xHUi:iAPEK PLEASE KOT1CE. i... eTCry morning Mondays ex- .r cntcd by ; f JrtJU Ud a etT cocssss!cat!pt frotrf mr trleada ta iay anif Idl ttbjteti ' ccser&ltnterectbat .v v-. , -v The nasKi ot tbo irrtter mast Miwty bt.tzt Bisbed to the Editor. , i JOSHT. JAMES'. tl.iiun AJDfiorBirroK.'. J ..rlilS- rU"iauii ...... . ComnmnlcaUoru mart btt vitttn ca ffal on side of th papor. ' - ( ' f Perxmalltlcs must bo AToVtod. I i And It b eepcciaUj- jh1 prUctiUrly rad tood thatbe Editor does not aTjniy eador b Tiews ot oorreiwndnts mOoss so , , -la the edltorUl xsolumas. ' ' j ' ' " ' .1 I" . ...t... m Thrr $2.00. One uiuutb, 35 cents. . i l. i-r-tr-T- frM " !.' t v H r ny r rl ,,f ll,c clly' l lhc b0Te v !TJI.w and WraL .'I I .1. 11 I iv-1 "j ; VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY: SEPTEMBER 1. 1882. NO. 208 77- A Semi-weekly BLail..- Applicatirui will be made to the Sec- . r. i'm (.;"' . i ...:..... .. l r. twcuii U'iluiinou and Kayctluville on Intel route 13,100. Petitions asking for iliu csUibliiliiucnt ot the semi-weekly mails will be sent out for signatures to-day.' Wo trust tliat the l'ostoflice Department will grant the request as there are many business men on the route who are seriously 'inconvenienced by reason of tnufllcientlmail facilities. A II3EI " NEW ADYIRTISEMEMTS. .iti i ...Hl-.l"'"" ....... .w iiacii.c rt T! ,rti""r lMnelirove aum i ear dates from to- WcOUumutccf dayligut this tl0 iint of tbo Fall ,:,..f.t...-.icsJ;,.t" A Glorious Result. - i Where in the world Is that bis publican majority in this come from? '-There is not a Re- dlstritt to faberar STATE NEWS. Returned, - Mr. L. J. Otterbonrg retnrned here last nicht from the Northern i markets. where he bas been lor pscrcral weeks AcwDern Joria.- bnalor ivansom partMUctb?hl. FUl4 Wiutcratock 'SMT'rSS fi of goods. He tells iis that he bought very highly spoken of. . On the same the largest and handsomest stock he has day the county convention nominated 1iar!o veuA anil .rknfirlantlv IrvrtVo Mr. li.D. McCotterforthe Iegislatnre, , i a j .u r- fi ' and present, incumbents for Clerk.! for a large trade this Fall. . .Sheriff and RicritAr nt ncds. M iue uanceati'ineurove. who has been boring an artesian well The dance at Pine G rove, on Wednes- at lliverdale for the Clare Fibre ' works . ... rt, loncontt of the Mallett Bros., informs us that he day night, was one of Uiepleasantest of faag gtruck .&n ihe flowing the season. The, threatening weather weu. At the depth of 96 feet the water deterred many from t attending, but comes up spontaneously nt the rate of neverth4ha;thore"wasJ a. Jiice. assem- fbout sbriy gallons per minute. rv . V bla and the: evenios was spent in WhitevineJmrJprwc: -We have been . ; , . . i.. ... YL nJ'SuJ L ! wflfrhinw olosplv and.lookinsr in ererv niwiiinroa wnmn. w i i itiiiir ik i i ' o - o - - 7 . ... .m . .M nt I !n4 iort veS' Ti.c ruxU :s Ul vw- " - "7 ?:.:.. ovatcrs r in season to- a u: were not yesterday. ,.;n'in Uio hardware lino can . -,1 at itaMjuablc prices at J ACO - . L r- u s'xiaiboatnicn wo- learn that .,r.;ur was rising rapidly at Fayctte- vn Wednesday. . tico. II. Kelly advertises a house a'l'rVat. ktneen Chestnut and Mul Tt aiatti. for rent. TUrciianunraailable Kttcfin the lJxcc aJdrcssctl to Mr. Alex. Old ii:u. Hboro. X. C. AsviiLcr excursion, the last of the so- rvs u titca of by the members ot tue vvnd fbf :Lt Church, to tako place ilwi tic m'Mc of the month. T.. naildew and others Go to J aco- u'i u Sah. Blinds and Doors, -Glass, i,r. Ytu can get all sacs and at the y9eA rrices. .vcinher is by many thought to be ivjt mot I'leasant month of the year on Hacoait. It is in September that er and mullets wax fat and bine e at nothing. in Duplin county, there U an(j to.;, Capt, Manning, ffilES'toi; Sampson, there is not one. m Columbus who always tilings tip in the toost here. Columbus is clinging tofprinci- and Uicro is but one in Bladen and he, it approvolj style, was never 'happier in plo. Mother Naucy Boswell died Imc nnt Kwn a. straiirht-out I neat Whiteville. Columbus county, on 4 0v. . a Hi" ..ww u - rii va I 1 1 1 1 . i I. . Mr. Iotvold Brunhild, who has been ta caltc an extendetl tour through the tUcoantry. visiting his parents and the vnes of hU childhood, returneu to mis city Wednesday evening, looking well. Mr. T. J. Herring has laid on our nV.e an ejz which is a curiosity. From the small end of it the shell extends about two inches and gives the hen fruit the share of a pear with a long Ojr friend should not forget the ex cursion to Smithville on the rassport !xby. A pleasant time is anticipated A committee of ladies will serve rc- t.TsLuienU for the inner man at rea Kcablc prices. Exports Foreign. The Hr. barque Chocolate Girl, Capt. IV.ster. cleared yesterday for London with 2.409 barrels rosin.. Talned a j3.."j,hiH.M by Messrs. Alex.Sprun VSri. Freshwater rcrch,Trout and Black th hks and lines. A full assort- ciint an! lowest prices at jACQ3i's.f City Court. Miry F.liza Lively, a tlamo of the IU lIow. and Charles Dabbett, a sojour f r in the same classic precinct, were m:ed Wednesday night and put in ti ra!aUx.se charged with disorderly conduct. They were interviewed by UU Honor, estcrday morning. Dabbct. P-'"! 1 ami was released, and the swill Mry F.liza was find $10 or 20 ky. She concluded to hie to her dun-.r'o.nccli. Ucmomtforjc.it. va.t.1 One result VT-m . FnKe Dartoofc of hi. ... . . , P 1 ; I UCI K UUU U1W iUl i iUQ uuuw .vvvm mm In four counties in two nionms 01 bw" hospitality by invitation and were member of the church, and a faithful laoor ls.cenaiuij Bgwuuuo inanasomeiy regaiea wui soupu ueuca- iuawwu. hard work one moro may be drummed cieSi pigfish f and : other salt water 'Jjfews and Observer-. .Many f ruit trees up before the ides of November. I dishes were served in ; abundance to are in bloom again. r?ied. in 4th!s iniir AYanted." . those who were in attendance. The S,S3SS2S2 -.w i-nnxw tehothcr or not the I dancuig was kept up to a late hour and j Tq enma vineyards new crapes have situationhas yet been 'filled, but We do all Toted the evening one .of r unalloyed PPf knowthat the advertisement lnsenea picture. , r ..r ..... learnthatin and around Selma, diph- in the Review a lew days since ha3 : . theria has been prevaumg for some r,i; w ;?fW nf Annlica- Senator xtansom u vuanwiw. weeks, causing six deaths. It is now tions Thevcameto us in person', by We spoke bneny yosteroay- 01 oena- uuu5u, w , 1 1 i. r.rvi nil I frit- ti ansnm'fl Rnfteht in . Charlotte ' on r . Charlotte Observer s l wound was tised for the clerk, has in ail prouaDimy puouaziea were iuu auu v building.. ' The man whose hand made his selection, as the appUcations ing reports. - We select that -from the was 4 'shuck" the most yesterday, was : w Tim ammm VivncM fViAfc TrfiT&T is ooooscd Governor Vance. The Governor s locks have ail Decn lumcu otw Tr " i .t o mnr RilvRr. hnfcthat same hascertainlyhada large list to select to Gen. Uansom ana we wan, our B uiihigeBand r, ! ... readers to see what a tribute - the nonie h; a it comes s freelv as ever, i As a " ' I old Roman has extracted even irom ma country inena exciaimea wnen no spieu I I nolitical enemies, uoi u onnscon spoe uuvuuui. . ".V From a circular received in this city Jt and theu Gen. llansom was sand- same oia ixu-v it 1- Pi-1 A. PotX?. recently I s un rl .TnVin5tnn and I itrtiu . w" - - 1 1U IA-wilvu wv- " i -nr., tr.'A- . X T AM GenmllAgofUW; i)r.Kwent...S1y..i, m5WWsaUT ated Railways, but who resigned tmit h e reolied but it wa3 so . late , when ,vhtl h was the oldest man in the position on the first or August, nas ueen Norment concluded that his speech county, being at his death lot years tendered and has accepted Uie appoint- wa3 ed until the next dayl Here tsvm?stee mcntorGcneral Passenger anuira u what observer says of Uea. Ran- iQ th6Woriey raurder trial : sev- Agcnt of the Kennesaw Route, compos m. , eral years ago in Wayne county, . and cd of the Norfolk & Western u. u., me At the conclusion 01 kai. uonnswu a wno subsequently turned up ac waiiie . , , ! t) tki Troof i snfHvh. uoi. ii. duues mwwuwj i uoro ana was arresieaior memuruer o blienanuoan aucv -T ol" r w t?-c 'ri, SAntr : -f xrocT, - ' . n n n i I r'ii:i.uji ivi. if xmnov. aw i j vu1112111. uicu loan nw c Tennessee, irgmia and Georgia x., agnjgd the forum but he was not : yet county Superior Court, found guilty and the three roads aggregating over i, to speak- From outside . tue Duiiaing , wiU be hanged Sept. 20, miles of raUway. This route conwu , wavm Tt I Charlotte JbicriM WeU ain't Senator Col. Green's Appointments. Col. Wharton J. Green, our candi date for Congress in this district, will address his fellow-citizens at the follow ing times and places; f ; ; , . Jxng Creek, lndeTjCOunty, Satur day Sept. 2nd. - 1 Burgaw, Pender , county, londay. Sept. 4th. . ; , Kenans ville, Duplin county, Tuesday, Sept. 5th. i ..." I I ' J- Beaufort, Carteret county, Thursday, Sept. 7th. Speaking will commence about 11 o'clock a. m. I . . . J tf KEwi uii"-EttTisEitrnirraU! SUMMER GOODS ! AT m. rj; it A TZ'G, i r NEW ADVERTI8MENTS; For Kent. DWELLrXd HOUSE : WIT 1 1 4 J J H rooms. West side of Front st.-. next loor North of BIrs. Morrison's boardloe house, between Mulberry and Chestnut streets. Water works , n the house and good garden attache . ' Apply to . . ; sept 1-tt ; GEO. II. KELLEY. - Pine Grove- rpiHS BEAUTIFUL PLACE IS SITUATE JL at1 mln 5-miio post on the Shell itoaa rrom uu n, N. C., 18 Rooms vacant. September ilsrhtful month on the Sound. Phr-ash and oysters in abundance. sept 1 . I w Only A Few Left. E HAVE ONLY A FEW OF THOSE SERGE BUTTON BOOTS left, that we ar closing out at cost. Better call and secure a pair from i 'I i : GEO. 'JB. FEENCH ft SONS. aug 31 39 NOrth Front St. Vance for the through travel to the Southwest 'thneaker'c ouT will sneak tMlay at ll tfelock la the ;n fl,AinndnfCoLroDeiti3iiKeiy rrjrr-u" ii t-i-o t in ' This court nouse. nowmwraiwuiji iyx Umitxa .u ..... . I BfUC niiCtU K M.v. vmaw . - - mont route, via Danville and Charlotte rv1 PrTv headnuarters will ws- a Lynchburg. '. ' A IT 1 m.A.mm. ,a:inuuc- , , , anA him. aenaior isansom ieit yeater- , 1 continuffly failing upon his sarered tte. A-T.& g. road for tho Western rwffiS "SM. lep fe,. Bennett, prohahW TI16 OOlOreu IOliou iru.ci . crowd StOOd arouna on ureiesa ico "T.f-- f A su pv;iip Tho case against j! Kv. WilburJ hout the enUre . delivery of tEe SlSS the colored cotton broker of Liverpool, aEioWing tribute to the indepen- day. v.ootv! hrnr Justice Gardner yes- Mnra and- freedom of Mecklenburg s , r.,w. Tim wKAat. terdav. Burrell Amey, the prosecutor, sons, and gave the tom. "ont" threshing is not yet over by any means. nrmlSimtacof lto Sto.l?!5! Sf No danger, of anybody starving after L,v" " 7 . . , siaung ib wa an average cron there than here. I He says neispime ow ma;0rity, and if tnat was noi f . Vi . niaMidlarid held a meetin . v. II . .1. nrn a V T on l . , . . . .1 r v mrRma:. in Liiverpooi, auu enoucn 10 11., wuw r" t. Winston vesterdav. Among mose ii v , . ..,. .1. o in Tanai-im tnnta - r 1 J - r . I wtWn Viomll V fL TP. I PTftnCC- OnlV I J iLt nn U.oVla -nraa North, as ho can realize more ou t -3- g ;tUled by 147,- .c olde I held a meeting . Among those Moreheaa,Maj. Vilson. Jos. A A. W. Booe, Johnson, J. A. Dr, J. S. B. Vaushn. From . of here, buf found he could not do so a, peace toflering . between the ggVnornin& wC learn that two mUlion without a loss to nimcu it wo sections. inrwwjn.v 0f the bond3 01 tne company win oe is- ,.of v?a fothpr was for a number or nour or more w"ttMiiMN:r'rrt present were J .'inrner uioreneau, jjiaj. that ins latner was iojt ;flvfth wort of the Democratic riiz.i t r ! wncn .Tn A norfvinrnnrntss. exDlaining the va- a w ninrrh.m aj W Booo. He. in conversation with us yesterday, rioa3 appropriations and pensions with g a; Woodruff, J. D. Johnson, J.I A. Tho CottoiCrop, We are sorry to hear discouraging sports from the cotton crop in this scc tioa. Corn will . yield handsomely but -r'.ess there U a dry and protracted sea-'-a the cotton will hardly realize more tiaa one-lialf ol a crop. The continued nia have forced thb weed to an abnor-i-il growth at the expense of the fruit of the crop, and plants which ought to be and 3 feet high and full of bolls ready to burst are 1 to 6 feet high, and ktcshed niuchol their fruit. The Perjury Case . The caae of prjury against the Rev. A. M. .Conway, of the .First Baptist v-uirch (colonrd), 'which has claimed tac attention of Snuiro McQuigg court for the past two days, was brought to a close yesterday altcrnoon. Mr. Jo-n L. Holmes appeared for the pros- cution. and Mr. M. Bellamy, for the defense. There were ten witnesses for defend and five for tho prosecution. Jiistice McQuigg gave notice yesterday .rrioon that he would withhold his ion until Monday at 10 o'clock. us to Ksh & Hatch bankers in iNew bocauscuw awwem sued at once, and that au tue money us to " " Lf h bois allowed to share the benefits of the got- neceg3ary complete the road will be 1 OK., wno ernment land, nor .Sontnem soldiers at once available.. -A negro, while ml what his financial rating is. lie ut to hold "office in the ar- ,iMQi.v,onlinr a trnedo. last nicht. staled further that he came here for tho my .and navy of the United States, droppea it, causing it to explode. A ourpoe of establishing a branch of his aad id the .P.can party is gmSttbe deadly Lmissei ! hit engineer purpose oirauiu o M fop lt He gave the Lib- Phillips on the arm inflicting a Liverpool house and to purchase a nee eraJs and llepubiicans particular at- JJgflSh wound. The negro was firm. ! I tntion. claiming that both were one c1rt mentA fcet in the air. lodsingon VkA emA nartv. He made compar-1 . i . vpKfaimpiwin li rfTl a At. the de- Firo and Store Kobbery. Lof expenses betwetn Bepubhcam wfrith the exception of a slit in the OI wfta nothnrt. ; i . o 1- Tiioqi nv morn- l ana uemocrauc u ADOUl O O v j . . . , inrhWenK J. F. Newell, at Burgaw, was discover- norrnnl schools, etc.; poke of what had ! viUago turned out ppU, ind x. SSiSSS cuished the flames before anyt very and reduced, and wanted close..' THE MAILS' City Tost ti, rl 7. nAmnAM;o nrtv was I Vnrthern through malls, last.........? -" r uuuu. - to WOWiuuc - rr-lNorthern and war tnalIS....5.40 a. ai. the kitchen was slightly Durnea ou, nau wurwnu Vedued the iVVr V'JLi&a li T " .&v.w-.V ... I I JUOU9 iV WW - " , i 1 nna two-thirds, and mute sucpllcd therefrom lnclud- ichthecUtued outfifht wW' " - tb0.TendUedvveU!nS wouid'have Sthhole Staie.-Coming do wn i wiiit hxn " dnstroveu. it is thought the fire was caused from a de fective flue. At the Unie of the nrq uie store of Mr. J. B. Moore was broken open and robbed. The thieves earned off a watch an J thirty-five cents which was in tho till. They tried to break open a large iron safe anddoubUess would have succeeded hd they not been frightened off bysoxriojono passing. They effected an entrance in .the store by forcing open the back door. They were seen in the store by j a My wuo was on her piazza watching the fire. The thieves did not belong about Burr raw and no doubt fired the kitchen with a view of distracting the attention of Dcrsons from them and hoping that me noise incident to a fire would drown the report Eiade by blowins open tho ue to State politics, he pnt it this way western malls (C. C. C&llway) dally, "l Mtl If There are H0.000 yltc Democrats m ."Kd"-- theState; the UepubUoan party .swm- A50 P.M. m n r ri am mm x tti utb iiii zjiliaa -nu ruxv ami n riniv umi h i posed oi iw.i-r ;r ;r;LPt :".:...7r. i r . - . am r i nn bvi iiiiiKii fc.w ww - . vr. - - -- -- -- WHlLt3 IUCM. ; road. ciheStalo.isunaerriegro rule. 1UJ5JSSS. .........,..-- r1. ai- lS cieciea me owwjiu and Charleston..... x . - While he demanded the Democratic raJ.etteTine and offices on Cape Fear oarty to bo just to the colored nan, -be W1 ZZKXd&': Pa.rtyi0 S? JSr.Sin; rr;hTtareethat FaTeVlUBTyli Imberton. daUy. - wen. ou w --- . except sutoay, . this is a white man's government and 0askjr c. ,L utmedia-e ocu ' i . that white men shall and must rule it. ces, Tnesdays Ji:;"!?" i Toa th sgges .and Tictories of the 3mmbyft,oy Southern people since the war, he paid j. ml Town creek. . a most LOUCXUnK. wwucuii -- . i ouuu a r-ir rrf Atnrv atthisooint darsaod rridaTS...----; .6.00 A. aL of his speech wo. have seldom heard Xorlhcrn throaghd way maiis....7 A. M. equaled and never suwssed. southe-... yiu eonecxeu rrom strec dojl Tho clam trees iu and around tho Lti45P1L city have on a second crop of blossoms. . i jw r . m t W)CrVl AflTTl-' I CtsmfM ho genueman can w cVitrT wbenltaoo is ckod. w pletely without Boston G-S sale by Ptes. . IT '""TT-- m - I - Stamp Office open rrom m ,r s i r Moner order and Register UeDartn-exU open same as stamp otace. 1laiWlOTJe in small quanti-le. at general Shetland Shawls ! -s - t't . -'. . " 36 MARKET STREET. Extraordinary Bargains I DRESS GruODSl ' A LLT1IE LATEST NOVELTIES IN SAT ina,- Sarrah and Brocade; 'Sllkf,' Jfoht An tlrrrtA nAAl'F 1VkitA Vnia 1a1m a auovi MmHji i IAJlS 0 T CIUUk IPVl'I ftMMf Y.. w. - .11 . - W PoWtlj Jfr VIN' K Witt vi Bt-wlAA mV,mm A w VliO w m .-A BU AA4ssa w SVk J av MA4 , wtlk - - - A A. - k White Goods In erery style, texture and quality possible. irjque, xucuna;, unen ana unen utir&s. Embroideries 1 -u vwuiiuj. auuuvai nun ail 4Mvl itff U 1 passed in Workmanship andrrloe. r --j i : (. Laces Imported from almost every country, bought ana soia as special jods. GLOVES I HOSIERY ! CORSETS ' i.i HANDKERCIirEFS, COLLARS, SCARFS. RIBBONS, i FANS. PARASOLS. In endless variety and astonishing Low Prlees. f -.1 Housekeeping Goods I LINEN A COCTON SHEETINGS, DAHAflM, BROWN & RODDICK 5 and 7 Nortli Front St. XTTE ARE CLOSING OUT THE B ALAN UJS of our Stock of the bbove. Just suitable for cool evenings at the Sea shore. ' ! - I - i q ! 50 Pieces Turkey Red I Damask. fast colors; 1 OOcPBRYARD! BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front St., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Napkins, Towels, v MEN and BOYS' WEAR, LADIES' GENTS' A CHILDREN'S GAUZE MEI1IXO UNDERWEAR. - In short everything; desable for an oaUt, ana at irices inat aeiy compeuuon. Call and save money by patronizing june 18 36 MARKET ST.! School Books. mEACHERS AND PARENTS WILL JIND JL -I i I '- " I It to their advantage by giving me a call be i "H ' fore purchasing. Alraostovery kind of School IIEINSBERGERTS. OM TITE BEST Book can be had at FR A LARGE STOCK Manufactories can always '.'.,.' reasonable prices at j j - a ug 30 be found at most UEINSBERGER'S; live Book and Mnslc Store School Books! Sohool Supplies ! LADIES' HAND SATCHELS, aug 'it John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND ' 1 PERFUMER, . . " , . 29 MARKET ST WIL3UNGTON, K. a TiCANTTFACTUKER OF PABISLSf BKii- 11 J lantine. Friction and Loslon. Also, ex tracts. Colognes, Kenwer. Ecno1 ana uatr Aug 27 tracts. Colognes, Beau tiller, Hair VUB. Tonics, ; uenovator. . uungaruui , w""1! Dyes jof every shade. - ; Groceries! Groceries! T ACON, MEAL, FLOUR, LARD, MOLA8- sea. Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Crackers, J Can dy, Soap, Starch, Lye Potash, Soda, Bread L Preparation, Tobacco, Snuff, Matches, Paper Bags, Glue, Hoop Iron, Bungs, Spirit Casks. Rivets, Powder, Shot, Caps, Hay, Corn, Oats. For sale by Kereliner & Calder Bros, SPECIE puRsrs, and a handsome line of Fancy Stationery. r.-iL' aug 27 C. W. YATES j ' ; ' Bookstore. We Have the 'Best!. ' ' 1 - ..mil) CA CENTS HAItt JIUWAU ill Uli. AUo an elegant assoTtineni oi rancy uoous. Drugs, Medicines, kc which we rteelvt by rery steamer. Come over and see tw. ' : MUNDS BROS.. aug 30 ' , ' Phannaasts, Brooklyn ; A Lady Says V"1 THAT THE MATTRESS: WE HAVE Just male over for her Is so comfortable that she will send down another. Our Upholster tog gives euual taUstsCwon, Ii you wish xair. siuare work aivi not a nnrneu iot. lesTeyour. orders at 8. JEWirrTO ! augtu , - g?N rrontPfa Only A Small Lot Loft QP THOSE JilCEjSUMlIER GOODS WkScH will be marked down to cloieout. j X will la ft few weeks lay In a larger and halaotaer. stock of ,MILLT5ERY and FANCT GOODS than I have, ever had. ; - . i Ispectfally,';-: o.i MISS E. KA ACS 23 iii.i

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