The Daily Review SUNDAY. AUGUST . 180. has the largui The Daily Rexnem bona fide circulation, of uhliahea in the dig of Wiluringm WASHINGTON. Work Laid Out by tbe Mlssls Ippl ComniliMilon Removal of the Naval Station From Port Royal, 8. C. Official Action in the Yellow Fever Cairo. I By Tclrra. to Ially Review. J Washington. Aug. 19 Night. I he Select Committee of tbe Houee of llep reeentati res, of which Mr. Borrows, of Mich., is Chairman, appointed to ex amine the work in progress and the ap plication ot appropriation, Ac., for the improvement of the Mississippi River, intend to charter a suitable voasel and frocecd down the river from Caiio. U.. to New Orleans and thence to the jetties at the South Pass, stopping at such places along tbe route as will aid tbe members in prosecuting the duty to which they were assigned. Tbe work of the commission will begin about th middle ot November, and the ar rangements foi a vessel and the trans portation of the members will bo con ducted by Deputy Serges nt-at-Arms Cavanaugh. of tbe House of Represen tatives. It is stated on good authority that the Naval Station at Port Royal, S. C, is to be abandoned in a few days, and that the Wyoming, now there, will be ordered to Annapolis, Md., for use by tbe cadets. A telegram from Gov. Roberts, of Texas, was to-day received at the Treas ury Department, stating the suffering . condition of those sick with yellow fe ver, and of two thousand persons in Brownsville, Texas, out of employ ment on account of the quarantine, and requesting sid. Acting Secretary French replied that the Department would take charge of the hospital and quarantine at a suitable station, if the Governor desired it, but the State of Texas must support all persons not in the hospital. If the Governor accecds to this view, tbe Surgeon-General of tbe Marine Hospital Service will at once muster into the Service and pay guards at proper points to prevent egress from Brownsville, and will, through one ol his surgeons, take charge of all hospital arrangements. Surgeon-General Ham ilton nas already made arrangements by which hospital tents have been sent to Memphis, and instructions have been given to the Surgeon of the Service there to proceed at once, on receiving orders, to Brownsville and take charge of the yellow fever patients. VIRGINIA. FOREIGN NEWS. YELLOW FEVER- IBr Cable to Dallr Review. 1 Berlin, Aug. 19-Night.-The vil lage of I en den burden, in V est Prussia, has been burned and 900 persons have been rendered homeless. TL HmJ nmLrutamU tliuf tllP I OftO has countermanded the military prepa- are 200 cases of fever under treatment rations for the expedition to Egypt and . by the doctors, and there are nine in V. ,fh. British conditions the hospital. At Matamoras there were uobitu( -v mmmm i i lor a military convention. Alexandria. Aug. 1-mgnu xue By Telegraph to Dally Review. Brownsville, Texas, August 19. There were tfiroe cases of yellow fever to-day and three deaths, all Mexicans. There were fifteen deatlis from all for the week iust ended. There member of the Khedive's ministry w no was suspected of keeping A rabi in formed of the British movements, has been arrested. Mr. Long, the American consul, was attacked yesterday inside the Gabarn gate, by about 40 natives, but some sol diers arrived and dispersed the crowd. The ring-leader of the assaulting party was arrested. It apiears that the na tives had attempted to stop Mr. Ixjng as he was drivinjr. ami be became annoy ed and urged his horse, inflicting in juries on some of the party. London. Aug. 19 Night. 1 he Tele graph has the following from Alexan dria : Alexandria. Any. 18. Ihe Aboukir Division will consist of about 0,000 men, and in case of necessity, it will be re inforced by -2.000 from the Naval brig ade and Major-General bir ilwarci Hanky's division, 7,000 strong. It is reported from Cairo that A rabi Pasha has warned tbe European resi dents that he will not be responsible for their safety, having to calf all the soldiers and police to the front. Alexandria, Aug. 19 Night. The German gunboat llabicht, Russian man-of-war Eriklik, and several other foreign vessels are preparing to put to sea. Portsmouth, Aug. 19 Night. The troopship Malaban, with 26omcers and 1,063 men, drafted for various regiments In Egypt, sailed to-day. There was great enthusiasm on the vessel's de parture. The Queen will inspect the ship from her yacht as it passes through the Solent. Losdok, August 19 Night A dis patch to Reuter's Telegram Co., datec Alexandria, 6 o'clock, this p. m., says: Fizhtinir commenced this p. in., on the Mahmoudisch Canal. The British are using heavy guns, which were brought to the neighborhood ot Milhalla Junc tion yesterday. The firing still contin ues. A dispatch to the TY we, from Alexan dria, states that Gen'Ls Willis and Gra ham, and the Duke of ConnAUght have gone to Aboukir. Of the whole fleet the iron-clads Invincible and Incon stant alone remain. The forty-ninth, seventy-nfth and seventy-ninth regi ments, at Rauileh, will probably sup port the movement at Aboukir by an attack in the left flank of the enemy. London, Aug. 19 Night. The Dub lin correspondent of the Leeds Mercury states that Earl Spencer, Lord Lieuten ant of Ireland, has received authority to act as he sees fit in the case of Mr. Gray. It is generally anticipated that Gray will shortly be released. Paris, Aug. 19 Night. In conse quence of disclosures made by one of the rioters who were arrested at Mon treules mines, in Saone ct Jxve,.the po lice have seized a number ot documents which prove the existence of a secret society called the "Black Band." The chief of the society cscaicd, but his deputy was arrested. London, Am:. 19 Night. A dis patch from Alexandria, to the Exchange Tciegraph Company, dated 7 :30 this p. m., says the firing heard in the direc tion ot Aboukir this afternoon was the British 12-ton guns along Mahmoudich Canal. Port Said, Aug. 19 Night Just before sunset to-day the gunboat Fal con went out, apparently to recon noiter Fort Ghees la. She is now an chored oflF the fort. Two French gun boats entered the canal to-day. They are said to be bound for Ismail i a. It is also said that some British troops will leave here to-night forIsmailia. II. M. S, Louis Maline is apparently de tailed tor duty at Isninilia. Di in ix. Aug. 19 Night George Otto Trevilyan, Chief Secretary for Ire land, speaking at Londonderry, to-day, Kaid the Irish government were begin ning; to feel a sense of hope almost of confidence to which they were "stran gers at the dark hours when they com menced their labors, Vienna. August 19 Night A dis patch to the Prtssc, from Trieste, says : "The bombs found in a box seized here yeserday are identical in construction with those thrown into the ranks of the society of veterans on the 2nd inst., while they were marching through the Corso to salute ehe Emperor's brother, the archduke, Charles Ixmis. An in quiry was held yesterday, when the whole thread of the conspiracy was discovered. The committee charged with the work of elaborating a plot is located in Italy, while its employes are engaged in constructing bombs at Trieste. Trial or the Duelist Sixth Day's Proceedings An Em harraased Witneae. rBy litegraph to Dally Review. Lunenburg C. II., Va., August 19. The trial of R. B. Garland, for the murder of Jos. Addison, was resumed this a. m . The crowd present Was the largest since the commencement of tbe trial. After the court was opened and the jury taken out of the court room, Charles French, counsel for the defense, stated that on Thursday, E. S. Jones, Commonwealth witness, after testify ing, voluntarily came to him and stated that he was afraid that his( witneas')posi lion was misunderstood in the Garland a & a m . . inai mat ne (witness) was acting in the capacity of agent for Wedderburn. Addison's brother-in-law, in employ ing couusel for the prosecution of Gar land, and that he simply did what be was ordered to do by Wedderburn ; that his (witness') feelings were at first with Addison and against Garland, but that after hi (witness') excitement was over he remarked that it was a fair tight, ami thought that Garland ought not to be tried. In reply to a question from French. Jones said furthermore, that .in the event of Garland being hanged for murder, his (Jones') skirts would be stained wilii Garland's blood : his ( Jones ) connection with the family would not ad mil of his him sell right before tbe court. Alter argument by counsel on both counsel for the Common wealth ited to Jones being recalled to the stand to correct any inaccuracies that might have been made in his statement before the jury. The witness was not t. and a special constable was for him. Tbe Court then took a for two hours to await the ar rival ot witness, but it was 9 o'clock in the afternoon before tbe constable re turned with a message that tbe witness was sick and was afraid that his life would bo endsBfsrod by coming to Court unless advised to do so by his physician. Wkeo tbe Court reassem bled after the dinner recess, Clem Green, representing tbe defense, askei the Court to send a physician, accom panied by an officer, to see Jones on Monday morning and have him brought here if able to come. The Court in formed Green that he would comply with his request, The Court then ad journed until Monday morning, the jury ' being placed in charge of the sheriff. Perambulating Tariff Commission and Where They will Show TBy Telegraph u Daily Bartow. Long Branch, Aqg. 19 Night Tbe ssasions of tbe Tariff Commission will be hold in Boston on the 4th. 25th and Sfthei August: in Rochester on the 99th of August; in Buffalo on the 30th: In Cleveland. O.. the 31st; in Detroit. September li ; iu Indianapolis. Satur day, the Bad; Cincinnati. O.. the 4th and 5th ; Louisville the 6th and Chica go. 111., the 7th. 8th and 9th of Septem- oiapn ilfMitlm t'jom fever in the last 24 hours. There are now but a few cases The weather is cloudy and sultry. Telegraphic it rc v it tea. Shack Caldwell was hung at nev. Texas, on the 8th inst., McKin for the who re- murderof William Harrot. fused to pay him $3. All the works connected with the Empire Mine, in Pennsylvania, have been shutdown, and the mules are be. ing removed Irom the mines ;suspension on the part of the operators will con tinue until the striking driver boys con clude to resume work of their owu accord. GEORGIA. Funeral Obsequies of Senator Hill. By Tekrph to Dally Review. , Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 19 Night. Tbe remains of Senator Hill were buri ed at 4 o'clock this evening. The es cort consisted of the Atlanta bar and the Senatorial Committee. There was a long line of carriages, and fully 20,000 peopla assembled on the streets to see the procession. LOUISIANA. In the Found Two Southern resects which quarantine at New York without and had taken alarm at the them yesterday returned to luarantine and passed through tbe see-' forms. The Coin and Bullion Mint at New Orleans AH Right . (By Cable to Dallr Oct tew.) Washington. Aug. 19 Night Rep resentatives of director of the mint, now in New Orleans, report by telegraph that they have finished the count of the funds in the New Orleans mint, and find that Sup't Davis has in the) vaults all the bullion and coin with which be is charged. The bond of Dr. And rew W. Smythe. the successor of Davis, was approved to-day and he will enter upon duty Monday morning. FOREIGN MARKETS. By Cable to Dally Review. Lokdok, Aug. 19 Nigot Spirits Turpentine 32s, 3d. DOMESTIC MARKETS. I By Telegraph to Daily Review. FINANCIAL. Nkw Yokk. August 19 Night Sterling exchange 45. Governments naaktniMl: new "lives 1014 ; new four niul a half oer cents 114A: new four per cents 119; money 42-i per cent. State bonds without features. COMMERCIAL. Cotton steady; sales 1,257 bales; Up lands 13 1-16; Orleans; 13. Consoli dated net receipts 1,923 ;exports to Great Britain 120. Flour, Southern unchanged and dull. Wheat opened J higher and firm, but afterwards lost the advance and de clined i, closing weak at a trifle above inside rates; ungraded red $lfi$1.14 ; No 2 red, August, $1.13$1.14. Corn cash, h& higher, closing at inside rates; ungraded 8487; JSo 2 August &tvasog. Oats unsettled and i2 lower and less active, closing heavy ; No. 3, 55. Cof fee very quiet and prices nominally un changed; Rio, August 7.45fi7.46; Sep tember 7.457.55. Sugar quiet, firm, and unchanged; St. Domingo 6i61; fair to good refining 7 3-167 5-16; re fined firmer. Molasses dull and un changed. Rice steady and quiet. Spirits turpentine dull and lower at 45 cts. asked. Rosin quiet and steady at $1.80$1 90. Pork very strongly held ; mess, September $21.80 with 1 250 bbls. turned trom September to October; old mess, $2I.370$'21.5O; new $21.75$23; middles firm and quiet ; long clear 13. Lard advanced 7i 10, closing weak, with a slight re action, and a fair,activo trade reported ; prime steam, spot, 12.62 ; September 12.624 12.674. Freights to Liverpool steady; cotton per steam Jd3-16d; wheat per steam lid. Cotton, net receipts 40; gross 52. Futures closed steady; sales 39, 000; August 12.90 12.91; September 12.48ffl2.49; October 11.85; Novem ber ll.63ffll.64; DecV. ll.64ffll.65; January 11.7091 1.71; February 11.81ff 11.82; March 11.9401 1.95; April 12.07ff 12.08; May 12.1 Off 12.20. Chicago, August 19 Night Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat in fair demand and lower; regular $1,024 Au gust; 98jff984 September. Corn un settled and generally lower at 75(76 cash; 76 August; 75.i75 September. Oats active, but weak and lower at 45 cash; 414 August; 364 September. Pork active, firm higher at $21.35$21 40 cash; $21. 35ff $2 1.374 August; $21,374 $81.40 September. Lard moderately active and higher at 12.25 cash; 12.274 ff 12.30 September. Bulkmeats strong er ; shoulders 9.75 : rib 12.20; clear 13. 15. Whiskey steady and unchanged. cotton'm ark ets. n 1 ly Telegraph to Dally Review. August 18 Night Galveston steady at 12J; Norfolk, steady at 124 ; Balti more quiet at 13; Boston steady at 13$; Philadelphia, steady at 13 ; New Orleans, quiet at 12jj ; Mobile, quiet at 12 g ; Memphis, steady at 124 ; Au gusta, quiet at 12; Charleston, quiet at 124. Church Services To-Iay. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third streets. Rev. A. A. Wataon, D. D. Kector. Klevcnth Sunday after Trinity, August 20, 1882. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Prayer St 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. St. John's Church, corner Third and Red Cross streets. Iter. Thos. D. Pitts, Rector. KlevenUi Sumlay after Trinity, August 20. Early Celebration 7.S0 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon, at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 5 p. m. Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Tavfor. l. D.. Pastor Sunilav School at 9M a. m. Services at 11 a. m., and 8.15 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at IU o clock. Joint services of the First and Second Pres hvteriaa consresraUons will be lield. until fur ther notice as follows : At 11 a. m. in the Sec ond Presbvterian Church, corner Fourth ami Camnbell sts. At n. m. in the First Presby terian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets, These services to be conducted by Rev. C. M. Payne. Cnrist Church (Congregationaiist)Nun street, between Sxth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'cltck, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m, Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p. m. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. m.. in Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sts. 8t Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p m . Daily Mass at :.t0 a m. on Sixth, between Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bun day School at U a. m. :.Praycr meeting every Tuesday night. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Mornjog Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer at o'clock; Sunday school at 3Vfc o'clock. Seats free. Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Frank. H. Wood, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. T. Page Ricaud, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ; Class meet ing at .Tp. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even lag at 7H o'clock. First Baptist Church, (col.) comer of Fifth and Campbell streets, A. M . Conway, pastor. Sundav School at 9 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 8 i. m. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Turnip and Cabbage Seed. SUMMER GOODS ! TAOX'T FORGET THAT I HAVE JUST I received a full sunnlv of Ruta Basra Tur- nin and Cabbage Seed. Also a full line of raicni meuicmes, tjoiotri rushes of any kind, at both of m Drues. Patent Medicines. Colognes, .fcx tracts ay s F. C. MILLER. AT and stores. aug 13 Corner Fourth and Nun sts. " and Hanover M Second Baptist Church, Church hnd Castle streets. Brown Cins. M. KATZ's, "ixrE ft ADVISE ALL THOSE WHO intend buying the celebrated Brown Cotton Gin, to place their orders with us just as soon as possible, as there Is always a rush late in the season. DON'T DELAY. WM. E SPRINGER & CO., Successors to J no. Dawson A Co., 30 13, 21 4 23 Market S. july Wagonette for the Sonnd. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, 15th Inst., the Wagonette will be run to and from the Sound, leaving Wilmington, corner Seeond and Princess streets, at 5 p.m. Returning, leave the Sound at 7 s. m. iunell-tf T. J. 80UTHBR LAND. Extraordinary Bargain DRESS GOODS! LL THE LATEST BOTKLTlXt is M iDsourran anrooade, Wlk. BunUngsTJll wool lWl'lJH with Trimmings to ma to John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND PERFUMER, MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. MANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN BRIL lantine, Friction and Lusion. Also, Ex tracts, Colognes, Beautifler, Hair Oils, Tonics, Renewer. Renovator, Hungarian, Cosmetic, and Hair Dyes of every shade. 1 beg to tniorm tne puouc mat i can oc found at Mr. John Werner's, prepared to wait upon all who favor me with a call. may l- .jajuro ii. IAuiiaitai White Goods Embroideries In Cmhrlna W- . passed in Workmanship and PrtcT MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamship Guif Stream, Ingram, New York, T E Bond. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bee, Smithville, Master. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, G W Williams & Co. CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, New York, T E Bond. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, G. W. Williams & Co. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bee, Smithville, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R. P. Paddison. Exports. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 39 bales cotton, 928 casks sp s turpt, 194 bbls rosin, 243 do tar, 80 do crade turpt, 79 do pitch, 76 carboys acid, 32 cases tar, 13 bbls. peanuts. -11 bales yarn, 36 pkgs mdse, 106.574 ft lumber. NEW VEKTISEMENTS. SPECIAL ! PTJRGELL HOUSE. TTNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. First in all its appointments. Terms $2.50 to $3 day. feb 8-tf Laces Imported from and sold as special tobs. vy oouutry, bom CO an a CO 0. Z 2 ill O a u 0 I I 3D fH 3 cS a P5 A3 OS H I 55 O O i i H 05 CD i ft - ii o H CO 53 H M CO 9 3 9 Xi a 2 bo a - m a a 9 1 9 9 J3 2 as a o a 9 U a f o o - a M a "5 a (3 a a 9 P. 9 3 '8 IS ei 9 at i i 9 at ta u O a. K 1 hi o eu 3 c s 5 03 ft. i i v 1 2 I j g ft 9 I" X J - BROWN & RODDICK, 0 and 7 Nortli Front St. Fresh Peaches ! Very Cheap GLOVES I HOSIERY ! CORSETS ! HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS bCAUF RIBBON8, ' VEILINGS, CRKPKIKO a TTrif a r FANS, PARASOU In endless yartoty Md Mtoslahiax Low IhZ. Hdusekeeplng Goods I LINEN A COTTON SHRHTHOft, DAMAAIi, Napkins, Towels, MEN and BOYS' WEAK, ; ': 4 ' ': ' 1 .. in" ? ladies gents' childmh'8 q1u7j MERINO UNBERWBAJL In short every thinff desjrabM tor u ontflL and at Prices that defy competition. ' 07 pstrenixlnf KATZ, j June 18 36MABKJET8T. Wanted. SMALL COMFORTABLE BOVSI 5 or b rooms, within ft or Ii Purcell House. Address J. C and state terms. Call and sars of ! care laranrj Mtflf4t James A. Willard, NAVAL STORES. By Telegraph to Dally Review. Charleston, Aug. 19. Night. Spir its turpentine quiet at 41 cents. Rosin steady at $1.40 for Strained and Good btramed. Savannah, Aug. 19 Night. Spirits turpentine closed very firm and regular at 41 cents. Rosin steady and un changed with low grades in good de mand. New York Weekly Bank State ment. rBy.TelccTanh to Dally Review. New York, Aug. 19 Night The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows: Loans increase $14,492,000; specie decrease $1,06,800; legal tenders decrease $999,300 ; depos its decrease $683,700; circulation de creases $73,100; reserve decrease 1,945,- 17o. Ihe banks now have on hand $1,837,125 in excess of all legal requirements. TOTAL VISIBLE SUPPLY. , By Telegraphjto Daily Review. New York, Auz. 19 Nieht The to tal visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,454,422 bales, of which 635,322 is American, against 1,748,240 and 1.186.- 040 respectively in the last two years. Receipts of cotton at all interior towns for the week is 4,099 bales. ReceiDts from plantations 1 798; crop in sight, 5.345,530. W E WILL OFFER THE BALANCE OF THE FOLLOWING FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS At and Below Cost ! SEVERAL lots of dress goods which WE desire to close out, PRICE 10c REMNANTS DRESS GOODS, PRINTED LINEN LAWNS, PRINTED I.AWNS.I PARASOLS, FANS, SUMMER SKIRTS, SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES MADE UP LACE NECKWEAR, &c. T ECEIVED Orchard. Sold DAILY FROM BLOCKER'S at 50 cents and 75 cents per basket of half bushel. If you are thinking of preserving I will ac commodate you in price and quality. Call and see aug 11 J. C. STEVENSON. ri ENERAL COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, 8. E. Cor. Charles tad Pratt Sta., aug 9-Sm Baltimore, Mn. Butter. A FEW PACKAGES (Large aad a2 ot -Ti the very flnest. JQQ PACK AG1 -ALL GRADES. Consigned and June 18-tf mat behold. DbROSSET A CO. C1HEESE 50 BOXES. A 1 ; gTARCH 200 BOXES, rpOMATOES 50 CASES, CANNED CORN, V PEACHES, he-, Prices Terr low. jane 18. tf DbROSSIT h 00. C. D. Morrill. -JNDERTAKER, CABINET-MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Southerland's stables. ees Kespectfully solicits orders and guar an tin good work, prompt delivery and satisfaction every respect. may 16-tf SEED COTTON Wanted. New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. JpRHPARATORY TO THI the new season, we call look over will convince you of the truth of the above. Worth & Worth. QITKB ."AT ILOW PRICES TO; PROMPT buyers!: 10,000 BoabeU CORN, 1.000 do. MEAL, 500 Barrels FLOUR, 1150 Bags COFFEE, P00 Barrels SUGAR, 100 Boxes BACON, 100 Bales HAY, 260 Hhds. and ItbUO NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, t.OOO Bbls. L1ME.CEMENT A PLATe 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, New and MeMd h.H Tosacco, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potash, MrttfcML ! courtng and re caady . tnoies, lioop.iron, a m 4c vc. 1UBS l5 BROWN ft RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front St.JSfe WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iuly 30 Simon Bear STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK E7EBX WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. M. OffSDRV or is Isssk that we WILL PAY THE 0000 KET PRICES FOB SEED COTTOS. Apply at angS-tf NEW FLOUR, FBOM N. C. WHBAT. XITB ABE GRINDING DAH-T from North Carolina Wheat, ersf sf we are offering at LOW FIGURES. Having lately added the "FATE r1fy CESS", and otherwise REGULATOR Saturday, Aug 19 provemeut8 lowrtaff Mffls, prepared to f urnlah Flour EQUAL J V ITT AND PRICES to brands. RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT nv has embarked hi the Tsthli-, 1 . BtlC He Is both willing and eS-SettiJft Shop .n Market tetWnS.H , moderate . july 1-2- oetween Second and Thlrd.sts. BENEFACTOR Saturday Aug GULF STREAM Wednesday, Aug 30 REGULATOR Saturday, Sept BENEFACTOR. Wednesday, Sept GULF STREAM Stnrrli. a - '-J ) 9 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Throuerh KtAa manniMH . -.1 I OF ALL KINDS. o o'"" "w w anu uoui rowi in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to THOMAS E. BONDuperintendent, WUmlngton,iN. C. THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, wr t IaiJ New York. auTn-tt 5? ewraJ Agents. Can also fur dsn GRAHAM FlXH7 titles to salt; PEARL HOMINY, lbs Mf,fT BOLTED MEAL IK THE CTTT". Sd G& B. P. Mitchell ft 8 angi3-lwk ,, - Home Made Oandv. URK AND WHOLESOME- All kinds made fresh SecondjStreet, office. Jevext.

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