. -1 I PLRASTS NOTICE. We Willi glad to rocclYe on any general Interest bat .H)SH T. JABfES. The name of the writer mut always be' to toned to the Sdltor. Communications most be written mm mml side of the paper. - -r r ' r 4 Mf rw msmtrv PersbnaUUet must be avoided. ,- carnen v And It la especially Jfcl particularly 1 mt the abore - i. - stood that th Editor does not ahraye WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. AUGUST 26 1882. NO. 203 cr we . ...I maeraL VOL. VI. he views of corrcftpeadeau anJ-M ! In the editorial columns. Ill !!rt T d u f11- i ,,- " Iff i' rawiMJiw m -r t i f u m "1 1 W r I 1 1 r I I 1 fm cjiAi i bl im at m. 1 1 m m m sfsa mmm mmm w mmm am wva imw amv -bm mmm mmm i mvm r-m nwMimV m m II 1 ti . 1 Ii . I W I 1 1 I i : fit 1 I; I J T 1 1J T Y ''' ' - J i i ; i -' " - - . i J,y nir Ao the large . r MMfKrvliilT I 1 - ... i l n ,,( -Al.NKWS. to .i ovT.$iiiwn. He ami Found tlte Hide Horns. Mr. Win. Cromwell, living in Cane Ft nr township, about seven miles from STATE NEWS. rVed rtt-Of1 51 iMoe trove a- Y vtt, beta an.1 Porket aiu- ai.K.ta- Kor the Review Rico Culture. (Continued from issue of 24th.) No. 10. Tt .(mq thpil PVUlAflt tflAt the aVer- ! VLZ. a.U..,.,.V .wl clmrior VraT- I .... n v .jww- - ill' ii tnixii n iiuiun unu oii4- w , this city, lost a bull about ten days ago age profite ou American rice are at pros- ftnitfJ no one occupied tlie seat at the Inquiry and investigation showed that ent dependent or? the maintenance ol win(jow. The train was stopped, but .i ir... k.,i,voi in thn i he iniDori amy. anu inni u uh wuci i UK aiMIUBl llfl vn.. ti iyun.iivv , - - THE MAILS- Themalls close and arrive at the City Tost Greensboro IWriot: A rock was M r,,ows : mSK ! thrown at the Greensboro bound train northern through mails, fast r. i --.- - - Tknincvilln ornah- Viirthpni thnffh nnd WSV mails J.' r IIIU1 lllll uc i iiuuianiiiiv., . SEW A 1 V I :KT I SE MENT8. SPECIAL 1 . . . . r i r i.i . m. Railroad and woods near Castle Hay no by Jeff Bor- removed or materially reduced, the cul- tivaiioti of the former must be aban- notuntil the miscreant had made good his escape. Washington Pre s : The recent heavy is r . a- CL...I.... 1 lironi . . . 'l . I ueaux, anas .eu w uoned as a staple proouei aim mm hlvtK. with bridses across 1 here are now cm- . 537 r-y- , 7 i w simrnlnss his son. Geo. Williams and returned to nature. ' ' . j . . 1 1 r.r. iwi iiitinc Monu 1711 Isaac Scrboro. A HCrah warrant, uvaup n J to w,hort and ti was Usued and the hide and horn," of1 ; 3 dirrtona. was issued and the hide the bull were found m Bonk ax', alias of t,e Carolinas aud Georgia streams on last Saturday. Many were travel seriously impeded in Wo bear of many woo r rro inna and Georeia and r"?' SttE u.u;r0r. r.no 11UI kWWiivnai vr .1 Vn in . nam V ttlK-imh proximo. Sharpies, house. He claimed that lie thought that the animal was bis and " ...k Mill It I iw lillII 1. wmm iJJM. v - hatl it butchored. Mr. Cromwell iden- Rg jrfectiy prepared for cultivation as wSerever else, indeed, in this peoahar hnsbandry a high condition, ot drainage anJ irrigtion is observed, are probably KalttUtit... Mail for tiic N. C. rontaamawoea tuerelrom inrimi- inir A. N. C Railroad a .t'- A. M ; K.nrhorn M:iiVo fnrall itoints South. dally 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. IUihvay; dally, M (except Sunaay) a.;,r. m. All lKjtuts between Hamlet and Ral- cigh 5.50 P.M. Mail for Clieraw and Darlington Rail road L.. 8.00 P. M. Mails for poiute between Ploreneo and CharVenton S.00 P. M. Fayette ville and offices on Cape Fear River. Fridays. ..... .1.00 P. M. .or' n rvna r oj l i w a, n i. til i i .ilvi J l . , night last week while corn ins out of the SSfM P. M. saloon of C. J. Lockyer, alter dark, and , 0njtow c. h. arid intermediate offl is now confined in jail awaiting the ces, TuerMlays and Fridays... ...... 6.00 A. M. ...r rent k- t ia hirio hv the ear-marks, lior- , nv lands in the world, strictly asricul II.Ul' "t " O until ,uv J "J . - ,1 Kescued trom maranua ami . ILi-foU O''11"-' -on,pM,TWenty.fiv ...ruairallMKRS. I : Mcmlel-hn .has reUnrnedto ti I 1 I.I r. tlw. tVUl uc isvtv .,ud services ,..r Israel this morning at 10 . a u.ireP110 that . . , whu ha. been sick for the days, has Hir ixxxvered as ,1.1c to be at hi place ot bnsineaB A.mMufurmed by the steamboat en that, notwithstanding the frequent is only about three feet of 0I. the shoals in the Cape rear, bet" here aud FayettcvtUe, a a!a a. l a . ti.' n c marked and Mr. Cromwell tnot we.l "-"J tJJJh Embanked understand how the mistake could have anddraincd until in general they read ttann an. io The men. who &vs now iw take the weight of the horse and the under bond wiil hax a primary in- ISST&SSS teS facts, that a rice plantation of 600 acres urnn 1H rniiire more than 00 miles of , ! ditching and exterior banking, without i . a T - a . Ik. moln minl8 taxing lUtt aUWUUU bUB wwaaa v-...- and other contingents, but extensive excavation and embankment, essential to a successful system of drainage and irrigation. It would be supposed, how ever, that lands thus prepared, evident ly of nror. rHt. eould be readily divert ed to the culture of other products than coming oi a,uuit viva. iv. lac " ---tention while there. Nothing was tound lait irsnn when arrested. from BROWN & RODDICK, A and 7 North Front St. vestigation before Justice W.O. John son, in Ct pa Fear township to day. i.aiiv imod fellows arc the "mashers So say the "Tailors and Haberdash- crs.M f '.i . . x -;"a i.;a in-. SmUhvUlomallA. hv steamboat, dailv coming 01 onri 10 j , r ""ceD SuucUlv 1.8.80 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, shMiinttc ;m Little Rivei. Tuee- . x . 1 ...i tli.it Mr t Hun ami Vriilnva ...6.00 A.M. a letter nisi at uauu w- r: i ViVvv ViVn tkt ivtcry C P. Mizell, of Jamesvillc Jfi ..SSlMJu died irom nyuropuuuii., w"" XT. ! oatnern aians hite of a rabid dog a few weeks ago. Of Carolina Central Railroad..... S.30 A. M. JaHlIa cuucvwu uviu duv av.a at S.45 P. M. . Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to U M., ana from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same aa stamp office. stamps tor saie in smaii quantities rv gvww delivery when stamp office Is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. WK WILL OFFER 1HK BALANCE OF distances and Elevations. Mr. D. M. O'Hanlan has been ia - i jm.i. Aorm of the surveys wnich have 111' f j i a w w w . a. . 1 been made of the proposed routes for ( rice. But unhappily this is not , the the Clinton & Point Caswell ii. tf. These surveys have been completed and .:n k iiiiimittwl at a meeting of the ... d v formerly of this city, i - mmm4m. vt be held in this .ill. aa. -- - . I xwaiu wa s kt now an enterprising merchant Thursday. The reports arc a ... J oil fl a ! 11 liirinlmrg. wa, nere xv3 1 accompanied by maps very skuumiy .hort kit Mr. le has our most earn- which ghow at a glaape the work apathies in hi late terrible j of the surveying party. The following distances and altitudes will be touna oi interest. Taking the bed of the river at Point Caswell as aero, or the point (mm vh ieh the levels are taken, we have: as follows: Archy Seller's, 8 miles distant and 116 feet altitude; Black River Chapel 11 miles and 36 ft : surface of water in Black River at Jno. D. Kerr's store, 15 miles and 32 feet; ridge between Usher Ncwkirk's rand G recti Herring's, 19 miles and vi feet; surface of water in river W Lisbon pavement. liate Mallett was drunk and down by and was taken in by the po- ii - Honor the Mayor said one . i imprisonment. Dave is irrepress ifakin his line of business and is fast htawiiug incorrigible. i .,r banly of Antonio Cassaletto, the nfor.au ate Italian who was drowned 4 Smith ville on lat Wednesday eron s4. waa interred in Uic gravoJ yard In last place yesterday. Capt. M . J. Pot yr perioral ed hc funeral obse luics. The reputation of the Commercial Hotel was never as good as it is now. Mine hot Schloss does eTerjwui.g i puwef to please his guests, :md his efforts are n-cciving a tangible appre . .u Hk bill of fare is very good ami hU rooms are neat and tidy. He i ab!y assisted in the management or (he bouse by his sons, and Mr. Jones, who like himself, is an old baud at the bellows. At Pine Grove. The crew of the fgmt Frolic, the winnine boat in the last race, will, by invitation, take supper at Pine Grove neat Weihuwdnv rvenin. After tea there will lie a dance and the ladies and Smtlemen from the city and all the rounds are invited by Capt. Manning to attend. He will have plenty cf pig fish ib; body and some to spare. Some hotter. We are glad to learn that Mr. R. C. Myers, of this city. Special Deputy Col lector in the Custom House here, who has been very sick in New York, was 26 miles and 37 feet; ridge between Blackburn's and Fisher's mill creek, m miles and 130 feet; ridge between Pe terson and Pngh's, 35 miles and 173 feet; Mareheeter KiUett's, 38 miles anu 170 feet: Clinton. 42 miles and 166 feet. It will thus be seen that the highest point on the lino of the survey is the ridge between reierson n u - 173 feet above the zero from which the Minnnt Wfla 111 ade. At Kerr's UltaSUicuivM. store the water level was taken on de clining water and at Lisbon on a freshet. Freshwater Perch.Trout arid Black 6sh hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi s. t Tbe Pic-nie Near Kocky Point. Our friends at Rocky Point, and a large number of persons from the city, Duplin, Pender, and Sampson counties, pic-nicked it at Spring Garden, near Rocky Point, on Thursday. A very large crowd was in attendance, and on ioved themselves to the utmost extent. It has been the custom for many years Uup ,i rather in z of the people at lay aa. o . un 4r tlw Duroose OI SOrinK vj ;n utu, aw. w Y 1 nnininiN AM U) a 1 .i jaciirfl. Ii) MUlX-IlBliKC va... oeuer accormng to auices luinin w . - t. rrOD3 :illd Th.re.lav. Mr. MjafS has been suffer- tanning am. au - tu prospects oi mm m. - of a.rangorocnm, Messrs James West- R J Durham. J. lnirnam, and lhos fo-.f onH is one of tne uuex plained enigmas ol agriculture. Once planted in rice these fields be ;nnQnpifAteil for other profi table W1UV i U VWK . crops, until atter the lapse of years the character oi tne sou, reuuciw rww f -la-ar lav tll HVSteiU Ol W61 CUltUrC, has been thoroughly reconstructed. To q ax7 air this reconstruction, occupying several years in its process, or to at tempt the conversion of these lands to f J:a taar aairruarimest. WOUld IIUIUL'UUUe HOW tJJ ay j.. a amount to their practical abandonment. No planter could afford delay or experi f m Vwaaf. unrtain. to undertake another kind of culture, of which he lias neither knowledge nor experience, lie would be forced to abandon his proper ty and more than 150,000 persons, reared like himself, in thte special in- ,l..a.r orarl onnnrlAnt on It lor iivuii UUSIlLJ I oaava aswai hood, would oe uiaeiniuujw If such great developments as the evidences snow have been achieved m the American rice industry m the short space of sixteen years, to the advantage of all parties at interest, the home pro ducer, the home consumer and the gov ernment, it can scarcelyfbe domed that this industry is entitled' to oontinueden couragement until home competition is still further increased by enlarged pro nt;n ot minimum cost. It has been alreadv shown that the prioeifijood aaain rinA w&s reduced m 1880-81 to all deaths this seems to us.the most hor nble. Goldsboro Messenger: When will tiafiainir sfrtn ' one niffht last week the kitchen of Mr. Ruffin Ilinnant, in the eastern section of the city, was nfled of everything it contained. Chantv Hill, a colored woman, uau iici nuun. stolen from a house on George street last Wednesday night. The police being notified instituted search, and the miss ing trunk, broken to pieces and despoil ed of everything it contained, was found Friday morning, in a neighboring Held. The thief is unknown. On last Sunday night the residence of Messrs. Strauss & Street, was entered through a tt, invar ftiWI ft feather bed, apairot several bed ouilts taken therefrom. nhntham Record: A colored man, nf tiaia t,wnshin. named Robert Mitch n ni on fori ap.ven Irish ootatoes that c,i, uiu, :, a uir made ono busnei, tnree pecK a u a callon. On last stmoay, tne saw a?u nf Masars. John W. Tavlor & Sons, noor rif ville. was destroyed by fire. Tf oa oiinnnsed to be the work of an incendiary. Loss about $500 and no inonronno Mr. Thomas Hmesley, aarian wq nrnhfthlv the oldest citizen of I this county, died at Haywood, on last Sunday, aged w years, a cauwi wtw aonac of his death, and upto a short mw vt'T . - , - a time before his death, lie was remarna- Klar aaraall nreHP.rved ill XdV and mind. -r n -a 1,1:... rlnnniT t in ii n ....k a nrormn :i Miniitu uuiiub uaaas war of 1812, aud was marched to Hills- boro, where he was discharged Dcoaube hostiUties had ceased. He always voted the democratic ticket, voting for Han cock at the last election. flhplhv Aurora: Shelby will soon have a cotton seed oil mill. -Mr. a iKxt-f ( ;,wn made last week 2i gallons of brandy, expressed from watermel- naa ThA hmnrtv was nice. v-u uuj. -a. .. . v ' . NEW ADVEBTISMENTS. THE FOLLOWING FOR THE NEXT H I 1 DAYS At and Below Cost t SEVERAL LOTSj OF DBE8S GOODS WHICH Pine Grove, WRIGHTSVIJLIiE, N. C. Complimentary to the Win ning Yacht ! BY INVITATION TMJfi CKKW U XMXi "Frolic" will take supper at this place on WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30. Thp.rfl will be music and dancing on the Pavilion, and ladies and gentlemen In the city and on all the Sounds are coruiauy mvnea to be present. Pig flsh supper will be furnished as usual to those who desire It. ED. Wilson ma i-Nvi, rropr. aug 26-td WE DESIRE TO CLOSE OUT, PRICE 10c. ib Overworked M ATTRESSES WHEN PROPERLY done are as srood as new. as you may be con vinced by sending your oiu gRprg J ' 27 N. Front St Or leave your order for a new one, or get your old furniture renovated, ang 25 Lost. SILVER CUP MARKED T, S. B., be tween Wrightsvllle Sound and the City. The finder will be rewarded by leaving tlw same at Mr. John Carroll's Saloon. aug 24 tog for years past with neuralgia in the an.l i no a- under treatment by MVMni.t in Kn Ynrk. It will brook. ...... V ... ww w w w m the average price in several years an terto Z tne war, when the rice industry ...I. a0 nith of its nrospenty. riai.: wLatinn ittpw mainly out oi an iuib icuuvnv.1 B.v.. - arwn increase in one year oim.reu- w;i, enan ranid development as this in tho past, It does not appear chimen- airemeat. tne uonies-ii; VxYrr r ICZ s-- . a 1 1 nvi.irorinn ill iiiiK PM, be er'to amount r ,0,a A lorror than will be de- 1U IOW, wv :r ir, nianded by the domestic cyuuuiFwv... muart.ai? Srffl be practically accom- nliahed las soon as the great labor-saving EHrSS.S TfKa rvnt svstem of grain culture become modified, so as woe applied to tho peculiar necessities of rice husbandry." conclusion. In conclusion we sum up as follows: The facts relating to tbe American nee industry for the past sixteen years, go to prove that it is an example when taxaSon of afforeign product is sound poTicv? if not theW of the Govern- 7 aa ment. . nnfiim- ir;w.ct for t he preveniiou """r 'M r: . u .Lam.-at in nr the foreum lU"rZ : nfe of the dome KrconsmneT as' welfas the domestic Wednesday, August 16, Landrum Hop per, aged 33, in spartanDurg wuu-j, T C.TlO miles distant from Shelby, was killed by lightniug and his mule was badly wounded while plowing in oats. All Healing Springs is crowded to overflowing: with 160 visitors. It has Kann o fio wlH .muitiess us a health and uvcu a. wv- , . .. pleasure resort from the inception of the eutei-prise last year. Clevelaud nnmiftv nmnfirtv is valued on the tax list at $1,886,375, an increase s of u$47,540 aa loaf Tjoar'a valuations. Ot this JN OS. 4 and 6 township pay nearly one-half the whole taxes ot Cleveland. ko v -,o - rwv) wnrth of property, lhe poll tax is $4,50 aud property tax $1.30 on tne i worm ui .w , Atte. When, ou wnen, wm ucavj taxes cease. Ladies' Satchels and Pocket Books, MADE OF THE BBSX fllUltuttu i.uain er, Sea Skin and Velvet. A large "--gSapg. REMNANTS DRESS GOODS, PRINTED LINEN LAWNS, PRINTED LAWN8J PARASOLS, FANS, ' SUMMRR SK 1RTS, i SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES MADE CP LACE NECKWEAR, 0. A look over will convince yon of t lie truth at the above. BROWN & RODDICK 5 and 7 North Front St. B LANK BOOKS. Paper and .Envelopes, I KeauuTni,uox-r-iaper, Visiting Cards, Ac, Ac. A new stook Inst In at HETNSBERGER S, ang 23 Live Book and Music Store WHOLESALE AND RETAIL., tnly 30 Noah's Ark for Sale. OMPLETE IN EVERY RKSPbCT AJXD Call and buy oufi foe tbSt C au good n new Only A Small Lot Left O Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bil ious attacks positively cured witfc Em ory's StandardCure Pills-an infallible remedy: never iau u -uic vry.'"C-5 stinate, long-standing cases where Qui nine and another remedies had failed. They are prepared expressly tor mala rious sections, in double boxes, two kinds of Pills, containing a strong ca thartic and a chill breaker, sugar-oaat-ed: contain no Quinine or Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain m their ac tion and harmless in an cases -, - F THOSE NICE SUMMER GOODS which will be marked down to close out. I will In a few weeks lay in a larger and handsomer stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, than I have ever bad. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, Exchange Corner. children. WE DON'T KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK, BUT WE ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANT HOUSE IN CAROLINA. Try us Crapon & Pickett, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ncr 94 18 and IS South Front aug 23 w. aa a . rn.Ub.y be mm, week. t betore he , .C""- . 2 .t -d ' EES cleanse the system, and pa. vitov.i -cm w' nnrwl Tl T Lilt; L-UV,vuliiBv"" 1 V .11.1 Iji IP I lilt? U1M.I . --t - can return to Wilmington. The Shoe Business. Mr. Iiac L, (Jrecncwald has just re turned from a two weeks' visit to lhe shoe markets in Philadelphia and Bos b n where he bought largely of goods in that lino. Mr (irecnewaldhas succeeded to the shoe J. Armstrong, amount of praise for the courtesies ex tended to the larg crowd present.--Thero was a large representation ot the fair sex who participated in the mazy dam from early in tbe day until late in thecvening. when tbe crowd dispers- wl fnr thir homes, r.verytning ptt V v. - reeentH eomhictetl off mQt pleasantly. We were partieu irrv. LL tin t m- - - i ? r fnA ir fnft hndV. r OXX7 111- 71IIU LAllV vwv- ' permanent estabMshmen athomc ot a J reinealy they are unequaled 'vm ' -rv to afford food and Jfv" Xw oirmuti is not lHUDhUl J u,w.. T .. arl ! J! Or il t'l VAJUiyua"" . a' , i , u.;ul annnlies in timeoi war. w r . nnp vrv will have a wonuerrui STrSa national indeoendence. 7"' V ose. They are used LI1U9 pi"""" 4 Second, for r i . industry :i 7,af wr. and m?stiT product, practically . developing ?2SS FrTnfancv until i: has reacheil New Restaurant. IJlHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT! fully aunouneejthat he haa juat fitted up at No. 3, Granite Row, Sonth Front Bt,, a reatauran for iAdlea and Gentlemen, where meala ana i now refitting the store for the recefv liou of the large stock purchased by him. of the lari?e We neanuy i'i"v - ad- 1L irOUl l" a.. a Ji- a i. -ii Ze. i email RiieoeSKim yrciw r tnepruu..-. time to be- 9 flm AXr .asm nn-3wuw- Nassau Mreeu. ... and nrescribed oy rnysieiaim, bv Prugglsts everywhere, or sent by niail, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emorys T-Tlil nakri;,a D.iia hftst ever made, ftaHP A. 'a i-. IIXl. , w.,l -ha.. Po atanuaru uun; - i aay. every .uiur - 4": refreBlamente may be had at all hours of th The World Over VOU MAY LOOK AND THEN YOU will i find all kinds of goodg cheap a the ehasgifnt at PARKER TATJXW aug) 18 sotlth Front St. Garden Seed. JJUTA BAGA TURNIP AND vartctlea of Seed for Fall aud W Inter v. Mr. Rosenthal, on Market street, and , -truck with the quiet and most e independent pfprotction .l - lany siruua. . AA. fTi,,,io thp series ot crowd. Ihie notice of its arrival will lie made ' . . trurt5tiaer of tbe people of through our coltuu! . . . it l.r'mirs about a . lAininir iiiuuiiw Arrest ol a counties J c - . i ,oiv PeiiUoutiary Fc- ( feeling of coatidence auu which will result m grmv - This concludes the series . . a. r .Uswa ail mule Bird. Ktnma Johnson, colored, an escaped terchance of different views about tarm- ten arti- COUl;lUJ' w-""-' .. . -i '- 777.. r ..illiiro in lhe eles on the nnea 1 ainlv Carolinas and iiW'S'"- rlZTMW of y .i. i-t of the comssiuee, irom m 'r- Koli-nuin which Col .Jolin acreu .. f tbe Savannah Rice Association, as J , 01 tDe iri L aU firci. nf thflso articles, i SKE SVtton on .e part of the , rt d omen 1"-"" v- v; For Early Fall. UST FROM THE FACTORY, ALL THE Mte waltei and courteous attendant. j9Gamc and Oysters in scaaon nne Wines, Liquors and Cigars. DOV is F. A. 8CHUTTE, Prop. in hnlkor apeTH. aug 18 Will lc Hold very 1 . MI NDS Bl Phannaclat. Brooklyn orfer to .ay L ,r.. Am turiff oommtsstou, ae well as ther ano enjoy Pa facts bearing upon i. conducive of much ntnof rioe in the United States - - M W'-t . f m AhMiiff It penitenUao coovu-t was arresu.,1 in ,hU , b, the old tolta. JT.'" S oocamiwioo. as well aa i Ka. OAvis Cut u ,ont rh o fter anu eJJ K"- .l" fo-ia hannir upon a-V " - - " JJWIJMO lUW ci:y ClanJ.. CL. ..... o tnAfl an.l m V ! r f.i. 1 . a. -Vi irVl awe?. c?iir na-uiw aa. i ufc acJlUba , " tuiuu. . . au:c nt- oflarcenyat the February term of the , The tables were T everxthinsi to tempi anu ;WiVT. T ,1 Kr for the ae- r w or it is eut-icu r-v-.--'.: . j., ( :i .. . tV.c rnraraal tnftl 1L la ta - aiiin.LiLi . w Z i .aa lr that M heavy Salem Cassimere, Some desirable tvlea for Boys' SckeolCkrtfcP Lunch ! MERCHANTS AND CLERKS WHO WILL I I close baashaea. hereafter at 5 o'clock will 1 o1 To Arrlre t UK MR. SMITH HAS JCST from the Narth-m market tr. " weeks In pnrclia-alnjr tho LARGEST. HANDSOMEST AND CHEAP EST STOCK OF FURMTUBK SKBN IN WILMINGTOl 1 Is arrlring now ly erery steamer. and scnten Criminal to three cars in tlie peuiteutiary was farmed out to a tanner rear RaU-igh aud cscaiHsd from him last fall have injirfedtAe cotton crops, while she was iu a cotton natch pickiug rbut corn is abundant. Aug. 5, 1888. Planteu the iaple. She made her way to this -ity. and has lioin here ever siuce. She Anything in the hardware line can 1 To BuUders and others-Go to Jaco I a- ra. a.en Winds and Doors, Glass, ,u. oub - - naui nrioes at JAO wa arrestoil at her home in Brooklyn wjt 9(Tflb csurday uiorumg ;uid lodged m jau. 1 At the time of her arrest she w;u lying We are glad to know that tbe recant - . ... .niliro I IK: down in her home with the doors and freshet in tbe river oiu -v wind, tigiuiy fastened. She wiil be j lowland eronj jUontheJbanks. nt back to the penitentiary, where More unrrarsally recommended than he wiU probably serve out her term of, any proprieUry medicine made. A sure awnshmeuL I ano reliable tonic, Brown's Iron Bitters. hi tor 5asn. nimus Ac. YouojmgetsUsfres lowest prices. and at the tag. 8old at Factory prices, aug 23 J. I1EDRICK. Best ever made, Emory's Uttle Ca- 8m ddrw John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND PERMJMER, 3G MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C .?7fifV:2E that I can be foufcrWpxepared towaU find a SPLENDID aCNCH v r.t sr;HUTTEs. Beat the i i I affords andarices Teryeaaonable. ! F. A. 8CHUTTE, juaeflS-tf Proprietor. particulars in a few dajj ang 9. Nona Frotu School Books! f. School Supplies! Home Made Gandv. rURE AND WHOLESOME. Second street, three aloorajbelow Jttie ran JADDXS' HAND SATCHMLS, and a handsome line of Fancy La downy. C. W. YATW, aug 20