A .xfJAA i ' : - - J, r ' ! ''. T ' lZ Mondays cpti iy JOSIIT. JAMES, -DirtR A5UrBOrIKTOK. t, rU"TSS POST AG K PAID: 1 4i rt. Mi mouth. tiOO. Tl Throe 0 Jrr Ik Mltll BOB7r,-iil be dcUrcwl by carriers free la any prt of the city, at the above . in J rlr IDCir si j .. .i. ivruUrlr. ! nc lhiilj Ucvitto has the largest ,. : million, of any nacspaicr C.JM. in the city of Wilmington. LOCAL NEWS. IIOEI "TO WIW ADYERTHEMEMTIr j.til ;iB.JK-4lcr J,iit-tn-',Jn,n " t- l-l.l K -"wliool lkHkS Hit'-' ' w V(i.I-Mortuge!ialc l.-wiTir. Major-Proposal j c -To-Dy' Market J 4, t4tgoU-New Rlter Oyster ilt. 11 i-:1k1 for Young Ladle. CK1, s Mukkh. Aucfra-For Rent The h market U well supplied. The storm signal was - flying yestcr- Shrimp sol J yesterday at five cents Thocvttou compresses were at work There are some very fine Northern xjts in market. The receipts ot cotton at this port yes fcnhy foot up 452 bales. WurJay was a regular April day uahine and showers. Tl Fall jobbing trado is a little back ward, on account of the weather. The V"iori is on the Marine Kail way. kins put in trim for towing. Tie places of business of our Jewish fnVnJj will be closed until this evening. The Grccnbackers will hold their ccninatins convention at the Court Ihuic to-day. The change in the weather yesterday wis refreshing afler the recent dry and ci?casonable warm weather. Aa unmailablo letter remains in the Pcsioflico in this city addressed to 3Ifcjw. A. & W. McQueen. Alma, N. C. There were two cases of drunk and Jown before the Mayorycsterday morn iai. They were sent below for two The Uct. A. C. Dixou will fill the pipit of the First Baptist" Cnnrcli te rurorow morning and evening at the regular hours. The Ilotcl Kruuswick, at Smithville, will not i W for the season until. the MiufOdobcr. The rurccll House is now supplietl kh electric bells. The enunciator was put in yesterday. There will be a great many changes b residences this season. The muchly dreaded moving day will soon be upon ti. A salesman of a largo dry goods and notions house in this city, sold $2,400 worth of goods on a three days' trip a 'jort time since. The Superior Court of Columbus cuuuty will convene at Whiteville, on Monday next. His Honor Judge Gil der will preside. ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco ws for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, k Yihi can get all siies and at the wwe$t rriccs. Messrs. Ilewcs and Kirk wood have a:Lid their work of examining the steatabmts in this port, and hare re turned to their homes. ' The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Tfr, commenced yestenlay after ea at f. o'clock and will come to a c-e at sundown to-day. Mr. John Carroll had on hand yester the first New River oysters wc -a e seen this season. They were from celebrated Winberry farm, and re unusually fat for the month of tuber. Col. Wharton J. Green will speak at cKeithanV Store, Brunswick county, io-dsy. He came down the river from frjctteville last pight and will ride cotyrfive miles this morning to keep & appointment. e notice in the Baltimore Sun of a Jnt date that Mr. James A. Willard, knnerly of this' city, was elected a emberof the Corn and Flour Ex-f-ane in that city, at the last monthly - of the Board of Directors. Kxports Foreiffti. .Tkc barque Glacier, Capt. Oisen, blarvd vestenlav for Rt fInnrflrA k'eiia,U W-l with 141,5ft) feet lum-. ana shingles, valued at 3 0. shipped by Messrs. DeKossct t o. r ! 1 VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER Celestial Fi re works. A meteor of unusual appearance IKisseil over the city on Thursday night alxmt 0 o'clock. It arose in the East and passed over to the West, South of the zenith. Its progress w:is very slow, and as it passed it emitted two ex plosions, in each instance throwing off a ball of fire which broke into myriad fragments of blue light, and ! yet not checking itK course but continuing on to tlw East w hero it finally exploded not far from the horizon. 1 It was in appearance very much like a sky-rocket with Roman candle altaehments. Scarcity of Ice. There has been "a 'scarcity, of ice in the city during the past few , days, which, however, it is but just to state, is not properly the faultof the dealers. Mr. Ahrens has a cargo nearly a week ovcrdSoand Messrs W. E. Davi3 & Son have one now due. , Both tft' these are daily, almost hourly, 1 expected, There is no restriction on the supply demanded by consumers, however, as car loads are daily received from other points, bat there has been an increase in the price of J cent per pound, in conse quence ol the increased cost of the sup-. plies. The two cargoes expected will probably be hero to-day or to-morrow. when the supply will be plentiful at the old prices. I . , The. Late Storm. From the published accounts of the recent storm in Florida wo are sorry to learn that Mr. T. A. Darby, i formerly of this city, but now engaged extensive ly in the milling business at Cedar Keys, was damaged to (the extent of $10,000 by the loss of timber, damages to property, &c. This was certainly a heavy blow to any young man, but Mr. Darby's friends are consoled by the re flection thai the loss is j merely a loss and does not by any means impair Mr. Darby's financial standing. , Fast Time. The local nassemrer train No. 47, on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, I left this city Wednesday morning one hour and twenty-three mjnutes behind time and made up the time between here and Halifax. The run jwas made between Wilmington and Weldon in 4 hours and 50 minutes, though the actual running time was but 3 hours and 45 minutes. Eighteen stops were made and 1 hour and 5 minutes of the 4 hours and 50 minutes, was consumed. Mr. Stephen Meredith was the engineer who drove the iron horse, and Capt. Borden was the conductor, j Wo understand CapL B. declares that; in all of his jrail road experience he navcr saw V prettier run. The time inadc above is the fast est ever made by a 'local passenger train under similar circumstances over this road. ' Cattle Thieves. ' Thursday three fine cows were driven to-Mr. T. P. Sykcs1 butcher pen, in the northern: part of the city by lour 'color ed men who left them there and went offtohunVMr. Sykesup; He was go ing to the pen by one street -while they were coming down ' town by another and missed him. Air. jSykes saw the cattlo and when the men found him, about 1 o'clockl they offered to sell the cows for $35, which was very cheap, and voluntarily offered to .take $30 for the three when they thought ke hes itated. He then offered them $25 which they readily agreed , to l accept. Mr. S jkes at once ' concluded that the cattle had been Stolen' and slipped out to notify an officer but did not see. one in time to avoid suspicion. He then made an appointment! with the men to meet him at his store ou the corner of'Fourth and Red Cross streets at 8 o'clock, Thursday night,andmade arrangements with three constables tos come in on them at that timjj. The cattle dealers came promptly on time for the money but by reason of some misunderstand ing the officers did not keep their ap pointmenr. Mr. Sykes ( then put the men off until yesterday, laorn Ing, but they 'commenced to "swell a rafce," and went out to the pcii Thurs day night and tricld to get the cattle, but the watchman refused to let them but. About 10 o'clock, of the same j night, Peter Pickett .was arrested, and yester day morning Jim Anderson -!vas over hauled. Miles Cooper, who is wanted for larceny in another case, was one. of the four, a but hej 'another man, whose name is not kapii. havo so far eluded capture. No one about here knows of any cattle bavin? been miss ing lately, but the cows were evidently stolen. Mr. Sykes was told that they had been weighed, but the certificate of weight had been lost. Upon inquiry at the cattle yard it was ascertained that such was not the case. jThe men who have been arrested are known to be penitentiary birds. J I 1TY . " AV W W "Y A Fine Haul. 1 Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son made a fine haul yestenlay at their fisheries, at Federal Point. They caught about 150 large drum, which would average pro bably three feet in length, besides an al most eiual number of other large fish. Among the latter ! was a tarpiii, the strange fish in our waters, ono of which. it will be remembered, was caught by Messrs. Davis & Sou j-oiiic months ago, and forwarded to Prof. Baird,at Wash ington City, for classification, and by him pronounced a tarpin. The speci men of this fish caught yesterday was five fest in length. It has several pe culiarities one of which is the lare and beautiful scales, with' which it is covered; one of these, secured by us, measured 21x3 inches. The tarpin is a rare fish in these waters and the two caught by Messrs. Davis & Son are all thai we remember to have ever heard of as having been caught on the North Carolina coast. The Harvest Moon. . 1 The September moon fulls on the 26th at 11 :56 p. m. It is the beautifhl harvest moon and possesses special claims to the distinction. For," owing to the position of the ecliptic' hi regard to the equator at this season, the moon rises for several consecutive nights with only a comparatively small interval be tween the consecutive risings. The short autumnal days seem i thus to be prolonged by the floods of silvery moon light that make the night beautiful as day. The phenomenon is as easily ex plained as the axial rotation of the earth. But in the older times, when man was nearer to nature, the harvest moon was considered a direct interposition of Providence to assist the Jiusbandman in gathering in the harvest. The wan ning moon was in conjunction with Neptune on the 2nd, with Saturn on the 3d, with Jupiter on the 5th, and with Uranus on the 12th. The new moon of the 12th was in conjunction with Jkfer cury and Mars on the 15th, and with Venns on the 16th, passing a degree and a half north of her. , . ' "" ' " ' ' P '" "" T .11 mi j . " Our muse, poor fellow, has gone to roam. His last attempt was Dyer's "Spring Pome.". ' ' t : Third Ward Club. A meeting of the - Democratic voters of the Third Ward was held in the City Court Room last evening, lor the pur pose of re-organizing the Third Ward Democratic Club. The meeting, was called to order by Mr. W. J. Yopp, the President of the . Club and Mr. John L. Dudley was requested to act asSecretary. I On motion, a committee consisting of Messrs J. W. Perdue, G. W. Thames, T. Donlan, . W. M, Poisson and F. G. Robinson was appointed to recommend officers for tho Club, and during; their absence Col. E. D. - Hall was called upon and entertained the Club with' a short speech. Tho Committee on Organization re turned and reported as follows, Mr. W. J. Yopp,-; tho .former. President, having declined a renomination : For President Col Jno. iD. Taylor. For 1st Vice-President T. Donlan. For 2d Vice-President Samuel Bear, Jr. For Secretary E- G. Parmelee. For Treasurer G. F. Alderman. These gentlemen were declared unan imously elected. , . : , (. The newly elected President net bt ing present Mr.1. D. Mearesand Capt. F. G, Robinson were appointed a oom mittee to escort tho! 1st Vice President to! tho Chair. The thanks of the Club were tendered the retiring officers. .. : j Oft motiori bf Mr. )WJ. Yopp it was resolved that the Club meet on Friday evening next and that a committee of three be appointed to secure speakers for the occasion. Messrs W. J. Yopp, T. D. Mcares aud F. G. Robinson were appointed on this committee. x On motion the meeting then adjourn- cd. . .' ' - ! - i Qnarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District ; Methodist E. Church j South, fourth rounds in Wilmington, at Filth Street, . at 74 p. m Sept. 24 Whiteville. ( .....Sept 30-Oct. 1 Waccamaw, at Bethesda Oct. , 3-4 Brunswick, at Shalotte, .Oct. 145 Smithville ...Oct. 16-17 Duplin, at Richlands. . . . . . . Oct. 21-22 Onslow, at Queen's Creek.; . .Oct. 28-29 Clinton, at Clinton .Nov. . 4-5 Bladen, at Cypress Creek,. .Nov. 11-12 Elizabeth, at Purdics r .Nov. 18-19 Cokesbury, at Bethany Nov. 25-26 Coharie M ission A . Nov, 26-27 Tho.iuembcrs of the quarterly Conference are all roquested to be pre ent. - ROBT. O. BUBTOK, Presiding Elder. - I ,lll..i".H t ;!'" Personal. Cap.. ,y. V: Itiehanlson, ol Colum bus.' was iicrc yestenlay on a short visit.--- - .-A. !','.--.' . ; . .:M r..'WV.Ai' G uthric, of Fayeltey ille, Maj. McRaeV.-i.'ompetitor ;lor; Judge iu that district, was in the city j yester day.- but the object of his visit has not.j transpired. V' ! . - Maj TVD. Klmc,' formerly Master of ! Transportation ou the W. C.;& A. tw it., with office, in this city, but more recently Superintendent of.thc R.ec P. R. R..' was In, the city yesterday. ;'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oysters. rjiind Wbst of tub season, AT THE MOZAST SALOON. ; ' . : JOHS.HAAli, Jk., Bept23-lt f Proprietor. . To-Day's Market YOU Wlht IND THE 15EST OF MEATS of all kinds, BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, and, VEAL, at my. Meat Shop, to-day. :,CaU early and secure choice cuts. 1 ,. j ':. .i - , I : r J. C. BORNEMANN, .sept 23 Market St., near Second. sN"ew ; Kiver. ; Oysters. rjlHE FIItST OF THE SEASON., From the - celebrated Wintairy Farm on New Biyer. .-. : ' ! . Also; WtneB, Alea,J Lirtifors and Cigars and free lunch every day, at 11 o'clock; JOnN CARROLL, sept 23 .Metropolitan Saloon. For Rent, Oct. 1, '82 to Oct. 1, '83. LARG E STORE AND WHARF juat South of Custom House., Stores, Wharf and Shed South-side of Prin-: cess street and Dock. ! . : CRONLY & MORRIS; Auct'rs, sept 23 It Stock and Real Estate Brokers. Proposals J . -TTTILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL-;26th for T T ' ". ' - . . i repairing little Giant Engine House.' ' For par ticulars cnqrJre of Capt. E W. Manning. . j WM. L. SMITH, j 1 - - '.. -' .. Mayor. sept 23-2t Carpet Lining. :l: E ARE NO W PRE PARED ;TQ MAKE and put down Carpets as - reasonably as the outsiders; and hare on. hand Felt Carpet Linr- ing, the bestmost economical Lining ever placed under a Carpet, sept 23 ;. . Lea-o i your orders at , S. JEWETT'S,' 27 N. Front street. : School ' for Young Ladies j ' MISS HART, Principal. j Assisted by MISS M. B. BROWN. I ns true tion In Music by MRS. M.P. TAYLOR. Drawing and PaioUng taught by SIRS. E. H. ' 1 !"'" PARSLEY. ' .. :' i s. rjIHE NEXT SESSION; of eight months, will begin THURSDAY, the 12th of October,. Num ber of pupHs limited. ' Thorough course . English', French, German, 3Iathematics, Natu- ral Science, Cliss-singing, Needlework, Calis; thenica. For parUculars apply to the V PRINCIPAL. sept 23 6t-23,2G,30-oc 1 3, 7 ' 10 . . J Mortgage Sale. ; IN PURSUANCE OF ' THE POWER OF sale containd in two certain mortgages made to me by D. K. ' Eegwin' ami wives, the first made May the lltb, 1C71, and recorded in Book CCC, page 157 to 15S of the records of New Hanover county, the second made Au gust 1st, 1877. reeordedin Book C, page, 108 to 110 of tlie records of Pender county, I will proceed.to sell at public auction, on thepreml , ses of D. K. Legwin, deo'd, on the 4th ,ilay of November, 1S83, at 10 o'clock, for cash, to the highest bidder, tbe following tracts of land in Grant toiynshlp, jender: county t the first tract bounded by the lands of Dl McMillan. George E. Sbepard and Catharine Mayes, con taining between two and three hrtndred acres. The second tracts lying on 'the. North ekle of the Newbern road, bounded by tlQ lands of D. McMillan and the lands of Alfred Sbepard, (tecMJ eontamtng 61 acres rtne.tnrra. tract is bounded tar thelawU ot U). McMillan on the East, and on the South, West and North by bavs. " .Containine between two and three lion-, dredafrwJ- W. II. WOOLVIN. , sept 23-ltd-w4t " 5 i i Mortgagee. 1 FRUIT BUTTER. Peadhi Pine Applei Plum, Quince & Apple Butter," Fresh and Nice. l 1 I i IJ1HE BEST SELECTED AND CHEAPEST Stock of Groceries to be found In the city" - - it - . ? , ; " ; .. . - Another lot of those elegant Fancy Cakes aekBorwledged by all to be the best in the city. Our May Qaeea la without doubt,, the Lest Flou In'tjic State.'; Try it;' ' ? it.',.-. yx' Crapon & Pickett, ; 1 ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL s GROCERS, cj?t SO 16 and IS South Front Street. JLILJlJ V 1JU VV o - . .'-- . . . ? -, iV., : . , . - . , - . " : TtTrr.r , ;;Trr 23 1882. : NO. 227 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. James A. Willard. JENCitAL COMIlbION MEUCUANT, AXh vv fir tii a si cj AnuNT, 'i K. Cor. Ch.trk anl lrU Six.. . au V-3m liALtlMOlTE. Ml: . X PUKCELL HOUSE. NDfcK NEW MANAGEMENT, : ' ! WfLMtNGTON. N. C . 11. K PEKKV. rrofTictor. Ijite Proprietor AUantfrj Hotel. lrst infill its appointments., Terms $2.0 to $3 ilay. . " , i fcb8.tr Cape Fear Academy. WASHINGTON CATLETT, Principal, . A. S. GUANDV, A. D-, Assistant. ' 1 fllHE TENTH SESSION BEGINS MONDAY, X Oct '2d This School offers an opiortiiuity for a thorough prciaration for business or col lege. Boys In the rudiments carefully trained. JjiM-inline lirm. school buUdine centrally, loca ted (Megiuney building, Fourtlx 6t.) and reCent4 ly iitted up. tee circulars in lKKtssiores. sept l,-3w I " - i--T . ' , Revo Daniel Morrclle's "gNGLISn AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. S . W. ' Comer of Orange and Fifth Stsl The tw enty-third annual session (D, V.) will begin Tuesday, October 3rd. sept 12-tues-tn-sat tf ; :i, I Am Eeceiving. EW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER and will soon havjC in the handsomest assortment of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS ever In this city. ' I .. - - - ' 1 . " Respectfully, j . . ' MISS E. KARRER, sept 6, Exchange Corner, ; i Mortgage.;: Sale ; ' , XY VIRTUE O THE POWER OF SALE M I . . . contained la a certain mortgage made by John Bennett and wife Phoebe, to Michael Hooper, recorded in Book K K K, page 312 of the Records of New nanover county, the under gigned, as Administrator of said Michael Hoop er, will proceed to sell at public auction, for cash, atthe Court House uoor, In the citv of Wilmington, on ' MONDAY. -OOTOIUSK ltitn, 1882, at 12oWock, M.f the following property in the city of " Wilmington : Beginning at .a stake on Harnett street 82 feet 6 Inches front Its intersection with Eighth street, runs theneo North parallel with Eighth . street G6 feet, thence- West 41 feet 3 inches, tlienoe Sontho feet, thenoe East 41 feet 3 inches, to the begin-, ning; being a part of lot 5, block 309. - : : . . y. JOHNSON HOOPER, -sept 12-Sot t : i ; Adm'rrof Mike Hooper1.. For, Rent. S TORE ON MARKET, BETWEEN Water and Front streets. u ' . . . i . . Stoits Corner ofi Market and Second streets. , ..!.. ; , Store on Market, between Second and Third streets. Also several Room3 suitable for fam Hies. .;. . -i---' - . ' , Store and Dwelling comer Trird and Nun streeti. . ' . ... . : ' t. , ; : Dwelling corner Second and Ann streets. I H Dwelling corner Prihcess and Fifth streets. i Dwelling -on Princess,'? between Ninth and Tenth streets.. - i !,, , . . , i DwcHingonFifth.betwccnNun, and Church streets. ..,-''- - Several Rooms suitt'ble for offices or sleeping apartments. j . Dwelling on Market between Sixth and Sev enth streets. Apply to 1 D. O'CONNOR, septlS-lw Real Estate Agent. Fact, Not Cas ! !--: " " " i -' . " i ) ' ; ! ' ' t j ' Til E ; ONLY ; 'l':EXTENSiy B AND ; REGULAR : FISHERY IN ! ' .' THIS SECTION ! - i COiv: TO OUR PACKING ROOMS AND J. . i -'I' - ' ; " ' see the Fresh and JSalt Fish wc arc shipping daily. . . sept 1" W. E. DAVIS & S02. SALT FISH ! FISH ! AND OYSTERS. BUY FROM fj Geo. W.- Doyle & Co. , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. We catch ami pack our own Fsh. AH good and guaranteed as represents!, epresenteu. i . ,Irwer end of Fish Market between Dock and Oransrc. . GEO. W. IKJYLE & CO.. sept 7-1 m 'iltnlngton, N. C. Just Received. Si.-. 30(i BAGS c9lE 100 B1 : SUGAR ; '-. inn BOXES CHEESE, 71 '- AND SEPTEMBER MULLETS. - FOR SALE BY "y l ' If 1 ; HALL & PEARS ALL sept 19, . - ' - ' Country Merchants WILL FIN D A FIRST-CLASS i STOCK, -of Hardware In every rcsieet ami price as .low as any . boose can make. I N - v . l i T . - u s ai. tu. sfttuwn ;o.,,i doccessors to ono. uawson . w ,. I 19. 21 & Market St. f sept 17 i Wllminstfl'n.N.C jf.o:s;mi ! -f S53s We will be gl&d to recelre eommanlcatloa from our friends on any and all rabject t general Interest Iwrt Jf Tbe name of tLc writer mast alwar belfoz nUhcd to tbe K tllor. , i 1 Commnnleallons nrnat "be written oa onl . . . . - "i 1 ' T i i- one BUic or Uic paper. Per&ooal!U4 most U hrohledj Jr And It la (icclally Jnd i4rUcularly und tood that the KdUar does not alWays endor he tlews of correspondent nnle 0 111 tho (Slitol-l'll .,ilu.n. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Shetland Shawls I BROWN & HODDICK, -, & and 7 North Front St. r . AtC i i . .It If !i TE ARE CLOSING OUT TIIE BALANCI "of our Stock of the above. i iLsli- Just suitable for cool eycnlnga Uore.' r:;,l. ' ' 1 ' " , oO Pieces Turkey Red i Damask. , iFAST COLORS ! oc rmi yard ij . "t".,. I, ' ' i ' 1 BROWN & RODDICK. 5 and 7 Nortli Front St., 1 . i f : WHOLESALE AD RETAIL: aug "47 ". ji ' Groceries at Retail. a v.:; - DURING THE PREVALENCE OF THESE high prices, I have mluccl the price of Flour $1.50 to $2 per bid., wholesale' and reltall. I CANVASSED HAMS, No.: 1, at! l6c per lb. 500 'LB3..VEUV cnoicE . : ; I i L N. C. HAMS AND SIDES, CHICKENS, EGGS AND FRUITS, In Season - . . .!" ir.; : ' , 1 I - . . . ''received daily by the different roads and . boat and sold direct to consumers. X Coffees Roasted Dally I i : i ' ,. THE , cc I IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE BEST FLOUR IN THE Cm Lowest prices beat goods4-most COntpicte assortment In the city at ' ! 1 JAS. C. " STEVENSON'S. septS t S(Aool Books! ' EW AND SECOND HAND, I ! j VERY CHEAP 1 1 . ' - . ' i Also, Pens, Ink, Pencil, " " I ; PenhoUlers, Slates, Crayon, Book Bags. Straps, Sponges, . J Copy Boots, Exercise Books, Ac., &C, Ac., tc. ..! 1 I'll I C. W.. YATES. sept i; School Bookis. J. . SCHOOL BOOKS, 1... - ., i : . ' SCUOUL SUPPLIES. of i . t . ' i " ' 1 L .It I every kind and quality and style,' r 1 Juist receive! a large aortmcnt at sept2Q . 7 I4re Book ami Moslc Store. Notice. N Y STEAMSHIP OB SAILING VESSEL wishing to change ports on onreoawt and wan U Ing a Coast Pilot, can find oneby applying U , A-W. J.j POTTER, : , ' sept20-lwk v' r; . jSmlthTlBe, X C : : ? Situation -Wanted. YOUNG MAN WELL EDUCATED seek employment in any capacity. Speaks Engllab', French and German. . Employment ' more of an object than salary, ; Address : :

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