5 I , s crtrr -oral". Moolj cPed by The Daily Reyief i uo io rooalv wi fro our Weoia, U general interest bu JOSH T. JAMES, tpiroB i.irBorwrroi. ! 1 no name of ! nJah1 to the Editor. 0 -ui t Oatf' by camera ire. oae aide of the iapcr M Prt of t. l boTe . ir iSmk nd B,mL hi jwi7y Heritw has the faffUMl ... ! VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY. AUGUST 22 1882. j Ab1 It I eapcetally jk! particularly und limine iwifcrriltoa ao-MaVtalor NO. sW5!! ' ill th lit Art 1 AnliJLJ nt nn , rirrHMxon, of any newspaper ' ",x5cal" news. Htfj Tl AOVERTICMfTS. Kr$U i JJtwan Work , YTa !n..:iw.k, inlrW cct -hurl mmtl l:t v Ibnik. " mi' Bir,. A r Kt-tf-NwUi' Arm for Sale ..jjllar is a perfect beauty, gi D w- . . . ' ' The frel wtlun ftl lhi V01 8" City Court. Peter Smith, colored. was drunk ami disorderly on the olivets on Sunday morning rtlxmt :i o'clock and when ar- resUtl by Um police resisted. He was soon run in and this miNflBj, was lined $10 or twenty dm1 imprisonment by His Honor. Um Mayor. lu r tksit the 20 days and will have tiim: to mIou! j over his misdoings. Keinoval of a Fire Alarm Sta tion. The lire ahum telephone has boon taken down from the corner of Market and'Front St reel.-, :itnl has beon put in the place of one of the instruments which was destroyed by liglttuing a few First Ward democratic Club. The organization ol the Fir&t Ward Democratic Club was completed in lir.Kklyii Halt last niht by the election ut Mr. David II. Walsh. Jr. as Seer i.u v and Treasurer. The Pretileut of tC Club, Mr. W. II. Strauss, calletl the dob to order and Iteted the object of the meeting. Mr. T. 1$. Kimrsburv :tud For the Burlaw. Rice Culture. (rONTINl F.O FROM LAST IiL'E.) No. 0. bm paring these data, ascertained as nearly as possible fnr the same reriod ami lor I he now i ne great competitor wilh the American prwlt'.eer, it i found that in 181, the wa.njes of :i Chinese lalrer . j. jviiiiiaiiui ii.iu , were anout tour fen -.mis n iinv Uo ('apt. W. M. Parker were cal!el for, could lire for alout 2 to 2.50 jer and in resonse spke for sometime ! month' including clothes and rent, or )lnJ ik -a- .i ' from 7-10 to 9 .MO cents per diem for - - J - V . - MvJ W ft til V 1IED. MILIAR In tills citv. on, the 21?t test.. ANMKKTKLLP. nrrrfl af. 10month aurt . .'1 dbrai c est rhil.l ol i". U Annie J. Mil ! Tbv tuncrnl will take ylnn- this TTnet'lr , ; :if f.'nifK.n at ?"M nVIuk f mm thu rrdi1riuji r ame industry, in rma4W parevta. comer FoorOi .ta1 Nun :-tret--. lo l. I'rno r ttvau. Lnihcrun (.Icuvl), thent v th i t:K'-Ah' Cen4etcr'- TT frtcni-. of the fnm Uy arc iintj.r'1 to nttrui NEW ADVKRT1SBMKXTS. SPECIAL'! - - (:- I ja,ts ari Club adjourned inst. to campaign. The meet on the 2Jih twenty-six working days. We learn from the same authority that rice was worth about nine mills per pound or NEW A I V E RT I SM ENTS . ()N Grand Regatta. W EDX KSOA Y , AUGUST 23, lsB, at the The fiaiw HjcmmcU sailed from Hamborjf. Aug: 17th fur tbia port. jue ot ibe largest blue fish or akip we have ever seca, were caught junlwrr ini on Saturday last. the nanrwarc line can ninetv cents ier lfK) fbs. t oiiuiiittcu to Jail. I In view of these facts alone it is evi- Albert Herring, who was arrested j t'enr tnat il American riee was produced Kit..i.. eJ i r r . i at 81.10 per 10U lbs. C'lHtiese riee could i u""'ultJ IWL larceny 01 J-li n,i...a n.u.r i v.. .1 . as r .i r i i ., ... nui ii.nc ucuii iiuiiuuir uiuuiib iumj I un i I1.1VM 5l?0. AllV nlnritt 1 (m frnm t inf .Ik-vnn: iitlimr lu.t o - 1 ... . . .. I - j - - w i pitiimiimij cue unaea scales, even ji retievetioi tne i location will now lie given through the 1 hearing yesterday and was sent to iail ! then subsisting iuiiort tax Of 20 peri uiht a (i--and np. Scasiuo Park Hotel, oicu to all coraera. Cnh prizes wili be awarded under the rules of Uie S. S. P. Co. Boats w ill report promptly at Race takes place at 1 o'clock. At Mnic furnished by the BROWN & RODDICK, O and 7 North Front St. ni. . 0 Telephone Exchange which isoeu day in default of bond. Mary Williams was am night. receiving . .ami: in treasonable prices at Jaco ni : j(r. W. I- Springer, who has been Vtfthfcrsoaic weeks selecting goods g his establishment, has returned The corn husks arc heavy, and a hard a:erii predicted. It appears that con ksoirs when to take an overcoat ioa;- I: I? always agreeable after you've iridsfanny yarn to have somebody in tat crowd remark that he always liked .icory. To Builders and others Go to Jaco b's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, he Veu can get ail sises and at the lowest prices. Two sailors who had deserted from u Italian barque now in port were captured yesterday and put in jail for afc keeping. The steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. Jasram, hence, for New York, is cx pected to sail tomorrow morning. about 10 o clock. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black It books and lines. A rail asson ant and lowest prices at J Acoai's.t We learn that the Hop and German at the Hotel Brunswick, Saturday night, was a decided success and was ten math enjoyed by the participants. The Second Baptist Church will give an excursion to Smithville and the forte oa the steamer Passport, on Wed oaaeaj. the 30th. They are making ex tensive preparations tor a good time uxl wul succeed in their undertaking. , The Rain and the Crops. The heavy rains of last week worked some damage, although not a great deal, to the crops in Pender county. At Rocky Point the cotton was injured somewhat and farther to the East, in Holly Shelter district, the corn was damaged. A week or two of warm weather will, however, probably bring it otic all right again. been The Pt. C. & C. ft. K. A note from Capt. R. P. Paddison, dated at Clinton, on the 19th inst., says : "The surveying party reached this met with a very kind reception, and place at two o'clock to-day. They following gentlemen compose the Com everybody is happy. The people j mittee, viz : seem penecuy saiisuea now tnat the i Chairman. Col. E Point Caswell & Clinton R. R. will be also committed to jail for the goods knowing them to have stolen. Herring is said to be a man who has frequently had the finger of suspicion pointed at him and has once or twice been" tried forlarceny but has so far succeeded in getting off. mt . .1 i mm inis lime tne evidence is Dang up against him and he will probably teke a trip ere long to Raleigh at the State's expense. Important Business. Thejmembers of the Central Executive Committee are requested to meet this evening at the office of Hon. yVm. L. Smith, on Princess Street for the trans action of business of importance. The The boys arc anticipating a lively tnae at the regatta to be sailed over the WrigotsviUe course to-morrow. It is said that the Bessie Lee, will show her half to the balance of the fleet. Very iikelj. She will start first you know. Mr. J.f ,. DudJey.Supreme Representa tiaa to the Supreme Lodge of Knights of Pythias ol the. World which will oon e io Detroit on the 24th inst., left this city for the Supreme Lodge on 'Staday morning. We wish him a Pfalasnt trip and a safe return. Tne regatta over the Wrightsville rae will positively take place on wloeaday. rumors to the contrary. built." Cap. Paddison means business, and is shoving the work as rapidly as possible. Badly Hurt. George Penny, a little boy about 7 years ol age, the son of of Mr. W.J. Penny, of this city, but who is now re siding in Brunswick county, was se verely hurt yesterday by gun-powder flashing in his face. . The little fellow had poured the powder on the ground and stuck a match to it when the pow der flashed up burning his eyes and face very badly. We are pleased to know that his eyesight is not affected, and trust he will soon be over his suffering. The Augola Tramway. Wc understand that the roadway of the Angola Tramway has been cut out all along the line of the route irom Croom s Bridge, on the Northeast river, to Maple Hill, ten miles above. The roadway is 30 feet wide and with a little more labor will be ready for the track, which we hope soon to hear has been laid. Tho tramway will bo twelve miles long, running from - C room's Bridge to Mr. Jacob K . James' distil lery, near what is known as 'The Corner, 'v where Duplin, Onslow and Pender counties meet. Dan D. Hall. First Ward. J. W. Gerdts, Quinlivan, Simon W. Sanders. Second Ward. oger Moore, Hubert Smith, J. D. Smith, Jr. Third Ward. J. C. Stevenson, W. McLaurin, Jno. Rulf. Fourth Ward. W. P. Oldham, S. Willard, Alex. Adrain. Fifth Ward. Wesley Millis, J. D II. Klander, W. H. Griffith. L. M at Vennor's Latest. Vennor, the weather prophet, says : "In 1881 the lattei nortion of Anffnst I was characterized by severe storms ! ants in this city, some of whom have along the South Atlantie States coast ! Sone on tMmu "1C Disastrous Conflagration Rockingham. Yesterday morning about 4 o'clock, a fire broke out in the business portion of the thriving little town of Rockingham, in Richmond county. The fire was dis covered bursting through Mr. Russell's warehouse, and soon communicated to his store. The stores and stocks of Messrs. Leak, Everett & Co., F. S. & H. C. Watson and J. W. Holt were all consumed. Mr. Holt also lost his dwelling, but saved most of his furni ture. A store belonging to a Mr. Mc Cauly was also destroyed. We are pleased to know that the losses will not be very heavy as the stores and stocks were pretty generally insured. The lire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Family Reunion. There will be a reunion at Ridley Creek, near Chester, Peen., on the 24th inst., of the descendants of John Sharp less, who came to his country 200 years There are about 500 of his descend- f f . a. cent, au valorem, ine result was a Hari)e monopoly to the American producer, bob only in the home markets, but prac tically in the European and West In dia markets, where the American sta ple predominated. This commanding position gave the American producer greater and more assured profit than is now possible with free labor, even with the advantage of a heavier import duty on foreign rice. In the period between 1840 and I860, the duty on foreign rice was absolutely needless as a protection to the Ameri can producer, and valueless as a source of revenue to the government. The former was wholly independent of pro tection to an industry maintained by la bor in cheapness second to that of Asia only, and m effectiveness, unsurpassed. Ho was in a position to defy competi tion, and triumphantly met the almost free importation of East India rice even in the English markets. He pointed to nis ueias as uDexceiieu examples ot in dustry, skill and profit. Holding the same rank with the American cotton producer, and moving pari passu with him in the commerce ot the civilized world, protection was as unnecessary to him as it was useless to the govern ment. To have called the duty protcc turn; would have been absurd : it was in fact merely supererogatory. But in 1862 the importation of foreign rice was 56,961,317 pounds. Except for the internal supply ot the Southern States, the cultivation of rice was then rapidly diminishing. The rice fields which lay chiefly in the creat tidal del tas, the first to be reached in the mili tary operations against the South, were soon laid, waste or abandoned. The planters retreated with theiislaves in to the interior. 1 he result was that in 1865 the crop -had dwindled from 187, 000,000 pounds, in 1860, with an expor tation of 75,000,000 pounds to 12,000,000 pounds. Indeed the importation for 1864 was nearly 100,000,000 lbs. and the production nounht. In short. Asiatic rice had taken entire possession of the American markets, except within the Confederate military lines, and at this time, despite the immense volume of importation, the prices in the New York market ranged as high as from S12 to $14.50. and in some exceptional in stances to 1 per 100 pounds. The duty on cleaned rice had been raised in 1862 to 14 cents per pound. In 1864 it was again increased to 2i cents per pound, and so remains unchanged. Aug. 21st. Pl ante it. fTO PE CONTINUED.! WE WILE OFFKB THE OF full band. 2--2t ftoah's Ark for Sale. .r?:m DAYS 31 W IN EVERY RESPECT AND as good as new. Call and buy one for the children. 3- WE DON'T KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK, BUT WE ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA. Try us Crapon & Pickett, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, ang22 1C and 18 South Front Street. At and Below ..ol safil House Wanted. k COMFORTABLE HOUSE OF 5 or G rooms, within easy distance of business. Apply to aug 20-3t DRYFOOS. At Shrier's. The World Over Yu MAY LOOK AND THEN YOUwill find all kinds of goods cheap as the cheapest at aug 20 PARKER & TAYLOR'S, 10 South Front St. o I For Sale, NE SADDLE AND BRIDLE, ONE HORSE BLANKETand ' nsitt '';' ..TOvbiti Jatowtl 1 j SEVERAL lX)Ts OF DRKttS GOODS WHICH WE DESIRE XO Cl)OS5i QflLd. PRICE 10c 3n..ot0r 1st - . Jt tuL net : ,, A-Vt". -vJnia..J rw .fd REMNANTS DRESS GOOD "9 i TjlutU vJrllKO )di 16 J09fflltW OJ PRINTED JAWH na I ibdolbo XT ,BT ,T8t im& PARASOLS, : .'ue.'rM! H a ? .in' ,06f ,7 .etHi ! rv A jnibc Tfwjt (n5rj I a!l lo r k r SUMKBflk STOTSfi at ioqs0 i I : - - -m. - - ..our. in ,nor'MJic:uiiA na LADH5S MADE UP LACE noaoo One Halter and Summer Laprobe. Apply P. O. BOX 67. CiW. 0. 5 t 'nioflqa flw l. . ir.iq tin pi r'.i"t-.S aw A look over will ronrinre yoti of the truth af the above. . tsi t ' BROWN & R -: fj rso 0ODICK ri'lCBVX Honest Work efcssn and in the vicinity of Charleston. The most severe of them occurred on the intended to be a social gathering to pro mote friendship among kindred, and 26th or 27th of the month. The present wwi i 1 1 L ... CI C . . C , - 1 lere are sam to oe auoui j,uw oi i point to a recurrence wnnL thn nru rf i hp nrnsonf nw!lh hoj vua v mw -ww'ww - . - . - kmmin n T a T and in about the same localities, if uot t aimrpiessa.m m rf iwkoniii(r of these storms to- I is descendants in Pennsylvania. In 1755 Richard fJracuey marriea riizaoein. " - m wm mmm m mm - up of a day t. of pleasure and coaat. Invitations have been sent to all the For Senator Editor Review : Through the medium ol your popular paper I ask permission to present to the Democracy of this, the Twelfth Senatorial District, a candidate for the position of Senator subject, of course, to the action of the nominating conven tion of this District. These are trying times, aud in making selections for political preferment we shoud take only those whose records are free from stain, and whose fidelity to principle has never been questioned. I think in placing Capt. A. A. Moseley, of New Hanover county before the people of this District as one suitable in every way to represent them in the next Legislature of this grand old com monweulth, that I in no way flatter him. Capt. Moseley will never fill any IS APPRECIATED, AS SHOWN BY THE work ordered for the coming week. Wa make the best Hair Mattresses or do over old Mattresses to be as good aft new. Do Uphol stering thoroughly from the foundation and give It a neat finish. Make Window Cornices and Pirture Frames with neat joints. All ma terials necessary on hand and work promptly attended to. Leave order at ang 20 S. JEWETT'S: 27 '., Front 8a, FRESH ARRIVALS OF rirr 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL luly 30 L lit' i uot naf Another New i Q F HARNESS AND SADDLES JUST EE cclvctT aVd iStfab at icttnced' price. A full Una of Trunks and Valises at jtIocs to salt the times. Sy Repairing ssfiwlSliiaih ArrAitm fsw iOno1 Sugar 9 ur AT Tof Catholic Friends Society rire another of ttaetr pleasant ex- on Welnesday next, on the earner Itissport. There will be music dancing and refreshments for the in oar man and a good time is promised B wfco may attend. It would be well to take precau disreputable trickerv that .. .. . r y . ' . . V" . . . ft . . m . ..i.nr i r , l . . . . i b ,iwn J, , u. m,rrn,l la ISUrmountW ay mmmv wmm mniwniHmHfwraowii i : c u: . tions asainst damaze bv such storms in ! ueawsH""" ? ' -"vr , oy the low. "A CF AT. MOLASSES. CORNMEfi WAV I XlTOffoTB &U(L IfX " 4 V-MmIYLi&a .lo Hoop Iron, Bagging aiid Ties, Can Good.-, Case j f) BOOs . A2fP Goods, Rice Bird Powder, Sfiot and Cans, Wil- l lla Payable and a in r iilfl X- rVi'a '...r...i: .. ...1 DU). r- - "I iv a t avitn auu nail a VUCIftVU Gins, at manufacturer's piices, at 1 aug 20 KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. To Arrive 1 Succeasor to Mallard a 304 MtT Oav'BaSIa au utom MMMUmnmmmttkMmmuBk AfiMaMs l flnt.K mil) Hi :tWrjI iT-nlaW i't e imHiOiii nit ofsfcoxxl bus ttwl S rfft m . . IS Bw - - I Mmmm.. rfcl TafC iauMf A ISJol QUR MI SMITH HAS JUST RTURBd fiaBOl STSt iTO H45D. from the Northern markets whore jie spct "ftEHT MU8f-nyMt la tock cfa be .w . . ' ftatatSHOIirW)TICEat .PS" season, as well as along the xew Jersey : " - - - i- I never known to buttonhole a man and ... ... . ? . , .1... I , iftt.a no rfi' n rlo v ' Un n. . nil ic n tinnn in ii l' a sviuii auuw nit; untiv.im m . uc asmem m wuiuu hsi he vote lor him, and he and beneath is the motto, ito t eriuut of Mis- was i v n u nwa hi purr, i wg mc i ,ajif I I (TO.! LIVJQ BOOK STORE. The ttslaifh .Veara anl Observer says : rrom Iospector-General Cameron, who u nst returned from a visit to Wil ton. we learn that the Wilmington "lt Infantry is in a very flourishing teioii. and is a credit to the State uord. Caot. fkaii ill will. never I EST S"FOCK OF FUUNJTjURE, EVE SEf N IN WILMINGTON ! Is arriving now by every atefttner. Further particulars in a few days. D. A, SMTTH ATUO., aug 20. Nortr Front treet. 1 r--r - kA ; OatSt The entry of September is liko- 1 . K.i annAm ro niwl 111. in'iin ilitiifli- ' ;nm.n;n.H thfl Vnrti, " wffcrfortUcr Bishop Green, of Mis- The men that we should put in pub- s i m nwJioMvtlifl oUflftt de-! c Dlaces should oome irom among South Atlantic States." TZ tZ W w l te pDt those who are not professional officer . wm Agotaf Ttrtlf -pendant m the South will be Pnt i seekers, and not of the class who, like A House Divided Aerainst Itself the ggBea, which will be held on tnc old maid when praying for a hus There seems to be a Conway and an tho site Qj j0hn Sharpless' cabin at j band, wound up by saying, "Anybody, anti-Conway faction in the First Baptist ' w f phftStr Ij0rd' Just so lL s 8 mn" r-K.h Aftinmd of this citv The Rev i " Born and rearwl in tbe ohl banner Church, colored ,ofthts cit Ihencv. county of Sampson, Capt. Moseley im- A. M. Conway is and has been pastor i Pamlico Ejpnse. Mr. , biid'iii early lirela love aimI reverence ft.hP.hiirchfor some time past, but " f """S" TTirTZfm for those irrand old Democratic princi- .r wn, !rive satisftvetion to his !r . h , pies that must ever live while a love i T AD1ES' SATCHELS, -r . vsti av w "O - , t . :;i;. lo bC dJ -r -to m rrj'rl? f "kTa! 'H-JfTTbrfTTn TV wVhs J9t 1 : - 1 II 1 Tfaar Urrel capacity r ji ai i. 3 woilot km saw K 7V01 TAJ . .OOt.TTI . TS4 vs sdJ be "!rsi ; HALL & fEARSAEil rorownf vy-five ;fnrni - . l . A i J . . i . v. . . i nir itimmi ''iiier iiiif-iu -xii.- tii asr i entire coiigreiauoo. A portion 01 u nas Uy the burning ol lus sieani s auu . lmm , . . 5 s"ant j deposed him, bat ho refuses to Jeave. j grist ' nU nnifi.( thoronshly identified with the great! Ka ! rain rTT-r " 1 uT " h a hlme line of Fnarv LUC ommannW ilnnr.Mv rntu n..i ! .. . , : v His losses are between j t The wrangling nas oeeu goiug w v No insurance - a miivaainv if l . rris. an'inr i in ron i r" 1 ' W rr"' r. IT'i t;Tn. Iwho are ever foremost in acts calculated through Uieoany prvss w g.., , u kX WTtaVaWUi is to aSVSMBje interests of ourfcestiou over the signatures of some ol the dea- utc. The ,wbxle surface of the earth ifl state. While livin- quietly, devoting himself to the welfare of his family, he 1 is ever responsive to any requirements that may be made of him, looking to the promotion of the Democratic party. While there are many tried and true j pmsv niui ii ! ; inriiiuviotJi . w . . t.... . tw,-,linir the i the irmcr uas n. -T , u , good officers, none could bezzling the I the atU;r ap?MBt Col. Henderson lJJ,, 1t?ht liaHer fl SPECIE I'URSES, f-aaigl Not So. A fttatemcnt to taw effect that work T. w. - - covered with water, the ditches arc cons and the pastor. The matter nas . . h . arid still jt i he IS .1 r oJi : Mil m C. W. TATHS', aug ao teut ofl from Wilson to Florence at last gotten into the Courts. Samuel farmers all wear long faces. bee 4mruem-ed by the W timing- G. Jenkins, the treasurer of the church, Lexington Despatch: Hen. ! Weldoe R. R. is going the ronnd, I who Is , anti-Conw,f .nan. l-d a pre-; "J'J?. I , ... , n ..nnallAn viWrPrn Tl V I11UI II- """",.' I 1 J y. . iihrtiVmpr hasironfi to trv O DCTSUlVIO ; j . ,wil,, v rnnnA r louuu v jiv lnntiir frr tse work hM nt Wn mniMoad funds of the church. 1 esterday alter- inarshal for this district, to succeea iko 1)ciuocracv than A. A. Moseley. id tk. .i :.. " : rtn F.li r.,rrv. John Cash and George 1 )ouglass. On n cdnesday morn- Scott's Hill. uivift . nu being done. Notice. .: xai .Ki mjs srriev erei VTA BAOA ll imi A AX0 si rorjffitifinn par.' . .tw,fK,c m iu!k or papers. nee -an RVTA TlSneo (.ang 18 ft apta. rOJTK llABKayiJtOWX MT su I vary low va aak-ftM-naah w - afafEK I itMOCKAT Ojpf THE FJKbT uviiKk, tur tne purpose or em lzati- n of Um rLort Ward immediate prospect noon. Eli Curry. John Cash and George l)oi j Franklin, three staid old deacons who "?S uly iron preparation that does 22or the tee. and will not cause 2ftss or constipation, ss other iron JJJrations will, is Brown's Iron Bit- arc classed among the C C ( ;reen killed a crane near Rich Fork .Bridge. It was 3 feet inches is organ Chd. We will have mom W. IL d anti-Cpnwsy i g ft G inches between the . thartac Pills, pleasant to take, sugars men, were tried for disturbing a prayer extremities of iu wings; Ihc Diru icoaw; no gnping; omy cnu y wjvj and of Best ever maile. Emory's Little Cav I .s-t4i pleasant to l f-imnir: onlv 15 or by mail. Standard Curf Rrat Wimi Dtm. ClnK For Sale. . m. i a. I MLA...vrl AKf nrtM u'liinrul a OOiT. Mtfinfc1S,mf?,3r ThebrdSeve ofiu SSdr beiore ft Co.. im. ftn w York. facts in toe case wUl be brought out. was killed. 8m QLD NEWSPAPERS, lmjaaS. an o.il tot: ossi itess ! rndT a THIS OFUCS. Iswi Jti: 7ol I nave a of 17

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