,"1 morning. Mondays ex- biubel every 7 r jrewmbegUd to rcttlre eonxjatsleatlsa from our friends on any and all tiblec"" reaeralintarertb; .KA ,iVut lTnnTr msil T. JAMES, . , - The name ol Pe wrifexttnarahraTi U fa, nlabed to the tktorC ' 'p- " " , j Commnnlcattoca crust be : tiriUeai ca 'al Xprro A5D raorareroa. -...ptiONS POSTAGE -PAID: I u 11 11 M sl PM..- months. $2.00. Three One month, S3 cent. one aide of the paper. ' V J PenoealiUetust beaTpkledJ, 'jr ...i.Hreredby carriers free! V rP?7 trt of the dtr; at the aboe ' T.i ".VL-t tr week. stood tht thjt ttffitAiW& mi I .! rat low and liberal. , VHT TTT WILMINGTON. N." C, SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3 1882. NO. 210 he lxtjqttUtorlal jo n.tiU ntxicxo Tuts the tarsal , f ie ciraihtiion. of any netc'sptpcr j LOCAL NEWS, ,I2U TQjlWiOVTIUttEMT. U.ik.-"-11'1 lrItl.B-,twn'it', ,n-n Cotter, j nurtB-ThcfUt- M iv." t. W Tan-v-a!01 1Wok .sA-Old Ship. pA.in A C-To Arrive w-oktii A WouTii-Ciroccrlei . j if tux-Jvil AUcrtbment. f . , j fx a icH-Kflaforcci Shirt j t MtviHoN-l resU Peaches 2Bu:c.tK Send Me a Leaf. ;v. J Hti'WCK For Early Fall. t KABKLB-Marketl Down j U mjuxjuu Another New Lot Vj Wiio5 MasMsc PuvvGrove Jai uBi-To Male Home Beautiful Beo A Uoddicx Shetland Shawla X A witLABi-Mar?lna Celebrated. . E sruiMitn A Co Rice riauters jlrsi BEi-We Hare a Full Line. rntu ATATLOtt Should You Want, itirn Jt Pickett Very Best Hams. Y c xiuxk Turnip and Cabbage Seed Jso L BoiTWRicnT Bepaeked Lemon? ii.... n.i..ralfL rrl H.E. ACaLDtBBaos-Lard. Bacon. ..iRU-Gcneral Commlalon Mer- jo. w. Goedox BaoInsure Your Cot t.lGl&. lhi's length 12 hours and 51 ininnUs. .... -A. OK minnfoa I bausct mis aiicrauuu M w joociocx. . . . .1- i The receipts ot cotton at this port yes Urhs foot up only 2 bales. Thero"were no interments in Bellevue Caetcry during tho week. Zphjr, all shades and colors," at IUiis's, 30 Market street- t Only one interment, that of a child, ia Oikdale Cemetery during the week. Ouly one aJult and two children were ialcrrediarinc Forest Cemetery dur inr the week. ' ' ' ' ' Marrie licenses were issued to two cxap!cj daring the week, both of who we re colored. Fire hundred Shetland shawls, at IUhn's, 37 Market street. - f Anjthing in tho hardware line ) can be found at reasonable priced at Jaco M'S. t ! We understand that a movement is oa foot to establish a cotton seed oil mill in this city. The steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. Ingram, from New York, arrived at ter wharf in this city yesterday morn We understand that the Greenback crs will hoM a nominating convention in te Court Houso to-morrow and will I ut out a fall county ticket. " Housekeeping roods. Fine assort- at HAirs's. 33 Market street. X a . . The Jubilee Singing Club will gire an op?a air concert In the Opera House l'art to-morrow "night. The Enter Vrlie Urj$ Rand will furnish the in rumul uasio and the Jubilee Club H rea!e their listeners with songs, IUa,etc. They are six in number aj are said to sing very nicely. Foster's 5-hook kid " gloves, worth 1.25. sold for 50 cents, as IIahn's, 33 Mirkct street. . City UourU Four colored men were charged with Wl and boUterous cursing on the taxis and abasing an officer. They cre finetl $5 each for the oflence. They paid $00 into the City Treasury departed. Fire hundred pieces of flannel, all &s, at Hahn's, 38 Market St. t linrvestloff BJcq. The rice planters of this section have wxxl upon a uniform price for har eitinj rice of -2 per acre, for reaping, buxJini and hucking. This is equal to cents cr day for the usual task if ft ore U douc more s made. They &ink for good handiiitis $1 per day. To Builders tfnd others Go to Jaco b's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, f. lou can get all sizes and at the est prices. New Hose lie el. ThcriHtnix Hose Reel' Company, No. 1, has been organized with the fol lowing ofliccrs: ' . ! Jo!m IJradlc3',JForcmau. j Cornelius Hayes, First Assistant. Ceo. Pedmou, Second AssistauL The company. is composed of yomis colored men of this city, j Broke iU Toe. ii' , A honkf attached to a cart J hi which 1 ' were . three little . children was left standing jcsterxlay . aftermxm Ion the corurr of SevenilanOKr streetsidnkl tobe on fire. V A policWan got by C.H. Thomas, xT6mfr The horse iook ii igufc mm uuuuii vii ua a iiui gai- lrr tlimwinw two nf the childrnn out.' The animal in his mad career ran the cart into a wooden awning in front of Mr. H. UutafTs fitore, knocking it down. Alio lai msr iimocrs orotc me big toe of tho child, which was in the cart, and also cut a severe gash over its . i.ii ' a I hurt. Let Us Have It. t., ja I ivaienuuJmkwiBici effective organization of a Musical As- sociation, and some or her best citizens har Pntmrro in the movement. This is just what is sadly needed in WU- O.o, I minPtnnand we hone that some of our 1 prominent citizens will take the matter : . . .. inhand.sotnatwemaynayeanassoci. ation which will reflect credit upon our a nroll na nrvrin fVio ritv I uiiuiuu uMcuif r" I There are many excellent Yocausts anu IHSiruuicnmusw ""c, uj r"" ana assoaauun, numu umu, Ptent to render thi Ume music of the masters MadDosrs, AuuMli.. ; YterdSy mominZ W dogrushed into the PostofliCQ and frightened tno clerks and others' nearly out of their . . . . i 15' sion of tne oflice nut wnciuuea, aiier a wawiWOTKWuwreyrac. - .... . At oi mo government au i u . The dog then went into Mrs Wine millinery establishment and fribgtened O.I 1. 1 I 1 1 1.1 1 n VTA I the ladies very badly The rabid am- mai was soon uispatcueu u w hunting grounds of his ancestors. Another mad dog was killed at the corner of Front and Market streets yes terday, morning. More Greatness. Capt. Dolly Browning, who is pos- sibly one ofthe best known men in gtate,andwho is undoubtedly a very 1 ..l.cAfnA wAlh nt. puuu.a uc, u4 . 7::: Has hadnonorssnowercu oniuui His shoulders are broad and his new .'.tQ wlfh lvmln? diimitV . " . .1 TT ' Vwoon tifttn nfUM parties Of liaiuax county ior muv r TTa nn onnosition. ana - - . . r . 1 . . a & w .11. -v w . .til t. :il twiln nn MV Ml I4n4"iv.w ' . ' ' ' ateninto orfice." We know that he ru?eafru.pmoer. We Wet to hear that It is his intention to Tesigu . . ... At.trr s v T?o;irr.H m3po3iuonoaiu...?M.-r-7 but trnst he Will, not altogether aesen his friends in this city, " !' " Y a s- r V 111 x.., lion. 11. Ii. unugrro, spending a few weeics at me mie our i pnnnti WKifo Rnlnlmr crrir r " :r;; wMta ininhur SnrTnia Western Virginia, has re- turned to the city. V . I o . ... i . . .i !.. 1 Mai. F. H. Cameron, of Raleigh, has been in the City lor several aays pasu uu a, i . 1 : mils it- I 1 r- r ur - Smith, who was some Tears" ao Freight Agent at the old Union Depot in this city but who is now Freicht Agent at Columbia of the W. C. & A. lt. R. was in the city yes- " ' terday. . . . ' ' Mr. E. E. Burruss. wno nas been quite sick for several days past, is, we Mnriroe. furniture dealers, has returned Zntn aTextended trip to the North and vhwt. during which he purchased . 1 . l (La Vnrfli anIll . lse stock ofBOods for the faU nd winter tr.db.fad made .number ofim: Icarcs here to-day for New Tork. He to.rcpbiste still farther additions to the alreadyrge cigar manufactory. Ho will be absent twoweks and wUl engage the services of fiflccn more cigar makers for his fac- tory. I ' Mr. A. T.London, of ttownoon a. Hiimnrll Steam Saw Mills, London, S C. U on . brief visit to to ti, in ihia it . . We are glad to hear that air. - to has been so !very sick in Mvers. who New York, is reported as ImproTing porunt connections tor c5"gomTnt,.&e. thUcity. ' I I;.,;'.,;' - fledot mtncemaSrs, but stales if t u:i- rfnmnhild& I5ro .i: , tVi fiMflnii corruDtion The Burning of a Steamer. Last night, about 11:30 o'clock, the I alarm of fire was sounded, cansed bv I the burning of the steamer tanAm, 1 j- u ii n i Vir-r J o c. i ton steamship wharf, between Chestnut and Mulberry streets. The fire when i;rvwprHl w hurstinp- tlirouh the uiscoverea, was oursung uirougn ,uw deck house, near the bow. The haw-. sers were soon burned off and the I on,rinr ,1r?fvl nn ih rirr .and wn RM..ll.i.1,M .w -tt- rfK .. . "I- s 'If ihw.jwu.i.w rw '"Y of Brunswick street, six blocks' from. I when! the boat was moored when dls-i ia a small boat and followed the 1 toT on ner unit kuu suueecuou. iu cc j Inir lir fmm thft nft.va.1 stora ' wharves I The fire-department was out and two of the engines threw streams, but the steamer . drifted away from . them as last as tne nose was laiu. As we write, 12:30 o'clock, the! boat is still burning and will prove . . i nt . J 1 II. I Chas. Wessel, and was insured n a Messrs. Northrop & Hodges, but for , -. . u i. What amount we COUiu uot aswiu. Tho origin of the fire is not known. 1 ' : : 77. . : Mourning gooas in great auuuuauw, w ' 1 j ,1 V.v. 4 w I at uaiin a popular ur, goou uuu Market street. T Wilmlmrton Cotton Mills. - , We were shown throua;h the Wil- 1YlTnfrtrin rsntton iMills vesterdav by Mr. . . - , I v i - i. . I y alter li. Mcxvae, xneanauie oeureuirj i ftnd Treasurert and were surprised to coa f ho nrnfininnnv Ol the haHQS. aOOUL 12q numDer, and the excellent quail- Ly of print doth3 turned out. The mill is situated on Surry, between Wooster and Dawson streets. The main build- .t , A ft- width. " " "hJ; "it was ; built , icrr4 , - t monnFature d ig tho onl mill of liX tOIll iJLLiO3J v the kind in the South. The machinery . Harriss-Corliss -j Mfr?nft of 100 horse nower. Qn Aefiretfloor the spiiminir room, ia wUch are 37 King gpinning; frames, , , . snlndles. A steam B w . m . 1 .1 un n .nil ntAtolll on wnicn is me caru twu uu bom. The company are now putting in a new Kitson picker, which has all tho latest improvements, including a Lord ovener." Adjoining the picker room is now being erected a mixing room of sufficient size in which to mix UlSV.Iao Afnttnn ThA third SLOrV 1 - - - ; r"" w ' nn(1 nTVSP nt - Verr a-1" mwj - r - - busy scene when running. About 2 ArAmn.nmed dailv and T7wh Wamiuiurowu vvwj. I ortttn used in tne mm turns oui. tv ..... flw, ofthe thread spun lrom it. r.v 11 Und9 ' -a mat r r t-j a r&. w n. i n. ... iiibow;hmwow''" . .i.a. t... nf am CAMnit 1A I , none in the country, ineinuiuwuwu "SfS - . nmaa rmndt in rood variety anu at 4 . & ,rwcf low prices, at a, , Col. Green In Pender. Long Creek. Pender Co., N. C, September 2, 1882. . , September! DEAR BEVIEW : EAR BEVDSW : , . Although bur a short notice preceded " m. t- tnjUv still n tiTmssit w large crow SkSS i tlHll. irVIU J . - o . 7 r e -.1 .rl .11 worn nn her best foot forward, and allwere on Up-toe to hear what ir nextngre- m introdUOed by Dr. S. S. Satch I Z. . IlnmnAMtm K i well unairmaa mo isiuuwiv"; fi. rvimmittee of the couxxty Ama is the opening gnn of tb jgSWJ2 wnHhv chairman. Col. Green is a fine speaker. Possessed of a f?UXnd I, attiarti. nltention on 5? Vnd nvindn by his na;fatesman-Tike style. an hoar and a half he.Was inH hezan by saying that he had chal - ienged hts competitor to a ioint canvass pf district, but tto ire of busi-1 1 1.7a nnmntltnr U B lOIDC CaUVaSa Srf witF.bili with.on to .U. ImporUt Mdiniquitj-0f thj ccX toegpab- mdSiifalSS: uVoindood to sit an listen to a speaker who so plainly and clcuenUrin- struct us in Impcba. JSiSj tax rxjnd question, and he cansed alarm by his exi alone 01 source oi me cre"w vt. : "r: the bonds, but ofthe impending tiwifd I a n.vmnt hn enforced by tne as- cendancy 01 me nepuw State . T7 aggressive, tie is accurato iu research of Faftts nnA finro nnrl v!ilontl v lia the couraso to maintain his convictions. Free from all badinaze. levity and stale JotSr ls of . the d,?maJ gogue about him, bnt there is a solidity uvi earnestness pervaiung ma spcccn and manner that ' secures admiration and furnishes his hearers with leod for reflection at the fireside. He is scholar , .mi !1;arr,nrwT.-nH irincrtkmncrii. outhas a tendency to heighten the low standard of political stump speaking. lnat beloved c old ; ilemocraUe war w- nail, luaironu Piy 1.1 K 1T11 1 nriiitft'swfidi nf ahant sin hour. Tl e Colonel was esoeciallT cractical and was listened: toattentivelj, because we all nd iMfS?6 Both speeches have done good for the cause, anu we are nappy u so report. 1 r J ! T, V . W Bennett-Green Club at Bur- .... '.." saw. i HntuiLW. n u.Anjr. 3ist t The Bennett-Creen i Club met at Farmers liotei in Burgaw on tne -mil in HE- Jyr. . TV . J. XjUIICMi WBS t Bland was requested to act as Secretai. Creamou, .Air.u. A. ffJ"l-! dent ana Mr. J . ri. jvioore, oecreiary. rrr?ffvfl nftm.nramPnL4. inv - tation, reception, finance and solicita- tion of members were raised. lt was oraerea Dy ine meeung iaai lUn muuvuuimna nf tho mBAtinnr h CAnr. r rfT"0; pV.T0; Zith reaucst fomublication. A vote of thanks to Mr. brnith lor an hnviffttmn tn mppt at his hotel was opted. The Club then adiourned to meet on Unnav SontomVipr t.hn 4 til fit, 10' , - -ft T fi Chairman. I T TJ AfrTfv RvrAtiirv- AIVlTISE2MmNTS. It in Pleasant - T0 TAKB A TOIP T SMIiroiE ON the MINNEHAHA. She will leave her wharf I 1 thl8 mornln 9 o:clock: rarefor .theround trip W cents. JOS. BISBEY, ; " Master septs Should Ton .Want A KICK PRESERVING KETTLE CALL at ...nm Vnf Iff lTfA . VTnT? T 4 lfTI rUn i suuuiiU iuu haax Amwun iit u . parker A Taylor's. septS WeHaveaFnll Line O P. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles and everything usually kept hi a flrst- class Drug store. Our Soda Water still nas the reputation of be reputation lng the best la the city-, M.VHUO nauo., I Pharmacists, Brooklyn sept 3 ;, I Thft T.ast ' .Trv wTTT,amv nv the season l.iAJmti uaouiw.v., next, Music for I serveu pywiuv ... . . n ui .atb uerouau uiuwwuhi. t. ,1 J. W. HAUrJUt. - Window Shades -rTnTn cord or spring fixtures. W 1 I nnhnltprinsr and Mattress making good, on hand, if work or material is wanted leave your orders at S..JEWETT,S, . 7N. Front St. sept 3 Send Me a Leaf. Tnis K ? HIS IS THE LATEST SONG by Danks, .4? Mff thing he has written, not except--silvr Threads Among- the Gold I UK ma uaj 4...... nig eyen surer anreaas onS .u- fi MVew immensely pular.j as this will . send in jouronlers r j;n(q 1 i muwMuu""--! Lire Book and Music Store. Pianos and Organs. LARGE STOCK septS . . ... For sal at . HEINSBERGER'8- Eeinforced Shirts. ppv vnnvr OR HACK.' CONGRESS Relnlorced 75 cent. if these popular Bblrta we have sold 1 hundreds of dozens in the city, as weU a U . . 1l Untfn tA In the country, ana wemure i w ,-w- . j. V MmmntA. Tha "Rot , - . i ... , ar.a Wamsutta 8hlrt,;wlth tlOO Hnen front, U.Boy-a Shirts an sizes, 73c, Night Shirt 75c ' CoL Dress Shirts rrom. c anu jiw. . Cotton .Drawer. fW 55c. upwards, ueary ' "'I." : " - jki-' wLi rn tivi aeaL 50c Jeaaa Drawers, double lined on tne eas,wc Shirts and Drawers made to order at low g area and a good alwaya gTtarantced. V, J. ELSBACH, sept a Prop. WDmtegton Shirt Factory. , c. P- CV3orriII. TTNDEBTAKKR. CAJSnffETJMAKEB AND CJLBPENTEIL Offlce and "Werlc Shop on See- md street, opposite Southerland; tW:5 uu - Respectfally solicits oraera sj pod work, prompt dcllTery ana tqaapsrarwon qstishz every rxspw. vr - NEW ADVmtTISMENTS. FIRST Stock of the Season ! or FALL GOODS! AT pop or,A r DRY GOOD$ HOUSE. Dress Goods-Dress Goods! IN ALL SHADES AH D COLORS ... , - ! 1 -V FROM THE ;) ' Cheapest tO the BOSt ! rniiil(l.:Li 1 j iwiUUlllilig viuyujj FOR EARLY FALL. IN LARGE - ' VARIETY. HOUSEKEEPERS . TAKE NOTICE THAT 1 - ! YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR IN I I TEREST TO LOOK. AT OUR Towels, Sheeting, 1 J Table Cloths, etc. 500 Pieces 500 Pieces WHITE, RED AND COLORED FLAN NEL, WHICH WERE BOUGHT AT HALF THEIE VALUE AND WILL BE SOLD AT THE SAME. FOSTER 5-HOOK KID GLOVES WORTH 50 Cts. per Pair ZEPHYE-ZEPHYR-ZEPHYR. . . , 1 - . ALL COLORS AND SHADES (AT j 10 CENTS PER OUNCE. ... ( 500 Shetland Shawls 500 WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT FORTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, at r HAHKTS, P- S. The greatest rarlety of Cloakings for Ladles and Chlldrea's early Jfau wear. i Don I -f " "AW OLD SHIP : ' : ' : BUT A NEW CARGO! IJIHE ABOVE COMMENTS WERE KIND ly applied to our establishment during a recent conversation with the clever Editor ot this pa per. Tne application was maae wmie our Wft8 through and Inspecting one or the largest, flnest and kx stocks of Men,s clothilg evr tatroduCd ta, the ConffreS8l,nal strict. Friends, we feel an aversion to any kind of runjxaor blowdto, but candidly, sobekly ripeaklng, (lucky re- ; - ' , ' ' - ' i ! ' ! fii ma tlon) Wilmington and Its adjuncts hare never before had the opportunity of looking upon, handling and buying from such a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING as we shall . ' . ,r"' " ' , ' ; ' exhibit this season. , Our goods are arrlTing dally, and an lnipectlon of the same b earnestly solicited. ' Remember our stock will be second to none In this section, and we are aim ( tA mil rnitAmM ami kMtt i-y- "T . : f I Fair and Honest Dealing. More anon. :. " M ' ,-t--.. ' OTTEBBOUBG, ' KING CLOTHIER. r uauuu, '"1 ...w.-wwww. t fi BOXES SMOKED SIDES, , 1 fi d. 8. SIDES. , h 3 IIUKU BBOUa DilUliijUbl, 10 Tierces LARD, I 50 BuckeU LARD, ? J 50 Hhds Porto Rico MOLASSES, 75 Bbls Porte. Rico, r , , ; 75 Bbls Cuba MOLASSES. " ' 100 Kegs Rice Bird POWDER. J M 100 and Whole Kegs F.C. n n 1 50 Keg3 Blasting, I ... .. ' ft Caes Water-Proof CAPS, s ; 3 Cases Musket CAPS, J 5 ', t Cases G. D. CAPS. j 100 Bags SHOT, all sites I . , For sale by : , i m n . n . 1 ; ' 1 sept , ' i.i NEW' A IYKltTISEMinrT3. School jBookali ; I School Supplies! T A DIES ItAND SATCHEL," u . ..jr'M ,,. V SPECIE PCESES, , . - . . . i - j . ' -;.' 1 and a handsome Hoc of Fancy Statlenery. i . ... C. AY. YATES 1 1 1 . sept S i . - IBookstor&S Insure Tour. Cotton: Gins tN THRtA" ; '-"'V Vi-" VIRGINIA. -FIRE ; AND MARINE, INS, CO Assets $60(),qQO. PIIffiNIX ASSURANCE , CO, 1 OF LONDON. Assets $5,500,000. 1 JNO. W. GORDON & BBO.', AgenU, ( ang l-St-sun , ... WUtnlngtonj C f Foreclosure Salb.V: BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of the Superior Court of New Han over county ,; made ln a cause then pending,, between Rufus S. Tucker, PlalnUff, and, D. B. Cowsn, Executor of M. E. 'BrinUey I5. fl Cowan ana wire bantu . cowan, x. i. auui , - henny, C M. stcdm&n, and Margaret uepiion, TUfanJanfo 4Ko nTidoMtamad tH aVvTVkmfslSlinn . er in said decree appointed, will Mil at tho Court House aoor in tne city or w limmKvon, by public auction, for cash, at 12 o'clock. M. . on Monday. September. 4th, 1882 that lot of; lanq ln said city, beginning at eonuran inter- section of Third and Mmlberry streets, ran- nine thence South on Third Btreet 81 feet, the East parallel with Mulberry street 119V) feet j to a brick wall, then North with waU 81 feet to Mulberry Btreet. and then West with Mul- ' berry street to beginning. The same being tha ; western part of lots 1 and 2 ln block 195. The Improvements consist of a largo '.throe-lXory . dwelling containing 11 rooms, kltcbea, ser vanta quarters, cistern and all necessary out houses. WILKKS MORRIS ' -' i I Commissioner, aug 6t-t, 10, 16, 23, 27 and Sept Ik- ' . " t : Vincent & Zimmerman r.:- I a 1 RE NOW ON HAND AND READY TO f ntnr voiir Loumo and 'nut your Fnrnlture,' 0 Carpets, Windows and Walls ln perfect order t ; WaIiuva the Unholstcrlns and Mattress raaa insr material on hand and a nice line of Shade : ana onaaeuooas ana our an x-iicr ui nv. im uvn to ia annraci&ted. ' Leave orders at - septal- s. JEWETTS, 21 N. Trout st..J f For Kent. A DWELLING ; HOUSE :WJrTH 8 rooms, West side of Front St. ncjet door North of Mrs. Morrison's boarding house, , between Mulberry and Chestnut streets. .Water works ln the house and good garuco attac !septl?S1- GEO. IL KELtte1 T'V HIS UEAUTIFUL PLACE IS SITUATB ' ' at the 8-milo post on the Shell Road from WU mlngton; N. C, 10 Rooms' vacant. " 8eitcmberL Is a delightful month on the bound.. rXg-fiaix' and oysters In abundance., ' L t ED. WILSON MANNINQ.'PrWff.! sept 1 r 4 , : Only A Few Left.-;'".' ' ":. ' - 4. .- j : i .,' I..: ,,;. WE HAY! 3 ONLY A . FEW OF .THOSE . , SERGE BUTTON BOOTS f left, :; "that :W$X1'- closing out at'eost. til irjlit Better call and secure a pair from : Jnoi'V ; GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS.'l r - , .... .'. . .j aug 31 Ano'therNew.IiOt il-,tl OT HARNESS AND SADDLES JUST EX cclred and for sale at reduced prices.,. A iul - - " 1 :" "vi ; . I ur 1 line of .Trunks and Valises at ptlcet to.'fult " the times. . . "-v-Uml Repairing executed neatly - ana wUSl & ' patch.' J. U. MALLARD, Successor to MallajHl Jt iJowdenJ'-'- aug 20-tf f . 1 No 8 FToat.StreeL PTjR0En: house; Wri'MTNGTON, If. C , . I T.' TKTrnYl Prowrtetor. w Late Proprietor rAUanfle HoteL-Flrrthillxi. In all IU appointment. Tenns tXM tofX . , Only X Small liot-Iioft . - .v. r 4:4 till -UHrtii iulJHil o 1 fib F THOSE NICE UMUrilObMirticb J wlU be marked down to elo out." I will la a , few weeks lay In a larger and wndomer,fi. stock of MILLINERY and FAKCTvrOOPS" than! have erer had. . ;l v't: H--;' MISS E. .ILaX h aug S3 , . ,d'i.: .1 .t" John X76fnbr,v5ti PRACTICAL' GERMAN BAEStS ! ACT,: I ; PERFUMER,.,.,., J 1'!' m rAXUTACTCRER 'OF PACXSL1 XT ;": Jl lantlne. Friction and, IwloAls Lx-i uTCol5ne. iSSSS' iimtvcr. lienoTBtwr, nd iiair Drea ot ercry shade. - 1 aasST j. . :ii: