Tho Daily Review. M O K IT I 3ST G. SUNDAY. SEPTEMB71 10. 1882. The Daily Review has the largest bona Jide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city cf Wilmington. fairly. We have found and buried the October 11.0041 1.91; November 11.630 bodr of Lieut. Gribble. i i 11.63; December 11.67011.G3; January Licut. GrlbbIe. of tho Dragoons, 11.7301.174; .February . 12A5; .March mentioood in General WoIselcVs di-1 H.87011.98; April 11.08;; May 12.190 patch, had been missing since the treat 12; ;JimeJff23.30. car airy cnarge at jvossassinj xiis Douy ' -S -: having been found unburied It is thought probable he was murdered on tho ap proach of General Wolseley. PANAMA f BY TELEGRAPH. CANOXCIIET. Spraffue and Hi Sliot-Gun . Hold the Fort. (Bj Telegraph to iHl'.y Bet lew. 1 Puovidexce, lL I. September 9. Nihi. In the Supremo Court .thw mornin?, in -the case of the petition of Z. Chaflee, trustee and aiaiuce of the Spraguc estate, for advice and assist tance in the matter of the sale of Canon chet to F. V. Moalton, the petition was dismissed, thus leaving William Spraguc in practical possession ol Can- oncnet inuenmreiy, unless oustcu procedure of law. IANVILLE. A Serious Affray Between City OXIiclals. . (Bj Telegraph to D 11 ttcrlew. IUXVILLE. Va.. Sept. 9-NiIit. This eveninz John II. Johnston. Alay- 0X01 tho city, shot J no. K. Hatcher, late Chief of Police, inflicting wliat if believed to be a mortal wound. The parties met casually this evening and Hatcher demanded an apology for a statement made by Johnston that Hatcher had not accounted for tho Hues he bad collected. An apology was re fused and a scuffle ensned and John- ton biiOL liaicncr. Johnston surren dered himself and was admitted to bail la $3,ooo. THE YKLLOW FKVKtt. Further Kcports of the Earth quake. I I B Telegraph to Daily Review. 1 New IVokk, Sept. D Nisht. The Central & South American Telegraph Co. havo received a dispatch from their general manager at Panama, stat ing that there was another! short but bliarp shock this morning. For the past two nights the popula tion of Pauama have slept in or walked about the squares. Many families camp oo.the plains. Few dare sleep in high buildings, or narrrow streets. . . Much sickness from fright and exposure is ex pected. I ; j . . JLIUUiC VII IUV L .1111 I lit 1 1 Jk. li. IS BUS- OUt of line. . ; i dui lis ap proaches arc sunken and the masonry cracked or fallen. -The freight houses at Colon arc badly damaged. It is hoped traflic may be resumed, on tho 11th. Tho Island of Tobcgo suffered considerable this a. m. Interior towns arc reported badly damaged. The long dormant volcanoes of Chiriqut arc re ported to be in active eruption.; Chicago; Sept; 0.-Nlg!xLH-Floar aaict and : uncnanred.- lYnea&tlairiv active and a shade higher; regular 98 098 September? SM09H October. Corn unsettled and lower "at 69 cash and September; 6610661 October. Pork in fair demand, lower and demoralized at S2O.7O0S2O-75 cash : 20.70 Septem ber ; $2O.7O0$2O.724 October. , Lard unsettled and generally higher at 11.574 011.60 cash 'October and November. Bulk meats steady and unchanged. Whiskey quiet and unchanged at & 1.20 New York Weekly Bank State. I ment. i . : . . -. . by j penucu as the bnuges are I Bf Tckgrapu to Da! I jr Review. New, York, Sept. 9 NightThe weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows : Loans : decrease $2,451,800; specie decrease $3,688 800; legal tenders decrease $478.900 ; depos its decrease $5,765,800; circulation in crease $28,600 ; reserve decrease $ 1,726, 250. iTho banks now hold $1,932,275 less than the legal requirements. : COTTON MARKETS. i Telegraphic lirevities. A giiu belonging to the British at Crectlmorc was tampered some unknown person, much dignation of tho Americans. Some very startling developments of thclt and fraud have been disclosed in regard to the management of the Alms House, in Philadelphia. Among other uungs tne rool. wmcli was of cornier. By Telegraph to Daily Review. September 9 Night Galveston firm at 12; Norfolk quiet and steady at wf ; ualtimoro quiet and steady at 122 ; Boston quiet at 131 ; . Philadelphia auu ai u; oavannau nrm at lit: new r- Strictly Business. Mr. C. B. Bishop the inim i table corn- median, will show here ncjct Saturday nignt." JJLe . wUl open tho theatrical season - in Gontcr'a play id "Strictly Bua!ne.y, .Jfr. , Chas. ?ApYiog; the agenty' waa H rd yesterday making; 'af - rangements lor tno appearance otnMx, Bishop. He received the following tel egram dated at Richmond from tho man. agef. Mr.F. W.Pauir Z ; f: We are triumphant: opened at Nor folk to seven hundred and forty dollars. To-night, Richmond cisJat hundred, and eighty. .Prospects big to-morrowl" . , The above will show what a strong hold Mr. Bishop's new piece is ; taking on the public,; All the scenery, used in this production is carried by the com pany which is pronounced the best that has eyer supported Mr! Bishop in any oi'his tours through tho South.,,. ;, . Terribly Mutilated. Coroner Hewlett. was notified ou FriT day that the body of Primus Youug, an old colored man about70 years of: age, was- found lying in tho yard attaulied to his residence, on the llooper plantation, in Capc'Fear township, about Biic miles from his city. The i-cmai ns " were so terribly mutilated as to be. alinost be yond recognition. - Prinlus lctt here about ouo week ago and was then com plaining '.of , feeling : tadiy.! .No3 rie seems to know when the., old mau died or how long beforu death he was j siek. rrho WightyfWambth o . x .... , . , , . : i . . . " i j f C igfant i c Co loss u& Of. all Amusement Organizations, ranoplletl In S. Hi i -1 BABRETT'Si &; CO'S New United HMonster i Railroad Shows ORIENTAL, CIKCUS, KGYl'TIAN CARAVAN AND UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION OF LIVING WONDERS!, rositivcly Couiins nid will exhibit in nil IU vsist culircty at ; L I : 1 1 WILMINGTON, MON.DA V. SEPTEMB'R i illlthhl ?MS?nlfIcai1?- atl2i; M?SS? n?minal Corpncr.Hcwlclt went out tb the home :U with by at 121; Memphis steady at 12i; Augus. ru it' ! V i tothoin-r ta quiet at U; Charleston steady at deceased yesteixlay and had the 121. , ic j mutilated remains iuterreit His- .ijc NAVAL STORES. liy Telegraph to Dally RctIcw. is thatJPrhnus died iff his bed and tho dogs irt the fieighborhuqd dragged tho body out of t tho housb . iiito t the where the body was ,.giiawed yard j hogs! was taken off and sold and not one dol- . Charleston. Sept. 9 Night. Spir- nd nicked h v hii - ,i r t? tnrpentine 40 cents bid, ,41. ask- m'TM tZlSjL (0 Tt)cjTph to Dallr Rcvkrw.l Wasuixgton. Sept 0 Night Sur-reon-Ceneral Hamilton, of the Marino Hospital Service, has received tho fol io wing:,, JJrvvcnrvtilc, Ecjil.'J- Fiflli-sevcn new ' cases of fever and three dcatks. ' Peksacoiju Sept. U Night Twelve cases and two deaths. The National Board of Health receiv ed the following: Pcnsaeola. Fcby 8 10:45 p. m. US new cases to-day and 2 deaths, 1 color ed. The weather for the week up to, noon to-uay was very warm, it is now cool and a ram storm is threatening. Pensacola, Sept. 0 Night. Tho Board ot Health declares the yellow fe ver epidemic We have in 24 hours 18 new cases and 3 deaths. Collections are being almost entirely suspended and business men are greatly embar rassed and an appeal is mado to the gen erosity ot the country. Contributions should be transmitted ed. Rosin steady at $1.40 for Strained ana uoou fc trained. lar accounted for. E. S. Sanfonl, V. P. of Adams Ex- licl 6U.Mcnly ycsterOiyJ ' , . j '-.i ?""une.ery ?m cats- man, who was elected by tho Republi can's to the N. C Ixjziskiturc some years ago, and who was in jail atlllert- lord lor abduction and robbery, escap ed thence on Friday night in company with five colored prisoners. -j i suspicion of any" foul play In connection j with the death. Indications . :;' :": The; Circus.:;. i Barrett's circus troupe will arrive in this city this morning and will show, on Dickinson's hill to-morrowi ' Wherever 7 ENORMOUS MEl KOPOLITAN MENAGERIES UNITED '." 50 .Fifty Blazoned Gages of Wild Beasts I 50 TII12 STAB KOUTJGltS. j , No Verdict us' Yet Estimated l Cost of tho .Trial.' fDj Telegraph to Daily Rcriewr.J . Washington, D. C. Sept. 9. Night. At 2 o'clock the Star Route Jury again camo into uourt ana reported that they had failed to agree. They were uirccteti io reinrn, ana report again at 6 o'clock. When thev by teleirraDh into Court at the latter hour they an- 1 !L1 .1 I nOnnOftfl T nnr. IhPV ttatl -ran nh,ri waca DUiaiuiH tvh inern is Rn imnprai va i j For tho South Atlantic States elondv I they have been they have received conl-1 Bv imported a Huge Shambling' llh-cr Hoi weather, with rains, winds mostly mendationsfroni;both press and, peo afdtSre5r C5e,el; 'WeKarebceu watching -1 wv"6w.cJ. viuocijr auu.are BaLisinju WHI T E NILE HIPP 0 P 0 T A MFS ported a Huge Shambling lin er Horsq the terror of tho Saurians clalnUl i Theologians and Zoojranhers to be identical with tho. rhtu!1 SlSl V- .WJ tlie Behemoth of tho Bible. Jl Pair of Maiesticr Giraffiesi I ?r6kcn and.dwitf'' i - ! . - . ., 'wuian cnariots. that the "troupe is ono.wnicH is well ISl O fl flH I n v A cf-nrl in mobr than Eigiitt1! jio, . : uu6-ucai iji cw . ' , , " -i- w w w - v JfiUUUATBD 'FLESH : L : I ,:; j . A MONSTER ALIrKEPnESEXTINa HEED OP ! PilllFORMING ELEPHANTS ! cureans, . will be relieved by Browp's LOCAL NEWS. , The receipts of cotton at this port yes terday foot tip 134 bales. . ' " reacnea an agreement in regard of some of the de fendants, but not as to others. Jud-o Wylie stated that he was not prepared as yet to accept a partial verdict, and tne jury were told to return tor f h need of funds. The large proportion of Northern and unacclimated men ren der nj singularly accessible to the rav ages of the disease while tho nnmber of ick and sickening is creatly disnroDOi- tioned to the number of trained nurses. Bbownsyille, Tex., Sept. 9 Night There were 57 new cases of ferer to day. There We also 3 deaths all Mex icans. There was one death in Fort Brown. on th decrease. There were 2 deaths "are reacneu a lerajct oi guilty as to in the last 24 hours : $14,000 is the total "y: "oeu, Mcner and Vaile, and One interment, that of an adult in. Bellevue Cemetery during the week. . 1 CI The steamship Gulf Stream C&pK Ingram, hence, arrived at- New. York yesterda. i Including TWICE the largest animal known to exist, worthy of the confidence and patronage of -the public.' Sorely the ' bills' tell of enough to drive sleep from 1 the r eyes of the younf and to , revive , in the hearts of theold much of the consuming circus fare of youth, 'and when the -splendid street parade arrives, with- its i Ptei phants, canals, dromedaries jand wild ll<T? fe1" ?.ver 200 year, of beasts in caravan; its grand and gorke- - -,- ; ------- C unmn ever seen. ous chariots, cars and cages; its three l.lVUV .G slayek,- .ana on 815,000 une xnaruai oanas ana new, leviathan 1 . V r cuiuu,ionin tins or any other country, ni ; xiocomouve sceam urcnestra, and itsi . xou uiii see the Great huudreds of wonders and i amusing t the famous old India War Elephant, VI There were three adults and one lslShts, ' everybody will be attracted td night, and come into Court at 10 o'clock cnil( interred in Pine Forest Cemetery the half million, yards of brilliantly elee- An animal nercr before erxhibited in America. - The first and only j I to-morrow. Tho session of the Court. I during th waaIt. nas Decn conunueu irom day to day since Friday by recess, no adjournment The receipts of cotton at this port for having;been taken. One of the prosecu- the first nine days of the season, endinsr Imt rnniS? yesterday, foot up 506 bales. trie lighted tents. H O C I aaoont sent us by subscription. FOREIGN NEWS. (By Cable to Dally Uct lew.) Loxdox, Sept. 9. Night Reuter's Telegraph Company hastho following: Kossassin, khlt 9 Tho enemy at tacked both flan ks of tho British posi tion this morning. A sharp encounter ensued, resulting in tho repulse of the ArtDS. possioiy an acquittal as to Turner, i and tliat they are still considering thn of the two Dorscvs. It I was nspm-M if. ed at the Treasury Department to-day that payments already made on ac count of the expenses in thcDrospr-ntion 1 of tlic Star Koute cases are as follows : Jror services and expenses. B. Ill Brow- A . ' - - - Only one marriage, license, that to a colored couple, was issued ly the Reg.' Ister of Deed3 during the week. Anything in the bardare line i Tho Cyclone . One year ago yesterday tho most dis astrous storm. whicfir has ever passed over this city btirst upo'rt';us , about 12 o'clock Buildings., were leveled, - roofs were blown off and, we regret ? to say, lives were' lost, - Tho city for several ( days presented a dilapidated "'appear- Ever exhib POP O TIM US ted on this Continent. The only genuine 1 ! 1EK10X&: 1 2E3EODT so i J:.. : .V you wiLi see ' - --: - ,-("-- . - TIIE SlMlAM COLOSSUS. CYNOCEPirAlJTs , ' . . ' j ! THE FIVE -TON PERFORMING BLACK RIIINOf:KTina !: , : j? 5 j r j A AKCT1C AQUAB1UM OP POLAB MAMIIOIHS andem in the Streets. Prfominr Amhin nfnmnH, ... . ,h,.L1Jl'UIM Hiuucu wr'perrorm increai- anuc liiaiugUynocephalus, Performing Dens. n ull 111 . z k 1 wcu no ' uumuareu wilii xiiq. rnins' nt i rTr..; VAUUu Mr. N. B. Vincent is established & ancient1 'Rome.;;1- Yesterday ? about the TTfiT.P T.tnTNTfl "MTI X VfD A T5 "n CJ ana expenses. 6.702: llnnrim ltii services and expenses, $10,251.00: vl r'V- , Wl ric :y Kcrr. services and expenses, 6,527: Ocncral olsclv is now on his I if t xt.;i- . ' ' WIT to thfl front. Tmn;,rn; 1, expenses. Trrir; ,."r:?:rw"tM4 umson, services and Beuter's has also tho following later despatch from tho British camp : . . fuxstastinJZ &pi 0 Xbon Tho at tack of the enemy has been repulsed but the action still continues along tho front which extends a distance of throe tailes. All of tho troojw arc out from the British camps. Tho wounded arc now bcinz brought in but tho iftLil cxlties are not yet exactly known. The British loss is roughly estimated at 100 killed and wounded. Many shells fell ia the British camp before the enemy was repulsed VlETNA. Sent. 9. NLrht. A to!,. craa from SL Petersburg is published here stating that the convicts in the pris on a Khokham revolted recently and the roard was called out to suDnre&s them. A struggle ensued and 40 of the convicts were Eilcd. Kossasw, Sept. O.NighL All of Arab! rash a s troops rom Cairo have been brought to Tel-El-Kebir : also the black regiments which iorm the elite of uwjU! wiuiury, ids enemy is workiox night and day at his entrench ments across the fresh water canal on hU right. General Wolscley is now in direct telegraphic communication with Lendon. Loxdox, September 9. Night. The Briih bark Conajna from Sunderland, r w tx, nas iounaerea ana mo stcr, Tor bis appointment as Attorney business again andisks for ra share of hour of 12 o'clock the Var department and rinUVn. lJ? SS? tho Pronage. Sec advertisement else Mhtcmt the following from the .Main where. r: ? 1 1 penses, . 55,000: total S 17.480. W., It wul uo seen that the above expenses include only lawyers fees and expenses and only so much of that class n re counts as has been passed by the ac counting officer of tho Treasury. None of tho accounts of expenses incurred in this trial," such; as witness ifcos, com pensation oi special agents, court ex penses, etc., have vet been presented at the Treasury. It is estimated that these expeuscs, together with tho addi tional amount to , bo paid as counsel fees, will swell tho total expenses of the Star Ilouto trial to about $200,000. r DOMESTIC MARKETS. (B7 Telegraph to Dally Review. FINANCIAL. I i Cashmeres tney are Street. were never now atllAiLN O fiice at' Washgton : .The Gulf cyclone has recurved and is 1 A Pair of African Elands. r as cheap asj now central off the mouth of the Missis- 1 A. 'a. 38 Marketl ippUV.Ita' course cannot be defined at ',T pneub, yub it win ' proDaDiy t, Secured seats for the , theatrical sea son are now on sale.' See Dyer's ad vertisemcnt. ' -i :-; . nr a. -a a ... vro rezrec 10 icarn ' that our young friend, Mr.SJainea G.- Bradley is quite ... sick . ai ine , resiaence of Mr. W.. II. Lippitt, in this city. - . . ; "Mr. Thos.H..IIoweyt who ,has rbeen in NeV York for-several months past has returned to the city. We are pleas- eu 10 seo nini looking: wexu : -Capt. Manning advertises that he has plenty of room now for transient guests and can furnish pig-fish three times ic win' DroDaniY' move Northeastward, ; 7 Shipping on- .the South Atlantic coast is warned that dangerous winds may. be anticipated to night ndj to-morrow. TV 1' . At 6. o'clock ; tho,; follpwingj message was flashed over the wires 1 .h r : Up signals Smtthville, Wilmington 'm.AWWAl vjwiuuy wumai UUUtU VI 1 J irensacoia apparently moving In Norths cast direction. ' 7 i .i..v 1 v.? ..." iwavt'ud iuo& oiac& I and angry bnt there is littio or iw'wind j It maV'be the calm' heftmv. ihn ctnrm " - HkVALU Vc trusfour' 'cTtyinTiepareornrorn a similiar visitation of I Septeiriber 9th, 1881. A CAVALCADE OF -if; . Fourteen Performing Kentucky ThorougKbreds. 14 1 he largest puraber of the piost beautiful and best train! TTnrii in tho tovwM nii.l mnY.a fh.n i i "I " v- . u..v. aa.ja.s iiuuu l. nyiv; euyv. aiOlie. THIRTY ARABIAN CAlilELS. i 1 'f; -t.f; -I,..;' A ift9f.??. .FAT''' COLLECTION OF -H-V Y -t-Esrc ZOOi-loC3rXO-A.Ij W03STDERS New YfiRK. .(lntimW a v;k I uu . ... , Kfi;"CT' "rA.",I"riaJf wimuuyusr roast every nour or O ".0v MARINE NETVS; 4831. ! Governmpit strong ; new nves 101 bid; new four and a half per cents 113 ; new four per uoaus negiecica. : COMMlCIAL. lxtton steady; sales 383 bales; Up lands 12 13-16; Orleans 13; consoli dated net receipts 6.406 bales; exports two to fill up tho corners. ARRIVED.1 ''7' '-II Steamer D. Murchison Smith Fovli iiunU AT TWT -1 T 1 1 o , J twwuuc, jr. f . y imams G5 vJO; IMO M iUll.. common. &7.18: Nrt enn'n nominal; ungraded red 70l.i9j; No red 1.071: ungraded ' whit i nan o - reu spoi $i.ubj. Corn act ive, closing at f inside j rates and J2 lower, closing heavy and unsettled. Oats unsettled and lin iarnmrhnr. rmrr . . .. . - xaiaDcnng iaj, were arowcea. . lYcemant Journal says: Garwood, rod $1.07 ; w mmiuw, Miiiw m ireiana last evening to superintend the execution of lYaads nines. Marwood is guarded by the police, and a number of Irish detectives will escort him to Limerick. London. Sept. 9 Night. General Wolxaley telegraphs to tho War Oflico from a point 3J miles west of Kossas- sin xocx uie loiiowing report: of the morning's operation : September QihXoon. Tho enemy rcooonoitercd our advanced posts with considerable lorco of all arms. At day break this morning General Willis ad vanced and attacked them, driving weak; cotton, steam, 3-l&fld; them back with loss. We have taken steam, 4d. Bosin quiet and ioor guns, our loss is very trilling. The enemy have retired into their works from which they arts now firing at 5,000 yards range. I shall return to camp Kofrnssia with all my force. I have re- catl asd teleyaph are tow working Col. Jno. J. FTtHrlrV" lma'Tioc1 fl, store on Market Rtnt VMrh u-p-man simmer JVLinneliana, Bis i i V w JZ eey, bmithviUe,. Master. t;r w , cently.oecupied by Mr. Thos. H. How- Steamer Passport, HarpeV, Smith ey, and will remove his dry goods busi- ville, Master. . .. . nessjto thatIaee oh the ISth I CLEARED'." ' "s - ' i - a Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith Look at these bargains in rumor nlle. Master. 1 t - r lour.ooathfrrn nnn.hui(ml ami n.,rof " I f TT to j j! : . 1 U. 8. mm 1 stmm Wheat, cash, ii higher and strone: m.pi Rfrf ' A bey, Smithville Master. - ' Steamer D. Murchison- Smith. Fv vw2Tiue, jr v vv ltiiams cs uo. A, 11 T- 3 if We are pleased to knew Jas. M. McG owan, who has been very PoinTSS 5 SSS? sick fbr the past week; b considered Steamship Regulator, Doane'New somewnai Deuer. tie has had a very iorjc ' syoua. r KtiiTn r . . I Schr June Bright. Rartrr RaHimnm nblf 33f Ku Tleiira Phid 'ype- Wehopo to ehlm out in """S. . j o v .vuiituu ot, ; nrm ,6tanoam A Molasses firm and quiet. Rice sicaay ana quiet. Jard opened 10& 121 lower and closed with the decline almost recovered; sales nrimo .steam. spot, 12.1081212i; .September 12-074 12.171. Freights to Liverpool dull and wheat. nuict and firm nt'JO. bpinnts turpentine firm at 43len. iork very steady in spot iu iaurouuiDrrtsa4es. now mess, spot, $3l.7Se$2ljS7l 1 jr' ucfc rcccipisi none: cross iYcsirwaUf Irch,Trdut larid j Black fish hooks and lines. , A mil assort ment and lowest prices at JA.cosis.t A couple of small colored boys were arrested last nhrht on the wharf for stealing bags from the office of Messrs. Norwood Giles &Co.. .There is & bro ken pane of glass in tho front door of the flice and the boys fished the bags out with a pole. They" have been plying ' ' COASTWISK. Baltimore Schr June RnfcfcQsn 675 feet lumber, 5 bbls pitch. " ' New -York Steamshin oaies .couon, wuo casks spirits,, 1.906 bbls rosin. 65 bbls tar. 60 Mik nia' oo uuus uuur, ki Dues varn. in tvtiAs vnni 2 bales.vanllla, I bale hides, 10 bbls I Peanuts, luu.ouo shingles, 60,785 ft lum wr,4 pKgs mosc 3,818. Futures closed steid v : mTm ? i v I their avocation for the nast two or Dm 000 bales: iSeDtcmbcri 12.51 a ivM.ln;ofe '::. James A; VJ i Ward, 0 AND PUmiASING 'agent; .'' fi- E. Cor. CtorJcs andPnut Stsl. MIL . YouVnl see WlLttS COBB'S original ami only Miniature CJroui of Dow, GoaU aEl Monkey. ii-uijr iwuuie ponicrsaujt jeaiicra, leil lv the acknowledged ebamulons or loo enure world, JAMES QU1G LEY and WILLIAM BATCHEtXJtt. 410,000-, j . tuaiiengw tueir cjuai is not to ic xoiini. Twenty Champion - - Bare-Back Klders, heailollfy ill VIOLA BIVEBS. Misa I . , , i niTAfiT va rwvpe .......... The champion two, tour and six Horse Bidcrs of the old Vnd new world. The WorM-Fm4 k i A TrV rV ruu c?a,Prn Anista or tnc Triple Bar. Tbe only and mun- ltLinlA I 1 1 A l.KTT A oml WATT 41- t t . w . .A f .V9yt'iWnqae wonuerfm l'crforraanees on the InvLsiblo n ire w ieet m iuc air, holds thousands of t . ineonlft In l tTVflf li1ad aim - ' DO t : - I J "tr i owinis ' ' . . ....... . . ti. HEADED BY THE KING Ii.VUGII-31 AKEUS, THE GREAT II A Y M A It E Jt OT If ERS!! Tbe .w9?y"BKDSO..M .Steam Alr-Shi in operation onteldej free'to'alL :j niex a iictorn from Conquet. A Quarter of a million Street Parade Three Sn : t: P5 Jiartl Musical Brisades. The New Leviathan Steam Band, i. 3o-oiceaJut)itee Chorus, always exhibiting jast what it dvertlses. i 1 .Cb?? Excursion Bates on all liallroad to the Great "World Exposition JJt 22SJF? Jl? 5U Adrertised Shows. Children UnderXine Ye art Half Fnce. L TWO GRAJtD EXHIBlTIOXt n ur.r it irini,., ivtwi i. Mtiifana more. na, aai so far aa It 13 coacer&eO, no otoer saows eslsta. ' i cpt4 I'