NOTICE. k i 1 j . av l "a . cepteu. jOSH T. JAMES, .,nV8 FOflTAOE PAID: If.. u booUm, fa. 1 ok- One aaouUi. " .Mil he delivered by M' .w wirt of the cT. ricssSs . - " ., . -.r jn l BMP mrevort all U l ... .heir patr rcguterly Ihni Hcrinc has the large rirrfilaivnt, of assy mwspar at the - m The Daily REVIEW i. OCAL NEWS. AOYtRTU VOL. VI. WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1882. NO. 211 THE M.WI.ST SHOW AMD THE BIOOEST. Sj 8. H. Barrett & Co.'h Now Uni ted Monster Kail road Hhows. This lie went as well as most colossal Sneakintr at Bnrsraw. Board of Aldermen. x a " . 4a A I if i r, ... ir l lie tfoawi of Aldermen met in regu- W T Knnntt Chairman ot the Pender I 'r monthly session yesterday afternoon. . nMAn.nAtinttf7iiiK .nrmriiuvxl at 3:30 o'clock; present. His Honor, sfVal lsaw-a im a iiaaI liltl. uraCatfWaK 1 r Mavor Win. L. Smith, and Aldermen part of the Filth Ward East of Seventh street to constitute the 2nd Division ol the First Ward. The Boord revised the jury list lor the ensuing year, and the toUowing good an We will be glad to from oar friend on a but of the writer to the Editor. always be fat ar And a a.perbiTty M parttcajarr east stood that the Editor dies not always be views oeorreon(lent9 antes so in the editorial if .i ... . .. ii i it.. ut..l a '. . lai m i 1 1 and lnwful me-ti were drawn as .tutors This newest as well as most colossal Enuett spoke of the great pleasure it wwua., iiuggiua, nuu, - - of all amusement enterprises will posi, afforded him to say that the good people Northrop, Chadbourn, Tellair. Samp- j for the next Criminal Court, to bc hekl . , . r:, .... m . . . -L-i. a tmm. .u L sAm and Willis, i the first Monday tu October, 1 . K. baa ever been announced here. Not only are its bright and costly pictorials displayed on every side, tor miles around, and its illustrated newspaper aod program roes scattered like snow flakes, but there is solid emphatic style in tin manner of present in" its .ci ' TO IEW tlivtte fsasaas mi n r'tMirth lae . u arwl Me a Leaf. ii J V inter UiMMSB t Wn-We Have receipt oTcotton at this port yes- fu. up 23 bales m The steamship Wg; new 1 J itftdays ol tuc avwM. "v. . r.,r those cool uiffhts. tint aa 1 Frb' IVrch.Trout and Black oksattd lines. rk jun Wjarest prices at i acoai a-i .. l(,,r,r.,lt UyacoUardplant which was 7 L( high and 3 feet across in wy. m EtTuwa by Mr. U. L. Bordeanx. Tbe ' Electric shirt is provided with arrk band of ordinary construc- which a collar is attached. A u wear it as a dress shirt. Foe -ale by lyer. ' At Borraw, Teste nlay. Mr. A. (i- nfthicitv. the couimissioner he case, sold at public auction, un- foreclosure. 5,600 acres of land, be- to the Pisford estate, at $2,875. Krst National Bank of this city the purchaser. behind Time. I d to W o'clock last night the steam . MAMAa had not arrived in this nmmm - - - Telegraphic imiuiry with Smith A revealed the fact that the steamer ikM si 3 .an o'clock. We un hand that a colored excursion rt j vent down on her yesterday. The nation is that she has broken down luerlreraadis watttng tor a tow. Col. Green's Appointment. . Wharton J. Green, our candi- . a . oil date far Congress m this district, win his fellow-citizens at the follow- b,adpa:- . Kenansville. Duplin county, luesua, I Sept. jth. Beaufort, Carteret county, Thursday, ISept Tih. Sneaking will commence about II Hfluck a. in. 11 Persoual. Maj. T. C. Conrtney, Assistant Su chatendent of the Richmond, Fred- .rvksbur & Potomac R. It., was in I tk city Sunday and was warmly wei- I bf his friends here. Mr. James Wilsou. of this city, is now in Saratoga. Cape K M. Mc I nt ire expects to leave here to-morrow for the Northern mar i kets. where he goes to purchase his v : Ftfl ami Winter goods. Snirltn and Rosin. The following is a comparative state- Hat ot the receipts of spirits and rosin I far the years ending August 31st, 181, hai August 31st. 18W: wTl ' Wa t AS AAaha mm rt c . -wi i i j l t 1 1 ' wni v kiil a:i cu a uj mijr' i - .aiik a - - - . m m nana n nn nniui i i. . r, . - 4 x w Hlt'. b.rr.U;., jo .ay ... . ait oiner p.-wu f ---- - ' SarannnS-Sl ?0i casks spiriU and 8HU; raiiroau ir..u w-- i .nai i,'ua . I . t . aaasa as. K 3 K,..U roain in It' I. :mU 77.0W 1 lie special T.- - a firiteand 309.834 barrels roam in found Mr. &M there d the, -ded M -JM a ioint discussion and the iiat has si- m 4 " i rpHv ironp forth that Canauav cot a severe rasping. Col. Green did not sav this, but that is the verdict of the J w audience present at Lillington, ,.,l?SaSaa and .d that Horth others, to ijakMaaa comer of Fourth and Nixon, and Fourth and Taylor streets. Adopted. The SDecial committee on the pur- chase of the Market House reported ;lv ovhiKit at WiliniiiL'tt.n on Mon- , ,! I Vi.iUr w.-r.' full v nni.ed in the in- I SOU and W llllS. j... u - V-"A f,MUniii,n.n.n.;m w Pn. The committee on Public Ruildiugs . ..1 I a 1 f . I A.Z . I ,.l nf ft b the best :idvertise4l show that der was reaxly to do her duty in the No- wad grameu inrwier lime u a mmm V ember election. inc ini" ocreet oucaet nuusc uu 'i r,.r..n1 .iH mm. repairs to the Idttlc Uiant engine wi i i vaii voiuv ava nM w forriMA ari?u- House. meuts it has been our pleasure to listen The committee on Fire Department, l a a a La,4ia I aa im ine uiaupr o nugu anjrv n.. .td tt.tho mi action .inioht he reported progress w o ! . . . r . j ui. a. t t .. i t- ( Ainrman v ortn inoveu tuaL uic n. i'ini marnxT mu m i m i mi iiiii m mm - asiv iT i ww, . ... , . . i 1. ntt..niiiMi t Ha efafAji tlu. hjfc nan intrifArt WUIlulUCC Uil r uc c -aimiv... Claims WHICH l'UUlill.uia , ncscm. no nuiiOT oiitwi w .uv . . . -w- r . and beret conOdencc. It i con- him to meet him nd only about ten tnoroeo aun aireoo u, ir, .pieaou. for not indulging I? tow rtl .Py - 'u'rZ'. . J- I a u.MnM nn " "a I. n,n..M nn nami I him fil onlMf T.llft W uiswcu " T CaiC, Ul?HOIlCai yjgv4nw.., um w aw pvaaaa.w ... w - I ww, - - , . - a- ' l. ThP eommittee on L.ushts recom biivi a-iu-viiv ' v mmm 0 r v ssa s . . a a a 1 i i r i a -1 .3 a. 1 ways proved a delusion anu a snare aim involves such preposterous claims as to utterly discredit itself with all except the greenest fools. On the contrary, it assumes only to be one new and great show, which is the best of reasons for believing it to be so. Neither does it i smi 1 1 to man u fact uered names and purposely mixed and vague generali- ; .ml furnrmi in order to convey the aiva Wk swindling impression that it has rare attractions, which, in fact, have no honest existence. Its attractions are multrifarious as well as novel, and it is a matter of sur prise how many strictly new features can be crowded in a single oxhibiuon. Zebras broken to perform incredible faats. hur lie-leaping reindeers, giraffes, harnessed to Roman racing chariots, Haari inan's steam air-ship in operation, sized riding cynocephaius, elks tandem, ten funny clowns in simultane ous rivalry, high and long-distance dou ble somersault leapcrs, peerless, ex ploits in the gymnasium, extraordinarily-trained thoroughbred horses, comical school of monkey comedians. monster living White Nile hippopotamus, extraordinary - - I SAla m at I eats of nureuitnui sirengui, uowo v masculine and feminine intrepiuiiy, and, in fact, so great an array of novel ties and surprises that it would trans cend the limits of a newspaper nouce u give them even the briefest mention. The street parade is commensurate in r5tdo and irrandeur witn ine exui- bition, and introduces, among other at tractions, thirty Arabian camels, dec orated in the richest and most costly trappings and mounted by native ms-homedans. Fowler. Andrew Hill. A. J. Hill. W. Craig, K. G. Polly, W, H. Bradley, E. G. Whitney, T.J. Mote, Dewitt C Love, Benj. Farrow, Stephen Bo wen James Bryant, C. H. Legg, B. I Hos kins, L. J. Otterbourg, A. Shrier, Geo. Brooks, Abram Mosely, H. B. Sholar, C. Schulken, T. A. Shepard, Josiah Merritt, Geo. Z. French,. Jas. W. Barnes, John W. Hewlett S. Bebrenda, Wm. Buchanan, S. W. Holden, W. D. French, D. W. Trask. C. Stephens, on application, was re lieved from the payment of double tax. The Board then adjourned. NEW A PVKBTlSJEgmTB. PiV.tnrA Pramflfl 4 M WIN! m v OUMCK8 ON MAUD aad made to ordec, nice line d m.tterlal on hand. Fur alattreea Utt la and tee what la kept In Uds market and tipplled hy CT7 V S. .IKWKTT.8. r root au OfTlCK TAX COLIXCTda. CITY OT WILHTNOT05. . C 1 sentember laA, 1381 tbwt rjlUE CITY TAX 8(Ha XJ THE YEAR 18SS it now In my hamb far uw ooueouon oi the t axes. Prompt payment t requoated. ITKKnY SAVAGE, sept 3 St Tax CoUectar. WELLIAMS On the Inat., at Myrtle Grove Sound, of typhoid malarial fever, Mrs. SLSAJn E. WILLIAMS, aged 60 yards. iiupenv Tr thia nitv Mnndav morniDff. chase ot the Marse iavtaw. septembeV sth, IT 9-& 'o'clock', after a progress, and was granted further time, short illness, fanny j. sampson, in her a fWaMi n M Mnrmii ann I -7v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, mm TCna a v tairo riirp thia (Tuesday) a in. i iinui ai w in ufiw w n - aSBH 1 -,.;.w aaS O OA Ay1wV ot ftt fttPnilOTl A A. M. JOLJUmlmA I TTOASU5, Ot crv vr vavwy mwm " " a . i ,.,AHavM a i-i rsAiv t r a t rat ggi ii i w , a i u nmvi i m ti tmn u uiiii hji i ii iiiuaunco bav " DODUiar eUUCatlOIl, auu aaiu baa.ab a.awav - p 1 fl.n vynuim. . i- Carolina today had a system of educa- P'. was roocveu aau tion not surpassed by any btate mine; Hook and Lnion, wnicn was aue to 'L I xr i fn the uuw li ZZ' Z1 ZZ tee on Fire Department. education m iour years, i J , -k-tSii; ;vi-fc hhata mfli . 1 IltJ UlUlUXl-uii a-ufc,! J I aammisiimion m iour tUmed for the use of the City Hall for pnated about $300,000. He next took ... ... whinh waa urianimoiis- up the question ofinternal revenue, and " th Mavor not votine. his argument was forcible and cone u- v of g Steam fire En sive. showing that it snoutu oe aooiiau- comnanv No. 1 for repairs to their ed. He said when me revenue system - - , read isaboliSaai,justsosoonwiUtheath-r-r m0ved. I ... i i . l . ;iiuviiii" 7-e0t"JL Z Board of Audit and Finance concurring, wo ncvcr "3."w 'Ttkni thereoairs asked for by the com scathing speech, and Kad.calism was - exceed handledTby the speaker in a way wan. - mmmittea on Public we have rarely heard, and if any oi . . SUDervision 0f the rc- them were present ty must nave irs and the be charged to Pub quailed in their shoes. Col. Green then P Adooted. touched with great force upon the tantt nkUf of the Fire question, showing that the tariff was , OTvlered i l .,Tw.r f .nla a nrt annn u I ourueiisoiuw uwu wo be abolished. He showed conciut iyt hv fi mires, that were unanswerable, it..f tko tariff made the rich man rich a . 1 - Mtm. M, wj-kvMAa er, anu tne poor wau pwwa. Anrtliing in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco bi's. - 1 Pender County Taxables. The total amount of taxable property ;n pnir .-omit v. for the year 1882, as ..i r Ik. aSY Hat in the office Of Ul&eil I1UMI U1C MA r the Register of Deeds, amounts to $1, 230 371, divided as follows 353,7941 acres of land, valued at $856,844 ; 117 sown lots, valued $24,935 ; 723 horses, i,wwi aa! 75 : 389 mules, valued at $285 70; 1 jacks, valued at $110; I jen net, valued at $25; 359 goats, valued at $358; 6,576 head of cattle, valued at $411 64; 18.490 hogs, valued at $20,387; 5 714 sheep, valued at $5,747; value without specifying $679.21 ; money on ah AL. wa . . . , , Alderman Huggins offered tne ionow- inc Whereas, Much dissatisfaction nas i . i i r. An cr tnp nwin h ui luis , auu naaw aw x Oeeil CICHICU aiuuug "TT r ieri ) j i : . 1. fAfAontorornmOnr n.n nir the QfTinTl Ol LH JJUJVIU MO SPOSe W1L11 gicai iuivaw"6'"- city wuwu'6 , , , " 1 . j of the special tax bonds, and showed -a3S. . . . . t i : i nrnra oorain i iua ....-w i , . tnat n tne xvauii v"J 7 Market House Company s properLy; : .,A,Dr o dnht nf over twentv mulion ll.AafMV . in fkA CfntA r j..-7 That Kfrrp. final action has dollars wouiu oe sauuicu up ww. iicowttu., a.u uynara wwuiu a- ,1, - Mitin nf t-SS nntrTT The speaker took up tne question o County Government, and showed uuu vJoters Q city for approval or rejec .inrincr the six vears that the Radical tion . a a I . a A - 1 party were in power under the election Alderman Worth moved u lay me hv the people, ii; n t.h table, which motion poverty was the result in counties where w&8 adopted. a TT J T aaaaaa amaaaasa Baffa I . wa - - a negro rule pre vauea. uDuerwciu ndA sinee in these same counties a V a w - - ataa debt of the counties has been re- .a dnoed in many instances at least one hundred percent. a ... i . .1 r.1. Green addressed himseu to tne 1 ..wrwlrt ahrw.'inff tlieul tnat CU1U1CU J(W" " a tn riflnioerfttic party was their true friend, and was the only party which r ri immw mmmmmmmmmw im mm Vr the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Wrw-irseness. Bronchitis, Croup, lntlu. Un79. Asthma. Whooping Cough, In- fcipient Consumption ana iortne re lief of consumptive persons in aavan- k-n Tmaorists.-OT-Pnce. ZK Cents. ijv oiaFn i ' sept S The Board then adjourned. County Commissioners. Tim Board of County commission ers met in regular session yesterday afternoon. The Treasurer submitted his report ! : -a n cod School Books! t l SWm" School Supplies! X ADIES' HAND BATCHSL8, srECiE PUBSBfts and a handsome line ot Fancy Stationery. opt 3 W. YATES' Bookstore. For Rent. DWELLING HOUSE WTTH 8 rooms. West side of Front at.. next door North of Mrs. Morrison's boarding house, between Mulberry and Chestnut sweeta. www ww In the house and good garden suae - QOO. sept 1 Apply .to GEO. H. KELLEY. Pine Grove. THIS BEAUTIFU1. PLACE IS SiTUATK at the 8-nillc post on the Shell itoao irom wn mlnirton. N. C, 10 Rooms vacant. September is a delightful month on the Sound, rig nan Land oysters in abundance. CO. yviLtWJCi aARnin,rwp. sept 1 BSE RnIPkBtW moau aw vhnn A NICE PRESERVING PARKER ft TAYLOR'S, SHOULD YOU WANT A NICE LAMP Cheap, Call at PARKER ft TAYLOR'S. sept 3 We Have a Full Line nF DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet as follows i fnnil clmti-ini? a bal WCUCiai auaaw., w" 0 ... qq hflr.fl nf 2 1,451. OO iiivuui - m - - aaawo waa - - m. m ' had done anything to protect their race, Special fund, showing a oai " - aa vi;ri onno dnp thf Treasurer oi- to educate, anu 100a aiuci and deaf Articles and everything usually kept in a class Drug Store. Our Soda Water sail has the reputaUon of being U,jjgiMg BaosT,' gept 3 . Pharmacists, Brooklyn Send Me a Leaf. rrims IS THE LATEST SONG by " . 1 Ko.nrl It Ml Ink It tUt anutuosewiio u r . - ' : ing as any thing ho has wrlUen, IgftJp .., '.y vhp Threads Among tne WW. , and-Don'i be Angry with me &mW of wl.Uh were 1 in mease lypu 1 ""nta. be when it become known. Price 40 cenia. Send in youroroersw lire Book and Music Store. 148.93 sa i a "majority' for Wilmington r.t-a casks spirits and 153JM bar- roin. in 191. and 14,355 casks aariu and 176.545 barrels nin in "thoM Savannahvillans are going to I 1 ' madi- .V thflll KUie 1 I mmm frai- tlw CtT is 8S fol- 1 nC SeilUUt KiAJ- low.: 914 white polls at lM $l,U0.M;t4coloreal poll l- each, $1,074 06 ; 104 cents on every $100 valuation, $1,537.96. The taxes for county purposes are 264 cents on every $100 valuation and 7RI cents on eacn i". m tne Ilirea mane oy im-m cva.. - iroi vnt on Jrs ago taauaey would lead the naval Special county taxes are " aaiaTtaat it la time that they were ! every $100 of taxable pwperty and I 50 alxKit it. la Builders and others Go to J Aeo n's thr Sash minds and Doors, Glass, 4c. Yon n all aises and at the prices. Pender County. The Board of Commissioners of Pen fcr county met in regular session at km- vMiaia. if 1 1 nresen t Dauifl aioo of taxable Proierty and jO a noil, amounting to $3,- 101.39. Total county tax. $7,589-. Total State and county tax, including i ncome, $14.748.09. O uar t erly Metlnirs Forthe Wilmington District Methodist E. Church, South, fourth round, in part : ..... .a W I j . , r y limingVUll. Ol a awm. - . ,.hosw. Cliairman. and Oommissioners I XopSJlii7t Scott s HiU Sept. 83-24 ' Alsni.n .ni rvrw Wilminirton. at rum oirwi.. vva ov i mw - iaass The Comiiuasiossors revised and pre-1 .. 9tJ P- m- '' 30-Oct. 1 ld the iurr Hat in accordance with .VrPiTw Oct. 3-4 UttKer 17 iLllW. Uaavf&al. ROBT- O. BURTON, m - a mmi mw mm i - Sept. 17 ;k wn lirtd to deliver tlie lUu for 1888 to the Sheriff for col- ctioo. A number of claims were audited and fcred to be paid. A pal deal of school business was "taaactcj, some relief extended to the Pw and a few persons relieved from i uent of poll-tax. Presiding Elder. Heal Estate. The large three-story residence on tho Southeast corner of Third and Mulber ry Streets, was sold yesterday at public auction under a foreclosure sale. Mr. Thomas C. James was the purchaser, and the price at which it was knocked H dealt heavy blows upon the Radi cal alias Liberal party, showing that they had bought over to their ranfcs a few men who called themselves Demo crats, but who havo been on the fence for years. He concluded his fine effort by appealing to the good people of Pender to stand by the Democratic party, as he believed they would do, and roll up a big majority for constitu tional liberty, which could only be done by voting the Democratic ticket in No vember next. The speaker was fre quently interrupted by applause from his attentive auaience. Colonel Edward D. Hall, of this city, followed our standard-bear- U ..lnrinif tl-1 hill A erf jie paiu n s1""'" to Col. Green, and showed that no man in North Carolina was more entitled to the votes of her people than ooionei Wharton J. Green, true to North Caro- ,: I aotinn nf his life. 8Jld una 111 cwj w counseled his old friends to give they support to this distinguished son of North Carolina. Col. Hall spoke for about three-quarters of an hour, touch ing tho various issues of the campaign, and was listened to by his old friends with the greatest attention. After the speaking, our next congress m.n waa waited noon by a committee a aa 1 " " - of gentlemen and escorted to the resi denoe of Dr. W. T- Ennett. where he was met by aa assemblage of ladies. Dr. SatchweH, with a handsome bou- quct in hand, preseniea nine aj vw. vjiw-i -, ladies of Pender. He replied in a most happy and pleasing speech of about Sree sainutes length, which mplete-. ly won the admiration of the lair don on. . wwicaa o t- nnA A 11 a ihA Treasurer of - atiww v.w . c l 1 Cnul ohnunn? A bal- OVUWl aataaaa, o-w o ,A A4A Ail onon nn hand Ot The Register of Deeds submitted his a 1 " i : t ,1 tVts. raa,rt. tVr AUffUSt. SnQ eXHlUllCU Hlw . v., w - rr- .'0 Ta ftir the sum 01 A. 1 wtawifa wa u -r- A communication was received from G. J. Boney, Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee 01 flow it nnnnfv rrv.ommeildlUK One llauuivi ? - -wxii:nar nlace in each of the nUUllllMacaa wwu..0 r tsf nnA Fifth Wards. uoa ntition from S.H.Morton .rwi ntriers. from the First Ward, ask- hmt for an additional polling place in I . m n IM'II b. FirRt Ward: and Irom 1. t.-mmer and others for additional polling places in the First and Fifth Wards; wnere ..rwr, the. following order was maue . All that part of the First Ward be :nna at the Cane Fear river and Kaaaifaaaa r; nrth of Bladen and Moore streets, to constitute the 1st Division of tho First Ward; all tnat pan o. u First Ward beginning at tne river uu running with Campbell street to Fourth, down Fourth to Bed Cross, out Red Cross to Rankin, and out Rankin street to the city tails, to constitute the 2nd Division of the First Ward; and all that part of the First Ward beginning t the intersection of Bed Cross and Fifth streets, miming south witn ruin frt Walnut street, east with Walnut to MacBae street, south with McRae to iiwrv street, east with Mulberry to Tenth street, south with Tenth to Dock and out Dock street to tne cu Oil WW v, limits, to constitute the 3rd Division ot Fifth Ward Ail that part of the Fifth Ward West of Seventh street to constitute the 1st Division of the Fifth Ward tad all that A sept i Pianos and Organs. LABGE STOCK. For aal at HEINSBEBOnrS. FALL & WINTER GOODS ARRIVING- DAILY I Only A Few Left. ONLY A FEW OF THOSE ilTE HAVE Tf I SEEGE BUTTOS BOOTS left, closing out at coat. that we tire AT K A T Z ' S, 36 Market St. Better call nl necure a pair irom UEO. B. FBKMCK SONS. ang 31 Reinforced Shirts. . J . . . maw r m&tt iil-v HMiT Oli BAl-R, SO NOrth Front St, n 1 1 f ',11 Mi Kciaiorrcl WSSWas Of theae popular nin c , howlmla ot lorea to we cwj. w- to the country, and therefore la well known to the public, awl r 00 conmwnta. The "EOT j ml", a Wamautto Shirt, wltli 5100 Bnen front. S0e. Boy's Shlrta all alaea, 73c, NbjhtBatra 75c. toLlhaaSWmnw ww Cotton Drawer from Jeans Drawers, doable lined en the Shirts and Drawers made to order at law as- 1 ores and a good nt always 9. sent 5 Prop Wilmington own sept & U PURCELL H0U81?. NDEIi NEW MANAOEMEKT, wil.lilNOTON. St. C B. L. PEKAY, l iuintsSar. Late Proprietor JfajoS $S In all Us appointment. Terms wb'(r dl ..1 ... ia in off was $3,000,