please Notice, i , ' - r We will bo gU 1 to recelre cqtamTtnlcatloa . Borsknx. Mondays W I from our friend) on any ami all snbjecti ' mis, JOSH T. JAM ... J, 'mimosa POSTAGE PAID: tt-oo. Three .Mr a ' m kl CMJB4UV, .w. si 00: One monui, & - - " "TTr will U delivered by carrier free ; inanrpxrtof U city, at tie ttxne or 10 cent per week. r Wi . low and liber!. tbelr paper rrguinj. tm w i Zj7u Da t7y Jfcrfet Aoj A largest j r,4. circulation, (J any newspaper loCAlTNEWSr" ' eTlJO HEW ADYITOKttllU. t,.-.Sow)lbe Time t No 45 XT K ! A Sis-H!t sj,tTT-CriUnlnr H M IV''"" Co ATe jo J 1I iWCK EdmtI GlWI.u:A Co-rUh t W tiT x1 BooIlb j( VKiTZ-tUn4 Winter.. .... jrtt t rtttALt-n le txuti SnTT-Orem House KTitLtv-Twcnty Year WoKrii A WoRTii-GrocerW. -J Etcu Reinforce! Shfrti j if Malibi New Att1t1- )Ir9U9 Bsoft Tooth Biothes B A lULLfcTT llojal Xrcanum W L Smith, Mai or Proposals Vt E Kakkkh I am EecclTlnj TiBKLs Jfc Tailor Sure Enough inn A ricKCTT-rruH Butter XC,tU' IM.rENSAHr Mei Am'm N Jaoioi To Make Home Beautiful Bkuws Jt Kouuick Juat EecelTett J c ri enks Croccrie at Betall. A A WiuaEi Marln' Celebrated. umaaoCBO SeeeaUy la the Mother r C Miller Turnip ami Cabbage Seed Jvi L Bitwriciit Parole Dllonneur, MB John Dawikjs For Point CaawclL tr E irBl!fCER A Co Country MerchanU. DnitMH Jt Stersbbboer Strictly Bual KiE.utB Jt Calher Bro Soap, SUrch, i- Mokkm Dear Jt Bk Dry Uoobj, No. to, et. Days length 12 hours and 4 minutes. Freight room is scarce and wanted i: this port. Sunset this afternoon at 51 minutes fast 5oc lock. He rcceipU of cotton yesterday at ta rr worn . . . Vcuit uri 3 tiui iuq kAiu There is no perceptible change in tho cttv&km of Mr. Jas. G. Bradley. OnecLUJand one adult were inter- i1 1 IkSetuo Cemetery during the HCtk. Marriasc licenses were issuru to utu ... . . . . cuiomi and one wmie coupica uu ll wcck- L stivmV.n nrmiJninr. CaDt. Doane. I Kl!cd lrum thU port yesterday noon for Xew York. Three children and one adult were in- trrrrd in l'ine Forest Cemetery during l . I I iir. John Kent Brown, of this city, has been appointed a notary public by the Governor, Tfcequarterl meeting of Cornelius' Hircett Council, No. 231, R. A., will be fceld to-morrow evening. ' The handsome new iron bridge, about feet long, over Rockfish Creek, on ti W. & W. Railroad, has been com J!eifd. To Builders and others Go to Jaco i fo'Sash. BUnds and Doors, Glass. 4c Tou can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . . rxaaailable matter remains in the lpcf5cc in this city addressed to J. B. fcricUey, Freeman's Roads, N. C. as alio one stamped envelope, no address. Oar telegraphic reports to-day tell of terrible rain storm which fell at Tar loro ou Friday nigbL Tho rainfall was M0 inches and the trackl of the Tarboro Branch of the W. & W. R. was greatly injured while the dam a to the crops has been very heavy. The store of tho Jewish merchants, which were closed yesterday lor- the Kopcr observance of Yom Kippur, ere reopened last .evening at sunset. There were eight business heuses closed wi one block. South side of Market, between Front and Second streets. MondayNIffht. CO. Wharton J. Green, our candi for Congress from this district, will sriV to-morrow (Monday) evening, on Third street, between Dock and Orange, A this is probably Col. Green's last lch in this city daring the campaign ttcre wiil In all probability be & large rnout oa the occasion- 9.U. VOL. VI. . , ; ,Fifteen Years Old. Our excellent neighbor, Uhe Morning Bir9 celebrated yesterday; its filtecnth birthday. We congratulate the propri etor on the marked success which has attended his efforts in vthc ( past, and trnst that he may be usually successful in the future. May he live to celebrate hU fiftieth,' instead of his fifteenth annirersary; and may we be on hand to tender piir congratulations. .Speaklntr at ltocky Point. ' Cbl. B. B. .Moore-and Major John W; Dunham of this city, are j among the invited speakers ho have accepted inviLaiions 'to spcaK ai a lemocraiic meeting to be held at Rocky Point De" i poi on Daiuruay next, ine uiu insi. Fine speeches may bo expected from the sterling: Democrats. . It will also be the occasion of cKoosin delegates to thie'County Democratic' Convention, of Pender. s C Severe Accident. Mr. Need ham Brown, who is em ployed at the Wilmington & Weldon J Railroad shoos.' met with nuite a severe I t accident yesterday. "He was standing , i ' " a - ' i 1 ! I byiometnlckallwithond leu resting agaibst one bf the wheels.Uen another truckwhich was shoved 'out of the shops, camo in contact with his leg. Tbonaogeof the wheel look out a piece of flh7rom his leg nearly as largeas a m'anV hand.' The wound is an ugly one but is'not ricccssarily a darirous one. Thursday night tho boutnern oound paisenger. train left Weldon fifty min- utcsl behind tune and ran from that place to this city in four hours and five minutes.y About twenty-five minutes of tho time was consumed stoppages, thus making tho actual running time three hours and forty minutes. Mr. McSwain was the engineer andCapt. Cutts"wasthe conductor of the train, It seems a well understood fact with the railroads to the - north of us that when time is . to be made up it just takes tho' Wilmington & Weldon Rail road to do it. ' A FisUiTale. Cols. DuBrutz Cutlar and DeRossct, of Wilmington, were in townyester- Sloan was their old schoolfellow; s peak- ru:. CA rSitlarsaid he loved seen them jump irom txiiu6 k. m r it.- a Z m rr n what! said Sloan, after they I were un a l m- l nn. iucj. headed, gutted and scraped, leap from the pan? Yes, said the Colonel they 4id! Well. I dont believe that story said Sloan; what do you say DeRossct? I never saw anything of that sort, said - " - DeRossct. They had the laugn on p . n.'-Ho tried to proje it oy me i turtle but gutted and it head off it s nnver in a frving pan. The Cashier ana Col. DeRosset got friend Cutlar down on that fish tale. JleidsvUU Times. Personal. . w T reen. the Democratic WW. ' " -r,d?tA for Congress irom mis ui- trfct, is in tho city and favored us with a call last night ne wui Bi v Third street to-morrpWi evening . .rn.iiSmnro Cor. John ai . rwo o iusu u , w an, ol Lino President ot the Bay au board & Roanoke Railroad finrl .P51 - also 01 mo ttrviiu, "' reached New York last Tuesday ?a steamer Gallia, with Mrs. uooinu. aRer a tour 01 over twu a - m v n a 111 Europe. j ' t . has been spending m Duu.-.v tion first at the Worm- Springs, in mis Hon first at the Warm- Springs, in mis State, and afterwards a'cTrJ0?; Hnnn.. returned here on iriday nigui o rotnmrd here on Jrriaay hi6"m 7. , ... . ... much improved in health by his respite from the cares of professional life t The Grecnhackcrs 0 The Greenbackers neiu "r , 1 1 L -.n tion in UiO toun xuuu j- - - Geo. Irring was mado unamnw Wcley AtSnr. inoy the following nominations SberiQ-Elijah Hewlett. , . Clerk of the Superior Court-FJM. Wooten. ' . - Regiier of DccdST1 mce. Treasurer Stephen DJKeys. Coroner Chas. MaUett, Sr. Constable-E. G. BarnjU. Surveyor-Roderick Mciwc CWCuae. House of Reprcsen UtivCS-rnos. A. Wataon,:Hvjn Ajus. r . . . . ., . ArL clnadav nd Dockery which dorsmg Canaday anu ins thcnadjotiroo Two handiomo and gincs. 1 for use on tho Wilmington & Weldon Lad road, have been received. They are Urger and more powerful .than the en gines now la use oa the road. 11 T j '11 - j .1 i:r;:i WILMINGTON. N. G. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER Uice and Peanuts. f ; , ; A' mec ting f of J the rice: and peannt planters of, this section will be held at tlie Bank of New Hanover on Tuesday, at 12 o'clock, to take such steps as may bo necessary to properly rt present those interests before the, Tariff Commission: This is important, and it is hoped that every planter within the "reach of this call will attend on the occasion."" I Accidently Hurt." Mr. James Terry, a workman em ployed in the W. & W. Railroad Com-, pany's' yard,' was'sericfusly injured yes terdayjby the smoke-stack, of an engine fallimr on him... He. r.tosether with others, was engaged in taking1 the stack down and wasslrdins JtOH apianK, whn tne Pan broke and threw this stack on' him, hurting hlsfeg, side arid chest. He was immediately taken to his home where medical .attendance was called to his asistance. ; Normal Schools v We were " pleased to receive a call yesterday from licv. wmj neroen; Thrall, A. M., who comes to AVilmlng- ton to take charge of the Normal School rr V J ftTi o tr " i-rvo rxA nt ; Tlf om ATnal Wall which is to opened at Memonai ll on: Monday; Qctober nd, under the auspices of the American Missionary Association. Mr. thrall isa gentle- man who comes here witn excellent recommendations,' not only. as. to his professional attainmentsi but also in regard to his abilities as a teacner, ana we most cordially Wish him success ln.j our City. . Full particulars in regard to tne school will be found in our . adver- tising columns. Freshwater Perch,Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at JACCSi's.t Brunswick County. The Democrats of Brunswick county m jn convention yesterday at Mr. xhos. A. McKeithan's arid nominated he followinc: excellent ticket: For tho House A. A. Edwards. For Sheriff Geo. M. McKeithan. For Clerk of Superior Court W." S. Doshcr. For Register of Deeds W. R. Fr- erurson. For Treasurer R. W. Moitcituau. IT m If ... iA Tho following genuemeu huuciu a Countv Executive Committee 1 .M Afrr Chairman. E. J. Carter, V. - 'w w n c. R w. Mc ii . iibni Tr.:,u o T Jltanland. B. L. Butler. " ! The Graded Schools. Afr. M. C. S. Noble, the newiy-ap- . surinlendent of tho public h lg of thig city, will be in tho differ- t ded at; the times indi- - na f w. for me DUnose of . ,Toror,wv m-aded school. Thurs- d the27th . from 9 a. m. to 12 m. pwr. Thursday, the 27th inst., from 2k d. m. to 6 p. m. tt: TnM.v hft28th inst.. from 9 uuwu, ; -.. . .j. ,.., t-..i. .,aoti, nit fmm , ? . .Mf ll thn'fdiildren 11 la xuiwiwiut. nt. their resDCC- SDOumww"- " . t . mptly on tne days 1 - - . .. ... and hours mentioned, in order that they m3y pr0perly graded, and thus avoid Unvdelavat the commencement 01 me r6n3.- - - ' - Qur d with the , 1 - ------ . , hst of recommendations as a teacher. ,Ie was. for a considerable time, an as- Uq is devoted to his, pro - . .tpnda to mako teaching rr -r .tpnda tomako teaching LfeUmoimrinit.wid with his ability. . pArnestnest he will . . fn. ,A will i experience mm w - . of Wilmington & :a a grand success muiiu-.v. . . glory ana nouwi i""""'"' ' 1 u- mnm etinnorT. anu assisuuw "" 71. nf our chil- r- v. . - .'.wnun'M arcn. u -. - nsati8Cu, too- Let tho children, by all mpfins. be TI. i, above, and present at iuulu . m "K alter the schools nave commemw rcml ar sessions let the parents visit the school rooms occasionally to see and know how tho pupils, are ProSressiD w.i - ZuTT- In their couragemen - T" " . .. j tKft rJiildren in 1.Lt,.fr.ttld5ea. It is tho occasional visits I rfl1Tir &UU BUIUUWW - 0f parent that so largely to mako the I ..H.. rhools. and wo have never. ; 7.u . yMr rriencc convcrseu vi" vr I ,-a not borne cheerful tcsumony r the fact. 1 - : J Anything in tho hardware line can rA .t- tnna.blfi oriCCS a : w A.KAJ BI'5. .1a - ' ... I ,7 7H !J bri: T NITv AKTi;SEMEXTS: 17 & 18 WE CALL ATTENTION OF Hi MTfl TO OUIl LARGE STOCK OF Dry, Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes ikats, &c, ':l Which Hve offer' to the' trade At New York ' Jobbers' Prices and upon Equally ; ; , !; Accommodating Terms ! t i . : An examination of our stock will sept 24-1 m: V Sure Enough. THIS IS, THE PLiACE I'VE BEEXBOOK lng for, says the old lady; always can get what I want here. You keen the. beet goods and I shall oon want a COOK STOVE; the last 1 bought waa Just what you represented it to be ; been running 17-years. Your LAMPS are- beautiful and so cheap. . ' . tYre Galls, of that WHITE OIL. So Bafe. sept 24 PARKER & TAYLOR,. Tooth-Brushes. LARGE LINE OF THE BEST English ' l " " i; : -' . : 1 ' I . Tooth Brushes just received.. These Brushes S - . . ...:.. 1 . ' - have just been imported 1 direct from London - - - r -y' - wwg ifc. t ; . .... . - ... . v;.. , A njoticG-'- . f,; ,., : ,u. . A meeting. of planters interest- edi Peanuts and Rlcewlll be held a 12 o'clk, tuesday", the 2th Inst., at the Bank of New Hanovcr. to take the necessary, steps to prOp- erl- Tcuresent those Interests before the Tariff commission. I ' . sept 24-2t : Eoyal Arcanum IJIHE QUARTERLY MEET IK ,UI' WJiw HARNETT COUJSCILi ISO. WU1 U3 new on MONDAY EVENING, 25th Inst., at 8 o'clk, Dues are payable at this meeting, and all mem bera are remieauMi w do presem. A. HALLETT t sept 24-lt Sect'y. Wo. 45 Worth Front St., S THE PLACE WHERE YOTJ CAN GET el,cstTJuggy'or Set of Harness in the icity j - arninAiurr & co Soan. Starch, Lye, &c. X I I n't: Boxes bUAr. 60 Boxes STARCH, li l 100 Bbls. CIDER VINEGAR, 100 Hhds and j50U88Ki ' 60 Bbls Large Fat MULLETS, sept 24 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS, j Bagging, Ties, &c. 1QQ0 mWb Rolls COLTON BATTING, . . All weights, 12000 BdlsPc'd; Arrowfthd Rocker TIES, HaU'sseif-JbeeaiBg wnw i t i For sale low by o ! tt i t,w sept 24 School Books! W AND . SECOND HAND, VERT CHEAP 1 Also, Pens, Ink, Pencils, I Penholders, Slates, Crayon, Book Bags. Straps, Sponges, I . Copy Books, Exercise Books, 4c, Ac, Ac., Ac. C. W. TATES. sept 24 OPERA HOUSE. ' o- Tl)irS(lav Nieht, Sept. 28th 1 - O I kwi I Sl Wianv wwVM. . Supported by the talented young Actor. tz- rrTtXTlrCCNI - And n nowerfnl Dramatic Company. . Vw4nnr Tne jrra- a n 1 p.dalA TVW1M1 IKIUW Which -was played-at me uiemui. 01. 1 Chestnut St. l heatre, , -the princess of bagdad rniia.. iso nignw w - ' I Reserved seats ai iycr j.uvj. ; The Nomal Scll00l 'NDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERI- 1 I I Missionary AssociaUon, inemaing i x I . 3 .... . n . I a. .a. -fT1 Anon panuory ieparmicuw, . MOndat" Oct, 2nd. at 9 o'clock, A. M. AU WQ0 wUh to atten4 would do well to an- 1 t oncc No pnplls will be received for less than one month', time. . iaMrlllitta f tttitioN 1 rer month. i - j . . -(iTance. b0d Unhand prompUy at f , the hour named for examination. w judrcs or cau npon REV. WM. HERBERT TnBJLLL, A. M., .m , - - . :.-. 'n-in.fn.l. Memorial lialL e . Vtt 1 1 7 Wilminrton. N. C. tafro 3 to U A! Sere 25 to W. acpt:tn 24 1882. : NO. 228, NEW .ADYBRTISEMESTS. THE WHOLESALE' TRADE verify our statement. . MOKRIS BEAR & BROS, 4- Now is the Time Ti O CLEAN, AYJ3tAND? REPAIR ) Y OUR - ''.r'-'.i,- The work can be clone Clothing for Winter. It- PRY"S, on Second, between : Market and Pilncess streets.1 sept24dt , Twenty Tears, i , F OR THREE WXEKS, RIGHT STRAIGHT through, I win have on sale the - - FINEST LOT OF BEEF j : ever seen in tliis mraket In twenty years.' It is from Western Virginia and Western North Carolina and Old Sampson, 'God Bless IIer!,, Tis is a fact all the way througli. GEO. F. TILLEY, sept 24 Second St. near Market Halt! TTENTION ! BIGHT DRESS ! i ' ; LEFT FACE ! and forward yaur orders for 'FRESH FISH!" : DAVIS & SOX. sept 24 . - JUST RECEIVED ! BROWN & RODDTQE, 5 and 7 North Front St. "VTTE HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN CALL- Ing thje attention of the general public to the following;,' r 1? . "V Black Cashmeres No. 140 in. All Wool Black Cashmeres, 60c 60c No. 2-40 " " No. 340 No. 4-40 No. f 40 75c 1.00 r No. C 40 No. 7-40 1.23 The above are the best value ever offered In this city, the colors are perfect, we carry Jet Black and the Blue Black In each number, and 1 ":". Ladies may rely on! them as something very superior, as the manufacturer has a world- ' I i wide reputation for his Cashmeres. Crapes. A fnll Use jnst receive!, embracing the two I ' " celebrated manufactures, - Samuel Comtauld & Co., "1; AND Grout & Co. THE EIGHMIE SHIET. The above is the superior of all Shirts in the market, manufactured nader a patent. They aro Well known In UiU nwket and who has ever ;tne u7 1 We are sole agents la this section of make. the country. BROWN & RODDICK. Sand 7 North Froiit St., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. L if sept 4 The name of the writer mmt alwaya befut nkhed to the Editor. I , CommunlcaUaha mujt be written on onl one slJo of lfie raner. - ' I Personalities must be aroMed. fat And It I especially ind partlcuUrlycnd UchI that LIhs rklilor Joes not always endor he views of wirepondct5 unlcsa so I '-' li the editorial oalusinsV -'.-'I NBWriVD VE KTISE.niENTS. ill loiT't1S1 tNiM0fh;RCrt1liYTri huh. I The 'Scratch" Pocket Shirt lias llc diirabHity f an on back Shirt ' and the drant3.?n of an lopca-front Shirt. 7"bcca.v access under the; MMTbosoto Is ihc great feature 1 , , i. : a - of this Shirt. By the exelus- Ivc (ic ol lholcst mnte-i I ' rl:Und mo-t tlior- ' 9 , onyh workmau- , 1 ! . , ' fchip, thd ' ' . "Scratch Pocket" IS ACKNOWT VJM;KliTO BE THK BEST I .. ANI MOST -PKUFECrrt . KITTING 1 SIllUT IS THE WOULD ! , .-, - SUPEUIOlT TO :, - ' W:,AMStJTTAil Uncn Sleeve.. Band. riaekoU Slccreg. 21U0 Uncn. 3-PJy Nect BanU 3-PIyiLInen Bosoms. 1 . . UNEQUALLED INJ ! Uniformity, Fit, Finis -Workmanship, Com fort and 'Dura- ! :'':v biUty. ' a " "A SHIRT 1 :"' V -, t; . reinforced wilt r. ! 1 , , - unquestionably : wear longer than the ordinary ar , Ucle. . It is tho mbst dnrable shirt 1 " ever put on the market. The "Scratch Pocket? Shirt Is made en tlrelr on scienti fic principles. It also acts as, a ventilator and ....... . 'is justly sty lea 1 PERFECTION IN SHIRTS I i i fOtt SALE BT ''' 'I ' I , L. J.( .0TTERB0URG, Clo tiling and Furnlshlnsr Goods. 1 22, 24, 20 and ts N. Front St, VllmlngtonN.C. : New Arrivals. ECOND HAND McLELLAN'S I ARMY Saddles.' '-New lot ' HARNESS, ' '" ' ' ": -I, at 4 I COLLARS, - BRIDLES,, SATCHELS, . TRAVELLING BAGS 13, Ac. Call and make your selections or send orders .. . s . .: .. I - 1 to 1 J. H. MALLARD. sept 24 lOld Stand, Front st. Steamer John Dawson . . . . . . i TTriLL lravbu'" cuce, sharp, on W titeSOAT MOUSING, for Point Cas Vt2tl Vublte Bpeaklug. Brcsking ground for Railroad, and Ball at night. Jieircsnmcnia served on boat. Italian Band for dancing. Boat will return after the ball. Fare for tho round trip 50 els. . K. P..rADDlU.N. 8ept 20-it-weu-8un 1 1 Carpet Lining. TJTTE AltE NOW PREPARED TO MAKE and put doww Carpets a reasonably as the Lli- outsiders, and have on hand Felt Carpet Ing, the best, most economical Lining ever l placed under a Carpet. sept 23 Leave your orders at 8. JEW; ETT'S, 27 N; Front street. I .. To-Day's Market. 1 -yOU WILL FIND THE BEST OF MEATS of all kinds, , BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, and VEAL, at my Meat Shop to-day. Call "early and secure choice cutn. ' .T. C. BORNEMANN, I Market St., near Second. sept 23 New' Eiver Oysters HE FIRST OF THE SEASON. : ; V - ' -1 ... the celebrated .WInbary From Farm on New River. ( . Also, Wines, Ales, Lin nor and Cigars arid free lunch every day, at 11 o'clock. JOHN CARROLL, , sept 23 I " - Metropolitan Saloon. Proposals 1 j, 1 -ViriLIt.B. RECEIVED" UNTIL 2Ctlj for retiring Little Giant Engine House. For par tlculars enquire of Capt. E. W. Manning.! , WM. I'SMITn, T sept 23 2t Mayor. Cape .Fear Academy . VASHTNGTON CATLETT, Prindpat A. 8. GKASDV, A- B.t AiUUnt. mifE TENTH SESSION BEGINS MONDAY, X Oct. 2d. This for a. thnrou?h or Oct. 2dl Thb Seiiooi offers an opportunity a thorough preparation for business or col- hMe. IkTslntherndlmcnUrarefully trainea. nirniin orm. M-lmol huil lloz cmtrallT loca te 1 (Mcginney buildlng.Fourtti st.) and recent ly flttef np. See circulars In Bookstores, i ecpt viw , . . I r- School Books. i CHOOL BOQKS," j , : i SCHOOL BOOKS. - "J. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, of every kind and quality and tjle, i 1 Just received a large assortment at l ,, . ... . i , , HEINSBEEGEirS. sept 20 Lire Book and Music Store. Country Merchants w ILL FLVD A i FIRST-CLASS STOCK f Hardware In every reicct and prices as low as anr boo can make. i W3L E. SPRINGER ft CO., Successors to Jno. Dawson A Co., . 19. 21 A 23 Market 8tJ . sept IT ' ; Wnaalnstoni W. Ct ' i , f 1 1 1 l

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