5 K MondftTi ex- ,1 ever hk-. -ceptcd by K,,r' PAID: , ,,. r '-"i u"2 Tbree .,' month. cent. Jin he .IcUvcml by carter, free P."!Ltof the etty. at the above i" nberaL The Daily KEVIE. II report any un.l all fall- ,irjreguUirly i ... J. . ..rvafc ,v,n.ofany naospaixr OCA I- TO itW AOVtRT.SEHliTS. i. i ...1 It'k- VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 31 1882. NO. 207. al. T 1ft . . hen. Hf.i: - A? Vi . .... B A Few Left ,,. Y. Have the Uct 1S1.V -i arc at riving i"ite freely. .iut-tf" at this port yes- SB bnl the Stfiiitner A Curiosity. Mr. Ifenry Von Kanipeti, at the cor- a - I 1 S ner oi nasi una nnmswicK sireeu, has a lusti natnnr which would indi cate that even buns have sortie idea of time. It is an egg,, on one side of whieh is a perfect representation ot a watch face. The surface is flattened, and the lace has twelve notches at almost rc&ular distances, oi" one hour apart, as it were, it is a curiosity, and was evidently laid by a hen that wauled to convey to the worhi lhat there was no tick there. Export Foreign. (Jer. barque Johann Daniel, CapL ! Niemann, cleared yesterday for Trieste. Austria, wilt 3,600 barrels resin, val ued at $5,850. shipped by Messrs J. 11. Blossom & Evans. Charged with Robbing the Mail. A man by the name of Pennington, who has for some time past been the postmaster at Euckv Mount, was ar rested oil Monday last, by a special agent of the 1. O. Icpartment, charged with rnhhiuir the U. S. mails. He was NEW ADVERTISMENTS. Only A Few Left. Friday's Excursion. The excursion to Smithville on Fri day bids fair to be a very successful amlBt ow Every areu.eut. MM has been perfected to make the day one of unalloyed pleasure. Tempting viands I button boots left, that we are for the inner man will be served by a committee of ladies, whose reputation i clostnff out at col. as caterers justily ns in stating that everything will be nice and tooth some.. Wewttibegiad t icl from our friends on any and all general Interest but The name of the writer must always nUhed to the Editor. Communications mast be one aide of the paper. Personall tke must be avoided. And It u especially nd pnrttoularty sad stood that the Editor does not always be views of eorrepOTHlenli unless so In the editorial columns. N EW A I V EltTISEMENTS. SUMMER GOODS ! AT K ATI' 8 Cats in Office. Many people will be surprised to learn that the United States pbstrjWce de partment has on its pay roll about 1,- 000 eats which are regularly in its em- TV-.airtv cents per dozen, I rriwtiit th eountrv. and are i u. ;nt..uant thn ftliar?(s iji iui rvJ e - ciaiui uiai no ij iuuvwu. . - o vim mane US aa -i e - .a... mm with m-m mill i s l: twenty - -j " i paiu iur vucii osi 'iw. .... - maoe against mm. These estimaoic creatures STATE NEWS. Detter eall and eeeure a pair from GKO. H. FRENCH BOSS. au 31 9 NOrth Front St. We Have the Best C KSTS HA1U UKVSH IN TttK CIT-1 0 RES S 0 0 D 36 MARKET STREET. GreensrxMO Bualc: Ashe county, N. taihdi.ih oc $6,000 u, 2zBt'i3ffi . &As.. s.A.. B--h . k i , ? w t - - i . a.fsi5 d a i 19 i u i w as m b. s.is lor examination yeeiruajruciu , Jn alueator 1 titehea long in Greene Fi 1 1 S. t.'imimlssioner. in UoWMJfu. street vesUrdav as he was going to aUo an elegant assortment of Fancy Good, - a "a i Extraordinary Bargains I i.J .h.I l.!a I Ti M m w& kvwan rrvj 1 n tliffl 1 ennington is well connecusuauu j cnurcn . a. "JEI1- &e- which we reeetve by f A LLTUE LATEST NOVELTIES IH SAT- a Seiisawou. uere u came num ' - i a puzzler to the citizens. every Bteamer. Come over and see us. bu, Surra h and Brocade, SUksu MuflS An- friends and relatives, we understand not luyul'itor. Capt. s . sneiter. xnesc liuiu. ' . ri,uritfe. , .f..l l. U. aCUttlur "aiinu." ... . make tnemseiveij veiy uaciui k i tl , u;a ,.;r who --- - . i w wt in I m. vrri iLiruiaii a as luiu y i . r . v.ri- inrnunml mip out ot the mail mat- . . ... , . arnvcu ai xcw I , . A. r was present in Uharlotte, last luesuay, uuxxx T r Krmthinir of Senator Ransom's . i. MvAAitnr. nv v n their maintenance are stent v . . f u. hv The ter. Their TW sUraniship IXAue. henct . .n;n and com- IS : . . u a aneech inthattown, on mat aay. e ui. rrZLTlan and wnen ?e . 01 - - " gentleman was greeted by '.! 111 mens L,u- . MnHmul tht tact is QUIV re- " .. , i- 4 1 4at as sj ' T lllHMt :. .n uniuailable totter in the newcomers. piofice addressed to Mr. Alex. Old- p, IlilUboro. SC. V SWT v v j r . . ported, ana provision is maue wt . . - f . - crowd in t; wiiuavvui mms Severely Hurt. A lady who was at the depot on Sat North Carolina speaks of as niters." was Col. William whom Gen. Durham Plant: On Sunday last there was a serious cutting affray on the lloxboro road, between the poor house and Mt Hebron church. The parties who emraired in this pastime were aug 30 MI NDS BROS., Pharmacists, Brooklyn A Lady Says tique. Tinsel. Koulc.Nuna VeiUnav BeafSbne Buntings, alt wool Beiges, La wna, Dew emoksrs. Percals, Ac. Ever so many sty is and afiaass with Trimmings to match. 1HAT THE MATTRESS WK 11AVJC just made over for her la so comierxauie uiai she will send down another. Our Uphototer- White Goods emras Sandy Hopkins and Mabin Johnson, rp two young white men. Johnson re- J. - S . 3 1 A.1 t ahil ceived several severe wounus m me ao- ,h vualaaUsfactlon. If you wish fair, in every style, texture and quality poaatbja, domen, and it is feared they will prove re wo and not a hurried lob, leave your pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen Lawns. John Barleycorn was the cause orders at aug fatal. of the difficulty. Charlotte Journal: The store of Mr Leach Wilson Ashcraft, near Beaver Dam, 27 N. Front St. ' . . . , H4nrnp.i fA on the Carolina Central railway, was having lately turned to ntered by 3 burgiar Suuday morning npo 1 on hand, and a division aad roDbed of about $50 worth of iu Family Excursion I SMITHVTLLE AND FORT CASWELL, will be given on the Steamer PASSPORT, on Embroideries In Cmbrlcs, Nainsooks and Swisses passed m Workmanship and Price. Children un- HuiDorv, ai. a laoy wno ww ai mo - niggers, was uu uuu, uu n aau roDDea oi aoout nuu wi will be given on the s ,,,IT:07"weaUer yesterday Uray night, to meet oneof her reUtWes, of time ws agreed upon. Itisscaroeiy goods. There is no clue to the robbere. fbidaV September f"?J!!;n. tJL iudnl w struck on the foot by . missile neceg.. to say thrt Mr. Johnrton hSOSSSS'SSSSSL .?!!- heVactrsion of the Second Bap- thrown by a colored man. She was Came off second best in the encounter.- m Caroiina Central, last Friday while ta proCured from any of the w . iTn the Pissport quite badly hurt, and has since been The gentleman to whom we have re- a 8haft for ventilation was being sunk committee or at the boat. Xfsoidi aurchon , up ftom it. It was the result of an ference as being present on the occa- to intersect the main i shaft. AsmaU Refroshmenw will be suppUed at City Prices. St. 50 cents cents. Laces from almost every country, as special jobs. bonsai .1 . . i n.r r- i , i n nr vw tn 1 1 nt t hp nrp on pxni nirion TiMarasa wa w I ;.i K,it f c vm-a stroneiv oi erim- Q;rtn ami who nas repeaveuiv awiu - s-- , i .a . , , wiui ""- " "'""i - - - o jjttonroe yestcrueiy, w iwucu m i ainl MulU rry streets, yesteruay in&1 carelessness. The man seems to Senator Ransom speak, says that it was The ld conid be seen protru- rubid canine ran np the hl v rcrret the accident, and no Gnc of his happiest efforts. When Gen. aing from it in large pieces on all sides. , .t r u wwrwta tuiv.B 0 .. . . . . . . u- .l a waII Irnmrn rih.rlnti nnvsiCian. reH intnaairecuuu w " one for a moment thinks tnat it was in- Ransom had nnisnea, ne says i,ut. 'TUara nobody will be in Mr Tom Mens killed a water moo- tenUonal on his part, but he should un- Johnston was the worst-used man he doubt when tilis is told confesses to the ,i hi nlacc a few days ago meas- derstand that promiscuous throwing of ever saw. Mecklenburg, our friend f0a0wing piece ofabseut mindedness ; d'i3 u i" J . . . . j.j j .i i.:n ... . ms. ii OTUt nnrt VulL in:- a aAf natipnt: nrw winter fineen inches around tne ooay gnes about acrowueuu wmu.ru u .. "Ihi he Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black- desired tD expectorate, having just flab hnoks and Unes. A full assort- thrown out a chew of tobacco, but get- m r m Ml a VT t H. GRk.t. U JUV T JLJKJ WILLIAM an 29 2t Committee. three, fret in length. It was very which will not be tolerated . x-.i Kr iL- kind. A Colored Cotton Broker, rlaimin to be a u- nnKume that the threatening a colored man ,k L-aant m. mat many persons cotton broker of Liverpool, was arrest n Pir Grove last nieht. but ea yesterday on tne cnarge oi uuiam "J O . . at . IJ intr mnnV HnilAr laiSfi DrBlCUSW. I eime here about two weeks ago and reDresented himself as having a con siderable amount of money in U. S. rannda. and succeeded in borrowing ment and lowest prices at Jaco3Is.t fed assured that those who braved u weather were amply repaid for any raktbey may have run. Mr. Spencer LeGrand. formerly of Aii city, but latterly of the freight de pntral of the Atlantic Coast Line at pbrtiiaoiith, Va.. has been transferred toCnarieston. S. C. Mr. LeGrand and family are now in this city enroute for fo new field of labor. i, v J.ahnaon. of Clinton, is in ,MI " w v I la If a tm iinn nt't.hn Directors oil iaccu. uv - Ha- lVmt t awell and Clinton Railroad: N were pleased to meet with him on tenby. Mr. Johu U'. Kerr, of Delta, a Mrertorof the l'oint Caswell & Clin ton Kailruad, is also here. . Mr. (.corgc U. rench, Jr., who has been spending some weeks at llcnder jonvillc, among the mountains, has re- :uaiel to the city, looking much im iroTcd. and expressing himself as being Ntth pleased with his trip, lie says that die weather is getting cold up in flat regionand that fires and overcoats have been in demand. City Court. Fanny Grove and Frrncis Hargrove, two white women lrom the Hollow, were arraigned for disorderly conduct. The Mayor sentenced them each for rive da) s in the city prison. . . as $U.OO -from Barren mail contractor. The tn sou arc his account with Ames, and . . . , A. it was subsequently ascertained tnai, ne 1....J Kranraa Hrt W&S DOUUd OVer to await an investigation this morn ting somewhat mixed he spit on the beautiful white spread of the patient s - a A ? A il. .-B nfniAA. hpn and nuns: his overcoat rnio me upeu jyieeuog oi mo r rn ttnnthr oncasion at the onera torH of the Clinton and Point house he saw a nice dark spot in a I i : l i. nf a omrnvui Caswell Railroad Company. S3WX3r and TSjS Th Directors of the above named atthe play until it was eenoluded, when ( nmnanv held a meeting at the Purcell looking around for hrs hat he tountt Company neia a,; thftt itw&s the spittoon at which he had House last meht. rresent, r- tv. . ,itm,inM limMrtrTiiantrwstimiB nrrrinr Ames, the Vo whnftP President, and the following L.Awn:ne. The ton of the hat was -i j i ' m, i rr"T . .. , . , man iaueu Directore . a. Adrian, J. V. Kerr, m. an inch deep witn coDacco juice. M Killett W. A. Johnson, J. C. Ste- Rdbesonxan: Fever is prevailing to a lFerrell considerable extent in this county, venson, H. BrunhUd, erreii, wiw seVeral deaths. There and R, P. Paddison. en a few oases in this town, not, The committee on a preliminary sur- however, of a malignant type. ing. Marsh Hens We learn that the tides on the Sounds .v TPDorted progress and submitted There will be a reunion of the Highland vey reponeu P ft f Bovs 24th N. C. Regt. Gen. Matt Ran- the pUns, specifications and draft of y g' at Spring on Thnrs- tlie survey to the meeting. aaw Mai. T. D. Love, their first j ar unusually high and that marsh The route suggested by them was ap- Cant and Lieutenant Tom McBi remarks. Pr-Rfchard Gilchrist, A couple of gontlemen from this city road has been oeieruiiucvx worthy and honest negro man, was willfnl eiehtv odd hens at Masonboro up An executive committee of J kified in an affray at the colored church ttJZ ag rtf21a?AX5S afSfe8 . ... . .1..,., .itormation was W Hicks and A. AUnan, was apyviui. Tur, mn Stl lUlUlllg wireiiuut . .. , P-auManr SOU ana a negro IiaUlCU a uuuouu aa vaxy received by telephone. At Wrights- Ld to aid and advise with the President, son and Qn Riehard going was A Kuiuor. rumored oa the street villo we learn that the marsh hens had been driven up in the yards of the resi dences and that a dog caught seven of them. The very high tides have been nal bv the East winds and the moon. It is a noted fact that the tides always make higher on a full moon than at any other time. To Builders and others Go to J Xoo si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Ac. You can get all sizes and at tne lowest prices. r Particular of the Accident. A subscriber at Whitaker's. on the a i" 11 ,..n i W & W. R. R-, sends us tne iouowiu msrfethat the Market Company , Ja0f accideut of Which we fny had been purchased b, the "."7.. Hosays, udcr date ti rommittce apuacjwoa j cit. We inquired of the commiMce who have the matter in hand and as certained that the trade has not yet been aiadc. There now! Improvement. Tbf picker room of the Cotton Mills n the .southern portion of this city is being very much improved. Other improvements and additions are Wing made. We are pleased to chron x the fact as Tt is another evidence of tar mixes of tee enterprise. Mr Verrell. of Sampson and Mr. R. to nacifv the parties he was shot it tq J Jiann of Point Caswell, were au- through the heart by Johnson. a' :a .waller fh 5 Der cent sub- News and Observer. Mrs. Octayius 1 .f. tie stockholders, in Coke is extremely sick. Mr. Joshua seriptions, from the stooKnoiuers, Vvatkins one of the most esteemed their respective counties, ani transmit JgSSSSrS township, died ai ,mntn tho treasurer. CiinHovmnminf. n.f?ed 75 years. LUC rtiaiu w , i uuiiui.j d, - j . - , 1.11 informed the Di- Ont in St. Mary's township tne cnuis jxr. t riuv- rninri and fever have broken up a school, rectors that t wo gentlemen in CI oto XarsThook so. perhaps they would donate to the road a right ot way holJ books and slates, l a. k.:. i-nri of aATentv-hve teet ti, Hnnkin a nefffo man, was tnrougu wet a , - - - i , yw .--st- TJZammHhMmi wiHth and two acres ot grouuu m pnt in jnn txswiuj, BW . width, anu t wo v XV two yoke of oxen and a wagon. He ;towu of Clinton, upon wmcn to ld y k hut the othns were cap- HOSIERY ! CORSETS HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, SCARFS, RIBBONS VEILINGS, CREPEJWQJ A CREPE VEILS, FANS. PARASOLS, In endless variety and astoalsbina iv Shetland Shawls I BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front St. Housekeeping GroodB I LINEN A COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, Napkins, Towels, MEN and BOYS' WEAB, LADIES GENTS' C FILL D REM S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. m short everything des.rsble for an Oufcit, and at Prices that defy competition. Call and save money uy paironimm . Mb Wa KAXXf i TX7E ARE CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE of our Stock of the shore. Just suitable for cool evenings st the Sea shore. o - june 18 36 MARKET ST. - 50 School Books. fTlEACHERS AND PARENTS WILL FIND it to their advantage by girlng me a call be fore purchasing. Almost every kind of School PleCeS Turkey Rett Book canbe had at nEINSBERGBR'S. LARGE STOCK FROM THE BEST Damask. Anjthing in the hardware line can W (bund at reasonable prices at J ACO l t Uolden Days. The September part of that charming publication. Gpld&t Day. is at hand. It as bright and pleasant as ever, full of food matter, in great variety, and tboumUng in excellent illustrations It . H . t.x. at $3 a year. Jamt-s Kl non, Publiahsr. Philadelphia. of '29th: "As the express i passing this station to-day, about 12 oVlock. Mr. J. H. Carlisle, Assistant Postmaster, attempted to cross the track in front of the moving engine. He was struck by the cowcatcher and knocked down ; the engine, tender, bag ge and mail oars passed over both legs, mangling them In a horrible man- iia. i;M now in a critical condi tion, awaiting surgical opendion, should he rally sufficiently, which b considered dnobtful. Mr. Carlisle is over 70 years of age and lias been very active foHne of his age. His family are around him and are rendering every possible aid and surgeons are anaiously watching bis symptoms. Col. Green'a Appolntmenta. Wharton J. Green, our candi- I date for Congreas in this address his fellow-citixens ax in ing times and places : Long Creek, Pender county day Sept. 2nd. Burns. Pender county, Sept. 4th. . Kenansville, Duplin coXinty, Tuesaay in f 1,a IUI w " - - , il 1 bnilda depot and other necessary build It ww resolved that each dittctor be authorized to take new subscriptions, and that they be empowered to author izeanyot the stookholders to do the same The committee on suoscnpnuu to report on the 21st day of September next, which shall be the next meeting of the directors, unless called together sooner by the President Adjourned. THE MAIXS Themalls close and arrive at the City Post oflos as foHowst clxs Northern through jJS-'lS a & S5!ffor lbs. . routes Buppucu kU7i , T s.40 A W9iiSa- r.M. . Bnulat) Ah'pom tween Hamlet d liaSfor Cwandbaria p MSufor "polnU ' be'twoen rtoremse .yettevllle snd ooes onCa'pe Fear mT River. Frtdays. Fsyettevllle, via LumDv. -J Satur- Monday, llatid Mashed. Sxnd Aoistaai Ilngintxir Mirgan. the steamship Benefactor, had his left hand badly mashed by the machine 7 of the steamer on Tuesday afternoon, h was reversing the engine Vt the time, and hia left hand was caught in .a .... I Canl Tth cog-wheel, crushing it very oauiy. k- ninience about 11 It is iA .K.t k third and fourth i Speaking wiU commence aoou fingers will hare to be amputated. o'clock a. m. Sept. 5th. . Beaufort, Carteret county, Thursday On-low C.H. aad mssjmeun.- - ees, Tnesoaya wu "-v-; -v T Smith vUlemaiM, uj- '.SSQ A. M- iSTfor EaT7n Town Creek, SbSaUotteanal usue navtw, it 00 A it OlR DiLiVERY Northern throngs and way maUs. M. ataaraMaUs-. : ; "j'jo A M. Carolina Central Batlroaa. . . j-- lialU oolWwted from street boxes every W D-i7Jaa onen from 8 A M. laWaJg 5.50 P. M. h nould disDOse of them Prof. W. C. Kerr has returned from Washington. He will in a few days leave to take charge of his new position on the United States Geological Survey. His services to North Carolina have been valuable and his scientific ability receives a high compliment in the new noaition. which he will fill with honor. The sheriff of Durham county offers a reward of $25 for the arrest of A. W. Catcs, the man who leaped from the car window, near Concord last Friday morning. TJie man was handcuffed at the time, and it is not probable that he could free him self of the encumbrance without aid oLwiv. Last Sunday morning, when the train from Charlotte on the Statesville road was within eighteen miles of this place, the engin eer saw a man lying prone on the track a short distance ahead. He reversed the engine and applied the air brakes, but the train was running at such a speed that it looked almost impible tocheck it in time. Yet it did. The pilot of the engine tooeneu tne mnu f.ari him fnrwnrd a few inches, lne . : w.l-rwl lira thp. n4TrO. WOO WSS . . i i . 1 a i cm a raf . j . n ir ar no finnwni uu oiauo v conscionsness, and toased him to one side. Besides what tne negro usu him, a quart bottle of nquor was iwuu in his pocket. eOc PJER YARD ! BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front 8t., ( WHOLESALE AND RET ALL. Manufactories can always lc found at reasonable prices at aug 30 HEISSBERGER'8. Live Book and Mnsie Store James A. Willard, EN ERA L COMMISSION MERCHANT. AND PURCHASING AGENT,, ! 8. E. Cot. Caastes and Pratt Sts., anc Mm Balttmohb. Mp. Eice Planters ILL FIND A GOOD ASSORTMENT Of S deU aaU t asaall flnasd UUOH 7J Z a .v.mln.tinn la nil AAK. " WM. E. SPRINGER CO., Snoeessors to .Ino. Dawaon w u. ..t 19. 31 A SS Market autf -7 John Werner, PRACTICAL. GERMAN BARBER AND PERFUMER, 90 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. m ar ANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN TBRI tr 1T1 lanttne, Friction ana ?iSi-a tracts, Cologneu, ueauum?r, "'7' Rencwer, Renovator, Maar and Hair Dyes of every shade, an 27 Groceries ! Groceries ! School Books! School Supplies! A DIMS' HAND SATCHELS, ' -1. " SPECIE PURSES, and a nandome line of Fancj Stationery. au 27 Rookatore. Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHIiOSS, Prop. FT, LOON ATTACHED. -CLASS IN First cl Bar and BILLIARD SA ATTACHED. "P ' aU CYvsYrr A Qmoll T.nr. Tiflft X ACON. MEAL, FLOU, 1.A1a, a- , VUl J Xk, Maaasa mJ . o di.. rmkm. Can- v tuv v-ir-v si; MM EE GOODS' uu Suit (tnDee. UXai, a- I ' I m aa.ao ... . a. T .va Tnta.h Soda. Bl'Sad in ..Wut 1.vn to ctOdS Ut. I ay, 5op, auuwi 'J-t p " t win a mm. Preparation, Tobacco. SnnF, Matches, Psper 1 fcw week4 Uy In a larger sad Ha, Glue, Hoop Iron, Bangs, Bpirtt Casks. MILLINERY sad FANOT GOODS, Ki veto , Powder. Shot, Caps, Hay, Corn, Oats. ibMli , aaTC ever had. - Frtr RAk bV neapCWJiaaay, Ker clmer k Calder Bros, ' I M

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