this rAlTTU v.tcJ rrcry trcndr. Moulin t frcirt 3r friiw!4 oi ant at? aU r Pip''!? 1 A II V t CTterl!etpisl trot U. . j - Tfta?aie writer is;u .1;? L'.y I And It Is rf4aU.t irtrcUri sji - j vd thai th &iilr riW nt alrov vLc-r OvrV i be viewer 0 y - ... . . ... ft --t Trill rv-.rt its and aU fII .i r-vlc tbc'.r rV"-" rr-iUrlj. ' ' ' Rain? hn f'ie farycst ; . . . i .r- if vriixr.f'f'TH.Jz i uk;al news. uDi Hco TTe Cat'rr. -'. ( r.,i.r t ilocuri, Aorl'r irst?P4 tx??' of cotton at. tK port j.f.T-!.iy S-'wt ap 1.335 bales. " Oa!v th? eomm; of si1; can r&z; We arc glad to learn that Mr. p cn v II !f.., who'liai been so rcry ill, xt recrletJ yesterday as somewhat Mtcr. ' We hops that crery Democrat whn ci: po.vsibly gparo the tlm'b will be on hml t.vtlAy at tho polls and lcfp in the xd worlc. T!.e Iniard of Aldermen did not trans act any business last niht but the rrg a!ir monthly meeting was adi'Jtirncd nntilncvt Icnday nlsht. 5!r. Clajton Gilc, of'the hoi:30 of G:! Sc Marchtson, will leave to-niht t r N'etr Vork uhere ho poei to select at?ve!t:c in his lire for tho Christmas sad holiday trade. The eventful day ha arrived and tho tVeef North Carolina will be decided ?? yjnet this cVenins. Both partio hive worketl hard, and the result will Nir.ovn toiorrovr. Wc are confi l.T.t as to thatrcsult. and we firmly teliere that our entire State ticket will I e elected and that at lcat.CTcn of the rtrc ConsTC?men will be returned. Imports Foreign. Sor. lur jue MItKti Ku u JUcn, clear cil ycs!cn!av at this place for Liver pool, with 1.H31 balc3 cotton,- raluod at hipr-rd byMerjP. R. Mnr- Nfarly Fotinclqrcil. The steamer Kitnt?fth't nearly fonn-d.-ml at t er wharf on Sunday. On the Ktt:ni from Smithville. I hr seacock" had 1th accidentally lelt open and the wa-t?rru-hcdin and gradually fdlvd tho K at until she was near sinking. It was i!;covcred in time, however, and on srpUcafion one of the city fire steamers wii dail?d to pimp her - ont. Tho jnii;erutai!el wi &libt. - - Premium, . Trv following special prcmiumt for the Sarjps-m County Fair have- cevn el.rc"! by Cant. R. P. r.-uld if on : $t f'r the best variety of upplc trees rot less than ten one or two years' j iwth: 1 lor the best variety of! Tlicrinouictrical. Fnni th! Signal Office in this city w obtain the following record of the thermometer, at tho points namcti, at 3 clock yesterday afternoon : Alia n tail; Au gu s La CO ; Char lea ton : 3; Charlotte 51 ; Cedar Keys 71 ; Gal- testnn 71; Havana 79; Indianola 79; Jacksonville fi; Key .West 77; Mont rmery C2; New Orleans 74; Palestine (Texai) GS; Pensacola 63; Tort Kads ; Tan'n Rassa',60; Savannah 62; i!ruingn 61. .. i The Old ami Ucllablo Clothlngr llonse. J ruost fashionable styles in their e of trade, have spared no pains this ason in the selection of their Fall and Winter Cl .thing Tor 3Ien, Bojs and CciUrtns wear, and in these selections exhlhiteil their usual jexuisite ta:e. The house has always borno a H reputation for keeping only the ci goods, aad selling themat the lowest price. Tbo mcmboraof tho firm lr old stagers in tho business and ways know when and where to buy. is the universal verdict of the ke flourishing trade which the nrm k5 commanded s for, long -years. IsJeeil Messrs. A. & I. Shricr havo special favorites with the peo ?A not only of Wilmington, but kercvcr they have' becomo known' n examination of their ttock 3'crcr y fully convinces us that .then? is 8 kacdsoraer stock this eida of Haiti ore, and It i3 only necessary for the vers to examine their extensive stock border to bo fully satis fietl thit they a fisd til thny rr. r.cM frr ths com- peach trw-not less than ten-one orj We wer( painwl to lhat cn two years; 1 for best sun-dncd pcacli j gllurxij,r evening, last, at Magnolia, ;if.,r be3t sunxlnod apples; 5& Uuplin -Ccunty. littlt Marv. .daughter frrrt glas jar of peaches. )fMr g c. narden, vas lerrib!y if lM,!' A- bhner, the pnpne- coj bo extinguished. The-child wis Jers cf ti e above old and favorite 9hockjnsiv homed, but is yet alive and -.nngHcu.e; No. 31 Market. Street. lhereiiahoro that she may rccovtr .w ..... - .i m ii irnpn. in xrr eiiuris 10 VOL. VI.. 41 ! 1 CouiilvCommlxMlonon. ! n Count r C9iiimis3ioncr met m , ..t.. i . . ' prmmt Mr. iCoracc A. Ba. Chairman. l and Comuitftmner .Moore. i'.yin.v. orlJi an.! jiontymery. I ,r, , . , ... I If .. . x i , , , , J f r tr.o ra nt3 olUctobtr. showing a bal- an.'sj fn ha.idoft7,2J?.10; olncatfonal ii . t.:i.....t t .:. .1... mri mm jiuu iwu ryujK.j ii me denomination ol IS each, Xo. 107 and IfX. and ten coupons ot $3 each. Xo3. .V, 3, 41," 53, 73, 74. 7-a So, si, 9i, which were destroyed in the pres - cncooftholloard. ( Tho lU'giitcr submitted his mouthly report of fees received from marriage license., amounting to S 10.03, and enc- hibitexl the TQrarjrer'a receipt for the same. I The Board . proceeded to draw the) resulartcnlre of jurors for lis special 1 term of the Criminal Court which meets this month, as follows: ' ! Hosea Shepard, Gerge Batson, R Y Fowler, TSTolar, .J .! Hopkins. J S ilcEachern, J W Woolvin. II A Burr, Goo M Crapon, I) B Humphries, 11 J Burkhimcr. James McPouaid, E B Wi'snins, Richanl P Hall, 'Isaac Bear, C II Edens, Jno O Nixon, Wil liam Walters, E E Green, Henry Green. Edward Telfair. J F Rulfs. II B Eilers. S W Nobles. Jho U Craij, E X Dlens, J F Mitchell, r Barrentine. F C Sinletary, R J Scarborough. The following were drawn for the December term of the Superior Court: First Week F E Scott, Sol Bear, H E Scott, J M Casteen, II H Gerhanit, .J G Craige, Jno A Farrow, Geo F Al derman, James P Walton. W C Far row, Joseph S Williams, i'ctcr Bluhm. Second Week Charles Bobbins, James D Bordeaux, Isaac B Northrop, Amos Perry, James M Hewlett, James Xolan. W T Davis, I N Chadwick. G.Pcarsall, Henry C Tate! John Hewlett, John D Woody. The assessment on tho property of the estate of David S. Sanders, deceased, was ordered reduced from1 10,000 to $7,000, on account of. a clerical error. N. Jacobi was allowed to list his tract ( of land in Harnett township, tho origi- ual return having been lost. Thoxloublo tax assessed against the! property of Mrs. Winona Herring and J. J. Burnett was on application remitted; also do u bio tax on property of Edgar Grisom. in Federal Point township; also on property of E. E. Batts in city. Licenses to retail liquor were granted to J. W. Gerdts and J. II. Boesch. John Hill was relieve;! from tho pay-; ment of poll tax, it being established tnat he is a resident of Benson connty. . iiik7LVhio. rM,ii,f. iot fatslly burned by her clothes taking fire. It -cems that Mrit. Bardcn; mother of the little sufferer. (was burn ing np ?omc trash and leaves which had collected in the yard "arotmd the h'-nise, and the littlogirl. who is about six years of nzo, was with her. Whiio Mrs. Barden was temporariy abscut in the house, the back part of the child skirt became ignited by .'the fire. The child ran to the house, thus fannipc the flames, and when sho reached her mother, who hearing tfye screams rushed to met her, tho back part of t her clothing was In a light bla.c and waa all bamed from her body before it her child, was also very j badly burned, but her injuries are very much less than thoso of little Mary. ' Firo at Abbottsburgr. The saw mill at Abbottsburg, for merly belonging to Messrs. W. E. Hill &.Co but now tho property of Mr. John Ccfvillc, of this city, the surviving partner, was burned yei terday. together with five or six flat cars belonging to the C. C. II. It. Co which were stand ing on the side track near tho milL A rumor prevaijed in tho city yesterday that scverarbnilding3 were also de stroyed, but this, we learn, was not tho case., Nothing was destroyed but the saw-mill and a small quantity of lum ber. Mr. Col villa learned of the disas ter by telegraph yesterday mominj, and left immediately to ascertain the extent of his loss,-but no f nrt her partic ulars, other than those above named, had reached hero at 5 d. in., yesterday. Wc learn, however, that tho property w.i5 Insured, but H vr " fst-r.:vr? WILMINGTON. N...C". TUESDAY. NOVEMBER IXOIC OUT. . . I MeCln dsay anrl IIi Frauitu- . .. lc, i i?.,,,,,,, v. u-t, it . . . , . Kditok Review ;Mcl.oday and 1 his fraudulent manhilA arc at wrrk in Cit i u l . m- m r i - operate in tho First and Third Ccn v a 4 inic on; na uc- J 1 Oct. Cour. CVm. Tbo Second Crop. . , We were shown yesterday oTCivins a j lot of largo, fine Iruh potatbc?, : jrown j by a gentleman of this city in hi sar- den. Lelnff the second crop, this year. In JuI' dux Hue first crop, which was an admirable one; he then picked off I the smallcr ones, some not larser than j marbles, which he replanted, from which were grown those laid on our table yesterday 'evening. This latter crop are certainly fine, and proves ; be yond ardonbt that two crops of Irish potatoes, with the proper care and cul tivation, may be made in onr sectfon. CliallciJjrcrs and Crwivasncrs. Tho following gentlemen have been designated as challengers and. canvass ers In the various wards in this city: FIIWT WABD. - , First Division O A t Wiggins, Wm Furplass, Charles Schnlken, James C Stewart, C n Murphy. W B Larkins, W M Evans. Second Division W M Parker, Mike Carroll, David Tratt, h T Beatty, W H Turlington, S II Alorton. Aug Wehr hahan, Thos Quinllvan, M D Mcln ncry. J M Henderson, Wra Genaust, John II Straoss., Third Dirisien Wallace Alderman, E J Moore, W W Lane, John AOdom, Chas L Cowles, Robert B Evans, J II Muse. Ed McGarigle. II B Willis. . SECOND WARD. H. McL. Green, W. R. Taliaferro, P. L. Brldgexs, Jno. T. Rankin, M. P. Taylor, Roger Moore, R. H. Beery, Jno. E. Crow, DeBrntz Oitlar. J. II. Currio, S. L. Fremont, Jr R. W. Hicks, E.J. Lilly. Jr. jr. O. Mqllhen ny, I. J. Toisson, Jas. W. Monroe, A. G. Ricaud, T. W. Strange, 8. L. Mer edith. J. D. Kelly. Gabriel Holmes, J. II. Durham, Herbert Smith, W. Or Jones, E J. Lilly, Jr. I THIBD WAJZD. JL'Contwell. Jno D Taylor, E A Maffitt, J G Wright. C J Mitohcll, J C Stevenson, L W McLanrin. M. J Hcyer, Walker Meares. I FOTRTIt WABD. J D Bellamy, Jr. T E Bend, W A Williams: Thos II McKoy, JI Meares, ,r Daniel. H Brunhild W H Green. FIFTH VTABD. First Division J C Davis, Gaston N Hill, J D H K lander, E H Gri filth. Jamea Hicke, S J Bryant. Second DivisionT D Mc'Eaehern, T" J Sliilh. J U Berocmaru Jas W Mc Cartheuy. W H Harden, P W Mo Clammy Martin J Daniel. The Kcsristration. Only partial returns of the registra tion in the city havo been made to us. In tho Second Ward 111 whites and 40 colored havo legist red and inthe Third Ward 90 whites and 60 colored. From the Fourth Ward wc have no returns. In the First and Fifth on cutiro new registration was required because of tho division of those wards into polling precincts. In the First Division of the First Ward there wrro, registered 130 whites and 4B5 colored, but wo havo no returns from tho Second and Third Di visions. Tn the Fifth Ward 00 whites and 337 colored registered in the First Division and 74 whites and 305 colored In tho Second Division. Drowned. A fmv mlnntss nast midniffht.on Sun i , . . r vArarAn;an n ' ors who belonged to the barque (cm- j JLMJ AUW. mmww, C3 . I met, on the west side of the nver, came to tho dock, at the foot of Chestnut street and hailed their vessel for a boa:j They were all more or less intoxicated. In a short, time a boat was sculled across by a young lad, and as . it touch ed tho wharf they all jumped 'into" the bow of the little craft and their united wcjght caused the forward end to sink far enough to fill the boat with water and threw them all into tho! river Throe of them, after a good deal of difficulty, were rescued by some color- Ad men who were fortunately on . a flat ; near by. but one of tho sailors and the boy were drowned. Tho unfortunate men were named Tarbjarn Lars en and Hans Olaif Knndsen. The former was tho carpenter of tho ship and tho latter -x-as an crdinarr seaman The bodies were recovered on by drcig-i - c: 72 There wtjtc sds; cm of dlrVr!y omluct bofom the Coyr yesterday 1 mornin?. ic of whom wai dito?iarset?, ? Cmr fined $2 each, andthe other The democratic headnaiiers harei bow established in the Oindin atb I Rooms, on Front rtrc. : Telonici communication hi lecd erur.ed with v kj iaiu iii, viiv, vvij ; ments hive bces mad" Urr the I recrp- tiou ot tolejrairw Tlic Ftst of io Cmpnl5rn Tho Democratic rally . Jat' ulht which wai' tbe': laa! ; ot the-campaign, was a. eplendid kaaT.'C':Therpr6oea - sion aa it left the City Hall. w? a vfTy large one the largest we have j et had and there were niany acceaiotiH im'j the route There was a ffreat uleal of! enthusiasm manifested al l a long ths line. .. Tho procession proceeded to the corner ot Seventh and Castle Htreets whore. excellent speeches were made by Gen. E. W Moiee, of South Carolina, and Mr. J. O. Davis, of this city. A Clean Backdown. - v Some of the Republicans in this city offered a few days sincoi to bet $1,000 on the result. Yesterday a gentleman waited on Mr. Canaday and told him that he had the money in his pocket and was ready to close with the " offer. He proposed' that the raoney; be deposited in the First National Bank, and that two men, one from each party, ; bo ap pointed aa referees to decide the matter in case there should be any doubt aa to tho result, . Mr, Canaday declined to make- the beL Afterwards Sheriff Manning was approached and offered a bet of $600 that Col, Green would be elected. Gen, Manning also declined; he was willing to bet, but he wanted to betonVinajbrity.'- He refused to bet even. Frank LrcsHe'sr Sunday Magra- Tho December number is full of, do lightful, entertaining and edifying read ing; indeed it would be hard to? find grouped within two covers more varied, interesting and gonerally ; instructive matter. The editor, the iKew lr. Tai mago, has some peculiarly interesting "Essays on Timely Topics," and a ser mon in the Homo Pulpit, "Forward." There are some studies in the-.Acts of the Apostles, grouped, under the head ing "International Lessons for 1883," which every one may; profitably study. There .are stories, sketches, essays, poems, etc., by Marion Hariand,- Har riet Irving. George McDonald. LL.D. Michael 1 Munkacay, Professor Derry, Myrta Lockett, M ; V. BIooiv, and other writers of celebrity. Among tho other prominent features of the number arc "International Sunday-school Lessons for 1883." "Wit, Wisdom and Pathos of Childhood." "Rhymes and' Rhythms for the Little Folksy ; "Drift off Kelt gious CommcnL" "Editorial ! CkTin tifnl illustrations, mottoes, etc. The prlco of a numler is 25 cents, or fla year, l ost troc. Mr3. .j-ranfc: jesue. Puhiisher 53, o5 ; a7 rark riace, 1 r c,lty i l -OIED. t COIXIXS In this city, Not. 6th, 18, at the j rel'1ene of her brothcr-ln lair, Mr. .Tnma o. fVrsrdn, on Red CroM t., .MJs.S JUAKTHA T.. roi.T.lXR. i 1 The funeral frerrioe mtiu lc,ctmdacrM from i bcrond Preebrtwian ChuiQb, tlwace to! Oakiale Ccracten', at 10 a, a.,. Weducaday, Not. 8th. ' 1 Frleais mdmiUm aio rcfpoeiXaUy In- NEVV ADVERTISEMENTS. flrflnerflR I - Oran aas ! E HAVE CLOSED OCT BANANAS, Kno Apple and all Fmlt ex Br. ischr. Jalla 1 Eliobetb, sstc a fsnr ORAGKi. If In tract j Mil MlM ' '''. ifti . ...I ,'i DOT 5-lt Mrs. S. J. Baker,- F ISHION ABLE MILL1XERT, f, (At Mrs, rickett'fl BoftnCng lloo.! c0 f Da a large and varied aeortuient of ladies and childres hats. 'EONKET8, LACE TIES awl WB, UIBB)N9 la all tac Sow Styles. nor 7-1 1 Turnip and Cabbage Seed. DOST rORfiET THAT I ItaVE JUST rccelrcd a fuU aupply of Rate Ban Tor nip and Cabbare 8eeL AJao a full lino- of Drnn, Patent Medicines, Coloenca. Extracts and Braahcs of any xlnd, atbotii of my stores. m:Hit F. C. MILLER, &. Corner Fonrth and Ncn ata. max 13 and ILanorer ; (4 A TrBatrcdaclrlcea, W mOTonm aiarantea bct xxis tor tt iast money. Irroawortraert. JI. Ui IX) WD EN & CO. - - New Eaddiay andTmnJi llorzc, - s IxxaaSS . Ka 3i Markitt trt PUEOELL HOUSE.' JTKPrrt 5TEW UAKACriirNT, T f v w' - - , . . - - - ' ' J NO. j . NKW.. AI5iXtTIjlMllIKXTS. " -J" V . '". , . ."';-' ' s T .V. T Ou I S , m;ssinEW vtoxwto choice V WtWm ' A T.HAN' V THAWIl?BtsT tlXTs, in loM' to u(tl TH. iTlfX 17!3Z Ty raiiri; W ! tiw. t vWc.l onjtwrt t .Werrte frata six p'inuk PEOPLE' W I f:edw- tJMr faxdt b-pI omCE l. . , ' ' I ' -1 . stoves I COOK stove Trnowi'. n (Tv- PAKKEiC & TATLOSU A FULL LINE QF cniLDK?f S CXTUI:U,(brt'PBnl) S-aJtit, (Lon rot Q t 11 year. rwcoats fir Boy, Trmtbj aivl-Mpn, r&rirtf of 4y1ea m4 price t ""f! 1 ' " . ' ov 3 f Clottiler and MerchABt Tailor COAL HODS, SHOTEIi? ASP TOVU, ... , - ' - -i -: . : . j STANDS, AKDIROSS, ir. FIBE1ROV v i Pot pak? Vr . h . Qlt.ES, & MURCUttfOS and 40 .Murehijon Block. W5T a ' OUR WIVES, My wlfo condemned myjodjeraout andtate in slectlnr turnltnre Mv apjnovcd ray sections and pttreha- 8C9 Of fUTOtSTITO JTMldO and scolded beoaa&o I did not purchase of Tnb fTJRNrCORlS STORE OKjltch. rends & Monroe,- 8. K. Or. Market & Peoond 8te.,Wtlmingto, . . nor 5 " ' '. ' ; Gold Weather T8 AT 11 AND J Btrt what of it, wberi yon I can hxxy swh cheap barsraiDain IRT CiOODS, CIXTII1NG, BOOTS. S80E. HATS, OVBECOATS, BLANKETiJ, at K. 17 MAHICI3T STKKT3T. Giro ns a call, i : Eoi?pcct-f dlly, r , nor3Jwk "i t i W: -T. HoiiBekeepers, Attention ! B HXKt! IN TOtTi; WORK AXD YOf wUl siwaT fltbi isio roadr, to pat It throuifli vrilh j dJanawh aivl wtnoM. t am fully prepared UPnoLTcrnxo - CCT AND LA T CAKTETS, MAKE OR REKOTATJ3 MATTltaSSES, And da any a$d all work in my lino. 3Iy prices HU not frighten you. Ono ran will certainly bring yon bak again, hoa yon want anything douo In niv line. . , Repairing aad cleaning old f aratrtire A sperialiv. r . r ....... t. : .J. w. uixg. Corner Front fend Priooosa Street, - vja atiou;ii JuanK Unliumff. . nor o tf FOR EVERY ADVANTAGE IN BUYING . GROCERIES a'V1 K;TfcoNsuLT;;,:-; 'I - - -.V &ORTJdT FRONT f ST. t. a RfiT! a vr Av.Txrrr f ' i 4-. sices w ffowu em Mier omr inaqocment wl the jroiiwarr. ,; : . .: . Coirttry enstoners win nil receir ormrteous frcttmcnt and ordr' thrmirb tho mVJ xi'm hn promptly ehrjvped. ELEQA5T MACKEREL, InKTt ' The flDCtt ever ld here' .' ! t f " . , , . ; s - " - " Cboice Snrar CarcdMcat. , s , . -Ii .t 1 - Dried Deef chipped very thin. '' 1 CTfEESR AXD CRACKERS. English Dairy. Dnteb Head and Cream, Txcsh and rlatt!e. lavoJeoVf MCE CAKES A!CD CRACKEHS. I CAiLOjrr?. jjf.jj, - BltlJJljJjliS C UOt dot 3. - GOAL ! COAL ! ; pr.or. ve2?kor sats tt&tk t , A- I j La grd earscf t early la iroTcraber. TaVei I wrzL-r-by in fwl f tcf 1 cf l' t Y-ZT A II COAT. 7. 1882. V O AT i l j t the ecirnl- lTmrv ; JiFAV Ar)VT'UTUK)l MNTfn HEAD Q II ARTE KS JOrt ETEST THIV'i IV TlfK l;tK a r . u V? r tr ths- ci iJ nrp.i anjthtn- hfTfMrn .".'nH. HOT . ' noiitfTorrK. Fino Oil Paintings, gEACTiFrt, trke ivtso, ' Jnrt rerrtTcdaIary aoTtTneut tt! . : - ';;. : j: '' ttetssr.ESQLirs.- ; Pianos and Organs, QHEAP POH CASH OH OS TIIH EAST Io8talment !a, t , , I ! BXIINSBKRUmrS. Lire Book ami Mu?Jo Htm IWT5 Wil. Col, & Aug. R. R. Co, - . - SKCIIBTARY'S OPTICK. i Wamtagto, N. C, Xoroxober 8. j rpire ANNUAL MEKTING Or Tim Stock holders mt tho Wtlmhifftoii, CoIumbU A A; gnata Rail Road Company wtU t held at U offlco of the Company In WthnlnRtoa n Tuei day. tbo 21t tost., at IS o'clock, M nor 4St , , ,T. W. THOMPSON, Bect'y, Wil. & Weldon E. R, Co SKCREfARpi OVFICJ3. ( " v,, W Umtnsto, . a; Norerabw-S, CS rpHH FOirrrKVKXTII ANNUAL MBET ingof tboStockboJdera of tho Wtlmlntoa & . Weldon Ran Road Company vru bo hol4 t tho oHoo of the Comjnny, in WUmltoa, Tacsday, tho C1H tnLt at It 'pW; a. ci. ' "'nor ': J? W. THOU lSOX, riod'y . 1 . The Most-Attractivo ! ' qimx of jL.imtf andoext jli , TowJa, Jfnpkts um Dri orev p. ol ta Wllmlnsrtoa. . 1 aea, Fringe, 'ruckin j a-m4 Tw, Trtth a foil TOpply Thtin iUtr rjju- f jTlkO Lsdfrs rotofttj t-n cull nod rviit'i, UV-i 1 4NO. .f. UKUUft5. OARPETG pCT AfADi: AND LAID. OOB10i3 AN 19 Picture Frarc made'to ordec ' t baro on bad omcl:rp and a irrr WLcdor Saado?, "with whir.b l offt cAriyila. : ( , call at " ' s.JEnnrrrT- Peruvian CuanoT 200 Tons ' Genuine LoI)os.Guano f , . ninncr IMPORTATION. EIFECTED DAILt , nd ff r ao by . UllUBi Jj, .OIUHIl QL U0. octsa The Eoyal Baking Powder JJAS FOB TEAM MAI KTAIN CD TIIS lrontra&k amon all thoso mtonfaetarcd, tzl byaclentlacrhecoIcalanalyelA, basbnprcTca the most capable of dofeff Its work wjII, tx3 above all things, the purest and mrtt rrhol Veaat rorder inade. ' IT 13 A TURE CREAM TARTAR GOOE L It has as brgw a filo aa all ottr ecrsttr.el. 'V'.- . 'V.. .. . . - I It Is put bp With gT jit -art to prerf ct ft damago by tie wcither. EVERY CAN IS GUARANTEED FULL fJTRENGTIL We eon2d?attr rrow mnd It ( 3 wl: vanttho best. A frrfh lot Jmt rtreJie3. , oldby jiAT:irr f TTirrr.

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