TIUS'APEK morning. Mondays ..i.- i every JOSH T. JAMES, ,.iro ad ruoraiaTon. .,n- MiT.UlK PAID: .1,. mm tj Three One monll'. 55 ... i-..i..iiwil iv cai ilee free 7n ny lirt of the city. at the above m and lilreral. ,11 rvrrl nnv and all fall trill i m. - thvlr paper rvguUrl.. .,lirrci .,. li rti " Mm the Inrycst . ... ..J" stmt itrinxtwlltrr i I d r wiiitiinutim yesterday. He ramu to Lake the vo imtkerUgoJ l mnmfm. n , i . LOCAL NEWS. ,10(1 TO HI ADVERTISE III ITS. . . sal ,H,,,k" n iirerwewavH Man .. .We Have the Hcti ItWKTl T j imi mi m BtrfctftlB are rce and high. I --Lave pMN clear out or sight. . ;i sj iiv.jm per dozen. w.. And- i lt i k can find employ ijRLnlvinc at this office. in Ill o ri ' " . iw lino of Winter piece goods have , style are beanlifnl. Dykk 'ret to state that Dr. J. C. We a- W&tr is still quite sick and has not arc m beuor several Virtue dwells at the head of a river to which we cannot get but by rowing against the stream. MboH every country has its nation nJody. but the waltz is the music ol the whirietl. " lVrch.Trout and Black- fi,h hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at jACQBi's.t A voung man wishes to know wheth er lie should study on the saxophone or trvtiie lophone. Do neither. Devote iour v.-ung lite to practicing on the telephone. We learn that a man was run over ! r a train on .he Wilmington & Wel Jua Kailroad at Whitaker's. yesterday afternoon, and both legs were cut off. W e learned no further particulars. Two doves from the Hollow were ar med Monday night for disorderly con duct and were lodaed in the guard hwse. The Maor being indisposed, be did not investigate their cases yes May morning. They will appear at his levee this A. M. A tittle son of Mr. A. J. Howell ran a large fish hook through the fleshy part ofhis left hand, on yesterday. It was i,md necessary to have it cut out by a physician. The little fellow, we are ad to know, is not suffering any in convenience Iroiu it. .- - Lieut. T. J. Simmons, who was de tached from the revenue cutter Stevens, at Newbern, and assigned to the Colfax, lias been ordered back. Lieut. W.- H. Hand, of the Crown, at San Francisco, has been ordered to duty on the Colfax, lie i expected to arrive about the 15th proximo. The next regatta over tlie Wrights- illc course will be sailed about the 15th i September. It will be an open-to-ail race tor the Sea Side Park Improve ment Company's prize of $95. It is to I hoped that all of the yachts on the -mi ml- will be entered. Mr. A. li. KeUy, formerly of this city, but now of West Point, Va., in the claim department of the Peidmont Air line, is in the city on a visit to his 1-arents. Mr. Kelly lias been on a visit to his brothec Mr. Geo. H. Kelly, at Birmingham, Ala., who we are pleased to know is well and doing a large busi ne. More Church Cams Thellev A.M. Conway, pastor of the First Baptist church, colored, was arrested Yesterday on the charge of pei jury. The charge against him grew out of the church cases which have occiv PeU the attention of the Magistrate's Court for several weeks. There seems be a great deal of dissection and :rite between the discordant factions in the church. That Prediction. Vennor predicted that there would be tonus along the coast about the 29th nd we are ot the belief that his prcdic- hon willbe verified. The heavens, as write, look dark and angcy and it is the opinion of our local weather pro ptets that the clouds are gathering to break upon us iu the equinox which they "think is right upon us. A Barking Bird. A large bird pass over the city M on - night about 11 o'clock and attract 1 the attention oi pedestrians and others by the peculiar noises it made uurin ' it, flight It svnniloil verv much Ile the hoarse barking of a Urge dog. 6C nersans tbink- that thr "harkinc binl was a precursor of very bad j weather. The noise or bark was very ""g and loud and was idcrablc distance. heard lor a The VOL. VI. Mr. .1. W. Kuss, one of the attaches ' tin- penitentiary, arrived in this itv ' i u. in. r.iimi Mi'iiunun, .in ts;.jw.i wii- vict, back U the penitentiary. He lelt witli his charge yesterday afternoon. masa-iueetiug at lxn Creek ou SMtuir Au account of her capture has been dy , thc 2nd dJ of September published in the REVIEW, candidate for Congress, Col. Whar- ton J. Green, and Col. B. R. Moore, of New Cotton. j this city, have accepted invitations to The roceiFts of cotton at this port yes- tcnlay foot up 10 bales, of which 8 Indus were new cotton. i$ome little of this has been sold at 124 euts per lb., , which is 1 cent above quotations. The consignees here are Messrs. I). R. Mur- chison & Co., B. F. Mitchell 6c bon, Woody & Carrie and E. 1 Covington, and the shippers Messrs. S. E. Shaw, Maysviilc, S. C ; S. W. Wilson. Mays ville; C. E. Stubbs, Marion, and Jcptha (iibson, laurel Hill, N. C. The Excursion To-Dy. Our frieuds of the Second Baptist Church will give their excursion to Smithville and the Forts to-day. They havo ;made ample preparations for a pleasant day and the committee aver thatione of the guests will have cause to regret spending the day with them. They have heretofore conducted their excursions in such a manner as to win for themselves the plaudits of their friends, and we feel assured they will not allow their well-merited reputation to suffer to-day. At Pine Orove To-NijrUt. The crew of the yacht Frolic, the winner oi itne last reiM-w. "t by invitation, take supper at. Pine Grove, Wrightsville Sound,1 toinight. After tea Capt. Manning will tender his guests and their friends a complimenta ry hop in his pavilion on the beautiful lawn in front of his house, He extends a cordial invitation the ladies and gen tlemen of this city and all the Sounds. Ample preparations have been made to furnish all who may attend with one of his excellent pig-fish suppers. Boats will be at the command of those who wish to take a sail or visas the banks. An excellent band of music will be on hand to accommodate the dancers. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at J aco BIS. T The Difficulty at Smithville. In referring yesterdty to the difficul ty which occurred at Smithville last Saturday, we stated, on the assurance of a gentleman whose word was to us sufficient, that the difficulty was the re sult of a misunderstanding. This, we are now informred, was a mistake. A friend of the attacking party called up on us last-night to assure us that there was no misunderstanding and;that such references were made that a personal attack was considered t he only justifia ble means lea and that the party to whom we have referred, as well as his friends,still consider that his course was thoroughly justifiable. Having in the first instance carefully refrained from mentioning the names of the parties in terested, we think it best for all concern ed not to mention them now. Death of Dr Schonwald. The venerable Dr. J. T. Schonwald died at his residence in this city early vMtAnisv moraine. He had been sick for some time and his death was not at all unexpected. He was a native of Hungary, being born at Buda Pesth, November 35th, 1801, and was conse quently nearly SI years of age. His re mains will be interred at Myrtle Grove Sound to-day, at 10 o'clock. Dr. Schon wald has been a resident of this city for about forty years. He was a gentleman of literary culture and has contributed one or two volumes on medicine and its practise. He was benevolent and charitable, always be stowing his charity in a modest way. He has often relieved suffer ing and driven the woll from the door of many of our poor when tlw little texpected from whence their relief came e. Many wiu w mmw hed over the grave oi we uuj xhi notice. Col. Green's Appointments. j. rv.i wk..n J Hreen. our canal- SaTcK in thi. district wiMj mddress his f.Uowitixen3 at the follow-; inir times and ulaoes : Long Creek, Pender county, Satur- cay &ept. -'na. Burgaw, Pender connty, Monoay. Sant. 4th. Kenansville, Duplin county, Tnesday, .Sent. 5th Beaufort, Carteret county, Thursday Sept. 7th. Speaking will commence about 11 D uly WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST leinocratic fllass-flleetlng. We arc authorized by the chairman of ttw pMHUiflfci Executive Committee id Pender countv. to announce that the r' . " Democrat of lliat county will hold a address the people on that occasion. other distinguished speakers are also invited. Speaking will commence at II o'clock, a. m. A large crowd is pected. A Dog and an Alligator. An alligator, something over seven feet long, was killed on the west bank of the Cape Fear river, at the Hilton ferry, yesterday afternoon. The cir cumstances of the capture and killing of his 'gatorship arc as follows : A gen tleman who was driving through the country en route for Point Caswell p ut his horse and buggy on the ferry flat at Hilton and was taken across the river. As he was about to drive on to the causeway on the west side he discover ed that his setter dog had been left on the opposite bank. The gentleman whistled to his dog, when the obedient canine plunged in and swam the stream. Just before the dog reached the shore an alligator appeared on the scene and bit the dog in too, taking one half of it in at one gulp. The 'gator then came near the flat, when the flatman caught it in the eye with a large boat hook and held it until the gentleman shot and killed it with his revolver. Peace Produces Prosperity. The prosperity with which the bles sing of Divine rrovidence has visited the South is evidenced by the increase of the comfort of living in the several nrominent cities, notably New Orleans. The great Charity Hospital, which has flourished for over a century, is sus tained by the gratuity of $1,000,000 from The Louisiana btate Lottery fVmnnv in return for its franchises. Thfttiftxt drawing (the 148th Grand Mnnthlv will occur September 12th, and nrirfta of 75.000. O85.000. $10,000, rv will he triven to purchasers of tickets whole, $5 ; fifths, $1. Any in formation can be had on application to M A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. leist of Letters Tm.ainino- in CitV PoSt-offiCC On Wednesday, Aug. 29, 1882: A Mattio Adams, Maria Armet, Julia Andrews, Francis Allen, miss nVJUka H Be rrv C2). Seth Bridge mn Jas M Barnes. J W Brinkley, Tiiii Rpnuon. M A Brown. Mollie Rprtt. Richard Burd. Melissa Bradley, John Barnett, Malvina Bryant, Mary E Brenne. Henry Bnggs, Hester names, H 13 Butler dc tjo, Annie xu jdiuawu. nThnmaa H Collins. Mary M Cor Wr .Tosenh M Chanman, Frennell D Maggie Divan, Jane Dules, Lillie J Days. . , "E Mamie Evans. Maggie Eaton, frv TCvanffles. Kittie Ellerbe. v Walter Fennell. Messrs F G Vr-MiW Ransom FloweTS. ftWm J Godwin. Milly Garrom, E Green. Eliaa Green, it William Huhn. Maggie Howe, J R Hardy, James A Hines, George W Hill. Emma Hooper, Ed D Henry, ii.ii.Pfin H Hall. AnnaxJ Hyman, Bet . r UonslAv Cherrie Howard. John Holland, Bev David Howard (2), Dran t Mori a. Tones. Setiah B Jones. B C Jones. Anderson Johnson. Jemmie Johnson, H H Johnston, Harriet Jack son. IT Panlinp Kellv. I. Robert Lee, Kate L.my, ixeorge " - . , ... i nnriti Wimr rAe. .John L Lemere. ' tv Mihills. Warren McMillan (2), Teller Mitchell, Sarah Meyers, R J linrrov Rnsfl. Moses. Pennv Morton, fnnrAs. John McDonald, Ade- tinrf Majsh. Grace Miller. Elizabeth Manallar. LatCV A K Mason. Louisa xi.ro T.vnndpr Moore. X. H More. i n, ,na Miliar Tjiura McNeil. xrv XHnksnn. Elsie Nois. Hen ry Nois, Isham Newkirk. Melissa Ni Lia William "Ml-rnn- pS A Parker, Mollie Parker, Em ma Parker, Lavenia Pope, Susad Fher row, Jennie Page. R Ammy Robinson, Geo E Robert aon. Emma Rone, J W Reilly iJicyB Kodgcrs, Maggie Robeson, Melvina Ke can, Mac Robitzsh. SCharlotte Smith, Rev A B Saw yer, Hannah Sidberry. Gov SuigletAry, Hagar Stackhouse, Jas C Stewart, L A Smith, James Stewart, Maggie art, Mollie E Smith, Tempycott, Win Siade. u T Rosanna Thompson, Martha Tkm.a fTonrv ThomDSon (2.) rranK fhnnmnn, A Taylor! A M Thomp- LUUriliJu. r. .Trnwohine TttTncT. V Vgj h) A yjQr -'X Faniiie White, J W J R Weatberlv. Jacob Williams, James Menry wrtruj. Sarah Whittier, R W Ward Pompey ivhj rMiiaa Wadkina, J T Wn- t xvuit iniaa Wadkina. J T Vbiie- . Williams, A H Wanng, p.-,--, fciiimr for letters in the above Persons caning w f . ;f W T, J MM D. C PP -oiua. sj--. Wilruiugton, new nwvi ' REYIEW. THB MAILS close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: i CLOSE Northern through mails, fst 4.4T Pi M. Northern through and way malls 5.40 A, M . Kajelgh .50P. M. and 5.40 AJ M. Malb) for the N. C. Kallroad ami I routes snpplletl therefrom includ- liur, A. A . C. Uailroad a 5.40 A. M. Southern Malls for all ioiute South, daUy. ! 8.00 Fi M. Western malls (C. C. Hallway) daily, (except Sunday) 5.50.P. M. All points betweeu Hamlet and Ral- el2bl7 5.50 P. M. Mali for Cltcrawau'l Ihirllncton Hail road 8.08 P. M. Malls for points tetween Florcix e ami Charleston 8.00 P. M. Fayette vi lie ami offices on Cape Fear 1.00 P. M. FayeUevllMS; via Lumberton, dally. except Sundays. .5.50 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. SmtthTille malls, by steamboat, dally ... (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Mails for Eay II ill, Towu Creek, Shallottc ana Little River, Tues- I days ami Fridays COO A.M. OPEN FOB DEL1VEKY. Northern through and way mails. . . .7.30 A. M. Southern Mail.- 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Kailroad 9.30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. h Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to is M. , and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. (Wmoral delivery open from davlleht to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. DIED. SCHONWALD In this city, August 29th, DR. J. T. SCHONWALD, Sr., in the 81st year of his aire. A native of Hungary, born at Bu da Pesth, November 23d, 1801. Funeral win take place rrom nis laie resi dence comer Church and Second streets, this Wednesday) morninir at 10 o'clock, thence to Mvrtle Grove Sound. Friends of the family are invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Piney Grove. yyAGONETTK WILL LEAVE CORNER aM. ,1 .I DwlMiAna afa nf A Tk Tin tVV TirAVr Grove. fCaot. Manning's) Wrhrhtsville Sound. Returning, will leave Piney Grove at 12o'clk. aug OV-ll T. J. SOUTHERLAND. We Have the Best 50 CENTS HAIR BRUSH IN THE CITY. Also an elegant assortment of Fancy Goods, Drugs, Medicines, &c, which we reeeive by every steamer. Come over and see us. MUNDS BROS., Pharmacists, Brooklyn aug 30 Dry Goods Clerk Wanted. k N EXPERIENCED CLERK IN A CITT Retail Dry Goods Store. One who fully under stands the business can get employment by applying at aug 30 It THIS OFFICE. School Books. T EACHERS AND PARENTS WILL FIND it to their advantage by giving me a call be fore purchasing. Almost every kind of School Book can be had at HEINSBERGBR'S. LARGE STOCK FROM THE BEST Manufactories can always be found at most reasonable prices at HEI NSBERGER'8, Live Book and Music Store aug 30 A Lady Says THAT THE MATTRESS WE HAVE just made over for her is so comfortable that she will send down another. Our Upholster ntr o-ivps eoual satisfaction. If you wish fair, square wort DrK anu qui a uurricu mu. imrc jum orders at aug 29 S. JEWETT'S. 27 N. Front St. Family Excursion ! rpO SMITHVILLE AND FORT CASWELL, will be given on the Steamer PASSPORT, on FRIDAY, September 1st. Fare for ound trip cents ; Chi Wren un der 12 years of age 25 cents. Tickets may be procured from any of the Committee or at the boat. Refreshments will be supplied at City Prices. M. P. TAYLOR. GABRIEL HOLMES, WILLIAM H. GREEN, aug 29-2t Committee. Bice Planters w ILL FIND A GOOD ASSORTMENT of Powder. Shot. Cape, Muke Reap Hooka, Bush Scythes,. Ac. Prices GUA.RANTls.KD. An examination is all we ask ABeiuuM e gpR1NGER 4 CO-i Successors to J no. Dawson ft Co., aug t PJ. 21 23 Marsei oi. The World Over -y-OU MAY LOOK AND THEN YOU will find all kinds of goods c heap as the cheapest at PARKER TAYLOR'S, 37 i RHonuirow at. Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. 6CHLOSS, Prop. -CLASS W EVERY RESPECT. First-class and BILLIARD SA an 27 LOOK ATTACHED An Overworked Man AH ENJOY HIS SUNDAY'S REST wtth one of our nice n1 MoMniti linn'l rAIl VSIIt lUlIHf - the .eat of tout easy chair, do t that ' oe4 attentloa ? 1 i 30. 1882. tiUb ' NEW AIT5RTISMENTS. John Werner. PKACT1CAL UKKMAN BAKBEK AND I'KliFl MKi:, MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. A 1 AM" FACTL ItKK OF PARISIAN BK1L jjL lantlne, Friction and Lnsion. Also, Ex tracts, Co , Beautitier, Hair Oils, Tonics, uenewer. novator, Hungarian Coemeuc, and Hair Dyes of every sha ade. aug it SchoolBooks 1 School Supplies! TAniF.S' HAND SATCHELS, SPECIE PURSES, and a handsome line of Fancy Stationery. W. YATES' Bookstore. aug 27 James A. Willard, QENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND rUBUIiASLMi AtJS.X, S. E. Cor. Charles and Pratt Sts. , aug 0-3m B ALTI MOBE, Md. Shetland Shawls ! BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front St. -V)rrE ARE CLOSING OUT THE BAIxAJSUa of our Stock of the above. Just suitable for cool evenings at the Sea shore. 50 Pieces Turkey Refi Damask. COLORS 1 eOc PER YARD ! BROWN & RODDICK. hand 7 North Front St., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f aug 27 Another New Lot O1 F HARNESS AND SADDLES JUST RE- .ivm1 inH fnr ule at rednced nrices. A ful line of Trunks and Valises at prices to suit the times. mW Repairing executed neatly and with dis patch. 3. HI MALLARD, Successor to Mallard A Bowden, ang 30 tf No. 8 Frontrstreet. FRESH ARRIVALS OF Coffee, Sugar and Flour AT Kerchner & Calder Bros. MEAT, MOLASSES, CORN, MEAL, HAY, p Iron, Bagging sad Ties, Can Goods, Case Good, Rice Bird Powder, Shot and Caps, WJ1 son, ChUds Co's Wagons and HalPs Cotton Gins, at manufacturer's ptiees, at aug SO KERCHNER CALDER BROS. Cosmopolitan Bar. TJEST 4ri LIQUORS, CIGARS, ETC. ICS COOL I AG EH, a specialty. Fvop, ' July IS PLKASK NOT ICR. We will be glad to receive from our friends on any and all subjects t general Interest but The name of the writer must always be for nJsbcd to the Kdltor. Communications most he aide of the paper. Persona 11 tie must be avoided. 1 And It Is especially sd particularly and stood that the Kdltor does not always " vkyw CirrepowlBtS tmleee so In the editorial columns. NEW A l V KKTISKMKNTS. SUMMER GOODS ! AT KATZ'8 36 MARKET STREET. Extraordinary Bargains ! DRESS GOODS! A LL Till: LATEST NOVELTIES IN SAT- sJ Ins, Surrah and Broeade, Silks, Moire tique, Tinsel, Eoule, Nun's Veiling. BengaLne Buntings, all wool Beiges, Lawns, Seersuckers, Pereals, Ac. Ever so many styles and etad wmi xrunnungs vo maicu. White Goods In e le, texture and quality p atble. Pique, , .Linen ana Linen Lawns. Embroideries Fn sTStofwtit VrevrWei sml passed In Workmanship and Price. Laces from almost every country, bought sold as special jobs. GLOVES I 1 HOSIERY 1 CORSETS ! i i ' HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, SC A RFS. RIBBONS, VEILINGS, CREPEING A CREPE VEILBJ FANS, PARASOLS, In endless variety and astonishing Low Prioes. ! Housekeeping Goods I LINEN A COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, Napkins, Towels, I MEN and BOYS' WEAR, LADLES' GENTS' CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. In short every tiling desirable for an outfit, and at Prices that defy competition. Call and save money by patronizing . KATZ, june 18 36 MARKET ST. Pine Grove, WRIGHTSVILIiti, If. O. Complimentary to the Win ning Yacht! J TY INVITATION THE CREW OF THE X "i Frolic" will take supper at this place on WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30. There will be music and dancing on the Pavilion, and ladles and gentlemen In the city and on all the Sounds are cordially Invited to be present. ' Pig fish supper will be furnished as uHual to those who desire It. ED. WILSON MANNING, Propr. aug SS-td Only A Small Lot Heft QF THOSE NICE SUMMER GOODS which will be marked down to close out. I wilt hi a few weeks lay in a larger and handsomer stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, than I have owr hal. Respectfully, MISS B. KARRER, 23 Sxchanae Comer. Noah's Ark for Sale. OMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT AND C as good as new Call and buy one for the children. mW WE DON'T KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK. BUT WE ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IE NORTH CAROLINA. Try us Crapon A Pickett, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, ana ti It and 18 Sooth Front I Home Made Gandv. JpURE AND WHOLESOME. An vr.M Mk a H S utm r Jar si UJ.TSWi lekrw the Foal 14 n.c. o'clock a. m. 14

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