NOTICE. .bcl motaing. Monday ea rented jOBH T- JAMBS, ...,...v rosTAGK PAID: W.wiUbtgU4 to naowve from our friends On any and all subjects general Interest bat The name of the Writer must nlahed to the Editor. Communications mnat be i mmim. - one aide of the paper. - Personalities moat be avoided. And it Is especially ad particularly and stood that the Editor does not always endor month, Sj cent. Hi. -m in ii-nfi""i "J - TV llr ( the city, at the above P -rrjT'"-.,.,! taU vol.. vr. I V x WILMINGTON. N. C. SUNDAY. AUGUST 27 1882. NO. 204 be views of correspondents - - nM"- 7 ' i-h. l. iii - - in the editorial commits. this;faper . The Daily REVIEW. in hit Ihr htrnrsi . rinvWi'' "r ',MV ncwsPalH r i fftc t -i7.v , Wilmington. J& 10 M BtmWT. World I tmii erf 200 ID ..:in ... (.khU i ,,- itutu v MM Wanted j. I. H M -.1 IUmL.i i w c.uul MlM" S . To Arrive i.i.-hi Saks il Groceries. ji.ii j tL-' H-Banraiiw in Shirts j, ttvr-,s Vrch Penchca j,.. J IIUki K-I m OteTitm tnnMmm-m ji i rr-An tKerworked Man KAKKC-Marktl Down . . i.i -In smlthvllle to day j n Another New Eot j w BAtrtt-Fanlly Kxcorslon. Iwn-Mix nmso Pine tiroTe I tlt -SH-nsMl Raptlt Ohurch J To Make Home Beautiful iu... RiiincK-Hhrilad ShawU . Wiu-bi Marvin's Celebrated. s Mrk viHEas A Convenleuee W e sratxos A CorRlce PUutem PACKUtfA Tavi K-Tre World Oyer ! , trN a I'll a IT-very iiest iiams. V i tiauue-Turnip aid Cabbage See. I Jv.. 1. BmTwnjOBT Rcpaekdl Inon H a 8X-4Adles and Mlaace! M pTw i u and others Family Exeurslon trv w R Hi STMR-Sabbath School lecture ; hi aor.R-Brlb'Gla Marking Pens . it..xLi a Moawa Dry Gool at Auction J W i i.uakd General Coiuml.lon Mer- Jx... W.Gomnox a Bn Inure Yourl ot- iiiaa. k.n iisr.n a i u.ier Bros Groceries llay's length 13 hours and 5 minutes.. Sunset this afternoon at 33 minutes last 6 o'clock. lull uioon to-morrow afternoon at j minute past 1 o'clock. Tbrw interments all children in (fekdale during the week. There were no interment in Bellevuc irtery diiriug the week. four marriage licenses were issued lurioe the week all to colored couples. One adult and four children were in ' terrol in Tine Forest during tlie week. Ant thing in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at J AGO wa . t lapt. Harper will give another of his fJeasant excursions next Friday to Smithville and the Forts. Mr. CM. VanOrsdell. Jr., is now turning out some work which cannot be HBpa?ed for beauty of finish. IT regret to learn that the venerable ir Schouwald is sinking and that the la hone for his recovery has deoarted. ; ry lagre and dangerous wash on I r rent street, between Omne and Ann, a filled in yesterday. It was caused j by the recent heavy rains and was at tended :0 as soon as the city force could reach in its order. Our friends of the Seeond Baptist hnrch will give another of their pleas-; sat rxcunriom on the Purport to Mu:taulhi and the Forts on etlnesday ; . a. htXl ... ktuiwii nhilitv of tlic - j ; enien in charge is a sufficient that the excursion will be a picas - mty Mi ne. Tlie ( harl.-ur Journal. Ye received yestertlay, tor the first tftte, a copy of the new paper. . the Charlotte Journal. It is a handsome Meet, well conducted, and gives evi dtocc of substantial prosperity in the 1 . m - M A.9 . m 1 rgrnuniDer oi auvcnisemenw wmcn r' found in its columns. ht wishes for success. Cotton. The receiuts of cotton in this nort for r week ending with vosterday foot up 0bak em, ajoriDst 7f bales Ibr th PonnS period lt W. iu - cr. oij ui- Tk. mm. j u ui omen, w- 'PU of the croD vear to date foot up 138 bales as against 1 19,406 bales to August 27th. 1881, an increase this year k w I'Hl bales T" Builders and others Go to J aoo- s for Sash, Blimls and Door. Glass, e. You caa get ail and at the I rices. Mr. WW. R. Hunter, the "Children's Friend," will lecture tonight in Front St rcd "Church, on "The Importance of Sabbath School Work.1 I the A flat containing 800 w atermclons :t- at Market lock yesterday. There were one or two more flats with l'roiu to 300 melons in each. Mr. B. F. Penny, at the firm of W. J. ft H. F. I'enny. leaves to-raorrow tnorii'mg lor the Northern markets to purchase a new stock ol Fall and Win tcr goods. , Jeff Bordeaux, alias Jeff Sharpless. I was committed to jail yesterday by I .i T . 1 r Irw. tnurn. I I uusncv uoiinsuu. ui v.. ri .a s a 1 1 . . 1 I ship, on thechanre oi inc larcunj o. ( bull, the propeny oi air. n . uvamji. . a full atxouut of which appeared in yes- j tcrday's Review. It will be seen by advertisement that ! an excursion will be givan on the Its. port, op Wednesday next, under the management of Messrs. M. P. Taylor, Gabriel Holmes and W. H. Green. The gentlemen are well qualified to get up a pleasant excursion and will doubtless give their patrons a pleasant day. Fine Pears. Capt. II . L. Winton is raising some very fine pears at his place in Wilson. They are large and equally as succulent as the famous California pears. He has shipped about thirty boxes to New York so far, and has many more to send oft". We trust he will realize hand somely from them. City Court. His Honor, the Mayor, received calls from only three little boys yesterday morning. Daniel Watson, charged with disor derly conduct, was sentenced to five days' imprisonment. W. H. Larkins and Jane Lawson were sentenced to one day's incarcera t ion in the city prison. Fell In. The rear of the second floor of the store on Water street, occupied by Mr 8. P. McNair, fell in yesterday after noon, under a heavy weight of corn which was piled on it. There was no serious .'damage done. Some six or sevcu barrels of flour were dam aged and some of the corn sacks were bursted. The back door of the first floor was forced open by the pile of corn which fell against it, and the railing around the office was broken. jFirst Bale From North Caro lina. The first bale oi cotton of the crop of this season was received to-day by Mr. Chas. E- Smith, and was sold on 'Change at auctiou to one of our princi nnJ rot h n buvcrs. Mr. A. H. Greene, at 154 cents per pound. The cotton was raised by Mr. M. M. McKinnon, near Laurinburg. and graded middling. We point with pride to our merchants, among whom Mr. Greene is one oi the most active and enterprising. Though but a citizen of a few years' residence, he has exhibited great interest in our prosperity and has its commercial ad vancement greatly at heart. Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort- ment ani) lowest prices at JAcosi's.t Explosion of a Lamp. A kerosene lamp exploded ia a house on the corner oi Seventh and Campbell streets, last evening, about 8 o'clock. A little colored girl. Nancy Hill, was very fe huroc4 about the face and neck. ohild a mother, fortunately, was . . , her with a close at hand and covered her with a I I I I a hlnket and succeeded in . . a bAJaa onv MM smotherint; tno names wviv j Wiou8 or dangerous injury was done 1 . 0! was called in and dressed the wounds, it was ou that the sufferer's eyes were hurt but . c i iinff Kr It was lounu there is no uanger ui uw sight. Tue Liberal Party. Thro was a meeting of the "Liber al" of this city held in Coroner Hew- u.,iAtt iaa. Re It has ourv-v-. - publican) near me w. and Queen streets I rulay nign. wereiust eieht persons present who i . :..t ti,. mMtin?. vis: Messrs i tuiiaiiiutcu iu i rMM t niedtaav. Alex. T. Sann, joixn Kennedy, W. M. Coiliatcr, John . Te Tlhi. Bry Swn - i .. t wiMrv vfU ivanneay, i ruirm.n Alex. T. Swann j Secretary and John Kennedy Secretary. The meetjDE was held In a coroner's shop il v i v i a ii lutan i - - and a few steps from a grave yard Urge enough to bury the Uberai party. As a matter of course the Republican paper requested published in this oity was publish the proceedings. A sating of time and money ; Wear "Electric" Shirt, sold by Dyer. - . tii Km i tit v ilk f -!. v n tin- Miti- I netaJui it you want to keep cool. The Rev. Thos. M. Ambler has re turned to the city ami will conduct the ' services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church I to-day at the usual hours. The residue of the stock of dry goods j of Mr. I. Shrier will be sold at auction to-moriow . Some rare bargams arc to : w. Some rare bai Ihj had. See ad. elsewhere. liauly ooled . . That was a good joke which was! , . Qn 8taid olJ . famiWls at , . I thcSease parkt on List Wednesday; night A y(mig lad about 15 years oi , droSficd up in lady8 are8S Hlld a becoming sundown on his head, walked out to the platform whore, under the uncertain light of a partly obscured moon, he was introduced as Miss Jones. The gentleman hurriedly brought a couple of chairs and seated the supposed young lady and engaged her in conversation. He tried to travel incognito, and was talking very sweet to his companion, dwelling upon the Ion rt h rf hr ivphrow8 mvinflT over heH beautiful soft brown eyes, and went in to raptures over her complexion. Mat ters went on in this way for some time until one of his friends walked up to htm and said : "M , don't tell B who that fellow is you are talking to! The pater familias started in amaze ment and hardly believed his own senses when he discovered how he had been fooled. Later in the evening he found out the name of the young lad, and soon after was introduced to his mother whenjhe said, "Well, ma'am, your brother played a capital trick on me this evening." He did not see what the boys were laughing at, but we think he is very excusable for his last mistake. "Ticket 56,021. We had occasion to interview Mr. J. A. Burks, the station agent at Bobeline. Mr. Burks was the lucky holder of one fifthof ticket No. 56,02 l,rhich drew the nun i r nl nrize of 75.000 in the Ixuisiana -n : - r:. a a o in state Lottery Ercawing ox .august o. no stated that he had forwarded the ticket to New Orleans, by the Southern Ex press Co., and exhibited a letter showing that the sum of $15,000 was paid in cash, by the Lottery Co. without scaling or any deduction. Mr Burks seemed delighted with bis good fortune and was full of pleasant humor. Mr Burks is rather below the medium size ; wears a light brown mustache and goatee and has dark brown hair ; he is genial, pleasant and sociable in disposi tion. He is a romparativcly young man: has a wife and two children, and is a native ot Sonora, Ky., where he owns some real estate. He lias been in his present situation at the Depot of the N. O. P. R. B. and in this State since last December. He takes bis good fortune quite nonchalantly, and in a niV.lA manner. He says that he will retain his present position for some time to come. He is evidently en in telligent gentleman, of sound, practical judgment. He speaks in high terms of the promptness with which the Louisi ana State Lottery Company cashed his ticket, withont any quibbles or reduc tions, for any cause whatever. This is but one of the invariable instances showing that the Louisiana State Lot tery Company deal honestly with the lucky hoiders of tickets drawing, praes in the wheel of fortune Natchitoches, La., People's Vindicator, Aug. 19. OhurchServices To-Day. Qt Tames' Church, corner Market and Third streu Rev A. A. Watson, D. D Rector. SSStti Sunday after Trinity, August 27 1882. , AlT , - o sundav School at 10 a. "Ming Prly7r at 11 o'clock. Evening p raver at 6 o ciocs. St. John's Chureh, corner Third and Red Cross streets. Her. l nos. u. . j Twelfth Sunday after Trinity Pitts. Rector ftr Trinity. AUKUSt 2, in liaaatlin 7.t0a. m. Morning rrayer o'clock. Evening Prayer ate ocioca "SSZiM at 11 a.' m.. and at rcharoh vi before 6 p. m vint Bantlst Church, corner of Market and ViftKtreSfi Rev. J. B- Taylor, V. D., Pastor. Ct.Vnrtitv School at U a. m. services a u a. sanday Prayer meeUng Thursday nigm mio.f yp Cnrist Church (Congregauonadt)Nun street, een sUth and Seventh. Rer.D. D Dodge, between BaajTSS-S rvirox t 11 o'clock, a. - 8 o'clock u- m- mwr, -"-T Ajg g3rga Lwv' . i.. uamnHit Hall, corner th minister, riuu,-- . r. 3 o'clock, p. m.. in n i and Nun sts. .;L Ht Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at ai L Seccl Mass at M - - ,VPn llee.liction at So'olockpm. Dally Mass at 6 30 a m. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hd Caatie rerw. ivc. --- - services at II a. m. and 9 p. to. hnn 25 hJd aV St m. Prayer meeting evey Tuetwlay night. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, corner or Fourth ami Orange slreeU. Rev. T. JT. filer Rector. Morning Prayer at U 'c; Knln?Prayer at sVclock ; Sunday school at 34 o'clock. Seats free. iont Street M. E. Cmrch, er ,,f 1h Wilnot streets. Frann i. r rvMi. , u . ra umI SSSS-MferTTT Bre :,:;Uoi a:rp-mwrM.7PV, if'"T: .Vin, tt 8 o'clock, wraian 8 o'clock. Christian LSI 23S SSsfren. :.;TrVnd vlauors cordially inviteo. Tk t-t M. E. Church, between Sunam: Church streeu. Rev. T Page Jt taHMhL5f'" " Wiinhlu sSS V MVuwaV,;?-itor. lhtf8B!nX la?av?3p.Buan48P.P- at 11 APVEBTisMENTs. ; In SmithviUe To-Day. HIE STEAMER MINNEHAHA WILL leave her wharf at 9 o'ctock, for Sutitbvllle. Fare ... i u . iui m. ; round trip 50 cents. W hy swelter In rhen it is pleasant in Smithville ? I'M IUC town TV J 08. BISBEE. " Master Excursion. K SKcoM BAPTIST CHURCH will I rive an e.:iuS1uii on llie J'A?roiv-A vo s:...illiilla Ik.. .ill- W. , I n.--(l:l V A 11- Mlhm th-Vcu Bt centf ; Children under 15 ysjum of age . Tle oat mm leave at I m'i'I.h-L Iti-lrcOimrTlt- :lt eltV IwVT". r . tl r A I Ik Ihnrnlklll W W Kiugt i. t. Revnohle. Committee. aug- Sabbath School Lecture. WSTR WM. R. HUNTER. "THE CUIL.D- IyL ren' Friend", w ill address the citizens of Wilmington to night, at 8 o'clock, in the Meth odist Church, on the lmiortancj of the Sab Ijath School works. Parents and the public irenerally are tnvifced to attend. A collection will be taken to aid Mr. Hunter lh his labors, aug 27 It Family Excursion. rpHERE WILL BE A GRAND FAMILY EXCURSION on the PASSPORT to Smith ville and the Fort on FRIDAY NEXT. Music for dancing. Fare for round trip 50c. an 27-lt J. W. HARPER. House Wanted. -yy ANTED TO RENT A HOUSE of 5 or 6 rooms in good location. Address, stating terras, J. I. Mi P. O. Box 21S. aug 27-lt Dry Goods, Notions, &c ON MONDAY NEXT, 28th inst., at 10 o'clk, a. m., we will sell at the Store of I. Shrier, 47 Market Street, the entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, 'MORRIS, aug 28 It Auct rs THE NEW lORK WEEKLY WORLD, FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1883, lor 25 Cents. Covering f ie Fall Congressional Campaign. SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD, (for same time) 50c Both contain all the News, and latest Ma sonic Notes. S A Convenience. THE FEED AND GRAIN STORE on Market Street, keeps Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed, Oil Meal ana uorse jrowuere, txywuj Water Ground Meal, Hominy and best Flour, ( New Wheat) . Delivered free and prompt and yet do not sell half enough. TTOM aug 27-lt - JNO. S. McEACHEEN- Rice Planters -rrriLL FIND A GOOD ASSORTMENT of Powder, Shot, Caps, Muskets, Reap 'Hooka, TtnTh Scythes. Ac. Prices GUARANTEED. An examination is all we ask. WM. srKiJsuibtt - w., Successors to Jno. Dawson A Co., 19, 21 A 23 Market St. aug The World Over OU MAY LOOK AND THEN YOU will find all kinds of goods cheap as the cheapest at PARKER ft TAYLOR'S, 19 South Front St. aug -i An Overworked Man r AN -ENJOY HIS SUNDAY'S REST with ntv MAttresses under him ana ope of our Mosquito Bars over him to protect him from the flies. Should you wish to try" leave your ordewearlyin the week at Unholsterinz done ? Trwxv at tho of at of vour easy chair, don't that neetl attention ? auS n John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND PERFUMER, 98 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. TkCANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN BRIL VI ti- wioiiin nd Tension. Also. rx- X,A "'r' V' dIT-.m h. oil Tonics. tracts. iOiUEucBt ucuti. , "--- innovator. Hungarian Cosmetic, and Hair Dyes of every a aug i School Books! School Supplies! TOADIES' HAND SATCHELS, SPECIE PURSES, and a handsome line of Fancy Stationery C. YATES' Bookstore. - n i ? Ft nugtr l m m Groceries ! Groceries ! ACON, MEAL, FLOUR, LARD, MOLAS- B D. II I , , salt. Coffee. Sugar, Rice, Cracners.. Can- dy ay, wP, ' ' Preparation, Tobacco, SnuF, Matches, Paper and Bags, Glue, Hoop Iron, Bunga, Spirit Casks. Rivets. Powder. Shot, Caps, Hay. Corn, Oats. roraauy . jLercniier caiucr oi u,, sag NEW Family Excursion I JV) and fort caswell, will be given on the Steamer PASSPORT, on i WEDNESDAY. August 30th. r f , U(1 trip & ommj ; Children tin rare for l omul trip oe c der vear8 of g eenft - TickeU may be procured from any of the Committee or at the boat. Refreshments will be supplied at City Prices M. P. TATLiB. GABRIEL HOLMES, WILLIAM If. GREEN aug 27 -'t Committee. Sj Briggs' Glass Marking Pens 1HESE PENS ARK SUPERSEDING everr- l thins else far tnarkin? all Fabrics, oven the f BY VIKTCE AND IN 11 ISSUANCE OF A decree of the Surior Court of New Han J over count y. lnnde la n cause there pendlna without a preparation A tral convinc es the letwoen Rufu s. Tuckex, Phtnttn ami D. 8. most skeptical of their superiority. Also, PAYSOV8 INDELIBLE INK, and BALDWIN'S MARKING INK, warranted in delible. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, aujf 27 Live Book and Music Store Shetland Shawls ! BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front St. i t rETE ARE CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE of our Stock of the above. Just suitable for cool evenings at the Sea shore. I o 50 Pieces Turkey Red Damask. 1 60c PER YARD ! BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front St., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. aug 27 Gentlemen fyf HO HAVE HERETOFORE HAD their Clothlng made to order by Merchant Tailors, Rhonld this season e.ami. vi BOURG'S STOCK. You will find the sama tea of goods, SUPERIOR MADE, BETTER STYLE, BETTER FINISHED AND BETTER FIT at a saving of 50 per cent in cost. Still ctoslna: out our Spring and Summer Goods at and below cost. M& Notice of grand opening in due time. L. J. 0TTERB0UBG, KING CLOTHIER. AUgtf NEW AOVEKTISEMENT8. Insure Your Cotton Gins IN THE VIRGINIA PUCK AND MARINE INS. CO I Assets $000,000. AND ' PHCENIX ASSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. A v.e t s .-..00,OOU. JNO. W. GORDON ft BUO., Agcnta, 4 Morih Water Street, UUK l-;"it auu Wihutugtosi, N. C. Foreclosure Sale, Cowsn, Eevutoi of M. E. Bnnklcy, D. S. Cowan and v Mb Sarah S. Cowan, T. C . Moll benny, C. M. Steduiau, ami Margaret Reutton, lcrcnuiiit-, the iiiidi'rIcix'd, llic Conimlsstoa- er In aaid decree appointed, will sell at the Court nouse door in the city of WUnUngton, hy public anct.on, for catih, at 13 o'clock, M. on Monday. September 4th, 1883, that lot of land in said city, beginning at Southeast inter section of Third and M nil berry streets, run ning thence South on Third street Si feet, thea East parallel with Mulberry street riwa to a brick wall, then North with wall 81 feet tn Unlhamr .ti'n..t anil than Wnat Wtth Mill IV J- v .-. 11. run t, t . " -. . w w. w i berry street to lieginning. The same being the western part of lou 1 and 2 In block 195. The improvements consist of a large .three-Bfory dwelling containing 11 rooms, kitchen, aer vants quarter-, cistern and all necessary out houses. WILKES MORRIS, Commissioner, aug 2-6t-2, 10, 16, 23, 27 and Sept 3 f. Pine Grove, WRIGHTSVIMiE, N. C Complimentary to the Win ning Yacht! BY INVITATION THE CREW OF THE "FroMe" will take supper at this place on WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30. There will be music and dancing on the Pavilion, and ladies and gentlemen In the city and on all the 8ounds are cordially invited to be present. Pig flh supper wlB be furnished as u-ual to those who desire It. ED. WILSON MANNING, Propr. aug 26-td Only A Small Lot Left QF THOSE NICE SUMMER GOODS which will be marked down to close oat. I will in a few weeks' lay In a larger and handsomer stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, than I have ever had. Respectfully, MISS E. K ARREB, aug 23 Exohangn Corner. Noah's Ark for Sale. QOMPLETE IS EVERY RESPECT A2D as good as new. Call and buy one for the children. j WE DON'T KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK, BUT WE ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN NOETH CAROLINA. Try us Crapon & Pickett, V WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, aug 22 16 and 18 South Front Street. Garden Seed. l JJUTA BAG A TCRPilP A?(l nr.n, varieties lof Seed for Fall aud Winter planting. In bulk or papers WU1 be sold very low 1 MUNDS BROS., Pharmacist, Brooklyn aug 18 To Arrive ! O' UR MR. SMfTH HAS JUST RETURNED from the Northern markets whore he spent two weeks In purchasing the LARGEST, HANDSOMEST AND CHEAP- Eom DOVkV t XI ll'DVlTITPr W W t? SEES IS WILMISCTON ! j Is arriving now by every steamer. Further psw" - 1. A. SMITH AfCO., aug 30. North r root Lunch I JERC HANTS AND CLERKS WHO WILL close busineaa hereafter at 5 o'clock will find a SPLENDUJLUNCH Every:-Uy l SC'HUTTnrs. Beat the affords andpricea veryeaaonabie. F. A SCHUTTJt, jWMpStf Home Made Oandv. kURE AND WHOLESOME. E. JEVENS',