sbcl .urj Monday, ex- pled: by jOSUT.JAMESt , I IITIONS rOSTAGE PA1I flt tiiw. ?lx month. $2.00. Three r Jrr one month. 33 cent. l"BU,',.ilHlcUcre.lty carrier free TV rr jny ,url of the city, at the above N JWoecoUr' wee. sr.--. t vol. vi. SEPTEMBER . . ..-n-iir iwi" i-i . TF 'i1 ...-.. rrrrifto has the largest ' f rin vlntvnt. of any nactpapcr i OOAL NEWS, I1CW Tfl WAPVTIMHTI. .. ....... ii -I Am llcrrWlng ' Personal, i Mr. M". M. Katz lias gone North to select his Fall and Winter stock of goods. Some or his sample goods arc n )v arriving. . ! i i Col. K. 1L Brink, our efficient post mxster, is in New York. The New York jxxst master might take some les sons from him. ) Mr. Geo. A1. Peck will leave lor fCew York this nioruiuz ou the steamship , t X r- i- rv- Good by Every GuJj raim Q gocs to replenish his stock of hardware, cutlery, etc. We are pleased to sec our old friend "Kit" Carson out on I he streets again. Mr. Carson has been quite sick Tor the past five weeks, and is still very weak. yi .::n ,.Wr !Ia a Kail Line. j..H W I" ma. lTel Wnt-Secon.l Ward , ,.,,;n.KtrWMteCBrk.llUlr .(:UvurUKerday. When will the regatta be sailed? yi t tUre have been no rice birds in Ti e "receipts ol cotton at this port yes- j IV: a I-':Ie wintergrccn in your drink-:-; water if yon want to purify it. i a t. T. J. Southerland lost a pair of u rv qc horses yesterday irom cone The combination back-supporting .f .oU r brace and suspender at Djcrs. ti ma"iit rate's courts ground out , r.!y aiaott and battery cases yesterday. nTthin ' in the hardware Una can r-iund at reasonable prices at J ACO Wo learn that rice birds are so thick ,Wo the river ' that they look like a i!ouh The tav. which was obstructing the hut opposite the'AIarino Eailway, has ken removed. I: ii said to bo a notable fact that the tbh-onablc magazines -never show s'vVs lor fat girls. The Steamship licmilator. Captain ftice, from New York, arrived at her hrf in this city yesterday. Mr. Sol. Haas, General Traffic Man- vrrr of MJVCTftl Of UiU 1 lilr04Vl f ie Atlantic coast, is in the city. Stcainboatmcn report that there is a j'eiity of water in the Capo Fear river kr the purposes of navigation. Mr. Nathan Schloss lost a fine horso ve.trday. It is thought that thcjani ml had become overheated and died fruiu its cCects. . It isu'l because a woman is exactly afraid of a cow that; she runs away and acnaiu.s but it is liccauso gored dresses arc nut fashionable. " Mr. C. E. Smith has leased the largo warehouses on the western side of the river formerly used by Messrs. Do Ros so: & Co., and will have them filled ill guano this season . - : It Li said tlw wondrous Man and Wo- raan Water Witches, in their mysteri ous and astounding amphibious feat5, will be seen with Barrett's circus. Summer refugees are returning home ia tee numbers. Every train brings ia some of the absentees, and the ranks of the grass widowers are gradually heir.,; thinned out. We were in error yesterday in staling that tin- property on the Southeast cor wr of Mulberry and Third streets was lru Ud of at 3.000. To have been currevt; the amount should have read j2 , , . Wo were in error a day or two ago in Matins that thc; Grccnbackcrs would h ld a convention on Monday, the 4th iaa. They publishetl a call on that for a eonveniion to be held on the 23ril in-f. ; Tlie steamer ViimcJinJut ran .ashore tear Orton on Monday afternoon and slack hard and fast until high tide, when 'he floatcil ofT and arrived in thi city about 2 o'clock yesterday morning. 'She made her regular trip yesterday. Mis.E. Karrer leaves for New York to-day where she will select a full and mnlcte stock of millinery, etc. All f her stock will be of her own selection an J we arc sure the ladies of this city iU have "a duck of a bonnet and a lore of a hatM to look at upon her re in ru. We are pleased to see that pr. J . C. tne J ( Walker has so far recovered from his ronised. Second Ward Club. There will be a meeting of the Dem ocratic voters of the Second Ward on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at the Court House, for the purpose! of reor ganizing the Second Ward Club. Let there be a full attendance and a 1 com plete organization. The Last. Tho last of the Harper Family excur sions of the season will take place on Friday There will be music for dan cing end a committee of ladies will serve refreshments at reasonable prices. Capt. Johnnie's excursions are always well attended and we known that this, the Jait of the season, will be well - pat- recent severe attack of jaundice as to bo able to sit on his piazza yesterday. Fire at Tcachey's. . The store of Messrs. Wallace & Mid- dleton, at Teachey s, on the W. & W- arcdf and flies were found under - the Uni was discovered to be on fire 1 . i: . i a a To Get Bid of Files. The British Medical Journal, says that a castor oil plant was placed acci dentally in a room swarming with flies, but almost immediately the flies disap- on ilroad. was discovereu to oe on nre plant Qr clingin2 to its leaves, dead Sunday morning. The clerk, who Th . idt . . t slept in the store, was awakened by a sensation of suffocation. He soon found that tht smoke, which filled his room The leaves are said to give out a proper ty deadly to insects. Who knows but that the mosquito, too, may succumb it smoke, which filled his room, k the cuSm oU piant, and that our came from the store, investigation citizens may yet enjoy life even in tj disclosed the fact that tho interior of the K d building was on fire. The ' citizens ol tho village turned out promptly and -yhat to do for a Sick Head- soon exiiDguisueu iuo uamw. j,uvwi acliO. onginaieu on iuw dukji v iu oww . , c a ... i , i a uf Don't take a cup of strong tea, a dose among some wieu -- .. .... 1 ... . . two feet of tho shelving was burned, of "Mae mass "ox 'anti-bihons pills; but Messrs. Wallace & Middleton think the w B T . - a ofoo.lheaflache. tho whole head aching as nre was causeu oy ra auu wi,uw ... ... . , The damage amounts to about $50. ttaitfi it would spl.t, the templ The stock of goods was i insurea in a b . , tasting bad, no appetite, more or less company represented in this city Dy I a l i i i w J ' nonooo onA normf i natWl hnwpls . drink Messrs. Jno. W. Gordon oj uro. - . r"""". ' . j a pint of warm (not hot) water. Keep The Southern Ore Company, drinking until free vomiting is induced, This company, composed of New thus washing out the stomach and re York and foreign capitalists, has leased lieving it of its load of decomposing from Mr. F. J. Lord, his mill, at the food. Apply hot fomentations to the bow- Writer streets, for els and drink freely of very hot water. wiuvA v uit - . their business in this city. They in- A fomentation about the head or be tend to at once erect Works for the tween the shoulders willusually relieve vrr: r:- fortTOiinibuii: and afterwards very mue, ii uj, u r " frl.fa And avoidinff now in the mill will po useu oy uiu " L " now 4U , . 4.f . A. T . n Ana.,a meat. butter, pastry, sugar, sauces and company, dui me ioca,nui viw --, - - - - one for them. They wm pe reauy .b work within tho next two months, ana The Circus. 1 v Our State exchanees speak hichly of Barrett's Circus and many declare ; it is the best they t have ever seen. It is doubtless a fine show and will no doubt be well patronized here. -Tba News and Observer says: ' j-' r- v V ' We had heard much mention, always favorable, of S. H. Barrett & Co's Great Railroad Circus, and were prepared to see a capital on,'hnt yesterday s reality surpassed anticipation.' k The street pa rade was made in admirable style, in the presence of what may be termed a large ana critical auaicncc, ana wiere was but one expression; and that was that it "was the best ever se en in Raleigh - 1 . - : - J THE MAILS I Tliemalla closo and arrive at the City Post omce as ioiiowb ; i Northern through malld, fast... 4.45 P. M. Northern through and war mails. . . .5.40 A. M. i . ba. ana aiua. ju. Malls for the N. C Railroad and.; mntM an-nnliAd tlwnfmm lnr.Ind- 1nr A . V' r. RAllrruul a . . .5.40 A.' If RnnDiArn MaIIh for all nolnts South. 4all7M ...8.00 P. M. WMtni ma.ili CO.. C Gailwav) dallv. t (except Sunday) 5.50CP. M. All points between uanuet ana xai- eieh .5.50 P.M. Mail for Cneraw and Darlington Bail road....... 8.00 P.M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston.. 8.00 P. M. Fayetteyllle and offices on Cape Fear j j River, Fridays 1.00 P. M.J Fayetterllle, via Lumberton, dally, except Sundays. .. x. a. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi- .1 ees, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smith ville malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. ails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, ; Shallotte and Little River, Tues days and Fridays.' -6.00 A. M. Northern through and way mails.... 7.30 A. M. BOTLtnern Biaiis Carolina Central Railroad 9.30 A. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS are desirous of purchasing any quantity Remainiug ia City Post-office on of CTilnhnrctcd ore at a fixedi schedule price, according to the assay value on a. Alice Anderson Cora Aaron, List of Letters rity Po 5, 1882: PALL AND t PLEASE NOTICE. from vat frieads on afey and ih suLjtcta geaeral Interest bat Tb name of the wrltet most ahnrr tf to. alshed to the Editor- ' ' ( ! CommaxilUons must I Strltten oaitml one side of the paper. J I i Personalities must be arolilcd, And It Is espedalljr parUcuUrt cad tdod that the Editor does "vbt always endor be views of cvtTMiHMMteats ualess so . 4-. In the editorial oolniniis. ; '4 OFFICE TAXCOUXCTOK, jCixr or WIUIINGTON, N. c, 11:, JS8X riiUE CITTTAX IHOK,r0U"TIIE TEAR X ! --; 1 i . l?8i is now in niy. haads fur the collection of the T axes, t Prorupi myeat Is requested. "v'-: J 11 ENltV 8AVAGE. sept3 3t Tax Collector. School i Books! School Supplies! LADIES HAND 3A,TCllKUj, " " " -; :.:!-:: .j , .... ...j v ... SPECIE PimSS9. and a handsome line of Fancy StaUoaery, .; GOODS Mails collected from street boxes every day !- . y. . &tStamp'officeopenfrom8A.M.tol2M.,and ARR1 VlWu' U AIL 1 I fmm 2 In 5.30 P. M.' Monev order andResrister . 1 TVmavhnant vrult flflTTIA a fitnTYITt AifiAA. M-TJ WA MMUV vM .'..w . i J " ... www. . stamps ior saie in smau quannoes at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark ana on duuiuyb uwa ow mj .ow a. ju. Freshwater Feroh,Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at JACOBi's.f AT NEW AIVEBTISMENTS. Extra White Curled Hair TOR! MAKING MATTRESSES, ur iuu can afford it, you can now set something alee at sept 6 8. JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front St. HI. b. K ATZ'S, Second Ward Democratic r'';k'"V01ub.:l-:--V"v:- . sept 3 1 ,v;aie: I : C"iT TAXESV , , ... 0 ' ss JnfcPJe l9r Eent.: j AunbUiiAU ituuau niiu 3V ni t North Af Hfra IfArHiAn'a boarding house, between Mulberry Willi yiiygwuii ; Pi w. " MmwHw. m tne nouse ana gooa garaen aii&cnea. Turnip and Oabbago Seea. PONT FORGET THAT I HAVE JTST ' received a full supply of Rita Bara Tw ui uae oi nip and Cabbaee Seed. Also a full ururo. ratent Aieaicines. ioioames. a and Brushes of any kind, at both of my stores- auglS 'nit Corner Fourth and Nob sis. t ( and Hanover v i i ine Grove. 1; rjlHIS BEAUTIFUL PLACE IS SJTUATB at the 8-mIlo post on the Shell Road from Wil mington, N. C, 10 Rooms vacant. September . is a delightful month on the Sound. Plg-fllh ahd oysters in abundance. : i i ED. WILSON MANNIKG, Propr. 'septr' - -.;'.( .'.ii.iuti' i OliuiililCAiia "Wcaaitr ! :: ' a i NICE PRESERVING KETTLE CALL at I : PARKER & TATLOira, 8HOULD YOU WANT A NICE LAMP Cheap, Call at septs PARKER A TA We Have a FullLino pnw. m-w"o r I a Alice Auueraon, vaji average samples. The company has calister Allen, Geo E Andrews, JRobt nmnlc caoital. ana wm pay i, Auea. , . orei Takics havtaK ores for sale can BftS JSW . . 1 Lin niftf I . .. v. , -r T .. t. . aaareasiaem iuwiww;. Brown, lsaoeua uoya. ooe Brjwu, It cives us pleasure to cnronicie me Jolm s Barney, John C Buxton; j lizzie 9 Mrv S Rrown. Alarv L ..iL. folia ii that HO nmnrn v : senung iuu . , . t t.lo has been trying for over tnreo years u v? cSSK ' James establish the enterprise here He says. gg hS, jtnathen.- J of several ports in view,! Wilmmgton (j Call, Ann -Conner, Alice is tho most desiraoie one, ua ik ijoc3aui.b. . -. . .-., Tr jsuwmobiuw umj nf n-ChristoDher Uf Dudley, Hender- esatairouuewor iu r 1--. r-1Jr tww- . . this State. Tho distance from tne goia gy'jg , Eaoch Emanuel. ;. fields 13 mUCU a iuu w I if Dusau I recuiu. . : ,s orNorfolk. iienasmucu ---- r wTvi: John.'W.S mining and ineenrpr. Henry, Rev John J Hill,, Sarah A has established, and tells us that .there glm LUIy Hicks, llargaret Hamss. is far more gold ore in this State than Miuy Hefton William Harrissw ' ;. H,Pver was in California, besides J-Frank Johnson, Louis Johnson, there ever was m w II Johnston, (2): A Johnson, James there are other ores Mfhicli are of supc- W ILJOhmuj Alice Jones; I rior quality and very valuable. The KrIorac8 Kelly, Martha Kennedy, mineral resources of this &iaie win sarali King. Same Kesier. soonbodcvelopetl anu we may -i n mcFov. -Mmerva 'loore, fc rr loads of told ana copper o V:n'"., MrritL Archie emptied into our laps. - j McBride. (3) ; David Martin, Charlotte " i ' I iMOOic. UUU1VU inavu. . j .: ,i: Col. Green'H Appointment. g fina Owens; ; f - - 1 i AA T XfofTtriftPhlfer. JO Col. Wharton J . date for Congress aim i ma v.w.. 1 i .it mm ii T ill ly-WA-tsrvn .1 l ing times and places: . , I c, Sarah. Simsou Knnansville. Duplin county, liiestia, ; -r-- r cnrv Mia Stewart, - - , I HI11HH V -A -4 " J " . . .7 . SePL5th. . i. - , - Christian ScoU. Charles T bmilii,:ax-. . . mt s r r v i nil ria w t u i rvann - . .... Bcaulori,vru:iwv. uo . T ' ,or; ;AW Speaking will commence " - AmaurVan(urtlanJ .i--i.- ! 1 tl ,r T..i,f uriinm.'P B AVatkit . ' ? rb.npcy White. James Weston, Eliza Peace Produces Prosperity, .gg William Wallace mm Th.m.Derity with which the hies- Waker. Daniel Wmiams AG JVo. m. .w r i . viairni i .wi aiiinivr. . w iru. &iav " . : r Tlivine l'roviaeuce uj - ' Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say advertised if not ' - a mrn A MEETING OF Til IS UJtatovixiA x iu voters of the secona w aru wm the 7th Court Housek on Thursday, evening, insi at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of i lring the Ward Club for the pending campaign. nesUy requested to attend and participate In the werr ot p"3 ; niTNHAM. sept 6-2t , , Pres. 8econd Ward Dem. Ctob 36' Market St. sept 5 QF DRUGS, PATENT- IIEDICENI Toilet Articles and every thing usually axpt la a first class Drug Store, ; Oar Soda: Water stUl him the reputation of being the bestin , sept 3 , . .. ; Pluirmaclats, BrooWytt Send Me a Chetland Shawlo l t' m- M-m.-m ' TT1.. and those Who nave ?erui r : j o u i.M?o,. 9:1:053 ' : r and thOSe W HO IUtT3 licaiu - w 7 Fresh ' Goods 1 by Every l5JtSf SJSS3 . ... - " rl' T-t. i, inorr with tq Daiilntr. twin i t Steamer! rpHE BEST FLOUR IN THE STATE U our May Queen f you aon't believe it, try it and be convinced;. The best goods 'and lowest prices to be found lo the city. A Loner Life Ended. Mrs. 711 nhU wifn of Francis M. PriJcn. died at her residenco in Cain tack township, Tender county, on the 3In ulL, at the adranced ago of 76 Jears. Mrs. Pridren had been tho Mother of eighteen children, many of boniarc now livinir. She had for iaany years been a consistent member cl the Baptist church, and had been an mu:nse sufferer from the disease lrom rin" in luc 8ciw minentciUes. notably Wewune, 'fho great Charity P1 "t. rird for over a century, m,axt drawing (the 14Ui uraim .aw"w- ... ? ..Am(Wr I'ZUI. Monthly) will xur --. and prizes ol isers of etcwm pe. i., Anvin- foraaUon Sn TbT ikd on appbcaUon to MA. Danphin. New Orleans, La. ir.TA t. nnriifiv. of this city, who was Supremo RcpresentaUve to to Supreme Lodge of the World of theK. ..mUpH at Detroit about j.-. ri returned. He is much pleaspd with his trip and evidently en- caUed for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Wasmngion, nr. Ed. B. Brinil; r. ai. Wilmington, Kew Hanover Looniy, Oaarterly Meetings wnminirton District Methodist E. Church, South, fourth round, in i ...... VrV.i f ii . Vwf Kk fTt. 17 WiWgtoo; at FUth Street. . -.;;.rt ,: ' ;; . JiTadins Elder. of which were immensely wvzl Tlti Xtm . be when it becomes mown.- Send in your orders ; j . J . 1 Live Book and Music Store. is ' j ' Q -! cfi; 2i3 AND Pianos and Organs, BROWN V ' .4LL. -3,rTr -1 t. ATtGE STOCK. For sale at JjrUUSWJIUJl. A . . 1 I . Bik iV T ATiTiTiTTiT jlEINSBERGER'S. Crapqn & Pickett; W Only. A Few Left. 'E HAVE ONLY A FEV OF THOSE t7 ill f VJ' il39f JsLiSOtf&fit "5 ah ti iyM''&onfi SERGE BUTTON BOOTS left that we are -'I ' closing out at cost.' GEO. R. FRENCH SONS. ' WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL GROCERS. rsept 0 1 i o ii-i ie and 18 South Front Street. I Am Beceiving ;W GOODS "BY EVERY STEAMER and . i 1, t A mU .r I- Ji-. .it. .Ml - . . 7 W1 wffl soon have In the bantlaomest assortmcat ang 31. 89 NOrth Front St. 6f MILLINERY and FANCY, GOODS ever in this Uy. - '1 " sept 6 Respectfully '":-V - tn the country, and therefore is well known to r .Jf ;.. . ijs bWf' i I- . Sxah M. pnbUc cinents. The "y gQ PieCCtf1 Tnifli( fHCd Another New Lot ; r. warn shw. wift.w u ( . .u i ' ; ReinfbrceahirtSv UpEN FRONT OR BACK, CONGRESS Relnforcel 75 cents.. Of these ? popuUr, Sbbrto we , have , sokl hundreds of dozens la the dry, as wen as j ARE CLOSINrt OUTItE BALaKCX of our Stock el thejibova; Hi: 'loiiiJLl in. JuatsaUable lor iotkLtenltfgsf sXOe Sea- - - " . . ' t a. - I sborev;f . t tM o p riARNXSS AND SADDLES JUST BE- Jrtved and for sale at rednced prices. A ful iae of Trenli : W Valiaea Upiicea to futt Repairing executed aeaUy and with dis patch. 90c BoTa Shirts all aUes,' 73c; Klght Shbrtt 73c CoL Dress Shirts from 25c and irpwardi, CottoJ Drawerf from few "trpwarda. Heavy Jeans Drawers, double Bned on the aeat, 50c. Shirts and Drawers made to order at low fig ureaaafoodAtahraya guaraaieod.: v X ELSBACH, ! sept 3 Prop. Wilmington 8hlrt Factory. Wosonetto forth SomiL ...Wnv i v AND AFTER THIJEAY, ISthtestj J WTLIXTNGTON, K. C . Prtncea streeaj--7'--- 7--- lallto appoTBtaeaa. AHi . the Srnd at 7 a. xa. - T Cnrrrrrr.nL AND. I St7 , TTT ; ,fch4t 4- i a 1 1 00c PEitf VAl:i i 1 Alii.' ..f -( ;' ' sueceasox to MaBar Jk Bowden, inf 50-tf " Ko. S Tnmt Street. BROWN is I i- :: J5 and 7 Jforth:FrpXf 1 T hich she died, for many months. joyeu.uiu.i- i i

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