bBl every wwli . Mond cepted-by JOSII T. JAMES . piro Arorrcro. y .imuSS POSTAGE PAID: fl iU Six months $2X0. Three Ob fi oo;' Ooemotb;45 eenu. - rtlU be delivered by arte free Hi a v Prt of the city, at the above ctArr' week. ' ,ciii mort any and all fall- relTe their paper regularly. 77. A"Vy Review. has the largest r" .,VX in Mr ciiy of Wilmington. r LOCAL NEWS. " .'nil JO tW ADYEfTUEBENTS. p,i-Luc,lU1 j, last j x( II ki-ei: -Thank ..4.rIl'KR-C:l,l ,., O Waaie.1 ' ,:lAVHnfc-1 Away , ; ; Jl J Htl'BH'K lJCBIOV M MKTX-rnan.l Winter. It aKiiii.-T'ecuwlst.. IHli. A rtiKvLl-in Sale wi.Krn jfVoiait-Jroccrle. j Ilf-I'r, A'lvertUmenU, .It Htiiiuiui.-6n(iMaaLcaf, j H jlLLAUi AnothcrSew Lot V t Uatis JL son Fact, Not Ga Mt- LU'R i Eoth'M-L School j w IlAtrtE Will Plicoanlnuc iiLR".-On Hawlml BarreU j J Yorr Tblnl Ward Dem Club" 5 juobt-To.M fce Home Dcaatlful i ricKETT Coror.a Clg&n 3ir09 Ck We ILtT .a oll tine. t, niKMiz-CU'inn Crcenbackew tt i kion llfUi Street U Church jl ilvi;i Grocerie at BetalL Bevwn A UuUDIck Shetland Shawl A A Willakd MarTln'a Celebrated, r veil T.UXOB-Now to the Front f C Mituu Turnip nd Cabbage Seed OTTEKBot BG Necessity U the Mother 1 Jo L BoAiwRionx Parole Dllonneur, tr c rki0Eit AoCouutry Merchants Jh M McUowxx & Sos Three ;Thouaand Dxirftos & 8TE5KEci3-Strlctly Busl CtxiiARDT .V Co Manufacturers and Deal- n . . Lrxcnxu & Caldxx Hbo Eagtnj Ties I Jtwiarr Scey Matrimonial Eadowment iMOcUUon G Goto church to day. No City Court yesterday. Ibj's length labours and 20 minutes. Sazsct this afternoon at 4 minutes post 6 o'clock. No interments in BclleTue Cemetery aaring the week. ' ' , ' 1 ' 1 ' Voultry.ofall kinds, continues un- Tie rcceipu ot cotton at this port yes terday foot up 07 bales. . The market was well supplied with Tirious kinds of fish yesterday. Bargains in Black Cashmeres at Unix's. 38 Market street. t '. "- " i The regular trips of the Ttistport will k diicontinued after Thursday. One interment that of an ad alt in OaldY.e Cemetery daring the week. Mrf1? Laura Rothwell wiUreopen her school at her residence on Monday; Oc Llcrd. ' ' , . Iook at those bargains in Cashmeres it Hahx's popular dry goods store, 33 Market utreet. t It is safe when you step on. a grape 3.I to think three times and then say josr prayers. 1 , 1 " " Kgi, which have recently been sell- "5 lor iS cents per dozen, sold yester bjaten cenU. I-k at those bargains in Cashmeres it If aiix's popular dry goods store, 33 JUrket street. J . , t There were two interments, both cIJren, in Tine Forest .Cemetery .1 ... r wonng me week. I The Register of Deeds issued "three fctrmsc licenses during the past week to colored couples. ' . f T To Builders and others Go to Jxccy i's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. Mr. Thos. C. Craft, who has been V&e ill at his residence in this city with CTcro attack of bilious fcyer, is, wc bd to learn, convalescing rapidly. Oar btock of Polka Dot and Windsor r rcry btjliili. More Ncgligton )llXU artia JTtSON. f Ttc first hop of the season was giveu Friday n!-ht at Rankin IUU by 2icorthe young gentlemen of this They had a huge time. t'aaLniercs were never as cheap al arc now at IUun 38 Market VOL. VI. W ILIdTNGTON; N Ixxjk at those bargains in Cashmeres I atllAHNspopalardrygoocU store, 38 i -Market street. ' t ! : T The (Irccnbackcrsor the First Ward will hold a meeting in tnkklyu Hall 1 ucKlay evening at 8 o'clock. They de sire a full attendance Mr II. Brunhild returned from New IUiv. Robt. O. Burton. Presiding El der ol' the Wilminston District, holds the fourth quarterly meeting for the present year at this Front Street Metho dist church to-day. I The excursion to Smithvillo on the lissiorL under the ausnices of the w;irr. unucr v ic auspices oi uip ladies GlilHiitUiyreci M. E. Church, on Wednesday next, will positiTely be tnc last oitho season. Bargains in Black Cashmeres at IIaiin's. 38 Market street. : t Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son aTe continual cnlargins their bnsins. and thcvDronosG harin? their fisheries ; 7" vi ' 77 , ; Q "7 : ; all connoisseurs Cashmeres !l Cashmeres ! CheaD as T ever, shown al Haun's, 33 Market j Uwingto tha absence or ltev. Mr. Payne at Wilmington Presbytery, ser- vices will bo conducted to-day at 11 iv. ji. m me oeconu a resoyierj Church, by Rcr. ilr. Ricaud. and at thev are now at IIahn's. 38 Market street. t , t Personal m; TTon r.rWnnW i,ni,, Un I..,. .... M i crro on n vr iiatxo lamiiy or Air jm. - 'a i , -JL ojr .uv io ago jvnerc ,ue . jnacie fc . - Hons t6 thdeiCTrJaorrJn this dtv. m rumorejl now that sccona to nono oai tne iAtunuc coast, almost unlimited acopo-to h Is inimita- work is already being done;" The coun Tbo Davis mullet now has a reputa- bio genius:i Miss ;Osborn0iho wed her- Jifetiug" athe tion which commands the attention of self The akka fWrf.uiW townships well organized. I , Mq o:joat. in wic, xint irwujnmau Alimster of Police, St. Petersburg, when rpm; s 'OLiD reliable tobacconist Church, byjtcv. Mr. Taylor. surfouhed bftftuafcian. 'police, and in J- il" J- ;-'.:;',','!;'','";s ' I - ;.j mit ,J ;Vi , ' , , " keeps the El Dorado,; Heiress, Gravely and ' it: -..-rJ-Qii,o o their I verv clutches j ha thinks ho h5 1 . ' , i VOOlllXlCi WO f big UCTU M VUVOU ttd ' - - -1' r--. r- rSchlbssTor some t me oast will leave inoII1Iusl SS wno woum navegiven JL m.e. Church wlU give a Family Excur locniossiar some ume pasi, win leave v . ..i.-f sionon-tha stnampr pas?port wktines. for her homo in Raleigh this morning. She- carries with r. fpur. fractured atCenrEcrr' ever, shown at.UAiis. 38 Market street. i t Thftlfifoct ?n fliia linrt lQ trio "MrTrffl Carollha Mutual Matrimonial Endow- mentAssociation organized, officered and controlled in this city. It is ready for business.' Its officers arc gentlemen wbaare well-known here anatnecon- inexceUcnfc Jbands. Simpll.1t Is aHhoroughir reliable or- . ii : 1 I a 1 I WDOare Weil-KUOWn cere UU Uie uou- irnlrAtion. Fnll particulars mar be had I r , i f - on application to any onebt the officers, a tot of whom will be found in our ad- rertising columns. Very Pleasant. m..t). a ar nrt)nt tw -4 auo ikcr. v. -ui. vun..;, Rintiat chnrch. colored, was the recip- ient. a few nights ago, of a purse of . ... I . . - i monftT and some cood thinirs for the in- ner man. l ne aonors were me MM 1 b jewoio members 1 of bt; j btephen s jv. m. x. 7 . I . IT - : r ciiurch. and wo are informed tthat they IrijfiiiriAalokJof svm-; o T- - - pathy for him and as an evidence ot their belief in his innocence of the v i .u.M;ncti,;m caar u i " Homo Manufacture. w- wMfUuv in MTrt fr- Ave saw .yesterday, in Aiessrs. uer- hardt- &, Co carriage manufactory, on North Front street, a very handsome piece' of home; work. - It j is V lady's park nh.Tton, complete in every res- pect, every part of which was turned the people. " out at the Gerhardt factory. It is built Col. Aloore i and tested in every pajt.jand it is;.not only handipmo and nicely finished out it is strdngand durable, and is alto- . Cashmeres were never as encap as TT . ..1. 1 -KJ I ir..lmf they are now at iiAiiis, ij-"-'--1 street. I - i ?Umi : l iKifi trrifisrs fori I the press and nubUc speakers will persist in' mis- .i. ,nr mnrdprin" the quoUng the text .and murdenn me grammar of Moore's bcautiinl noes commendug , L - lO. ever thus lcUlMod s hour I've twenty fondest hopes "ccay, bv savin Twas ever thns&er lines ma bo' found in Lalla Rookh. and we suggest that oar literary fhends look them tip and quoto ;Uicm properly hcreiftcr, -Wo have seen the j error noted ftboTo in several papers' recently , - . -inducted- vith the I learning columns getber. as we taKe t, as gooa a piece Ir; work aa has t tomea out here sine. enacentf to h war. f : - ' 1 - UnMtmn f thft races m .Noith, Caro-l 1 i z: Ji ; : and r ability : wniehTnarK tne tingulshed Solicitor of the 3rouaiciai orth York' World. . Dirtrfct, and candidate for xtiectipn. - - - . " 4 - I v- - I , I Uiiraailable. j Unmailablc matter remains in the rostofficQ in this;city addrcssetl to Miss Mi!? a care of Trim Lee; aiufCaptE. T. Bur- riss. SmIthTfne,?T,;. Bargains IbV Bfack Cashmeres ;at II ahn V3& Alarket atrcet.- . t j"j ender. ' ffJ the. Kepubli-i cans will not nominate : cantUiiates lor Sheriff and County Cout$ Clerk in Pen der county but will make their fight oh the Iegistire ticket? The Democrats in that county-are alive and are deter- wc trust they 4nayiccecd 1n doing. t , - - Cashmeres.! iCashmeres ! Cheap as! overf showt s. 38 , Market street. t JUL '-.fc? m v, X U i. Wa ' Mr. C. B. Bishop .was greeted last Cningby the largest 'Saturday night I fLnrllfnOft WA - haw AVAi1 conn' n Oper.B.ataVstri&l,Bdr inrw " ? rTin whUmV v. a 1 vuW ntuvu vau uuu won the mlratlont of her aadieneb: It is lmpossiblgja-anj ordinary synop- 8 Play-v newspaper articIA 1 ticI&coulcLdescribo prop; of the attempted :assassi- erlvtheseene nation m Geneva, or the effects of the day when Iroquois Won the Derby up- on Fhflkin's fortunes.' Neither would ft do justico to thescene in the office of poisoneamo .Czarof Kussia, and imag- i?es that -hisrbier's mmlon mac season wxu De inc Knout ana ti- bena, nor the last , act; where Philkms on strrctlv hnainAsa 'nrfn'rattlpji rlAsfrnva ZI77.1 r l " V . m.P u means oi tueir own Wteka q;: notwithstandin; oand at asole at jAtco i TliJrJ CiViJll.iVltjrii . Yesterday in the District-Col Green and Capt. Galloway at Clinton and Col. Moore at Ieesburcr . TOT l.r tfnd5inr VARtr- ThQTQ gQ da ftt clintoa and at h of thecai Leesburgto Jiear cam Dai sm discussed. ..i .i i w urceu auu vapt. uauunajr oc .ftt thQ former place . and ;Co;:'B u MooTe at the iatter. We present below snial rerjorts from both ooints : i -1 t . r r cA- i n ioim , j.twiJLiiu, twmci v., Editor Review: ......... . f it had bGeQ IMUe PUDIIO Wr f WeCK Ur more cast that a mass meeting of - tho Democracy wouiaoe new nere to- .I- Tklii; ifmnr a fino prnwn ia f ho "r ir.r people axe getting stirred up on politics. jt was expected that tne nominee oi j in Dunlin for the Leffislnttare " f our party rV'" onfoT would srk , ,!l ?J!rtS bati he failed lo put Ift an appearance. This narroweu uown me speaking io Coi. RMpore; of Wilmington, who had been'properly invited. The Cplof nei made one 01 tne Dest speecnes urns i far 0f thecampaign. Hb handled the Republican party with gloyes off; and contendea tnat ine x. loerai parxy W"DUDLES OF THE "STAB," CIGAR AND . t nart nd narcel of the old Re- x ! . pubucan party. He went into national as well as Stato issues, andspoko with uch on tne p. eoung . f education, &c. now before is evidently of that much- -Jid orthodoxrHe did not 6on- gnehimSelfto the old ruts of thought in his able speech, but hd ventured upon ifliirition ifnfi tahnnld bpi as a matter of iustice, . , Hia pr0P0sitlon isl- -o .. -V 11 ; that cacn race snau wuraie ua ut cniiuren; uiafc uu fnr rdnrl children shall be ' collected out Gf the colored race alone and. that school nation for white children jhall bo levied aione on uje . vvxuus-s tho firet Urac maa in 0nr State has pdy aken this new and aggressive position, "o U iwrauy nuu gThe qucstion 13 an important ono fa destined to force itself upon pub- mc thought and attention, 'lax payers hero approve the prosedchanga . Cunton.'N. O, SepL 15, 183i ) Editor R?xT rL J Terai Mwftt umm nrtdrnssad 'here ?Ti:::r:h:)n. dis- 1 1882 fl-Vbarton' J.!biwn,'thVDem ocratic. candidate Tor noc r.. this district,. Capt; Galloways was in wuaiue wriucd Miesiirclieueuiyo! North .... -tt: .. vuaua, me licpuuiicaJi p;irty, : heavy aud Irresistible blows. The Captain'M iwiUj-uo niucn -goou. . lie is 4"." a few felicitous rcumrks by M C, Ilicliardson; , Esq. ,;The . Colonel lind n,cvcr apixjared before -the 'people ofbanipsph, but he will not be a slran- ghereattertO ; tose .who Iieai;tl him lDOUi?h sufrermir under event nhvsi- caLdiscomfort; her ' made , k m'asterly-, muiuuuij .uiscussing ta.u . uie main issues "o! the 'dav:' Snace and iinilUaiow,UQ.iiUempt 'an- alysis of his remarks. He was specially PPyUh his IncidvekVlAnatidn 'of the a! Ml fl T . burdens our -peonle ai-e bearino' tmdp.r ine preseni tanir system anil in his de nunciation ortho internal revenue sys- I tm . .TIlA fVtltnol mailn n Una. sion ahdTSarapsoh will roll ub her full Democratic' majority lor him in No- 1 Terabcr. Both he and Cantr Gallo wav ISS&tSiSS Ji: 51 . aic an vu iaj tuu situauuii. ' v.ADVEBTIEMEN'l'S. ' af xew CATCir iitJiXET-s, Wweet and ?! ff' ,f I j- f ' v'! " i0TB& septmt ID. I..G0RE. , ' rr lH''BUriCtlllTierf r - ' ".seU bXCUfSIOII. I ' ' i . ... i The ladies of The fifth street DAY,-6elleni720, to Smlftvllle ind "the KlW so 'cents. This will WilliiciBodntinued. reguiar trips of the. passport win he W Lm,. Beptl7-lt Country Merchants I will find a. first-class stock of Hardware in every; raapeot and prices as low as any house can make. WM. JS. SfKITSUliK dC UU., Saccessors to Jno. Dawson & Co., . 19. 21 & 23 Market SL sept 17 ... . Wilmington, N. C. :if- Look; AT OUR NEW AWNINGS. Can put you np one of the same ' kind, or make your Carpet to lit and . have It properly sewed, or han&r vour Shades or Paper, or do your Up r noistertnsr hQlsterlng aa It should be done, and as for Mattresses we have the material and can do Jiiework CaU and see vs, at ; ' , . jtiYi!irr , i j. Tont sireet. nnav lMt wwt ' M find tlma to serve vi this week. i:;:?. -:-. - - . gent fi ou 7 i - v " "T. TV rpHE Minnehaha will make her X ; ' . . ' Sumlay trip, for th reason, to Smithville r i :f.irv.r.,, ,',1 BndtheForta tolay. Fare as usual. Boat M . . ... jeaye rat9 o'clock.- ' ' ; r'ipUT.i'-j'-' ' josbph 'bisbet. Master - Thrflfl ThoiiqaTld U imV. LU"U0?11A Lamp Shonid be iu mir family, ci- store and Bar. Three hundiei for io cts. .f WCJI 1111 . "1 T : .T. M. McGO WAN 4 SON.' Driving Away. myJJiutekTaY hamr.' I'ne0 p cat, ma'le and laid to" color yon want. , Mattresses ana order. .Forany- in Thanks. DESIRE TO . TENDER MT THANKS TO the cltlxens of Wilmington and surrounding conatry for their very rcnerons patronage tw the PASSPORT, I will In ihe future cndcav: or to give satisfaction to my patrons and hope to continue to merit their custom.- . 1 . . , ; Respectfnlly, ? ; .. i. W.- HARPER, Master. Third -Ward Democratic r- t if;: rpIUiBE -.WlU. OtE; 5) MEETING OF THE Third Waul Democratic Club at the City . I... .. ii Court Rootn, ,TCESD AT. evening, September 19th, at S o'clock Cor the parpose of iwiganl- ! ;JL full attendance la desired. ' lf sept 17-lt ; .? SW. J. TOTP, ?resldeat. n a rnoar NO. 222, - NEW ADVERTiSE3IETa : L "-LaiJa AO - ! ("Mrs. Laura ' Eothllti -. , i;l flLL REOPEN, IIkIi SCHOOL, far tjl J 1 f fHSlTTf IHjlFOiri tlT j ( of ten:, and tiinter ten yiears of ace. at her res oplKslie City llall. w Slit U:tt Kothtrellulll for irfrU, at the same time and plate. '-'sept i7-It - - Jtfow.-Is the Time nvj. SUPPLY 'TOCRSELr WITH A? FINE COOKING STOVE and House v;' 1 furnlslilnsr Gools generally. PARKER i .TAYLOR'S, r P' Ii the Place. .... . Greenbackers I rniiERE wiLfc bea? Meeting V)Fj the JL Greenback voters of tlie FIRST -Ward at ltrooklvn Hall TITFJCTi iVurtni.. m.u at s o clock, for the purpose of elect lug dele gates to the County Convention which con- 'e Court House on the 23l. TURN OUT 1 e Honest Sons of Toll and help to plaoi in office men devoted to the interests of Labo2 and Honest Government. : sept 17-1 1 J5. U. BABSITZ. CiB-u... Cerhardt & Co., M ANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- fTK - era in uuggics, Harness ana Saddles, t T4 !septI71y f ; ' , , !No.45NFrontBtv Wanted. NO. 1 CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH. :4 Apply ti GERHARDT & COj, :- ' i - ',:.! '' '. No. 45 North Front St. sept 17-tf Baggingjies, Twine.Bacon, Lard, Molasses, i 1000 B0US C?L110 BAGGING, 2000 Bdls Pc'd, Arrow and Rocker TIES. 5 Bales TWINE, j 100 Boxes D S SIDES. . 50 Tcs and Buckets LARD, 100 Hhds and Bbls Porto Rico , i , and Cuba MOLASSES. For sale by i sept 17 KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. I Sugar, Coffee, Meal. C f Bbls C and Ex. C SUGAR, s Uli 75; Bags COFFEE, all errades. 500 Bush Water-Ground MEAL. -H'V BCpt 17 Vom .clo lw rr- - KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS Fact, Wot Gas ! THE ONLY EXTENSIVE AND REGULAR FISHERY IN TnksspcrloN! ' OME TO OUR PACKING ROOMS AND see the Fresh and ;Salt Fish ; we are shipping dally. W. E, DAVIS & SON. sept 17 ' - : Removal. T. HAVE REMOVED TO THE STORE North side Market Street,. next door to Dr. Green's Drug Store, where I pleased to see my " .k . ' fi ""' : friends. "Will open In a few days a handsome sxck of goods. Am now selling bargains :.'.:--;i--r:' ; . . r - - " from present stock. sept 17 JNO. J. nEDRICK. DcBeutz Cutlab, President. ;,; J. S, Gkoves, Vice Pres't and Gen'l Mang"r. H. M. Bowdex. (Teller 1st Nat. Bank) Treas. S. Jewett, Secretary. ' J 6 . ; II. M. Croves, General Agent, THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL MATRIMONI AL ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION H' OME OFFICE, ! WILMINGTON. N. C. Organled and chartered under the laws of the 1 state or xonn Carolina. New Association. V T I! I a New plans. Splendid features. Endowments promptly paid on' marriage. Can marry In I St. Wffi.M'Ss: three mont In every town 1 1 . ii. 31. titttJTics, uen'l Agent, or I a. JEWETT, socrctaryj .. sept 17-lMw , Wilmington. N. C. - School Books ! "VTEw AND SECOND HAND, 4- ; ? 'If VERY CHEAP ! Also, Pens, Ink, Pjencils, Penholders, Slates, Crayon, , Book Bags. Straps, Sponges, Copy Books, Exercise Books i ; . I - .-- Xc, Ac., Jtc, Ac sept 17 ;1''t,r. ;;.' V.;C. W.TATES. OFFICE TAX COLLECTOR, - CITT OF WILMINGTON, N. C., 5 ' ;-- September lth, Ji.Oliit f r . .-. jr. s i J ft ? r v. .-, Taxed. rpHE CITY TAX-BOOK - FOR THE TEAR liMiltsnow Uray hands for the collection of the Taxes. Prompt payment 14 requested. V , w irENRY SAVAGE, aertl7 ' ' ; Tax. Collects. PLEASE' NOTICE, I We wa be glad to recelre coanedcxta tnmitmrfrte-orinylSdna 1 writer mntt always be'fa to the Editor. j j CotownkaUonsnrosi W Wrltiia L lflfli one side or the ptr. . : ' - ''- rerWaUUw mnstWTaToldei , .' And It ! especially jid partlcuUrly Bad Uxy that the b&tor Ooca. Bot ahraya wdor he view of correiondenU untesa aol NEW . lathe prat feature o this Bblrt. Br tlexciuTr, I t. Ire we f the W mate-! I1 i i rUlmi most ther- ii - : 'ondinvorkman- ',! I aup, the 4i AND. M)ST PERrKCT FITTINO 1- - , r, srygrtion: to , -. . ; j' . Linen 81ee ve BandU. ix rtackctt j 81eerea. , , 1 Llnon Boaoms, , , . ! UNEQUALLED IN; TTt ir4l 1-1 TO m J UllOmUlt Y. Tit. Pllllflll. saa.tJAj "I r jVnTlrtiiocltIi jaTli. " VUW hilMy. , ! j : u ; : Asirnrr i ' reinforced wlU X ,hl V nnquestlonaulywear ;... Unrer than tlie ordinary ar' 1 tlcle. It Is the most dnrable ihlrt Pocket" Shirt la nar1 mmIom -1 Ho principles. . It also acts aa a .TeatUatoral " ' Ji Is Justly styled ' PERFECTION :IN SHIRTS I r ' ' 1 ' FOR SALE BTf '."'i , L. J. OTTERBOimG, 1 Clothln and Fnrnlshln tloods. i , 2. w and Sf N, Front St,iWtlaunst6a,N.C. StrictryBuoi hobc AND) iJ, HONEST DEALINGS 1 f- 'J-i Will always nrt vnrwn AT OUR NEW- STORE 45 Market Stroftt. : 1 ' ii We are now having made to order att entire J- stock of . - Boots and Shooo9 Also a fine assortment of Ladles and dent's . 1 .-i . ... . i 1.- I !u'V Slippers of the latest styles and cat; o I mO SHODDY GOODS - . .,1 -I passed.' Wait for the opening of oar New Store; andNew Stock Which will be about OCTOBER 1st, If . ' ' , , - t- .: ,'4.,. j. ! i 1 'la yon want et vlish and good good. I )v J t. IT WILL PAT TOU ! - ! . M f - 44 vM 1 . I 4 -1 ni-ji t '' ;,.'o;.trti' ,-Pryfoos & Sternftergor, t m- f 45 MAttKET STK ElJTi I HAVE SEVERED .MY; CONNECTION .., - . .... , J .1 , j with the Shoe house of .A.-Slirler. i-Thlnlli-i j friemU for their liberal patroaaxe I ask a cont-nnaace e or ir he same at 005 new atort,1 ami can guarantee satisfaction la. evcryi re- spect to mr old Mud pw, friend, b v i : J. : aept 17-im m.- isot; rrrntrBtsara. Chbic'CExtraji Stall-Fcd ... if . ! 1 t Ueei ii i JOHN jC JOREiLVNft 8TASD 01 Ataraet, three Udots Kast of Seccs44Lf( V lot of - VERY kupERIOB STAIX IXD-rifxT ;'. . j : ' s ?i i has Just been received-which bjw.W dl -pesa Of on liberal terse to his customers Iron ihl mrning, continuing foreJ;ht or tea drja.; HealkecTcontlronLiJidirtriTOX L IMB, VEAL and PORh, v ' r , ' i Rniinm. rnmd and fftF rfTi1r. . aept II It , ' 1 , s . f . f I . i .'I - - . J It .If v f V - i i .- s - V : i ,