- I 1 I I I ' ' V J I., : ' I ' - -I - - - - - ' I 'i aaw - a MISCELLANEOUS The DaIly;Revfey,tfTj or o.ow uj iht MISCELLANEOUS. ir 5 1 ',1 PHAKISEi: AND 8ADUCEE. 'A if? 3 -5.---. yY Va1 -xS Al r I ; n r- - - L5 To church t be two together went, Itoth docbtlcss on devotion bent. Toe parson prcactxvl with fluent case, Of Pharisees and Saduccc, And as ttwy homeward slowly walked, 'I lie lover on the sermon talked. And he he deeply love! the maH- in mi an! lender awuw said: 'Darling, ilu you thiifk that we Aro lIur!sico anI adike?' she flashed ou him her bright Mark eyes In one switt look of vexed surprise, Aii't thui be hatcucd to aer lie wan her t-ouLanl worshiiier: Uut. darling, I InLit," he Hold, , "That you arc very fatr-l-fCC, 1 I know yon dou'l -ire much lor me, A 1 1 bat makes mc o tad-you M-e." THOSE SIX GIKL TRAMPS. ... If. , -4 ,. . ..r.it o-l a rani-, iwvum i.- x-' .-...! ,ti-.n- without. Ilcncc, .. . -i ' '.',.. tviM; mu.tbc romov v : ... . . ,. ... . ,-urc I cncctcM. 1 i ' lUiy.y ni ii v Kit ' -i i i-t thlj iTiiu lple. It Q5 Per Cent.! . a l.-raii-'-i wtiiucywami n..cu Wittl Repubhcaa national -,. commiUee (of wbjch bteDben Uorsev. the notonoas star route thief, is secretary), for the purpose of discoreriez the author of the Morey lettter. Darcnport has for two t ft tt . i j ears Deen pretending mat ne uas touna his man and has his confession. Under these circumstances it would seem thst Mr. D. would make public the result of his investigations, but the other day . he 4 told the same old story and preserved his air of mystery. Davenport will kccD at the iob as lomr as the UeDubli- cau committee will give hiui plenty of money, lie is a very low specimeu ot tns irultcr-sniiMs politician. Courier Joumnh lSbl. - ii t I r.-n . ,t at lh.? rKit of the 'tim i orzan.-, imiui rv , j. i:i.i:. aii-i iy iUnnir -."., S;Li-i. lrlve ili ami J.. M H ;' .a i tr " t .'. t. 1 A tit' u : - "X f..r U'AUXKli'.S -SAFE DI ,-...... . xvAUNKU A CO.. . m !MciK6icr. . x. -rt' t' 1 ' , , '. tr ilIe ra'iHcl by un i' . r .I't'l U-ihiary OrKaus; ", liTi of Women; lor il n:rauviujnfcj s . . mi imii il IL.-i--tro . ,u, anl oneoclloiui !. r.iimil L FIKKHAH, OF LYNN, JSm. - kg N 7 s I Kml ol their Pedestrian Tour of tlie North Carolina Moun tains. i Monuok. N. C Auscust 27 Ycstcr- u:iv l ie nanv oi six iris wiio started rut about Auziist 1st It walk all over North Carolina arrived at , Juirinbur. where their tramp ended. They arc all well and in good s ints. I hey sta. lctl ill lh heihboniooo oi lienuersonviue nearly a molh ago. ujkm what was re- iranlctl by their Iricnus as a very wnu scheme, to. walk over Nfrth Carolina and see all the principal points of inter est in the State, ami to pay especial at tention to the mountain scenery. 1 hey made all their arrangements for the proioscd journey as quietly as jossible, i'orthev knew attempts would be made to dissuade them from the undertaking. Their friends were taken completely by surprise when they were told, a day or twfi iKiore the coniniencement. oi me walk, of the intention to tramp over the State without any escort. , lo the sug iretion that, coin ir alone and with no one to protect them, they would .subject timniulvps in insult, thev replied that they were willinsto make thel attempt nnrt thnv tiif;iarea lo-uav mat iroiu to last they had pevcr receivea one ruue word or rouuhjest irom any one. On the first weeK oi uieinnpinc tnrl siiflrpd much from exhaustion, and the vounccst and weakest ot the Murdock. had to stop ani r"J l . i .i c rt hwnnsfi oi severely unaieicii xu It wa3 feared that she would nave to abandon the trip, butshekeptup nobly. nnl njtnrthe eishth day began to gam strength, and is now one of the healthiest of the travellers. Their record shows itf tito vnnnc women waikea 4JU blK.V J w c . ... . . ;ia Thov Kt.irtcd out witn ine ex tot'inn ni makinff between 500 and 000 miles. Each walker wore a pair pi waiK- An Unusual Case. Riciimoni, Ark.. 8, II. II. WAKXEK As UO.: ir-rl was cured ofchronic drarrluea by your Sale Kindcy and Liver Cure. John I). Fkkemax. o I ctMit Twi.inthor shoes and snon. ing costumes. The carried strong staffs I :n Vtonrla nnrl knJIDSackS UDOD 01 1U &XiVlt uuuu their shoulders, iu which were pacitca ti,fit himmn(h and other necessary ?a1 Thov also wore very broad- E. P1NKH ARB'S brimmed hau. which, however, do ntt seem to nave pruiewcu men wf'- inno. fn thev are all burned brown. Two of the irls carried pistols to pro tect them from wild cats and bears. Much of the time they slept in the open air in their ham-tvii-a nniW canvas coverlets, which cliiftld them from heavy ilews and rains. One night, ten da3S aa, apprehending a seTere storm, they citmpwl in a graveyard and slept be tween the graves. Another night, in the mountains, they were inrowii iuw vu stornation bv the appearance of a bear, , KAct Hino- as fnehtened as they were, fled without! offering to mo ic a novol feature of thcir un IL'Sl insula . . ... dertaking was the keeping of what they ti.oirW-booki In this a record of their impressions and adventures was kept, each taking her turn m keeping the lo"." The book contains 1,216 close ly written pages. I They spent three days in exploring the celebrated Bald mountain, whose mysterious rumblings some years ago created so much cxcite- rrUti nntnnlv m ade the ailllCUl tini,n,tn it. wont into one oi HiMi thfiv examined mi nulcly with the aim of discovering what uimcimnrmumnda in the mtc- u.iitadt iitv ijfc.ov' , The novel trip of the six young I ladies has been much talked about, lut as they avoided the crowded thoroughfares uicy vtvt " f,i.a Jnforst taken they were lguoraiu ui - "-.-r- , i in tliem, an were much astonished and slightly irritated when f they learned 7i,f iif !,ad been made that they nok-p, 400 miles in the month. The girls end their trip no W because three of their number will begin their schSway" early in September, t They assert their determination to walk over UieTnexplored portion of the State next ; S,,r Thev leave to-morrow by fnr their homes near Henderson- villc. Ti::ZTALLS COMPOUND. -.t totlrrlr O urt friu of FnnlCoia- - :..TMrUntr.xil InltiuuBuitlaa and VTcer , , l li larmnJ. ami U roniit ..S,mK at-l it irticularly dt b - t .: : 'nneiitnmTfromtht:trMln. . , i y ",.,:'.. ,.f 0t-i-l.. wt.l. Th UiKlccyUcn- f ;, .r.f4r 't-M, futiiUrry. UoUrojaall crrlic . . .nf. an I rrlk-TwraUncas f th rtomcb. : ,i I-: tir.r. U..Uch. NrTa rrttrllo. , Iviittj. K(Vwnt, lrprlon a4 Indl- t .i f-.c of 1-rtnjr down, ettoalnr iIa.wlbt , , '! -.v.U:J innancnty curtsl by IU nsa. :i .nt.r R4 nlr all rlmmwUnfM act la i r m , f it tVl. that Korm th famala ayitam. j twi:r ,f tinr CotarlaloU of thr mttll r . u itlnt.wt -fft-f.l. 1AM F. I IKII MJ" VEGETABLE COM ! irr.l at and S35 VTetm Aranua, f rri.tl. SUMtlNhli SontbymaU r 1 1 v .' rr. .f j aUo 1 a tb form of IasDffajOS rii crirW. 1 1 irtt for either. Jfr.nnkhaa ronftlk f.'.ert of Inquiry. 8eal for yspa . T4!ni4 a WloT. Xmtiir lata rojr. .f.tt!y h.ili be without LTD1A E. nNkHUTS ; 1UIJ5. V.fy nn constlpatioa. ttllion rn a a.1 torr!t of U llvtr. H cnt pr box. r SolJ bjr all Dni(gUt.tt 53 00 73200 9 00 Hulbert Bros. Wholesale Price List. N. , Trice I l"Un.. 7 o-t., m.ire, mscwool, rarvil. acntre flM W T lun .uiri 'ht.7trt..rablnetirranl 171 00 II orn, i sets rceU,0toi anl rari'l r -n t I Or; m, i; swit4 no l,' IS stop, coup ler. uha.' Our I'Liiwh an-l Organs arc war rants! tlrt-ela.. J Vl.!in outtlt, lwx,lor, strlnreom l'tcte , Ut!:n rremna mflcl, extra fine.. I .V--trUxn, M keys, ba4 box, fine t-'tlO .-.-.n!i'on. key. 1 utop, 2 sets rvU.rfeet..". M :;th urran, Vienna eoncert, 21 hole Mothrnn, Genuine Ulehter K h !, liS t;M ut $ or.-.m. Genuine Concert !uMo il holcji,( S. It lU-...r.,:. rvnulnc 3Iartln, 6 key. bWl. ...... ...... ....... ':. In r'r.v. Ccrmn sllrc forulCi N Ma.u r... I tune, rrank, fine.. II " " ? tunw, vrlnl with lever hr-v SU.nrrii., ptcnt, machlnn heal . -"I - IaM llxir, paunt heat, S or 4 - tiuiur. iuai'W', machine head, lino finUh T !Unj.. hi inch. I lra bracket. rFrom the Springfield Bcpublican.i , A GENEltOUS ACT BETHEL Classical and Military ACADEMY. i In a country note! for lieaatjy snl liealUu Course of Stuly, 10 branches, njuequalett In c- Unit, euracl u thoronghnc by no araae- ray in the Sonth. Ielieal anil lavr courses lreiaraury to tuc intTerity or a- iari, tuition. ntCAlical atttnianc (half session) No extras. A'Wrcss ilXJ. A.Ci. SMITH, lcu- WHOLESALE PRICES. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE DATS OF THE SON OF iM AIM. i I)K. M ARCH'S G HEAT WKKj JUST Ot T. Tlw result of years of patient fetiul- ail travel. A book lo chartn tlie yoiinjft lclisht the oH. Interest the stiuient; a book fr eiery- lKlr. Htc style w elent atvl furvible; the lanzuasc i'in ami 'lfaiii?. Hnely ami aj- pror"uk-y illntraleIartl!tic bimlin?. Com. iiumkIcI bv the ire. ami clergy. Will bell on sfjrht. A KAHK lFORTLXIT' for L'he.-i MmUtere, Mulents, rcac tiers anuouiers wani- lnsr paving emoiovnient. Address J , C Mc CUCDV & CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. rah U-vr Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bil ious attacks positively enred with Em ory's Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy : never lail to euro the most o- . t . . t? i sunaie, ioiig-siaiiuug ca-scs wmire vui nine aud all other remedies had failed Thev are prepared exDressly for mala- nous sections, m double doxcs, two kinds ol Pills, containing ai strong ca thartic and a chill breaker,! sugar-coat ed: contain no Quinine or Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are muu aim emcieni, ccrvaui ui uiui ac tion and harmless in all cases ; they ef fectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the Douy. as a household remedy they are unequaled. For Liver Complaint their equal is not known : one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, or sent by mail, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street. New York. 8ra d&w. I oo oo so 21 21 1 Oil 5 00 SO 1 10 25 00 10 00 23 00 4 00 2 00 9 00 9 (0 13 II IS SO Cornet, bra. como-on ty!c, caC and crook... Irnm, bra. lrulan, ornamented uil Violin. Guitar ami lUnjo istriur. 11 Bnv. r.. Niter Violin. Guitar ami lUnjo Strinsrs. II Urtv "Vtl Vklin. Guitar ami lkinjo String, 11 Uro or.. l:ulan. German -or Italian, lt nuahty U.trm-t.n Hooks. Howc'a or Winner, my iivtrumeiiU lUttnjf iukt made a rooI trade for 10 Slnz- roliu Machines, will acll them for 125 each. " "e thev Uat. M n,-T u ou.te aafc la common letter If l.vnlv i.l.trsL TrtntiictlT cash with order. Will Ukc A.-uio'l dealer eml for our 40 page Cat '.'C. "u l.if iH-t uhoUlo prieca agents can oaw i i p-r rvnt, profit. all t.n n i b-n you come to 8L LouU. t Iterrnce : Any bank or wholeaalo house H&lVrt Itm., I tho only General Whole "" h..u la M. LouU. IIL'I.BEUT I1KOS-, -!,, ie Street, Saint l4uls. Mo. la Uly 0 For Sale. U) NEWS PAT ECS. Alnm tin ivor?i.illvrrecom mended than any proprietary medicine made. A jure and renao.e wuk, a a " A great change has tho Prussian army. Witlitne excepuou of the Cuirassiers, Life Guards and Cossacks, tho whole force of njgu.Iar cavalry is to be transformed into Dra goons carrying small bayonet niles for fhe perforniance - of , intantry service. The. existing regiments oi " Lancers, mounted ureuauiuia : um other will retain tneir prescui, but as regiments reasons lor inia ihum w economical, and seem , to-do uirect toward lessening tne cnormoua y1' which is cntaUe3 in1 a national j army like that ol Kussiaby too great a variety of uniform and equipment. ed by a severe coogh. tile and flesh, and I Kcscucd from Death. William J-rt"! Miis savs : In the iall ofl876 I m as SkSTwii bleeding .of the lunfollow- X lObt UiJ "Kl"' was confined to my bed. In 1877 I was a ui w Hospital. Tho doctors said I .had J hole in my lung as big as ,a half doUar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I 5ve-upj.hope, but a friend told me of Dr. :JVTlliam UalU Balsam for the lungs. I got Dottle, wlica to my surprise, I commenced to feel leuer and to-day I feel better than for threo j-ears past. . VI write this hoping every one afibct ed with Diseased Icings will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that Consumption can be cured. -1 can positively say it has done more good than all the other medicines I nave MISCELLANEOUS. CO o a o CD 0. 0 Ul -5 a o o C5 'a p zn o S3 aiH o C3 O o a- cS o H H H H O O fit m O H a A A 3 o H CO 5 O a s M o a a to B at a a B u . a - a as 0 O CQ o . s Tbat Will be Amreclated bv All Who Caro lor their Com plexion and Skfiii It is 'not generally known that the uervons system haa a wonderful influ ence over the skin, but this is a fact lrnnfen til mmlWrtl ntMi wlm Iiiva iriron much of tlieh time to the study of dis el Academy l-. ., Fanqulcr Co., Va eases of the skin. No one can have a aus ,iw elear and fair complexion unmixed with blotches or pimples who is very ner vous.1 . . Wliatever tends to a healthful condi tion ot the nervous system always beau- tthes the complexion . and i removes roughriess and dryness of the skin. Some tkin diseaises aro not attended by visible siims on tho surface, but an in tolerable itching that renders lite miser able. ; . i We copy the following deserving and interesting compliment from the Tribune which says; "Dr. iC. W. Ben son s acw uemedy, .skin.uuuk-, is re- . i Rii:i:i.,. n:4..fn ceheti by the public with great coi.ti- Virginia military Institute, dencc, aud it is re-arded as a very gen- . LKxiNGTON, VIRGINI A. ennI? act on w.u i-iui 3 tu .... ThjJ known STAT,. l.hUuUo,,!,, 1kxmi kuowii anu prepare tor geitenii use uis ln ucceSsiui oration 6im isi, and ha in valuable ami iavonte prescripuon ior the treatment xf skin diseases, after having devoted almost his entire Ufa to the study aud treatment ot nervous and skin diseases, m which re tooK great ae light. He was for a number of years Physician m charge ot tho Maryland Tnfirmarv ou Dermatolojrv and anv thing. from his hands is at once accepted as authority and valuable, l he reinc- dv is fully the article to attack the dis ease, both internally, through the blood, and externally, through the p osorbents. and is the. only reliable and rational mode of treatment.. These preparations are only put up for general use after bavin z been mod by the Doctor in his Diivate practice for years, with the crreatest success.- and they fully merit the confidence ot all classes of sufferers from skin diseases." - This is for sale by all drussists. Two bottles, internal and external treatment, in" one package Don t be persuaded to taKe any Oiner. an enlarged annuity from tho State, expenses it costs on dollar. j , - The T: folkrwinir u onoirtiona jrcpreaeaLi.. wholesale prices generally, j In making bt-1 -email order higher prices have.t be-e&aJrea vt,tl ; " ' H m i : r 111 f i . - j (.'. 3 aS C o bo a a eJ a 3 o a a a so o M o ' u V Pt .3 ft I ' CI s S B OS a 3 GO " u E ft. XCaI31.V??i - ' it. . CAB EE IK Dr. Tfifi Lunac. Cures CoMnmptionrColdi-Pncirmo-nia, Influenza, Bronchial Dliaculties, Bronchitis,.- Hoarseness,: Asthma, Croup, TThoopins Congh, and all Dis eases of the Breathing- )ruis. It soothes and heals tho Membrane .el the Lungs, Inflamed arid poisoncid'Dy the-dUease,:imdprereiits the jrtrht sweats and tif?htnesa across tho ctest whlcAp4icconnanT;pl WON Is not aa Incurahle iiaUdj.; It is only necessary to have the rlzht remedy, and HALL'S BALSAJHL Isnthat remedy. JilJiJ!'t ror'luiiar penisn-pcciuc niii ill Hafi VAlt aid falls, : even hohpiessiQAal L r it ?M tlie 2LLos Powerful Jlecilin! Oint fnet atul Disinfectant k evtr lHtcavered l JTenry' CarHJU8aTveatrbKrn Z. WW m . - a- mamm m aftaaMati jrmry'a CaroUt l4v i Jlenrv'r Cat beZtr&tlvrmrts erupt Uxs. llenrv' Caroil Bmlr aw.jrfa. jrenrv's Cartel im B?l AH(1 ri. Aw tor uenrjr7 una axq w w a i-. ! t ". " . f Lunchrl jyjERCHANTS AND CLERK 8 WHO WILL, clo&e buslnea hereafter at 5 o'clock will find a ; . SPLENDID JLUNCH Erery day fat SCHTJTTES. Bt the marke affords andiprlcea Teryjreasonable. F. A. SCHUTTE, ., . f I Juneps-tf jPxoprletor. For Early Fall. JUSX FROM THE different gradoa of FACTORY, ALL TBI Salem Cassimere, Some desirable stylea for Boya School Cloth- tog. 5eM at Factory price. angS , JNO. J. HEDBICK. with a new lionru of Vieltore, and the re-cJoe-tion of the old Faculty, la now prepared to Aip nlv. upon the lest terms, the uistinctivc au- vantaeesoia trciwrai acieniiuc anu aiinuiry School, upop the jbasis of the U. S. Military Academy at Westi Point, and upon . the same svstcm no' ssurce&Rfully pursued before the war. The Faculty which once Included lien, btone wall Jackson, (Jen. IS. E. U-mIcs, and Com. M. F. Maurv. now constats ot the following Mi- pcrintendent and -rroiessors : i Hen. fRAKCia Ji. smith, i-i. if., .-upenn tendent and Professor Math. anl Mora) IMiilosonhv, Gen. T. 11. WiLLi-lMsox. Prof. Practical (Y etc Col. 1 Ship; Com.CadeU and Prof Tactics t ol. .t. M. Brooke. Prof. Phvsics. Col. M. B. Hardin, Prof. General and Ap- i nlied Chcmlstrv. etc Col. T. M. SEiiMKS, Prof. Modern Languages, etc. Col. J. W. Ltelu, Prof. Math, and Lofrhv CoL J. H. Mokeison. Adjunct Prof. Chcm4 I Ist-rv. e.tfi.. I Col. E. W. Nichols, Prof. Civil and Military Engineering and Astronomy. Under the direction of aa efficient Finance Committee of the Board of Visitors, and with Ses- MacUrcL Nrf. 1, Y bbl.......l5 00 t Marltrel.- Nov 1, V half bbl.. 8 40 MacWfrel, No. 2, bid.... .. 9 60 Maekeivl. No. t, T half bbl.. 5 00 Mackerel. No. 5, r bbl....... 7 MulkU, bbl 3O0 Mullets, Pork bbl 7 00 N. C. Hoc Herring, V keg.... S 00 Iry Cod. f i 5 FEliTI LI7.r:ilS. 2.000 R Peruvian (iuuino. No. I.. 57 SO , - No. 2....:..S 00 I " " lxboj TO 00 Baiisrh's lhoithate. . .. . .00 00 Carolina Fertiliaer... ........ 45 00 Ground Itone ...00 00 Bone Meal ...00 00 IVone Flour.. ........i...... .00 00 Na vaf a i uano. . 40 00 Vnnidet Manure.... ob 00 Whsnn' Phof phale 00 00 Wan do hophate 00 t BerpT A Uutz'a Phosphate.. Pol 00 KxrelWnxa' Cot km I eriitizcr.35 00 French's C-arlwtrutte of lame... T 00 French'a Agricultural lame.... S 50 FLOUR, r bbl I Flna Northern opcr. Extra. ........... Family , City Mills Extra.... .... , Family; " Extra Family.... 6 60 LUE .tb....l .11 GRAIN, e ottshcl Com, lnun store, basxwhite. 1 11 Convcarjro, in bulk, white.. 1 05 Cora, cargo. In bars, white.. ! 10 Corn, cargo, mixed, in bap, j '. uots, rrom store. Cow Peas II1LE3. tfc i Li roc a I)ry..A....i. NAY, V lWfts Kaatern.T.... Western North River......; i OH, MY HEAD! V 1 WHY WILL YOU SUFFER ? Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dys DeDsia. 8leenlessness. and brain diseas ... N i i . -r-v t 1 es, positively curea Dy xjt. xhju&ouo Celerv and Chamomile ruis. J.ney contain no opium. Quinine, or other harmftddruff. Soldbv druensts. trice, 50 cents per box, two boxes for Si. six a a . r- boxes-for bv man postage iree. Dr. C. V. Benson. Baltimore. Md. C. N. Crittendon. New York, is wholesale asnt for these remedies. . aus 13-im ! of cadets are reduced to the lowest rates. sion opens Sept. 1. .i ' i For information or anioinimcnc. aiun-H i GEN F. II. SM1TIT, aug 12-4w Superintendent i GEORGE PAGE & CO. iUanuxac torero ox Patent Portable Circular- SAWHH Abo Stationary aadPorUUt STEAM BIG 6 2L BCHEOEDES I BALTIMORE, MD First National Bank of Wil mington.! l,V Jristand ind Barre. Uliitju ana DPnea, iilSJJSiMM VTOla Watat WhM1o.Wnod WOtUnt tr.i.j.n cMnrf. mn. nwTtf Haws etena ior uwuvi CAPITAL STOCK.... SURPLUS FUND ... $250,00 . j, " ... 66.0M rioTvnafta TRCAired RBd eoHectlona made on alljiccesalhle polnfs ln the UnltedlStates. H P. mica fori iStationariea; Adjustable ; ff Utica 300 IL P. : Improved Corliss Jfingtnes, i w iou n. r . . au euas; iron in ,Jr",,t?1" rv; wTe to 40 U.1 Eng-ina. U 15 to 160 H. 1 0 00 5 10 S 00 7 00 C 60 0 00 to Corn E. E. BURRUSS, DIRECTORS: I Dj G. WORTH, A. MARTIN, 1 JAS. SPRUNT, JAS4DAWSON. President. Vice President. Cashier AB8t Cashier . ,j OFFICERS: E. E. BURRUSS.. JAMES DAWSON. A. K, WALKER.. .......... W. LARKINS.. ....... ao!23 1 " SEED C OTTO W Wanted. PREPARATORY ,TO THE OPENING OF th Tiw aeaaon- wb call attention to the fact tvat xcm WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAR KET PRICES FOR SEED COTTONi try n toK N3Sh Carina PorUble Oornil.lls -Oo Meal. with 25 per centj power, than any otrM.lU musTza, Mr.," Westminster, Md. , U. b. A. MOORE COUNTY GRIT. t ; Testimonials a Corn MiU and M1U Stoaa. K O. Tharing. Conway, Mass.. writes I net mill np next day from Its receipt and it works to a charm. I think it is the beat built mill I ever saw. : jLdama A Co.. Laurel. Del, write -The 48-inch atones we bough t from you are better than any we have ever used for grinding fine corn meaL . J. O. Adair, Harmony Grove, Ga. writes I gronnd one bushel of corn and made 1 bushel and 1 quarts of SDartDadevine, Ala.,writes-The 30-inch Wtt makes six bushels of first-claps table meal per hour. My custom has greatly increased since I bought your nulL Testimonial on Engines and Saw Mill. Extract from letter of J. W. Roper, Sawyer for Dyal A Upton. Callahan,. Fla., who are nummgonr 0-Uorse Dry Steam Engme. and onr No. 1 Saw. Mill with Patent Set Works and Patent GaugeRoUer. . I have no hesitation in saymg tbw is the best Port table Saw Mill I have ever sawed with, after 13 years experience. I have been running this mill four months and our daily average ia i about 20,000 feet" McwoTciary Cdl, Apalachicola Fla. say the 18x34 Engine. Boilers, and our New Patent Saw MiU cannot be surpasaed for workmanship, ainipUoity, ana fast sawing. After 1 years' experience in the lumber business, we do not hesitate to recommend your work tonwvbo want a nrt-clw job in i all jiarticuUrs." KtVLOR MANIIFACTURINO CO. W?stm.nsMi VaaNCH OlTICK. Charlotte- N.Q. (.Mention tkUtxvr- Apply at au3-tf Willard'si TJew Restaurant THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE3PECT1 .i. I , fully annonncelthat he baa just fitted up at No. i - .f ,r . ! I S, Granite Row, South Front st., a restauran ana th Po for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meal refreshment may be had at all hour of .- Kv.rvthtnr la new and first class. Ite waiters and courteous attendants. 49-Game and Oy.tera to season. F1e ".S? SCHUTTE,Prop. Ladies' and Misses Cloth - Button Boots . at Cost. Ttr e Wish to close out our OF LADIES AND MISSES STOCK Clotli Button Boots ! . ... . . .t . and will sen uem a cveb r Call and secure a pair. GEO. jmlyW R, FRENCH SONS. i Front St. Cosmopolitan Bar. EST WINES, 1IQUOES, WUaas,aiu ICS COOL ItAtGEB, a speelaUy. . J?nN ICARROLL, Prop, I tnlrU Souta aldfl Uarxci i B SO Fifty Boxes 5p JEPACKED LEMONS, IN PERFECT order Just rcceivied.and for salecy July 9 JNO.iU BOATWpiGUTT Marrin's Celebrated piRE AND BURGIVR PROOF SAFES, Alllzca and Prices, from tSO-OOC to f200.0Q. . ,-': ' 't- Acknowledged by the best authorlUesto.be the BEST SAFE MADE, Extracfrom Scienfi America edltortaljof Feb. 11th, 1882: 'I'Tfe are also asked as to the W e say MARVIN'S." a! A. WILLARD. best fire proof safes. June 18 Ajcent at Wilalnxtoa. fA 1 to I 4 10 1 SO 1 20 1 00 1KM)P IKON, r Tou 00 LAUU.r lb orthern North Carolina LIME, barrel LUMBER, City Sawe.1, f M ft. amp muh, resaweu. is oo Rouh Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargoes.accordlng to quality is oo IS 00 10 20 00 ?10 00 eSlOOO 4S5WJ on w 0310 49 S SO 0 4 00 a i 9 cm so 4V37 00 ci oo aTOO CO r " aTA) OO. 4740 00 474a 00 47 00 4745 00 4967 00 070 CO 070 DO 4V60 00 4W0 00 1 49 7 W 0900 0 5 ot r a 6 oo: 0 6 80 0 8 75 1 0M,ir ( 601 0 7 50 49 IS 0 1 17V 0 1 071. 0 1 UK 0 9i 0 ' P7i 0110 0 0 0 1 S5 0 1 t 0 1 15 4TS5 00 J 14 14 SO lev 0 Ol 0 0 49. 0 0 41 45 45 44 S3 11 0 3 75 j. ..... . 030 Mi 0ie oo 013 00 Dressed Floorimr, seasoned.. IS 00 02J 00 Scautllnz and Board. eom'n..lS 00' 015 00 New crop Cuba, in hhds oo .. ln bVi3....i.. 43 Porto Rico, In hhds........j. 00 " In bbls 00 ' Sugar House, ln hhds 00 7 ".- lnbbbj..... 00 Syrup, ln bbls........ ' 40 NAI LS, f Kejr, Cut, lOd basis. . 0 00 i OILS, v frallon k ' Kerosene.. 1OV4.0 13 iaru. . . . Linseed. Rosin. fr Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, lire, iown.. ...... Spring i........ Turkeys.. I PEANUTS V bushel..... POTATOES, V bushel Sweet Irish, V bbl...... rutin., v oarrei ..... City Mess 23 50 Prime.... ..16 00 Rump. ...........17 00 RICE Carolina. V lb - Rough, bushel RAGS, lb-Country i.. City ROPE, V lb SALT, V sack, Alum Liverpool Lisbon...,. American SUGAR, V lb Cuba. . Porto Rico.. A Coffee..-. B ru 10 90 00 60 00 S3 80 75 SO' CO 60. 0 1 43 0 1 00 0 100 0 to 0 0 85 0 SO 01 23 0 1 60 I 0 75 0 3 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 8 9 0 s 0 0 Ex C Crushed. SOAP. ft Northern.. SHINGLES, V- M Contract... 5 00 Common........ 2 00 Cypress; Saps.. ........ ....... 4 50 Cyprecs Hearts.'. 0 00 STAVES, V M-W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 R. O. Hogshead W 00 TALLOW, ft..... 5 TIMBER, & M feet Shlpplng.10 00 rineamnpin .....11 23 .xira uo . BIHl PrimeA. Mill Fair..... Common Mill Inferior to (Jrdinary WHISKEY, V gal Northern : North Carolina WOOL, f ft-4 Washed....... Unwashed . . i JU1 1 V. . 0 0 0 e 4924 00 017 00 . V 013 00 - 4U0 8 95 0 1 15 1 mo 14 110 1 14UO! 00 01 75 80 00 75 00 00 10 9Va ioha . 11 5 0 6W 0700 0 S 60 0 0 00 0 7 CO j 018 00 010 00 0 6 012 00 . . 013 00 9 SO , 012 00 1 69 0 8 60 0 7 00 0 6 00 0 4 00 0 5 00 0 2 80 0 , 2 ' -0' 0 IS 6 60 6 00 0 00 1 eo 1 00 10 Noah's Ark for Sale. QOMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT AXD as good as -new. Call and buy. one for the children. iWE DOST KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK, BUT WE ARE SELLING GOODS r CHEAPER THAN ANY nOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA. Try us Crapon & Pickett, RETAIL GItOCEES, 16 and 13 South Front Street. Home Made Gandv. WHOLES.1LE AND ang22 I JURE AND WHOLESOME. au Einos maue iresn erery aay st . n a: Second Street,- three doorsjSbelow the ! Post i fflee. " . : . . . may 14, XX i Wilmington Shirt Factor? (the only one In the State) No. 27 Market 8L "J. ELSBACH, Proprietor, i ! THE ABOVE FACTORY is read , trOTT, to offer to the public great Inducements 1 in White Shirts at the following low prices: The 'Congress" Shirt oen back 75c: do. open front, 75c. Of thCfee popular Shirts we bare sold hundred of dozens In the city, as well as ln the country, and therefore Is well known to the public, and need no comments. The "Roy al", a Wamutta Shirt, With 2100 linen front, 00c Boy's Shirts all sizes, 75c. Night Shirts 75c CoL Drew fehirta from 20o and upwards. Cotton Drawers from c upwards. Herry Jeans I drawers, double lined on the seat, SOc Shirts and Drawers made to order at low fig. ores and a good lit always guaranteed. . " Country orders strictly attended to. These articles, which we new offer for sale are made np at h9ae by .well train: ii audi kmx experi ence 1 hand and no northern make can equal ln sizes, fit and quality. These Shirts are all reinforced and cut lentgh ways Uas cloth, tbor ugbly examined before being put ln stock. Erery Shirt I guaranteed to it, and war ranted as represented or the money will be re funded. Come and sare money and buy year Shirts at the factory. . , . u ; MannfactareTe June IS Simon 7 RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT, HE has embarked In the Tailoring boslneas. lie is both witling and capable of making, dye ing, scouring ana repairing Clothing. All or ders promptly attended to. Prices moderate. Shop on Market between Second and TUrdU 1 I "t. THL3 OlTlTa

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