vra will be glad to receive eomntalcailsa from oxtr friends on any and all snblecti t JOSH T. JAMES, .niroK AXDFKOPKICTOK. The name of ; the writer must always t fa nlahed to tb Editor. V I r . : j. Communications most be wxtttea ea, eal . '..-! i :l .rlITICNS POSTAGE PAID: 51 Fix months. $2.00. Three i"0' .. . i fil: One month, 55 cent. one side of the paper. 1 1 Personalities must be sroMed. ' " . 1 8,V" r mill I delivered l.y carrier free any Iart of UH5 rJlr' l lb abTC And It is eicclaUy LaI 1-arUculxrly cad stood that the Editor loea not ahrays eador Ixs views 6T eorrepondenU unless so , In the editorial colamns. i ' r i p ., i,,-rtor and UbcraL . .. rtrrvr rr WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 1882. NO. 209. . -.-il--r mui I -"J I -- t -. ... .n sin! all TAIL I V I 1 VI VIEW. rj;,j:,J, iu the ritrf mtnintfon.J the up the LOCAL NEWS. UCtl TOUW AOVERTIUMEIU. an J( W l.ir-Vliirrnt & Iwnwi rm an TUcrv arc poiuffltx-3 in the iV.ud alcs . V. t rfittnn at this port vet-1 T. ? ii bales. i.,ic.,m.cac Ufore the ci . .. Tf dinner wasdrunkand Btcnccd to one day's ;mr.nm:ant. ' . . - .1... i.i.r, imo nni i - - .i r . T trn. I telauiidatrcaiouaoiepowaw. . . t -i 1 1 v rim;u:p i'tw'.wt -r- I r m a. irrir i ii. i iih u i is-" r-ctl and sailcil hence yesterday for as Xitr York. I There was a rise of 6 inches at Fay- rl". tin to Thursday morning, but cm inch of this had fallen off before the U-sri left ou tliat morning. Mr A. Y. Wilson is erecting on his j r:nianl. in the southern portion ou - . .. 'e ritv. a large planing mill, the capaci- i..e iina M .i. tjcf which will be 20,600 feet per day Thtre was shown in our ofiico yestcr ,i; ach blosson. vrbich WA a thii city. Messrs. Mack & Fennell made a .riti. i , r nn nff MaaonDoro on - . 1 1 "-4"' w" ,7 77-7 1oTfro r,no Thursday and caught . 4.070 large fine l n.r".ta ThA limilwas made with five . . , , T.Dff I Land' and made D14 UUULUlt JLwww cowl that. n. n r T,Wm T .Ti.. will fill pulpit sr ra anselical Lutheran Church on bunaay next, tea morning and evening, at the usual hours (I sernce, prcacuiug u Mr. S. A. Crate has resigned the posi- . I . I -':,- Arrant rr t ha 1 J A I L Y lUi. uuul" v,lkjwbw- - - i x ir.w. he having engaged in another hvn. The list is now in the hands ofMr.J.H.rugh, who wiU receipt for amounU due for subscription. The work of upholstering the scats in ... it-.,0 ,.. me l-ar-iucue 01 me kj " - nmmuTtctHl tpsfpniav. The building!.. w j - I ii being rut in thorough repair prepara- u-jtoJfr C.B. .Bishop', appearance tore. That's strictly busmtss. . . . ... 1 1 .!T.a"V :.hT" lanre drum-fish one of which large arum usn, one 01 wuiou was over four feet long and required all liamls to land it. They also caught I 1-.l : T ,ntr alsn nannht a skip very large number of blue fish, or jack. Mr. A.S. C randy ,a graduate of Chap- r.. v ,!. .i,:r,.ii,rm;nfr ion. Mr. Grandy is a brother of 1W. Grandy, of Chapel Hill. He is !.:gLly recommended for this position ly Ir. Battle andilr. J.'H. Uorner. Imports of Cotton. From the books of the Secretary of t-e Produce Exchange, we learn .that the exports of cotton from this port for the crop jcar which ended August 31st, foot up 137,755 bales, of which 73,875 erc domestic, and 63,833 were foreign exports. This is against 50,032 domes tic and eo,b0 foreign, a total of 119.842 in i?c. showing an increase for the Jear just closed of 17,806 bales'. To Builders and others Go to J ACO i Lr Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . Yesterday's Kxcurslou. The excursion on the 2Upor yester iiy was not as largely attended as some oihera of the season, but everyone had pleasant time. The party was not Iirje enough to crowd Uic lxat, and there was plenty ot elbow-room. Ve arc pleased to know that the gen temcn in charge realized a sufficient souut to cover expenses. Two Crops tills Season. Mr. J. H. Savage, Superintendent of the poor house, has made two crops of IrUa potatoes this season. He dug his rtcrop some timd ago and planted tbe small nubbins which were about the size of pistol balls. Yesterday he U3S his second crop and they were as ae ai anv we have seen -this" season. Mr. Savage tried it only as an exper- Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for mouth of August, just closed, foot l.'JOl bales, as against 053 bales for corresponding month of last year, increase this year of 551 bales. The receipts lor the crop year which closed August 31 "foot im 137.311 bales, as against 1111,713 bates in 188 1', an in- crease this vear of 17.028 bales. "V .7 ' -"-"17" I For the Wilmington District Methidist E. Church, South, fourth round, in part: 1 : I ! Wil'mmgtoitVrontSt. ...Sept. 17 a?.7P- m- "W:'rzSr: X"" -'il ROBT. O. BuKTOX, i i ' rrvi 1 1 1 1 ri f.ii it'r. i I- A wlvnlu w v AUUAIU. I Tk.,:ni.Amnnthnr AntmattliRfium. r nuAW;v:n. T,;0rrf von " I r i f..-1 i. 11 i iul. aasj Laud a h i w a w follows : ! , a m v m a i I AJluul'Afl' I I Steamers 7 6,231 tons Schooners 13. ...... . 3,294 " 9,515 tons 19 - FOKEIGX. 6 r r-or l I jjaniuco f wus This makes -a total of 25 vessels, AurinTi and fnr5im. aircrresratinflr 12.- jlum m - r" 7 T I - 052 tons . . ' 1 Handsomely Said. eTo fcw ff hanme take charge of the freight oflice 01 tno R.&P.R.R. in that city: . , a ViPtt-pr ftnnointment could scarcely nave uwu mauo. icioviai .uv-.v-av i i damaii a i i-nrvmirxifro . . . . i . i ofhis efficiency at Wilmington jusunes q well-W I genial vr; roiin!Qn h vrv soul i of I .rT:r,V-" n win inLNew Hues, Doners, mrnaces, louiuug UUUUl UUU UlTiWlJ M i I Vinrinia the deserved popularity he en- ioved in the State of his nativity. Hen- neLt. of the Soc. and Drinkard, of the t look after the ex-jour- Kather Too Previous Yesterday mornia . If . . ... called on a magistrate and asKed tne 01- . fieialtogo withhlmto a re3,aenM m t;. 1 rorrv him M ho Snuire l IU13 WUf ouu J I i . j a j ti lUornPoL consent u " tZin ant groom that he would be there in about an Hour, eusuoe pu - clean vest and wipcu ou uu uuu uu wi trt thft house, where he met Mtt'frTnm. The suDDOsed ww . r bride - elect was sick in bed and tne o us- v a ury-a .Tik(Hi I uce W usuueu uv.i i - . lirftnse. which was handed him, when the . W up iA bed andve- .tnMllhehfli she asked the man what - : . . . ! . l . VrinmntT' a magistrate maryheV when she had rhSS -UM. nave ner uiroakcm, u B1,miMm. The ex- the river than marry aim. ner - determinaUon and said he thought DeCUlUl tlWiU Hivu v - :. I Iip wnuld marrY him ll no uau evcrjr I " - , . , ,. thinn fixed. He wooed and she wouldn t. imufaUAcu. - (( I Freshwater rerch.Trout and, Black j, - fish hooks and lines. A full asaurv ment and lowest pnoesatJACOSi S.T lersonnl. Col. Wharton J.Green, our stanoaru- I i i . i I usn and the next Representative from th,s district, arrived here Thursday n.ght and stopped at the Purcell House aoeaks at Ixng Creek to-day. ne rvii. is. it. aioore, wuo u w w 1 , I. m WAn nAtt fined to the house for a week past with .tf.nt nf lever, ihas been able to appear among us ain, .C. Moore i? Creek tc-day but his physicians -tnnonslvarrainstthe ven-1 H?rn that he has been forced to abandon STlto He wufte heard from later the idea. Mr. aiTSn who has been ab- . vrtr, n n visit to relatives sent. 9 7 , ; ri a Hreen Mountain biaie, rciumw .ti home from a visit to x or v, .7c,.t. Wne Tisitcd Saratoga dur- uuu "- ing his absence. gbisabsencc. - J - Capt. Washington! caueu E. B. Dickson also reuirneu near Fredericksburg has been North for a month pa?1- Mr. W. Harriss Northrop and wife returned to this city Thursday night aQr making a tour or tne nou ing places at the North. Mr. Geo. Welsh. I one oi the Arion party.rcturned to the city last nlsht af- I 1,;. r. nr1 relatives in ir. TTn lvincr much im - J "ruTenteved to trip. Bound Over. Pendleton, the Rocky Moant Repob- Hcan postmaster, who was arrested for robbing the mail and who is charged with, stealing $16, was bound over to the U. S. District Court, at Goldsboro on Thursday. The evidence is ' said to be stronz azatnst him. He was one of those persons who have been paying voluntary contributions to VMy dear Hubbcll." Still Ahead. The Charleston News and Courier, of yesterday's datejxmtaius a statement of: the ! transactions in naval 'stores tiv:. Kf w.'imSmrtnn Rim take th " ' T" ""hv h. JkB. in which has been Junary lurnisnca us. .... . .. .. . . . . i Tim fllrwinfr fir Lhft LTSnSACLlOnS in I v",. Tf?mo the two cities during the time named opinus. xwsiu. i ... ioa jiwa s V ilminrrtnn 1.414 lOO.jrj I Charleston 65,461 ..... .264,645 . . 1 . I l5ai. lor wumiDgtonu,j a, - xrnir,rnn RtAAm Saw , . - v w- Mills. i t- 1 jviessrs. JNoruiron as ummiug uave been busily engaged for the past two I montn3 putting up anew mill and mnmns ir . . s u 7 w-1 Tf Tir;"uv ments to their establishment, thereby increasing their capacity at least 50 per i. . rri i nn vAnr I nna'c i w. . I Improved Heay, MUl.which issuppUed - - .."ITW . ai Wadesboro "Liberals" inAn " : v. 1 i iiiuaiio wici uivi wm i a wrv wrrv u mi him iim u m lazams over ioixy Years sku. uu uave - . erected .in its stead a Handsome one . whlch contains 80,000 "brick, stead a handsome . .. saws, edgers. etc., have been put in, a. and the machinery throughout is almost -fi-w now -. ThAMnaAltvofthe mill fohamber per day. Double circular saws, one above tne oiner. - - - old fashioned upright ones. The . . . 1 111 W n.yul inotnn H Af lh knSUSni, Voa hAon Anlftrmi Ana Ibe mill ,:n r. LT Zul " 0i:a I, -..Itvrl nrStk now HllriPJ. 1 BrMct iiieaaia. j.iwv o I r, rfvr.lr to resume operanuiia 11 Their raUl asjt now stands, with its new lftcir t'v(lments. v ia' the South', . TTTR TIATLS rrmu r.ina and arrlTe at the City Post r;rwr . : CIX)SE. . . Vnrthm throueh malls, fast... ?t - w. v malls. ...5.40 A. M. gSSSJS.ao P. M. and 5.40 a. m. "tfacffi mg a. iKft Baihu.......5.40A.M. isnnthern aiausiorau pomwoMUM., w!'u""" ' '8.00 P. M. Maiiforcherawanaiwiuisvu-- road.: v---"v----ii-8-00 r aianTfor points between Florence mp m. . ITa.. . " yifcC wz' jVZL ,"7"im p. M. except ouuiiajf. Qnsiow c. il and intermediate offl- v Muifttr nd Fridays 6.00 A. at. 0 A MVO J aSSSu. A. M. TLXMm A r ... Mails for Hill. Town Creek, Shallotte an Little lure. xue Caroucai Koa....... - OOUHicm .rrr . S?PX7ir isW-g-BS5S "-i-.u. .t.m ifflM ta closed. ' , .... k.. .t.mn ArHM U f.lOMd. Oerral deUTery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays irom ow w . STATE NEWS. . Mo 21. He reports a very interest- I -Ival of religion in hU neighbor- hood, i Twenty-four persons were baptized at Ms pn Sunday Charlotte Democrat: Work on the SIuS: " i idlr The ' first bnshclof . . j .us-intrthfa vear. new coru Ti iT Tlr -if rw, A WJh&oTt Rea. ana w wen cureu. , Tarboro Southerner: The trestle at 1 r nMr v 11 son 8ireu Sn brSuitein twenty-four I E0urs. Friday morning he began work I on it, Saturday monun- ""t. Viric:tined "Battle of our townsman, Mr. S. Battle. 1 .wh Mercury: There are only eleTen candidates in thisoounty of ?m It Snndav evening. town xxau .TYf!.. c.llT- Xcn-Mr." ffibTffiS and Saffie Hinson cta c drere upto ggS& tarry HIU J1JT fmm the old folks. lThA Sfltilro did not refuse ana mey I W? Sd9 toppj to o.-.k.-if.ii.:. i..... ...v.iWA.Ai.ifl1Tn,chthotmif. tor mo evauorewiB Charlotte Observer: Mr. Sutton ot Matthew Station,, while. out in the woods cutting staves, came across and captured a curiosity of the animal king dom that would draw big money at Barnuni's circus. It is i an Albino o'possum. The animal is perfectly wnitc and has pinkeyes, and the oldest settler : thereabouts never ; heard - or dreamed of the like before. . I News and Observer: The, cotton season of 1881-82 ends to-day, and We have received over 61,000 bales. Seventy-five convicts are; now at work cn the carp ponds of the State, at Mr. Jesse Taylor's farm, north of j the city. The city is now much ! healthier than the country, it is said. . Very few people are sick here,-with cases "of "any 9 . . . . . 1 . . t importance, uiu in ine country ieer . i i - ,i ir - r the Mr. heavv rain last Monday night. Josl Mitche'J, Uying near the Green, . . .i . . iana JxecK: liauroaa is succeeaing oe jtfui CAiniiaiiivu. w, r-? new life into both Halifax and ScoUand :lxroir ori kqiMa anAwtnwnis snrinc- mflr UD. hall wav oecween ine two, a ' . . ollorl rr;ilo-i7 ThA ra rnari w I nroh- abiv bo .extended either to Palmyra or xarooro, ac au eany uay. m T a Weldon News: On Sunday last two white people, a man and a woman, died afc fte house Wh0Se combined ages asrereirate 191 years.- The woman was 115 vears of affe and the man 76, m. - . i xt kv. v vf I fiere IS ill! UUUUt auuun 1110 www we do not believe thev were anybody's body servants. One day last wees: a nearro woman with two children arrived here seeking aid to get to her old home ?n Tnftlr infV. 5hft. stated that she emigrated to Undiana during! the ex- . a . j . Jim n- rkiino Taxr&r Nno immn 1 1, titv ill iiii:uil -rrh oTe e of her destination. son wen, mere are none. . a gen i v'."- x.r J . -i- i TifTna.ii m mis couufcv iuw i i - - . itinmon in t.hia vknntv hai xweriLV-nine children. We saw a curiosity m children. erM7LWV the back yard of Mr. J. A. Little in this nlace a few evenings since. It was a . 'flnnr:sh:n(r r,he?rv vine crowin- out 0f a china tree some ten feet from tne 1 c Mr - " ground. Une day last week, juiss Mattie Williams, the lOyear old daug KXM iS barrus county. She was on a visit to 1 m .tiMS. MlQ WOttl OV.r OH WV MIIlf-MlUVy to Misenheimer's mQl, which was near ... . n thfl -u she Dlaced her i rJ . , : . . 'ji i J otiaff that: tima mmn V rft- " wkTm he took I iT-rklirintr nn finflinf it Waim hir apron and placed the endof it upon i i v,. nv oAtnA means her anron f w. , , ' , f vanirhfc in the Shalt and aiso nei Siothin?, and she was whirled around at a fearful rate. She was killed almost instantly, for her body was ijemmj mangieu, aim uiuau uiuw wuw; v.v.., before aid could De renaereu uer. Charlotte Journal: .Tnwt. of Davids iTvpTtenkv morninff. in the 71st 1 r t: H e Annav f fli Vipnrf. i year Ol ilia axe, w uiwwj " , J jje was a brother of Col. Wm. J ohn- Mmuvfffl ihl.Uwuu.v . I tt:u a tn nnfAr thft TTniversitV. HwpTujn. e and bis latner, v)i, o. iuureuu. L,rr, nf hoth of these ancestors are nk,nni nnt -nn the window-sill, the I VUI Uku wm v : ... . 1 fiit: wifri trie date 1010. iuc n.u the date 1853. Master Jonn. jr., pro Joa rx ,in in riht under these with II . w 1883. In Hickory Nut Gap, Buth-rr-A vMintv rijrht under theTJhimney 1U1 Vft VMMW , 1" ft ivb- . Mr. v imams. uic v Rutherford, has this year fou fruit i luiuwu wuv - . .. vastlv sunenor market ItSSOTSi E WiUiams sold hi? dried hesat 30 nAttts ner Donna, wnue iue oiuuwij while rmlv hrouirht 15 cents. More than this, the whole product of the single evapor ator he then operated, was sold on the AahovIllA Baarkot, tiffht at nomi- Col. Green's Appointments. Col. Wharton J; Green, our candi- date for Congress in this district, will address his fellow-citizens at the louow- . iimes and places - Creek, Pen Pender county, Satur- Bnrgaw. Pender .eonnty, Monday cw 4th. S .: t.,i: ,f nnd4v Kenansvme, uKi .Jt et bept. I Speaking wiU commence about 11 1 . , t tf ocioc. . Xl 8hirts are 0rn at the sea- Uhore. Dtxb sells the best Another New Lot F HARNESS AJfD SADDLES JUST EE- o iTedandforaateat redaeed prkea.1 A fui of Tronka WVaBsesatpticei to iit tiea. Eepairlnx executed neatly and with dla- patch. J. YL IfaTJ.ABP. 8ncceasor to XlanaM 'M Bowdea, NEW AIVEUTISMENTS. Vincent & Zimmerman A KB HOW OS 11AXI AND KEADY TO enter yoar hous and pat your Fnnuturc, V rncts. winuowg ana waus in penoct onicr. We have toe Upholsterlnsr ana Maitre&s nut tag material on hand as d a nice line of Shades and Shade Goods and onr Wall Papers hare to be seen to be appreciated. Leave orders at sept 2 S. JKWJSTTS, 27 N. frout st. For Eent. ADWELLl NG HOUSE , WITH S rooms. West side of Front St., ik it door North of Airs. Morrison's boardtaz hoaae. between Mnlberry ami cne mat streets. .. water works In the house and good garden attache sept l-tf : GEO. n. XELLET. ine CroVe- rpHIS BEAUTIFUL PLACE IS SITUATE at the 8-mUc post on the Shell Road from Wll ralnarton. N. C. 19 llooms Yacant. September is a delightful month on the Sound. Pig-fish and oysters in. abundance. - sept 1 ' ' r . . I ; The World Over YOU'UAT LOOK AND THEX YOU will find all kinds of goods cheap as the cheapest at PABKER & TAYLOR'S, , i ; 19 South Front St. aug27 Only A Few Left! W E HAVE ONLY A FEW OF THOSE SERGE BUTTON' BOOTS left, that we are closing out at cost. ! 1 ! ' Better call and secure a pair from GEO.1 B. FRENCH A SONS.' aug 31 j' 89 NOrth Front St. Shetland Shawlo I BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front St. XTTE ABE CLOSING OUT THE BALAJiCM of our Stock of I the above. Just suitable If or cool evenings at the Sea shore. , 50 Pieces Turkey Bed Damask. GOc PJER YAED ! BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 North Front St., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ang 7 John Werner, 1 1 i PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND :'.,:." : PERFUMER, MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C MANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN i"" lan tine. Friction and Lnsion. Also, Ex tracts, Colognes, Beauttflcr, Hair Oils. Tonics, Renewei? Renovator, Hucrarian Cosmeue, and Hair Dres of everr shade. 1 , ; Groceries ! f Groceries ! "DACOS, MEAL, FLOUR, IARD, MOLASj ses. Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Crackers Can- dy. Soap, Starch, Lye, Potash, Soda, Bread Preparation, Tobacco, Snuff. Matcbec, Paper Bags, Glue, Hoop Iron, Bangs, rii Casks, RireU, Powder, Shot, Caps, Hay, Corn, Oat. For sale by .,- Kerchrier & Calder Bros ; an 27 SO. " , NEW A I VEKTISEMENTS. SUMMER GOODS ! AT rJ3. W. II ATj Z vt, S8 MARKET STltEET.,s Extraordinary i Bargains I 1 DRESS: GOODS lX.THXlATESTLj;qVEl.TlES IH SAT ins, Snrrah ami Brocade EUki tloire An Uquc.rinscl. Eoule. Nun's Telling, BennLa nunungs, all wool Beiges, Lawns, Soersntkerm, Percals. Ac Ever so manr stYles and abadaa With Trimmlnffs to match. I i 1 White Gbbds' :- 7: In everr ttyle, texture' and quality possible, t V? jrique, xneamg, unea ana xaen 14 was. j Embroideries In Cmbrles, Nainsooks and Swisses MJTXT passed in workmanship anarrwe. j Laces Imported from almost every coantrr. booth t and sold as special jobs. ' II GLOVES I 1 HOSIERY I COBSETS ' ' v hi i HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, ' SCARFS, RIBBONS, . . ' i . VEILINGS, CREPEING2 , I ' 1' - ACRKPEVElCs,! ' ! 1 VANS, PARABOIJS, In endless variety and astonishing Low Price. Housekeeping Bbods I LINEN A COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, Napkins,! Towels ji Ii HEN and BOYS' WEAR, I i! LADIES' GENTS A CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. i I In short eTerythlnjr desirable for an outfit. ana at irnccs tnat aery compeution. 1,1 Call and save money by patronizing I u-, rj. c3. katz jane 18 38 MARKET ST. School Books. i - , ! - I " I I ' TEACHERS AND PARENTS WIIXI JTND h - r . . 1 'j I it to their adrantage by giring me a call be- fore purchasing. Almost erery kind of School 1 Book can be had at HEINSBERGKR'S. LARGE , STOCK FROlt THE BEST Manofaetories can always be found at most reasonable prices at ' ' f 1 - j v ' i nEINSBERGER'Sji 1 ang 80 Lire Book and Music Store School Books! i i ! 1 School Supplies! ADIES HAND SATCHELS, SPECIE PURSES j and a handsome line of Faney SUtlonery.' . C;Vr. .TATES aug 27 ! - Bookstore. We Have the Best CENTS' HAIR BRUSH IN THE CT1T 50 Also an elegant assortment of Fancy. GooO0 Drugs, Medicines, Ac. which we reectre Ij every steamer Come Over and see iisi 1 i . ' MUNDS BROS., i PharmacUts, Brooklyn aug 30 PUE0ELL HOUSE. -TJNpER NEW UASAGKMENT, r . i h WIIauXGTONJ..U ... A1-.. B. L.. PERRY. Proprietor, h -! Lata ProtwieloT Ailantie UoteL " llrSt in all It appolntmenta, . Terms 1M to t day. t - . faaS4f. Only A Small Lot j loft O r THOSE NICE SUMMER GOODS which will uc marked down to ekMe out. . I will la a T ,;rY . .... . . .., if. . : I few weeka lay in a larger and baiulsomcr stock of MILLINER? and FANCY GOODS; " ' "" 1 - l '-;' M' 1 i than I have ever had. v 1 ' RespectfnDy, , .'.'-" f :" i ; hiss e. Kivimil ! : I! i c t Mid is well pleased.

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