t il Liz lbHl every moraing. Monday, ex , ccpd b. JOSH T. JAMES,' I , , .i:irTi"N postage- pah V11 Mx month. $1.00. Three iwl,r jr. oms month, 33 rcnU. W"" ,!rr will be Henrcrcd by carrier free TW" II In aT I ot he c,t l ih boTe - i,.ms r.U kr airl liberal. '... niTrwnin-irt.nyjUHl all fall- ...ttwiir nailer rrjniUrtr. u n-'"-. , f.l. rirail'tliou. of iiny newspaper LOCAL NEWS, usti to 4itw AoyuiriraEMTs. t.-'ati.-M Merlin , w t I' HHruk -'I Me Leaf. j - -iilv-" roccrk-at Srtail lUWr? U l,r A 11 i;r..-We Have a Foil Line. Ik j II "h-x k Worth Sending Tor . . a j..hmn An Invaluable Aid CI: Court Yesterday. tusid. . , ' Urar arw becoming plentiful but ihsters will begin to come into mar-frtaUtthctyUlnsL- The recti pu ol cotton at this port yes Urvhy M bales. CUUn sold hero yesterday on a ba ils cf ti I cent for Middling. I: U rumored that a soap factory is aoua to be established in tbU city. PJcc birJjwerc in market yesteniay bat the little glattons were very poor. There wasjast ft slight touch of Fall weather in the atmosphere here yestcr diy. Ioa't forget the meeting of the Ben-tHt-Gnxn Club, called for this evening, i the Court House. Provisions seem to bo tumbling.while ctCon and naval stores hold their own, v.A yet wc anniot all of us happy. . Mr. Win. Genaust has a Tery hand scce new deliveiy wagon. .It loots Terr Cue and almost makes ono feel Vxf taking a glass of beer. The supply of September mullets is m Enc as was ever known here. They re very at, too. They retail at 10 cwt a bunch, or '-three for a quarter." Some of the finest mullets we have CTersvcn in Wilmington were in the cirlet yesteniay. Koo mullets, how ever, have not yet put in an appear ance. We understand that an excursion for the benefit ot the Ladies Benevolent Society is on the tapis for next week. lV"e trust it will ba well pat- The Simpson seine drew in 1,400 blue ih at Wrishtsrillc beach, cm Wednes Jay, which was the first bkic-fish haul cf the caon. The fish were bought ly Mr. J ohn Carroll, who shipped them Xorth. f The excursion to-day on the Ii4sport will be the gayest of tho gay and the krpicst of the happy. All the Harper excursions are plehiant and a commit tee of hdics will assist Capt. Harper in tie one of to-day. A bu'Wog belonging to Celia Osborn ii Villetl by Health Officer James JestmlAj, The dog bit Oelia's child T,ry wrerely on tho arm and she sent W the officer to dispatch tho purp to te happy hunting grounds. A colored musical club, known as rte Wilmington Orchestra Glee Club, been organized in this city. The member are said to be vocalists of tue reputation. Tho club, is prac nightly and will regale the com aanity with their songs ia the sweet sal fluently." . Saved tho Canro. The vessel loaded with brick, whose tame wo have forgoUcn, wldch went ashore onUie outer reef of the beach at Mjrtle Grove Sound some raonlhs ago, was waslied up very close to the beach proper, during the storm of last week. Nr.Turley, who purchased tho wreck ad cargo at the underwriters sale, has n wrecking the schooner recently d has suQccedca in saving most of the Car?" Ho had been unable, up to a wdajsago, to do anythuig in the y of saving the cargo on account of position! a which the vessel laid on outer reef. Quarterly Mectinsrs 1 tribe Wilmington Disfcict Methodist Church, South, fourth round, in Fari: TV i01??0". Front St. . . .Sept. 17 .VPil. at Scott's Hill Sept. 23-24 'Mlmington, at Filth Street. W,iTme Sept 30-Oct. 1 accamaw Oct. 3-4 KOBT. O. BVKTOH, 1'residing Klder. 1 1 VOL. VI. Fired At. j On Wednesday night as Mr. A; K. Kxiim; w)k had been, Out-visiting frieiidrf. wasretunvng to his home at about 0 :30 o'clock, lie was shot at as he was passing along on Fifl-h strict, be tween Orange and Ann. Two shots Were fired, one of which missed him and struck a fence on the opposite side of the street and the other cut the loaves from tho branches of a tree a few feet alxve his head. Mr. Kxum ' was un armed and not think it worth did while to stOTTlrlTlartlHaiirty;--lbrC . ' muugh;' U make an investigation, bus left -on the first train for home. He is entirely at a loss as to who the murderous individual was. " Tobacco. 1 There is some talk of the cultivation of tobacco in tho 1 1 lolly Shelter section of Pcadcr county. The lands I there seem well adapted to tho growth of the weed. It is a stiff potato soil and would doubtless produce well. An ex periment was made there a few years ago and two crops were gathered from the same stalks in - one season. The leaves, some of them J were thirty inch es in length.. The grower knew next to nothing of the curing process. Homing the leaves up in his barn and when they were dry he sold them for 22J cents per pound. Those in this city interest ed in the manufacture of tobacco should offer inducements for its cultivation in this section. 4 ( The Lovell Library. , We hare received from the publish ers, Messrs Jno. W. Lovell & , Co., of New York, copies of the following works: "The Tricks of the! Greeks Unveiled," by Robert Houd in; "L-Abbe Constantin," by Ludovic Halevy, au thor of, La Fille deMme Angot," &c.; 'Freckles," by Rebecca Fergus Red cliff; and They Were Married," by Walter Bes&nt and James Rice. These r works are issued j as I part of the Lovel Library and are not only published on excellent paper, in a new and convenient shape, and in largo type, but are .Tery cheap, being sold for 10 and 20 cents each, as per size. It is a new enterprise, one which is destined "to fill a popular want, and which should most certainly prove successful. Tho volumes", as fast as is sued, will be found on sale at the book stores in this city. To Builder and others Go to Jaoo- ars for Sash, lianas ana ixors, uiass, &c. You can get all sizes, and at the lowest prices. Personal. W. D. Pcarsall, Esq., of Kenansville, Duplin county, has been in the city for the past few days on a visit to his son, Mr. Oscar Fcarsall, of the firm of Hall & Fcarsall. Ho is, wo are sorry to say, in rather feeble health, which we hope may be benefited by his brief stay in our midst. no informs us that the time of tho people of Duplin is pretty well taken up with picnics and1 politics, the latter being now considerably on the increase. . t Mr. II. W. B. Glover, who for some time past has been employed in Mr. F. W. Clark's office at tho Carolina Cen tral R. R., has resigned his position and will lpj.vron Tuesdavnext. During his stay hero he has made many friends, who will be loth to give him up. Mr. Glover will embark in the insurance in NeSe York City, with his father, who represents several very large and wealthy companies. ' Kun Over and Killed. couple of colored boys, aged about 15 and 20 years, respecuveiy, wuro iuu over and killed by tho Western ' bound passenger train on the Carolina Central Railroad, on Wednesday nigbti at Ed wrtl Crossing, between Rosindalo and Jarvis The boys were in the cm. ploy of Mr. J. A. Edwards and left his house as the train blew for a wood sta tion just below it. The traiu stopped to wood up and proceetlod on its journey. Yesterday morning the Eastern bound passenger train was flagged down at Edwards Crossing so that, tho man gled bodies of the boys could bo remov ed from tho track- Their legs and arms were cut off by the train and their bodies so horribly mangled that all who saw them were made sick by the terri ble sight. The supposition is that the boys went out to see the train pass on Wednesday night and sat, or laid iown. on the track while waiting for the train to leave the wood station and fell asleep. They were doubtless instantly killed by tho train .which passed over their bodies. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jxco T f r-r -i - 4 WILMINGTON,rN C - FMiDAYSrEMBER ' - Fire and 'Crops. .... A sabscribcr-at ' Monroe, : N". C; in forms us by" letter that a" fire : broke j out in that town oil Tuesday - inglit, which destroyed the store'fcnd.stock of Messrs. Stevens & Engllsli arid J W. Richard sonVbar room and grocery.' - Their loss is estimated at ' about'.SJ.WO. Messrs. Marsh; &;.Lee; sustained damage by water of aUHit:2G0; The fire is 6tin poaod to have been the work, of ad lu ocudiary, . Heaaya that crop4 are better: than have crcrbeeiitknowu in.that,se- Ltion, and that Monroe has, received ila uratoaieoi new cotton. ... . i t . -t " ; ' - - 'fK - ' -ft ' , i i s Smithfield llcral d; We have now. a Money Order Post OQice. Orders can be obtai ned every dav. of the week ' ex cept Sunday. -Mr.-J. H, Parish has ; about eight acres in crab grass, from which he, pulled a stalk measuring seven feet and eight inches in height; Pittsboro Argus: t Interesting revivals of religion are being conducted at sev eral churches in the county. Much in terest is manifested. Talk about a big wheat crop !' AIL' the- crops in this county are good Corn, tobacco, taters, watermelons and everything that grows in the ground is panning out well, j ; ; Greensboro tZet We learn there is a little girl in this place; only 12 years of age, who milks regularly and attends to the house cleaning for her mother. This work is - not compulsory, but of her own choice. She can play on ; the piano and sings sweetly. Such little girls will make the women who will ,be in demand for wives, wanted by sensi ble men. . ; : : Durham Plant : - The death of J . J: Ferrell Esok.,wWch,:pocurred at his residence, six miles from Durham, was a surprise to everybody.' He ' had not been well for a couple of weeks but no one dreamed that he was so near death's door. On Monday, the 28th, he wad in his office attending to" businesaiFrom that time he rapidly grew worse until Saturday, . at 12 o'clock, he expired, having been confined to his Toed only four days. HwloiTvoauie8Uiday of January, 1823, and he was therefore in 'his 60th year. At the election of county officers for Durham county in August, 1881, he was elected Probate Judge.) which position hd filled at the time of his death. , Whiterille Entervrise: On last "Wed nesday, Mr." Jack Reeves had bis leg ii; t-i DroKen Dy ms norse iaiung witu mm aa he was nassinz Smith's crossing on the railroad. At last accounts he was do ing well. Died, at the residence of K. Benton. Cerro Gordo, Columbus county, N. C, D. V. Walters, in the 25th year of his age. At the same house are five cases of typhoid fever, of which he died. Dr. McPhaul, of Fair Bluff, had his horse killed near Cerro Gordo one day laft week. Tne Doctor had gone to see a patient and tied the horse near the railroad. The train coming along, the horse took fright, broke loose and started across the track, but was knocked down and the train ran directly over its head, killing it in stantly. Charlotte Journal-. Charley Pettus, a white boy, fell off the flying trepcze night before last aud broke two of his ribs and knocked his shoulder out of placo. xho barn of Air. Stephen Clark, of Rowan Mills. Rowan county, was burned Tuesday night with all of his provender, three muics ana a norse. His grain house near by was saved with great difficulty. No insurance;' loss $1,500. Solicitor Montgomery, dur ing his term of office, of eight years, has nmsAcutcd in tho SuDerior Court of this ronntv twentY-four capital cases. Of these eleven were found guilty as charg ed, eight were convicted ol manslaugh ter, and five were found not guilty. In the whole district thirty-eight capital rases have been Drosccutod. only four teen of them In all the other counties of the district. Of these six were Touna guilty as charged, five were , convicted of manslaughter, and three were found not guilty. " ' " : Xews and Observer: , Not more than two-thirds of tho Wake.wheathas as yet been threshed. --r Down, at the big car shops tho machines whirr busily all day long, and many orders for work tn the way- df building material are being filled. Anthracite coal now sellsjiere, delivered, for $8.50 ;pe tonJ Bituminous coal, which comes from the East Tennessee mines, is delivered at $6 per ton. Or sold at the depotat $5.50. It costs, say tbedcalers, jmt $5.10 to lay it down here Jlany people will burn this coaLwhiCh gives at j once light and heat.) ' csterday fler- noon, as Hubert Warren, a small, boy who attends the Graded School was endeavoring to-perform some feats on the horizontal bar, ho fell, ttrifcing on his head, the blow making himruncon scious for quite time. -With the small bov's usual luck, however, bo recovered after a wjdle. -About? U:50jcJock yesterday morning there was ,aiu acci dent on the - Raleigh-, Augusta Air Line, which, fortunately, was without fatal result. . Freight tr?raio, 9, of which Mr T M Fleming is engineer, collided th local .freight $o.; 4, R Smith engineer. The accident occurred in a cut a mile and a half South of San ford. Tho engines were wrecked while a number of cars were broken to pieces. Engineer Smith and bis t arena an ' were injured, but only slightly. Conductor W B Bell was slightly hurt in the hip. probably from jumping. : Indications. V; vATi Onnth -Atl&ntla States! ,tarU ly cloady weather, .with rain, winds mostly nortaeasieny, Buuoooarj v er barometer, stationary or lower, tern l r '.rrvi'itiiit: 71 Dissolution of Copartnership Ixrt Dryfo astuMM fcll 'the lclts ami Ik biUUes of the Bald firm. ThU 7th of Sept. l&ii. IjTJUIS DItTfOO$V;- 'j .n . : r u resses. Tiirfc.tu ' P, , If A V K TI 1 E M ATJEUlAI TO it AJKK I T tfood Mattresacs.'anU can hiate you com-; fervtble.1 ' WaU Paper in great-Variety of i nat tern and TrfcisirTAncaA be stilted. 'Window jTphbJttej-fng' materlAiat VV - h ' r r- ;i - s. JEWi!rrr;T t. rtmt st. : rr a are prBparei xa mate ana laj carpeu, MaUlrtg or pilCloUxjU,abortUce; M - ep(o ,,,, ru? ;t .... .,j .j DemocraO'MsVMigeting Bennett & Green Central Club. mHERE WLLJ BErA MEETIKQ AT TJLE Court Hoase, on ITtTO AY EVENING, 8KP- )i. 'i:, 'j 1 iiui: : !...:'-.: . '.-? ,1 i .-i i. TEMBEB 8th; which will be addressed by abl 11 X .1-. 'i a i - -.lf V! .I.'. .!: Jj, h'!.V'U y'. '-( 'r, v vr.l ir ( v ;oH ' ---spaakers. ; AU.eluzens are Inylted to att end. . ; ,', su ",f.-' f . :!..': i. v i : tl wi.lii 7 By oidr of 'r l-a ' i : -:! J c I .J-'J-Jf.i jMV -ur.'-'iM , y;8ept8-tt' I 'T .n 'the pbesident Groceries; at Retail. .it j? ;j .v DXJRTSQ THE PREVALENCE OP THESE high, prices, I hare, reduced the prices of Flour $1.50 to 2 per bbL; wholesale and retail.' . CAKVA6SED HAMS, No. 1, at 16oper lb. gQQ LBS. VERY. CHOICE . j N. C. HAMS AND SIDES, i r J fit ? ' " "4l' A t ! CHICKEN8, EGGS AND FRUITS, In Sea sea received dalfribytthe different roads ' " i -A. -4 -t . . I 1 and boats and sold direct to eonsnmers. c r" Coffiees :Boiistea Daily ! X. . ' " V. . . . 'T. IS UNQUESTIONABLY, THE BEST FLOUR IN THE CITY, 1 Lowest prices best goods most complete assortment In the city, at .;.". ;.. . 1 . ! i, JAS. C. STEVENSON'S. sept 8 WORTH SENDING FOB. 1 R. J. SCUENCK, of Philadelphia, has just Eublished a book on "DISEASES OF. THE ,UNGS AND HOW THEY CAN BE CURED," which Is offered FREE, postpaid, to all appli cants, it contains valuauus iaituimaiwa for aU who suppose themselves afflicted with, or liable to, any diseases of the throat or lungs. Address DR. J. H. SCUENCK ft SON, 00 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. Box 2833. . aept8-4w . . I AGEXTSWANT0 FOR THE HISTORY U. S, BY ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. Iteontatna ovetr300 flne poftLaJtsand engrav inn of bait) a and other historical scenes, and la the most complete and valuable history ever published. It U sold by subscription only.and tmnti are wanted in i every county. " Send for circulars and extra terms to agents. Address, 1 7 NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. sept8-lw. . iI ' - Atlanta, Ga AN INVALUABLE AID IN TH E TREATMENT, ; OF . YELLOW FEVER. During tho last epidemic of the "Yellow uriilh nr.. cn fatal thmoffhAnt thA Scounre. lower Mlssissl ilsslDDl Valley, no external remedy was so generally used, and with such great success, as w the Bstaox Capctxb Pf.iHTEH. i AnniiHl at the commencement of the disease nmr th nrinn ot thellcer and sulecn. br tbeir powerful stimuUtlBg'-and alteraUvel .action tney mciie a ireo now ua unc iivm , tm. inAded and staznant liver, causing a free and easy action of the bowels, and in this manner removing from the system of the sufferer the poisonous material which was robbing him of life. , ' " Benson'sT Oapcine Porus Blasters are a sure preventive and were used by all skilled yellow i fever physicians and 1 nurses throughout the whole South. 1 Apply them at once ; don't wajt. .They are a sure relief If used in time. "11 8ABUKY JOHNSON, . lLaoafactdriag Qhemlsts, New York. sept S-4w J -i i-' -i- Owi-x : aimon ts RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE bar embarked In the Tailoring business. Ho Is both willinrand capable of making, dye ing, aeourtBg and repairing Clothing. AU or run TrmmntJv aLtendftl to. Prices - moderate. 8 bo? on kUrfcet between Second and ThirdJsU. ibepc July 13- Cosmopolitan Bar. B EST WINES, 1IQU0313. CiaAR3,rTa ICE COOL IiAGCB, a peclalty. ' - JCHN iCARRmlsPrcpt i Scuta fttft Market X cvLsUnjj between Ue mVrJgie1, iimln the Arm lume ami style of LOUIS DKYFUOS & CO., Lt this dttVUiMolvetlliTUiotualeoDBcnt. Jal7?3 - 8 1882.' i NO. 214C jKEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALT FISH ! yov.sTKits. WIldttSALE A RETAll, DEALERS. We catch andpack'our own Fsli. All co.l and guaranteed as represented. ' Ifer cnl of Market between Dock and Orange v GEO. WXX)VLE & CO., septl-lm x Wilmington. Ji.C Pine-Grove. .1 rpiUS BEAUTIFUL PLACE IS SITUATE at the 8-mlle pest on the Shell Road from Wil jaington. N. C.1(T Rooms vacant. September and OvBtem fn VhnnHi ED.; WILSON MANNING, PropT : Should TduWaiit. i A NICE PRESERVING KETTLE CALL at -: : : , , . PARKER & TAYLOR'S. SHOULD YOU WANT A NICE LAMP Cheap, Call At r r PARKER & TAYLOR'S. WeHaveaiM QF DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles and eTerjth&ig usually kept In a first class Drug Store, Our Soda Water attll has the reputation bf being the best rn the city . r-i 3'I i u MUNDS BROS ., septS .Pharmacists, Brooklyn School Books! j- ; ...11 . , : School 'Supplies I . . . . . . LADLES HAND SATCHELS, ' ' ;. :- .' d; , f ' :i . r, :v(f:-,. SPECIE PURSES, v'; : :: '': V . "; , and a handsome line of Fancy Stationery. i : AT , - - - W. YATES -r ' - J . . Bookstore. sept 3 Turnip and Cabbage Seed. TvONT FORGET i THAT I HAVE JUST U received a full sup of Huta Ban Tor- nip and Cabb; Also a full line of Drugs, .ratent Medicines, uolojrn edicines, . Colognes. Extracts and Brushes of any kind, at both of m my e stores. F. C. MILLER, Corner Fourth and Nun sts. . 4,i and Hanover M augl3. Send Me a Leaf. s rpHIS IS THE LATEST 8ONG by Danks, and those who have heard It think it as pleas ing as any thing he has written, not except2 ing even ' 'Silver Threads Among the Gold, and "Don't be Angry with me Darling, both of which were immensely popular, as this will be when it becomes known. Price 40 cents. ; Send In your orders to i HEINSBERGER'S, i Live Book and Music Store. Pianos; iind Oiaiis. A LARGE STOCK. For sal at. 11 . sept a . HEINSBERGER'S. Fresh Goods by Every f Steamer! 1 1 .-(,. 1 rilllE BEST FLOUR IN THE STATE Is oor May Queen j . AND . Brunswlclc. If you don't Ielieve it, try it and be convinced. The best goods and lowest prices to be found lo the clty.t - - 1 't Crapon & Plctett,, .,. ..j. . . . . . .......... . - . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, septs 16 and IS South Front Street. I Am Eeceiving' ji N EW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER and will soon hatgift'tlie.lBMvlBonaeft assortment of MILLINERY anl FANCY GOODS ever la L this city. Respectrollj, MISS E. KARREB. . Exchange Corner. septs Another New Lot': ' 1 A J. - o F HARNESS AND SADDLES JUST EE- ccf ved and for sale at reduced prices. A; f ol ' lino of .Trunks and Valises at prices to ' suit the times. - - A', i . . 5 " -rjrc -'r Repairing executed neatly and-with Cs patch. . -s r . - ' :.V ' J. H. MATT. A TT, . Bncqeaan telLallaxrlAXtowtt ' aux so-tf - No. 8 rroat;street. .. FD8C0 FRESH r .It ivn 9 We wm be K1d to reotlra" lowjCt5ca!iidkhJtaiidTad Keral Interest bl - I j . 1 The name la VrRcriaUt'ahraTB U fsr 1 ConununlcaUoau most be written oa cal Tr &: ' MerscailUca nfustb-ltol-Ua. ,1 NEW ; A DVTISKPJENTP. ! 1 I . r 3 - t fj And t i - i.i X f AUJ AW I i 1 h'r'ina j:oiJ0irai - J urSl ;V oJjj AEEIVIWff "D'AlLTi I ...... v ...... . . 1 i I. ! ft 1 t t ' y.u.'j::- i:A 3 ' t.S tit fit iruo' a - :k jj-j-irr.yt tdrtulMX I ; . j atxc-'kU j: ?td fill ".13vjl A 1. ft1.. W. JX A T Z ' c, , 4 " Ml ! i-ii ; .'c io i .0C , 1 '-f .' f i a I .11 .-Jul. 1, 36 rJarkot 'Ct. . ; ..-nh v jt.i ;j1-jiu4 i 1 - 1 - i sept 5 1" Shetland Shaivls E i Sr.' 1 BROWN & E0DDICK, -r O and 7 NortUrontXtJ 1 '1 . "I '-iiiu: w'i' .'i O-livry i w !r1A J E ARE CLOSING OUT tOT'tJALANCEj of our Stock of the hUoreithi tiT : Just suitable for cool :evealogS' ai SjrSea ,hor5f :. 3 5? X.C?,tvi ItaiirjJ 1 i i r" . i i 50 Pieces iTnrlioyCod ir-j tttzzdi t&. -FAST GOXOnOI 5-."r i. uci!.vjwoj . ?t(jj J COc X"EH iYAXIIXt'i. . WHOLES ALE AND RT7TAIL: Va7- M.ru iMni ! ',:;. :. h'-:iti'J lo ,lTu.n :f xUtxi - 4 peraxuxe.

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