlul pondi hides, y tb ' (jrieen...... Drv.. .: IIAY. V 100 &r- Eastern .Ti. ........... 1 30 Western.;. . . ; . :.. . . . ;. .;....;; 1 ,20 iNorth lUver. 1 00 HOOP IliON, V Ton J..80 00 LARD, V ft "'!'.' Northern.. .V:;,.... IS North Carolina.. J.... - OO X.IMJS.'V barrel................ 1 10 LUMBER, City. Sawed, f M ft. - snip stun, resawco-i.. ...... .jo uo Rough Edge Plank.M , 15 00 WestlndhiCargocsccording ( to quallty.U.-.iAW..;..lS 00 Dressed Ffoorlngr seasoned.. 18 00 .i?,90 ..1 if r 1 ta m 1 s tu 1 15 , &35 00 1 T a n O I U CM 60. - U aw 00 018 00 em ot Cl00 1 1 JScautlintr and Board, com'n. acw crop cnbm tu ftns.v.H : 1 00 m. j4t r In l.l.la ' At HI AK Porto Rico, fn hlidl.'.i.'...;. 00?V?' 45 I 4?n rf f lir nftWAno cvcfni nlwnva liP51.11. u ny uo you mihik iuc jjtuuuui. m t:eg , the complexion and removes ever equal in vaiue one-tniru 01 me rnn(rhnna and drvnpss of the skin cotton crop itselti'" Some skin diseases are not attended by Jtor every oateoi coilou tuu;iu. there are 1.200 pounds of seed. The annual cotton crop amounts to about six million bales, which would yield, after reserving the necessary seed for Elantingnext year, about two and a alf million tons of cotton seed. This seed, if manufactured into oil, oilcake visible siirns on the surface, but an in tolerable itching that renders Hie miser able. We conv the following deserving and interesting compliment from the Tribune which says; "Dr. C. W. Ben son's New Remedy, 'Skin Cure', is re with great conn as a very gen- s part to mate known and prepare for general use his valuable and favorite prescription lor the treatment of skin diseases, after havimr devoted almost his entire life to the study aud treatment ot nervous and skin diseases, in which he toot great oe light. He was for a number of years Physician in charge of the Maryland Intirmary on Dermatology and any thing from his hands is at once accepted as authority and valuable. The reme dy is fully the article to attack the dis- ... . 1 . I ! VI 1 seed, if manutactured into 011, oncaKe Dy the public wi and other produce, would yield in value dence and it is regarded not less than $75,000,000, and probably eroll3 act on the ioctor'j $100,000,000." ! What are these products.'"! , "All of this seed before the war, with he exception of that used for planting, was thrown awav. -We now buy ad hat wo can get. With increased lacili- ies of transportation, permitting the . . 1 f .1 ... -i :n-. nianiers to snip tneir sceu 10 me mi us, the entire crop will be utilized, because the profits oTthe manufacture, with the price at not more than $20 a ton deliv- . !! 1 il ered at tne mill, win inuuee uie e.pan sion of the business a crop win oe useu. m . .. ways a ready market. All that is now madft is readilv sold. There are lour products of the seed the oil itself, lint necessary left on the seed in the process of ginning, the cake and the residuum left alter clarifying the oil. The oil is used for table purposes and for cooking; the oil cake for feeding ani mals and for fertilizers; the residuum for soap stock. Out of one ton of seed we get thirty-six gallons ol oil and about seven hundred pounds of cake, besides the lint and residuum. The total value of the manufactured product yields a very handsome profit." "Where is your market?" 1 "For the oil, Italy and the Mediterra nean ports ; for the cake, England and r.prmanv. Of course, lanre quantities of both are also consumed in the United until the whole ob iwh infmnllv-throurh the blootl. There will be al- nfi Avfrnnllv. throncrh the absorbents. and is the only reliable and rational mode of treatment. These preparations are only put up for general use after having been used by 1 the Doctor in his private practice for years, with 1 the greatest success, and they fully merit the confidence ot all classes of sufferers frr. L-n flisp-ise. " This is for sale bv Vit w m a v. - - i all druggists. Two bottles, internal and external treatment, in one package. Don't be persuaded to take any other. It costs one dollar. ( Oil, MY HEAD ! WHY WILL YOU SUFFER ? Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dys pepsia, sleeplessness, and Dram tuseas- ... m , es, positively cureu Dy Dr. Benson's They other Price, - - . m m . 1 T I . I M ' I. r. . I -. I'l o Qfnt Hnrwl itulres declare tnat where vJier.) auu vh-uiuuimb 1 .: :., ...ti ...,!. nn. 1 o n. ronum no ODium. nmnine, u. fiftl. it is hard to tell the difference be- nanniuiurug. 00m uj u.uB6w. tween it abd the best quality of o mmwrw m 11 11 i fcr 111 1 ijtJMMV r Dr f! W. lpnsnn. Baltimore. Md.h C. N. Crittcndon, 2evr lort, is wnoiesaie airent for these remedies. - ang 12-lm t hprn ran be nothing purer or more from injurious effects upon the stomach than is cotton seed oil. I have no doubt that the time will come when it will be used with fully as much favor! as the ci.l il fmm EiiroDe. It is now used by thousands who cannot detect the dif- TJ ference between it and olive oil. I look to its manufacture as one of the great factors of the future prosperity of the South." 1 Cosmopolitan Bar. EST WINES. LIQUORS, CIGARS, ETC ICE COOL LAGER, specSlty. 1 JOHN ICARROLL, Prop, July IS South sldo Market st Portable and Agricultural Engines; Onpoer Enffniea fmm a to in Hofsa rower ; urr bteaim junnas. 10 w T V . Tltij. Inr Wood A Mann) Knannea. to 40 H.P. 4ttionar.es: Ad instable Cat-Off Utie jEnsrines, 13 to (vvi u I . TmnMi-i. VWi RnarinM. IS ta Ifk) 11. P. T?y.niM ah Bixnoi. Imn VramA TfTersible Saw Mills. fonr sizes ; North Carolina Portable Cora Mills-Corn Mill Stones, all sizes, guaranteed to produce bettor MeaL with 25 per cent, lags power, than any othrr M tlu SI on in the world. TS TA.TLOR Mfo. Co. Of YfBSS- saKSTES, MdV Wsstnuaster, JVia., u. o. a. ; f ! nfftflTJ-R f.4rrVTV fiTMT. . . T.t!monf.l on Corn Ml!l3 and Mill ZUmes. 1 E. O. Thurine. Conway. Ma38., writs-M set ttfll np next day from its receipt and it works to a charm. T tli .-. it. f Via hat, hn ilt m iTl I ever Raw. Adamn A Co.. Laurel. Del- write The 4J-Jnoh stones we bought from you are better than any we hare ki.iv no fnv on. in st find -torn moali ' .T o AdiiTr. H.rmon Gror. G a.. writes I mrnnd one bnsbel of corn and mads 1 bushel and 14 quarts of tine table meal. . S.J. Darby, Dadevillo, Ala.,wr.ts TheSft-lnch mill makes six bushels of lirst-clasd table meal por hour: Mr custom has irreatly iacreased since I bought your milL t& 48 mD 23 Si OO 80 In bbl...; iOO Sugar IIoubc, In bhds. 00 7 In bbtaAi. ...... s-OO Syrup, libbls..... .i. 40 NAILS, V Keg, Cut; 10d tasls. i 0 00 uiis. it sranon . ... Keroecnc... .. 1040 is Iard..............ii........t. 1 10 1 43 Linfleod,,, ........ .... . P0 O 1 00 Rosin....,,..., W ' tt 1 00 Tar....'.... oo-m' so Dock ami Snai'..;i;,.i;..,....!l ' 00 tt ' Ti POULTRY - .rb'TJ.-i 1 V' ' :''h , ciuckcns, lire, rrown. ....... , S3 , as 55, Turkeys. . . . . . . .,4 . . .. . . , 75 1 30 00, 60 30 (9 1 25 a ico Tesumomais on iagiie ana my juiib. . i ; Extract from letter of J.. W. Eopar, Sawyer Tor Dyal fc Upton. Callahan, FU., who are running Our 40-Horse Dry Steam iEnsme. and onr No. 1 Saw -Mill vith I'.tnt. Ret. Wnrkad Patent Oature Roller. "I hiive no hesitation in sarinir thw Is the bent Port- tjiJiln Rnir Mill I have ever sawed with, after IS years experience. I have been ronnintc this mill four mouths and oar daily average 14 abons 20.000 feet. , Monro, Ciary Ca, Apalahioola, Fla., aaythe 16x24 Kngine. Boiler?, and oar New Patent Saw Mill cannot be surpawwd f'r workmanship, simplicity, and fast sawing. "After 1 S yotrs' experience in the lumber busine8, we ao nol neniiate jo recommenu yoar worn to men who want a tint-ci . jod in au parucuism. -TiviIR f A V I rr A f :Tl Iltrxt CO. Westminster -Md. liANCH OineE. Charlotte- H-C. Xtntio thiPW" PEAN CTS-y bufcheli i owcei. ........................ Irish. V, bbl.. POlllv, V. barrel . City Aleea ........23 50 Prime.. ,.16 00.17 00 Wmvmwk "l-V W . mt nuiuy.. tMttii yrv musio w e 75 & 3 75 . ' .' efii 00 RICE Carolina, V ft... Rough, y.bttshel...;.i RAGS. V lb Country. CJty'..............t ROPE. V lb.'.... ......... ...... SALT, V sack; Alum........... j-iverpooi..., Lisbon......... A m e ii ca n V ........ . SUGAR, v lb Cuba; .......... I'ortoKlco.. A Coffee...... B c ;' .iii..vi. ! 1C f! ..... Li.. .'.a... Crusbed. CA AH V V'AWl.n. uwm,-y UJ V-.W1U. ........ w SHINGLES, V 11 Contract... 5 00 Common.... ...... ........... I 00 4U) - , 8 a 1 is 110 14 1440 K 00 0 U5 ;uo 40 i w a. 00 00 to 75 00 to voor 00 lex w ' 00 66 , lOti 00,0 j v ' 80 -?85 9 a -j- 4 1.1OV40 11 O KB- ' e7 oa otto O900 ot ta ciso 1 1 50 Fifty Boxes 50 ; Cypress !Sap6.. ....... ........ 4 60 CvDrcca IJcarts 0 00 kTirifa t tw r . i.ii te no - - T 7, w jA II 1 V, V. . w w.v ' R. O. Ifor8heaU......i....:i..OO 00 010 OO TALLOW, & ft... ....i... ...... . 5'. O r ! TIMBER. M feetrrSblpplnf.10 00 Cl2 Oa rine snippujz.. ........... ....11 ss. cu w lExtra do ......... 9 CO m t Mill Prime 7 AO, ' 49 8 so Mill Falr.......,....-;... 6 60-1 7 0Q ummoD Aim.. ........ ....... w mo o w , Inferior to Ordinary.....;.... 0 00 4 00 WHISKEY, r gal Northern.. 1 00 O 8 00 .North CaroUn.,...v......... .l Vf to i WOOL, V ft Washed. ......... 25 0 2 unvashco.,.. ................. . 11 at tz TEPACKEI LEMOXS XVI . I just :reelveuTinl for ha JNt. s, is perfect order Vejv Be$t Hams JBc pcrJbL TE DO NOT ' CLAni TO II AVE TUB largest stock, or to have larger and better za U BO AT WEIGHT . i . " ' j " Marvin's Celebrated , . . ;t. it ! IRE AND EURGL.VR clHtle for doln'bttslneM than any borne ta "...:..-'" ' . i ,.;:--, - i ' t this city or Stale, nor do we claim U TUB ftkst to get 8 new Use'oC r6oSjt ' Cut ' we do I say noiiouae ln thli clty has a nicer, frtaker or better selected stock than our. AM aa to prices try jim uti iwljdtor TOutaclL " 1 , A Jo new good. no M Juad Flonzmxda i.e.J ''''' .'' 12, und offer all Ms;clrloi any house to tlu; cltj. , i f . 8tne Jilf IP, ' or lore r thjta PROOF SATES, 1 All Sizes and rrfecs, from 50.00; io. t00;00 Acknowledged by the beat fcutberltieakCbe the BEST SAFE MADfJ, i " ; , ' " :YTll Extxactfrora Scientific Awurican edltoilaol Feb. llth. 'We are also, aaked as to the test fire proof safe. ... " .- - June 18 7 Wey MARVIN." 1 A.A WILLARD. i Axeut at Wilmington, tt i yf.i; ! lil raptin&yTPickctt, , WHOLESALE 'AND-1 RETAIL ug4" Ii , and- ? retail orocebs. If and li goath Front Bateu 3 11 ' 1 1 1 .111 W I Pine Grove. "TTTRIG nTSTILLE, N. C, 8ITUATH AT f Y tbe 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. TWO GOOD SAFE. SAIL BOATS and Oil "HARRY HILL" to Uke yon out Jloatln or anywhere elae; Jnat aak-for the' boaf when yotiwmntlt. -?f . ---,-;" .: 1

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