THIS rAPEB cepted by JOSHT. JAMBS, kpiiok POSTAGE PAID: A .ft M 'ft. SIX inonll. mire IUi: One mouth, cent. - wDW " ...... .i-.n.rl bv carriers free la ny irt of U clt y. l tb above tSi"V r week. --',r; .1, low and IilnL ,.,r w HI rcrt Auy i i r" ..v', t-'. ""'' rfriS M''''''0"-- S31I TOJjW AOVtBTlSlMHTS. N. 4j,ui-l"-k , V Yi- rH"1 ,'-"k" ,Ml'.W-",,M,,'f- )ll M itK-Wd IIsc full Line , ,MiiH I Furniture anrt IMlng o Clty'Cuurt yesterday. Tie Ttceilol cotton at this port yci leroiy foe lyJO to tvl- J- - Staples ioke to a large mm,! in .Magnolia ycsieruay. Col. Wharton J. Green and Goyct c..r JarvU will speak at New Bridge c! sab, Duplin county on Tuesday 26th Aiittliin? in the hardware lino can te found at reasonable prices at J aco nV f Messrs. Kirkwood & Hewes, steam Uat inspectors, arrived in this city last tuning. The steamship Gulf Stream with the PiMfarlor's cargo is expected to arrive tbii morning. It t5 rumored that the Carolina Cen tral will shortly commence running trains through from Shelby to Wil- - . . -w . To KalMcrs and other Go to Jaco- u's r Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, jt You can cet all sizes and at the lowest prices. Chirc Scott's Company will show in tUj city on Thursday evening 29th inst. hewill appear either in tho Princess Bagdad" or LucrcUa Borgia. The Combination Back Supporting Ericesare made for boys, youths and ceo. a full line at Prate. t On Third Street. Col, J. N. Staples will speak in this cltv on Wednesday evening, from the rand on Third street, between Dock iz Orange. The committeo will have seats prepared for the assemblage, and tie Chairman, who is an old baclieior. oczratulates himself upon getting Co!. Staples, who is an unmarried man. to speak, lie hopes that the ladies will attend, thereby lending a charm to the occasion by their presence. Narrow Escape. . Mr. Tim Newkirk, who runs a saw mill cear Magnolia, had a narrow es cape from death a few days since. Ho iras standiug near a log which was be- is sawed, when by some unaccounta Me means the end of the piece of timber Cew up, striking him on the head and knocking him almost on a circular saw. Mr. Newkirk's injuries are severe,, but aa in no way dangerous, we arc pleased to say. Personal.. Messrs. L. Dryfoos and Sol. Stern- terger. who have formed a partnership for the purpose ot conducting a shoe husines in this city, have gone North to purchase a stock of goods. They have a very large and well-selected stock of the latest styles in their line aaj win offer them at reasonable rates. wish them success in their new torv. They are old hands at the bcl ks and bespeak a share of the pub ic patronage. Lippincott's Magazine. 1'rri'icott for Oclorbcr has a very 'arresting table of contents. In the opening illustrated article, Norfolk, U J and New," Charles Bnrr Todd tells kw this city, "evidently intended by jsrc for a great commercial centre," at last beginning to profit by the ad stages of its position. My Escape fcbia the Floodi," by Annie ; Porter, rites a mid description of the overflow f the Mississippi Uivcr last spring, "ilark Canoeing in Canada," an illus frited paper by"Kanuck," aud "Camp-on the Lower Wabash." by M. II. -thcrwood, aro suflicicntly described J their titles. "My College Chums," J Henry A. Bccrs,is written with quiet -tfiior. and rives some capital ariec cs aud luggestivo glimpses of stu ntlifc at Vale. In tho way offliction her w a further installment of the Iiry and wcll'Confctructcd serial. :ry (lold," and the full complement i short stories. There aro sonic 'very d things in the "Monthly ' Gossip the whole number is eminently 'latle and among the best of the year. 1'rcshwatcr rerch.Trout and Black hooks and lines. A full asort- tietit and lowest prices at J Acoait r VOL. VI. Speaking and Itrcakiurr of Ground. I ! I ! There wiil be a grant! Democratic mass meeting at Point Caswell on Tuesday, tho wall instj HonJ Z. . VaiiccrCoU. XV. J. (Irvcli, L. L. Polk, .Jno. N. Staples, A. M.'j Waddcll and A. Stcdman, Esq., have been invitctl se:ik. A very large crowd is ex- IH-ctcd and the ladies arc csjccially iu vitcd to attend. In connection with the speaking tho grand sight of forty hand some yomig ladies, breaking grounfTTor the Clinton, Point Caswell & Wilming ton llailroad, will be witnessed. They will be under the charge of Chief En ginecr Duncan McK. O'Hanlon, and Col. L. L. Polk will deliver the address to them. At night there will be a ball civen lor the benefit of the Academy J TUeTwo Plays. WhcnHjfeel Kirke was wunarawn i from the stage of the Madison Square Theatre, after its wonderful run, many I. ..Ittiiul fViaf Jtti cnrvVi!nr ticvpr I would win the high place in public favor which the great Urania neiu. nuiu not, i however, take the critical New pfork heatre goers long to discover fine dra- natic situations and hidden beauties in matic "Esmeralda" which made this simple domestic story by universal consent the A rivn.1 ot Hazel Kirke.V Our citizens will soon have the , oppor- tunity of judging for themselves of the resoective merits of the two plays, since "the theatre has sent its excellent ; com- pany to produce the two dramas with nil their fine scienic and dramatic effects- t- 1.1. : Vnrifi Porolini 'nliv. I the scenes being in this State. An Escan eel Convict Captured. Charles King, colored, who was sen- m the work house for two w,uvw - i . I vnnrM nt the Auril term of the Criminal f!nnrt. for larcenv. but Who escaped rwHn recaptured. It will be remembered that Mr. Savage, tho superintendent of ua wt- hnn julFertised Kine's es- nt thn time, and offered a reward v,-, . - ... I . . I of S10 for information which would . . . . -1 L . ! I lnnrl tt Ilia rfintUrC- J. BUUIU UlilO Vf I I a I mce MT. ravage uau u mation that King was m the . .ti ' .v. ,,U;i Yn City, anu ioiiowms up was certain, he, on Sunday nignc went to the house of Henry King, father of Charles, on Orange, between fcixin anu Seventh streets, where he iound his . 9 a i i man. The presence oi tne cuipruin tho house was at first denied, but Mr. Savage was permitted tonter. where he found Charles lying on the bed. Ho mUnd taken to his nu ujij - . i quarters ai. u nuifcuwu, Will uiuuauij avuau v..-0 his term. It is needless to say that the Ml 1 VI Mn n dnrinrr tne reSL OI I ...i r. I'nfnrmation man who iui '" '" 7 : I Kolveil the nromised reward. amm , The Monsters Fought Th fnllnwiner verv interesting de scription ot a sea ngnt w tT this CltV. WhO has Kcubivw.M. - , . . inh the brinv deeD. and Who has .iu Kentime Softener rLiid homage to Old JNeptune Olieuur . u f K l-nmvn man ue , In the early part oi March Ibu7, Deing .Ua. ofoomor RtAte ot 2 TrVAi; rnt. Morton from South Carolina, capt. luorton, ifoi" swa n o a o n rs' r iiii lud San r ranciscu w -,tw .t r M a HMMrn nnri wi hii in the ncighDorhooa oi P - Lucas, wo had the pleasure of witness- ing one oi me must fights on record. j M ri,; Kottlrvvurrcd between a Whaie, a sworo-nsn anu uuwuwa, - whale was pursuinx i? J I the coast in search of colder water, no . . l liie innrnPV WIL4 51 - . i i hv iiia liereaitarv enemy thA swordhsh. wun tnis nines. -uo thrashers. lhe sworuuau r iinlpr the whale s belly prod V'n rr. - " .u-f K?e wna ex- ucd niin up, M,a " , posed above the surlace of the water andtheiwo iarsjj feet Ion or. taking deep dives andthen coming far above the suriacooi in order to increase me blow which uieir ion5 uwiuw cK,iirl 1pa1 on their victim s oac.. to of sharks. with their fins protrud- "nTvako awaiting the result of Uie .It I -i battle. . . , , a 0 thrasher aiternawrij lashed his tail across the back o his :5rv. tori ontnoaecKui iw rrT.Tir a wheel with two long fnrninr and lashing tho sea into foam; ever "and anon the -poor JrV;,i the blows, would en - deortodUv underneath would prevent uq AS WC passcu out yi " - -f:r thrash of the thrashers aa Xlv ;Vk -J-fXt nnl nnr hearts filled with uuuuuuiwiin . . svm rvai n v . j . i i ....inoj ninnsLEi lor tne who swallowed Jonah. ... . , The electric fire alarm will do uu thb almoon at So'clock. lae . 1 1 i.wi in n.iiinerenti mcnt n uceu - 1. position and it is to be bopcu v m w well. Now dorrt . orpa - j 7 ber SOth, at nignt. -u:,r Mr the fire while the test is ' PCTAYIUSCOKE. being made. ' , - ' - v ; -s"i 1 V ILMINGTON N. C. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER Third Warden. i lo not forget the meeting of the Thin! Ward Democratic Club at the City Hall to-night. .. It is hoped that a largo crowd will be in at- tendancs. It is the . intention to re organize the club for the approaching campaign. Fine Rice. Wc saw at Mr. J. K. Mcllhenn y's drug store yesterday afternoon a bundle oUrfce, measuring seven feet ' and three inches in height with heads from eleven to twelve inches long. It was! taken from tho plantation of Col, T. C. icnneuujr m vuuufcJ. grcar P0 oa ol nis croP M tho gamPIe- Free Marbles. The boys were out bright and early yesterday morning and in large nura t otterbourg's marbles. The thronir around his store was so large lnat h0 was compelled to closo his doors 1 11 1; . a. .. fUnm off; je js satisfied that the issue of the iEViEW ja which was announced the tKat there would be "Iree marbles" at his place was read. He said there mUst have been four thoussnd boys after marbles. Their parents read the notice to them. What Does it Mean? We can hardly surmise, but the boys say that our clever old friend no, no young friend, we mean Capt. Exum Lewis, is building that house m weldon for a purpose other than keeping bach- olrr'a lioll Wft rnnst take issue with them for the reason that one end has an extension and is evidently intended for Doll vBrownine Treasurer of Hal- ifax county, by 6,000 majority-and the other Has iron oanas oi contraction uu . - ... n it, which is evidently intended tor oapu. hjwis. v e are wiuwu ui ii La endis held down with mushroom. anchors. But after all it may be that we are mistaken for Capt. Lewis has ordered a new suit of black clothes and has been hanging around house furnish . . e ! T-f ing stores ior wmo wm. w m'ulo Un Vioa ci-ni n mnfivA fn bllildm?. SUU, uu u wmw .v..,. ... ..1 A. . l.!.L rtMn nncoihlV lfl1 ft n f0 TT V anJ w.1(i. ftMinw amen, and Weldon, old noss. ,r ,ln r!viftii. 7. . . . The convention which was iaa r am kt r i n or inr i nil nil xuagnona uu .uo u. f pose of nominating a Sheriff and Treas- ureriorum wuuvj, over by Mr. A. Robinson and Messrs. M. Moore and H. E. Blackmore acted as secretaries As wc have betore stat- ed. Mr. W. M. Hurst was nominated fnr Sheriff and Mr. Benj. Bowden for ... i - were unanimously adopted, and we XreOSUrur. AA3 iuuunub were reauested to pudusu uieui ; w WHEREAS, WO tne y- i.a nnmAAwiHA narrv m linn n munLV. 1. 1 1 n niiiuiji. uiiw i w v in convention assemoiea, ao renew our allegiance to the grand old principles under which our flag has so often been -SSSied That we endorse the nomi Ni T n tltf fV.f f!rn. I nations Oi vut w. x. .v. w. hrressnian - at - lanre. Col. W. J. lireen For Conssman of the Third District, ior vongrusauiaii ui v J Hon. A. A. aicivoy lur w, nanf Swift Galloway ior ooiicitor.-. Resolved. That We adopt the time- . . , i i i. twA-T nin i u wi 1 i m 4 i zj i 1 1 L.Airs uo.w X.f " custom of our party. i -n . . i a M licsolveci, mat we pieugo our uum- vded support to the nominees ot tnis 0 also those held this day at Warsaw and nansviiie, anu pruuiiac to use all honorable means to secure iMt:n r na somo ResnecHnllv I submitted oy me conimuiw Cq1 Greens Appointments. 1 xnc ioiiuwiuk ittw' ments are announceu uv vaj. uiwu . afnKnithan'a store (lirunswicKJ . P nnf- vnvehtfon Saturday i ' , , I Sent "3u. 1 fa'Twn, at New Bridge Church. with Gov. Jarvis, Auesuay, stoju. ly-ijands, Onslow county, Wednes- day. September 27th. . - I JacksonviUe, Uhsiow county, i ur- , senteraberSStb. . i;,, ...nd. Onslow county. J?n- .u&rb90i. - " - ;' 1 - J "i- rm i . I Oak Grove School lionse, vrtert 'Ml1iv Xfnmlav. October and. - kort, Carteret county, Tuesday. irvflr 3rrl- Vrint. Iluntimr Quarter. Cartcr- TIV Wwlnesdar. October 4th. n,ii. Smyrna. Carteret 1 "i,, v i tobcr 5th. Banks. Carteret j county, Friday, uciooer otn I , 7": r .Tl.n X. -APP 01111 r"" v I Rtnnlca. i rw . . . T . K staDles. of Greensoo- wv ;ii .iMnsa the citizens of Duplin, Pender and New Hanover as follows: . MagnoUa Monday, September ioui. 12 o'clock, noon.. , ilockv iuiu iuuji imh. at 12 o'clock, noon. : vnmington Wednesday. SepUrn- Chi n'n Democratic State Ex. Com. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Received. 300 BAlJS corFEK -100 BBLS" SUGAK" 100 BOXES CIIKESE AND SEPTEMBER MULLETS. haLl&pearsall septta. I 1861 - - - 1882, ESTABLISHED 20 Years. JJ , A . DJlil IXL 06 VJ U . j PufnitllTC ' Bedding, HATING REFILLED THEIR EXTENSIVE AND LARGEST WARE ROOMS IN THE STATE, WITH AETISTI0 GOODS, lnvlte tnelr patronfl and the public to an in- . Lowest PMceS and the Lar- gest Variety of Furniture ever offered in this market. D. A. SMITH & CO., 8ept l-tf THE FURNITURE MEN. H ' 1 Excursion. THE LADIES OF THE FIFTH STREET M. E. Church will give a Family Excur- I IJACOPrtPT WlTnWVS I Ull UlC OKHUICl J. awl A , nuiuuu I . v o a. an o -U.ll Fortsl Refreshmen83 at city prices. Tickets for the tne round trip 50 cents. This win be the last of the season. sept 17-2t-sun-tues T?ev. Daniel jMOlTelle'S - r - -i - , . i : toglish and classical school. 8. W. Comer of Orange and Fifth Sts. The twenty-third annual session (D. V.) wll begin Tuesday, October 3rd. sept lZ-tues-tu-Bat tx Country Merchants ILL FIND A FIRST-CLASS STOCK f Hardware la every respect and prices as 1 . low as any nousorcan nie Successors to Jno. Dawson & Co., 19. 21 A 23 Market St. sept 17 Wilmington, N. C. Look. i . i T OUR NEW AWNINGS. ! Can put you t nn one of the same kind, or make your Carpet to lit and have It properly sewed, or hnVVoiir Shades or Paner. or do tout Up- I holsterinz as It shonld be done, and as for MattwWe. wo have the material and cam the work Call and seeps, at H .ik WRIT'S. 27 K. Front street. Busy Ust week. May llud time to serve v this Week. sept 17 i v ou Third iWard Democratic ! Club. 9 nplIERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Third Ward Democratic Club at the City i Court; Room, TUESDAY evening, September 19th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of reorganl nation. A full attendance la desired. , sept 17-2t W. J. YOPP, President. , .Wanted. JpERSlMMOS LOGS FOUR FT. TWO roches long, seven Inches and over In diame- ter at the small end. Straight and free from knots and bark offr . sept 16-3t NORTHROP & CUMMING. Carriage Work. RAKING AND REPAIRING CARRIAGES, Buggies, Carts, Drays, and everything la oui Hneof boslnc&s. Orders promptly attended to, and work guaranteed. , , GEO. D. RILEY, sept 9-lm Cor. Mulberry and Fourth sts. I Am Receiving N1 EW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER and will soon hare In the handsome ct assortment f MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS ever in OUclty. ....7. . '. 'f- ' Eeapectfullj. " ' t .:. , . t ; MJS3E, KARRER, Mptf ! 1 Krchmae Corner. 19 1882. NO. 223. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Now Is the Time 1 10 SUPPLY YOURSELF Wim A KINK COOKIKG prOVE i .... I and llouM furiiUliinj? Uoods generally. PAltKEK & TAYLOirS, sept 17 - Is the Place. Cerhardt & Co., M ANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- fwfV era in Baggies, Harness and Saddle septI7-ly, No.' 43 X. Front ct. Wanted. NO. 1 CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH. Apply to GERHARDT & CO-V septl7-tf No. 45 North Front St. B aggi ng,Ties, Twjne, Bacon , ! Lard, Molasses " 1000 BAUUlAt, ?, 2000 Bdis red, Arrow ana , nocxer xu, 5 Bales TWINE, 100 Boxes D S SIDES, - 50 Tcs and Buckets LARD, 100 Hhds and Bbls Porto Rico and Cuba MOLASSES. For sale by sept 17 KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. Sugar, Coffeef Meal. Bbls C and Ex. C SUGAR, y U 75 Bags COFFEE, all grades. 500 : Foi sept 17 500 Bush Water-Ground MEAL. For sale low by ' KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Fact, Wot Gas jl : . O- ' - ; THE ONLY EXTENSIVE AND REGULAR FISHERY IN THIS SECTION ! -OME JO OUR PACKING ROOMS j AND see the Fresh and alt Fish we a. shipping daily, i VT. E. DAVIS & SON. sept 17 Removal I HATE REMOVEDiTO THE STORE North side Market Street, next door to Dr. Green's Drug Store, where I will be pleased to see my ' j friends. Will open In a few days a handsome - t ,- -;: I ' ; j U ,! j swek of goods. Am now selling bargains from present stock. j ' sent 17 JNO. J. IIEDRICK. School Books! N EW AND SECOND HAND, I f I VERY CHEAP ! !'.' - . , Also, Pens, Ink, Pencils, i j Penholders, Slates, Crayon, Book Bags. Straps, Sponges, Copy Books, Exercise Books, 1 . . Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. sept 17 C. W. YATES. Chasi EJ Smith, Cotton Buyer & Commission I Merchant, -pEALER IN HIGn GRADE FERTILl zers, Genuine Peruvian Guano, Kalnlt, Ac, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignments of J. Cotton, to which we give fpeelal attentio: Correpondanc solIcIteL" -; : Office comer Princess and Water streets, Wilmington, N, C J sept 12 tf OFFICE TAX COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, spitmlier 16th, 1SS2. Taxei riIHE CITY TAX-BOOK FOR THE YEAR le82 is now In vay hands for. the collection of the Taxes. Prompt payment Is requested. ! " HENRY SAVAGE, sept 17-3t i r , . ! ' ' Tax Collector. , Female School. 1 MISSES BURR & JAMES.. ......Principal. MRS. M. S. CUSmNG..MuIcallJistructres. THE NINETEENTH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursday, fvoir 5Ui. 1SS2. and close the thiru week 10 The course of InstrucCun Is, as Ijeretofore, uWl tMl thoronsrh. , . t ' vhik Mmerial care U bestowe! upon tmpTJU following the higher branches of English and Xl4tbematk-ii, tlie training f Touyc eniblrcn ts eonsidwrd of great lBiportaaee,; odc of the k-jHnr oLif ta heinz to lar a firm foundation of f andamental princfplea upon w hleh to build for future advancement. Great care bestowed to accomplish perfec tion In the Art of Reading. .;- : Pnplls of Mnsic out&ide of the School can be accommodated with suitable hours by early appucaoon. 1 - For farther particulars tee circclars or eeptlO PRINCIPALS, i i i r We will be glad to receive ccnnurlcia j from our friends on any aarj all n!Jtsl t general Interest but. , , . .. I ! -, The name of the trrtter mast ;&hrara bcfut nUho.1 to ih Editor. : j j ; - ConimtinicaUon mnst Im wrtttea ; oa cal one sklc of lite paper. j- j ! I Personalities must be avoi'tcU. , y - " AM It t iM!claUjr Lmt iiarUcolarly end looi that the KJltor doca not alwars cador ne t icw oi corrcsponuculs cnlcsa o l In the editorial column i . . . . r "i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. StrictlyilBuoinboo AND. 1I0NEST DEALINGS! WILT. ALWATS BE FOUND AT OUR -NEW STORE ; '' .. , -1 if. i - :.... . -O: f, , " 15 iHaie Sireot; V lb.. J We are now having w having 'maile; to order "aa tat wadej to tatirt toeir'of- ' BootG and .... frM- ' I Also a fine assortmontof Ladlea aadGeat's Slippers of the latest styles and cut., . . ! ?fi '::il ( - ..v ! j: ; . NO SHODDY GOODS Q 1 . . :.f ;.,i::v:ju a Our goods for MEN and BOYS will be tmiari I i' ; . ii.. I i ' .passed. - Wait for the. opening of oar I I . . . I , t i A' ir. New Store handNe7Stdck, t men win ue aoouv vv;i.vxjiak lt,tf f you want stvlish and good gooda, ; 1 IT WILL PAT TOU!" 0 . vW Dryfoos & . Sternhefger, : . 45 MAKKET STREET; I HAVE SEVERED , MY, CONNEQTIOK . ,. ., ...... i . , - j 1 with the Shoo house of .A. 6 briers iTh inking my many .friends' for their llleral .patrprigo I ask a con tnuance of the same at pur new itort and can : guaranteo satisfaction In eTCry ;re- spect to my old and new friendaP . sept 17-lm SOL. 6TERNBKRGER. Groceries at Betatlt v" URING THE PREVALENCE dFTHZSlC high prices 1 have reduced the prlceaof Tiqnx 1.50 to t2 per bbL. whoiesaiejina reiaiu CANVASSED HABIS, Nol, at 16CperiP 1 i zoo LBS. VERY CHOICB t.'.l i -! - Si C. HAMS ANI 8IDS3J CHICKENS.' EGGS AND FRCItS, la Scawi j- -., v - . :. n n . 4... received dally by the dcrentrod, and loatiiand jold dlrocf id lr-J consumers. 1 Coffees Roastca Dcily ! . . . r -i - I- 14 ' IS UNQUESTIONABLY TIU3 BEST FXOTJR ; IN THE CITY.--" ;4 H-p. j . - 1 t - - - f -7 a H" Lowest prlces-best goodamost cotaplete assortment la the city, at , 7j jjj JAS. C. STEVENSOIi'S. Tts ., . "-t SUED :;C.O,T.TvrJ I7qrited RE PARATO IiY TO TIUJ . QTZZZZQZ 'OY the new season we call allecUoj wt Lxt that. we 1 WILL PAY: TIIK IHGHCr,? ZXAJL- KET PRICED FOi..UJTTqNtt ilJL. o'niy'at--'1 ' . :. ;;yillcra'o.; '? Choice Extra , Starred - Beef! ; :V;t AT JOHN C lJ)RNEMANSj STA5J) Cl Market, three toor East of fcecctd lot of : TERY fcCPERJOU STALL TDPL2jf haa Just been rcceiircJ which be iwCl Crce of on liberal terase to hi customers frcst t!Ji oruxr&W . eontinnliiff for eliht o teallara; ; - He also keeps constantly on hand lit 11 CIT LAMB, VEALand PORK. . . Epicure, come and ace for yoxuT::lTU. aeptlS-tt I i