thi paper The Daily V We wuj gti to receive . - oepted by JOSH T. ,f MK aoiro n rnoiurroej. lwmMl an soHeeta I nml taierest bui dshed to lb EfOww. Cn iiti issioas must be wrttaaa on aa Fi-u-KirriONH FOoTAOE PAID: -- Mix lb. .. m with. D" stdeef the paper. -t k- rUl b dsB--rvd by twt be aroVled. - ..r--. In an vmn city, at the sboro tt la espeetaib - panic umrty on vi'..Ul(rl liberal. stood that the X4iior doe not always eases he vfw of rerreepomtente mkjas so 'n the editorial co!um. WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1882. NO. 267. tr,rtbn will rrr-.rt any and an fall- j 1 T 1. u rt -i their paper regular! r. 1 rg- Tht Daify fbrific ha the InryM m Ma .... r.r rrrwiafaoi. of any newspaper ,1 in Utr rjjy o Wilmington. JEk lA)CAXlfEWSr !I3(X T6 mlW AOfUTtftfllEm. mc t 17 , . v-rr Carpets MaSM Ban We Cany aj t ixvBtima&mxiBru. H m f. . Flas Oil Patotlsnm. . n rco'ipts oi ooitoa at Una port i ftUer lty toot up 1.417 baUat. iir, 1 1 cwea and Kirk wood, ateam- loat iapeciora. were In the oiy yeater Aty, but retarned to Charleston last Me- The returns Tor North. Carolina come w $ slowly that it im aiorrarating-Tnree-foartb of the State were nn aeard from at dark yesterday afler-aooa- " We recret to learn that Mr. , Fred Ileus, of this ehy. is dangerously ill at Ncabem. Capt J. I. MetU, bis brut her. has been telegraphed tor and mill leave this morning. We trust Mr. Metfe condition Is not as critical' aa is feared. Cato Bunting, colored, was arrested on a peace warrant and brought before .T .- M ;.:;. who orvlercd the delcnd aot to give a bond in the sum of $30 for bis appearance at the next terra of the Criminal Court, failing to do which he was turned over the shoriff. There was very little done on tbo wharf jestenlay. Ask a man "how is pints.' and be would answer "10.000 majority in the State;" ask him how shout cotton, and ho wonld tell you that Clearelands majority in New York would approximate 200.000. By contracting a severe Cough and Id, I was compelled to givo up my latly work and keep to the house. A rt ighbor recom mended me to try a bot- o of Dr Bull's Cough Syrup: it was procured and used , to ray astonishment relief was instantaneous. Eiw. W. Clattom. Waverly. Md. The Kct urns We hoped to bo able to publish to day the full official returns of the vote in this county on last Tuesday, but hare been unable to obtain them, as on en quiry yesterday afternoon at the offices of the Sheriff and the Register of Deeds e were informed that they had not yet been received. Mr. Cenaday s major ity, obtained from unofficial reports, ia 1,130 and that of Sheriff Manning 378. Fox Hunt To Day . There will be a fox hunt this after noon, at the Mineral Springs, on the Tarn pike. The fox which was taken alive last week at W rightsvillo Sound , will 1c fumed loose The hunt will commence at 9 o'clock and the ladies and others are invited to attend and witness as much of the sport as they can To r. i I-lrs and others Go to Jaco si's hr Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass 4m. You can get all sixes and at the lowest prices. The Old and Reliable Clothing: House. m Messrs. A. & L Shrier, the proprie- torn of the above old and favorite! Clothing House, No. 34 Market Street, ever on the alert to introduce tho latest sad most fashionable styles iu their , it is impossible as yet to give a thor line of trade, have spared no pains this , ooghly correct estimate of the result in season in the selection of their Fall and j this State. Tie returns are very slow Winter Clothing for Meo. Boys and Cbiidrras wear, and in these selections ssre exhibited their nsoal eiquisite taste- The boose has always borne a J high reputation for keeping only the ! t ol goods, and selling them at the ! lowest price. The members of tho firm j t old stagers in toe business and i ways know when and where to buy. This u the universal verdict of the srge nourishing trade which the firm 'oramanded for long years. Indeed Messrs. A. & I. Shrier bare become special favorites with the peo rW. not only ' of Wilmington, but wherever they have become known. An examination of their stock yestcr J fully cooriaees us that there is so handsomer stock this side of Balti- kinds of Pills, containing a strong ca re, sod it is only necessary for the titanic and a chill breaker sagaxHooat- 7 j . contnin no Quhune or Msrcury, ver, to examine their extensive stock JTljpurging , they are "order tn he fully satisfied that they mild and efficient, certain in their ac- sn find all they may need for the com- j " mar.. Hrousrbt Out Perfectly I a.. mr if u a ice i H H. WASOrRsde Co.: Sirs I had rrsat suflbrer from acute kidrxry -e. which my physioiaos could v-uic, out aswws i ria i ii your own Kidney and Liver. Cure hi usmlil me out n Perfect health. NOllTH A KOI. I N . to pjui.r Kr.TtfcW. For l ho want of nparo nixl timo (two of our printer are sick) we enudenae , ,. .... .. as follows from stccials rcopired at thU office laat night : How an county tails off to tOO Icmo- rriLic lutiontv ( av u Jw4l in ihp . . . . . r r . Kalcltfli dilri t lr uboat 300. Martin; 1200. Batidoiph 400. Wiiaou (. .fohn- laXon 37S. Chatham 400. McDowell 130. ramuco ltW. tieaSlort Uumani Varettertne. via Lcmbertoo, daUy. 237. Orange, 900. Fitt 35, . Cumber- j oSSKSfS L land 10. Guilford 600, Iredell S60, T. Tueadara and Pridar. . ... . . . .S.00 A. M. .. . steamboat. daUr laplm 375. Carteret W and Lot am bus wn nnn.ti mo;t:i U'- . , a 100 in Chowan. 900 in Warren, 130 in Pener. aad 123 in Brunswick. There are also large gains in Edgecombe where the colored vote has fallen off about 1,000. Robeson has gone Repub- lican bv 130 anil we lose two reuresen- r uiiivcsinere.aiinougnaiciean ana toon . a a amww - a rr for the Senate are safe. Canaday has 330 in Bladen, 73 in Brunswick and 100 in Pender. Sampson, Onslow, Moore and Harnett are unheard from as yet. Floral Tribute to Gen. Moise. During the grand rally in the Fifth Ward, on Monday night. Gen. E. W. Moise was the recipient of a floral wreath from the ladies of the ward. Miss Mamie Orr, a little lady about ten years of age, presentod the tribute to the distinguished speaker, iu behalf of the fair donors, in a neat little speech. Her modest demeanor and childish simplicity won the applause of the large concourse. Gen. Moise. in receiving the token of appreciation and regard, made readily a very fine little response, notwithstanding tho fact that ho was taken by surprise and was compelled to surrender before tho battery of bright eyes which was leveled upon him. When the distinguished orator from our sister State was about closing his speech he was tho recipient ot a beau tiful bouquet from the hands of Mr. Edward Griffith in behalf of the "stern er stuff aud honest yeomanry' of the ward. Dlghteen-Eiffhty. The following is the rote by counties in this Congressional district two years ago. It will be tound valuable for comparison : Bladen 1,967 for Shackelford, 1.578 for Canaday. Brunswick 708 for Shackelford, 004 for Canaday. Carteret 939 for Shackelford, 740 for Canaday. Colnmbus 1.593 for Shackelford. 000 for Canaday. Cumberland 2.101 for Shackelford 9. 133 for Canaday. Duplin 1.040 for Shackeliord. 1,217 for Canaday. Harnett 003 lor Shackelford, 604 for Canaday. Moore -I.33 for Shackelford, 1,220 for Canaday. New Hanover 1,346 lor Shackelford, 9 189 for Canaday. Onslow 080 fofr Shackelford, 551 for Canaday. Pender 1,001 for Shackelford, 1,233 m9mm T for Shackelford, 1.640 ; -dav Ior '-naai . The Result. in coming in. but from what wo have received and from what we know of majorities in previous elections, we fj jostlflod in saying that the State has gone Democratic by perhaps 10,- ooo majority ; that Green is elected by j n0 ;css than 1,000 majority, and that j wo havo secured eight of the nine Con gressmen. The legislature, we are satisfied, is democratic, but by a re- duced majority on joint ballot. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and B0 losss attacks posiuvely cured with Em orjs Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy - never fall to cure the most ob stinate, longstanding cases where Qui nine and all other remedies had failed. They are prepared efpressly for msJa ri,mi asc&ons. in doable boxes, two tion and harm less in all cases; iney es uy cleans iuo o p - -fe and ions to the body. As a hotiMholi remedy they are unequaled For Liver Complaint their equal is not L.... . am knr wil UVt & WTWHJW1U1 jsslect on the worst esThsT are used and prescribed by Phjrsiciaxxs, by Prostatas tS'Jfr 21 nail. 9a and 50 essst t ;rL rtKHw Pill, best ever ST LSOiato Btausdard Core Co.. 114 TUB MAILS- ! Tbaoaalla close mad arrive at Che Cttr Post oAr mm foOvws i Northern through malla. fast. 4.45 P. at. i S0??5- u,rouh odT.ntf1,-: i2 7 w AP. M. aad 5.40 A. M. ' Maik for the if. C. Ba41raa4 and a m ratr aappHad Ina A. A S. C. ntbrm Malla U. tharefrora InrJod- Kallnad 5,4 A. W- foralJ poiotaBouUi. datlr i nan.... aaft p. at. i Mali for C aad IaxilatA Rail road imi'.m j "jjj I m . 4 , huuim ior Do: qui Dnwnn r iwnuift i rarrfUrrUlcaudoacca ouCapo Fe acc ou Cape Fear Oil o 1 OA P M (except Sundays) A9C a. H. Malta for Kasj HU, Town Creek. j Hbauotteaad hbaUotteaad LUtle Rive. Tuea- daj. and Frtdav. S.SO A. M. UrB CUB UhUVMil. Iterihera. through and way malla 7.30 A. M. Southern MaOa 7.40 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 10.30 A. M. Malls coUocted from street every day at tr. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. v M., and ! (rom - R Money order and Beglater Department open aame aa stamp omoe. t , - .a a Stamps for aale la am all quantities at general delivery when stamp office la closed. General naurerr open irom aarug-m to uarx and on Sundays rrora 8.30 to 8.S0 A. M. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco 1. t DIED. BORDEAUX At LUIinrton, Pender county. November 7tb, little EFF1K T.. daughter of C C and Winnie Bordeaux, aged 8 years. "That ones loved form, now cold and dead. Each mournful thought employs. We w ev our earthly comforts fled, And withered au our joys. Hope looks beyond the bounds of time. When what we now uepiore. Shall rtae In full Immortal prime. And bloom to f de no more." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO. DAY Tt'T CHILDREN'S SCTT8. BOYS' SUITS, MEN'S SUIT!, OVERCOATS, ULSTERS and ULSTERETTES of iwixjisrsoisr's, 0 Clothier and Merchant Tailor New Arrivals. ECOND HAND MCLELLAJP8 ARMY Saddles. Hew lot HARNESS, COILARS, BRIDLES, SATCHELS. . TRAVELLING BAGS, Ac. Call and make your selections or send orders to J. n. MALLARD, opt 24 Stand, Front at. Peruvian Guano. 200 Tons Genuine Lobos Guano ! DIRECT IMPORTATION. EXPECTED P AI 1.1 , ud f t gate by Chas, . Smith & Co. oct 9 a Coffee, Sugar, &c. 300 BAOa corJ' 100 BBL9 suoar' 100 90X88 cUKE8 SEPTEMBER MULLETS. FOR BALE BT HALL & PEARSALL nov I Removed, T HAVE REMOVED MY TAILORING Es- abllahntent to No. t SOUTH FRONT Street, (over N. Greeoawald's Tdbacco Store) , where I will be pleased toseo all my old euetomers, and those wanting good Tailoring work done SUITS MADE TO ORDER. SS Special attention gtven to Cuttiajr, Re airing and Cleaning. ootrTlwk JOSEPH METER. Excursion and Pic Nic S EASON IS OVER. THE TttlATalCAL mmd RaD la who are naed to FIRST oIm biw4 r,.mf ortahle Ra work aads will find It ., JOHN WERNER'S. Practical Barber and Perfumer. No. 59 Market Street, botweea Front and Water Stioeta.. ect-T-Sf PEOPLE wwriLL HAVE THEM. Those Sac SELF aad osher FANCY aad OFFICE 0B0K STOVES LOW DOWN. STOVES A TAYLOR. NKW ADYKKTISKMKNTS OPERA HOUSE. ! W'M'CO TDK UBRAT FUN MAKEitf MOXDAT BVFSING. NOV. UUi. Inetadia thoec nni vernal favorites NELLIE Mr.UENRY SAT SALSBURY. produidag Droason Uwsrd' latest 3-a Musical Novelty, "GREENROOM FUN." Bceertrd with shouts of laughter awl pro nounced by public and critic fft 'urt per fbrmattiu tmtworM. nor set Mrs. S, J. Baker, JASHIONABlE MILLINERY, (At Mrs. Pickett's Boarding House.) Has o large aad varied assortment of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HATS, BONNETS, LACE TIES and BOWS. RIBBONS In all the New Styles, nor 7 tat Grand Opening QF WINTEB MILLINERY. ALL THE latest styles FRENCH HATS, BONNETS, 4c, Ac, at MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN'S. FRIDAY, Nov. 10th 1882. pov 8-it-wed-th-fri- :8t Black Diamonds ! 550 70148 KED ASH GKATE' ?30 White ' 360 " Red Stove. 123 " M Chestnut, 30 " White " Fnruace. COAL hi yard and afloat and no mistake. Large sales 'and small profits the rule this sea eon. nov 8 J. A. SPRINGER. ! DENTISTRY. J AM PLEASED TO SAY ON MY return heme. Hiatal am prepared to till all my engagements In my profession with satisfac tion. JAS. E. KEA, So. E. Cor . Market and Front streets nor 8-tf Pine Grove, JT THE MILK POST ON THE SHELL Road. We have plenty of room for TRAN SIENT GUESTS now and can give you PIG- ' FISH FOB DLVNEB. SUPPER and BREAK- FAST. OYSTER ROASTS furnished anv any l' time during the da a the day. ED. WILSON MANNING. Propr. nov 1 Turnip and Cabbage Seed. Y ONT FORGET THAT I HAVE JUST 1 recotved a full supply of Ruta Baza Tur uh and Cabbaire Seed. Also a full Une oi Also a full Une of Drugs, t'atent atodirmes, Colocnes. extracts and Brushes of sny kind, at both f my stores. F. C. MILLER, Corner Fourth and Nun sts. anc IS " aad Hanover No Liquors. j JJt'T A STOCE OF FRESH, A NO. 1 ORO- i ; CERIES will be kept at our store, i No. 45, Market Street. All goods sold by us will be as represented. GOOD GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MOTTO. eyGrve us a trial and be convtaeed.s oottS-tf R. J. SCARBOROUGH A CO. OUR WIVES. My wife condemned my judgment and taste In selecting furniture and scolded because Mv wife appi oved my selection and pnrcha sea of furniture made In I did not purchase of I HE NEW FURNITURE STORE OF Beh A Muaroe. 8. E. Cor. Market A Second Sta. .Wilmington, N.C nov 5 Housekeepers, Attention ! B RING rN TOUR WORK AND YOU will always and me ready to pat it through with ipatcl dc yo am fully prepared j to ao your U f HOLSTER! NG, CUT AND LAY CARPETS. MAKE OR RENOVATE MATTRESSES, And do any and all work in my Mac My prices will not frighten you. One can will certainly bring van back again when yon furniture a KING. ncctaltv. J. W. Corner Front and Prinecaa Streets. OM National Bank Building. novStf F. P. JONES, paLVTON, N. C., ATTORNEY AIM) Conn aeilor-at-Lnw. Win psaetlce to any nan of saa. Special attention gtvra so use est. ofetatma. tea WYj 1 Ha1Hlian.JH LaWklk -mt0fT ' 5 EShaw mBLm9LmW' ' aiSaw aa-"-" - anything d Renalrfnff NKW ADVEKTI9MEXS James A. Willard. . EN'KBAL (OMM'n'IuV MtRt DAST. U j AND PURCHASING AGET. S. K. Cor. Cliarlea and Pratt tu., aua n a ltuioib Md EIRE AND KUKGLAR PROOF SAFES, txo and Pricea, from &.m to SS,S8S.SS. Acknowledged by the best author! tiea to be Che 8EST SAFE MADE, Extract from Scientific America editorial of Feb -llb, t88S: "We are also asked as to the best fire proof safes. We say MARTIN'S. A. A. WILLARD. lune If Aaeat at Wthnlnsrton. New Restaurant. T HE rJNIKRSIGNKD WOULD RESPECT!- fully announce thai he has jrurtSfltted up at No ! 8, Granite Row, South Front St., a restaura for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals ana refreshments may be had at an hoars of fa day. Everything is new and first class. Po Ute waiters and courteous attendants. SaTGame and Oysters In season. rFine Wines, Liquors andCOlgara. aov IS F. A. 8CHUTTE. Prop. The Royal Baking Powder JJAS FOR YEARS MAINTAINED THE front rank among all those manufactured, and by scientific chemical analysis, has been pro ren the most capable of doing Um work well, and above all things, the purest most whole some Yeast Powder made. -it is a pure Cream tartar goods. It has as largo a sale as all others combined . It ia put up with great care to prevent its damage by the weather. EVERY CAN IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH. We confidently recommend H to all who want the best. A fresh lot just received. Sold by J. C. 8TEVENS0N, MARKET STREET. j nmprrnveAV jfc r, ! V, O IE f liSX OVJS m XU BROOKLYN BRIDGE nov 3 Kerchner & Calder Bros. QFFER AT WHOLESALE, 5Q Boxes MEAT. 1000 BbU New Qroana flch, gQ Bbls SUGAR, I SI 100 COFFEE, 100 80X68 Manin CHEESE, 200 nbIsSAaU Hbds MO L AJSES- Fiench Lemon and Soda Craokers. Candy. Potash. Lye and starch. Bagging, Ties and Salt. octSB FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. H. BRUNHILD & BB0. , No. 2 Granite Row, Wilmington, N. C. o -rrxrOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the pubnc that they have lately ted from first hands in Europe, and w in bond at Custom House. NOTED VINTAGES ALSO A LARGE QUANTITY OF Delicious Sherries, ' Ports of the Finest Bouauet, And most celebrated brands. They have furthermore added to their full aad well selected stock a complete line of FRENCH CORDIALS AND LIQUER8 suitable to the palate of the aaeat fastidious. The Rochester Brewing Company, through Henry L. Becker A Co., have given them the agency for their "Export which does not want for praise from all ten. They sotteit steal New River Oysters. FIRST OP TITKSK ! From the celebrated Win burr Warsaw Also, Wines, Ales, 1 hiiwn and Cfgsra aad free laaea every day, stetseA KKW AOVKRTI8KMBKTS. old Weather IS AT HAN n. nut hat of it, when yea, can bur u-b cheep bargain ha DRY tiOOD. CLOTHING, BOOT. SHOE'S II ATS. OVRBC. IS. BL VNKKTS. Ac . at No. 17 ittARKKT STREET. Give ns a call RrpectfUy. nov3.Uk W. J. A B. F. PENNY. CARPET8 UT MADK AND LAID. 4RNI:ES AND t'teCnre Frames made to order. aa I have on had some Reps and a few Window Shades, with which I oter bargain. . i all at S. JKWETTS, oct29 f? N. Front m. Wil. & Weldon E. R Oo 3 y u SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WilmtogtAn, N. C, Novombsr 3, lfc nPHE FORTY -SEVENTH ANNUAL ing of the Stockholders of the WUmingSsa A Weldou Bali Road Company will be held at the office of the Company, hi Wilmington, on Tuesday, the 21st InsL, at 11 o'clock, a. aa. nov 4t J. W. THOMPSON, SeeVy. Wil. Col. 4 Aug. R. R. Co. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Wilmington, N. C, NinemberS. 18S8. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Siook holders of the Wilmington, Columbia A Au. gnsta Rail Road Company will be held at the office of the Company In Wilmington on Toes day, the 21st inst. at 12 o'clock, M nov4-5t J. W.. THOMPSON. Seefy. The Most Attractive ! gTOLR OF LADIES AND GENT'S Hdk'fS. Towels, Napkins and Doylas ever opened hi Wilmington. Laces, Fringes, Tneklng aad Ties, wttha full supply of WnitoGood, Ham- burghs and Irish FV wincing. The I adies ai-e invited to oall ud eaumlae. nov 4 .ISO. J. HEDRTCR. JUST RECEIVED. A FINE LOT OF FRENCH PERCALE SHIRTS ! s;n I, MEDICATE D OU SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. 1 flA wyL- MERINO SHIRTS and Drawers. xjkt i row snr nnest to tne cneapesc My retail stock of Clothing ia complete and am receiving them daily, and my ttnc of Hats dedes competition, and th cy are soM at lowss price. SOL. BEAR. ecttt JO Market Street. YOU CAN FIND THEM I YU CAN FIND AN EASY FITTING. COMFORTABLE AND DURABLE s Boot or Shoe AT IX) W PRICES AND MEDIUM PRICES and less than elsewhere in the state . for the same grade of goods at GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS, nor S 38 NOrth Front 84. Fine Oil Paintings, TEACTIFUL STEEL ESOBA VINOS, 19 Elegant Chromos, Looking Glasssa. Velvet Frames. soTtmentat Easel Frames, J erst received a large H EI NSBERGEaVB. Pianos and Organs QHKAP FOR CASH OK ON THE BAST Inatalaaeat Plan at nov Lira HEAD QUARTERS ipOK EVERT THING I THE BOOK md Stationery nn?. , My Roe of Faney Goodd f or the . sea wm snrpam anything bMessSaw eSTare4 Sew goods recstsspd- every day, PIANOS AND OKAjaS5mranieed ly Srt-cias, at iraseasatsyiS'e at I- W , mw TaT 71 ,,. ClTALF? H. G If assau Quest. New York NOV

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